STATUS: Formally resigned due to various reasons ... I just hoped that my last map could be ranked before I quit, though it seems I wasn't skillful enough. Thank you all my new friends that I met in this game. You all are really the reasons why I kept playing. Thanks for this memorable 3 years. I'll miss Osu! very much. PS HOW am I suppose to find new songs now, I wonder...?
You just don't stop playing games. Life make you do so....
About me: I'm awesomely Noob. Yes, seriously. I'm osu! and CTB player. Lately I'm interested in mapping. but still no good.
My Osu!'s history: I knew this game from my friends - luvlubb and chane1412. I started playing using a Logitech optical mouse for one year. and it broke.... After that | | | | | | v v v v v Primary Play style: Tablet: Bamboo CTL-460 using default setting) Keyboard: Steelseries 6Gv2 black switch. Secondary play style(only on easy map): Logitech G400. This mouse is full of cheatness. Buy one and you'll never regret.
My Osu!'s thai friend: luvlubb, elitit, AsprikaQ, bufo, blackspell, Phixgar, Frostmourne, termerys,P A N, SUBSTAC9, Nansugumi.....etc My favorite mapper: Icebeam, S i r i r u, Frostmourne, val0108