(Draft Bill)
OT! State Anti-Waifuism Act 20xx
OT has suffered an uprising of a certain type of deity worship countless of times in its many past generations, and by now it is clear they are a point of a recurring contention. When looking at the repertoire which countless waifuism churches (and temples) underwent it is seen that the Heads of Degeneracy tend to have abilities intoxicating the pure minds of OT. The Church of Hoshimachi Suisei, for example, has spread turmoil and chaos upon the inhabitants of OT so much that the denizens begged for it to be locked. To ensure purity of denizens and dwellers alike, to ensure degeneracy does not become an epidemic, to ensure order prevails over chaos, waifuism shall be made a crime.
I. Waifu is a term for a human-like fictional character, usually in anime or related media, that someone has great, and sometimes romantic, affection for.
II. An act of worshipping Waifus, whether it be the creation of threads to appreciate the waifus (Appreciation Thread), or a place of worship them (Churches, Temples, etc. Which will be refer to simply as "churches"), shall be refer to as "Waifuism" in this document.
III. "Head of Degeneracy" is a term referring to the leader of the place of waifu worship.
The Regulations
IV. The OT! Government shall establish a task force of anonymous individuals that monitor OT for any and all waifuism crimes and notifies of OT! Government of any potential waifuism crimes.
V. Individuals found to be convicted for crimes of waifuism shall have their rights given to as denizen and dwellers revoked and be exiled on the spot
VI. It is the duty of the OT! Government to eradicate places of waifuism worship and carry out mendated punishment upon the individuals that
- Encourage waifuism
- Practice waifuism
- Think waifuism
VII. It is the duty of the OT! Government to implement services that teach individuals about the dangers of waifuism and to expunge any public information relating to waifuism crimes
Effective Immediately,
[Placeholder for OT! President Signature]
OT! President