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玩家的头衔通常由玩家组决定,但是出于其他原因,以下列出的玩家,因为做出了卓越贡献或成就,或是做出过某些 osu! 标志性的历史事件,从而获得了特殊头衔。


每年,官方世界杯的获胜者都会被授予 osu!/osu!taiko/osu!catch/osu!mania Champion 头衔。这个头衔的有效时间将会持续到来年同名世界杯举办。

拥有 osu! Champion 头衔的 OWC 2023 冠军:

拥有 osu!taiko Champion 头衔的 TWC 2023 冠军:

拥有 osu!catch Champion 头衔的 CWC 2023 冠军:

拥有 osu!mania 4K Champion 头衔的 MWC 4K 2023 冠军:

拥有 osu!mania 7K Champion 头衔的 MWC 7K 2024 冠军:


从 2021 年 11 月开始,历届世界杯的获胜者将会补发 Former osu!/osu!taiko/osu!catch/osu!mania Champion 玩家头衔。如果有玩家在多届世界杯中获得过冠军,那么他们的主页将展示最新一届世界杯冠军的头衔。

拥有 Former osu! Champion 头衔,在之前 osu! 世界杯获胜的冠军:

锦标赛 头衔 头衔获得者
OWC #1 Former osu! Champion: #1 0222101916, Rucker, Tomoka Rin, Uan, ZRush
OWC #2 Former osu! Champion: #2 Remilia-Scarlet
OWC #3 Former osu! Champion: #3 [ Beatrice ], chocomint, KRZY, Reisen Udongein
OWC 2013 Former osu! Champion: 2013 CheEZ, Dungeon, ffury, Reimu-Desu, sayonara-bye, Shizuru-, Tengu, Vendemmia
OWC 2014 Former osu! Champion: 2014 Guy, Mercurius, Poruteri, Potofu, rrtyui, serea, Sinch
OWC 2015 Former osu! Champion: 2015 0120, Kitteh, Seouless, Xilver15, Zodiaack
OWC 2016 Former osu! Champion: 2016 Axarious, HappyStick, Mlaw, mniminwoo, Ritzeh
OWC 2017 Former osu! Champion: 2017 Astar, MrBoom, Piggey, Rafis, Wakson, WubWoofWolf, Wilchq
OWC 2018 Former osu! Champion: 2018 N/A
OWC 2019 Former osu! Champion: 2019 idke, t[-_-t], Toy
OWC 2020 Former osu! Champion: 2020 Apraxia, BTMC, kablaze, Rektygon, Vaxei
OWC 2021 Former osu! Champion: 2021 Aireu, Aricin, DigitalHypno, Exarch, fieryrage
OWC 2022 Former osu! Champion: 2022 decaten, im a fancy lad, Monko2k, Sawada, Utami

拥有 Former osu!taiko Champion 头衔,在之前 osu!taiko 世界杯获胜的冠军:

锦标赛 头衔 头衔获得者
TWC 2011 Former osu!taiko Champion: #1 Numbers 596108, TW-KUMA01
TWC 2012 Former osu!taiko Champion: #2 -Asuke-, pota-row, TTTL
TWC #3 Former osu!taiko Champion: #3 -[ ix Ishida xi ]-, oiu850714, yikao, zx_baka_0502442
TWC 2014 Former osu!taiko Champion: 2014 NeGaTiVeMiNd, Orukaa, pagr42, reg, TKS
TWC 2015 Former osu!taiko Champion: 2015 _Rydan, 1RoHa_, cagalin
TWC 2016 Former osu!taiko Champion: 2016 coDMo2ooo, Pitapan
TWC 2017 Former osu!taiko Champion: 2017 _yu68, asuasu_yura, shinchikuhome, sobatsuyu
TWC 2018 Former osu!taiko Champion: 2018 _Rise, tasuke912, zkane2
TWC 2019 Former osu!taiko Champion: 2019 isobe, v2fax
TWC 2020 Former osu!taiko Champion: 2020 iceOC, kiyozi11
TWC 2021 Former osu!taiko Champion: 2021 N/A
TWC 2022 Former osu!taiko Champion: 2022 nameless_ll, syaron105, uone

拥有 Former osu!catch Champion 头衔,在之前 osu!catch 世界杯获胜的冠军:

锦标赛 头衔 头衔获得者
CWC Former osu!catch Champion: #1 HineX, hy1hy1hy, joynama
CWC 2013 Former osu!catch Champion: 2013 eldnl, Dark Diego, DaxMasterix, lineqtxz
CWC 2014 Former osu!catch Champion: 2014 Kuzino, Last Bubble, snail_player
CWC 2015 Former osu!catch Champion: 2015 [224]Reol, Frobe
CWC 2016 Former osu!catch Champion: 2016 Callionet
CWC 2017 Former osu!catch Champion: 2017 ExGon, mjj741
CWC 2018 Former osu!catch Champion: 2018 - N a g i -, Crystal, Dusk, KagamineRin02, Kasumi, Sakurano Kurimu
CWC 2019 Former osu!catch Champion: 2019 N/A
CWC 2020 Former osu!catch Champion: 2020 Motion, Petit, Spectator
CWC 2021 Former osu!catch Champion: 2021 Abstract-
CWC 2022 Former osu!catch Champion: 2022 Byeol, Rocma

拥有 Former osu!mania Champion 头衔,在之前 osu!mania 世界杯获胜的冠军:

锦标赛 头衔 头衔获得者
MWC 2014 (4K) Former osu!mania 4K Champion: 2014 Abcdullah, jhlee1033
MWC 2014 (7K) Former osu!mania 7K Champion: 2014 jhlee0133
MWC 4K 2015 Former osu!mania 4K Champion: 2015 Chrubble, EtienneXC, Halogen-, Shadow_SM, Solara, Zyph
MWC 7K 2016 Former osu!mania 7K Champion: 2016 4kGameBye, Basillisa, ljqandylee, KafuuChino, Sern888, SweetSoul
MWC 4K 2016 Former osu!mania 4K Champion: 2016 _GUMA_, w1sp
MWC 7K 2017 Former osu!mania 7K Champion: 2017 Cobo-, cr1sp
MWC 4K 2017 Former osu!mania 4K Champion: 2017 cheetose, Cobo-
MWC 7K 2018 Former osu!mania 7K Champion: 2018 ideu-, Kim_GodSSI
MWC 4K 2018 Former osu!mania 4K Champion: 2018 [ Special ]
MWC 7K 2019 Former osu!mania 7K Champion: 2019 Jakads, wonder5193
MWC 4K 2019 Former osu!mania 4K Champion: 2019 blueBloody, Kalkai, Transcendence, Yeoul, wonder5193
MWC 4K 2020 Former osu!mania 4K Champion: 2020 Guilhermeziat, Kyut, Punnies
MWC 4K 2021 Former osu!mania 4K Champion: 2021 Amerom, Lenn, LeMarcinho, Lothus, Orost, SillyFangirl
MWC 7K 2022 Former osu!mania 7K Champion: 2022 0133, Estonians
MWC 4K 2022 Former osu!mania 4K Champion: 2022 Flying Samira, gaesol, lianic, Poca, SuddenDeath, SnowScent
MWC 7K 2023 Former osu!mania 7K Champion: 2023 - Kura -, Arona, Berrii, bojii


大多数官方作图比赛都将 Elite Mapper 作为冠军头衔。



自 2020 年以来,Elite Nominator 成为 Beatmap Nominators (BN) 和 Nomination Assessment Team (NAT) 成员 在 Rank 系统中获得的奖励。该头衔是在每年年初根据上一年所做贡献而给出的,并且会在玩家离开团队后删除。

自 2020 年以来,谱面提名成员 (BN)审核评估团队 (NAT) 的成员如果在一年内,在谱面上架方面做出卓越贡献,将会获得 Elite Nominator 头衔。头衔将会在玩家被评定时颁发,展示持续一年或持续到玩家离开提名团队。

Aspire 作图竞赛冠军

Aspire 作图竞赛采用了 Elite Mapper 的特殊形式:Elite Mapper: Aspirant 作为冠军头衔。

osu!remix 竞赛冠军

osu!remix 竞赛将 osu!mixer 作为冠军头衔。

osu!trivium 解密竞赛头衔获得者

osu!trivium 解密竞赛给获胜队伍或个人颁发了 osu!trivium Champion 头衔。该头衔展示持续一年。以下是 2021 年获得头衔的玩家:


早期设计 osu! 音效和官方主题音乐的玩家被授予 osu!musician 头衔。


osu! 团队为想要改动设计或重新设计游戏某些吉祥物的社区成员举办了设计竞赛。这些比赛的优胜者,以及艺术作品最终用作正式设计的玩家都被授予了 osu!artist 头衔。


这三位玩家被授予 osu! Hall of Famer 头衔,在社区还未成熟时,作为高水平玩家协助社区发展。


展示杰出的故事板才能,并给整个社区留下深刻印象的故事板作者,被授予 Elite Storyboarder 头衔。




玩家 头衔 事迹
-GN Champion Above Champions Shotgun Symphony+ [Impossibly Intense] 上获得了第一个 NoMod FC。
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE osu!completionist 截至 2023 年 3 月 15 日,游玩了 osu! 全部上架谱面。
Jaye Drum Decimator 截至 2019 年 11 月 3 日,FC 了全部 8841 张 osu!taiko 上架谱面。
Przegrany osu!completionist 截至 2021 年 8 月 11 日,游玩了 osu! 全部上架谱面。
Shirotora_old Bested the Reaper's Game 在 2008 年末,他在一周之内达到了 #104 名次,头衔由 awp 颁发。请参见:美妙世界
xasuma The First Completionist 截至 2019 年 4 月 27 日,游玩了 osu! 全部上架谱面。
Zetera Medal Hunter 第一个解锁 The Girl in the Forest 奖章的玩家
UberFazz Medal Hunter 第一个解锁 Internment 奖章的玩家
Tactic Prince of Disco Kenji Ninuma - DISCO★PRINCE 中获取了不可战胜的理论最大分数,占据了排行榜 #1



玩家 头衔
Azer World Cup Organiser
Ballance osu!painter
Charles445 osu! Paragon
ChillierPear World Cup Organiser
Daru osu!painter
Deif osu!catch Paragon
Hivie osu!taiko Paragon
JBHyperion osu!catch Paragon
LastExceed Master of the Fade
LeoFLT World Cup Organiser
LuigiHann Resident Skinner
MillhioreF Pro Tester
nuudles iPhone Dev
OnosakiHito osu!taiko Paragon
pishifat osu! Paragon
PuffBuck Always Watching
RBRat3 osu!painter
Shoegazer osu!mania Paragon
statementreply Pro Tester



玩家 头衔
BanchoBot w00t p00t
Ephemeral Inland Empire
Loctav Popcorn Fairy
phill_old ¿
Toy Former osu! Champion: 2019 / Grilled Dodongo
Zallius Boats


  1. Mao 成功地通过两种不同的方式获得 Elite Mapper 头衔从而被授予 Elite Mapper II 头衔:在 A Labour of Love 大赛中获胜,以及在新的作图月赛 (MBC) 系统中获得了 6 分以上。 

  2. Hivie Secre 因为连续两年获得了优秀提名者,所以头衔变更为Elite Nominator II。  

  3. Charles445 因为在作图月赛 (MBC) #1作图月赛 (MBC): Aspire (2014)中两次获胜,从而获得了 Elite Mapper II: Aspirant 头衔。 

  4. BilliumMoto 因为在 osu!remix 竞赛 #1A Labour of Love 竞赛中两次获胜,从而获得了osu!mixer II 头衔。 

  5. yf_bmp 由于在故事板设计中做出卓越贡献,已经获得了头衔,又在三角作图竞赛 中获胜,从而获得了Elite Storyboarder II 头衔。