Welcome, fellow nobody! How do you do? Awful? Great, you've come to the right place! Here is the subforum of OT, the safe heaven for shit people too bored to do anything else. Follow me and I will introduce you to the place.
We call this the "holy button". Upon pressing this delicate button, you will be teleported to the grand selection of all possibilities your shrimp brain can imagine.
This is the shitposting workplace. As you can see it is a beautiful canvas with infinite possibilities. Only a select few ideas make it far, so be articulate and creative. Oh wait you can't? That's a shame, but luckily we all can't either. Hahaha! Ahem, moving on.
This piece of hardware has been out of commision long before my time here. Nobody uses because why waste time on something you know will be perfect.
This. You press this when your insticts tell you to. Mid sentence and you suddenly have this dumbfounded sensation? PRESS IT! Running out of time? PRESS IT! Ran out of things to put on the canvas? PRESS IT! Want to see how you post will look like? PRESS IT! What? The previ- ok moving...
I to this day don't know what this thing does, but I heard that one guy tried it and the next thing poor Jimmy saw was all of him getting sucked into a filing cabinet. Nobody pressed it since.
You never. I repeat, you NEVER press this. period.
Well this concludes part I of this tour. Be back tomorrow for me to show how to reply to your fellow shrimp brained mcdumbfucks.