
Why OT is BORING!! (And here’s why)

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when yotoacat think ot boreing :9(

Achromalia wrote:

-Remi wrote:

Even though I partially agree with you, if you come to OT and expect quality, you only have yourself to blame. I'm not saying this as a joke, I mean it. OT is the last place I come to for entertainment, if the quality is suddenly lacking or I'm not having as much fun, it's as simple as not interacting, or interacting half-assedly. It's really not much to ponder over. OT will be OT, and there will be periods of quality spikes, and decline.

I also do think OT is not doing too bad at the moment, we've got the Compliment showdown coming up (even though you personally deny the success of the thread, it's always worth a shot), we have the Tournament of Power, and a Talent Show.

However, I would like to throw an opinion out there, and it's going to be both a controversial and unreasonable one:

I'm all for ABOLISHING threads which update daily, such as the "I will change this title every-day" and TierLists thread. Despite those threads being very successful and somewhat fun threads, I feel like it's pulling in too much traffic. Especially the TierLists thread, which I believe will tire out eventually. I have nothing against the posters nor the concept, but I rarely like to interact with these threads myself, and I much prefer looking at new threads.

OT would be more 'fun' if we let these things die, or change the frequency of the thread updates. The posters of these threads have what it takes to produce quality, but having to manage a thread daily isn't really that great.

It forces someone to think of a thread title or idea every single day, as opposed to letting them use that creativity across multiple days to produce something worthwhile. It also just looks like another mediocre thread on the forum. Once again, I apologise if it hurts any feelings, but that's my true opinion on the matter.

Of course, that's only if I really cared about the Quality of OT to the extent that the people in this thread seem to. It's not something I think about, nor care about, that often.

If you'd like me to elaborate further, I can, but don't expect me to present you with too much facts and logic, it's mostly a personal opinion.

Also, you need personal threads here and there to offset all the good threads. Having such quality on so many threads will push our expectations too high.
this and op with ghoulybits are pretty reasonable perspectives, as much as i partially fail to share them.

in my experience, quality is bound to remain finnicky, and low and high quality threads will continue to have their merit in flux. i appreciate this arc, even though i also sense the absence of lore starting to sink in, and with other thread types forming their own precedent, it's hard to expect the effort usually seen in the early post-ot!pression era underneath the shitposting. we really had a fun narrative going on, with its own geopolitical intraforum context, and that's been lost in time.

that said, abolition won't solve this. historically, we've taken some approaches toward curbing undesirable types of thread expression and found that it came with limited positive effect, unless we tied it in with the lore at the time as a canonical infighting type of deal. expectation was another thing i seem to vaguely recall being discussed at the time too, where we were trying to figure out where to go with post quality and how far to take our effort lore and all.

we typically work best by nurturing and cultivating the things we're looking for. it's a little obvious, but it's particularly organic and freeing and allows for emergent properties just through giving the chance for change by building that precedent yourself.

all in all, can't really fault people much from my perspective. roleplay is ever-changing and its presence shifts with the nature and existing disposition of its forum-dwellers, and i think the mourning of that quality is in itself a faintly positive signal for its return should someone choose to engage in it
Well, I can only agree with what you said, as I'm not too familiar with former times.

I'll clarify a bit with what I meant by expectations.
Aside from the fact that 'value is in the eye of the beholder', I do believe that too much 'quality' at a time, will bring people to quickly bore from such threads as well.
Even though I mentioned Tournaments as a positive in my original response, I do understand that they may also start getting boring for some people.

Eventually, the people of OT will expect something greater, or preferably, something different.
Quality depreciates over time.
[ Sebastian ]
The last time I made something unique with my fanfic thread, it really didn't go well. I just want to avoid that again.
actually kinda disagree, there is like 5 events going on right now really, but it's true that on a full page of new threads I only answer in like 5, but I think that's entirely fine, if scyla wants to peek schizo posting let them, everyone makes therads ased on their own personality, and we cant really force them to do otherwise, what you consider to be good may be considered bad by someone else, and I think everyone's opinion is equally as valid

we cannot really hold people to this standard of quality made by people that enjoy different stuff that them, I dont really think we have the authority to dictate stuff like that

Just wait until you start seeing threads that you enjoy, it will probably happen
I disagree, if you feel like that threads are trash then make a good one yourself. You cant expect someone to make a good thread just because you want quality. Thats stupid. If you want quality post then go in GD. Thats the place where you find Good topics to talk about and what do you think is a Quality thread which is suitable for Off-topic? You cant make shops everyday or padoru lore everyday. Even a lore get boring if stretched it out for long time.

Its same as, "OT! is dead". Which not gonna help

if u shitpost while this is on play at background, everything is high quality


Manishh wrote:

I disagree, if you feel like that threads are trash then make a good one yourself. You cant expect someone to make a good thread just because you want quality. Thats stupid. If you want quality post then go in GD. Thats the place where you find Good topics to talk about and what do you think is a Quality thread which is suitable for Off-topic? You cant make shops everyday or padoru lore everyday. Even a lore get boring if stretched it out for long time.

Its same as, "OT! is dead". Which not gonna help
GD is dead.

To be completely honest, if we go by the engagement here, this thread is of better quality than the other recent threads.

But that begs the old question from the Denizenship Drama:

What is Quality?

-Remi wrote:

Manishh wrote:

I disagree, if you feel like that threads are trash then make a good one yourself. You cant expect someone to make a good thread just because you want quality. Thats stupid. If you want quality post then go in GD. Thats the place where you find Good topics to talk about and what do you think is a Quality thread which is suitable for Off-topic? You cant make shops everyday or padoru lore everyday. Even a lore get boring if stretched it out for long time.

Its same as, "OT! is dead". Which not gonna help
GD is dead.

To be completely honest, if we go by the engagement here, this thread is of better quality than the other recent threads.

But that begs the old question from the Denizenship Drama:

What is Quality?
yeah thats the problem

Something can be quality for one and not for the other.
Like for me, there has been many good threads. For example, Padoru lore, Song festival, dPeace thread and many more
Telling someone to post in GD should be considered a felony
srsly tho, are ppl afraid to make threads cause they fear their threads will flop?
in my opinion.

Off-Topic = Dumb funny threads

Scyla wrote:

srsly tho, are ppl afraid to make threads cause they fear their threads will flop?
all of my threads flop and I keep making them so

ghoulybits wrote:

Telling someone to post in GD should be considered a felony
I don't understand why it exists, actually.

Patatitta wrote:

Scyla wrote:

srsly tho, are ppl afraid to make threads cause they fear their threads will flop?
all of my threads flop and I keep making them so
dude look at mine
floppy than flappy bird

Patatitta wrote:

Scyla wrote:

srsly tho, are ppl afraid to make threads cause they fear their threads will flop?
all of my threads flop and I keep making them so
when the last time you made a thread?

Scyla wrote:

floppy than flappy bird
floppy penis

Kaaruumii wrote:

Scyla wrote:

floppy than flappy bird
floppy penis
you know what else is floppier? the cheeks

Manishh wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Scyla wrote:

srsly tho, are ppl afraid to make threads cause they fear their threads will flop?
all of my threads flop and I keep making them so
when the last time you made a thread?
two weeks ago I think? dI dont make them that often but I do make them from time to time

Scyla wrote:

srsly tho, are ppl afraid to make threads cause they fear their threads will flop?
I'm not afraid because all of my threads go well
i like the current state of ot, newcomers have personality and are not following any meta imposed by old users

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

ayy its the annual "complain about tha state of ot" and i fucking back it this year around.
I was wondering where these kind of threads went.

As for me, eh, it's getting better than 2021 at least.

Stomiks wrote:

Scyla wrote:

srsly tho, are ppl afraid to make threads cause they fear their threads will flop?
I'm not afraid because all of my threads go well
This is the confidence we need
I'm okay with the current state of OT right now. You have hi effort threads and events such as the OT! got talent, the OT! map collab, or even the Tier List thread. For me it shows some quality in OT.

About the repetitive threads such as the ones with title changes every day, I think they should be keep as it avoid flooding mediocre and uninteresting threads by putting them all together into a single thread.

-Remi wrote:

ghoulybits wrote:

Telling someone to post in GD should be considered a felony
I don't understand why it exists, actually.
It was originally made for discussion that doesn't goes into any other subforum and unlike OT, discussions are supposed to be serious. In reality, GD is just dead, there's almost no serious discussion...

Kaaruumii wrote:

Scyla wrote:

floppy than flappy bird
floppy penis
Dude go to horny jail

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

About the repetitive threads such as the ones with title changes every day, I think they should be keep as it avoid flooding mediocre and uninteresting threads by putting them all together into a single thread.
But it fills a space with mediocrity anyway.
If it didn't exist, nobody would be motivated with making a thread with mediocre concepts such as:

It's January 2nd
Sowwy :(
Stop posting about Among Us
Sebastian says hello
(Taken from Sebastians Title Change Thread)

This is a safe space for all LGBTQ+ people
I'mma go take a shower, be back in a bit
Apples are good
guys what is the world cup
this is a title change
the grand edict: rules of Off-Topic (read before posting)
(Taken from dPeace's title change thread)

Before you guys yell at me for writing a hit piece, I'll just clarify that I understand why these thread titles are so half assed. The whole concept of the thread is "Quick! Think of an Idea every single day!". I know they might enjoy keeping the thread up, but it doesn't change the following fact:

You wouldn't want to make a thread like this in the first place, if daily title change threads did not exist, these wouldn't even be on the site.

These threads could be great, but the frequency that a title change is required, devolves it to the point where one of the titles ends up being "this is a title change!!!".
Want proof that a longer frequency would benefit these threads? Look at Keremaru's take on it. Whether intentional or not, it's not as actively changed as these 2 are. The topics he brings up are detailed and usually somewhat interesting, and is slightly more meaningful to interact with.

It's not a crime to make a mediocre thread, alot of my threads are mediocre, but having a large thread filled with them doesn't solve any issues. If it did, this thread complaining about OT's state wouldn't exist.

A note to dPeace and Sebastian
I'm not against your threads, nor am I against you. If what I've said offends you in anyway, then I truly apologise. I still think you both are creative people, and I still respect the both of you on this platform.
not every ot thread will please everyone, I personally enjoy the title changing threads, if there are still threads that you enjoy, just post in those and not the ones you dislike, I believe that is the best mindset to have
I enjoy all threads

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

I'm okay with the current state of OT right now. You have hi effort threads and events such as the OT! got talent, the OT! map collab, or even the Tier List thread. For me it shows some quality in OT.

About the repetitive threads such as the ones with title changes every day, I think they should be keep as it avoid flooding mediocre and uninteresting threads by putting them all together into a single thread.
This is probably the first time I agree with goat man here, there's at least 1 event going on at each times since october or something and interactive threads that lead to actual discussion like OTierLists.
As for title changing threads it was fine when there was one, I don't really understand why people created more.

Also trends are what makes OT alive in a way, they're usually contained in a small period of time during which people just follow the trend. Some are just a one time thing that you can look back at and say "I was here" while others come back like a holiday or something.

Lore and RP doesn't seem as important to newer dwellers as it is to boomers older denizens but it's fine by me. It can be fun but having it all over OT would suffocate non-lore threads and make it harder for new people to fit in.

-Remi wrote:

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

About the repetitive threads such as the ones with title changes every day, I think they should be keep as it avoid flooding mediocre and uninteresting threads by putting them all together into a single thread.
But it fills a space with mediocrity anyway.
If it didn't exist, nobody would be motivated with making a thread with mediocre concepts such as:

It's January 2nd
Sowwy :(
Stop posting about Among Us
Sebastian says hello
(Taken from Sebastians Title Change Thread)

This is a safe space for all LGBTQ+ people
I'mma go take a shower, be back in a bit
Apples are good
guys what is the world cup
this is a title change
the grand edict: rules of Off-Topic (read before posting)
(Taken from dPeace's title change thread)

Before you guys yell at me for writing a hit piece, I'll just clarify that I understand why these thread titles are so half assed. The whole concept of the thread is "Quick! Think of an Idea every single day!". I know they might enjoy keeping the thread up, but it doesn't change the following fact:

You wouldn't want to make a thread like this in the first place, if daily title change threads did not exist, these wouldn't even be on the site.

These threads could be great, but the frequency that a title change is required, devolves it to the point where one of the titles ends up being "this is a title change!!!".
Want proof that a longer frequency would benefit these threads? Look at Keremaru's take on it. Whether intentional or not, it's not as actively changed as these 2 are. The topics he brings up are detailed and usually somewhat interesting, and is slightly more meaningful to interact with.

It's not a crime to make a mediocre thread, alot of my threads are mediocre, but having a large thread filled with them doesn't solve any issues. If it did, this thread complaining about OT's state wouldn't exist.

A note to dPeace and Sebastian
I'm not against your threads, nor am I against you. If what I've said offends you in anyway, then I truly apologise. I still think you both are creative people, and I still respect the both of you on this platform.
I agree that some titles are shit but just like patatitta said if you don't like it don't reply to it.
If the daily title isn't interesting you can simply ignore it and wait for the next title.
Also the fact that they are ephemeral is what allows them to have semi-interesting titles that wouldn't make a good long lived thread. They can be a short lived thing and it's fine because the title is gonna change the next day.

Patatitta wrote:

not every ot thread will please everyone, I personally enjoy the title changing threads, if there are still threads that you enjoy, just post in those and not the ones you dislike, I believe that is the best mindset to have
Totally agree, that applies to necros too, if you don't like it don't reply saying "I don't like it". You're just feeding the troll.

Karmine wrote:

Lore and RP doesn't seem as important to newer dwellers as it is to boomers older denizens but it's fine by me. It can be fun but having it all over OT would suffocate non-lore threads and make it harder for new people to fit in.
In a sense I agree with this, periods where a lot of things happen, whether it's lore or drama, is the period where no new posters are capable of breaking in to OT.

-Remi wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Lore and RP doesn't seem as important to newer dwellers as it is to boomers older denizens but it's fine by me. It can be fun but having it all over OT would suffocate non-lore threads and make it harder for new people to fit in.
In a sense I agree with this, periods where a lot of things happen, whether it's lore or drama, is the period where no new posters are capable of breaking in to OT.
Not just new people tbh, I was less active for like a week when it started and was completely lost with all the stuff going on so I just gave up trying to participate in it.
When I came back after more inactivity it had devolved into a whole series of events historians couldn't decipher.
For new people it probably just looks like actual drama or a sect of weirdos.

-Remi wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Lore and RP doesn't seem as important to newer dwellers as it is to boomers older denizens but it's fine by me. It can be fun but having it all over OT would suffocate non-lore threads and make it harder for new people to fit in.
In a sense I agree with this, periods where a lot of things happen, whether it's lore or drama, is the period where no new posters are capable of breaking in to OT.
shout out to all the lurkers out there pls join us and post pls ily

Kaaruumii wrote:

-Remi wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Lore and RP doesn't seem as important to newer dwellers as it is to boomers older denizens but it's fine by me. It can be fun but having it all over OT would suffocate non-lore threads and make it harder for new people to fit in.
In a sense I agree with this, periods where a lot of things happen, whether it's lore or drama, is the period where no new posters are capable of breaking in to OT.
shout out to all the lurkers out there pls join us and post pls ily
That gave me a great idea. How about I'll make a GD thread about OT and inquire the regular osu user's opinions on it?

Stomiks wrote:

Kaaruumii wrote:

-Remi wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Lore and RP doesn't seem as important to newer dwellers as it is to boomers older denizens but it's fine by me. It can be fun but having it all over OT would suffocate non-lore threads and make it harder for new people to fit in.
In a sense I agree with this, periods where a lot of things happen, whether it's lore or drama, is the period where no new posters are capable of breaking in to OT.
shout out to all the lurkers out there pls join us and post pls ily
That gave me a great idea. How about I'll make a GD thread about OT and inquire the regular osu user's opinions on it?
oooooo do it do it do it

Stomiks wrote:

Kaaruumii wrote:

-Remi wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Lore and RP doesn't seem as important to newer dwellers as it is to boomers older denizens but it's fine by me. It can be fun but having it all over OT would suffocate non-lore threads and make it harder for new people to fit in.
In a sense I agree with this, periods where a lot of things happen, whether it's lore or drama, is the period where no new posters are capable of breaking in to OT.
shout out to all the lurkers out there pls join us and post pls ily
That gave me a great idea. How about I'll make a GD thread about OT and inquire the regular osu user's opinions on it?
Would be fun to see, it may bring some new people here and might even get some OT dwellers to go to GD and revive it somehow

Stomiks wrote:

Kaaruumii wrote:

-Remi wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Lore and RP doesn't seem as important to newer dwellers as it is to boomers older denizens but it's fine by me. It can be fun but having it all over OT would suffocate non-lore threads and make it harder for new people to fit in.
In a sense I agree with this, periods where a lot of things happen, whether it's lore or drama, is the period where no new posters are capable of breaking in to OT.
shout out to all the lurkers out there pls join us and post pls ily
That gave me a great idea. How about I'll make a GD thread about OT and inquire the regular osu user's opinions on it?
dude just hearing "geometry dash" made me grow the biggest smile i've ever smiled, please do it i beg you

sametdze wrote:

Stomiks wrote:

Kaaruumii wrote:

-Remi wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Lore and RP doesn't seem as important to newer dwellers as it is to boomers older denizens but it's fine by me. It can be fun but having it all over OT would suffocate non-lore threads and make it harder for new people to fit in.
In a sense I agree with this, periods where a lot of things happen, whether it's lore or drama, is the period where no new posters are capable of breaking in to OT.
shout out to all the lurkers out there pls join us and post pls ily
That gave me a great idea. How about I'll make a GD thread about OT and inquire the regular osu user's opinions on it?
dude just hearing "geometry dash" made me grow the biggest smile i've ever smiled, please do it i beg you
im gonna slap my nuts
Did the thread

-Remi wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Lore and RP doesn't seem as important to newer dwellers as it is to boomers older denizens but it's fine by me. It can be fun but having it all over OT would suffocate non-lore threads and make it harder for new people to fit in.
In a sense I agree with this, periods where a lot of things happen, whether it's lore or drama, is the period where no new posters are capable of breaking in to OT.
I can relate to this, I originally got into OT for the shitposting aspect, just having fun in the super low effort threads and forum games. I came in kinda in the middle of the 4th padoru war, and wasn't able to interact with it properly for a very long time because it was so overwhelming, and it felt too established. The tournaments were also pretty hard to get into, for a lot of them the social barrier felt very high as a person that didn't know anyone else.

Best case scenario would be to have a huge variety of threads all the time to cater to everyone, but as OT is fairly small and largely operates as a collective with people cycling in and out, this isn't really that possible as trends that dominate OT come and go. I think the best thing we can do is to continually try to create interesting and creative threads so that OT doesn't become stale and continues to evolve, and through seeing which threads flop and which threads succeed as well as the discussion around them (like this thread), we can keep attempting to improve this subforum.

yoony1 wrote:

I can relate to this, I originally got into OT for the shitposting aspect, just having fun in the super low effort threads and forum games. I came in kinda in the middle of the 4th padoru war, and wasn't able to interact with it properly for a very long time because it was so overwhelming, and it felt too established. The tournaments were also pretty hard to get into, for a lot of them the social barrier felt very high as a person that didn't know anyone else.
are you me

Kaaruumii wrote:

yoony1 wrote:

I can relate to this, I originally got into OT for the shitposting aspect, just having fun in the super low effort threads and forum games. I came in kinda in the middle of the 4th padoru war, and wasn't able to interact with it properly for a very long time because it was so overwhelming, and it felt too established. The tournaments were also pretty hard to get into, for a lot of them the social barrier felt very high as a person that didn't know anyone else.
are you me
yes I am one of your identities from your dissociative identity disorder you don't know about
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