Tablet: Wacom CTL-470(Bamboo Pen) Keyboard: SteelSeries 6Gv2 - red switches Keybindings: s/d Monitor resolution: 1920x1080, osu! in fullscreen
Primary alternating player. I analyze/memorize beatmaps as I play, so my performance usually increases as I retry. I enjoy reading challenges, so I play quite a bit of HD/EZ/EZHD.
21.06.2014: #1 Norway, with 5363 pp ____Feels pretty good.
26.06.2014: 10 000 replays watched ____Being popular is a warming feeling, in some ways.
13.09.2014: Overtook my old tp rank(#152) in pp(#151 currently!!). ____I don't feel underranked, though.
29.10.2014: 6k pp reached. ____Took me too long, really.
16.11.2014: Passed Freedom Dive [FOUR DIMENSIONS] for the first time. ____#1 score in national rankings, #30 global, and #11 nomod. Holy shit, the relief of finally finishing that.
06.12.2014: 20 000 replays watched ____My 448pp Nico Mega Mix score was set on the same day. Coincidence?
19.12.2014: Don't Say Lazy [TAG4] +EZ #1 - first 1040 combo without HT ____Ahh... it sure took a while. I got it, and I got it first, though. (e: beaten 06.01.2015, 1053 combo)
10.01.2015: Don't Say Lazy [TAG4] +EZ #1 - first FC without HT, 361pp ____I will be so happy if I set a cooler score than this during the coming 355 days. Jesus christ.
22.01.2015: BARUSA of MIKOSU [TAG4] +EZ #1 - 1188 combo, 473pp ____I am going to FC this if it kills me. It just might.
18.04.2015: Cirno's Perfect Math Class [TAG4] +EZHD FC, #2 ____oh wow, i'm really getting up there in terms of HD plays - i'm not sure if anyone could match this.
24.05.2016: Cirno's Perfect Math Class [TAG4] nomod #1 ____I've been #1 on all the TAG4 maps now. Well over 5k plays combined, and many hours in practice diffs...
[_] FC all TAG4 maps, any mods (5/7) [X] get a >400pp HDHR score with below 95% acc - completed on 28.04.2016. 433pp from ZUN/LeaF - Resurrection Spell [?] get a >400pp HDDT score with below 95% acc - questioned on 20.05.2016. 430pp from Red Pulse - Open Your Mind [X] get a 400pp EZ score - completed on 12.07.2017, 405pp from Road of Resistance. [X] get a 500pp FL score - score set on 05.10.2018, initially worth 377pp; but later changes put it at 503pp. hell yea [X] FC FDFD with EZ - completed on 03.02.2016. 376pp, stayed the top EZ score for 3 1/2 months, later beaten by Uta. [X] become the first champion above champions - completed on 08.09.2017. SEE THAT USER TITLE HOLY JESUS [X] get anime girl fanart [X] pass yst - the lost dedicated [X] make it into a top 20 osu! players video - completed for 2015. occupying spot #18. <3 [X] all TAG4 #1s - 1234567 - completed on 24.05.2016. Did not get them all at once, but fuck you. [X] all TAG4 #1s AT ONCE - 1234567 - completed on 19.08.2016. Endgame goal complete. Best day of my osu! life. (edit: these stood for well over a year without being touched, but the streak ended on 22.04.2018.)