BRZion - Game Brain woohoo. this is the 2nd best map i've ever made after JOINT STRUGGLE. Combination between Random Streams and Freestyle Jackhammer \o/ (also a crazy SV. #GDS or #GoDieSoon >:D)
Camellia Feat. Nanahira - Konbea sokudo Max ! Sha i nin kaiten Zushi Sushi & Peace mapped by LoveNoobPLayer aka LNP-
daniwellP - Electrical Parade (Remix)
DecisionS - INFINITY OVERDRIVE Intense SV. Try it
DJ Sharpnel - Blue Army
DJ Sharpnel - Yoon taken from stepmania
DM Ashura - DeltaMAX
Doin - Tepris
Forte Escape remixed by gmtn. - Extreme Z4
fripside - HAPPY Generation (Full.ver)
FripSide - Heat Your Wave
Hate vs Brilliance - Quark the final map i made for mappack. available in bilqiscutee's mapset too
Humanoid - Mendes
IA - Kakushigoto
iconoclasm - Zirkfied
Inspector K - Disconnected HardKore (CanBlaster Remix) the most unexpected (unreadable) notes ever. lel
Kitsune^2 - Rainbow Tylenol
Kucchy vs Akky - Yakumo ~ JOINT STRUGGLE
Lapix - Paradoxy another intense SV. This one is crazier.
Lily - December 9th
Lindsey Stirling - Elements decided to make a Normal diff for the newcomer. IYKWIM...
LV.4 - Fragile... (2011 Mix) this is the longest marathon map in this mappack (Yet). took me like nearly 24 hours in 3 day to finish it.
LV.4 - Retro Future 1983
LV.4 - Stage 5
LV.4 feat.Hatsune Miku - Forbidden
M2U - Masquerade
Memme - BSpower Explosion
Nanamori-chu Goraku-bu - My Pace de Ikimashou
Neru - Ningen Shikkaku
Nizikawa - F.K.S. this is how my masterpiece looks like. maybe? (Full Confusing SV. told ya)
Qrispy Joybox feat.mao - Umeyukiyo
rerulili - Noushou Sakuretsu Girl
Risk Junk - Tropical April taken from stepmania
Ryu - Bloomin' Feeling
Selena Gomez - Slow Down
Shino Neji Yuu na feat. Tai no Shou Hone - Imperishable night 2006
SHK - Super Fantasy This is from Pump It Up Prime 2015 that has just released. Haven't tried it yet but the music is fucking cool. it has a very very special and unique SV in it. just try it
Sota Fujimori - DANCE ALL NIGHT its just. perfect SV. well... some of them..
Syrsa - Mad Machine This one is just.... a fun map. but its still playable and passable.maybe?
t+pazolite - Pump it UR NRG
taqumi - DESIRE DRIVE (LLS HARDCORE REMIX) mapped by Brian_Ex. thanks for contributing. #DatSV
The Quick Brown Fox - Gotsta Terrify a little bit SV. but also a little bit unreadable. D:
The Quick Brown Fox - The Big Black HOlY SHIT!! 9,44 STAR! #REKT