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Topic Starter
this is probably a good idea yes
I insist that pishi's diff should have higher cs, its kinda hard to read

Biwa Hoshi wrote:

I insist that pishi's diff should have higher cs, its kinda hard to read
Imo this is easily readable, i love the diff.
I mean, cs 2 with ar 9.6 its like playing ez mode with high ar which looks, weird. Imo the diff should have at least cs 4, it would be so much more fun to play

Biwa Hoshi wrote:

I mean, cs 2 with ar 9.6 its like playing ez mode with high ar which looks, weird. Imo the diff should have at least cs 4, it would be so much more fun to play
Looking at pishi's diff, it was specifically made with CS2. The spacing is high enough to make it playable.
I know that the AR and the CS makes it fast as hell, but that could be a challenge, heh.
The diff is very good, and CS2 makes it even more special. Using CS4 would increase the global spacing a lot, anyway.
what he said yeah

Ekoro wrote:

Biwa Hoshi wrote:

I mean, cs 2 with ar 9.6 its like playing ez mode with high ar which looks, weird. Imo the diff should have at least cs 4, it would be so much more fun to play
Looking at pishi's diff, it was specifically made with CS2. The spacing is high enough to make it playable.
I know that the AR and the CS makes it fast as hell, but that could be a challenge, heh.
The diff is very good, and CS2 makes it even more special. Using CS4 would increase the global spacing a lot, anyway.

pishifat wrote:

what he said yeah
Thanks for the explanation guys haha, anyways, please dont let this die its so good :(

Linada wrote:

01:01:692 - missing the beat ? Yes, it's intended.
02:04:589 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - really hard to read Yes, but so is the map in general, and this isn't harder to read than the previous similar patterns.
I Must Decrease
top diff = "Hi this is Ekoro and welcome to Jackass!"

11/10 i love it
5/7 not enough streams
hi mania col = 1~4

puxtu sc

00:21:968 (21968|1) - pindah ke 3 -> 00:22:175 (22175|0,22382|0) - pindah ke 2 -> 00:23:003 (23003|1,23210|1) - pindah ke 1
00:54:037 (54037|3) - pindah ke 3
00:54:348 (54348|0) - pindah ke 2

puxtu shd

00:14:934 (14934|3) - ini aneh kalau cuma gini add di 2 jg atau kalau untuk konsistensi ya pindah ke 2 aja
00:22:175 (22175|0,22382|0) - pindah ke 3 dong, awkward zzxczxc terus 00:23:003 (23003|1,23210|1,23417|2,23623|2) - pindah 1 kolom ke kiri
02:18:244 (138244|0,138244|1) - lebih bagus di [2][3]
02:21:761 (141761|1,141761|0) - pindah ke [2][3] jg

good luck
I hope this gets ranked, i love it.
did everything that archerlove mentioned and revised some of my patterns in both diffs
Hi puxtu

[puxtu's SC]
00:16:486 (16486|3,16589|2,16693|3,16796|2,16900|3,17003|2,17106|3) - accidentally got a long one-handed trill going on for no reason ;p;
00:20:106 - nice streams!!
00:48:865 - ok i'll be honest, all streams at this density look the same to me
01:57:968 - make difficulty spike easier? ;n;
02:01:692 (121692|2) - delete... consistency reasons + awkward jack in lane 3
02:19:744 - oo nasty trill
i think it's too heavy on the right hand from 02:19:279 - to 02:19:899 -
02:42:934 (162934|2) - move to 2?
[puxtu's SHD]
00:16:486 (16486|3,16589|2,16693|3,16796|2,16900|3,17003|2,17106|3) - this trill is still here, but i guess it's not as big of a deal at this difficulty!
00:20:106 (20106|3,20210|3,20262|2,20313|3) - this pattern seems kinda harsh compared to everything around it
00:41:106 - should be three notes for consistency!
01:08:210 - lol cool pattern

alright man good job on mapping something this fast (290 bpm wow) and good luck with rank ^^
omg you're so helpfull!! revised all my cool patterns, I hope you like it now!! thank you m8!1!
Modding because there's not much to mod.
Lanes: 1|2|3|4

puxtu's SC
00:06:658 ~ 00:06:969 - this pattern plays and flows kinda weirdly and is hard to read, especially considering the 34 12 at the beginning and that it forces you to alternate between every note against the drum's flow; maybe change to something like this
00:27:347 ~ 00:28:175 - this pattern doesn't flow as well as it could have in my opinion, up to you if you want to fix it though; i personally recommend something like this
00:28:278 (28278|0) - move to 3 if you followed the one above (pattern consistency)
01:37:692 (97692|0,97744|1,97796|0) - i think this 3-trill while not that bad was kinda random in that pattern; maybe change to something like this?
01:38:727 - just pointing this out because i dont know if this was done intentionally or was just passed by, but there's a solor guitar rhythm that follows the timing points 01:38:727 - 01:38:882 - 01:38:934 - if you want to incorporate it into the map
01:57:968 ~ 01:58:382 - this pattern sucks plays rather badly continuing from the previous patterns and could have been done much more better, and therefore i recommend something like this
02:06:555 (126555|0) - remove note? don't really like its positioning in the pattern and how it plays
02:21:968 ~ 02:22:382 - while this isn't bad, i think it could have been done better; i recommend something like this

*Note: If you're thinking that the patterns I suggest are repetitive and unoriginal, I can't really argue with that except for saying that what I, as a player, look for in a map isn't how funny looking the patterns are, but how well they play on the hands and how fun overall the map is. How I see it is that this map, being 290 BPM and desires the difficulty of 'SC', leaves not much choice for the pattern department in that aspect.

puxtu's SHD
00:56:624 (56624|3,56624|1,56675|0,56727|2,56727|1) - i don't think it matters too much, but i still think this tastes better
01:38:727 - there's a solor guitar rhythm that follows the timing points 01:38:727 - 01:38:882 - 01:38:934 - if you want to incorporate it into the map; the same thing i pointed out in the previous difficulty
02:49:899 ~ 02:50:934 - i don't have a clue what's going on in this pattern, but i think it's a bit uncalled for even at this difficulty; i do not have any pattern suggestions as i do not know what you tried to do here, but i think that you should change it

Cadmium-113 wrote:

[puxtu's SC]
01:38:727 - just pointing this out because i dont know if this was done intentionally or was just passed by, but there's a solor guitar rhythm that follows the timing points 01:38:727 - 01:38:882 - 01:38:934 - if you want to incorporate it into the map
01:57:968 ~ 01:58:382 - this pattern sucks plays rather badly continuing from the previous patterns and could have been done much more better, and therefore i recommend something like this
I'm sorry but I don't hear any 1/4 guitar sound except at this point 01:38:882 -
and the rest is applied, thank you!
Awesome map, I love it

Pichu wrote:

Awesome map, I love it
senpai ;A:
There is a testplay for pishi's diff (I can only play this one tho)

There is a replay if somebody is curious how it went :) -
Topic Starter
This will be quite helpful for us, thank you
Oh, btw. I'll give you couple of stars because i really like that map
Hi Puxtu, sorry for the late, so many updated and welp, reset and reset XD (and short time kek)

I´ll center the mod in just the SHD diff because i find the SC fun and playable


00:05:003 - Maybe you should add a note in sections like that, like you did in 00:38:934 - or in 00:37:279 -
00:21:968 - we was talked this before, here for follow the guitar with more accuracy you can do this:

and continue for make variety because that part is the same as the start

01:08:572 - you forgot a note lol
01:14:365 - here too
01:29:261 (89261|3,89365|1) - Those notes what are following?

01:43:486 - You are following the drums of the white line, so, for enphazise the cymbal, you can add one note more

01:51:658 - Here the guitar is so intense for ignore it, you can do something like for enphazise and no lose the difficult

01:54:658 - Here i no feel a 1/6 with the playback, move, 01:54:727 (114727|1) - to 01:54:761 - and erase 01:54:796 (114796|2) -

01:58:382 (118382|0) - This ends in 01:59:003 - if you are following the guitar

02:06:658 - Lets start adding in cymbals again? you choice like before
02:09:968 - here too
02:03:348 - ^

i told you before that you missed some notes, but i see is not so dangerous, i hope it helps ^^

Skalim wrote:

00:21:968 - we was talked this before, here for follow the guitar with more accuracy you can do this:
dayum dat pattern, but sorry skalim i'm just following the drum sound here

01:29:261 (89261|3,89365|1) - Those notes what are following? actually the guitar sound is a lil bit faster here
thank you skalim!
hi :D request in game
omg 290 bpm

[puxtu's SC]
01:32:210 (92210|0,92261|1,92313|0) - change this, it's too hard to press.
01:33:865 (93865|0,93917|1,93968|0) - ^
01:41:830 - 01:45:141 - i'm not sure it is 1/6 or not.
01:54:865 - 01:55:899 - ^
this diff is ok already.

[puxtu's SHD]
00:08:624 (8624|1,8727|2) - Ctrl + j
00:08:934 (8934|1,9038|2) - ^
00:09:244 (9244|1) - move to 4
00:09:348 (9348|3) - move to 1
00:09:451 (9451|0,9451|2) - move to 2 and 4
00:09:555 (9555|1) - move to 3
00:09:658 (9658|2) - move to 2
i suggest you to lock any column for snare sound. if you follow my pattern, snare sound will be on column 4 >>
00:10:072 - 00:11:520 - this part, if you follow my pattern, i suggest you to lock column 1 for snare sound.
00:11:727 - 00:13:175 - any pattern are all ok but i suggest you to lock any column for snare.
00:15:089 - 00:16:486 - lock any column for snare.
00:16:693 - 00:18:141 - ^
00:35:003 (35003|3) - move to 1
01:32:106 (92106|1) - move to 1
01:32:158 (92158|2) - move to 2
01:32:210 (92210|0) - move to 3
01:32:727 (92727|2) - move to 4
01:32:779 (92779|1) - move to 3
01:32:830 (92830|3) - move to 2
01:32:882 (92882|2) - move to 1
01:32:934 (92934|0) - move to 3
01:32:986 (92986|1) - move to 4
01:33:037 (93037|2) - move to 2
01:33:089 (93089|3) - move to 1
01:33:141 (93141|1) - move to 4
01:33:192 (93192|0) - move to 2
01:33:244 (93244|2) - move to 1
01:33:348 (93348|0) - move to 3
01:33:399 (93399|1) - move to 1
01:33:451 (93451|3) - move to 2
01:33:813 (93813|2,93865|1) - Ctrl + j
01:33:968 (93968|2) - move to 1
01:34:020 (94020|0) - move to 3
01:34:072 (94072|1) - move to 4
01:34:124 (94124|2) - move to 1
01:34:175 (94175|0) - move to 2
01:34:227 (94227|1) - move to 3
01:41:830 - 01:45:141 - i'm not sure it is 1/6 or not.
01:54:865 - 01:55:899 - ^
02:37:951 (157951|2) - move to 4
02:38:003 (158003|0) - move to 3
02:39:003 (159003|1) - move to 4
02:40:658 (160658|2) - move to 1
02:42:313 (162313|1) - move to 4
02:43:968 (163968|2) - move to 1
02:45:624 (165624|1) - move to 4
02:47:279 (167279|2) - move to 1
02:48:934 (168934|1) - move to 4


nowsmart wrote:

[puxtu's SC]
01:41:830 - 01:45:141 - i'm not sure it is 1/6 or not.
01:54:865 - 01:55:899 - ^ I'm just following the std diff's snaps
[puxtu's SHD]
01:41:830 - 01:45:141 - i'm not sure it is 1/6 or not.
01:54:865 - 01:55:899 - ^ lol
thank you!
Mitt Aim Suger
oooh cant wait untill this is ranked
shiet sorry 4 forgetting m8


00:21:555 - why is there timing point here

00:07:382 (7382|1) - were you following melody? if so keep, if not delete (no drum)
00:41:313 (41313|1) - ^

00:13:279 (13279|3,13279|0) - why double?

00:25:278 (25278|1,25278|0,25382|0,25382|1,25485|2,25485|3,25589|0,25589|1) - I think this should follow the pattern afterward, so 00:25:278 (25278|1,25278|0) - 00:25:485 (25485|3,25485|2) - make them single

01:00:710 (60710|2) - remove

01:05:003 (65003|2) - double (Finish sound)

01:08:520 (68520|0,68520|1) - single?

01:11:624 (71624|1) - double (Finish sound)

01:13:951 - add note here

01:18:141 (78141|3) - kick drum sound
01:24:761 (84761|3) - ^
01:28:072 (88072|1) - ^

01:28:382 (88382|2,88382|0,88382|3) - Why triple?

01:33:555 (93555|1) - double
01:34:279 (94279|3) - ^

02:01:072 (121072|3,121072|2,121279|2,121279|1) - single?

02:03:348 (123348|0,123348|1,123451|3,123555|2,123555|1,123658|0,123761|3,123761|2,123865|1,123968|0,123968|3,124072|2,124175|1,124175|0,124279|3,124382|1,124382|2,124486|0) - only double in Finish sound here (02:03:348 - 02:03:658 - 02:03:968 - 02:04:279 -

02:04:589 (124589|2,124589|3,124692|3,124692|2,124796|0,124796|1,124899|0,124899|1) - 1/4

02:27:761 (147761|1) - double (Finish sound)
02:34:382 (154382|2) - ^

02:44:106 - 02:44:313 - 02:44:520 - big drum sound, maybe double?

02:50:468 (170468|1) - double


00:00:555 (555|1) - I don't here anything here
00:00:969 (969|0) - ^

00:00:606 (606|2) - Maybe double?
00:01:020 (1020|1) - ^

00:13:279 (13279|2,13279|0,13279|3) - single

00:25:072 (25072|2,25072|3,25175|3,25175|2,25278|0,25278|1,25382|0,25382|1,25485|3,25485|0,25485|2) - triple, double, single, double, single

01:00:710 (60710|1) - delete

01:01:072 (61072|1,61072|0) - why double?

01:05:003 (65003|1) - Finish sound here too (double/triple)
01:11:624 (71624|2) - ^

01:08:158 - add note

01:18:141 (78141|0) - kick drum sound (double)
01:24:761 (84761|3) - ^

01:41:003 (101003|2) - triple (Finish sound)

02:04:589 (124589|2,124589|3,124692|3,124692|2,124796|0,124796|1,124899|0,124899|1) - 1/4

02:27:761 (147761|2) - Finish sound here too (double/triple)
02:34:382 (154382|1) - ^


jakads wrote:

my sc looks like a fucking mx for this guy lmfao

00:21:555 - why is there timing point here metronome set maybe idk ask the std guy

00:07:382 (7382|1) - were you following melody? if so keep, if not delete (no drum)
00:41:313 (41313|1) - ^ yes, it is for the guitar sound

00:25:278 (25278|1,25278|0,25382|0,25382|1,25485|2,25485|3,25589|0,25589|1) - I think this should follow the pattern afterward, so 00:25:278 (25278|1,25278|0) - 00:25:485 (25485|3,25485|2) - make them single uh if only you explain why.. 00:25:072 (25072|3,25072|2,25175|3,25175|2,25278|1,25278|0,25382|0,25382|1) - these double emphasis 2 sounds, 00:25:485 (25485|2,25485|3) - this one for cymbal and 00:25:589 (25589|0,25589|1) - everything onward is regular [1][2][1][2] pattern. I don't see anything wrong about this tbh

01:00:710 (60710|2) - remove I know the sound is too weak, but if you hear it carefully from this point 01:00:658 - until this point 01:01:279 - there's a pedal stream


00:00:555 (555|1) - I don't here anything here
00:00:969 (969|0) - ^ it is loud and clear

00:25:072 (25072|2,25072|3,25175|3,25175|2,25278|0,25278|1,25382|0,25382|1,25485|3,25485|0,25485|2) - triple, double, single, double, single
if only you gave me a screenshot.. and I don't like to involving any single in this area for SHD lol

01:00:710 (60710|1) - delete same as sc

01:01:072 (61072|1,61072|0) - why double? double the notes, double the fun
as usual, not replied = ok! thanks m8
-[C R A Z Y]-
OSU! need more hard map
little IRC with puxxx

11:48 puxtu: ._,
11:49 Harbyter: o,o
11:49 Harbyter: yo man
11:49 Harbyter: what's up
11:49 puxtu: yo
11:49 puxtu: you know what's up :v
11:49 Harbyter: uhm?
11:49 Harbyter: bubbled song?
11:50 Harbyter: enmei
11:50 Harbyter: xD
11:50 puxtu: wh
11:50 puxtu: no
11:50 puxtu: lol
11:50 Harbyter: and what
11:50 Harbyter: o,,,o
11:50 puxtu: test my map
11:50 Harbyter: ahhh
11:50 Harbyter: i'm at work
11:51 Harbyter: btw i've tested it at home
11:51 Harbyter: can't pass it now
11:51 puxtu: ow
11:51 puxtu: can you mod it then
11:51 Harbyter: you sure need a mod
11:51 Harbyter: ?
11:51 Harbyter: what i can mod there are just some placement
11:51 Harbyter: of the notes
11:51 Harbyter: for more confortable pattern at some points
11:51 Harbyter: xD
11:52 puxtu: yes pls
11:52 puxtu: im really sucks at notes placement
11:53 *Harbyter is editing [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever [puxtu's SHD]]
11:53 Harbyter: i'm a little free now
11:53 Harbyter: wanna do it now?
11:54 puxtu: sure
11:54 Harbyter: 00:06:762 (6762|3,6813|0,6865|2,6917|1) -
11:54 Harbyter: ctrl h
11:54 Harbyter: and ctrl j
11:54 puxtu: have you update
11:54 Harbyter: uhh
11:55 Harbyter: forgot
11:55 Harbyter: 00:06:762 (6762|3,6813|0,6865|2,6917|1) - ctrl h and ctrl j
11:55 Harbyter: xD
11:55 Harbyter: 00:06:969 (6969|0) - col 2
11:55 puxtu: k done
11:56 Harbyter: 00:07:072 (7072|1,7124|2,7175|1) - ctrl h
11:56 puxtu: 00:07:072 (7072|0) - col 1
11:56 Harbyter: 00:07:279 (7279|2,7382|1) - move 1 col left
11:56 puxtu: done
11:57 Harbyter: 00:20:106 (20106|2,20158|3) - ctrl j
11:57 Harbyter: 00:21:968 - strange here
11:57 Harbyter: you usually map those precussor of the guitar
11:57 Harbyter: xD
11:58 puxtu: uh
11:58 puxtu: nope
11:58 puxtu: only hi-hat
11:58 puxtu: xdd
11:58 Harbyter: don't want to map the precussor here?
11:59 puxtu: nah
11:59 Harbyter: oky
12:00 Harbyter: dang without headphones so hard
12:00 puxtu: just focus on my notes placement xd
12:00 Harbyter: oky
12:00 puxtu: ye
12:03 puxtu: dude?
12:03 Harbyter: wwù
12:04 Harbyter: sorry had a customer
12:04 Harbyter: xD
12:04 puxtu: wwu
12:04 puxtu: xd
12:05 Harbyter: 00:45:192 (45192|1,45244|0,45348|1,45399|0) - ctrl j
12:05 Harbyter: 00:45:503 (45503|1,45555|0) - switch column
12:05 Harbyter: 00:45:658 (45658|1) - col 1
12:05 Harbyter: 00:45:761 (45761|0,45865|1) - ctrl j
12:06 Harbyter: 1 mom
12:06 puxtu: ok dad
12:33 Harbyter: dang
12:33 Harbyter: this customer was so slow
12:33 Harbyter: lol
12:33 puxtu: wb
12:34 puxtu: smack the bastard
12:36 Harbyter: 00:49:641 (49641|0) - 4
12:36 Harbyter: 00:49:692 (49692|3) - 1
12:36 Harbyter: 00:49:796 (49796|0) - 4
12:36 Harbyter: 00:49:899 (49899|3) - 1
12:36 Harbyter: 00:50:003 (50003|0) - 4
12:36 Harbyter: 00:50:055 (50055|3,50106|2) - 1 col left
12:37 Harbyter: 00:50:210 (50210|1,50261|2,50313|1) - ctrl h
12:37 puxtu: done
12:39 Harbyter: 00:55:486 (55486|3) - 2
12:39 Harbyter: 00:55:589 (55589|1) - 4
12:39 Harbyter: 00:55:641 (55641|3,55692|2) - 1 col left
12:39 Harbyter: meh
12:39 Harbyter: changhing here means changing everything
12:39 Harbyter: trying to follow your style
12:39 Harbyter: xD
12:40 puxtu: okay xd
12:40 Harbyter: 00:55:796 (55796|1,55848|2,55899|1) - ctrl h
12:41 Harbyter: 00:56:003 (56003|2,56055|1) - ctrlh
12:41 Harbyter: 00:56:261 (56261|3,56313|0,56313|1) - ctrl h
12:42 Harbyter: 00:56:417 (56417|2,56417|3,56468|1,56520|0,56520|2) - ctrlh
12:42 Harbyter: 00:56:624 (56624|3,56624|1,56675|2,56727|1) - ctrl h
12:43 Harbyter: 00:56:727 (56727|2,56779|3) - ctrl j
12:43 Harbyter: 00:56:830 (56830|2,56882|1) - ctrl h
12:44 Harbyter: 01:00:658 (60658|2,60710|1) - 1 col right
12:44 Harbyter: 01:00:761 (60761|3) - 2
12:45 Harbyter: 01:01:434 (61434|3,61537|2) - 1 col left
12:45 Harbyter: 01:01:589 (61589|1,61692|2) - ctrl h
12:45 Harbyter: 01:01:848 (61848|1,61899|2) - ctrl j
12:46 Harbyter: 1 mom
12:48 puxtu: ok all done
12:54 Harbyter: 01:15:555 - y no jacks here
12:54 puxtu: ah
12:54 puxtu: idk tbh
12:55 Harbyter: 01:31:899 -
12:56 Harbyter: overjoy?
12:56 Harbyter: there aren't any 1/4
12:56 puxtu: ah
12:56 puxtu: it's for guitar stream
12:56 Harbyter: if guitar
12:56 Harbyter: 01:31:968 - 01:32:037 -
12:56 Harbyter: 01:32:106 -
12:56 Harbyter: 01:32:210 -
12:56 Harbyter: 01:32:313 -
12:56 Harbyter: 01:32:417 -
12:57 Harbyter: 01:32:520 -
12:57 Harbyter: 01:32:624 -
12:57 puxtu: ok what
12:57 Harbyter: 01:32:796 -
12:57 Harbyter: 01:32:865 -
12:57 Harbyter: those points are where there are the guitar
12:57 Harbyter: remember this is a 260 bpm
12:57 Harbyter: 290
12:57 Harbyter: °
12:57 puxtu: 290*
12:58 Harbyter: human hand can't play 1/4 guitar
12:58 Harbyter: or at least
12:58 puxtu: std diffs used 1/4 here ._.
12:58 Harbyter: this sound aren't for 290 bom 1/4
12:58 Harbyter: overmapped eeee
12:58 Harbyter: and don't take consideration the std diff
12:58 puxtu: eeee
12:58 puxtu: let
12:58 puxtu: why
12:58 Harbyter: no
12:59 Harbyter: QAT will take this down
12:59 Harbyter: i'm sure
12:59 puxtu: aa
12:59 puxtu: the guitar sound is pretty fast
13:00 Harbyter: yea
13:00 Harbyter: but is like a 1/4 sound but in 145 bpm
13:00 puxtu: im not quite sure what are you trying to suggest me
13:00 Harbyter: what i've pointed before are where there are the guitar sound
13:00 Harbyter: other notes should be deletted
13:01 Harbyter: 1 mom customer
13:05 puxtu: alright snapped to 1/3
13:25 Harbyter: not everything is 1/3
13:27 puxtu: how come you be so sure? you're not even using headphone o_o
13:29 Harbyter: the sound is clear
13:30 Harbyter: i'm pretty confident
13:30 puxtu: lol k den
13:32 Harbyter: sorry for the afk
13:32 Harbyter: today i'm alone at the shop
13:32 Harbyter: c.c
13:32 puxtu: its cool
13:32 puxtu: xd
13:41 Harbyter: can you update
13:41 Harbyter: a moment
13:41 Harbyter: so i can recheck the guitar part
13:41 puxtu: ok
13:41 puxtu: hold on
13:42 puxtu: alheak is online
13:48 Harbyter: k
13:51 puxtu: ok done
13:56 Harbyter: 01:29:279 (89279|3,89348|2) - spotted this one
13:56 Harbyter: no 1/3
13:56 Harbyter: simple 1/2
13:57 Harbyter: 01:32:210 - guitar here
13:57 puxtu: o
13:57 Harbyter: 01:32:175 (92175|1,92244|3) - remov
13:57 Harbyter: 01:32:417 - guitar here
13:57 Harbyter: 01:32:382 (92382|1,92451|2) - remov
13:57 Harbyter: 01:32:624 - guitar here
13:57 Harbyter: 01:32:589 (92589|1,92658|3) - renov
13:58 Harbyter: 01:33:089 (93089|3) - no guitar
13:58 Harbyter: no guitar 01:33:192 (93192|2,93399|3) -
13:59 Harbyter: 01:33:606 (93606|2) - no guitar
13:59 Harbyter: 01:34:020 (94020|0,94072|2,94124|1) - no guitar here but in 1/3 01:34:037 - 01:34:106 -
14:00 Harbyter: 01:34:227 (94227|2) - no guitar
14:01 puxtu: so you're saying they are using the wrong snap?/
14:16 Harbyter: yea
14:16 Harbyter: pretty wrong
14:16 Harbyter: but sometimes std allow those things
14:17 puxtu: alright
14:17 Harbyter: take example my senbonzakura gd ranked
14:17 Harbyter: there were some strange snaps there
14:17 Harbyter: so my friend copied the snap
14:17 Harbyter: and mapped it in the STD
14:17 Harbyter: one of the DQ was those snaps because the playability was bad
14:18 Harbyter: so they used a more solid snap consistency to fix this
14:18 Harbyter: and there are tons of other song with those example
14:18 puxtu: std is weird
14:18 Harbyter: they give the priority to the playabity
14:18 puxtu: :/
14:18 Harbyter: and i think is good though
14:18 Harbyter: xD
14:19 Harbyter: that's why std people doesn't understand mania snaps
14:19 Harbyter: since we use every fucked up snap existent
14:19 Harbyter: ahhaha
14:19 puxtu: ok hang on
14:20 puxtu: let me fix this fucked up snap
14:20 Harbyter: from here
14:20 Harbyter: there are other things to fix
14:20 Harbyter: not only there
14:20 Harbyter: mmm
14:20 Harbyter: i think here the
14:21 Harbyter: 1/4 is correct
14:21 puxtu: ok wait
14:25 Harbyter: 01:44:589 (104589|1,104658|0,104796|1,104865|3,105003|0,105072|2) - no guitar there
14:25 Harbyter: simple 1/2
14:26 puxtu: ok all done
14:27 Harbyter: missing guitar
14:27 Harbyter: 01:52:020 -
14:27 Harbyter: 01:54:606 -
14:27 Harbyter: 01:54:710 -
14:27 Harbyter: 01:54:813 -
14:27 Harbyter: 01:54:934 (114934|3,115003|1) - no guitar here
14:27 Harbyter: simple 1/2 here 01:54:968 -
14:28 Harbyter: 01:55:348 (115348|2,115417|0) - no guitar 1/2 here 01:55:382 -
14:29 puxtu: oh my god these snapping
14:29 puxtu: ;o
14:29 Harbyter: 01:55:761 (115761|1,115830|3) - should start here
14:29 Harbyter: 01:55:796 - 01:55:848 -
14:29 Harbyter: 1/4
14:29 Harbyter: 01:56:158 (116158|0) - ghost
14:29 puxtu: oh this 01:55:899 - there is 1/4 drum roll here
14:30 Harbyter: yea noticed
14:31 Harbyter: 1 mom
14:34 puxtu: 01:56:158 (116158|0) - i hear a 1/4 drum here
14:34 puxtu: it's not a ghost
14:36 puxtu: complex snap is too hard for std, sad
14:36 Harbyter: oh
14:36 Harbyter: oky
14:36 Harbyter: that's why they put a straingh 1/4
14:37 puxtu: ye
14:37 Harbyter: 01:56:779 (116779|2,116830|0,116882|1,116986|2,117037|0,117089|1) - 1/3 guitar here
14:37 Harbyter: 01:56:796 - 01:56:865 - 01:57:003 - 01:57:072 -
14:39 Harbyter: 02:12:606 (132606|1,132658|0) - ctrl j
14:39 Harbyter: 02:12:761 (132761|1,132865|0) - ctrl j
14:39 Harbyter: 02:12:968 (132968|1,133020|0,133072|1) - ctrl j
14:39 Harbyter: uh
14:39 Harbyter: swtich column
14:40 puxtu: done
14:40 Harbyter: putting a little of pressure on the left hand
14:40 Harbyter: since there was a high pressure in the right hand here
14:40 Harbyter: 02:13:175 (133175|0,133227|1,133279|0) - switch too
14:40 puxtu: o
14:41 Harbyter: 02:15:141 (135141|3,135244|3) -
14:41 Harbyter: this broke your consistency here
14:41 Harbyter: xD
14:41 Harbyter: let you the repatterning here
14:41 puxtu: ok
14:41 puxtu: rip
14:42 puxtu: 0k done
14:42 puxtu: no more 3 hammer
14:42 Harbyter: 02:17:106 (137106|1,137210|0) - switch
14:42 puxtu: done
14:43 Harbyter: 02:17:624 (137624|1,137675|2) - ctrlj
14:43 Harbyter: 02:17:727 (137727|1) - 4
14:44 puxtu: ok
14:50 Harbyter: ok
14:50 Harbyter: i think
14:50 Harbyter: that's all
14:51 Harbyter: kudo plx
14:51 Harbyter: xDDD
14:51 puxtu: o
14:51 puxtu: u sure?
14:51 Harbyter: yup
14:51 Harbyter: placement at the end is fine
14:51 Harbyter: nothing so major to change
14:51 Harbyter: there aren't any different
14:51 puxtu: how about the sc
14:52 Harbyter: never checked
14:52 puxtu: a
14:54 Harbyter: mmm
14:54 Harbyter: looks fine
14:54 Harbyter: it's a lot symmetrical
14:54 Harbyter: well the guitar
14:54 Harbyter: need to be rearranged
14:54 Harbyter: xD
14:55 puxtu: yeah ill do it now
14:56 Harbyter: 02:39:624 (159624|0,159692|1,159761|0,159830|2,159899|1) -
14:56 Harbyter: 02:39:761 (159761|0) - 3
14:56 Harbyter: 02:39:830 (159830|2) - 1
14:56 Harbyter: 02:41:279 (161279|0,161348|1,161417|2) - 1 col right
14:56 Harbyter: 02:41:486 (161486|3) - 3
14:57 puxtu: whats this
14:57 Harbyter: in the sc
lot of improvements from harby, thanks!
Hey this mod was long before because of some missing notes and overmapping in the guitar solo.
But damn mr. Harby is op.

So I'm just going to point out a few issues I have with the patterning of this.
Sorta safe chart disregarding some of the bursts in SHD so there is not that much to say.

man i suck so much at 4k

puxtu's Super Hard Ducks
As a general comment some of the bursts during the "easy parts" are VERY easy to mash and don't contribute much to the difficulty balance of this chart. You could go a bit harsher on the patterning of these. (ex: 01:13:899 - you could jumptrill this entire thing and still get mostly rainbow 300s easily)

00:48:865 - During this section I noticed that you put most of the pressure in the second and the third column. Try to sort things out a bit here. Also try to alternate which hand the minijack (00:48:968 (48968|1,49072|1) - this one for example) happens for every triplet you make. The problem with this section is that besides not being a full-fledged 290 js like the section at the end of the guitar solo it's still dense, slightly rough patterned, and lasts for too long, so it ends up being way harder than every other section. That whole suggestion also counts for the second triplet section.
00:53:830 - Alternatively you could also make those 2 note chords to ease this section a bit, but I guess you really don't want to do that.
00:56:830 - That 4 note jack at the first column is no joke, mainly in the middle of what i like to call the hardest section of the song, try to break it. I did this.
00:59:624 - A bit too right hand biased. I think the problem could be solved by ctrl+h'ing this section: 01:00:658 - to 01:01:899 - .
02:00:865 - jumptrillable pattern
02:04:589 - also very jumptrillable, try to avoid patterns that are too stair-y (1234/4321 or 1243 4312, anything that resembles these kind of things, you might want to playtest a bit for these)
02:09:658 - ^
02:49:899 - ^
02:16:899 - All the three note jacks (02:16:899 (136899|1,137003|1,137106|1,137210|0,137313|0,137417|0,137520|1,137624|1,137727|1) - ) are on the left hand, things are a bit biased here, move those around.
02:21:761 - Same here but for the right hand. The problem with this hand bias is not that it's "unbalanced" between the hands and tires one more than another, but that these kind of patterns are sorta awkward and uncomfortable to play.

puxtu's Shooting Cunts
I think the same thing can be said about the bursts here. Though I wouldn't recommend you to change them that much, just following something that's not the usual 1234/1243 based patterns should be already pretty nice.

01:55:899 (115899|2,116003|2,116106|2) - Oof, break this up, it makes this part of the solo harder to combo than the dense section at the end of the stream.
02:21:865 - to 02:22:382 - To give the end of this section a bit more attention, I'd toughen the patterns a bit, it's as easy as most of the bursts in this map.

general comments you can completely ignore
I think in terms of "technical correctness", it's already pretty solid. But this map overall feels so... welp.
In another words I only felt like you went "boom shaka laka here's my weiner" in the solo and that other triplet section. The rest feels pretty bland like it's there just so there aren't any sections with no notes.
The song doesn't help you that much in this situation, and I'd probably need to make huge paragraphs to fully explain to you an option on how to make this less stale. You'd also need to remap most of the patterns and have to go through the proccess of modding all again, so I'm not going to do that.

Just keep these things in mind next time you map a song of the sort. Instead of going through the repetitive proccess of mapping the drums in the most mechanical way possible try to express the song in some different ways. If you want a hint, in this chart you could've made it so you're technically following the drums but give the player the impression he's also playing the guitars through a bit of pattern manipulation. I'll let you have your ideas on how you'd do things like that.

In the end it's just taking more risks for your map's quality and making the modding proccess evidently longer, but believe me, having your chart expressing things in a new or at least more expressive/non-mechanical way leaves a good taste in your mouth.

Then again that's just my opinion, feel free to ignore all that's written here if you disagree. You don't need to leave a reply for this in your next post either.

Have fun ranking this o/
you guys could get gayz, talala and doomsday to test this (?)
Topic Starter
Dooms tried, I don't know about the rest, it'd be great to have some more testplays from everybody.

spoonguy wrote:

[puxtu's Super Hard Ducks]As a general comment some of the bursts during the "easy parts" are VERY easy to mash and don't contribute much to the difficulty balance of this chart. You could go a bit harsher on the patterning of these. (ex: 01:13:899 - you could jumptrill this entire thing and still get mostly rainbow 300s easily) alright lets see what I can do to make everything equally hard..

00:48:865 - During this section I noticed that you put most of the pressure in the second and the third column. Try to sort things out a bit here. Also try to alternate which hand the minijack (00:48:968 (48968|1,49072|1) - this one for example) happens for every triplet you make. The problem with this section is that besides not being a full-fledged 290 js like the section at the end of the guitar solo it's still dense, slightly rough patterned, and lasts for too long, so it ends up being way harder than every other section. That whole suggestion also counts for the second triplet section. nerfed the notes at 2nd and 3rd column, it should be more balanced now

00:53:830 - Alternatively you could also make those 2 note chords to ease this section a bit, but I guess you really don't want to do that. you bet it right :V

00:56:830 - That 4 note jack at the first column is no joke, mainly in the middle of what i like to call the hardest section of the song, try to break it. I did this. cool enough

00:59:624 - A bit too right hand biased. I think the problem could be solved by ctrl+h'ing this section: 01:00:658 - to 01:01:899 - .flipped

02:00:865 - jumptrillable pattern I found another less boring stair pattern with no 1/2 hammer on it

02:04:589 - also very jumptrillable, try to avoid patterns that are too stair-y (1234/4321 or 1243 4312, anything that resembles these kind of things, you might want to playtest a bit for these)
02:09:658 - ^
02:49:899 - ^ jumptrilled

02:16:899 - All the three note jacks (02:16:899 (136899|1,137003|1,137106|1,137210|0,137313|0,137417|0,137520|1,137624|1,137727|1) - ) are on the left hand, things are a bit biased here, move those around. yes sir

02:21:761 - Same here but for the right hand. The problem with this hand bias is not that it's "unbalanced" between the hands and tires one more than another, but that these kind of patterns are sorta awkward and uncomfortable to play. re-patterned

[puxtu's Shooting Cunts]I think the same thing can be said about the bursts here. Though I wouldn't recommend you to change them that much, just following something that's not the usual 1234/1243 based patterns should be already pretty nice.

01:55:899 (115899|2,116003|2,116106|2) - Oof, break this up, it makes this part of the solo harder to combo than the dense section at the end of the stream. done
02:21:865 - to 02:22:382 - To give the end of this section a bit more attention, I'd toughen the patterns a bit, it's as easy as most of the bursts in this map. jumptrilled this section
lol thanks a lot paul
Which diffs do you need testing with? I'm not a modder / mapper but I can do well on everything except ekoro's (Doubt anyone can do well on that one though) lol.
Well, this is the mod you ask for me puxtu, feel free to reject anything you want

Col = (0/1/2/3)

puxtu's Super Hot Difficulty
00:34:382 - 00:35:210 This part sound exactly the same as 00:23:830 - 00:25:072 so i suggest you to do a similar pattern (with those doubles and the minijacks) there.
00:47:830 add a note, you missed the cymbal xD
01:29:468 you could add a note there, the guitar sounds a bit faster on that part
01:34:175 add one note on (0) you missed the snare xD
01:41:003 you could add a note because of the cymbal, but then you need to move the double note on 01:41:106 so the minijack created by adding one note dont be annoying
01:41:830 same
01:44:313 same
01:47:624 , 01:47:934 , 01:48:244 i wiill understand that you dont put triples on the previous 3 that i mentioned, but here the cymbals are loud, and i dont think it will be too difficult if you add them since you used them in a more hardcore way like 00:53:830 and 01:01:279
01:55:072 if you are putting triples on 01:53:417 why not here also?
02:07:486 you could add a note there because of that little cymble (i dont know how its exactly called)
02:09:968 , 02:10:589, 02:11:106 , 02:11:624 cymbals, need 3 notes on those parts
02:21:555 add one note, cymbal
02:31:486 same, cymbal
02:38:106 - 02:49:692 i have a serious problem with this part, its obviously that the intensity in the song is increasing between some parts of that section, but you mapped all the same, with doubles on the white line. I really highly recommend to you to do this: from 02:38:106 to 02:43:899 just put triples on the first cymbal (02:38:106) and then just to theLOUD snares(02:38:520 , 02:39:348 , 02:40:175 , etc , which conviniently conicide with some kind of cymbal so technicaly you will be putting the triples on those cymbals and not in the snare xd). Then from 02:43:899 to 02:44:727 you could do something with those beats, maybe some kind of jumptrills like the ones from the end of the song. Then from 02:44:727 to 02:48:037 you just keep it like that, with doubles on those snares, also put triple notes when the cymbal sounds. Finally from 02:48:037 to 02:49:692 put triples on every white lane instead of doubles because of the cymbal, it will be more difficult but also more interesting and entertaining :)
02:51:348 this could be a LongNote till the guitar sound ends, not necessary but could be xD

And i guess thats all, good luck with the map

Après 2 test de la Extra, dans un avis purement subjectif, je trouve que ce pattern casse beaucoup trop le flow (et est pas plaisant à read) 01:30:244 (1) -

Pour le test
I don't know if this is just me, but the bursts on the mania diffs are a bit too complicated. Maybe take out some of the jumps and simplify it. Or you could just put rolls in their place.
24th March is my last exam. After that I am free again.
I hope you can wait until then. Luckily, you are patience, but I still feel guilty for letting you wait for so long. My bad.
Topic Starter

XII wrote:

Which diffs do you need testing with? I'm not a modder / mapper but I can do well on everything except ekoro's (Doubt anyone can do well on that one though) lol.
The 3/4 hardest ones, so lunatic, extra, wolf's and ekoro's, but especially the wolf's and ekoro's

Septembre wrote:


Après 2 test de la Extra, dans un avis purement subjectif, je trouve que ce pattern casse beaucoup trop le flow (et est pas plaisant à read) 01:30:244 (1) -

Pour le test
Je peux voir pourquoi, je l'ai changé un peu du coup, ça devrait jouer mieux

akuma123 wrote:

[puxtu's Super Hot Difficulty]
02:51:348 this could be a LongNote till the guitar sound ends, not necessary but could be xD I wanna quick ending at the end so hold notes won't fit in
and anything else is applied! made the ending part more intese by added triplets for all cymbal sounds. Thank you

Spherical- wrote:

I don't know if this is just me, but the bursts on the mania diffs are a bit too complicated. Maybe take out some of the jumps and simplify it. Or you could just put rolls in their place.
it's just you
dont let this die :(((
Topic Starter
Don't worry, it's just that finding willing good modders is hard, and we're still waiting for Ono's GDs as well.
puxtu's request.

puxtu's SC
00:06:710 (6710|0) - remove and 00:06:710 (6710|1) - on Clap?
00:19:072 - add one note?
00:40:641 (40641|2) - remove and 00:40:641 (40641|3) - on Clap?
00:59:830 (59830|3,60037|3,60244|2) - remove?

puxtu's SHD
00:46:382 - add one note on Clap.
00:57:141 ~ 00:58:692 / 02:19:899 ~ 02:21:451 - try two types pattern? :
00:59:830 (59830|3,60037|3,60244|2) / 01:00:865 (60865|2,61072|1) - remove?

always no make LN xD. good luck~ i like that.
Spork Lover
Full mod coming up! (Except for Taiko/mania (Sorry Guys D:))

Reading the colour coding explains the importance of said suggestion or necessity.

Color coding
Red = Unrankable if unchanged
Black = Normal Suggestion
Blue = Strong Suggestion
Pink = Comment


Looks good!


00:05:003 (1) - The red point on this slider is unnecessary I think, it looks a little weird.
00:43:072 (2) & 00:45:555 (1) - : At least one of those should have a red point in the middle imo.
00:56:313 (2) - Move the red point a bit so the previous slider looks mirrored (Ctrl+J and Ctrl+H) with that one:
01:06:244 (3) - A wavey slider would flow a bit better imo. (This is an example of a pattern, the one I made is unpolished :3)
01:14:520 (3,1) - Either make this into a reverse slider OR blanket the singletap a bit by ctrl+H, J and G'ing the slider and repositioning :3
01:28:589 (1) - Slider has a weird shape due to the red point not having a sharp angle. Consider doing a small change.
01:29:417 (2) - ^
01:35:210 (1) - ^
02:19:072 (2) - Should be a mirror of 02:18:244 (1) for aesthetics.
02:41:417 (1) - Isn't this missing a finish? :o


00:11:624 (1,2) - Why don't they have the same shape? :o
00:38:934 (1,2) - ^
01:23:417 (3) - Move this to x:128 y:288 to compliment the curvy slider.
01:49:279 (3) - Finish? :D
02:00:865 (1,1,2,3) - Weird NC pattern in my eyes. Consider reconstructing this a bit.
02:07:899 (4,5) - Relocate those a liiiittle bit down, the transition from 5 and 1 is a little too edgy imo.


01:34:692 (7) - This slider would look a bit better if it was a straight slider instead and rotated a bit compared to the previous one.
01:46:796 (1,2,3) - I know the map-set is gimmicky, but imo gimmicky triangle patterns are a little weird. Consider making it a perfect triangle or rearranging a bit.
02:41:417 (1) - Finish? :D


00:17:831 (6) - Make a copy of the previous slider and arrange it like the current one. Looks a little weird imo
00:27:037 (2,3,4,5) - I'd space this stream similarly to this (00:25:796 (3,4,5) - ), because the sliders are a liittle unexpected.
00:57:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - I feel that there are some hitsounds missing in this section, like some claps or something, since it's so intense.
01:02:106 (1) - Finish?
01:14:934 (8,1) - The map contradicts this blanket. Imo it should be a slider with a red point somewhere. Maybe something like this:
01:31:072 (7,8) - The spacing here is very weird for an insane. You could instead consider making the DS higher, but placing them near the slider.
02:43:899 (6,7,8,9) - I'd space those a bit more tbh because of the quickness of them.

pishi's Lunatic

00:06:969 (1,2,3) - Maybe I'd change the angle a little bit on this.
01:09:968 (3,4,5,6) - Instead of a square, a different version could be an equally spaced back n' forth pattern. Scratch that, you used it a lot more than I thought :p
01:57:761 (3) - NC due to 01:56:520 (1) - being NC'd.
02:01:486 (4) - Ctrl+G? :o
02:08:106 (1) - Remove NC
02:23:210 (1) - This might not be a problem, but maybe you should increase the SV by 0,2x more, 'cause it's a VERY unexpected change, since it's the first SV change for 2 minutes.
02:37:692 (1) - Remove NC


Holy moley this is "only" the 3rd hardest diff lol, fun af tho xD
00:28:175 (5,6,7,1) - This angle is really weird. It might be close to 7 stars, but a square pattern into a 135 degree turn is a very underrated pattern.
00:45:038 (3) - Move this note more to the left. Maybe to a position like x:320 y:216
01:07:486 (3,4,5,6) - Maybe make the pattern a bit like 01:04:175 (3,4,5,6) -, since it's the same kind of section? :)
01:33:141 (4,5,6) - There must be a different way to do this. Feels like a very messy triple.
02:51:348 (1) - Move to x:340 y:80 (Or something close to that.)

Wolf's Night

00:09:762 (5,6,1,2,3) - I donno about the spacing difference and stacks on this section. It seems a little too extreme even if it's 7.69*
00:25:693 (1,2,3,4) - Consider making this the same shape as 00:25:073 (1,2,3,4) -.
01:05:624 (2) - Blanket this with 01:05:934 (4,6) - instead, looks a little better imo.
01:07:899 (1) - Very tiny thing, but could add a tiny DS between this and the next note? :o
01:46:175 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - This shape is really weird, making it a perfect hexagon (Or near perfect) hexagon would fit a little better.
01:53:624 (2) - I think this slider might add a few issues in the ranking process since it's the only long slider during the map. :)
02:48:451 (7,8) - I feel that the claps are important here too.

Ekoro's Fever

00:09:451 (3,4) - I'd position this a looot more to the right (I know about the overlaps, but I think that'd fit a bit better.)
00:28:175 (1,2,3,4) - Really sick pattern o.O, but my god it's hard to read. (Really fun xD)
00:30:865 (1) - Are finishes like this one part of the music? 'Cause they feel a little out of place when it comes to playing the map.
00:45:554 (1,2,3) - Imo the spacing here is too dense compared to everything else. Maybe space 2 and 3 a bit more away from the first note?
01:01:899 (13) - NC
01:13:279 (3,4,5,6) - The last part of the chorus is so intense, that I think you could DS those a little more without it hurting the mapset.
01:14:624 (2,3,4) - You play around with perfect triangle patterns a lot, and I'd value that higher than stream blankets.
01:49:279 (3) - Why is this a whistle? :o
02:00:037 (2) - NC :) The note is by itself :D
02:05:003 (3) - NC, since the two back n' forths are NC'd, and it's the main beat of the song.
02:08:727 (3) - Why is this not NC'ed, when 02:07:072 (1) is? :o
02:16:279 (8,9,10) - Space this a bit more, since 02:15:865 (2,3,4) - is far from 02:16:072 (5,6,7).
02:51:141 (4) - Imo two single taps would look better.

That's it for my mod (Got bigger than I thought holy moley) ,o.O Please leave me feedback on my mod so I can improve, and drop a kudosu if it was helpful ;) Good luck with the ranking process y'all! :D
Topic Starter

Spork Lover wrote:

Full mod coming up! (Except for Taiko/mania (Sorry Guys D:))


00:05:003 (1) - The red point on this slider is unnecessary I think, it looks a little weird. made it more obvious instead, eh
00:43:072 (2) & 00:45:555 (1) - : At least one of those should have a red point in the middle imo. not sure, i changed something else instead, should look better
00:56:313 (2) - Move the red point a bit so the previous slider looks mirrored (Ctrl+J and Ctrl+H) with that one: changed
01:06:244 (3) - A wavey slider would flow a bit better imo. (This is an example of a pattern, the one I made is unpolished :3) changed in another way, a slider too curvy would not fit the general design of the map[/color]
01:14:520 (3,1) - Either make this into a reverse slider OR blanket the singletap a bit by ctrl+H, J and G'ing the slider and repositioning :3 changed
01:28:589 (1) - Slider has a weird shape due to the red point not having a sharp angle. Consider doing a small change. I don't think it looks too bad or innapropriate
01:29:417 (2) - ^
01:35:210 (1) - ^
02:19:072 (2) - Should be a mirror of 02:18:244 (1) for aesthetics. this is fine
02:41:417 (1) - Isn't this missing a finish? :o I use the song to help me hitsound the map, there is no finish here in the song


00:11:624 (1,2) - Why don't they have the same shape? :o because the blanket wouldn't work otherwise, and this is not a bad design imo
00:38:934 (1,2) - ^
01:23:417 (3) - Move this to x:128 y:288 to compliment the curvy slider. changed in another way
01:49:279 (3) - Finish? :D see earlier
02:00:865 (1,1,2,3) - Weird NC pattern in my eyes. Consider reconstructing this a bit. the first (1) is part of the previous rhythmical part, if you see what I mean, the second one is one the new part
02:07:899 (4,5) - Relocate those a liiiittle bit down, the transition from 5 and 1 is a little too edgy imo. I can see what you mean, but don't report those kind of details, they're not noticeable enough and people will generally hate you for them lol, this is a waste of time for both the modder and mapper


01:34:692 (7) - This slider would look a bit better if it was a straight slider instead and rotated a bit compared to the previous one. changed
01:46:796 (1,2,3) - I know the map-set is gimmicky, but imo gimmicky triangle patterns are a little weird. Consider making it a perfect triangle or rearranging a bit. it's actually a 2-2 pattern, added NCs to help with reading them
02:41:417 (1) - Finish? :D


00:17:831 (6) - Make a copy of the previous slider and arrange it like the current one. Looks a little weird imo seems just fine to me
00:27:037 (2,3,4,5) - I'd space this stream similarly to this (00:25:796 (3,4,5) - ), because the sliders are a liittle unexpected. changed
00:57:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - I feel that there are some hitsounds missing in this section, like some claps or something, since it's so intense. it's jsut fine
01:02:106 (1) - Finish? no, though there's one jsut before that I added
01:14:934 (8,1) - The map contradicts this blanket. Imo it should be a slider with a red point somewhere. Maybe something like this: I like that idea
01:31:072 (7,8) - The spacing here is very weird for an insane. You could instead consider making the DS higher, but placing them near the slider. I used this spacing everywhere prior to this, it's just fine
02:43:899 (6,7,8,9) - I'd space those a bit more tbh because of the quickness of them. they just feel right like that


Holy moley this is "only" the 3rd hardest diff lol, fun af tho xD
00:28:175 (5,6,7,1) - This angle is really weird. It might be close to 7 stars, but a square pattern into a 135 degree turn is a very underrated pattern. i'm not sure where exactly do you see a square pattern, I'll assume it's the placement of the repeats, but otherwise I did change the slider because the angle was indeed not tight enough to be comfortable
00:45:038 (3) - Move this note more to the left. Maybe to a position like x:320 y:216 don't see a reason why
01:07:486 (3,4,5,6) - Maybe make the pattern a bit like 01:04:175 (3,4,5,6) -, since it's the same kind of section? :) why just this one then lol, I picked the different pattern because it was too tight to fit comfortably in that corner otherwise
01:33:141 (4,5,6) - There must be a different way to do this. Feels like a very messy triple. should look a bit better now
02:51:348 (1) - Move to x:340 y:80 (Or something close to that.) yeah

That's it for my mod (Got bigger than I thought holy moley) ,o.O Please leave me feedback on my mod so I can improve, and drop a kudosu if it was helpful ;) Good luck with the ranking process y'all! :D
Thanks, was fine actually, aesthetics were a bit nazi but not as bad as blanket mod and there were some good suggestions.

Don't lose your time on details though

Spork Lover wrote:

Wolf's Night

00:09:762 (5,6,1,2,3) - I donno about the spacing difference and stacks on this section. It seems a little too extreme even if it's 7.69* And yet it's the pattern that about everyone who can more or less handle this map can play without much trouble, or at least the one that they tend to hit most of the time
00:25:693 (1,2,3,4) - Consider making this the same shape as 00:25:073 (1,2,3,4) -. Not that I'm against it, but why? It's not even trying to be the same pattern at all so what's your reasoning behind this suggestion?
01:05:624 (2) - Blanket this with 01:05:934 (4,6) - instead, looks a little better imo. It makes me cringe because the slider is heading toward 3 not 4... Why would I blanket 4 there
01:07:899 (1) - Very tiny thing, but could add a tiny DS between this and the next note? :o Sure
01:46:175 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - This shape is really weird, making it a perfect hexagon (Or near perfect) hexagon would fit a little better. Because it's made of 01:45:968 (1,2,3,4,5) - (a more or less straight line) followed by 01:46:485 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - (a S shape), I didn't even try to make an hexagon there lol
01:53:624 (2) - I think this slider might add a few issues in the ranking process since it's the only long slider during the map. :) And why would it do that? Since when long sliders are prohibited when they fit the song? Or when are they prohibited at all? I don't get what's wrong with it at all, really.. It's just a long slider in a very simple shape that is neither hard to play nor to read, over a long held guitar note to put more emphasis on it. What's wrong with it?
02:48:451 (7,8) - I feel that the claps are important here too. Oops forgot them

dakemoto wrote:

[puxtu's SC]00:06:710 (6710|0) - remove and 00:06:710 (6710|1) - on Clap?
00:19:072 - add one note?
00:40:641 (40641|2) - remove and 00:40:641 (40641|3) - on Clap?
00:59:830 (59830|3,60037|3,60244|2) - remove?

[puxtu's SHD]00:46:382 - add one note on Clap.
00:57:141 ~ 00:58:692 / 02:19:899 ~ 02:21:451 - try two types pattern? :
00:59:830 (59830|3,60037|3,60244|2) / 01:00:865 (60865|2,61072|1) - remove?

always no make LN xD. good luck~ i like that.
thanks dakeko ;)
Hello there from my modding Que :3

I may not be the most experienced player and modder but i am going to give it my best shot

pishi's Lunatic
00:01:693 (1) - Maybe make it a short slider because the guitar sound last a bit longer than just one circle
00:13:072 (4,1) - Maybe try to stack them, could play better
00:13:900 (1,4) - ^
00:14:520 (1,3) - ^
00:32:727 (1,2,3) - Same goes for these, just a recommendation, but i can see it is a pattern so no actual need to
00:45:555 (1) - Angle it a bit lower
01:23:210 (2) - Angle it a bit higher
01:23:417 (3) - A tad lower
01:46:796 (1,2,3,4) - That feels awkward to play
02:23:210 (1) - Maybe make this one move faster because i didn't manage to get it right all the times i played it
02:38:624 (2,1) - Stack them

00:01:434 (4,5,6) - That shape isn't necessary here and doesn't really emphasise on anything
00:23:831 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - There are better alternatives to squares imo
01:00:038 (7) - Angle it a bit more
01:00:244 (9) - Breaking the flow
01:13:382 (4,5,6,7) - That plays bad
01:43:624 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - That shape throws me off
02:06:244 (4,5,6,7,8) - That feels weird to play for some reason
02:19:486 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Shape again

Wolf's Night
00:01:486 (5,6,7,8) - Flow
00:11:624 (1,2) - Stack
01:33:416 (5,6,7,8,9) - That feels awkward
01:37:797 (7,8,1,2,3) - Shape

Ekorr's Fever
Less Squares
Topic Starter

- Gadian - wrote:

Hello there from my modding Que :3

I may not be the most experienced player and modder but i am going to give it my best shot

00:01:434 (4,5,6) - That shape isn't necessary here and doesn't really emphasise on anything true, changed the shape in a more fitting way
00:23:831 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - There are better alternatives to squares imo well this seems just fine to me, if you had a better suggestion i'd have considered it but here I don't really see what I could do
01:00:038 (7) - Angle it a bit more it wouldn't be consistent with the previous slider's shape then
01:00:244 (9) - Breaking the flow technically, it doesn't, the slider leniency allows the player to play this slider just like the others, i just decided to make it that way here to emphasize the finish on the following slider
01:13:382 (4,5,6,7) - That plays bad this one only or the previous one as well? I could have understand if it were both but just this one doesn't really make sense since it the same as the previous one, just mirrored
01:43:624 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - That shape throws me off I don't really see what's the problem, does it play bad? or is it just the shape that doesn't look good to you?
02:06:244 (4,5,6,7,8) - That feels weird to play for some reason changed somehow, i'm not sure if it'll be better but it's a test
02:19:486 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Shape again
Thank you for the help!
here's the tu mods for pux2 :D

1|2|3|4 :D

puxtu's SC
00:04:900 (4900|0) - delete, and
00:05:003 - add note (1) having a double-double-double would follow the "mapping pattern", but I think emphasizing on the crash with a single-triple-double (it won't be as difficult as SHD's double-triple-double) would get people in the groove~ the mini-jack would ruin the "continuous stream" effect, but I believe the difficulty in the song comes from the burst streams anyway [1]

00:06:658 ~ 00:06:969 - how about something lighter instead? [2]

00:07:796 ~ 00:08:313 - triple for the crashes, and organized the stream to compensate for the additional notes

00:09:865 (9865|1) - delete, and
00:09:969 - add note (2) ^[1]
00:11:520 (11520|2) - delete, and
00:11:624 - add note (3) ^[1]

00:14:934 (14934|3) - add note (4), and
00:15:038 (15038|3) - delete the jumptrill doesn't emphasize the new bar, it felt weird to play

00:16:486 (16486|0) - delete, and
00:16:589 - add note (1) ^[1]
00:18:141 (18141|3) - delete, and
00:18:244 - add note (4) ^[1]

00:21:968 ~ 00:23:623 - I think it would be kinda weird for the drummer to follow 4/4 (or 2/4) while the guitarist does 3/4 :P

00:25:485 (25485|2) - move note (1), and
00:25:589 (25589|0) - move note (3) there would be a triple-jack to emphasize the crash and the start of the bar, and I don't think it would make the song harder
00:28:589, 00:32:107 - in this case the crashes comes right after some bursts, so the notes are okay as it is :)

00:35:210 - 00:35:830 - there's ride cymbals and it's the start of a new verse, so maybe you could try splitting the mini-jacks to both hands. a triple-jack may seem too hard though, so there's other alternatives shown in the pic. i prefer the middle one

00:37:175 (37175|2) - delete, and
00:37:279 - add note (3) ^[1]
00:38:830 (38830|0) - delete, and
00:38:934 - add note (1) ^[1] last one. those later in the song can remain since there's small bursts which should be the focus

00:40:589 ~ 00:40:744 - ^[2] I don't hear any strong beat for the double, unless if it's there for playstyle

00:47:210 ~ 00:47:934 - how about this instead? though there's still drumming in those gaps, it feels more interesting to follow the guitar. also, this would emphasize the upcoming kick roll
00:48:037 - 00:48:658 - i like this part :D

00:50:520 ~ 00:52:072 - nice paradiddle :D hmm though at 00:52:072 the notes would be nicer on the right-hand side i think

00:54:089 (54089|0) - delete,
00:54:399 (54399|2) - delete,
00:54:710 (54710|2) - delete, and
00:55:020 (55020|3) - delete though there's the double kick here, making here less intensive seems nicer. it also brings out the drum-guitar alternation

01:00:658 (60658|1) - move note (1), and
01:00:710 (60710|0) - move note (2) just a minor change, it feels nicer to play this way.

love this pre-chorus mapping :D

01:18:037 (78037|0) - delete,
01:18:348 (78348|3) - delete,
01:21:244 (81244|3) - delete,
01:21:555 (81555|2) - delete,
01:24:658 (84658|0) - delete,
01:24:968 (84968|3) - delete,
01:27:968 (87968|3) - delete, and
01:28:279 (88279|1) - delete feel the rhythm in the soul~ give these breakbeats some show :P
if you plan to do the change above^, do consider adjusting these too:
01:18:141 (78141|3) - move note (1), and
01:18:244 (78244|0) - move note (3), and
01:28:072 (88072|2,88072|1) - invert to (1,4), and
01:28:175 (88175|3,88175|0) - invert to (2,3)

01:28:589 - 01:35:210 - this portion's the guitar's show, so there need no change. nice mapping btw :)

01:34:279 (94279|3) - move note (2), and
01:34:382 (94382|1) - move note (4) I think this makes it nicer

01:52:589 ~ 01:52:899 - basically repeat the same pattern as 01:51:761, to show the guitar sound again

02:03:348 ~ 02:04:486 - just an idea to bring out the guitar (left). alternatively, a repeated (1,4) pattern brings out the crashes (right). the original pattern feels too plain.

most of these mods^ removes the "stream-y effect" in the song (which i'm sure that's what u wanted), but i hope they'd make the song more interesting :o
the fast streams seems good, though I can't really play them well >.<
hope the new style of modding images helps ;)
and i think i got carried away with modding, didn't realise i typed so much XP

very small mod for puxtu's SHD
just similar concepts to SC's mod:
00:21:968 ~ 00:23:623 - could be changed to three per column instead of two
01:15:348 ~ 01:28:589 - have those gaps for the breakbeat
i can't really mod those fast stream :P i don't know if its too hard or that i'm too noob XD

keep what you find suitable yea, i'm cool with that~ 8-)

Spork Lover wrote:

Ekoro's Fever

00:09:451 (3,4) - I'd position this a looot more to the right (I know about the overlaps, but I think that'd fit a bit better.) should be fine
00:28:175 (1,2,3,4) - Really sick pattern o.O, but my god it's hard to read. (Really fun xD) couldn't do anything better around here
00:30:865 (1) - Are finishes like this one part of the music? 'Cause they feel a little out of place when it comes to playing the map. This seems also obvious to me. I didn't want to use a finish every 1/1 (this is how the music goes) or this would sound weird. I still changed it, but if it's too much, i may remove them... although no finishes makes this part very blank
00:45:554 (1,2,3) - Imo the spacing here is too dense compared to everything else. Maybe space 2 and 3 a bit more away from the first note? this was a little bit hard to fix :c
01:01:899 (13) - NC Dunno why i fixed it, but both NC and no-NC works anyway.
01:13:279 (3,4,5,6) - The last part of the chorus is so intense, that I think you could DS those a little more without it hurting the mapset. doesn't seem so, to me
01:14:624 (2,3,4) - You play around with perfect triangle patterns a lot, and I'd value that higher than stream blankets. A perfect triangle? kappa Anyway, fixed!
01:49:279 (3) - Why is this a whistle? :o moved the whistle 1/2 earlier
02:00:037 (2) - NC :) The note is by itself :D yep
02:05:003 (3) - NC, since the two back n' forths are NC'd, and it's the main beat of the song. how is this not a NC wtf, fixed
02:08:727 (3) - Why is this not NC'ed, when 02:07:072 (1) is? :o removed the other NC
02:16:279 (8,9,10) - Space this a bit more, since 02:15:865 (2,3,4) - is far from 02:16:072 (5,6,7). done
02:51:141 (4) - Imo two single taps would look better. done
thanks for the mod!
Hi ! :3 I wanted to make a mod, so here it is (I'm not any experienced mapper at all, I'll focus more on the playing side of things rather than things like timing or over/under-mapping) :

If any of my mod seems like bullshit, just ignore it.

The 'jump' between
02:22:382 (2) -
02:24:451 (1) -
feels a bit overdone to me, I would make the jump half smaller.

AR4.5/AR5 fits the map best in my opinion.

Medium length sliders like those :
00:06:658 (1) -
00:07:486 (3) -
make me a bit uneasy. Most repeating ones are nice though, and long ones too, as they emphasize nicely the music.
In my opinion, more short sliders like those would fit the song better if the replaced the medium lengthed ones :
00:07:175 (2) -
00:08:003 (4) -
Short sliders fit exceptionally well the music at : (But maybe if there was too much short sliders then the already present short sliders would emphasize less the parts they are at ? Again, if I say bullshit, ignore me)
00:53:831 (1,2,3,4) -
02:16:589 (1,2,3,4) -

I also noticed that there are very very few hitcirles at the first half of the song, it puts me off a bit.

AR7.5 instead of AR8 fit the map better in my opinion.

At here :
00:50:520 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
00:57:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
02:13:279 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
02:19:899 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
The spacing increases without a change of pace, it feels a bit awkward to me, personnaly, I'd make the spacing consistent, always as spaced as how the last hitcircles of the patterns are spaced.
Spaced like those (that would feel nicer to me) :
02:33:968 (3,4,5,6) -

At here :
01:43:899 (2,3) -
01:44:727 (5,6) -
01:56:313 (7,8) -
The two circles stacked on each other are a bit off putting, if all the map was like that it would be okay I think, spaced like those it would make more sense to me :
02:27:761 (7,8) -

AR8.5 instead of AR9 fits the map better in my opinion, aside from that, I really like the map ! :3 It flows really well !

pishi's LUNATIC
I've not got much to say about it, CS2 makes it quite hard to read but also really fun ! That plus AR9.6 fits the song really well !

I'd really like to mod the higher diffs but I cannot play them, sadly. If I ever get good enough to play them before this song is ranked, I'll do another mod ! I hope this mapset gets ranked ! :3
Topic Starter

Vayentha wrote:

Hi ! :3 I wanted to make a mod, so here it is (I'm not any experienced mapper at all, I'll focus more on the playing side of things rather than things like timing or over/under-mapping) :

If any of my mod seems like bullshit, just ignore it.

The 'jump' between
02:22:382 (2) -
02:24:451 (1) -
feels a bit overdone to me, I would make the jump half smaller. But it's using the same DS

AR4.5/AR5 fits the map best in my opinion. AR6 should be just fine, but if I get more feedback on this i'll change it

Medium length sliders like those :
00:06:658 (1) -
00:07:486 (3) -
make me a bit uneasy. Most repeating ones are nice though, and long ones too, as they emphasize nicely the music.
In my opinion, more short sliders like those would fit the song better if the replaced the medium lengthed ones :
00:07:175 (2) -
00:08:003 (4) -
Short sliders fit exceptionally well the music at : (But maybe if there was too much short sliders then the already present short sliders would emphasize less the parts they are at ? Again, if I say bullshit, ignore me)
00:53:831 (1,2,3,4) -
02:16:589 (1,2,3,4) -

I also noticed that there are very very few hitcirles at the first half of the song, it puts me off a bit. that's just how an advanced diff should be mapped, if there are too much short sliders it'd be too hard, and the medium sized ones help keeping the difficulty relatively easy. same thing with circles, they usually make a map a lot harder

AR7.5 instead of AR8 fit the map better in my opinion. this map is quite dense for the diffculty, reducing the AR would make the map feel too overwhelming

At here :
00:50:520 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
00:57:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
02:13:279 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
02:19:899 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
The spacing increases without a change of pace, it feels a bit awkward to me, personnaly, I'd make the spacing consistent, always as spaced as how the last hitcircles of the patterns are spaced.
Spaced like those (that would feel nicer to me) :
02:33:968 (3,4,5,6) - the music is increasing in tone, which adds intensity to the song, justifying the increase in spacing

At here :
01:43:899 (2,3) -
01:44:727 (5,6) -
01:56:313 (7,8) -
The two circles stacked on each other are a bit off putting, if all the map was like that it would be okay I think, spaced like those it would make more sense to me :
02:27:761 (7,8) - understandable, will change if more complaints, but I think this pattern fits well with the music

AR8.5 instead of AR9 fits the map better in my opinion, aside from that, I really like the map ! :3 It flows really well ! same thing as hard, there are a lot of streams here, so reducing the AR would make it harder to read and play

I'd really like to mod the higher diffs but I cannot play them, sadly. If I ever get good enough to play them before this song is ranked, I'll do another mod ! I hope this mapset gets ranked ! :3
Thanks for this unexpected mod! I hope you'll get better at playing then :3
Image pishi's Lunatic

00:06:969 (1,2,3) - Maybe I'd change the angle a little bit on this. larger spacing 1->2 for the finish and sharp angle 2->3 for the guitar its coool
01:09:968 (3,4,5,6) - Instead of a square, a different version could be an equally spaced back n' forth pattern. Scratch that, you used it a lot more than I thought :p gg
01:57:761 (3) - NC due to 01:56:520 (1) - being NC'd. right
02:01:486 (4) - Ctrl+G? :o doesnt stand out as much if ctrlg'd and thats the goal:(
02:08:106 (1) - Remove NC i would but colorhax are death
02:23:210 (1) - This might not be a problem, but maybe you should increase the SV by 0,2x more, 'cause it's a VERY unexpected change, since it's the first SV change for 2 minutes. made it so people wont break now
02:37:692 (1) - Remove NC separates the 2 kiai repeition things:(

00:01:693 (1) - Maybe make it a short slider because the guitar sound last a bit longer than just one circle circles are impacty idk how to describe it
00:13:072 (4,1) - Maybe try to stack them, could play better kind of breaks teh concept of the map to stack these sorts of things tho. 1/2 will be stacked properly, while other stuff will be manually offset
00:13:900 (1,4) - ^
00:14:520 (1,3) - ^
00:32:727 (1,2,3) - Same goes for these, just a recommendation, but i can see it is a pattern so no actual need to
00:45:555 (1) - Angle it a bit lower idid it
01:23:210 (2) - Angle it a bit higher same
01:23:417 (3) - A tad lower s
01:46:796 (1,2,3,4) - That feels awkward to play its like the same sorta thing i do everywhere on the map um um um
02:23:210 (1) - Maybe make this one move faster because i didn't manage to get it right all the times i played it did it sorta i did something
02:38:624 (2,1) - Stack them

thanks guys!! ... tic%5D.osu
to the X T R E M E
I'll take notes on what you think is wrong in my mod, you are the one with experience in mapping !

Alheak wrote:

Thanks for this unexpected mod! I hope you'll get better at playing then :3
Thanks ! :3

- Gadian - wrote:

00:01:486 (5,6,7,8) - Flow ???
00:11:624 (1,2) - Stack ???
01:33:416 (5,6,7,8,9) - That feels awkward May seem so, but every player who could decently handle this diff has little to no issue to ace that stream.
01:37:797 (7,8,1,2,3) - Shape ???
What am I supposed to guess/know from one word lines ?? I'm not in your head, please AT LEAST explain your thought process.
Random NC mod passing through for GW and Ekoro, couldn't find anything noteworthy in the other diffs.
All the diffs are perfect anyway
Feel free to ignore, just my opinion

Wolf's Night
01:16:174 (7) - NC?
01:17:002 (15) - ^
01:19:486 (7) - ^
01:20:313 (15) - ^
01:26:106 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Why is this NC'ed like this? Wouldn't it be consistent to NC 01:26:934 (5) - instead of 01:26:520 (1) -
01:32:727 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) - Its the same deal here, is their a certain rhythm to the NC's?
01:43:486 Same NC pattern as ^. Just curious as to why they aren't NC'ed on downbeat

Ekoro's Fever
00:09:762 (1) - Delete NC? Their isn't a recurring pattern as 00:11:417 (5) - isn't an NC
00:21:037 (7) - NC here follows the guitar, and 00:21:348 (13) - as well
00:37:072 (1) - Delete NC as its the same as the first instance
01:08:313 (1) - Is this NC necessary? I can't here a change in music from the previous NC
01:28:175 (5) - NC?
02:03:141 (1) - Delete NC?
02:40:589 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Shouldn't this NC pattern be replicated 02:43:899 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - as well?

How do people even mod this holy....

GL with mapset :)

Strykerto wrote:

00:09:762 (1) - Delete NC? Their isn't a recurring pattern as 00:11:417 (5) - isn't an NC yep, fixed
00:21:037 (7) - NC here follows the guitar, and 00:21:348 (13) - as well the pattern isn't designed to have new combos, and i don't think it's that necessary
00:37:072 (1) - Delete NC as its the same as the first instance fixed
01:08:313 (1) - Is this NC necessary? I can't here a change in music from the previous NC not really
01:28:175 (5) - NC? yeah, done
02:03:141 (1) - Delete NC? yup
02:40:589 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Shouldn't this NC pattern be replicated 02:43:899 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - as well? yep, dunno why i did that
thanks for the mod! o/
It's such a fun map, I hope it'll get ranked tbh

Topic Starter
Impressive, good job

EDIT: Oh, it's CtB lol, well nice play anyway

Alheak wrote:

Impressive, good job

EDIT: Oh, it's CtB lol, well nice play anyway

Thanks o/

Strykerto wrote:

01:16:174 (7) - NC? I NC'd by pattern there, not by downbeats, so nope
01:17:002 (15) - ^
01:19:486 (7) - ^
01:20:313 (15) - ^
01:26:106 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Why is this NC'ed like this? Wouldn't it be consistent to NC 01:26:934 (5) - instead of 01:26:520 (1) - Good point, although I should probably NC 01:27:348 (1) - this one instead
01:32:727 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) - Its the same deal here, is their a certain rhythm to the NC's? Oops, that's an actual mistake, fixed
01:43:486 Same NC pattern as ^. Just curious as to why they aren't NC'ed on downbeat This one is intended, the NCs are based on the guitar, not the downbeats, also spacing/angle changes
Thanks for your mod!
Is it getting ranked soon ? I really enjoy the map :) :3
Topic Starter
So since no one has really played the two hardest diffs from what I've seen I played them for fun even though its futile since they are so hard. Both of these tries were sightreads.

So obviously these are harder than anything ranked currently except for TAG maps, I can play everything else better than these two. But the maps by themselves are very well done if we disregard playability for the current players. I'm not the best test player for these two since I single tap. But I gave it a shot :)

Really fun though 8-)

Topic Starter
You did pass Wolf's nomod at least, that's already better than most pro players, good job
[Hiiro Sakaki]
I would suggest to increase slightly the HP on pishi's diff, CS2 + HP5 makes the map easy as hell to pass, you just have to keep your finger alt'ing at 217bpm, tbh this is an HR orgy~ Either increase HP or CS, the map feels way more enjoyable (at least for me) at CS2.6/3
Random thought of a 30k player though~
Topic Starter
still not ded

ono pls

also cxu mod when
yo Alheak here my 4k MX

sorry for the late xd

still need to hitsound it, i'll do it tomorrow
Topic Starter
okay, one diff left now xd

holy shit

From NM request

Column |0|1|2|3|

Harby's MX
Great diff
01:29:210 (89210|0,89313|0) - - Remove this note
01:29:261 - Add LN in column 1
puxtu's SC
Perfect diff I can't find a defects
puxtu's SHD
Perfect diff I can't find a defects

Your map is already great and almost perfect. I hope this map will ranked soon :D

jukkaduei wrote:


From NM request

Column |0|1|2|3|

Harby's MX
Great diff
01:29:210 (89210|0,89313|0) - - Remove this note
01:29:261 - Add LN in column 1

sorry rejected, it isn't a single guitar pitch there , the LN doesn't fit good
ty for the mod :oops:
HaVe SoMe IrC WiTh Habibibibibibi

2016-06-13 20:20 Harbyter: btw can you test this
2016-06-13 20:20 Harbyter: ACTION is listening to [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever]
2016-06-13 20:20 Harbyter: the MX
2016-06-13 20:20 Harbyter: need some suggestion or mod
2016-06-13 20:20 Fresh Chicken: Sure owo
2016-06-13 20:20 Fresh Chicken: Before
2016-06-13 20:21 Fresh Chicken: I need to peeeeee
2016-06-13 20:21 Fresh Chicken: wait
2016-06-13 20:22 Fresh Chicken: Okay I'm back
2016-06-13 20:22 Fresh Chicken: ACTION is listening to [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever]
2016-06-13 20:25 Fresh Chicken: WTF is this really H?
2016-06-13 20:25 Fresh Chicken: LOL
2016-06-13 20:26 Fresh Chicken: Seems it's good for me already
2016-06-13 20:26 Fresh Chicken: Do you have question about it?
2016-06-13 20:27 Fresh Chicken: Hello? XD
2016-06-13 20:30 Harbyter: u
2016-06-13 20:30 Harbyter: sorry
2016-06-13 20:30 Harbyter: there were some customer
2016-06-13 20:30 Harbyter: i'm at the shop
2016-06-13 20:30 Harbyter: xD
2016-06-13 20:30 Harbyter: anyway what question
2016-06-13 20:30 Harbyter: ?
2016-06-13 20:30 Harbyter: i don't know
2016-06-13 20:30 Harbyter: i think it need some mods maybe
2016-06-13 20:30 Fresh Chicken: wtf are you playing osu in shop lolol
2016-06-13 20:30 Fresh Chicken: hmm I see
2016-06-13 20:30 Fresh Chicken: I just said if you have some curious about your pattern
2016-06-13 20:30 Fresh Chicken: owo)
2016-06-13 20:31 Harbyter: ah
2016-06-13 20:31 Harbyter: for the pattern no
2016-06-13 20:31 Harbyter: but is there are something that need to be changed
2016-06-13 20:31 Harbyter: i can't notice it
2016-06-13 20:31 Fresh Chicken: hmm
2016-06-13 20:31 Harbyter: since i've mapped it and tested it already so many time
2016-06-13 20:31 Harbyter: xD
2016-06-13 20:32 Fresh Chicken: Try to reduce 1/2 hammers many asyou can, it's too hard for H in my opinion
2016-06-13 20:32 Harbyter: uhmmm
2016-06-13 20:32 Harbyter: oh you mean at the start
2016-06-13 20:32 Fresh Chicken: Yeah like 00:00:348 (348|3,348|2,451|2,451|3) - this
2016-06-13 20:33 Fresh Chicken: This damn
2016-06-13 20:33 Fresh Chicken: BPM lOL
2016-06-13 20:33 Harbyter: 290 bpm
2016-06-13 20:33 Harbyter: xD
2016-06-13 20:33 Harbyter: 00:29:003 -
2016-06-13 20:33 Harbyter: about those
2016-06-13 20:33 Harbyter: the LN
2016-06-13 20:33 Harbyter: maybe is better to turn them into simple notes
2016-06-13 20:34 Harbyter: even if the transition are easy
2016-06-13 20:34 Fresh Chicken: hmm
2016-06-13 20:34 Fresh Chicken: Let me suggestion
2016-06-13 20:34 Harbyter: it can be a problem for newbe
2016-06-13 20:34 Fresh Chicken: How about this, remove just notes which are inside LNs
2016-06-13 20:34 Fresh Chicken: like 00:29:107 (29107|0) - this
2016-06-13 20:34 Fresh Chicken: It comes more playable but meh
2016-06-13 20:34 Harbyter: o
2016-06-13 20:34 Fresh Chicken: Depend on you o/
2016-06-13 20:35 Harbyter: the problem is that note is for the cymbal
2016-06-13 20:35 Harbyter: at the red lines
2016-06-13 20:35 Fresh Chicken: Yeah
2016-06-13 20:35 Harbyter: the notes in the white lines are for the precussor of the guitar
2016-06-13 20:35 Harbyter: but yea
2016-06-13 20:35 Harbyter: i'll remove it
2016-06-13 20:35 Harbyter: before there weren't any notes there
2016-06-13 20:35 Harbyter: ok
2016-06-13 20:35 Fresh Chicken: lol XD
2016-06-13 20:36 Fresh Chicken: Actually the main problem in BPM seriously lool
2016-06-13 20:37 Harbyter: 01:21:968 -
2016-06-13 20:37 Harbyter: from here
2016-06-13 20:37 Harbyter: what do you think
2016-06-13 20:37 Harbyter: this section is only guitar+crash
2016-06-13 20:37 Harbyter: some snaps are irregular
2016-06-13 20:37 Fresh Chicken: It's fine to leave it be but I felt there was kinda empty
2016-06-13 20:37 Harbyter: used a consistenty snaps for most of them
2016-06-13 20:38 Harbyter: without breaking the rhytm
2016-06-13 20:38 Harbyter: yea the empy part are intented
2016-06-13 20:38 Harbyter: since it's only guitar
2016-06-13 20:38 Fresh Chicken: hmm I see
2016-06-13 20:38 Fresh Chicken: Let it be then, it's fine in my opinion o/
2016-06-13 20:38 Harbyter: and for an hard should be fine
2016-06-13 20:40 Harbyter: 02:38:106 - and her
2016-06-13 20:40 Harbyter: here
2016-06-13 20:40 Harbyter: what do you think
2016-06-13 20:40 Fresh Chicken: There was awesome! ==\o/
2016-06-13 20:41 Harbyter: ok
2016-06-13 20:41 Harbyter: if there aren't any other thing
2016-06-13 20:41 Harbyter: wanna post the IRC?
2016-06-13 20:41 Harbyter: xD
2016-06-13 20:42 Fresh Chicken: hmm
2016-06-13 20:42 Fresh Chicken: XD
2016-06-13 20:42 Fresh Chicken: Wait
2016-06-13 20:43 Fresh Chicken: hmm Seems map is really clean
2016-06-13 20:43 Fresh Chicken: Can I post it lolol
2016-06-13 21:10 Harbyter: u
2016-06-13 21:10 Harbyter: yea
2016-06-13 21:10 Fresh Chicken: hahha oki
14:46 Harbyter: eter
14:46 Harbyter: wanna test a song
14:46 Harbyter: ?
14:46 Eternalie: o
14:46 Eternalie: sure
14:46 *Harbyter is listening to [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever]
14:46 Harbyter: the MX
14:46 Harbyter: thank you u.u
14:47 Eternalie: dling
14:47 Eternalie: ' w'
14:51 Eternalie: the hitsounds are so loud
14:51 Harbyter: mmm
14:51 Harbyter: the crash?
14:51 Eternalie: yep
14:51 Eternalie: aside that it's cool
14:51 Eternalie: the trills are abit wew
14:51 Harbyter: yea they are at 70%
14:51 Eternalie: but they are managable
14:51 Harbyter: some in 60% and other 50%
14:52 Eternalie: owo
14:52 Harbyter: maybe need to reduce
14:52 Eternalie: ye , I think it's slightly too high
14:52 Eternalie: or atleast for me it was
14:52 Harbyter: or need to be set as sample
14:52 Eternalie: hmhm
14:52 Harbyter: cause if you press late or earlier that note with that hitsound
14:53 Harbyter: it sounds wrong
14:53 Harbyter: xD
14:53 Eternalie: y
14:53 Eternalie: totally
14:53 Harbyter: ok
14:53 Harbyter: i think i'll reduce to 50% 40% and then set them
14:53 Harbyter: as sample in the sb hitsound
14:53 Eternalie: :3
14:53 Eternalie: ' w'b
14:53 Eternalie: GL harbynyan
14:53 Harbyter: ay
14:53 Harbyter: ty for the test
14:53 Eternalie: np :3
14:54 Harbyter: btw for the trill
14:54 Harbyter: what part
14:54 Harbyter: the part before the guitar?
14:55 Eternalie: 01:15:451 (75451|3,75555|2,75658|3) -
14:55 Eternalie: this kind of thing
14:55 Harbyter: oo
14:55 Eternalie: it's managable
14:55 Harbyter: isn't easy
14:55 Harbyter: o.o
14:55 Eternalie: but it's tricky
14:56 Eternalie: aside that , most things were okay I guess
14:56 Harbyter: ok
14:56 Harbyter: i'll take in consideration
14:57 Harbyter: if someone else point that part i'll change something
14:57 Harbyter: xD
14:57 Eternalie: ayy okaysu another update after Eternalie test
IRC With Harbaya
22:57 Harbyter: hey spec
22:57 Harbyter: are you on
22:58 SpectorDG: hue harbyy
23:00 Harbyter: uu
23:00 Harbyter: can you test a song
23:01 Harbyter: ?
23:01 SpectorDG: ok
23:01 SpectorDG: gimme link
23:01 *Harbyter is listening to [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever]
23:01 Harbyter: the MX
23:01 SpectorDG: ok dling
23:01 *SpectorDG is playing [ LeaF - Calamity Fortune [Salad]] <CatchTheBeat>
23:01 SpectorDG: im playing banana owo
23:02 Harbyter: o
23:02 Harbyter: xD
23:03 *SpectorDG is listening to [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever]
23:07 SpectorDG: ayyy bad play
23:08 Harbyter: what do you think
23:08 Harbyter: any suggestion
23:08 Harbyter: ?
23:08 SpectorDG: lemme check
23:08 SpectorDG: [ FPS lmao]
23:09 Harbyter: lol
23:09 SpectorDG: some LN's makes me crazy
23:09 Harbyter: where
23:10 SpectorDG: 00:00:038 (38|1) - anyway can move this |1| ?
23:10 SpectorDG: for playable
23:10 Harbyter: sure
23:10 Harbyter: it was in 1 before
23:10 Harbyter: xDDD
23:10 SpectorDG: owo
23:12 SpectorDG: 00:25:278 (25278|2) - Move to |1|
23:13 SpectorDG: 00:25:278 (25278|2,25485|2) - just leave this 1/1 jacks it's really strange
23:13 Harbyter: mmm
23:13 Harbyter: better keep in 3
23:13 Harbyter: the feeling is different if played in a single hand
23:14 SpectorDG: this map almost playable for sinlge hands owo
23:15 Harbyter: yea i know
23:17 SpectorDG: 00:47:210 - all LN's almost going to left
23:18 SpectorDG: maybe this
23:18 Harbyter: mmm
23:18 Harbyter: if i change like this this will break the pitch and the shield pattern
23:19 SpectorDG: 00:59:003 (59003|0,59003|1,59210|3,59210|2,59313|0,59313|1,59417|3,59417|2,59520|0,59520|1,59624|3,59624|2,59727|0,59779|1,59830|2) - Ctrl+H this ?
23:19 Harbyter: look the hitsounds too
23:19 Harbyter: mmm
23:19 Harbyter: oky
23:21 SpectorDG: 01:15:451 (75451|3,75555|2,75658|3) - it's started 3 1 3
23:21 SpectorDG: 01:18:761 - but it's not
23:22 SpectorDG: 01:18:451 -
23:23 Harbyter: u
23:24 Harbyter: mmmm
23:24 Harbyter: oky
23:24 SpectorDG: 01:41:003 - ye this LN's makes me in crazy
23:25 SpectorDG: XD
23:25 Harbyter: oh this
23:25 Harbyter: yea i have to change it
23:25 SpectorDG: 01:41:003 -
23:25 Harbyter: before i've let arcwin test too
23:25 SpectorDG: yay
23:27 Harbyter: changed something too
23:27 Harbyter: at the next pattern
23:27 Harbyter: for a better flow
23:27 Harbyter: xd
23:27 SpectorDG: 01:56:727 - are you sure it's only 1 note/
23:27 SpectorDG: i hear same 01:55:072 -
23:28 Harbyter: can't add
23:28 Harbyter: double there
23:28 Harbyter: orz
23:28 Harbyter: star rating..
23:28 SpectorDG: aa okay
23:28 Harbyter: lol
23:28 Harbyter: but i think
23:28 Harbyter: people won't even notice
23:28 Harbyter: while playing that guitar part
23:28 Harbyter: xD
23:28 SpectorDG: ya
23:30 SpectorDG: 02:09:451 - it's very nice for playable and really appropriate on this part
23:32 SpectorDG: 02:48:727 (168727|2,168796|1) - Ctrl+G ?
23:33 SpectorDG: 02:49:555 (169555|1,169624|2) - ^
23:33 Harbyter: for that
23:33 Harbyter: mmmm
23:33 Harbyter: i don't feel any difference
23:33 Harbyter: maybe it's too easy for me XDD
23:33 Harbyter: well will change as you suggested
23:33 SpectorDG: because you have 7K PP XD
23:33 SpectorDG: end :3/
23:33 Harbyter: the last CTRL G
23:33 Harbyter: no
23:33 Harbyter: better avoid
23:34 Harbyter: cause the 1/3 jack and change of direction
23:34 Harbyter: it's hard
23:34 SpectorDG: and it's 290BPM
23:34 SpectorDG: your right xD
23:35 Harbyter: ok
23:35 Harbyter: ty for the check xD
23:35 Harbyter: wanna post the IRC?
23:34 SpectorDG: sure

small IRC on Harby's MX
21:27 Harbyter: hey
21:27 Harbyter: man
21:27 Harbyter: wanna test a song
21:27 Harbyter: ?
21:28 _underjoy: o sure
21:28 _underjoy: what is it
21:28 _underjoy: flowering night? :D
21:28 Harbyter: ye
21:28 *Harbyter is listening to [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever]
21:28 _underjoy: ha
21:28 Harbyter: the MX
21:28 Harbyter: xD
21:28 _underjoy: I knew
21:28 _underjoy: god damn
21:28 _underjoy: I hate this
21:28 Harbyter: aww
21:28 _underjoy: I mean, the fact that the mapper chose the worse version of this theme
21:28 Harbyter: but it's easy
21:28 _underjoy: not the map xD
21:29 Harbyter: ah
21:29 Harbyter: eh well
21:29 Harbyter: mapper choise
21:29 Harbyter: we can't say anything
21:30 *_underjoy is playing [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever [Harby's MX]] <osu!mania> |4K|
21:34 _underjoy: sorry for my bad play i had to be as silent as possible
21:34 Harbyter: don't worry
21:34 _underjoy: I can say
21:34 _underjoy: that this diff is pretty top tier
21:34 _underjoy: I'd see some minor improvements
21:34 Harbyter: where
21:34 _underjoy: but overall concept is amazing
21:34 Harbyter: any suggestion is good
21:34 _underjoy: lemme find
21:35 _underjoy: damn im modding so many maps lately
21:35 _underjoy: its so unusual for me xD
21:35 Harbyter: xD
21:36 _underjoy: 00:54:141 (54141|1,54141|0,54244|2,54244|3,54451|0,54451|1,54555|2,54555|3,54761|0,54761|1,54865|3,54865|2) -
21:36 _underjoy: those
21:36 _underjoy: you can tweak them a bit
21:36 Harbyter: oh those
21:36 Harbyter: tweak?
21:36 Harbyter: ah
21:36 Harbyter: weak?
21:37 _underjoy: I felt that they are quite bland
21:37 _underjoy: you can make those sets change like different jumptrills
21:37 _underjoy: or maybe something like 12 34 34 12 12 34 etc
21:37 _underjoy: I just felt that this part has no flavout
21:37 _underjoy: flavour*
21:37 Harbyter: oh
21:38 Harbyter: then the 12 34 and 34 12 is good
21:38 _underjoy: o even better
21:38 _underjoy: this can work like 14 23 14 23 23 14 23 14
21:38 Harbyter: can't make the 14 23
21:38 Harbyter: due to the previous pattern flows
21:39 _underjoy: so the first set 12 34 and the second 14 23?
21:39 Harbyter: mmm
21:39 Harbyter: feels weird
21:40 _underjoy: well
21:40 Harbyter: since those precussor are the same making a different chord is strange
21:40 _underjoy: those are just suggestions xD
21:40 Harbyter: yea
21:40 Harbyter: i think the 12 34 and then
21:40 Harbyter: reversing them is good
21:40 _underjoy: oke
21:40 Harbyter: so 12 34 and 34 12
21:40 _underjoy: 00:50:520 - also this
21:41 _underjoy:
21:41 _underjoy: what about something like this?
21:41 _underjoy: to reflect the changing pitch of the guitar
21:42 _underjoy: you can edit the ending a bit because I just put it kinda randomly but you get the point
21:42 _underjoy: 00:57:156 - and this section would be a mirror
21:43 _underjoy: 01:08:727 - this pattern is fucking crazy good
21:43 _underjoy: 01:21:348 (81348|0,81348|1,81451|3,81451|2,81658|0,81658|1,81761|3,81761|2) - maybe those 14 23 because there were so many 12 34 chords? idk
21:44 Harbyter: mmmm
21:44 _underjoy: 01:28:727 (88727|1,88934|1) - I felt those can be tricky to hit, they're snapped right but this rhythmmmm
21:45 _underjoy: I think the LNs are sufficient, you can keep them if you want though
21:46 Harbyter: ah these
21:46 Harbyter: ye
21:46 Harbyter: going to ask to blocko
21:46 Harbyter: ahuahuahuha
21:46 _underjoy: oke
21:47 _underjoy: 01:28:727 (88727|1,88934|1) - again the previous suggestion
21:47 _underjoy: 01:28:727 (88727|1,88934|1) - same
21:47 _underjoy: 01:28:727 (88727|1,88934|1) -
21:48 _underjoy: 02:51:348 - maybe make LNs of those? for the guitar
21:48 Harbyter: what
21:48 Harbyter: did you copypasted the wrong link
21:48 _underjoy: ohhh
21:48 _underjoy: yeah wow
21:49 _underjoy: well its all about that fragment, this pattern repeats with what I said about the mirroring things 12 34 chords etc etc
21:49 _underjoy: 02:13:279 - this
21:49 _underjoy: 02:16:589 -
21:49 _underjoy: etc
21:50 _underjoy: 00:35:210 (35210|0,35210|2,35313|1,35313|3,35417|0,35417|2,35520|3,35520|1,35624|0,35624|2) - oh
21:50 _underjoy: I feel those should be made 14 23
21:50 _underjoy: because you used a lot of 13 24 before in the trilling
21:50 _underjoy: to maintain balance you can make them 14 23
21:50 _underjoy: 00:35:107 (35107|3) - put this in 3 if you want to start with 14
21:52 Harbyter: mmm
21:52 _underjoy: that's all I would say
21:52 Harbyter: good
21:54 Harbyter: ok
21:54 Harbyter: changed everything what you suggested
21:55 Harbyter: only those 00:57:141 -
21:55 Harbyter: keep those
21:55 Harbyter: i think this pattern suits better for this diff at this section
21:55 Harbyter: due to the heavy cymbal and drum
21:55 Harbyter: the smashing is funny
21:56 _underjoy: hah ok
21:56 _underjoy: in 7k it probably would be better
21:56 _underjoy: but in this diff it's ok
21:57 Harbyter: ok
21:57 _underjoy: should I post the log or anything
21:57 Harbyter: wanna post the IRC?

This diff needs no more modding in my opinion.


I would really like that those diffs would be split in ways of layering:
SC can focus on what it does, the drums.
SHD can fully layer what the sound offers, namely the riff.
Right now at the moment SHD is just a harder version of the SC, and I would like to change that.
00:03:555 (3555|0,3658|3,3658|2,3865|3,3865|0,3969|2,4175|3,4279|1,4279|2,4486|3,4486|2,4589|1,4796|2,4900|0,4900|1) - those should be in my opinion remapped in to 2-chords, the section would look like that:
This plays a little bit harder but adds a lot of flavour to the song. Repeat this in this section, 00:35:624 - 02:01:692 -
00:14:934 - this fragment has the guitar playing in slightly other way, so I'd suggest adding short LNs to the chords to emphasise that the guitar is playing.I think it's a good idea, and doesn't cause too much mess/unplayability. If you think that's too much, you can reject it OR add just one LN to each chord. Notice that with the two LNs, the last one before a triple must be single either way. Repeat this in this section, 00:42:244 - (although this one has stronger drums so you may leave it as it is OR go full balls and combine the two layers), and 02:05:003 - (same, this also has strong drums)

00:21:968 - there's a very strong riff playing and I suggest to follow it instead of just drums, you did it perfectly here 00:25:485 - .
00:25:692 (25692|3,25796|2,25796|0,25899|1,26003|3,26003|0,26106|2,26313|0,26416|2,26416|1,26520|3,26623|0,26623|1,26727|2) - those fifthlets are where you can do the pattern. I suggest going jacky, like [12][12][12][12], [12][12][34][34], or [14][14][23][23] - you have plenty of possibilities to choose from. Just make it jam :D In addition, you can add LNs at the fifth chord because the guitar plays a slightly longer sound. Repeat in this section.
01:02:106 - In the choruses I would think of patterns following the guitar (probably twohanded jumptrills) but I think your drum layering is fine here, because I can't get a precise vision of my pattern.
01:15:555 - if you are crazy here, you can make it full chords (to follow the guitar riff), this would make it very jacky and hard but I think it wouldn't be too bad. I leave this to your decision, and probably you would want to ask some top tier players (Halogen-, Shoegazer, Guilhermeziat, jakads) about this suggestion.
some chat with Halogen had his permission

01:32 Harbyter: aaa
01:33 Harbyter: super man i think your opinion is needed in a song
01:41 Halogen-: hm?
01:41 Halogen-: What's up?
01:43 *Harbyter is listening to [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever]
01:43 Harbyter: the SHD
01:43 Harbyter: underjoy already modded it
01:43 Harbyter: i've gived a look on it too
01:44 Harbyter: but i can't help so much since i can't clear the map
01:44 Harbyter: too hard for me
01:44 Harbyter: xD
01:44 Halogen-: is this the 290 BPM map
01:44 Halogen-: by pux
01:44 Halogen-: the SHD
01:44 Harbyter: since this is going for rank an opinion from you would be really helpfull
01:44 Harbyter: eh
01:44 Harbyter: xD
01:44 Halogen-: because i've already played it and I think it's fine; I nearly SS'd it on a sightread
01:44 Harbyter: woa
01:44 Halogen-: i actually have the video of me doing it
01:44 Harbyter: oh
01:44 Halogen-: i think everything in that chart is more than playable
01:45 Harbyter: mmmm
01:45 Halogen-: it's just really tough
01:45 Harbyter: yea
01:45 Halogen-: but it is 100% SSable
01:45 Harbyter: another underrated song
01:45 Halogen-: i'
01:45 Halogen-: i'll take another look
01:45 Halogen-: to see if anything has changed to make it not be that way
01:45 Harbyter: oky
01:46 Harbyter: then when you will check the chart again you may give a look on my MX too
01:46 Harbyter: xD
01:48 Halogen-: this looks pretty much exactly the same as when I played it
01:48 Harbyter: oh
01:48 Halogen-: doesn't look too different; the only thing I don't remember is the short 290 stream 2/3rd of the way in
01:48 Halogen-: otherwise, this seems pretty close to what I played
01:49 Harbyter: you may write on the thread too your opinion, this can be helpfull when it's near the rank
01:49 Harbyter: cause you know
01:49 Halogen-: ok let me look at yours
01:49 Harbyter: lot of people will start some dramas
01:49 Harbyter: lol
01:49 Halogen-: mark my words

_underjoy wrote:

I would really like that those diffs would be split in ways of layering:
SC can focus on what it does, the drums.
SHD can fully layer what the sound offers, namely the riff.
Right now at the moment SHD is just a harder version of the SC, and I would like to change that.
00:03:555 (3555|0,3658|3,3658|2,3865|3,3865|0,3969|2,4175|3,4279|1,4279|2,4486|3,4486|2,4589|1,4796|2,4900|0,4900|1) - those should be in my opinion remapped in to 2-chords, the section would look like that:
This plays a little bit harder but adds a lot of flavour to the song. Repeat this in this section, 00:35:624 - 02:01:692 -
00:14:934 - this fragment has the guitar playing in slightly other way, so I'd suggest adding short LNs to the chords to emphasise that the guitar is playing.I think it's a good idea, and doesn't cause too much mess/unplayability. If you think that's too much, you can reject it OR add just one LN to each chord. Notice that with the two LNs, the last one before a triple must be single either way. Repeat this in this section, 00:42:244 - (although this one has stronger drums so you may leave it as it is OR go full balls and combine the two layers), and 02:05:003 - (same, this also has strong drums)

00:21:968 - there's a very strong riff playing and I suggest to follow it instead of just drums, you did it perfectly here 00:25:485 - .
00:25:692 (25692|3,25796|2,25796|0,25899|1,26003|3,26003|0,26106|2,26313|0,26416|2,26416|1,26520|3,26623|0,26623|1,26727|2) - those fifthlets are where you can do the pattern. I suggest going jacky, like [12][12][12][12], [12][12][34][34], or [14][14][23][23] - you have plenty of possibilities to choose from. Just make it jam :D In addition, you can add LNs at the fifth chord because the guitar plays a slightly longer sound. Repeat in this section.
01:02:106 - In the choruses I would think of patterns following the guitar (probably twohanded jumptrills) but I think your drum layering is fine here, because I can't get a precise vision of my pattern.
01:15:555 - if you are crazy here, you can make it full chords (to follow the guitar riff), this would make it very jacky and hard but I think it wouldn't be too bad. I leave this to your decision, and probably you would want to ask some top tier players (Halogen-, Shoegazer, Guilhermeziat, jakads) about this suggestion.
working on this
and this
2016-04-25 19:58 puxtu: do you mind to check a map for me
2016-04-25 20:00 Valedict: if you mean playtest no
2016-04-25 20:00 Valedict: pattern check yes
2016-04-25 20:01 puxtu: thats ok tho
2016-04-25 20:01 puxtu: ACTION is listening to [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever]
2016-04-25 20:01 puxtu: there
2016-04-25 20:01 puxtu: check my pattern
2016-04-25 20:02 Valedict: ohhhh this one
2016-04-25 20:02 Valedict: ive played through this a few times before
2016-04-25 20:03 puxtu: ye
2016-04-25 20:04 Valedict: 02:17:830 (137830|2,137830|0,137830|3) - I really do not like this short handjack burst at all, it's jarring as shit and feels overlayered considering you only use jumps for the snare most of the time
2016-04-25 20:05 puxtu: o
2016-04-25 20:05 puxtu: ok
2016-04-25 20:05 puxtu: more pls
2016-04-25 20:06 Valedict: ACTION is editing [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever [puxtu's SHD]]
2016-04-25 20:06 Valedict: oh woops
2016-04-25 20:07 Valedict: 00:50:210 (50210|3) - This anchor felt uncomfortable but it isn't as obnoxious as the handjack burst; you could stand to remove it but this section is supposed to be the first really tough part of the map
2016-04-25 20:07 Valedict: and that's an understandable pattern choice
2016-04-25 20:08 Valedict: oh, the handjack thing refers to the part in the first section as well
2016-04-25 20:10 puxtu: k
2016-04-25 20:10 puxtu: noted
2016-04-25 20:10 Valedict: 00:53:830 (53830|0) - Why do these mini-handjacks appear here but not in the second section? Feels like inconsistent layering and you could do without them to be honest
2016-04-25 20:10 Valedict: You either layer them again in the second or don't layer them at all
2016-04-25 20:12 Valedict: At 290 those are about 145BPM jacks, and that by itself isn't really a hard BPM to jack at
2016-04-25 20:14 Valedict: Then you add in the 290 rolls and this definitely earns its right to be a difficult chart that needs real attention to the patterns or else you get shit like all the graveyarded Empress/Megalomania charts that are overlayered to piss and played by no one
2016-04-25 20:14 Valedict: I actually really like this from a player perspective
2016-04-25 20:15 Valedict: Very fast and speedy sections that enforce some sort of technical skill needed to hit them as well
2016-04-25 20:16 Valedict: 01:35:210 (95210|2) - Now about this solo here, I don't mind the light 290 JS personally but it may not sit well with other players as it feels like unneccessary layering
2016-04-25 20:16 puxtu: o
2016-04-25 20:16 Valedict: 01:36:865 (96865|0) - You could keep this jump and the one at 01:37:692 (97692|0) - too
2016-04-25 20:17 Valedict: the reason I bring up the layering here is because of this 01:36:761 (96761|3) -
2016-04-25 20:18 Valedict: the 3 note anchors that appear during that section might be something to note as well but I don't have any major opinions regarding them
2016-04-25 20:18 puxtu: give me more
2016-04-25 20:19 Valedict: well
2016-04-25 20:20 Valedict: The higher you go in BPM the easier the patterns tend to start looking (290 isn't quite there but with the wrong layering it can get nasty) and seeing as how it's a guitar solo it should be rolly patterns I guess?
2016-04-25 20:20 puxtu: ye
2016-04-25 20:21 Valedict: and that I think wraps up all the comments I have about this chart, everything outside these sections plays fine and feels sort of like filler
2016-04-25 20:21 Valedict: like you're just preparing yourself for these particular parts
2016-04-25 20:21 puxtu: ok ok
2016-04-25 20:22 puxtu: but we have handjacks in aiae :c
2016-04-25 20:22 Valedict: I look forward to the rank actually
2016-04-25 20:22 Valedict: ahhh
2016-04-25 20:22 Valedict: aiae and this chart aren't exactly comparable I think
2016-04-25 20:22 Valedict: if you mean aiae shd
2016-04-25 20:22 puxtu: and why is that
2016-04-25 20:23 Valedict: the thing to note about SHD is that it is a Dump and if fullerene were to try and rank it now he wouldn't be able to rank that difficulty
2016-04-25 20:23 Valedict: SHD is purposefully overlayered and if I had to really say so, "overmapped"
2016-04-25 20:24 Valedict: point is that we aren't trying to rank dumps or follow in aiae shd's footsteps 2 years later
2016-04-25 20:24 puxtu: ye
2016-04-25 20:26 Valedict: but ye there you go
2016-04-25 20:26 Valedict: I meant to mod this a while ago but I forget things a lot
2016-04-25 20:26 puxtu: i still want to keep my handjacks
2016-04-25 20:27 Valedict: i really, strongly suggest not keeping those but it is your map and I can't tell you otherwise
2016-04-25 20:29 Valedict: if you removed them you'd be able to appeal to a lot more skilled players who aren't quite exactly there yet for charts like jepetski's empress
2016-04-25 20:29 puxtu: can i have a candy if i removed them
2016-04-25 20:30 Valedict: sure
2016-04-25 20:30 puxtu: yey
m4m from about a century ago.
I was only asked to mod the hardest diffs.

Keep in mind that I can't play right now as I don't have my computer around. + This is like 290bpm, and that's a dumb bpm.

[Ekoro's Fever]

  1. Considering your use of stuff like 01:29:417 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - and 00:50:521 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - , I assume the way this map flows is intentionally slightly awkward.

  2. 00:00:917 (2) - Well, I'm using kinda crappy earphones right now, but I can't really hear any note here. It's already a pretty crazy song/map, so it's probably not necessary to add extra notes like this.
  3. 00:03:348 (1) - Maybe use a stack of 2 notes instead? Both beats sound pretty powerful. Do similarly for 00:05:003 (1) - 00:08:313 (1) - etc.
  4. 00:03:348 (1,2,3,4,5) - Maybe it's just me, but doesn't it make more sense to group these as (1,2) (3,4) (5,1), rather than (1), (2,3), (4,5) ? This applies to like most of the map so it'd be pretty tedious to fix.
  5. 00:07:382 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - Might wanna move this thing a bit more to the left, to distinguish the timing between 00:07:175 (4,5) - and 00:07:072 (3,4) - a bit more. And it'll feel less like an anti-jump.
  6. 00:19:072 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - I hear something like this.
  7. 00:20:985 (6,7) - No jump? You've added a jump for the guitar in this section except here.
  8. 00:31:900 (3,4) - Maybe increase the spacing on these two? Since the guitar notes are higher. You do it later at 00:35:417 (3,4) - as well.
  9. 00:35:624 - Similar stuff from earlier applies here too, so change anything you changed before.
  10. 01:02:106 - It looks like you're increasing the spacing gradually through the kiai? To me the first part of the kiai doesn't feel quite powerful enough in terms of spacing, as it already uses more sliders than earlier parts where you'd have a bunch of circles in a row. You just got here from an intense stream, and then the puny jumps at 01:02:624 (4,5,6) - seem kinda underwhelming :P
  11. 01:15:658 (2,1) - You need to immediately change cursor direction here, which doesn't play as well as when you don't have to like at 01:18:968 (2,1) - Also, the music sounds pretty constant so the direction change feels a bit unwarranted.
  12. 01:21:968 - Personally I think you should follow the guitar a bit more closely for this section. That one 1/3 slider feels kinda out of place otherwise.
  13. 01:54:244 (1) - This is pretty close to the previous note, considering the note is pretty strong.
  14. 02:03:141 (5,6) - This kinda breaks consistency with how you always make these more spaced than 02:01:899 (2,3) - . Also they kinda blend into the next diamondpattern, while you don't really have that at 02:03:968 (1,2,3,4) - .
  15. 02:04:589 (1,2,1,2) - 1/16 repeat sliders
  16. 02:09:968 (1) - Make this a 1/2 slider? Would work well with 02:10:279 (3,5) - .
  17. 02:10:796 (1) - Same as above. Also, there isn't really any beat at 02:10:899 - .
  18. 02:36:399 - Add note?
I'll look at the rest later.
hello o/ m4m from my queue


oh my

00:19:072 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - agree with what cxu said about this, also i think you could keep this just 1 combo without any added NCS
00:21:968 (5) - would NC this personally
00:41:106 (4) - could try to blanket this with 1 if you wanted to
00:42:037 (3,4) - playability wise i'd add a slider here, it's pretty overkill to singletap 290 after doing a bunch of the bursts/triples you did before
00:42:451 (3,4,5) - 00:44:106 (3,4,5) - 00:45:761 (3,4,5) - could do this to be consistent with the previous guitar sections you mapped
00:53:830 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - i'd do something similar to what you did here 02:16:589 (1) - , it's pretty painful to do 290 triples for so long
01:02:520 (3,4,5,6) - would increase the spacing of these jumps (and all the other ones in this kiai) to fit 01:04:175 (3,4,5,6) - , again as cxu mentioned this is a bit underwhelming
01:31:072 (1) - pretty sure i hear a triple that can be mapped here
01:42:037 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - i'd gradually decrease spacing here as the guitar notes are going down the scale
01:43:486 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - same here
01:54:658 (1,2,3,4) - isn't this a 1/3rd?
01:57:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - would decrease spacing here because notes are going down the scale again, also this would have a greater impact when you increased spacing here 01:57:555 (1) -
01:58:382 (1) - doesn't this slider end at 01:59:003 - ?
02:26:934 (3,4,5,6) - if you denied my suggestion about 01:02:520 (3,4,5,6) - then i would make this set of jumps more spaced to be consistent with 01:04:175 (3,4,5,6) -
02:30:244 (3,4,5,6) - same here^
02:33:555 (3,4,5,6) - seems like you did increase the spacing for this one :o



00:44:210 (4,6,2) - 00:44:210 (4,6,2) - these could look better imo, i'd personally move the red anchor a little bit towards the sliderend
00:53:934 (2,2,2,2) - i think you should replace these with repeat sliders as you didn't seem the ignore the drum rhythm on this pattern 00:48:865 (1) - (also to be consistent with the second time where you did use repeats)
01:00:761 (2) - why not start the stream at 01:00:658 - instead?
01:15:348 (1) - i'd reduce the SVs here down to 0.8 to accommodate for the spacing decrease you do here 01:15:658 (2) -
01:18:658 (1) - i think ctrlg would be cool on this one since the guitar notes are going down the scale (also has a better lead to 01:18:969 (2) - )
01:23:624 (1) - personal thing but i'd ctrlj this since 01:23:417 (5) - is leading for the slider to be concaving down, not up
01:31:899 (1,2,3,4) - i know you rejected it but i kinda have to second what mazzerin said about this :( perhaps remaking that part of the stream to make it more spaced?
01:32:175 (1) - i'd nc this because major spacing change
01:33:555 (1,2) - not a fan of this overlap especially for a map this intense, i'd kinda move this up and curve to the left (kind of a rough draft, excuse if its not perfect)
01:54:726 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - unsnapped 1/3?
01:58:382 (1) - i'd move the bottommost red anchor a bit more down to emphasize the guitar sound better
02:14:934 (1) - i dont think 2 anchors are necessary :(
02:23:210 (1) - maybe shortening this to the red tick and adding a note at 02:24:390 - ? would be better emphasis


00:21:969 (1) - would NC this personally
00:24:244 (1) - same here to differentiate between the 2 squares
01:44:313 (1,2,3,4) - don't think the guitar notes call for such a drastic spacing change
01:48:865 (3) - this is kinda random, maybe add a similar slider to 01:48:451 (1,2) - ?
01:51:762 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - mazz wtf this type of flow at 290 bpm isn't very playable LOL pls change back to straight line stream, line singletaps aren't that diffiicult and really i dont think many people are going to singletap this section anyways
02:25:693 (1,2) - i dont think curving these is very necessary, could always make them straight to fit with the others
02:29:831 (1,2) - also following the logic of your last 2 sets of sliders, i'd curve these to be consistent
02:45:348 (3,4) - 02:46:175 (3,4) - i dont see a reason to make these not spaced like 02:45:123 (1,2) -
02:46:796 (1,2) - why not make the same spacing as the ones before?

here you go, gl c:
  1. 00:16:692 - shouldn't have a finish hitsound here
  2. 00:30:762 (4) - this finish feels odd, doesn't really emphasize anything
  1. 00:54:141 (2,3,4,5) - nc these? they have the same spacing as 00:50:520 (1,2,3,4) - which was like 1 second ago but are 3/2, would help sightreads/people who aren't familiar with the song yet for sure
  2. 02:16:899 (2,3,4,5) - ^
  3. 02:14:106 (3,4,5,6) - slider sections like these look much better when you copy them in at least groups of 2, you got lots of space here, you could make them look much more neat than they are here (every slider has a different angle right now)
  1. 00:27:347 (1,2,1,2) - not sure if these are fine or not anymore, they used to be bad cause reverse arrows are covered by objects that were just there (it's pretty bad to do either way, especially awful with hidden) gonna use p/3399029 as a reference point
  2. 00:33:555 (3) - curve this slider more to the left so the follow points on 00:33:555 (3,4) - match with 00:33:451 (2,3) -
  3. 01:10:382 (1,1,3,1) - just noticed how all these 1/1 sliders miss all the claps cause they're on the slider ticks, could easily add a slidertick with the clap sound to fix this
  4. 02:49:279 (3,4,5,6) - hitsounds broken here should be finish on white ticks
  1. 00:00:038 (1,2) - almost 100% vertical/horizontal sliders don't look that good in a map that doesn't follow symmetry on purpose, make them have an angle of a few degrees
  2. 00:11:210 (4) - looks much better when it's curved down like this
  3. 00:50:520 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - feels odd that these parts are so easy lol, make stacked 1/2s here or try to space these sliders out much more if you want to
  4. 00:53:624 (7) - would look nicer if it was parallel to 00:53:417 (5) - like 00:53:003 (1,3) - are to each other
  5. 00:58:796 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - this isn't the best idea, just use sliders for 00:58:796 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - like you did before or put them away so they don't stack with 00:59:624 (1) - , it would still fit the music perfectly for extra emphasis on that burst
  6. 01:42:244 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this is too close to 01:42:038 (3) - , 01:42:244 (1) - this is kinda touching it, and that 1/3 is pretty hard to foresee, nothing really warns about it, not spacing, not slider before (it only covers 3 ticks), etc.
  7. 01:45:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - this is probably the hardest part of the map (it's pretty brutal compared to the rest), so I suggest buffing this 01:51:762 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - by making the jumps larger and back and forths instead of 4 groups of lines (fuck line singletaps at this bpm btw)
  8. 02:16:175 (5,7) - they're awkwardly close
  9. 02:50:106 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - this part of the stream doesn't look that good cause it's so straight
  1. 01:21:968 (1) - wtf this slider is pretty damn ugly
  2. 01:24:451 (3) - this one would look so much better if you curved that last and next to last point so it's like this
  3. 01:31:899 (1,2,3,4,5) - i bet everyone reads this as 1/4, especially since there were just 1/4s here that were stacked the same way 01:29:210 (1,2,3,4,1) - , also this 01:32:243 (6) - should also be stacked and it should space out only from 01:32:312 (7) - (also nc it). maybe use 2 doubles (with sliders) instead on those first 6 notes or something
  4. 02:12:037 (5,7) - sliderheads missing claps
  5. 02:20:003 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - no hitsounds here? why are they on this then tho 02:21:141 (1,2) -
  1. well, there's not much to say here since it's not meant to be played anyways
  2. 00:50:934 (1) - increase spacing on 2nd group by 0.1 and last one 00:51:761 (1) - by 0.1 so it increases gradually (1.0->1.1->1.2->1.3)
  3. 01:49:279 (3) - slider tick 2 would work good for things like this
  4. 01:51:761 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this is too easy, make big jumps or something here, it's only as spaced as 01:04:175 (3,4,5,6) - right now which isn't enough at all. also those tiny squares.. don't really fit the guitar notes at all, music calls for sharper patterns cause the notes are very individual (back and forth is good)
  5. 02:35:210 (3,4,5,6) - how come it gets easier on the last chorus compared to 01:13:279 (3,4,5,6) - lol spacing should be at least 1.5x bigger than that
Topic Starter

Mazzerin wrote:

  1. 00:16:692 - shouldn't have a finish hitsound here yes
  2. 00:30:762 (4) - this finish feels odd, doesn't really emphasize anything ^
  1. 00:54:141 (2,3,4,5) - nc these? they have the same spacing as 00:50:520 (1,2,3,4) - which was like 1 second ago but are 3/2, would help sightreads/people who aren't familiar with the song yet for sure yes
  2. 02:16:899 (2,3,4,5) - ^ same
  3. 02:14:106 (3,4,5,6) - slider sections like these look much better when you copy them in at least groups of 2, you got lots of space here, you could make them look much more neat than they are here (every slider has a different angle right now) yea i guess so
  1. 00:00:038 (1,2) - almost 100% vertical/horizontal sliders don't look that good in a map that doesn't follow symmetry on purpose, make them have an angle of a few degrees agree
  2. 00:11:210 (4) - looks much better when it's curved down like this don't really agree here, this is supposed to be like the previous pattern but longer with a slight angle
  3. 00:50:520 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - feels odd that these parts are so easy lol, make stacked 1/2s here or try to space these sliders out much more if you want to sure it's relatively easier than the rest but i don't think this part needs hard patterns, but your suggestion is interesting
  4. 00:53:624 (7) - would look nicer if it was parallel to 00:53:417 (5) - like 00:53:003 (1,3) - are to each other yes
  5. 00:58:796 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - this isn't the best idea, just use sliders for 00:58:796 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - like you did before or put them away so they don't stack with 00:59:624 (1) - , it would still fit the music perfectly for extra emphasis on that burst mhh good idea, changed
  6. 01:42:244 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this is too close to 01:42:038 (3) - , 01:42:244 (1) - this is kinda touching it, and that 1/3 is pretty hard to foresee, nothing really warns about it, not spacing, not slider before (it only covers 3 ticks), etc. good point
  7. 01:45:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - this is probably the hardest part of the map (it's pretty brutal compared to the rest), so I suggest buffing this 01:51:762 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - by making the jumps larger and back and forths instead of 4 groups of lines (fuck line singletaps at this bpm btw) i hope people are fast then, changed
  8. 02:16:175 (5,7) - they're awkwardly close less awkward now maybe
  9. 02:50:106 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - this part of the stream doesn't look that good cause it's so straight changed
thanks a lot mazz!

Mazzerin wrote:

  1. 01:21:968 (1) - wtf this slider is pretty damn ugly ur faec is ugly xd (changed)
  2. 01:24:451 (3) - this one would look so much better if you curved that last and next to last point so it's like this changed a bit
  3. 01:31:899 (1,2,3,4,5) - i bet everyone reads this as 1/4, especially since there were just 1/4s here that were stacked the same way 01:29:210 (1,2,3,4,1) - Well it is slightly more spaced out than the 1/4 before, more spaced than that and it will look ugly and won't fit or play as well , also this 01:32:243 (6) - should also be stacked and it should space out only from 01:32:312 (7) - (also nc it). maybe use 2 doubles (with sliders) instead on those first 6 notes or something wait what? the high guitar note is on the 6, moving that circle with the stack wouldn't make sense
  4. 02:12:037 (5,7) - sliderheads missing claps fixed
  5. 02:20:003 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - no hitsounds here? why are they on this then tho 02:21:141 (1,2) - wtf why did a bunch of hitsounds randomly get deleted??? there were others missing in this section aswell ._.
rather just not have feedback on a sound that im ignoring (the sliderticks)
did the other ones ... tic%5D.osu
Topic Starter

Xilver wrote:

hello o/ m4m from my queue heya


00:21:969 (1) - would NC this personally yes
00:24:244 (1) - same here to differentiate between the 2 squares ^
01:44:313 (1,2,3,4) - don't think the guitar notes call for such a drastic spacing change true, but this helps contrasting with the previous notes, and those streams are only 1/3s so i don't think spacing is a bit problem here
01:48:865 (3) - this is kinda random, maybe add a similar slider to 01:48:451 (1,2) - ? actually im gonna change the shape because it looks like ass
01:51:762 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - mazz wtf this type of flow at 290 bpm isn't very playable LOL pls change back to straight line stream, line singletaps aren't that diffiicult and really i dont think many people are going to singletap this section anyways WELP
02:25:693 (1,2) - i dont think curving these is very necessary, could always make them straight to fit with the others i like a bit of diversity, it's not too exotic either, it fits and makes the map a bit more fresh imo
02:29:831 (1,2) - also following the logic of your last 2 sets of sliders, i'd curve these to be consistent here yes
02:45:348 (3,4) - 02:46:175 (3,4) - i dont see a reason to make these not spaced like 02:45:123 (1,2) - changed this section a bit, should look better and more consistent
02:46:796 (1,2) - why not make the same spacing as the ones before? ^

here you go, gl c:
thanks a lot! :3
This time I was productive:

I changed a lot of things in Oni and refined the patterns as well. The spread should be fine by now and rankable since the SR dropped from 5.6 to 4.66. Will do further changes today and look for mods afterwards!
Topic Starter
good to hear :3

lets rank this
yahoo let's go


CXu wrote:

[Ekoro's Fever]

  1. Considering your use of stuff like 01:29:417 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - and 00:50:521 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - , I assume the way this map flows is intentionally slightly awkward. i didn't want to do 100% flow because of the bpm, i kinda did what i wanted to do, without going too much overboard except the goddamn spaced streams

  2. 00:00:917 (2) - Well, I'm using kinda crappy earphones right now, but I can't really hear any note here. It's already a pretty crazy song/map, so it's probably not necessary to add extra notes like this. i do feel like there's a little sound here, but removing it isn't that bad (no notes to move around here) so i'll apply it
  3. 00:03:348 (1) - Maybe use a stack of 2 notes instead? Both beats sound pretty powerful. Do similarly for 00:05:003 (1) - 00:08:313 (1) - etc. i would change pretty much the whole map if i did so, i think they are fine the way they are :(
  4. 00:03:348 (1,2,3,4,5) - Maybe it's just me, but doesn't it make more sense to group these as (1,2) (3,4) (5,1), rather than (1), (2,3), (4,5) ? This applies to like most of the map so it'd be pretty tedious to fix. nah, i think that (1) (2,3) (4,5) (1) [...] fits perfectly the track, no need to change here
  5. 00:07:382 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - Might wanna move this thing a bit more to the left, to distinguish the timing between 00:07:175 (4,5) - and 00:07:072 (3,4) - a bit more. And it'll feel less like an anti-jump. changed a little bit this part and adjusted next notes, looks better i guess
  6. 00:19:072 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - I hear something like this. changed
  7. 00:20:985 (6,7) - No jump? You've added a jump for the guitar in this section except here. wanted to emphasize the other instrument here, the one who goes like constant note until the slider (which is why i didn't use sliders here)
  8. 00:31:900 (3,4) - Maybe increase the spacing on these two? Since the guitar notes are higher. You do it later at 00:35:417 (3,4) - as well. i would, but it's kinda impossible without changing the whole next part. and i didn't focus on increasing the spacing with guitar, i just used a "global" increase (which is the square itself) which is fine to me. i focused more on design/gameplay instead of really following the music beat by beat
  9. 00:35:624 - Similar stuff from earlier applies here too, so change anything you changed before. actually the spacing here is bigger
  10. 01:02:106 - It looks like you're increasing the spacing gradually through the kiai? To me the first part of the kiai doesn't feel quite powerful enough in terms of spacing, as it already uses more sliders than earlier parts where you'd have a bunch of circles in a row. You just got here from an intense stream, and then the puny jumps at 01:02:624 (4,5,6) - seem kinda underwhelming :P not really, i didn't focus on keeping the same spacing, but more like "filling" the space remaining between those sliders. sometimes it's high, sometimes it's low, i didn't focus on regularity at all here EDIT: fixed because i just realized it was very easy to increase the spacing of the two first jumps
  11. 01:15:658 (2,1) - You need to immediately change cursor direction here, which doesn't play as well as when you don't have to like at 01:18:968 (2,1) - Also, the music sounds pretty constant so the direction change feels a bit unwarranted. i didn't want to have constant 1/2 so the sliders are "directing the cursor" toward the square tornados. also i think it's fine, the square is good where it is (it makes a pattern with the previous sliderend, which was my intent), i don't think it's too harsh here
  12. 01:21:968 - Personally I think you should follow the guitar a bit more closely for this section. That one 1/3 slider feels kinda out of place otherwise. i do think the 1/2 sounds fine though. the 1/3 slider was the only place where it really "sounds" 1/3.
  13. 01:54:244 (1) - This is pretty close to the previous note, considering the note is pretty strong. changed, this looks better now! (stacked (4) and moved (1) so it's symetrical
  14. 02:03:141 (5,6) - This kinda breaks consistency with how you always make these more spaced than 02:01:899 (2,3) - . Also they kinda blend into the next diamondpattern, while you don't really have that at 02:03:968 (1,2,3,4) - . changed + remapped next part
  15. 02:04:589 (1,2,1,2) - 1/16 repeat sliders oh please
  16. 02:09:968 (1) - Make this a 1/2 slider? Would work well with 02:10:279 (3,5) - . remapped this part anyway, i think two circles are fine
  17. 02:10:796 (1) - Same as above. Also, there isn't really any beat at 02:10:899 - . the beat is to keep continuity, it would be weird to have 1/1 gap in such an intense map
  18. 02:36:399 - Add note? done + remapped the end part
I'll look at the rest later.
i remapped some parts in the map because i didn't really like them. those parts are:

02:03:141 - 02:11:624
02:18:244 - 02:19:899 (+ moved every note to adjust this part, up to spinner)
02:36:348 - 02:51:348 (end)

i believe those parts look better now. thanks for the mod, shoemaster!


Xilver wrote:

hello o/ m4m from my queue


oh my :')

00:19:072 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - agree with what cxu said about this, also i think you could keep this just 1 combo without any added NCS changed this part so i kinda forgot what was there LOL
the new combos seems helpful for me, it helps to separate those patterns which can be a pain to read if there's only one combo
00:21:968 (5) - would NC this personally i understand, but i think this is fine as it is :<
00:41:106 (4) - could try to blanket this with 1 if you wanted to it has a complicated double "blanket", i think it's fine atm
00:42:037 (3,4) - playability wise i'd add a slider here, it's pretty overkill to singletap 290 after doing a bunch of the bursts/triples you did before four circles seems fine to me, outside the fact that it would be a pain to rearrange everything after
00:42:451 (3,4,5) - 00:44:106 (3,4,5) - 00:45:761 (3,4,5) - could do this to be consistent with the previous guitar sections you mapped i wanted to emphasize the 1/1 beats here, which is why i didn't map like earlier (where there was only claps on red ticks, almost nothing else tho' lol)
00:53:830 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - i'd do something similar to what you did here 02:16:589 (1) - , it's pretty painful to do 290 triples for so long first part has something like (1,2,3)(4) while the second has (1,2,3,4,5) (all 1/4). in order to not make 4*5-circle stream pattern, i emphasized the "1" and the "3". here i do think full circle is good here ; i tried to do one slider and two circles but it ended very awkward to play. hope you understood what i meant though ;_;
01:02:520 (3,4,5,6) - would increase the spacing of these jumps (and all the other ones in this kiai) to fit 01:04:175 (3,4,5,6) - , again as cxu mentioned this is a bit underwhelming was about to say the same thing as above until i realized i could fix this easily
01:31:072 (1) - pretty sure i hear a triple that can be mapped here ah i see what you mean, however the slider looks fine to me and consider it as a break before the hardest part huehue
01:42:037 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - i'd gradually decrease spacing here as the guitar notes are going down the scale thought about it but it would be a mess, could be confusing imo
01:43:486 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - same here ^
01:54:658 (1,2,3,4) - isn't this a 1/3rd? you can hear "somehow" four 1/2 notes here, if you play with playback rate 25%
01:57:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - would decrease spacing here because notes are going down the scale again, also this would have a greater impact when you increased spacing here 01:57:555 (1) - same, thought about it too but i think it's fine as it is (the whole last streams have a big impact here, which seems fine to me)
01:58:382 (1) - doesn't this slider end at 01:59:003 - ? just realized it, yes. but looking at it, a 2/1 slider seems more easier to understand than 3/1. i can attempt to fix it if it's really necessary though
02:26:934 (3,4,5,6) - if you denied my suggestion about 01:02:520 (3,4,5,6) - then i would make this set of jumps more spaced to be consistent with 01:04:175 (3,4,5,6) - are they consistent now? (fixed the previous suggestion). and anyway, ran out of place in the grid here :<
02:30:244 (3,4,5,6) - same here^ ^
02:33:555 (3,4,5,6) - seems like you did increase the spacing for this one :o i mapped it according to the remaining space, i didn't want to overlap the sliders here
sorry to overkill the world, but i really feel like some parts fit the powerful intensity of the track, my difficulty was mapped according to the track itself (who cares about fullscreen 200 BPM jumps :^))

thank you for your mod, Xilver!


Mazzerin wrote:

  1. well, there's not much to say here since it's not meant to be played anyways rude
  2. 00:50:934 (1) - increase spacing on 2nd group by 0.1 and last one 00:51:761 (1) - by 0.1 so it increases gradually (1.0->1.1->1.2->1.3) thought about it too, but i had absolutely no idea about how i could do this without making it look ugly as fuck. i guess i'll keep this, it seems ok atm :c
  3. 01:49:279 (3) - slider tick 2 would work good for things like this yeah but some sliders (like the 1/3 one) would totally mess up :<
  4. 01:51:761 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this is too easy, make big jumps or something here, it's only as spaced as 01:04:175 (3,4,5,6) - right now which isn't enough at all. also those tiny squares.. don't really fit the guitar notes at all, music calls for sharper patterns cause the notes are very individual (back and forth is good) didn't have inspiration to place good back&forths here so i did a square-flow pattern
  5. 02:35:210 (3,4,5,6) - how come it gets easier on the last chorus compared to 01:13:279 (3,4,5,6) - lol spacing should be at least 1.5x bigger than that glad i can increase easily this spacing too. increased a little bit!
that third suggestion actually helped me a lot, thanks!

(and thanks for the mod, hihi)

finally done asdf
[Ono Oni]
00:03:865 (2) - k ? I think it's fit

00:24:244 (4) - k, I think it's better than just straight kddddd.. over there

01:08:106 (2) - big D

02:17:520 - you're missing a d here

[Nwolf Muzukashii]
02:21:968 - pattern over here isn't it too difficult? since there triplets 02:22:796 (58,59,60) - after the long stream. Suggest to delete 02:22:486 (56) -

other is fine

[Puxtu SHD]
00:25:485 - on this part, I suggest you to map doubles on every guitar emphasis such as in 00:26:106 - , 00:26:727 - , 00:29:003 - I guess you can find the other

00:31:693 (31693|2,31745|1) - move one column to the left, uhh trillnya less friendly

00:48:555 (48555|0,48606|1,48658|0) - personally this one hand trill can be a problem on 290 bpm, just use 4321 stair here 00:48:451 (48451|3,48503|2,48555|0,48606|1) - and make 00:48:658 (48658|3,48658|2,48658|0) - 234

00:52:279 (52279|0) - move to 2 and move 00:52:330 (52330|1) - to 4, trying to avoid 00:52:175 (52175|0,52279|0,52382|0) -

00:56:624 (56624|0,56727|0,56830|0,56934|0) - you can avoid this actually by ctrl + G 00:56:934 (56934|0,56986|1) -

01:15:037 (75037|2,75089|3,75141|1,75192|2,75244|0,75296|1) - this is tricky, honestly, to do in 290 bpm. I prefer more straight stair like 432143 then triplet. Don't forget to rearrage the next notes after you apply this

01:27:761 - you can see here that you heavily use column 1, 2 and 3 and left column 4 just partially mapped, make it more balance ex. like this

01:32:727 (92727|2,92779|1,92830|3,92882|2) - I prefer this to be 01:32:727 (92727|2,92727|0) - 12 , then 01:32:779 (92779|1,92830|3,92882|2) - 432 , and btw, it's fit to the guitar

01:35:261 (95261|1,95313|0,95365|2,95417|1,95468|3,95520|2) - yea I have said about this pattern. I'm not sure of it because the song is 290 bpm. I prefer something like 4321 or 43 12 since you can hit them with one hand for every 1/2 beat. It's ok tho to use 21 32 43 like that but only if there's strong emphasis in the stream part and trickier pattern is needed

01:56:520 (116520|3,116624|3,116727|3) - just what is this lol, I know you can avoid this. 01:56:624 (116624|3) - move to 1

02:04:692 (124692|0,124796|0,124899|0,125003|0) - umm anchor I think? I can't tolerate it in 290 bpm How about

02:19:486 (139486|0,139589|0,139692|0,139796|0,139899|0) - ok this is worse than before. Try

I've manually dl pux newest update here

modding pux shd makes me tired
Continuation of my mod, so no kds on this post for obvious reasons.

[Ekoro's Fever]
  1. 00:40:589 (1,2,3,4,5) - That's some lame blanketing
[Wolf's Night]
  1. Won't QATs kill you for having two diffs with custom names.
  2. 00:00:503 (2) - Same as with what I said for Ekoro, I dunno if it's my earphones being shitty, but I don't hear a sound here and I think it's probably fine to map this part without the extra note.
  3. 00:00:917 (7) - ^
  4. 00:03:348 (1,2) - Stack (or well almost stack) these like you do for like every instance later for consistency. + It works nice with the repeated beat in the music.
  5. 00:04:900 (6) - Make this 2 notes. It's consistent with what you do later, and you don't get a stupid sliderend on the downbeat. And then you can make a stackthing.
  6. 00:13:072 (1,3) - I guess you're NCing like this for the pattern and whatnot.
  7. 00:16:175 (4,5,6,1) - Maybe it's just me, but the way this whole thing is kinda on a curve makes 00:16:382 (5,6) - less defined(?) or whatever you'd say, which makes them feel less powerful than the guitar is compared to the music, if that makes any sense.
  8. 00:23:831 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Maybe make minijumps and arrange these in groups of 2 notes?
  9. 00:27:038 (2,3) - For these parts it looks like you've mapped almost everything with spaced out notes, so these stacks create some awkward pauses and kills cursor movement imo.
  10. 00:35:624 (1,2) - Stack? xd
  11. 00:50:520 - 00:52:175 - I find it odd you decided to do 3 +1 with circles and sliders here, while doing 2 + 2 at 00:57:141 - 00:58:796 - , and I also think 2 + 2, or just 4 rounds of circles work better than having the last two as sliders for this section, since the music is increasing in intensity, and sliders are more lenient and whatnot.
  12. 00:53:830 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - You can do something similar as you did at 02:16:589 - , tho what you have now is fine as well.
  13. 01:00:658 - Isn't there a drumbeat here? You could probably get away with adding a note at 01:00:710 - if you think the 1/2 is kinda awkward or you want that stack effect.
  14. 01:01:692 - should have a note here and 01:01:744 - I guess.
  15. 01:15:658 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22) - Uneven curve that people probably won't notice when they're playing.
  16. 01:18:969 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22) - ^
  17. 01:34:381 (1,2,3,4) - I think something like this would follow the guitar better, and also help keeping momentum through this part.
  18. 01:37:072 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - Huh, why aren't you NCing on downbeats here? I don't quite see anything specific you need to divide up in terms of patterns, and it's hard to tell when there's an NC anyway due to the combo colors.
  19. 01:46:175 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I mean I know these are like part of separate patterns, but that still looks dumb xd.
  20. 02:13:279 - Same as earlier.
  1. Overall, I feel like this isn't mapped as "cleanly" as the other two diffs. Like there's a lot of things that probably plays fine and whatnot, but at least imo doesn't look like they work together to form patterns with each other, if that makes any sense. It could just be because of the high bpm and high CS though. It's mostly just how much there seems to be accidental overlaps like 00:13:175 (6,3) - , 00:08:624 (3,1) - , or how for example 00:16:072 (3) - is closer to 00:15:555 (5) - than 00:15:865 (2) - . It's also not quite as easy to make out any clear patterns from 00:03:348 - 00:21:348 - , I think. I mean I see them when I'm looking for them in the editor, but overall I think the map feels a bit rough around the edges. I'll mostly focus on gameplay stuff in the mod, and it's not a lot, but I think the map itself could need some further polish in terms of aesthetics.
  2. 00:04:900 (6,1) - I think it'd make sense to space these out considering the strong downbeat, but if you do do that, you'll have to do it for a lot of similar parts in the map, which is a lot of work
  3. 00:32:107 (1,2,3,4,5) - For the most part you have curvy motions for these parts, like 00:28:693 (2,3,4,5) - , and the curves work better right after the 00:31:900 (6,7) - jumps imo. The pattern right now feels kinda sharp instead but yeah.
  4. 01:04:175 (3) - Why is this like the only triangle within squares xd.
  5. 01:04:589 (1,2,3,4) - Maybe you could increase the spacing of these sliders a bit to kind of simulate a bit of buildup like the song does. They're sliderjumps anyway so it won't increase the difficulty by much anyway.
  6. 01:26:106 (1) - Imo, placing this on the other side of the rotating pattern so that 01:26:003 (7) - leads directly into this slider would play much better than it does right now. You would have to rearrange some stuff though.
  7. 01:32:934 (2,3) - It's a bit odd you don't add the jump to the (2) like you do earlier.
  8. 01:34:693 (3) - Move this further down-right and closer to 01:34:589 (2) - to create a jump to 01:34:796 (4) - ? It's the stronger beat, so the minijump makes more sense there.
  9. 02:26:934 (3,4,5,6) - Same as the other triangle
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