ye, i meant preview point lol sry
Neoskylove wrote:
nothing to say. But your NC is bad in normal. fixed
00:25:486 (2,3) - this symnystry is not perfect. it keeps changing even when i fix it, i can't do much about it
01:42:658 (3,4) - how about blanket sure yes
02:33:555 (2,3) - bad pattern.... should be good now
00:50:520 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - distance is bad. it's just increasing, like the build up in the song
01:39:761 (4,4) - not really noticeable but fixed anyway
Finish...Sorry I can't mod Extra...
Deppyforce wrote:
lol this song is great
in normal, adv and hard isnt spinner supposed to end at 03:01:279 - like the other diffs well this is debatable, but i think hard is still too "easy" for a late spinner
00:36:451 (2,1) - over 50% of sliderhead is covered, fix pls fixed
01:01:279 - this should be mapped imo, the pause feels weird cuz drum is still playing yep
00:06:658 (1,2,3) - this rhythm doesnt fit, would b better imo if start (3) at 00:07:279 - the rhythm is tricky that's for sure, but it's fine, (3) is currently mapped on the down beat, which is a big deal, if it wasn't, the rhythm would feel even more confusing
00:41:106 (2,3) - ^
00:49:693 (2,2) - idk if this is a issue or not but 2nd slider appears before the first slider disappears, might be hard to read for beginners ? it should be okay, i had that in mind while mapping it, but (2) should be the only thing the player want to click on next, so it should be okay
02:36:451 (5) - ctrl+g flows better imo (nazi yea i agree but i have to use DS for adv
00:32:003 (4) - should spilt this to 2 circles instead to make it constant with similiar rhythms yes
01:52:175 (5) - 01:53:003 (5) - nc added
this map is great o.o
good luck!
15:24 Ekoro: ok c'est parti
15:24 *Ekoro is editing [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever [Wolf's Night]]
15:26 Alheak: dac
15:26 Alheak: jvais relevé pour lui
15:26 Alheak: il dort tout le temps
15:27 Ekoro: lol
15:27 Ekoro: j'vais poster mon avis et aussi pointer quelques trucs
15:27 Ekoro: vite fait
15:27 Alheak: dac
15:27 Ekoro: 00:54:141 (3) - pourquoi pas de new combo sur ces patterns? la partie d'après en a
15:28 Ekoro: ça pourrait en plus faciliter les gens qui jouent la map
15:30 Ekoro: 01:01:692 - j'trouve que y'a un vide ici, fin c'est peut-être que moi mais j'trouve que des 1/1 sur ce type de musique c'est assez déstabilisant
15:30 Ekoro: j'aurai mis deux cercles de plus avant 01:01:796 (7,8,9) -
15:30 Ekoro: fin après il suit parfaitement la musique, ce qui est compréhensible
15:31 Ekoro: j'ai pas suivi à 100% Everything will freeze, j'ai ajouté quelques notes parce que ça joue mieux (et ça appuie davantage les streams)
15:31 Ekoro: ici j'aurai ajouté deux notes, m'enfin ça reste que mon avis
15:32 Ekoro: 01:08:003 - same here, ou au moins j'aurai remplacé 01:07:899 (1,2) par un slider
15:32 Ekoro: 01:25:279 (1,2,3) - 01:27:037 (6,7,8,9) - j'suis un peu perdu sur ces deux trucs
15:32 Alheak: wé puis ça fait contraste avec les pattern précédent
15:32 Ekoro: la musique appuie pas assez pour ces patterns j'trouve
15:33 Ekoro: 01:31:899 (1,2,3,4,5) - changer de spacing sur le 01:32:175 (5) - paraît risqué ; pourquoi pas changer le spacing à 01:32:312 (7), en plus ça suit un rythme 1/1, plus facile pour le joueur je pense
15:34 Ekoro: 01:37:692 (1,2,3,4,5) - je vois à peu près comment c'est (j'ai déjà vu ça plusieurs fois) mais je sais pas si ça serait un peu trop chaud à jouer
15:37 Ekoro: rien d'autre à dire
15:37 Ekoro: y'a pas de pattern flow-breaker, ça suit bien la musique, les streams sont pas trop spaced donc le 290 BPM est jouable
15:37 Ekoro: (j'parle de "pas spaced" mais j'fais le contraire sur ma map lol)
15:38 Alheak: dac
15:38 Alheak: on avait pas mal de plaintes sur les lignes droites de 1/2s
15:38 Alheak: il a nerf quelques unes
15:38 Ekoro: c'est assez dur oui
15:38 Ekoro: c'est sûr que leur donner une forme plus adaptée ça serait mieux, m'enfin si l'idée de ce passage c'est de faire un pattern en ligne (je l'ai vu plusieurs fois)
15:39 Ekoro: ça reste que mon avis mais
15:39 Ekoro: je préfère séparer les lignes en 3 lignes distinctes
15:39 Alheak: 3 cercles?
15:40 Ekoro: nah j'veux dire
15:40 Ekoro: au lieu de faire un seul bloc, on pourrait faire un truc du genre
15:40 Ekoro: (pas aussi spaced mais tu vois l'idée)
15:40 Ekoro: j'trouve ça plus facile imo
15:41 Alheak: oh je vois
15:41 Ekoro: 02:13:279 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ici je vois plus un pattern entier formant un "triangle"
15:41 Ekoro: c'est p'tet ça qui le rend plus difficile
15:41 Ekoro: faire 3 patterns (une ligne chacun), chacun séparée sur la map, ça marcherait aussi
15:42 Alheak: oui
15:54 Ekoro: let's check extra
15:54 Alheak: pishi s'est bien cassé la tête aussi
15:54 Ekoro: j'ai vu ça
15:54 Alheak: hard et insane était horrible à map au début
15:54 Ekoro: CS2 une Lunatic diff
15:54 Ekoro: faut des couilles pour faire ça
15:54 Ekoro: (ça rend bien en plus)
15:54 Alheak: oui
15:55 Alheak: c'est un pro
15:55 Ekoro: sinon oui, souvent c'est Hard/Insane qui sont les plus dures à mapper
15:55 Ekoro: pour ça que j'ai laissé Gone With The Blast en suspend
15:55 Ekoro: je savais pas quoi faire pour la insane
15:55 Alheak: oui
15:55 Ekoro: au final
15:55 Alheak: d'ailleurs je pense que jvais t'aider sur ça plutôt que les plus dures
15:55 Ekoro: sure
15:55 Ekoro: je pense que mon spread est équilibré
15:55 Ekoro: même si je cherche à faire le + court possible
15:55 Ekoro: 1,91 / 3,09 / 4,41 / 5,72 / 6,86 / 8,42
15:56 Alheak: oui
15:56 Alheak: on a les même spread vers ins/luna/extra
15:56 Alheak: je me demande si ça va passer mdr
15:56 Ekoro: et en plus
15:56 Ekoro: faire plus de diffs implique + de galère
15:57 Ekoro: si par exemple il te faut un truc entre une Hard à 3* et une Insane à 4,5*
15:57 Ekoro: ça sera super chaud pour faire un truc entre les deux
15:57 Alheak: oui
15:57 Ekoro: 1,83 / 2,73 / 3,44 / 4,32 / 5,56 / 7,02 / 7,69
15:57 Ekoro: oui ça devrait passer
15:58 Alheak: p-e nerf un peu extra juste pour avoir 1234567
15:58 Alheak: et satisfaire mon OCD
15:58 Ekoro: LOL
15:58 Ekoro: moi j'ai fait 1 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8
15:58 Ekoro: double skip
15:59 Alheak: aaa
16:00 Ekoro: 01:57:141 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1) - nice patterns :D
16:01 Alheak: ty
16:01 Ekoro: 02:07:830 (9) - pourquoi pas décaler ce slider de 1/3
16:01 Ekoro: et rajouter un cercle
16:01 Ekoro: ça joue mieux (comme ça tu appuies sur la note sur le 1/1)
16:02 Ekoro: 02:08:175 (12) - pour ce slider, err, soit un reverse, soit un cercle+slider
16:02 Alheak: je suivais la guitare ici
16:02 Alheak: mais je me demande en effet si c'est pas mieux oui
16:02 Alheak: et techniquement je pourrais repeat 02:08:175 (12) - ça
16:02 Alheak: et enlever le cercle avant
16:02 Ekoro: ye
16:04 Ekoro: juste une suggestion de ma part mais
16:04 Ekoro: 02:48:451 (5) - pourquoi tu répèterais pas les deux patterns d'avant
16:04 Ekoro: comme ça, ça accentue sur la musique
16:06 Alheak: mhh
16:06 Alheak: tu veux dire 02:48:038 (1,2,3,4) - ceux là?
16:07 Ekoro: yep
16:08 Alheak: en fait je crois qu'il faudrait que je les inverse plutôt
16:08 Alheak: trop d'emphasis sur rien
16:08 Alheak: 02:48:106 (2,4) -
16:09 Ekoro: avec la musique on fait pas trop gaffe
16:09 Ekoro: donc ça passe encore
16:09 Ekoro: autre suggestion
16:09 Ekoro: 02:45:141 (7) - j'trouve que 8 cercles c'est un peu déstabilisant à hit, pourquoi pas un new combo sur les 7
16:09 Ekoro: comme ça on voit que y'a un doublet et le joueur peut anticiper
16:11 Alheak: wé pk pas
16:11 Ekoro: overall ça va, ça joue bien
16:11 Ekoro: pas vraiment de problèmes au niveau du rythme
16:12 Alheak: j'ai essayé de faire ça le plus proprement possible
16:13 Alheak: calmer mes instincts
16:13 Ekoro: bah après j'suis pas un nazi total donc bon
16:13 Ekoro: enfin j'évite, surtout dans le modding
16:13 Alheak: malgré l'appel du 290bpm
16:13 Ekoro: parce que chacun son style
16:13 Ekoro: moi j'ai tenté de faire un truc sur du 290
16:13 Ekoro: sans résultat concret
16:13 *Ekoro is listening to [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Revived]
16:17 Alheak: [ mes oreilles]
16:17 Ekoro: HUE
16:17 Alheak: mdr
16:17 Alheak: à première vue c'est pas trop mal, j'ai l'impression de voir un peu de wolf's night dedans
16:18 Alheak: même si elle a été faite avant
16:18 Ekoro: j'case des patterns un peu partout sur mes maps
16:18 Alheak: il s'en est p-e inspiré
16:18 Ekoro: des patterns peuvent parfois cacher des double patterns par exemple
16:18 Ekoro: (genre j'ai placé un pattern en étoile pour qu'un cercle soit le dernier cercle d'un triangle suivant)
16:19 Alheak: mdr
16:20 Alheak: bref
16:20 *Alheak is editing [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Gone With The Blast [Insane]]
16:20 Ekoro: j'vais poster ça en attendant
Ben ça, ça m'a aidé, pas comme me lâcher un "time freeze sequel c ilizibl é pa posibl a mémorizé" mdrEkoro wrote:
Gave tiny feedbacks about the two last diffs. Some tiny things suggested, but overall, both diffs are playable (by top players at least), there aren't any (or not much, at least) flow breaker patterns, etc.blablabla meow meow woof woof15:24 Ekoro: ok c'est parti
15:24 *Ekoro is editing [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever [Wolf's Night]]
15:26 Alheak: dac
15:26 Alheak: jvais relevé pour lui
15:26 Alheak: il dort tout le temps
15:27 Ekoro: lol
15:27 Ekoro: j'vais poster mon avis et aussi pointer quelques trucs
15:27 Ekoro: vite fait
15:27 Alheak: dac
15:27 Ekoro: 00:54:141 (3) - pourquoi pas de new combo sur ces patterns? la partie d'après en a ok
15:28 Ekoro: ça pourrait en plus faciliter les gens qui jouent la map
15:30 Ekoro: 01:01:692 - j'trouve que y'a un vide ici, fin c'est peut-être que moi mais j'trouve que des 1/1 sur ce type de musique c'est assez déstabilisant
15:30 Ekoro: j'aurai mis deux cercles de plus avant 01:01:796 (7,8,9) - parce que c'est des ghost notes (oui oui y a bien des notes, même entre chaque stream/triplés), mais elles sont à peine audibles, et j'aime pas mapper des trucs inaudibles sur ce genre de difficulté
15:30 Ekoro: fin après il suit parfaitement la musique, ce qui est compréhensible
15:31 Ekoro: j'ai pas suivi à 100% Everything will freeze, j'ai ajouté quelques notes parce que ça joue mieux (et ça appuie davantage les streams)
15:31 Ekoro: ici j'aurai ajouté deux notes, m'enfin ça reste que mon avis oui oui je comprends :p
15:32 Ekoro: 01:08:003 - same here, ou au moins j'aurai remplacé 01:07:899 (1,2) par un slider Pareil, les notes sont à peine audible, puis ça donne un léger break avant les streams (et empêche le mash vu que c'est stacké mwahahaha)
15:32 Ekoro: 01:25:279 (1,2,3) - 01:27:037 (6,7,8,9) - j'suis un peu perdu sur ces deux trucs Je suppose que c'est trop stacké et ça confonds avec les 1/4s, du coup j'ai augmenté le spacing
15:32 Alheak: wé puis ça fait contraste avec les pattern précédent
15:32 Ekoro: la musique appuie pas assez pour ces patterns j'trouve
15:33 Ekoro: 01:31:899 (1,2,3,4,5) - changer de spacing sur le 01:32:175 (5) - paraît risqué ; pourquoi pas changer le spacing à 01:32:312 (7), en plus ça suit un rythme 1/1, plus facile pour le joueur je pense J'me trompe peut-être, mais à cette vitesse je trouve que les joueurs voient plutôt ça comme un stream à 217bpm au lieu d'1/3s à 290, mais c'est surtout à cause de 01:32:243 (6) - cette note que le tournant ce fait sur le 5
15:34 Ekoro: 01:37:692 (1,2,3,4,5) - je vois à peu près comment c'est (j'ai déjà vu ça plusieurs fois) mais je sais pas si ça serait un peu trop chaud à jouer En vrai ce stream suce et ne suit même pas la musique, du coup je l'ai refait
15:37 Ekoro: rien d'autre à dire
15:37 Ekoro: y'a pas de pattern flow-breaker, ça suit bien la musique, les streams sont pas trop spaced donc le 290 BPM est jouable
15:37 Ekoro: (j'parle de "pas spaced" mais j'fais le contraire sur ma map lol)
15:38 Alheak: dac
15:38 Alheak: on avait pas mal de plaintes sur les lignes droites de 1/2s
15:38 Alheak: il a nerf quelques unes
15:38 Ekoro: c'est assez dur oui
15:38 Ekoro: c'est sûr que leur donner une forme plus adaptée ça serait mieux, m'enfin si l'idée de ce passage c'est de faire un pattern en ligne (je l'ai vu plusieurs fois)
15:39 Ekoro: ça reste que mon avis mais
15:39 Ekoro: je préfère séparer les lignes en 3 lignes distinctes
15:39 Alheak: 3 cercles?
15:40 Ekoro: nah j'veux dire
15:40 Ekoro: au lieu de faire un seul bloc, on pourrait faire un truc du genre
15:40 Ekoro: (pas aussi spaced mais tu vois l'idée)
15:40 Ekoro: j'trouve ça plus facile imo
15:41 Alheak: oh je vois
15:41 Ekoro: 02:13:279 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ici je vois plus un pattern entier formant un "triangle"
15:41 Ekoro: c'est p'tet ça qui le rend plus difficile
15:41 Ekoro: faire 3 patterns (une ligne chacun), chacun séparée sur la map, ça marcherait aussi Mhhh ça a du sens, j'ai changé les 2 premiers pour un truc de ce genre, ça devrait être + simple à lire et jouer now
15:42 Alheak: oui
Rip in peace :>Ekoro wrote:
RIP fingers 2k16Ekoro wrote:
thanks anyway \o/Linada wrote:
[Ekoro]RIP fingers 2k16Ekoro wrote:
00:48:865 - 01:01:899 rip stamina o/ (no sliders ?) the music gets really intense here, the triplets makes it all. i do think that sliders would make it less "emphasizing", and i don't know where i'd place them anyway
Merci pour l'aide et ton temps, et désolé pour le RSI lolLinada wrote:
hi random mod o/ don't kudo if no changes please holy fuck that BG i love it[Insane]
AR9 and 290BPM, looks like AR7 on 180BPM, raise it to 9.3/4? it's mapped like a 145bpm song, the streams aren't supposed to be singletapped
01:26:106 (9) - NC this part has a NC every 2 measures, and I want to keep that consistency
This diff looks weird, but i guess 290BPM can't help for 4.3 stars[Extra]
found nothing o/
I got RSI from modding o/
Good luck !
dermit wrote:
I'll see if I can find something to mod:Normal01:09:555 (3,4) This might look nicer if you moved the cirle outside for a bit? The (4) to the left that is. yea changed this part a bit
01:38:520 (1,1) - I don't think I like these two sliders - the most emphasized part of the guitar solo (the bend) is left with no representation. Maybe make the slider shorter and add a circle? Not sure I use very few circles in this difficulty, of course those sliders are underwhelming but that's just how it goesAdvancedI found nothing apart from too many 1/4 sliders :^)Hard00:06:451 (7,8,1,2) - I think this pattern doesn't play well at all, but maybe that's me - but there's a note playing in the middle of the slider so there's definitely other ways to map this - your call. changed the triple
00:13:072 (7,8,1,2) - ^ ^
01:05:830 (2,3,4) - this is really hard to play - I don't know if it's fitting for this diff? it should play the same as a slider->stream, the repeat might be confusing to read to i think it's okay for a Hard
01:10:796 (3,4,5) - ^ ^
01:24:451 (3,4) - Doesn't the beat that is a sliderend here warrant more emphasis than 01:26:003 (3) - and 01:26:830 (6) - ? I don't understand what you are trying to say here, but I think I have an idea, if I only mapped a slider end here and put a circle for the other despite them being less important, it's just because we don't have a lot of choice in patterns for Hard, and anyway 01:24:658 - has nothing on it to justify stopping the slider there
02:19:899 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This might need reworked spacing, make distances between 1,2,3,4 consistant and distances between 5,6,7,8 - or you could have a gradual increase in distance well they're consistent, just gradually increasing every 3 circlesInsane01:50:934 (3,4) - These could work as a slider repeating twice, that way you would be able to emphasize the lead guitar as well yes, but I don't want to break the flow here, as I don't think the guitar strokes are enough to justify breaking it
02:38:520 (2,3,4,5) - repeating sliders instead please I might consider this with more feedback, it's sure is challenging but it's only 217bpm doubles basically
Rest is too hard. Sorry didn't really find anything major, I guess that means the map is good though right? :^)
Also holy shit ekoro's diff
thanks for looking linada!Linada wrote:
is this EZ mod with high AR ? lol
01:07:899 (1) - i think you should place it under (6), the movement here is weird (x:508 y:132) using a sharper angle since emphasizing with spacing kind of impractical
01:35:624 (3,4,5) - maybe bursts on patterns likes theses ? if you mean 1/4, that kind of goes against the whole difficulty excluding 1/4 clicking lol
01:36:451 (3,4,5) - ^, etc
02:30:658 (1) - same, (x:4 y:252) ?
I love that diff !! not same
Imo this is easily readable, i love the diff.Biwa Hoshi wrote:
I insist that pishi's diff should have higher cs, its kinda hard to read
Looking at pishi's diff, it was specifically made with CS2. The spacing is high enough to make it playable.Biwa Hoshi wrote:
I mean, cs 2 with ar 9.6 its like playing ez mode with high ar which looks, weird. Imo the diff should have at least cs 4, it would be so much more fun to play
Ekoro wrote:
Looking at pishi's diff, it was specifically made with CS2. The spacing is high enough to make it playable.Biwa Hoshi wrote:
I mean, cs 2 with ar 9.6 its like playing ez mode with high ar which looks, weird. Imo the diff should have at least cs 4, it would be so much more fun to play
I know that the AR and the CS makes it fast as hell, but that could be a challenge, heh.
The diff is very good, and CS2 makes it even more special. Using CS4 would increase the global spacing a lot, anyway.
Thanks for the explanation guys haha, anyways, please dont let this die its so goodpishifat wrote:
what he said yeah
Linada wrote:
01:01:692 - missing the beat ? Yes, it's intended.
02:04:589 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - really hard to read Yes, but so is the map in general, and this isn't harder to read than the previous similar patterns.
and the rest is applied, thank you!Cadmium-113 wrote:
[puxtu's SC]
01:38:727 - just pointing this out because i dont know if this was done intentionally or was just passed by, but there's a solor guitar rhythm that follows the timing points 01:38:727 - 01:38:882 - 01:38:934 - if you want to incorporate it into the map
01:57:968 ~ 01:58:382 - this patternsucksplays rather badly continuing from the previous patterns and could have been done much more better, and therefore i recommend something like this
I'm sorry but I don't hear any 1/4 guitar sound except at this point 01:38:882 -
senpai ;A:Pichu wrote:
Awesome map, I love it
thank you skalim! wrote:
00:21:968 - we was talked this before, here for follow the guitar with more accuracy you can do this:
dayum dat pattern, but sorry skalim i'm just following the drum sound here
01:29:261 (89261|3,89365|1) - Those notes what are following? actually the guitar sound is a lil bit faster here
thank you! wrote:
[puxtu's SC]
01:41:830 - 01:45:141 - i'm not sure it is 1/6 or not.
01:54:865 - 01:55:899 - ^ I'm just following the std diff's snaps
[puxtu's SHD]
01:41:830 - 01:45:141 - i'm not sure it is 1/6 or not.
01:54:865 - 01:55:899 - ^ lol
as usual, not replied = ok! thanks m8jakads wrote:
my sc looks like a fucking mx for this guy lmfao
00:21:555 - why is there timing point here metronome set maybe idk ask the std guy
00:07:382 (7382|1) - were you following melody? if so keep, if not delete (no drum)
00:41:313 (41313|1) - ^ yes, it is for the guitar sound
00:25:278 (25278|1,25278|0,25382|0,25382|1,25485|2,25485|3,25589|0,25589|1) - I think this should follow the pattern afterward, so 00:25:278 (25278|1,25278|0) - 00:25:485 (25485|3,25485|2) - make them single uh if only you explain why.. 00:25:072 (25072|3,25072|2,25175|3,25175|2,25278|1,25278|0,25382|0,25382|1) - these double emphasis 2 sounds, 00:25:485 (25485|2,25485|3) - this one for cymbal and 00:25:589 (25589|0,25589|1) - everything onward is regular [1][2][1][2] pattern. I don't see anything wrong about this tbh
01:00:710 (60710|2) - remove I know the sound is too weak, but if you hear it carefully from this point 01:00:658 - until this point 01:01:279 - there's a pedal stream
00:00:555 (555|1) - I don't here anything here
00:00:969 (969|0) - ^ it is loud and clear
00:25:072 (25072|2,25072|3,25175|3,25175|2,25278|0,25278|1,25382|0,25382|1,25485|3,25485|0,25485|2) - triple, double, single, double, single
if only you gave me a screenshot.. and I don't like to involving any single in this area for SHD lol
01:00:710 (60710|1) - delete same as sc
01:01:072 (61072|1,61072|0) - why double? double the notes, double the fun
spoonguy wrote:
[puxtu's Super Hard Ducks]As a general comment some of the bursts during the "easy parts" are VERY easy to mash and don't contribute much to the difficulty balance of this chart. You could go a bit harsher on the patterning of these. (ex: 01:13:899 - you could jumptrill this entire thing and still get mostly rainbow 300s easily) alright lets see what I can do to make everything equally hard..
00:48:865 - During this section I noticed that you put most of the pressure in the second and the third column. Try to sort things out a bit here. Also try to alternate which hand the minijack (00:48:968 (48968|1,49072|1) - this one for example) happens for every triplet you make. The problem with this section is that besides not being a full-fledged 290 js like the section at the end of the guitar solo it's still dense, slightly rough patterned, and lasts for too long, so it ends up being way harder than every other section. That whole suggestion also counts for the second triplet section. nerfed the notes at 2nd and 3rd column, it should be more balanced now
00:53:830 - Alternatively you could also make those 2 note chords to ease this section a bit, but I guess you really don't want to do that. you bet it right :V
00:56:830 - That 4 note jack at the first column is no joke, mainly in the middle of what i like to call the hardest section of the song, try to break it. I did this. cool enough
00:59:624 - A bit too right hand biased. I think the problem could be solved by ctrl+h'ing this section: 01:00:658 - to 01:01:899 - .flipped
02:00:865 - jumptrillable pattern I found another less boring stair pattern with no 1/2 hammer on it
02:04:589 - also very jumptrillable, try to avoid patterns that are too stair-y (1234/4321 or 1243 4312, anything that resembles these kind of things, you might want to playtest a bit for these)
02:09:658 - ^
02:49:899 - ^ jumptrilled
02:16:899 - All the three note jacks (02:16:899 (136899|1,137003|1,137106|1,137210|0,137313|0,137417|0,137520|1,137624|1,137727|1) - ) are on the left hand, things are a bit biased here, move those around. yes sir
02:21:761 - Same here but for the right hand. The problem with this hand bias is not that it's "unbalanced" between the hands and tires one more than another, but that these kind of patterns are sorta awkward and uncomfortable to play. re-patterned
[puxtu's Shooting Cunts]I think the same thing can be said about the bursts here. Though I wouldn't recommend you to change them that much, just following something that's not the usual 1234/1243 based patterns should be already pretty nice.
01:55:899 (115899|2,116003|2,116106|2) - Oof, break this up, it makes this part of the solo harder to combo than the dense section at the end of the stream. done
02:21:865 - to 02:22:382 - To give the end of this section a bit more attention, I'd toughen the patterns a bit, it's as easy as most of the bursts in this map. jumptrilled this section
The 3/4 hardest ones, so lunatic, extra, wolf's and ekoro's, but especially the wolf's and ekoro'sXII wrote:
Which diffs do you need testing with? I'm not a modder / mapper but I can do well on everything except ekoro's (Doubt anyone can do well on that one though) lol.
Je peux voir pourquoi, je l'ai changé un peu du coup, ça devrait jouer mieuxSeptembre wrote:
Après 2 test de la Extra, dans un avis purement subjectif, je trouve que ce pattern casse beaucoup trop le flow (et est pas plaisant à read) 01:30:244 (1) -
Pour le test
and anything else is applied! made the ending part more intese by added triplets for all cymbal sounds. Thank you wrote:
[puxtu's Super Hot Difficulty]
02:51:348 this could be a LongNote till the guitar sound ends, not necessary but could be xD I wanna quick ending at the end so hold notes won't fit in
it's just youSpherical- wrote:
I don't know if this is just me, but the bursts on the mania diffs are a bit too complicated. Maybe take out some of the jumps and simplify it. Or you could just put rolls in their place.
Thanks, was fine actually, aesthetics were a bit nazi but not as bad as blanket mod and there were some good suggestions.Spork Lover wrote:
Full mod coming up! (Except for Taiko/mania (Sorry Guys D:))00:05:003 (1) - The red point on this slider is unnecessary I think, it looks a little weird. made it more obvious instead, eh
00:43:072 (2) & 00:45:555 (1) - : At least one of those should have a red point in the middle imo. not sure, i changed something else instead, should look better
00:56:313 (2) - Move the red point a bit so the previous slider looks mirrored (Ctrl+J and Ctrl+H) with that one: changed
01:06:244 (3) - A wavey slider would flow a bit better imo. (This is an example of a pattern, the one I made is unpolished :3) changed in another way, a slider too curvy would not fit the general design of the map[/color]
01:14:520 (3,1) - Either make this into a reverse slider OR blanket the singletap a bit by ctrl+H, J and G'ing the slider and repositioning :3 changed
01:28:589 (1) - Slider has a weird shape due to the red point not having a sharp angle. Consider doing a small change. I don't think it looks too bad or innapropriate
01:29:417 (2) - ^
01:35:210 (1) - ^
02:19:072 (2) - Should be a mirror of 02:18:244 (1) for aesthetics. this is fine
02:41:417 (1) - Isn't this missing a finish?I use the song to help me hitsound the map, there is no finish here in the song
00:11:624 (1,2) - Why don't they have the same shape?
because the blanket wouldn't work otherwise, and this is not a bad design imo
00:38:934 (1,2) - ^
01:23:417 (3) - Move this to x:128 y:288 to compliment the curvy slider. changed in another way
01:49:279 (3) - Finish?see earlier
02:00:865 (1,1,2,3) - Weird NC pattern in my eyes. Consider reconstructing this a bit. the first (1) is part of the previous rhythmical part, if you see what I mean, the second one is one the new part
02:07:899 (4,5) - Relocate those a liiiittle bit down, the transition from 5 and 1 is a little too edgy imo. I can see what you mean, but don't report those kind of details, they're not noticeable enough and people will generally hate you for them lol, this is a waste of time for both the modder and mapper01:34:692 (7) - This slider would look a bit better if it was a straight slider instead and rotated a bit compared to the previous one. changed
01:46:796 (1,2,3) - I know the map-set is gimmicky, but imo gimmicky triangle patterns are a little weird. Consider making it a perfect triangle or rearranging a bit. it's actually a 2-2 pattern, added NCs to help with reading them
02:41:417 (1) - Finish?00:17:831 (6) - Make a copy of the previous slider and arrange it like the current one. Looks a little weird imo seems just fine to me
00:27:037 (2,3,4,5) - I'd space this stream similarly to this (00:25:796 (3,4,5) - ), because the sliders are a liittle unexpected. changed
00:57:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - I feel that there are some hitsounds missing in this section, like some claps or something, since it's so intense. it's jsut fine
01:02:106 (1) - Finish? no, though there's one jsut before that I added
01:14:934 (8,1) - The map contradicts this blanket. Imo it should be a slider with a red point somewhere. Maybe something like this: I like that idea
01:31:072 (7,8) - The spacing here is very weird for an insane. You could instead consider making the DS higher, but placing them near the slider. I used this spacing everywhere prior to this, it's just fine
02:43:899 (6,7,8,9) - I'd space those a bit more tbh because of the quickness of them. they just feel right like thatHoly moley this is "only" the 3rd hardest diff lol, fun af tho xD
00:28:175 (5,6,7,1) - This angle is really weird. It might be close to 7 stars, but a square pattern into a 135 degree turn is a very underrated pattern. i'm not sure where exactly do you see a square pattern, I'll assume it's the placement of the repeats, but otherwise I did change the slider because the angle was indeed not tight enough to be comfortable
00:45:038 (3) - Move this note more to the left. Maybe to a position like x:320 y:216 don't see a reason why
01:07:486 (3,4,5,6) - Maybe make the pattern a bit like 01:04:175 (3,4,5,6) -, since it's the same kind of section?why just this one then lol, I picked the different pattern because it was too tight to fit comfortably in that corner otherwise
01:33:141 (4,5,6) - There must be a different way to do this. Feels like a very messy triple. should look a bit better now
02:51:348 (1) - Move to x:340 y:80 (Or something close to that.) yeah
That's it for my mod (Got bigger than I thought holy moley) ,o.O Please leave me feedback on my mod so I can improve, and drop a kudosu if it was helpfulGood luck with the ranking process y'all!
Spork Lover wrote:
00:09:762 (5,6,1,2,3) - I donno about the spacing difference and stacks on this section. It seems a little too extreme even if it's 7.69* And yet it's the pattern that about everyone who can more or less handle this map can play without much trouble, or at least the one that they tend to hit most of the time
Wolf's Night
00:25:693 (1,2,3,4) - Consider making this the same shape as 00:25:073 (1,2,3,4) -. Not that I'm against it, but why? It's not even trying to be the same pattern at all so what's your reasoning behind this suggestion?
01:05:624 (2) - Blanket this with 01:05:934 (4,6) - instead, looks a little better imo. It makes me cringe because the slider is heading toward 3 not 4... Why would I blanket 4 there
01:07:899 (1) - Very tiny thing, but could add a tiny DS between this and the next note?Sure
01:46:175 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - This shape is really weird, making it a perfect hexagon (Or near perfect) hexagon would fit a little better. Because it's made of 01:45:968 (1,2,3,4,5) - (a more or less straight line) followed by 01:46:485 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - (a S shape), I didn't even try to make an hexagon there lol
01:53:624 (2) - I think this slider might add a few issues in the ranking process since it's the only long slider during the map.And why would it do that? Since when long sliders are prohibited when they fit the song? Or when are they prohibited at all? I don't get what's wrong with it at all, really.. It's just a long slider in a very simple shape that is neither hard to play nor to read, over a long held guitar note to put more emphasis on it. What's wrong with it?
02:48:451 (7,8) - I feel that the claps are important here too. Oops forgot them
thanks dakekodakemoto wrote:
[puxtu's SC]00:06:710 (6710|0) - remove and 00:06:710 (6710|1) - on Clap?
00:19:072 - add one note?
00:40:641 (40641|2) - remove and 00:40:641 (40641|3) - on Clap?
00:59:830 (59830|3,60037|3,60244|2) - remove?
[puxtu's SHD]00:46:382 - add one note on Clap.
00:57:141 ~ 00:58:692 / 02:19:899 ~ 02:21:451 - try two types pattern? :
00:59:830 (59830|3,60037|3,60244|2) / 01:00:865 (60865|2,61072|1) - remove?
always no make LN xD. good luck~ i like that.
Thank you for the help!- Gadian - wrote:
Hello there from my modding Que :3
I may not be the most experienced player and modder but i am going to give it my best shotExtra00:01:434 (4,5,6) - That shape isn't necessary here and doesn't really emphasise on anything true, changed the shape in a more fitting way
00:23:831 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - There are better alternatives to squares imo well this seems just fine to me, if you had a better suggestion i'd have considered it but here I don't really see what I could do
01:00:038 (7) - Angle it a bit more it wouldn't be consistent with the previous slider's shape then
01:00:244 (9) - Breaking the flow technically, it doesn't, the slider leniency allows the player to play this slider just like the others, i just decided to make it that way here to emphasize the finish on the following slider
01:13:382 (4,5,6,7) - That plays bad this one only or the previous one as well? I could have understand if it were both but just this one doesn't really make sense since it the same as the previous one, just mirrored
01:43:624 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - That shape throws me off I don't really see what's the problem, does it play bad? or is it just the shape that doesn't look good to you?
02:06:244 (4,5,6,7,8) - That feels weird to play for some reason changed somehow, i'm not sure if it'll be better but it's a test
02:19:486 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Shape again
thanks for the mod!Spork Lover wrote:
00:09:451 (3,4) - I'd position this a looot more to the right (I know about the overlaps, but I think that'd fit a bit better.) should be fine
Ekoro's Fever
00:28:175 (1,2,3,4) - Really sick pattern o.O, but my god it's hard to read. (Really fun xD) couldn't do anything better around here
00:30:865 (1) - Are finishes like this one part of the music? 'Cause they feel a little out of place when it comes to playing the map. This seems also obvious to me. I didn't want to use a finish every 1/1 (this is how the music goes) or this would sound weird. I still changed it, but if it's too much, i may remove them... although no finishes makes this part very blank
00:45:554 (1,2,3) - Imo the spacing here is too dense compared to everything else. Maybe space 2 and 3 a bit more away from the first note? this was a little bit hard to fix :c
01:01:899 (13) - NC Dunno why i fixed it, but both NC and no-NC works anyway.
01:13:279 (3,4,5,6) - The last part of the chorus is so intense, that I think you could DS those a little more without it hurting the mapset. doesn't seem so, to me
01:14:624 (2,3,4) - You play around with perfect triangle patterns a lot, and I'd value that higher than stream blankets. A perfect triangle? kappa Anyway, fixed!
01:49:279 (3) - Why is this a whistle?moved the whistle 1/2 earlier
02:00:037 (2) - NCThe note is by itself
02:05:003 (3) - NC, since the two back n' forths are NC'd, and it's the main beat of the song. how is this not a NC wtf, fixed
02:08:727 (3) - Why is this not NC'ed, when 02:07:072 (1) is?removed the other NC
02:16:279 (8,9,10) - Space this a bit more, since 02:15:865 (2,3,4) - is far from 02:16:072 (5,6,7). done
02:51:141 (4) - Imo two single taps would look better. done
Thanks for this unexpected mod! I hope you'll get better at playing then :3Vayentha wrote:
Hi ! :3 I wanted to make a mod, so here it is (I'm not any experienced mapper at all, I'll focus more on the playing side of things rather than things like timing or over/under-mapping) :
If any of my mod seems like bullshit, just ignore it.
NORMAL :SPOILERThe 'jump' between
02:22:382 (2) -
02:24:451 (1) -
feels a bit overdone to me, I would make the jump half smaller. But it's using the same DS
ADVANCED :SPOILERAR4.5/AR5 fits the map best in my opinion. AR6 should be just fine, but if I get more feedback on this i'll change it
Medium length sliders like those :
00:06:658 (1) -
00:07:486 (3) -
make me a bit uneasy. Most repeating ones are nice though, and long ones too, as they emphasize nicely the music.
In my opinion, more short sliders like those would fit the song better if the replaced the medium lengthed ones :
00:07:175 (2) -
00:08:003 (4) -
Short sliders fit exceptionally well the music at : (But maybe if there was too much short sliders then the already present short sliders would emphasize less the parts they are at ? Again, if I say bullshit, ignore me)
00:53:831 (1,2,3,4) -
02:16:589 (1,2,3,4) -
I also noticed that there are very very few hitcirles at the first half of the song, it puts me off a bit. that's just how an advanced diff should be mapped, if there are too much short sliders it'd be too hard, and the medium sized ones help keeping the difficulty relatively easy. same thing with circles, they usually make a map a lot harder
HARD :SPOILERAR7.5 instead of AR8 fit the map better in my opinion. this map is quite dense for the diffculty, reducing the AR would make the map feel too overwhelming
At here :
00:50:520 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
00:57:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
02:13:279 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
02:19:899 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
The spacing increases without a change of pace, it feels a bit awkward to me, personnaly, I'd make the spacing consistent, always as spaced as how the last hitcircles of the patterns are spaced.
Spaced like those (that would feel nicer to me) :
02:33:968 (3,4,5,6) - the music is increasing in tone, which adds intensity to the song, justifying the increase in spacing
At here :
01:43:899 (2,3) -
01:44:727 (5,6) -
01:56:313 (7,8) -
The two circles stacked on each other are a bit off putting, if all the map was like that it would be okay I think, spaced like those it would make more sense to me :
02:27:761 (7,8) - understandable, will change if more complaints, but I think this pattern fits well with the music
INSANESPOILERAR8.5 instead of AR9 fits the map better in my opinion, aside from that, I really like the map ! :3 It flows really well ! same thing as hard, there are a lot of streams here, so reducing the AR would make it harder to read and play
I'd really like to mod the higher diffs but I cannot play them, sadly. If I ever get good enough to play them before this song is ranked, I'll do another mod ! I hope this mapset gets ranked ! :3
Thanks ! :3Alheak wrote:
Thanks for this unexpected mod! I hope you'll get better at playing then :3
What am I supposed to guess/know from one word lines ?? I'm not in your head, please AT LEAST explain your thought process.- Gadian - wrote:
00:01:486 (5,6,7,8) - Flow ???
00:11:624 (1,2) - Stack ???
01:33:416 (5,6,7,8,9) - That feels awkward May seem so, but every player who could decently handle this diff has little to no issue to ace that stream.
01:37:797 (7,8,1,2,3) - Shape ???
thanks for the mod! o/Strykerto wrote:
00:09:762 (1) - Delete NC? Their isn't a recurring pattern as 00:11:417 (5) - isn't an NC yep, fixed
00:21:037 (7) - NC here follows the guitar, and 00:21:348 (13) - as well the pattern isn't designed to have new combos, and i don't think it's that necessary
00:37:072 (1) - Delete NC as its the same as the first instance fixed
01:08:313 (1) - Is this NC necessary? I can't here a change in music from the previous NC not really
01:28:175 (5) - NC? yeah, done
02:03:141 (1) - Delete NC? yup
02:40:589 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Shouldn't this NC pattern be replicated 02:43:899 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - as well? yep, dunno why i did that
2nub4stdAlheak wrote:
Impressive, good job
EDIT: Oh, it's CtB lol, well nice play anyway
Thanks for your mod!Strykerto wrote:
01:16:174 (7) - NC? I NC'd by pattern there, not by downbeats, so nope
01:17:002 (15) - ^
01:19:486 (7) - ^
01:20:313 (15) - ^
01:26:106 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Why is this NC'ed like this? Wouldn't it be consistent to NC 01:26:934 (5) - instead of 01:26:520 (1) - Good point, although I should probably NC 01:27:348 (1) - this one instead
01:32:727 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) - Its the same deal here, is their a certain rhythm to the NC's? Oops, that's an actual mistake, fixed
01:43:486 Same NC pattern as ^. Just curious as to why they aren't NC'ed on downbeat This one is intended, the NCs are based on the guitar, not the downbeats, also spacing/angle changes
ty for the modjukkaduei wrote:
From NM request
Column |0|1|2|3|Harby's MXGreat diff
01:29:210 (89210|0,89313|0) - - Remove this note
01:29:261 - Add LN in column 1
sorry rejected, it isn't a single guitar pitch there , the LN doesn't fit good
22:57 Harbyter: hey spec
22:57 Harbyter: are you on
22:58 SpectorDG: hue harbyy
23:00 Harbyter: uu
23:00 Harbyter: can you test a song
23:01 Harbyter: ?
23:01 SpectorDG: ok
23:01 SpectorDG: gimme link
23:01 *Harbyter is listening to [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever]
23:01 Harbyter: the MX
23:01 SpectorDG: ok dling
23:01 *SpectorDG is playing [ LeaF - Calamity Fortune [Salad]] <CatchTheBeat>
23:01 SpectorDG: im playing banana owo
23:02 Harbyter: o
23:02 Harbyter: xD
23:03 *SpectorDG is listening to [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever]
23:07 SpectorDG: ayyy bad play
23:08 Harbyter: what do you think
23:08 Harbyter: any suggestion
23:08 Harbyter: ?
23:08 SpectorDG: lemme check
23:08 SpectorDG: [ FPS lmao]
23:09 Harbyter: lol
23:09 SpectorDG: some LN's makes me crazy
23:09 Harbyter: where
23:10 SpectorDG: 00:00:038 (38|1) - anyway can move this |1| ?
23:10 SpectorDG: for playable
23:10 Harbyter: sure
23:10 Harbyter: it was in 1 before
23:10 Harbyter: xDDD
23:10 SpectorDG: owo
23:12 SpectorDG: 00:25:278 (25278|2) - Move to |1|
23:13 SpectorDG: 00:25:278 (25278|2,25485|2) - just leave this 1/1 jacks it's really strange
23:13 Harbyter: mmm
23:13 Harbyter: better keep in 3
23:13 Harbyter: the feeling is different if played in a single hand
23:14 SpectorDG: this map almost playable for sinlge hands owo
23:15 Harbyter: yea i know
23:17 SpectorDG: 00:47:210 - all LN's almost going to left
23:18 SpectorDG: maybe this
23:18 Harbyter: mmm
23:18 Harbyter: if i change like this this will break the pitch and the shield pattern
23:19 SpectorDG: 00:59:003 (59003|0,59003|1,59210|3,59210|2,59313|0,59313|1,59417|3,59417|2,59520|0,59520|1,59624|3,59624|2,59727|0,59779|1,59830|2) - Ctrl+H this ?
23:19 Harbyter: look the hitsounds too
23:19 Harbyter: mmm
23:19 Harbyter: oky
23:21 SpectorDG: 01:15:451 (75451|3,75555|2,75658|3) - it's started 3 1 3
23:21 SpectorDG: 01:18:761 - but it's not
23:22 SpectorDG: 01:18:451 -
23:23 Harbyter: u
23:24 Harbyter: mmmm
23:24 Harbyter: oky
23:24 SpectorDG: 01:41:003 - ye this LN's makes me in crazy
23:25 SpectorDG: XD
23:25 Harbyter: oh this
23:25 Harbyter: yea i have to change it
23:25 SpectorDG: 01:41:003 -
23:25 Harbyter: before i've let arcwin test too
23:25 SpectorDG: yay
23:27 Harbyter: changed something too
23:27 Harbyter: at the next pattern
23:27 Harbyter: for a better flow
23:27 Harbyter: xd
23:27 SpectorDG: 01:56:727 - are you sure it's only 1 note/
23:27 SpectorDG: i hear same 01:55:072 -
23:28 Harbyter: can't add
23:28 Harbyter: double there
23:28 Harbyter: orz
23:28 Harbyter: star rating..
23:28 SpectorDG: aa okay
23:28 Harbyter: lol
23:28 Harbyter: but i think
23:28 Harbyter: people won't even notice
23:28 Harbyter: while playing that guitar part
23:28 Harbyter: xD
23:28 SpectorDG: ya
23:30 SpectorDG: 02:09:451 - it's very nice for playable and really appropriate on this part
23:32 SpectorDG: 02:48:727 (168727|2,168796|1) - Ctrl+G ?
23:33 SpectorDG: 02:49:555 (169555|1,169624|2) - ^
23:33 Harbyter: for that
23:33 Harbyter: mmmm
23:33 Harbyter: i don't feel any difference
23:33 Harbyter: maybe it's too easy for me XDD
23:33 Harbyter: well will change as you suggested
23:33 SpectorDG: because you have 7K PP XD
23:33 SpectorDG: end :3/
23:33 Harbyter: the last CTRL G
23:33 Harbyter: no
23:33 Harbyter: better avoid
23:34 Harbyter: cause the 1/3 jack and change of direction
23:34 Harbyter: it's hard
23:34 SpectorDG: and it's 290BPM
23:34 SpectorDG: your right xD
23:35 Harbyter: ok
23:35 Harbyter: ty for the check xD
23:35 Harbyter: wanna post the IRC?
23:34 SpectorDG: sure