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Title Holder:
Welcome to the official osu! World Cup #3.
This is
Loctav I proudly present you the thread of the long awaited sequel of the OWC, the osu! World Cup 2013. We changed some things and you might should revise the whole ruleset to make sure you realized all significant changes (as in mappool structure changes).
#1 Place: 6 months of supporter tag, a unique profile badge and a T-Shirt for every member of the roster.
#3 Place: 2 months of supporter tag.
Argentina: Metro, Darksonic, Glazbom, Fabi, Hernan, Salvage, RocknRolla, druidxd
Australia: JappyBabes, TimmyTimTims, kamiyo-sama, flow, Evanlet, ampzz, Copter-kun, LaVolpe024
Brazil: fabriciorby, Blue Dragon, Caco Roth, antsu, Les Discrets, NinjaX1, Velusk, Ghost Princess
Canada: YodaSnipe, Mythol, mochi, allas, Glass, Layne, Satonaka, yoshh
China: SunnyMario, wobeinimacao, N a n o, GGBY, XSH, Sprosive, Tachibana Isana, Sora
Finland: thelewa, Regnall, Valentiino, Lunati, F m L, ethox, Mukku
France: Kanna, Elysion, Musty, _LRJ_, -Kamui-, Kynan383, Shiro, XPJ38
Germany: DoKoLP, Dustice, Michi, ShadowSoul, CookEasy, Lelouch, Dukambe, Matina
Hong Kong: K47, henry04213, AmamiyaYuko, GaryRock123, hoho93411, Hinex, lynnceI, Black Box
Indonesia: WVS, Rasyad95, Frizz, Gatyaa, Hakeru Prismriver, Niva, eru, pacmanmania
Italy lesslunatic, Chewin, Jordan, Maddy, Revy, Leader, Nemis, Sanji
Japan: rrtyui, Potofu, serea, KeigoClear, Apricot, Rorry, Karuta
Korea: KRZY, Clementine, Reisen Udongein, K i R i K a R u, [ Beatrice ], Cookiezi, Dungeon, CheEz
Latvia: LoGo, Forseen, Vmx, nomen, NewNyuu, PyramidX
Macau: _S_T_A_R, HildasXD, Alvin Chan, staplerXD, Balance, JasY007, starpun1, _____B
Malaysia: Gon, xsrsbsns, Zisam, zenki0013, akupp, PROGUY, Yuu-Chii, ychao
Netherlands: laport, zozozofun, H4ppySt1ck, Henkie, silmarilen
New Zealand: deadbeat, Soly, buny, Kiiwa, _hypnosis_, TCN, -N-
Norway: kriers, CXu, -GN, Nilsso, Ivaz, AndreasHD, oscar
Philippines: -KYOK-, rickyboi, Hinanai Tenko, Osu Tatakae Ouendan, Pizzicato, Rozen, jannnnnn, Mystgun
Poland: fartownik, Niko, White Wolf, PAN_WIKTOR_PL, rEdo, Piotrekol, SteRRuM, listless
Portugal: creativ, Osama, Jonnythatjonny, Maraiga, Macacito, Pereira006, R e d, makkura
Russia: Kert, Rain, Rost94, cr1m, JuZu, NekoMimiMode, funshine, Shandro
Singapore: Bardiche_Z, Onozuka-Komachi, rainfall1997, WTPhox, jonchua, Renegate
Sweden: Failed, Nana Tan, Gyuunyu, Cloudio-San, Kawaii, Slizzer95
Taiwan: Uan, Rucker, SnowWhite, ms0080345, Small K, Small AB, melin85116, Oxob
Thailand: NonxE, Frostmourne, 0OoMickeyoO0, blackspell, bufo, nick4010, termerys, phuditj
Turkey: Pure Force, Shadowa, S4LeagueSexsiman, -Lvs, HellDawn, XavierJones, BonkuraChan
Ukraine: Yoru-SAN, rockleejkooo, blednak, Granje, Gorlum, mrgnstrn
United Kingdom: jesus1412, heat, R a h a r u, Vapor, Eastern Aristotle, Raiku
United States: Derekku, Kyou-kun, SapphireGhost, Kaoru, JAKANYAN, Kyonko Hizara, Sync, pielak213-
Uruguay: maay, AlrdyExists, GonixZ, HeCAtExZz, sevas-tra, Snepif, W a r g, Z e o n
Title Holder:
Welcome to the official osu! World Cup #3.
This is
» Tournament schedule
As more the tournament proceeds as more the dates may change and/or get more specific.- Group Stage 1-1: 23-25 Nov (complete)
- Group Stage 1-2: 28 Nov - 2 Dec (complete)
- Group Stage 1-3: 7-9 Dec (complete)
- Round of 16: 14-16 Dec (complete)
- Quarter-Finals: 4-6 Jan 2013 (complete)
- Semi-Finals: 11-13 Jan 2013 (complete)
- Finals + 3rd place match: 18-20 Jan 2013
» Official tournament rules
» #1 Sign-ups (CLOSED):
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1. The country will be represented by the captain, which will choose its teammates. Basic English language knowledge is required from the person of captain.
1-1. Exceptions require tournament management's approval.
2. To sign up, you need at least 4 players in the team. You can though sign-up with additional 4 players. To sign-up, send a forum PM to tournament management or post into this thread with all team members you want to register and the time zone your team is living in.
3. The sign-up time lasts from the day of 25th October to 15th November 2012, 23:59 UTC.
4. The sign-ups automatically stop after reaching 32 participants.
5. If there's more attention to the tournament than we expect, the number of participants might be raised.
6. No more team than one team from each country can sign-up to the tournament.
7. All of the team players' flag in the profile must be the same as their country's. However, it can be got around in special cases but should stay as exception. It requires approval by tournament management.
1-1. Exceptions require tournament management's approval.
2. To sign up, you need at least 4 players in the team. You can though sign-up with additional 4 players. To sign-up, send a forum PM to tournament management or post into this thread with all team members you want to register and the time zone your team is living in.
3. The sign-up time lasts from the day of 25th October to 15th November 2012, 23:59 UTC.
4. The sign-ups automatically stop after reaching 32 participants.
5. If there's more attention to the tournament than we expect, the number of participants might be raised.
6. No more team than one team from each country can sign-up to the tournament.
7. All of the team players' flag in the profile must be the same as their country's. However, it can be got around in special cases but should stay as exception. It requires approval by tournament management.
» #2 Stage instructions:
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1. We are looking for 32 teams from 32 countries. If there are less participants than we want, the tournament will be modeled according to the reached number.
2. In the first stage (Group Stage), the teams will be divided into 8 groups of 4 team in each one.
3. All the teams from each group will face each other.
4. Rankings of each group are determined by sorting the statistics of each team in followed priority:
1. More matches won.
2. Have higher {(the number of maps won) - (the number of maps defeated)}.
3. More maps won.
4. Have higher ∑{(total score difference) / (maximum score)}.
5. Winner of the rematch.
5. Following stages are Knock-Out Stages. This means that the winner ascends to the next stage and the losing team gets kicked out of the tournament.
6. In Group Stage, you need to win 4 maps to win a match. In Round of 16 and Quarter-finals, you need to win 5 maps to win a match. In Semi-finals and Finals, you need to win 6 maps to with a match.
2. In the first stage (Group Stage), the teams will be divided into 8 groups of 4 team in each one.
3. All the teams from each group will face each other.
4. Rankings of each group are determined by sorting the statistics of each team in followed priority:
1. More matches won.
2. Have higher {(the number of maps won) - (the number of maps defeated)}.
3. More maps won.
4. Have higher ∑{(total score difference) / (maximum score)}.
5. Winner of the rematch.
5. Following stages are Knock-Out Stages. This means that the winner ascends to the next stage and the losing team gets kicked out of the tournament.
6. In Group Stage, you need to win 4 maps to win a match. In Round of 16 and Quarter-finals, you need to win 5 maps to win a match. In Semi-finals and Finals, you need to win 6 maps to with a match.
» #3 Match instructions:
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1. 15 minutes before the match, the tournament management must contact each captain and confirm the ready to play. The management creates the match and invites the captains.
2. During the match, there must be 8 players on the server hosted by one of the captains, 4 players from each team.
3. Captain of the winning team must provide screenshots of all of the map results and the Multiplayer History link. These must be sent to to
fartownik or
Loctav via forum PM. If any of the captains won't do it, the match will be nullified and a rematch will be needed.
4. Each round, the staff will announce the list of beatmaps (= mappool), from which the captains will be able to choose. These beatmaps are seperated into 5 brackets: NoMod, Hidden, HardRock, DoubleTime and Tiebreaker.
5. Alternately each captain selects a map out of the mappool. Captains should agree to each other who will select the first map. If no agreement can't be reached, blue team starts selecting.
5-1. The captains can select maps out of the NoMod bracket unlimited.
5-2. Selection out of mod-specific brackets is limited. Each captain can only select one map from each mod-restricted bracket during match. So each team can pick 1 HardRock, 1 Hidden and 1 DoubleTime map during match.
5-3. In case of tie, the tiebreaker map must be played.
6. The settings of the multiplayer room will be: osu! standard mode, "Team vs" mode and win condition: score.
7. You are free to set 'No Video' mod. Also, you are free to use the Funspoiler options.
8. The country with best total score on the map wins.
9. The teams can exchange only one player per map during matches.
2. During the match, there must be 8 players on the server hosted by one of the captains, 4 players from each team.
3. Captain of the winning team must provide screenshots of all of the map results and the Multiplayer History link. These must be sent to to
4. Each round, the staff will announce the list of beatmaps (= mappool), from which the captains will be able to choose. These beatmaps are seperated into 5 brackets: NoMod, Hidden, HardRock, DoubleTime and Tiebreaker.
5. Alternately each captain selects a map out of the mappool. Captains should agree to each other who will select the first map. If no agreement can't be reached, blue team starts selecting.
5-1. The captains can select maps out of the NoMod bracket unlimited.
5-2. Selection out of mod-specific brackets is limited. Each captain can only select one map from each mod-restricted bracket during match. So each team can pick 1 HardRock, 1 Hidden and 1 DoubleTime map during match.
5-3. In case of tie, the tiebreaker map must be played.
6. The settings of the multiplayer room will be: osu! standard mode, "Team vs" mode and win condition: score.
7. You are free to set 'No Video' mod. Also, you are free to use the Funspoiler options.
8. The country with best total score on the map wins.
9. The teams can exchange only one player per map during matches.
» #4 Other rules:
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1. If a map ends in a tie, the map will be nullified.
2. If one of players gets disconnected, the player is considered as having left the match on his own.
2-1. The game can be nullified, if the opponent team captain agrees to a re-play.
2-2. If server is too unstable to continue the match, tournament management can postpone the match.
3. If less than 4 players arrived until the time that the match should start, the match can be postponed maximum 20 minutes.
3-1. Whole match can be postponed by tournament management, if both teams lack of players.
4. Lags can't be a reason for nullification of game.
5. When a match gets postponed too frequent, tournament manangement can declare the opponent team wins by default.
5-1. In Group stage, 'Win by default' will be considered as win by 3:0, +3.5 score difference ratio.
6. 3 vs 3 match is available only in the Group stage if no more than 3 players in one of two teams can be ready for the match.
6-1. Captains of both teams should agree and permission of tournament manager is needed.
6-2. The manager can disqualify a team if the team abuses 3 vs 3 match.
7. Unexpected incidences that needs decision of staff and isn't specified in this ruleset during the tournament, the decision of tournament management is final.
8. Any form of non-fair behaviour (such as cheating, insulting other players, racism) or disturbance in the tournament's progress will be punished with an immediate banishment of the player/the team from the tournament.
8-1. Banned player won't be allowed to participate the next osu! World Cup.
9. Prospective and retrospective complaints about map selection or progress of this tournament will have no use and will be ignored. Suggestions are appreciated.
10. If the manager is absent when decisions from the manager are needed, vice-manager will take over the job temporarily.
11. Any modification of this rules will be notified.
2. If one of players gets disconnected, the player is considered as having left the match on his own.
2-1. The game can be nullified, if the opponent team captain agrees to a re-play.
2-2. If server is too unstable to continue the match, tournament management can postpone the match.
3. If less than 4 players arrived until the time that the match should start, the match can be postponed maximum 20 minutes.
3-1. Whole match can be postponed by tournament management, if both teams lack of players.
4. Lags can't be a reason for nullification of game.
5. When a match gets postponed too frequent, tournament manangement can declare the opponent team wins by default.
5-1. In Group stage, 'Win by default' will be considered as win by 3:0, +3.5 score difference ratio.
6. 3 vs 3 match is available only in the Group stage if no more than 3 players in one of two teams can be ready for the match.
6-1. Captains of both teams should agree and permission of tournament manager is needed.
6-2. The manager can disqualify a team if the team abuses 3 vs 3 match.
7. Unexpected incidences that needs decision of staff and isn't specified in this ruleset during the tournament, the decision of tournament management is final.
8. Any form of non-fair behaviour (such as cheating, insulting other players, racism) or disturbance in the tournament's progress will be punished with an immediate banishment of the player/the team from the tournament.
8-1. Banned player won't be allowed to participate the next osu! World Cup.
9. Prospective and retrospective complaints about map selection or progress of this tournament will have no use and will be ignored. Suggestions are appreciated.
10. If the manager is absent when decisions from the manager are needed, vice-manager will take over the job temporarily.
11. Any modification of this rules will be notified.
» Prizes
Thanks a lot to peppy for sponsoring these prizes.#1 Place: 6 months of supporter tag, a unique profile badge and a T-Shirt for every member of the roster.
#3 Place: 2 months of supporter tag.