August 27, 2015 Update: I wanted to let this community know that while I am no longer active here on osu!, I am finally living happily in my real life. This game was both a coping skill and an addiction for me in the past which is why I am unlikely to return for any more serious play. Recently I went through one of the darkest periods in my life and in that mental state, I don't believe any words could have made me believe I would someday be as happy as I am now. However, thanks to my hard work, the support of my loved ones, and a change in my circumstances I am currently living very well and the future promises great things.
To anyone else who may have lost all hope as a result of whatever this world has done to you: I know that perhaps no words can communicate the idea that you may still be happy one day. However, during my depression, I frequently asked myself "Can there be a happiness that is worth living through this pain?" and I want to let you know that the answer is yes. The darkest times can become nothing but a faint memory and the world can be a place that is truly worth living in. I wish all the best for you and know that you have the strength to live a wonderful life.
August 28, 2015 Addendum: "Forever" is a long time to say goodbye, so I won't say no to a visit sometimes. Lastly, here is a download link to my osu! skin.
Description: I note that my experience with playing osu! is most positive when I avoid comparing myself to others and make scores that are meaningful and fun to me. When I feel like improving, I try to see how I could better myself rather than beat others. Of course, I naturally feel competitive sometimes, but I try to be aware of when this happens and shift my focus so that I continue to have a good time here.
I wanted to add this section to remind myself that people enjoy my contributions to this community, and that I appreciate all the positive feedback I receive. I started this collection on January 13, 2015, but people have supported me for a long time and I've always been grateful for that. I often keep screenshots or chatlogs of these interactions as well, so anyone who has sent me a kind message has not been forgotten or ignored! Thank you all for sharing your words with me.
define your success through feelings, not numbers
Bittles-20150321-051713 17:09 Bittles: holy shit 17:09 Bittles: ur a god ... 17:11 Bittles: amazing
Xilver-20150321-051532 17:09 Xilver: you're so good man
#spectator-20150321-050036 09:51 hent2222: gg 09:51 yomegAA: good play SG ... 09:51 Kon: nice job ... 09:56 Kaoru: are you here to watch your favorite player too toy 09:56 yomegAA: i can never get old of watching SG play. 09:56 [Toy]: yes ... 10:21 yomegAA: YEA! 10:21 yomegAA: gg! ... 10:29 Dejirum: gg ... 10:33 yomegAA: gg. beat your old score ... 10:33 Dejirum: why you so good? ... 15:00 yomegAA: ....wut 15:00 Krilex: GG ♥ 15:00 yomegAA: gg ^^ ... 15:01 yomegAA: gonna head out. take care all. I love you SG <3 ... 15:18 Bugz12: 2nd nice 15:18 Bugz12: well played sir ... 16:03 [ Saturn ]: I don't understand how you read this 16:03 [ Saturn ]: ;w; ... 16:29 Gus: gg! 16:29 [ Saturn ]: \:D/
Irreversible-20150321-044103 16:39 Irreversible: gj 16:39 Irreversible: o,o 16:39 Irreversible: it looks so smooth when you play it wtf XD
nietoperek-20150321-024905 14:00 nietoperek: Hello ! I'd like to say thanks for your coming to our multiplayer a few days ago, when we were playing with Wilchq. You left osu so quickly, that i didn't had time to say that . Once more. Thanks dude ;3
#spectator-20150317-111231 21:28 yomegAA: i love watching SG play. 21:30 Angel of Hate: i dotoo 21:30 yomegAA: its magical in a way lol 21:30 Angel of Hate: its actually super natural 21:30 Angel of Hate: CUZ HES A GHOST LOL 21:30 yomegAA: ^^' 21:31 yomegAA: good play 21:31 Angel of Hate: yup ... 23:03 yomegAA: i friended you when i played only a month in osu lol. I was so impressed by your plays. 23:04 SapphireGhost: Aw, that's so sweet 23:04 yomegAA: oh stop it you!
Reisen-Undogein-20150315-124057 11:43 Reisen-Undogein: but, i dont understand how you control the cursor 11:43 Reisen-Undogein: nice play btw ... 11:47 Reisen-Undogein: thank you for answering me
Nito1515-20150315-124051 12:26 Nito1515: you are the best mapper of aaaaall osu ... 12:28 Nito1515: I cant hate one of your maps 12:28 Nito1515: It is just impossible x3
#spectator-20150315-114656 10:53 Kuronosu: you are still pro ... 11:37 william botton: wow 11:43 Reisen-Undogein: wp 11:43 william botton: nice 11:43 william botton: O.O 11:43 Kon: nice job
[KOR] un-gi-20150307-091601 20:54 [KOR] un-gi: good 20:54 [KOR] un-gi: 100.00%!
Blue_Wolf 25-20150307-073310 19:29 Blue_Wolf 25: u go ghosty!!! o/ dominate the ranks old friend o////////////
leandrohades1-20150307-073303 (2) 18:54 leandrohades1: im your fan im love youuu :3
wraccoonh-20150220-113949 (3) 0:48 wraccoonh: ur cool!!!
Vengeful Entity-20150219-011204 12:57 Vengeful Entity: nice job HD god
#spectator-20150215-123511 11:05 Selfieawesome: Well player bro. GG ... 11:08 DevaDoesOsu: SapphireGhost number 1 pleyr 11:08 DevaDoesOsu: teach 11:08 SoulHaven: please teach ... 11:13 DevaDoesOsu: GG ... 11:16 DevaDoesOsu: nice! 11:17 Akami-: FCing is like nothing for him 11:18 DevaDoesOsu: SapphireGhost I know this might be a little bit rude but alot of people that i know been wondering if u were a guy or girl ... 11:42 Absoluto: ♥
#spectator-20150214-102349 17:13 iM RecK: SD like a boss 17:16 iM RecK: hypeee 17:16 iM RecK: well played ... 18:17 Ash Cat: Farewell SG, I hope you had a wonderful Valentines day ... 21:03 Kitteh: ur so cool SG chan ... 21:20 Sly: wow neat ... 21:32 Sinia Pacifica: HOLY 21:32 Sinia Pacifica: God 21:32 Sly: Nice score, friend ... 21:35 Sinia Pacifica: Rin Rin Rin 21:37 Sinia Pacifica: oooooo 21:37 Ishkiz: god that's sexy ... 21:41 Sinia Pacifica: best HD player .... 21:41 Byeol: wow ... 22:06 randomknights: all i can say is wow lol 22:06 Broccoly: man 22:07 Kmart64: wtf ... 22:09 Broccoly: so sexy ... 22:19 Kmart64: that was amazing
Yuza-20150214-102223 21:33 Yuza: <3 you SG 21:33 Yuza: dont stop being awesome 21:33 Yuza: and happy valentines day! 21:33 SapphireGhost: Aw, thanks 21:33 SapphireGhost: You too! 21:33 SapphireGhost: Did I do something to earn a <3 today 21:37 Yuza: One of my friends suffers from low self esteem issues; but she's been following your advice about avoiding being compared to others, and to just enjoy the game, as seen on your profile 21:37 Yuza: ever since then, she's been really happy, and i just wanted to stop by and thank you ^^ 21:42 SapphireGhost: Ah, that really matters a lot then! 21:42 SapphireGhost: I'm so glad if the weird little things I write there matter to someone 21:42 Yuza: You'd be surprised ^^
N1ghtOwl-20150214-102127 20:51 N1ghtOwl: yo 20:51 N1ghtOwl: Congrats 20:51 N1ghtOwl: on 1st Place
leandrohades1-20150214-054725 17:45 leandrohades1: i love you 17:45 leandrohades1: <3 17:45 leandrohades1: you are the best for me 17:46 SapphireGhost: Aww, thanks 17:47 leandrohades1: <3 i love you luck in this game
Hourai-20150214-054518 17:03 Hourai: 1thank you for playing with me 17:03 Hourai: i love u
ThatDudeGamer-20150214-054349 (2) 16:10 ThatDudeGamer: cool double #1s on that paramore song btw o/
CptHampton-20150214-054253 15:46 CptHampton: was wondering when you would start working on the 2014 charts 15:46 CptHampton: gratz on December btw ^_^
wraccoonh-20150214-054042 (2) 15:39 wraccoonh: y r u so cool? ... 15:48 wraccoonh: u did well in osc btw 15:48 wraccoonh: AWESOME JOB ... 15:56 wraccoonh: whoa 15:56 wraccoonh: u were awesome 15:56 wraccoonh: bruh 15:56 wraccoonh: top 10 m8 15:57 wraccoonh: DEAL WITH IT ... 15:59 wraccoonh: thats a good thing 16:00 wraccoonh: that means ur aweosme 16:00 wraccoonh: *awesome ... 16:13 wraccoonh: to be honest... 16:13 wraccoonh: my fave USA osu player is probably u...
Twilight Blue-20150214-053944 15:05 Twilight Blue: Nice to meet you Saphire Ghost 15:07 SapphireGhost: Oh hi 15:07 Twilight Blue: I have respect for you ... 15:35 Twilight Blue: Thank you Sapphire Ghost 15:35 Twilight Blue: I am very happy
-Soba--20150214-053737 (2) 15:20 -Soba-: naisu 15:20 SapphireGhost: Yay 15:56 -Soba-: nice ;3 ... 16:02 -Soba-: very nice ;3
-Soba--20150212-100357 21:35 -Soba-: that was a nice song 21:35 SapphireGhost: Yes, I think so 21:35 -Soba-: and a ncie play of it too
Shrapnel-20150212-072518 19:03 Shrapnel: How does it feel to be the best player in the US c: ... 19:06 Shrapnel: Its true, definitely my favorite player in osu
wraccoonh-20150201-101153 09:49 wraccoonh: love ur work dude!!! ... 09:52 wraccoonh: i seen u complete scarlet rose before, couldn't find u 09:52 wraccoonh: but now i am talking to u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soma-Cruz-20150130-094605 21:33 Soma-Cruz: I just wanna say that you're a pro at hidden 21:33 Soma-Cruz: I always see HD, SD
SpoonyChan-20150130-082427 20:23 SpoonyChan: i love you ^_^
[sekai]-20150130-085810 19:50 [sekai]: sapphire c-can we be friends i am your fan >w<
CruiseBot-20150130-074755 19:38 CruiseBot: Nice! 19:38 SapphireGhost: Oh 19:39 SapphireGhost: Before I played this I thought "I won't look at the Global Ranking and just play this to the best of my ability" 19:39 SapphireGhost: So I guess it turned out pretty well 19:39 CruiseBot: Yeah it was a nice play
andruru-20150119-115110 11:46 andruru: hey: C: wait for 720p 60fps but link is that 11:47 SapphireGhost: Hehe, why did you video that 11:47 andruru: I love the song. And i loved the play
ThatDudeGamer-20150117-114159 21:37 *ThatDudeGamer hides in the bushes for onii-chan
TheBanana-20150117-091420 21:08 TheBanana: nice HD
#spectator-20150117-085848 20:58 idfour2004: GOOD
#spectator-20150117-040838 16:04 TFToodie: hi sapphire! 16:04 TFToodie: im your biggest fan
NoHatePLS-20150113-073518 19:30 NoHatePLS: YEAHHHH U DID IT 19:30 NoHatePLS: sapphireghost #! 19:30 NoHatePLS: #1 19:31 SapphireGhost: Well, #1s are fleeting 19:31 SapphireGhost: We celebrate in the moment and allow it to pass 19:31 SapphireGhost: And the ghost drifts on 19:32 NoHatePLS: sapphireghost still #1 19:32 SapphireGhost: Ah of course 19:32 SapphireGhost: Thank you 19:33 NoHatePLS: no problem ur the best
RyooSuke-20150113-073505 19:29 RyooSuke: Wooow man ppv2 deleted you 19:31 SapphireGhost: That's very true, isn't it sad 19:31 RyooSuke: :c wow men 19:32 RyooSuke: but , you are amazing osu don't care maybe xDDD
YUBIKIRI-GENMAN (From: Pappy) I just want to say that I very like this beatmap, never stop mapping SapphireGhost! :3
A complete collection of all the avatars I have used containing codes. If you wish to scan any you have missed, you can find them here. Note that since the puush update, some links may now be broken and now unobtainable.
QR Code #1 First to Decode: jjrocks Reward: Secret message
QR Code #2 First to Decode: ouranhshc Reward: Video link
QR Code #3 First to Decode: Jarby Reward: ZUN - Touhou Mix
QR Code #4 & 5 First to Decode: RandomJibberish Reward: Ellie Goulding wallpapers
QR Code #6 First to Decode: OzzyOzrock Reward: OzzyOzrock - Aha!?
QR Code #7 First to Decode: OzzyOzrock Reward: NotShinta - Below Sheets
QR Code #8 First to Decode: OzzyOzrock Reward: Denny's - Nannerpuss
QR Code #9 First to Decode: OzzyOzrock (stop winning) Reward: The Gregory Brothers - Believe in Yourself
QR Code #10 First to Decode: Gonzvlo Reward: Brett Domino - Sappha's Magical Journey Into The Abyss of Wonderment
QR Code #11 First to Decode: Gonzvlo Reward: Trolling
QR Code #12 First to Decode: I don't remember. Reward: Brett Domino - A Delicious Song
QR Code #13 First to Decode: Rukarioman Reward: Brett Domino - huh
QR Code #14 First to Decode: Larto (followed by NotShinta) Reward: Brett Domino - The Aquamarine Staircase
QR Code #15 First to Decode: NotShinta and Larto (tie) Reward: Brett Domino - The Unused Ventricle
QR Code #16 First to Decode: NotShinta Reward: Brett Domino - The Morose Horologist
QR Code #17 First to Decode: NotShinta Reward: Brett Domino - Machete Carvings
QR Code #18 First to Decode: Gonzvlo Reward: Jar - Electric Air Noodle unfortunately deleted. It may be recovered one day.
QR Code #19 First to Decode: NotShinta Reward: Brett Domino - Mobile Orange
QR Code #20 First to Decode: Gonzvlo Reward: Brett Domino - Trauma
QR? Code #21 First to Decode: LunaticMara Reward: Brett Domino - Foreign Tsunami
QR Code #22 & #23 First to Decode Stefan & Kitagami Reward: Brett Domino - ~ A Miniature Delight ~ & Brett Domino - ~ thgileD erutainiM A ~
Disclaimer: Due to puush's updated policies about no longer keeping your files as long as you want them, many of these images are no longer available. The Screenshot Museum apologises for the inconvenience and offers you a complimentary beverage.
Once upon a time, I didn't know how to make new folders, and then NatsumeRin saved me. Here are the messages I kept that didn't need to be deleted but were deleted anyway:
-Bakari- (1)
>< there's a problem with tags i fixed it :< bye-bye, my first bubble :<
After changing[Another] to AR8,I hope there is nothing wrong now~ Please recheck it,thanks a lot~
Hello Already fixed my map But I guess I still have a problem with spacing in [Hard]....
Sorry for bothering you >.<
athiota33 (2)
Fixed my map
Greetings SapphireGhost, I'm a new mapper. If you have the time, could you mod my first bubbled map please? It's not a long map, I promise. If your slot is full of mod requests, I understand. I also understand your position as a BAT, so don't worry. Here is my map and thanks in advance:
So I have just finished to check your mods now, and wondered if you could give it a recheck.
Hi SapphireGhost, I was trying to get a bubble or a mod, but I can't find someone or if I find someone is not modding at the time and everytime when I check the queues are full or the rules are not for my beatmaap...
terrible isnt it ; o well spent like an hour or 2 making i i think
Re: TOMORROW - lol i told him to eat a dick yesterday he's just probably still mad about that and shiirn silenced me twice too lolol but i gave them a reason to do it so it's ok xD
oy - the first person your going to silence is me i will insult you in mod help soon when your online so don't silence anyone until then : )
youve seen that puru rin map right? i made awhile ago - um im wondering what causes the fail bug is it when osu crashes twice while mapping the song have to time the song twice or so ?
if you have no idea what im talking about play it once you will know what i mean do not use nofail you will see
Re: youve seen that puru rin map right? i made awhile ago - lol .. right anyway im still silenced for 3 days unsilence me please this one is a little ridiculous -_- as if anyone cares what banchobot is doing
Re: youve seen that puru rin map right? i made awhile ago - anyway that wasnt the question how to trigger the fail bug i want to put the fail bug on the other one :/ just because im not a troll mapper oh no
and what the fuck im still silenced this is shit shitty shit shit
and also
i would like to have a break off osu now i had so many thread ideas that were gone to waste meh you know what.. i think.. ill hire a friend that lives in usa to post some for me oh yeah.. that could work
HELP - ah i worked 2 hours on the user page and then i submitted it and then for some reason i hit back twice and i hit submit and resubmitted the old version do you guys have logs containing older edit posts before and afters? if you do i really want the older one >_<.. that i made fuck.. this is so annoying
you just made plotter sad by agreeing on saying that signature - t/78393
i am referring to your recent post lol
i really need to leave sometime.. - this is what im supposed to be doing.. T_T.. my trolling days are coming to an end soon.. i really need to focus on this more often..
This message has been removed by its author before it was delivered.
you can ban - my April fools account when April fools day is over also you can kill my thread if its still there on offtopic im off to bed.. i guess?
talking about your userpage
from this topic
I've fixed almost things you suggested me.
Thank you
To be more serious... Hi Sapphire, I would like to know if you could do something for me. I know you might be busy with something else, but yeah, on one of my maps... There's a difficulty that is kinda... overmapped and I am not shure if it can be Ranked or must be Approved. I would like to know if you could test it and say to me of it can be Ranked or not. I'm not asking you to mod it, uh.
The soap just fell inside the toilet, again. I didn't feel like take it out this time so... yeah. KBAI
fixed the stuff now o.o
It's hard to catch you in-game for me because the different time-zone, so i used forum PM here.
really thanks for mod~
goodbye (2)
T.T I cant online cuz I'm in the office...
Hello. I had you do it, and thank you for Mod before. If you are not busy, I would like to re-check my map please thanks
Thank you Sapphire! I fixed all you needed~
and about the Taiko diff, Kana said: About the Taiko diff, the first part (00:00:501 - ) is no drums to suggest , it sounds wired if we added some notes here. So no change in Taiko diff.
so only Taiko diff had not been fixed~
thanks for mod!><
Okay! I will get it done soon ! Thanks again SG, congrats you deserve it
HeatKai (2)
he leaves a message at the forum
hi. Narakucrimson gave rebubble then could you recheck my map please ?
thx for ur mod SapphireGhost i did all necessary fixes, recheck please ^^
Hellzero (2)
i did full upload to get a rid of black.jpg, forgot it ><
im very sorry about the kudosu i forgot to give.. ur help much appreciated!
oh ok thx ^^ I will write to you if to me will give bubble :3
Kawayi Rika
Fixed 1/6 and taiko snap and nornal diff AR+1 ver. now ~
Got rebubbled so i think you can ranked now ~
I'm sorry to say but I dont think I'll be able now, I though I would be able last friday because of holiday and weekend and yay, but I got horriugly sick and I was in bed for two days, leaving me no time after that, and right now I have test-week.
Could you take a look at marie antoinette once more when you got the time? Thanks in advance!
- Glasjuh
Lesjuh (3)
I'm on it. I'll contact you again once it's bubbled then!
Hey! Sadly the map was unranked, but for justifiable means, so it received some extra mods and I rebubbled it today. Maybe check it out if you have time? Since it was unranked I think it deserves a bit more attention.
Nicotachi here.Me and Queen Lorelei are working on the beat-map together and we and background come in...were starting to understand timing so if you haven't already please delete her beat-map. If you could please mod.Download it in help and pending.The background is the 2 characters the soul eater logo and cloud-like red swirls in the back
write back please, Nicotachi
fixed please><
No_Gu (2)
viewtopic.php?p=1279478#p1279478 My opinion ↑.Sorry for the second re-check
Thanks for your post. Now this is rebubbled! If you still want to help me to improve this map, welcomed for your coming.. Here the link: Title: Cake Hime * Masaruumi & JUMA - Eiya no Parade SP : +12
[09:44:59] <LunaticMara> Sync [09:45:14] <LunaticMara> Send SapphireGhost a message that he is the greatest BAT on osu! [09:45:23] <Sync> why [09:45:33] <LunaticMara> Just look at that motherfucker [09:45:35] <LunaticMara> Chillin' out [09:45:40] <LunaticMara> Doesn't even give a fuck [09:45:47] <LunaticMara> And rolls like a boss [09:45:53] <LunaticMara> HAIL TO YOU, CHAMPION!
The 08 team_Bourdon
Hello. may i ask a re-check on this map? Usher - More I hope you can help me. Thank you
Hello. I think you can help me :3 I have one problem with nickname D: Few months ago I changed my nickname, but i've got mistake in my nickname and peppy changed my name back to uljjang. uljjang Previously known as uljjang So, if i'll buy support again, can you help me to change my nickname?D: i want another one..- Moon_ is it possible?
sorry for my poor english. and thank's
waiting for an answer. ;3
I read a new rule.... I ask for MOD as soon as possible,Before a new rule is decided...
Here is a collection of all the maps I have uploaded to osu!. Note that this may not align exactly with the order the maps were created and some early on were remapped. I'll put some notes on maps that I believe have helped me progress me as a mapper.
MAP 1:Chihiro - Honey MAP 2:Jonathan Coulton & GLaDOS - Still Alive MAP 3:The Gregory Brothers - Backin Up Song MAP 4:Hatsune Miku - Lovely Day - My first ranked map. The original map was an absolute mess, and the ranked version is a vast improvement on what it once was. I chose to map a Hatsune Miku song because I was surprised that Miku songs existed that hadn't been mapped yet, which I know now is not at all surprising. Still, it got me mods so it turned out to be a fair choice.
I couldn't figure out how to storyboard in-game at the time, so all of the storyboard is in fact scripted in the .osb file which might explain why it's not that great. The map also used to contain a more distracting and unprofessional skin, but Wiinter helped to improve it and I was very grateful. The みく sliderart was made with a limited knowledge of hiragana and stroke order, but still stands out as something a bit different.
I created this map alongside the video, which allowed me to better integrate the two such as with the "la la la" patterns, which are mapped to directly correspond with the position of the lyrics in the video. I also found sections where the song switched in tone to switch between the Drum and Soft samples. The sections with many uninherited timing sections were difficult, but I got help from some other users to both find the correct time signature and map it appropriately.
Because a lot of the mapping I was doing with the new sliders was based solely on flow, I needed to find opportunities to add things that were creative and different. The first major example of this is during the long pauses about a fifth of the way through, where a combo is started before the pause and eventually finishes after it. These patterns serve to foreshadow the song's false ending after the heart slider, which uses the same technique to effectively tie the map together.
During the chorus, I knew I wanted to have a unique way to map the lyric "ICQCQ", which eventually became the title of the difficulty and started the trend of me creating difficulties starting with the letter "I" and being in all caps (see Ai Dee and Toushika Records). I got the idea of a star pattern in which a slider completes the star, somewhat inspired by val0108's Atama no Taisou. The chorus also marks the first instance of a spaced 1/4 pattern, a concept which I later shared with the Normal difficulty with spaced 1/2 patterns.
At the bridge of the song, spaced and compressed 1/4 patterns are mixed cohesively to bring together the mapping style of the chorus and the verse. It concludes with the accelerated spacing pattern which includes both a use of the Normal samples and a 1/8 kickslider previously unseen in the map, which serves to fit with the dramatic point in the background video and a transition to the greyscale section.
Seeing the video at this point, I knew I had to make my combo colours fit appropriately. I took advantage of the absence of colour and combined it with another techinque, purely linear sliders. A red combo colour was also added for the blood in the video and of course for the climactic heart slider. There are two red combos with only one note, resonating with drops of blood falling onto the clean canvas of the playing area.
The star pattern is then revisited for the final chorus in a more difficult form, having mutated from its initial appearance. The ending patterns are purely flow based, and then finally conclude with the same pattern from the start of the map in reverse, a subtle but poignant technique. That is how this map was created. MAP 26:Daniel Kim - Pop Danthology 2012 MAP 27:Mitchie M - Ai Dee MAP 28:Rishe - Toushika Records MAP 29:Mike Inel - I will show you how I feel MAP 30:DenporuP - Sainou Sampler MAP 31:amatsuki - Setsuna Plus MAP 32:Rib - e-scape MAP 33:DenporuP - Hitorinbo Envy - My favourite creation. More details to be added. MAP 34:Becky Sloan & Joseph Pelling - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared - This map was created to celebrate the creation of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 2 - TIME. It turned out to be very fun and interesting to map and was completed within two days. Many elements of the map have a deeper meaning. The notebook's lines are mapped with faded colours and curved and linear patterns to show its warped idea of creativity. The lines of the puppets are mapped with more vibrant colours and sliders that have both curved and linear parts to show their true, raw sense of creativity.
The difficulty of the map is also designed to reflect the intensity of the video. It begins simply enough and has a burst of complexity, just as the video does. There are several lighter touches, such as the one green note to fit the lyric "Green!" and the following X-shaped sliders. The "I use my hair to express myself." line is repeated in the map just as in the song, with more intensity the second time.
As a whole, I will most likely leave the map unranked. Creating other difficulties would lessen the map's impact to an extent, and the most notable section is very difficult to time. However, I am happy enough to make a map that is completely appropriate to the song and also plays nicely. MAP 35:TuTuWan - Wo Yao Jinkela MAP 36:OwataP - Magical Nuko Len Len Shingeki Jouban MAP 37:Aya Hirano - Atogaki no You na Mono - A short creation mapped for fun. I did try to map this a few years ago and failed, so it was nice to create a bit of closure for this song and create something short and lighthearted. MAP 38:M2U feat. Guriri - Magnolia - A map created with pure resentment, anger, and sadness. This was very therapeutic to map, and helped get through some feelings at the time. Obviously, I wasn't the first to map it and not the last, but I think I made the map my own in a way that meant something to me. MAP 39:keeno - bitter - 39 is a funny number for this map, since it's also the title of the last song I was unable to qualify before being moved out of BAT. Appropriately enough, I feel like this marks the end of an era for me on both osu! and my personal life. I continued to explore those feelings of bitterness and finally made a lyrics storyboard, as I felt the lyrics were meaningful to me. I remember staying up incredibly ate to finish this as it was near an upload date that also felt significant to me. Lots of feelings and events came together to make this map and I'm glad it came out how it did. I hope to start my new era of whatever soon. Maybe it'll be osu!, maybe not. I know my world is changing though, and I'm ready to change with it.
I have accumulated several things that I have moved on from but at the same time don't want to delete, so they ended up here. Ignore any unused BBcode.
In the BAT from March 2012 to March 2014, at least a solid two years. There's a good time to end for everything.
Thoughts on the Nature of Competition
Written by: SapphireGhost
Date: November 30, 2014
I've wanted to write up my thoughts on the nature of competition for a while, so I'll try to do it now.
The osu! world cup Looking at osu! as a specific example, I much prefer playing for oneself in single player than competing with others in the osu! world cup. I base this opinion on the values of not spending too much time comparing oneself to others, and judging skill level with an adequate sample size. Playing in single player allows players to select what kind of metric they would like to measure their progress by, and retry numerous times to get the scores they want, which I think is encouraging and allows for the game to be played at a healthy level.
In the osu! world cup, it's a lot easier for people to make comparisons, claim that some players are better than others, and not look at all the information as players are under differing circumstances all the time which may affect their performance. It can be fun to watch of course, and see how people do, but in the end I think it puts a lot of stress on the players both during the matches and facing feedback from spectators afterwards.
Maturity and Respect I'll put a disclaimer here that I don't mean for this to sound too condescending, as this piece has taken a very formal tone so far. However, I do think that with competition in general, people do not show a healthy level of respect to each other. I believe the ideal competitive environment would take the focus away from winning and losing and instead use the nature of competition to inspire people to better themselves. Playing against others does have the benefit of helping some people perform at a higher level than expected.
My least favourite part of competition is the disrespect (jokingly or not) of anyone who is putting out their performance for the public to see. It takes a lot of bravery to do this, so saying negative things about these people is very discouraging and upsetting. I think it's important to recognise that everyone has feelings that matter, regardless of if you know the individual personally or if they are a stranger to you. Hopefully, a competitive atmosphere would be encouraging to others rather than degrading.
Conclusion I believe that due to human nature, an ideal positive competitive environment is not likely to exist any time soon. However, any small steps people can make towards respecting people who are involved in competition helps, and is encouraging to see. My hope is that with the world as a whole, people can take more time to respect each other's feelings, as well as their own, and work to help people reach their individual goals and values.
Thank you for taking the time to read this piece. I may edit or improve it at a later time.
December 29, 2014 Update: Life goes on. I'm currently experiencing a dreadfully poor internet connection as some of you have seen, so I won't be on the osu! client that often but I will still try to do things. I hope to continue my pursuit of experiencing life and doing my best to experience joy. Good luck in your endeavours as well.
November 25, 2014 Update: As many of you have seen, I have clearly come back for playing in the owc. Playing with my team is a great experience, though overall the tournament has brought up a lot of thoughts for me about competition in osu!, so I may write up some of those thoughts at some point. In the meantime, I thank you all for supporting the tournament. My primary hope for this event is that people interact with as much respect as possible, as it helps the atmosphere greatly.
September 27, 2014 Update: I am currently inactive on osu! but I will log in occasionally. This year, I received some new opportunities to go out and live my life and I'm making the most of it. Thanks to everyone here for being an important part of my experience, and I hope all of you also get the chance to achieve your goals and lead the life you want.