17 May 2016
Aspire Returns (Beatmap Contest)
by Ephemeral

Aspire Returns (Beatmap Contest)

by Ephemeral

Aspire returns for a second round. Mappers from around the world, prepare yourselves!

Due to overwhelming demand, we've decided to bring the contest back for a second run, pitting the best creative minds of the mapping community against each other in an almost-everything-goes design free-for-all!

We introduced the mapping community to IAHN (one of our licensed artists) a little while ago with a monthly beatmapping contest for the track Candy Luv. Little did anyone know that his cutesy sound exterior was but a ruse, and that he was hiding some serious musical grit all along. The track for this iteration of the Aspire contest will be a new track from him, titled Transform.

You can listen a preview of the track below:

(This is a preview of the actual track, not the whole track included with the beatmap itself.)

The rules of this Aspire contest variant is as follows:

  • The contest accepts only osu!standard mapsets.
  • The map must be able to be completed without the NoFail mod required to pass it. Completion is considered as being able to pass the track without failing it - not FCing (full-combo) it!
  • The map must be of a difficulty level where reasonably skilled players (think 30k+ rank) can complete it with significant effort. This means that yes, your map may be very difficult, but not insurmountably difficult. No Apparition wannabees, please!
  • That's it!

(The difficulty rule is deliberately vague. We want to encourage mappers to break the current mold of difficulty = creativity. Intelligent use of everything at a mapper's disposal (storyboards, backing videos, .osu file editing, hitsounds, timing sections, etc) is what we're looking for over maps that are exceptionally difficult.)

The standard Ranking Criteria does NOT apply. Mappers are completely free to pursue whatever they envision for the song. Mapping techniques such as "2B" are also allowed. A good example of many of these "fringe" mapping techniques is expressed in the popular "Debug" difficulty of aran - Graces of Heaven mapped by rustbell (aka: spro).

The winners of the contest will receive the following prizes:

  • 1st place: 6 months of osu! supporter, unique "Aspire 2016" profile badge, osu!news showcase featuring their winning entry and an 'Elite Mapper: Aspirant' forum title, mapset enshrined forevermore as an "Aspire" class Approval map.
  • 2nd place: 3 months of osu! supporter
  • Honorable Mentions: 1 month of osu! supporter

Yes, you did read that right - any map impressive enough to warrant an honorable mention by verdict of the judges will receive a prize. There's no excuse to not get involved and give it your all.

Get the pre-timed osz file and submit your entries here.

If you plan to submit a storyboard or any other extra resource (hitsounds, video, etc) with your entry, you will need to package the resources in a zip file and put a link to said zip file in your entry notes when submitting.

Entries will remain open for 31 days from the date of this post - so get cracking! Judging may take up to two months from the date of the entries closing, but we will endeavour to get our results out ASAP.

Remember, use everything at your disposal. Storyboards, hitsounding, timing points - everything that the game gives you the means to use is at your fingertips. This is no ordinary beatmapping contest - so don't submit ordinary beatmaps!

Good luck!



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1 more week till spooky maps' galore! Hype!

End Date: Jun 25, 2016

Nice bg tbh


Wafu [-obee58-]

The date on the link I sent here was updated to end on Jun 25, 2016, so I guess it is clear that it ends on that day. You can see previous Aspire has about twice as much submissions, so maybe few more were expected and therefore it ends later.


https://osu.ppy.sh/p/contest/ says: "End Date: Jun 20, 2016", that is not 31 days from the post date. Which date should we refer to? Would be cool if exact date was added here instead of having 2 options one of which is incorrect.

i'm going on family vacation this until Tuesday, but i haven't finished yet and i'm panicking that i won't be able to get in ;-;

"The map must be able to be completed without the NoFail [...] “2B” are also allowed"
Doesn't the map fail itself at the end of the map, even though you have full bar life ?
what if the map is FC-able but no clearable because of the glitch ?

Wafu Kin

It does if you put an object during spinner and other stuff. If you're going safe, it can be even SS-able.

Kin Wafu

it's SSable for a really good player, but seems like the map can't be clear because of a glitch

Yeah I have this same problem. I finished my entry and (because of 2B?) hp bar drops at the end

So we can map sth like tewi ma park or what ?

Download link is broken .w.

KodaKuna KodaKuna

Nevermind i'm dumb xD

Is it allowed to force the player into using visual settings (for example: storyboard on, 0% dim ... and so on?)

WorldWreckerYT Miterosan

well, if the beatmap is meant to have some creative uses of storyboard, hitsounds or videos, then it's reasonable to make the game unique by making it playable only with storyboard etc...

Take Aleph-0 for an example.

Osyplayer111 Miterosan

how are you going to do that ?:D


osu! is shitty game

Fuck you, random citizen.
If you don't like something, at least give a logical reason!

>aspire contest
*hyped indefinitely*
>standard only
*throwing tomato intensifies*

not good with editing files or storyboarding :( oh well i'll still participate even though i wont win

[-obee58-] rock time

someone with good mapping skill but lack of knowledge of that could still win at least honorable mentions lol
it doesn't HAVE to include that

The download link seems to be broken for me...? Is there any other place to get the base .osz?

Darn, I guess I can't make that nightcore mix of Apparition that I wanted to do :'c

I will participate but my favourite rival wont be here to compete with me, maybe.
Rest in peace, Guy.

IAHN seems like a good artist c:


Mapping techniques such as “2B” are also allowed.
nice (y)

is this in stereo? my left earphone doesnt work

[-obee58-] melloe

uh yes

Shiguma Ahntaea

You can do anything as long as it's passable with nomod. Obviously if it was off beat or something you'd get no points though (and lose the contest)

I dont care if im horrible at mapping!Im doing this shit and trying my best!

Can we have different categories for rankings such as 2B gets 1 placings, regular gets 1 placings, etc, but you can only submit 1.

7ambda texasaboy1

2B is only a mapping technique you CAN use if you so wish. Therefore, it doesn't deserve its own category.

What if you can pass it but auto can't? It probably won't be a problem, but I know auto likes to stick to a specific activity (spinning, holding a slider, etc), which can make it screw up on stuff that can be done by a normal player, like with some 2b difficulties

Shiguma Izzz

I don't think auto does that anymore.

"Completion is considered as being able to pass the track without failing it - not FCing (full-combo) it!"

"Completion is considered as being able to pass the track without failing it - not FCing (full-combo) it!"

So, does this mean we can do a map which is impossible to FC? noice

I hope the winner is a CS10 map. okno

Taeyang Sylvette

try this


make sure you read the rules -> links to empty page.

inb4 I map an Extra for a Iahn song and I got denied again :D

Inb4 Charles Elite Mapper III (i still think you could let another mapper win instead of charles for aspire xD)

Myxo Secretpipe

The judging is anonymous, obviously. Even though Charles' Aspire I map was pretty obviously by him due to certain aspects such as the volume manipulation of the spinner(s).

I know haha but I thought "if Charles won it again , can they give the Elite Mapper title to the second contestant?" :D
Would have been cool for him! (anyway someone who finishes 2nd at a mapping contest is a good mapper in any case xD)

im ready


pp farm shitmaps incoming!

What about background?

Ah cant join
Goodluck for Standard Mapper~ *waste your time xD lmao xD

I thought that IAHN for Insane, advanced, hard and normal. Sorry for that.

Awwww yeah I can finally go full blast

Kethsar Shiirn

I expect a great map from you. #1 or bust.

Ongaku Shiirn

Shiirn, wanna collab :^)


Asaiga Shiirn

Shiirn, you got this >w</

"The contest accepts only osu!standard mapsets." .... ._.

at least it's miku bg

Are ninja spinner authorized?

7ambda Mindwaves

As long as it's passable nomod, sure.

The link of rustbell's userpage is wrong @-@ https://osu.ppy.sh/u/227717

If 2B is allowed but the map has to be completable, what do about the glitch where the map auto-fails you/freezes at the end of the map in a 2B?

Myxo -Mo-

iirc that only happens if too many objects are active at the same time like in Lanturn's 2B. There might be a different reason but it's definitely possible to implement 2B elements (for example a slider with circles on the track) while even keeping it SS-able.

-Mo- Myxo

But if the glitch occurs, does that disqualify the map?

"Intelligent use of everything at a mapper’s disposal (storyboards, backing videos, .osu file editing, hitsounds, timing sections, etc)"
FML I can only do that in Taiko >:(

xtrem3x Yuzeyun

with GD's ... or better ... Shit-GD's (incluiding...) (?)

ghm12 Yuzeyun

MariannE rank when

Surono Yuzeyun

rhytm just don kat done

Tried a few things, but i'm not well with things song, too slow. See you next year for Aspire #3

Secretpipe WingSilent

you say that for every contest dood xD

I feel like 31days is kinda short, since we're also allowed to add storyboards and map 2B? Stuff like that takes time and not everyone can sit at home all day.

Monstrata Yauxo

31 days is plenty of time...

So, are we able to use different hitsounds than what the editor provides ?

Monstrata Cherry Blossom

Yes, since you're uploading a whole file/folder, instead of a .osu file.

Scarlet Evans Monstrata

But... when you go into the link, it says: Please make sure to only upload the .osu files... ?

Or we add the rest later?

Hollow Wings pls join


Hollow Wings pls join