If you face me in a tournament setting feel free to consider me a deranker. I lag on std osu client sometimes I no longer lag as of summer 2021, but I've gotten used to main playing on mcosu, and I only occasionally go for scores online if I want a replay, or to increase ranked score. I do still intend to only play tournaments meant for players of a rank according to my true pp, probably around 1k more than I have online at any given time.
After a year of rehab my wrists and shoulders are better than ever, and I've come to challenge the world again. [January 2021] Changed tapping style to index ring [21.6.2021] Switched to new tablet (PTK-640) [26.12.2022] First time ever using tablet area over 200mm (16:9) [8.1.2023]
2022 is the year I'm swallowing my pride and learning HR from the ground up again. If my current topscore (sawg 98.36% FC) hasn't been topped in pp value by a HR score by the end of 2022 I'll dono half a year of supporter to whoever notices this and DMs me about this first. This "prize" was claimed by u/9426384.