
UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday 8 June 2019 at 21:23:38

Title: Flowering Night Fever
Source: 東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
Tags: dtm9 nowa ekoro pishifat GoldenWolf zun team shanghai alice 上海アリス幻樂団 瞬殺 touhou project Kaeidzuka 花映塚 Phantasmagoria of Flower View sakuya izayoi 十六夜 咲夜 フラワリングナイト 瞬殺 shunsatsu reitaisai 12 instrumental speed metal guitar woof
BPM: 290
Filesize: 6866kb
Play Time: 02:56
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (2,94 stars, 324 notes)
  2. Easy (1,71 stars, 217 notes)
  3. Ekoro's Fever (10,37 stars, 1564 notes)
  4. Flowering (7,22 stars, 1194 notes)
  5. Hard (3,48 stars, 579 notes)
  6. Insane (4,39 stars, 779 notes)
  7. Normal (1,91 stars, 243 notes)
  8. Nowa's Extra (6,36 stars, 1048 notes)
  9. pishi's Lunatic (5,67 stars, 918 notes)
  10. Wolf's Night (8,33 stars, 1448 notes)
Download: UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Flowering Night Fever


:: Album ::

Original track by ZUN - Flowering Night
from 東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View

Background image by RBY

Fever: Ekoro
Night: GoldenWolf
Flowering: Alheak
Extra: DTM9 Nowa
Lunatic: pishifat
Insane: Alheak
Hard: Alheak
Advanced: Alheak
Normal: Alheak
Easy: Alheak

Ura Oni: OnosakiHito / Download
Oni: OnosakiHito / Download
Muzu: NWolf / Download

SHD: puxtu / Download
SC: puxtu / Download
MX: Harbyter / Download
HD: Harbyter / Download
Le mod le plus court de l'histoire
17:05 Alheak: hey gw
17:05 GoldenWolf: hey
17:06 Alheak: ça te dit de faire un gd pour cette beauté?
17:06 *Alheak is listening to [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever]
17:06 GoldenWolf: seulement 290bpm
17:06 GoldenWolf: c'est lent
17:06 Alheak: dsl c'est le plus rapide que j'ai pu trouver
17:07 GoldenWolf: eh mais c'est marrant j'ai presque l'impression de connaître ces hitsounds!
17:07 Alheak: oh tu trouves?
17:07 Alheak: :^)
17:10 GoldenWolf: 02:38:092 (1) - t'es au courant que c'est en 1/3 cette partie? :^)
17:11 Alheak: fuk
17:12 GoldenWolf: ça veut dire que tu peux spam les streams par contre
17:12 GoldenWolf: c'est quand même 217bpm
17:12 Alheak: oui
17:12 Alheak: cv'est ce que je pensais
17:19 GoldenWolf: 01:42:023 (5) - et tout ce stream aussi devrais être en 1/3
17:20 Alheak: bon
17:20 Alheak: va falloir que jme rachète des oreilles bientôt je crois
17:21 GoldenWolf: il paraît que ça aide
17:21 GoldenWolf: en général, faut garder en tête de très peu de guitaristes arriver à jouer à 290bpm correctement
17:22 Alheak: c'est vrai
17:22 GoldenWolf: 01:35:403 (2) - ça c'est probablent correct, c'est en burst donc ça passe
Good luck your thread.......
- wickEd -
It will be challenging to see this ranked (290BPM!!!)
What could possibly go wrong
wheres Ono's Ura o.o
Topic Starter
He will send me all the diffs at once when he finishes them all
I will post it here instead, so people know I am alive.
Ura Oni 12* and unfinished Oni for download ready:
SV in taiko is bonkers :(
mom's spaghetti
Topic Starter
oh fuck it's almost there
Fixed some things in Ura Oni. Oni is soon done. Started mapping Muzukashii as well.
goldenwolf you managed to map this

just wow

i mean, the hitsounds are absolutely cool and the map is pretty much good while being hardcore, didn't expect such quality in such a hellish song
amazing work!

at least i have a new track for my taiko hell diffs \:D/
oh you, stop it, you make me blush!
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oh my god it is complete
Wow next TimeFreeze... Oh god ill mod only 3 diffs okay? ;w;

pishi's Lunatic



00:03:348 ~ 00:19:900 - you know I have a feeling of Monstrata notes too familiared and its still weird to me
00:07:486 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - change to sliders
00:31:279 (12,13,14,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
00:41:417 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
Cant describe to this because everything the same as I replied to you
P.s. No timing errors.. Yay ^_^

Wolf's Night

Time Freeze Sequel

Most of the notes are unreadable and unmemorisable :( (290BPM = Hell Massacre)
This is really a Time Freeze reminder but even worse

Hope it helped something and sorry for a short mod

m4m please ;w;
Topic Starter

Nelly wrote:

Wow next TimeFreeze... Oh god ill mod only 3 diffs okay? ;w; yes actually we need a lot of mods for the three hardest, so this is perfect


00:03:348 ~ 00:19:900 - you know I have a feeling of Monstrata notes too familiared and its still weird to me lol yes this is inspired by his style, but also because sharp angles and sliders make for a good design on this song
00:07:486 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - change to sliders the last note of each triple is emphasized, so i need it to be clicked on
00:31:279 (12,13,14,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ changed
00:41:417 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ like earlier
Cant describe to this because everything the same as I replied to you
P.s. No timing errors.. Yay ^_^ heh we got some trouble with that but undead corp is good at post production timing so it was not that difficult

Most of the notes are unreadable and unmemorisable :( (290BPM = Hell Massacre)
This is really a Time Freeze reminder but even worse

Hope it helped something and sorry for a short mod

m4m please ;w;
lol thanks for the help! i'll take a look at your map

a bit unsnapped timing point

useless osb file

unused drum-hitfinish2.wav

check aimod lol


00:03:348 (1) - every nc does some shit on HP, so maybe u will nc every 3rd note (3rd big white tick) in the beggining?

00:04:175 (2) - why this ends on a blue tick lol

00:30:865 (1,1) - nazi spacing suggestions

01:02:106 (1) - after this moment i recognised that u need an easy diff, since ur normal is a bit hard for new players

01:21:141 (1) - why did u nced this? its not a real problem, but keep in mind HP things

01:40:175 (1) - maybe ud like to stack it wih the end of this slider 01:37:692 (2) - ? seems more reasonable

02:11:624 (1) - this slider can be hard to read i guess because of the overlap. try smth like this

02:57:761 - spinner will work better if u will finish it here


00:53:831 (1,2,3,4) - this is actually 1/4 145 bpm sliders, probably its too hard for an advanced

00:57:555 (2,3) - check the DS here and improve the symmetry

01:11:624 (4,4) - kinda not cool overlap, u might want to fix it

01:28:175 (4,3) - another little but a bit annoying overlap here, u should avoid such things

01:28:175 (4,1) - maybe u will also make them more paralllel? will improve blanket a bit

01:46:796 (1,2,3,4) - if there is nothing im music to support this hard pattern, maybe ull avoid it and continue putting sliders?

02:16:589 (1,2,3,4) - as i mentioned before

same things about the spinner


ar - 0.5 maybe?

00:50:934 (3) 00:51:348 (5) 00:51:761 (3) - maybe nc these to show spacing changes?

00:57:555 (3) - 00:57:968 (5) - 00:58:382 (7) - ^

01:21:761 (1,1) - maybe u will better stack them? kinda 2 big spacing after the break

01:36:451 (5,5) - maybe stack these to avoid uncool overlap?

01:50:934 (3,4) - this stack can be improved

02:13:279 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - same things about ncs as above 02:19:899 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - and another one xd

02:23:261 (1) - maybe u will start it on the red tick since it comes too fast from the blue tick for hard

same thoughts about the spinner


00:27:347 (5,6,7,8) - very hard pattern for insane since u have 290 bpm lol. even with od7 its really hard to play

01:14:934 (8,1) - ye blanket, looks nice, but it can be pretty unreadable in this part since uve never used such spacing here

01:26:106 (9) - maybe nc this since there are some changes in music?

02:40:175 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - i think this pattern is really hard for 4.3* insane with 290 bpm, 1/3 is much harder in playing than 1/4

maybe ull end the last spinner 03:00:865 - here? will look better

sry, but i will be totally useless at extras exspecially with 290 bpm

so gl
Topic Starter

Slayed wrote:


a bit unsnapped timing point do you mean preview point? I need to know which point you're talking about lol

useless osb file i don't have one, weird

unused drum-hitfinish2.wav deleted

check aimod lol yeah some error messages but everything's fine


00:03:348 (1) - every nc does some shit on HP, so maybe u will nc every 3rd note (3rd big white tick) in the beggining? no that's fine

00:04:175 (2) - why this ends on a blue tick lol lol fixed

00:30:865 (1,1) - nazi spacing suggestions ? spacing seems fine here

01:02:106 (1) - after this moment i recognised that u need an easy diff, since ur normal is a bit hard for new players an easy for this song wouldn't make any sense, plus it's not required

01:21:141 (1) - why did u nced this? its not a real problem, but keep in mind HP things because this slider is before the solo part, it's a bit technical to explain but this slider belongs to the "previous part", whereas the next one belongs to the solo part

01:40:175 (1) - maybe ud like to stack it wih the end of this slider 01:37:692 (2) - ? seems more reasonable the spacing is totally fine since there are two beats between each slider

02:11:624 (1) - this slider can be hard to read i guess because of the overlap. try smth like this fixed

02:57:761 - spinner will work better if u will finish it here it's already about 5" long , which is quite enough for a normal, plus i don't see how it could be better here


00:53:831 (1,2,3,4) - this is actually 1/4 145 bpm sliders, probably its too hard for an advanced it's just fine, the most important thing is the gap between them

00:57:555 (2,3) - check the DS here and improve the symmetry fixed

01:11:624 (4,4) - kinda not cool overlap, u might want to fix it the slider is gone so it's okay

01:28:175 (4,3) - another little but a bit annoying overlap here, u should avoid such things yes

01:28:175 (4,1) - maybe u will also make them more paralllel? will improve blanket a bit yes

01:46:796 (1,2,3,4) - if there is nothing im music to support this hard pattern, maybe ull avoid it and continue putting sliders? there is, the snare drums

02:16:589 (1,2,3,4) - as i mentioned before

same things about the spinner


ar - 0.5 maybe? the map is actually quite dense so ar8 is fine

00:50:934 (3) 00:51:348 (5) 00:51:761 (3) - maybe nc these to show spacing changes? not a bad idea but the way they are mapped makes it not fit well

00:57:555 (3) - 00:57:968 (5) - 00:58:382 (7) - ^

01:21:761 (1,1) - maybe u will better stack them? kinda 2 big spacing after the break i want to emphasize the slider, which is quite accentuated

01:36:451 (5,5) - maybe stack these to avoid uncool overlap? the circle will be long gone, the overlap isn't noticeable

01:50:934 (3,4) - this stack can be improved yeah but those are automatic, even if fixed they go back

02:13:279 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - same things about ncs as above 02:19:899 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - and another one xd

02:23:261 (1) - maybe u will start it on the red tick since it comes too fast from the blue tick for hard it doesn't matter when it begins since you don't need to click precisely to play a spinenr, just have a key pressed

same thoughts about the spinner


00:27:347 (5,6,7,8) - very hard pattern for insane since u have 290 bpm lol. even with od7 its really hard to play they basically play like kick sliders, nothing fancy

01:14:934 (8,1) - ye blanket, looks nice, but it can be pretty unreadable in this part since uve never used such spacing here the NC can help noticing this, plus the circle is on the downbeat, which players would instinctively play anyway

01:26:106 (9) - maybe nc this since there are some changes in music? I use NC consistently every 2 measures, not for changes in music

02:40:175 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - i think this pattern is really hard for 4.3* insane with 290 bpm, 1/3 is much harder in playing than 1/4 yes this is true, but this shouldn't be too hard to play since it's only doubles, changed a bit tho

maybe ull end the last spinner 03:00:865 - here? will look better how can a spinner look better

sry, but i will be totally useless at extras exspecially with 290 bpm lol it's fine i understand

so gl
thanks a lot!
ye, i meant preview point lol sry
Topic Starter
oh yeah i see what you are talking about then, i placed it 1/4 before so it sounds smoother when you select the song

nothing to say. But your NC is bad in normal.

00:25:486 (2,3) - this symnystry is not perfect.
01:42:658 (3,4) - how about blanket
02:33:555 (2,3) - bad pattern....

00:50:520 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - distance is bad.
01:39:761 (4,4) -


Finish...Sorry I can't mod Extra...
Topic Starter

Neoskylove wrote:


nothing to say. But your NC is bad in normal. fixed

00:25:486 (2,3) - this symnystry is not perfect. it keeps changing even when i fix it, i can't do much about it
01:42:658 (3,4) - how about blanket sure yes
02:33:555 (2,3) - bad pattern.... should be good now

00:50:520 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - distance is bad. it's just increasing, like the build up in the song
01:39:761 (4,4) - not really noticeable but fixed anyway

Finish...Sorry I can't mod Extra...

thanks for the mod, it's okay for the extras
lol this song is great

in normal, adv and hard isnt spinner supposed to end at 03:01:279 - like the other diffs

00:36:451 (2,1) - over 50% of sliderhead is covered, fix pls
01:01:279 - this should be mapped imo, the pause feels weird cuz drum is still playing

00:06:658 (1,2,3) - this rhythm doesnt fit, would b better imo if start (3) at 00:07:279 -
00:41:106 (2,3) - ^
00:49:693 (2,2) - idk if this is a issue or not but 2nd slider appears before the first slider disappears, might be hard to read for beginners ?
02:36:451 (5) - ctrl+g flows better imo (nazi

00:32:003 (4) - should spilt this to 2 circles instead to make it constant with similiar rhythms
01:52:175 (5) - 01:53:003 (5) - nc

[Wolf's Night]
00:38:727 (5,6) - undermapped

this map is great o.o

good luck!
Topic Starter

Deppyforce wrote:

lol this song is great

in normal, adv and hard isnt spinner supposed to end at 03:01:279 - like the other diffs well this is debatable, but i think hard is still too "easy" for a late spinner

00:36:451 (2,1) - over 50% of sliderhead is covered, fix pls fixed
01:01:279 - this should be mapped imo, the pause feels weird cuz drum is still playing yep

00:06:658 (1,2,3) - this rhythm doesnt fit, would b better imo if start (3) at 00:07:279 - the rhythm is tricky that's for sure, but it's fine, (3) is currently mapped on the down beat, which is a big deal, if it wasn't, the rhythm would feel even more confusing
00:41:106 (2,3) - ^
00:49:693 (2,2) - idk if this is a issue or not but 2nd slider appears before the first slider disappears, might be hard to read for beginners ? it should be okay, i had that in mind while mapping it, but (2) should be the only thing the player want to click on next, so it should be okay
02:36:451 (5) - ctrl+g flows better imo (nazi yea i agree but i have to use DS for adv

00:32:003 (4) - should spilt this to 2 circles instead to make it constant with similiar rhythms yes
01:52:175 (5) - 01:53:003 (5) - nc added

this map is great o.o

good luck!

thanks a lot!
Gave tiny feedbacks about the two last diffs. Some tiny things suggested, but overall, both diffs are playable (by top players at least), there aren't any (or not much, at least) flow breaker patterns, etc.

long french savelog
15:24 Ekoro: ok c'est parti
15:24 *Ekoro is editing [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever [Wolf's Night]]
15:26 Alheak: dac
15:26 Alheak: jvais relevé pour lui
15:26 Alheak: il dort tout le temps
15:27 Ekoro: lol
15:27 Ekoro: j'vais poster mon avis et aussi pointer quelques trucs
15:27 Ekoro: vite fait
15:27 Alheak: dac
15:27 Ekoro: 00:54:141 (3) - pourquoi pas de new combo sur ces patterns? la partie d'après en a
15:28 Ekoro: ça pourrait en plus faciliter les gens qui jouent la map
15:30 Ekoro: 01:01:692 - j'trouve que y'a un vide ici, fin c'est peut-être que moi mais j'trouve que des 1/1 sur ce type de musique c'est assez déstabilisant
15:30 Ekoro: j'aurai mis deux cercles de plus avant 01:01:796 (7,8,9) -
15:30 Ekoro: fin après il suit parfaitement la musique, ce qui est compréhensible
15:31 Ekoro: j'ai pas suivi à 100% Everything will freeze, j'ai ajouté quelques notes parce que ça joue mieux (et ça appuie davantage les streams)
15:31 Ekoro: ici j'aurai ajouté deux notes, m'enfin ça reste que mon avis
15:32 Ekoro: 01:08:003 - same here, ou au moins j'aurai remplacé 01:07:899 (1,2) par un slider
15:32 Ekoro: 01:25:279 (1,2,3) - 01:27:037 (6,7,8,9) - j'suis un peu perdu sur ces deux trucs
15:32 Alheak: wé puis ça fait contraste avec les pattern précédent
15:32 Ekoro: la musique appuie pas assez pour ces patterns j'trouve
15:33 Ekoro: 01:31:899 (1,2,3,4,5) - changer de spacing sur le 01:32:175 (5) - paraît risqué ; pourquoi pas changer le spacing à 01:32:312 (7), en plus ça suit un rythme 1/1, plus facile pour le joueur je pense
15:34 Ekoro: 01:37:692 (1,2,3,4,5) - je vois à peu près comment c'est (j'ai déjà vu ça plusieurs fois) mais je sais pas si ça serait un peu trop chaud à jouer
15:37 Ekoro: rien d'autre à dire
15:37 Ekoro: y'a pas de pattern flow-breaker, ça suit bien la musique, les streams sont pas trop spaced donc le 290 BPM est jouable
15:37 Ekoro: (j'parle de "pas spaced" mais j'fais le contraire sur ma map lol)
15:38 Alheak: dac
15:38 Alheak: on avait pas mal de plaintes sur les lignes droites de 1/2s
15:38 Alheak: il a nerf quelques unes
15:38 Ekoro: c'est assez dur oui
15:38 Ekoro: c'est sûr que leur donner une forme plus adaptée ça serait mieux, m'enfin si l'idée de ce passage c'est de faire un pattern en ligne (je l'ai vu plusieurs fois)
15:39 Ekoro: ça reste que mon avis mais
15:39 Ekoro: je préfère séparer les lignes en 3 lignes distinctes
15:39 Alheak: 3 cercles?
15:40 Ekoro: nah j'veux dire
15:40 Ekoro: au lieu de faire un seul bloc, on pourrait faire un truc du genre
15:40 Ekoro: (pas aussi spaced mais tu vois l'idée)
15:40 Ekoro: j'trouve ça plus facile imo
15:41 Alheak: oh je vois
15:41 Ekoro: 02:13:279 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ici je vois plus un pattern entier formant un "triangle"
15:41 Ekoro: c'est p'tet ça qui le rend plus difficile
15:41 Ekoro: faire 3 patterns (une ligne chacun), chacun séparée sur la map, ça marcherait aussi
15:42 Alheak: oui

other random stuff, then...

15:54 Ekoro: let's check extra
15:54 Alheak: pishi s'est bien cassé la tête aussi
15:54 Ekoro: j'ai vu ça
15:54 Alheak: hard et insane était horrible à map au début
15:54 Ekoro: CS2 une Lunatic diff
15:54 Ekoro: faut des couilles pour faire ça
15:54 Ekoro: (ça rend bien en plus)
15:54 Alheak: oui
15:55 Alheak: c'est un pro
15:55 Ekoro: sinon oui, souvent c'est Hard/Insane qui sont les plus dures à mapper
15:55 Ekoro: pour ça que j'ai laissé Gone With The Blast en suspend
15:55 Ekoro: je savais pas quoi faire pour la insane
15:55 Alheak: oui
15:55 Ekoro: au final
15:55 Alheak: d'ailleurs je pense que jvais t'aider sur ça plutôt que les plus dures
15:55 Ekoro: sure
15:55 Ekoro: je pense que mon spread est équilibré
15:55 Ekoro: même si je cherche à faire le + court possible
15:55 Ekoro: 1,91 / 3,09 / 4,41 / 5,72 / 6,86 / 8,42
15:56 Alheak: oui
15:56 Alheak: on a les même spread vers ins/luna/extra
15:56 Alheak: je me demande si ça va passer mdr
15:56 Ekoro: et en plus
15:56 Ekoro: faire plus de diffs implique + de galère
15:57 Ekoro: si par exemple il te faut un truc entre une Hard à 3* et une Insane à 4,5*
15:57 Ekoro: ça sera super chaud pour faire un truc entre les deux
15:57 Alheak: oui
15:57 Ekoro: 1,83 / 2,73 / 3,44 / 4,32 / 5,56 / 7,02 / 7,69
15:57 Ekoro: oui ça devrait passer
15:58 Alheak: p-e nerf un peu extra juste pour avoir 1234567
15:58 Alheak: et satisfaire mon OCD
15:58 Ekoro: LOL
15:58 Ekoro: moi j'ai fait 1 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8
15:58 Ekoro: double skip
15:59 Alheak: aaa
16:00 Ekoro: 01:57:141 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1) - nice patterns :D
16:01 Alheak: ty
16:01 Ekoro: 02:07:830 (9) - pourquoi pas décaler ce slider de 1/3
16:01 Ekoro: et rajouter un cercle
16:01 Ekoro: ça joue mieux (comme ça tu appuies sur la note sur le 1/1)
16:02 Ekoro: 02:08:175 (12) - pour ce slider, err, soit un reverse, soit un cercle+slider
16:02 Alheak: je suivais la guitare ici
16:02 Alheak: mais je me demande en effet si c'est pas mieux oui
16:02 Alheak: et techniquement je pourrais repeat 02:08:175 (12) - ça
16:02 Alheak: et enlever le cercle avant
16:02 Ekoro: ye
16:04 Ekoro: juste une suggestion de ma part mais
16:04 Ekoro: 02:48:451 (5) - pourquoi tu répèterais pas les deux patterns d'avant
16:04 Ekoro: comme ça, ça accentue sur la musique
16:06 Alheak: mhh
16:06 Alheak: tu veux dire 02:48:038 (1,2,3,4) - ceux là?
16:07 Ekoro: yep
16:08 Alheak: en fait je crois qu'il faudrait que je les inverse plutôt
16:08 Alheak: trop d'emphasis sur rien
16:08 Alheak: 02:48:106 (2,4) -
16:09 Ekoro: avec la musique on fait pas trop gaffe
16:09 Ekoro: donc ça passe encore
16:09 Ekoro: autre suggestion
16:09 Ekoro: 02:45:141 (7) - j'trouve que 8 cercles c'est un peu déstabilisant à hit, pourquoi pas un new combo sur les 7
16:09 Ekoro: comme ça on voit que y'a un doublet et le joueur peut anticiper
16:11 Alheak: wé pk pas
16:11 Ekoro: overall ça va, ça joue bien
16:11 Ekoro: pas vraiment de problèmes au niveau du rythme
16:12 Alheak: j'ai essayé de faire ça le plus proprement possible
16:13 Alheak: calmer mes instincts
16:13 Ekoro: bah après j'suis pas un nazi total donc bon
16:13 Ekoro: enfin j'évite, surtout dans le modding
16:13 Alheak: malgré l'appel du 290bpm
16:13 Ekoro: parce que chacun son style
16:13 Ekoro: moi j'ai tenté de faire un truc sur du 290
16:13 Ekoro: sans résultat concret
16:13 *Ekoro is listening to [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Revived]
16:17 Alheak: [ mes oreilles]
16:17 Ekoro: HUE
16:17 Alheak: mdr
16:17 Alheak: à première vue c'est pas trop mal, j'ai l'impression de voir un peu de wolf's night dedans
16:18 Alheak: même si elle a été faite avant
16:18 Ekoro: j'case des patterns un peu partout sur mes maps
16:18 Alheak: il s'en est p-e inspiré
16:18 Ekoro: des patterns peuvent parfois cacher des double patterns par exemple
16:18 Ekoro: (genre j'ai placé un pattern en étoile pour qu'un cercle soit le dernier cercle d'un triangle suivant)
16:19 Alheak: mdr
16:20 Alheak: bref
16:20 *Alheak is editing [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Gone With The Blast [Insane]]
16:20 Ekoro: j'vais poster ça en attendant

listening to the solo part makes me want to do a diff

Ekoro wrote:

Gave tiny feedbacks about the two last diffs. Some tiny things suggested, but overall, both diffs are playable (by top players at least), there aren't any (or not much, at least) flow breaker patterns, etc.

blablabla meow meow woof woof
15:24 Ekoro: ok c'est parti
15:24 *Ekoro is editing [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever [Wolf's Night]]
15:26 Alheak: dac
15:26 Alheak: jvais relevé pour lui
15:26 Alheak: il dort tout le temps
15:27 Ekoro: lol
15:27 Ekoro: j'vais poster mon avis et aussi pointer quelques trucs
15:27 Ekoro: vite fait
15:27 Alheak: dac
15:27 Ekoro: 00:54:141 (3) - pourquoi pas de new combo sur ces patterns? la partie d'après en a ok
15:28 Ekoro: ça pourrait en plus faciliter les gens qui jouent la map
15:30 Ekoro: 01:01:692 - j'trouve que y'a un vide ici, fin c'est peut-être que moi mais j'trouve que des 1/1 sur ce type de musique c'est assez déstabilisant
15:30 Ekoro: j'aurai mis deux cercles de plus avant 01:01:796 (7,8,9) - parce que c'est des ghost notes (oui oui y a bien des notes, même entre chaque stream/triplés), mais elles sont à peine audibles, et j'aime pas mapper des trucs inaudibles sur ce genre de difficulté
15:30 Ekoro: fin après il suit parfaitement la musique, ce qui est compréhensible
15:31 Ekoro: j'ai pas suivi à 100% Everything will freeze, j'ai ajouté quelques notes parce que ça joue mieux (et ça appuie davantage les streams)
15:31 Ekoro: ici j'aurai ajouté deux notes, m'enfin ça reste que mon avis oui oui je comprends :p
15:32 Ekoro: 01:08:003 - same here, ou au moins j'aurai remplacé 01:07:899 (1,2) par un slider Pareil, les notes sont à peine audible, puis ça donne un léger break avant les streams (et empêche le mash vu que c'est stacké mwahahaha)
15:32 Ekoro: 01:25:279 (1,2,3) - 01:27:037 (6,7,8,9) - j'suis un peu perdu sur ces deux trucs Je suppose que c'est trop stacké et ça confonds avec les 1/4s, du coup j'ai augmenté le spacing
15:32 Alheak: wé puis ça fait contraste avec les pattern précédent
15:32 Ekoro: la musique appuie pas assez pour ces patterns j'trouve
15:33 Ekoro: 01:31:899 (1,2,3,4,5) - changer de spacing sur le 01:32:175 (5) - paraît risqué ; pourquoi pas changer le spacing à 01:32:312 (7), en plus ça suit un rythme 1/1, plus facile pour le joueur je pense J'me trompe peut-être, mais à cette vitesse je trouve que les joueurs voient plutôt ça comme un stream à 217bpm au lieu d'1/3s à 290, mais c'est surtout à cause de 01:32:243 (6) - cette note que le tournant ce fait sur le 5
15:34 Ekoro: 01:37:692 (1,2,3,4,5) - je vois à peu près comment c'est (j'ai déjà vu ça plusieurs fois) mais je sais pas si ça serait un peu trop chaud à jouer En vrai ce stream suce et ne suit même pas la musique, du coup je l'ai refait
15:37 Ekoro: rien d'autre à dire
15:37 Ekoro: y'a pas de pattern flow-breaker, ça suit bien la musique, les streams sont pas trop spaced donc le 290 BPM est jouable
15:37 Ekoro: (j'parle de "pas spaced" mais j'fais le contraire sur ma map lol)
15:38 Alheak: dac
15:38 Alheak: on avait pas mal de plaintes sur les lignes droites de 1/2s
15:38 Alheak: il a nerf quelques unes
15:38 Ekoro: c'est assez dur oui
15:38 Ekoro: c'est sûr que leur donner une forme plus adaptée ça serait mieux, m'enfin si l'idée de ce passage c'est de faire un pattern en ligne (je l'ai vu plusieurs fois)
15:39 Ekoro: ça reste que mon avis mais
15:39 Ekoro: je préfère séparer les lignes en 3 lignes distinctes
15:39 Alheak: 3 cercles?
15:40 Ekoro: nah j'veux dire
15:40 Ekoro: au lieu de faire un seul bloc, on pourrait faire un truc du genre
15:40 Ekoro: (pas aussi spaced mais tu vois l'idée)
15:40 Ekoro: j'trouve ça plus facile imo
15:41 Alheak: oh je vois
15:41 Ekoro: 02:13:279 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ici je vois plus un pattern entier formant un "triangle"
15:41 Ekoro: c'est p'tet ça qui le rend plus difficile
15:41 Ekoro: faire 3 patterns (une ligne chacun), chacun séparée sur la map, ça marcherait aussi Mhhh ça a du sens, j'ai changé les 2 premiers pour un truc de ce genre, ça devrait être + simple à lire et jouer now
15:42 Alheak: oui
Ben ça, ça m'a aidé, pas comme me lâcher un "time freeze sequel c ilizibl é pa posibl a mémorizé" mdr
pishi's diff should have higher cs imo, its kinda hard to read but..


Ekoro wrote:

Rip in peace :>
hi random mod o/ don't kudo if no changes please holy fuck that BG i love it

AR9 and 290BPM, looks like AR7 on 180BPM, raise it to 9.3/4?
01:26:106 (9) - NC
This diff looks weird, but i guess 290BPM can't help for 4.3 stars

is this EZ mod with high AR ?
01:07:899 (1) - i think you should place it under (6), the movement here is weird (x:508 y:132)
01:35:624 (3,4,5) - maybe bursts on patterns likes theses ?
01:36:451 (3,4,5) - ^, etc
02:30:658 (1) - same, (x:4 y:252) ?
I love that diff !!

found nothing o/

01:01:692 - missing the beat ?
02:04:589 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - really hard to read


Ekoro wrote:

RIP fingers 2k16

00:48:865 - 01:01:899 rip stamina o/ (no sliders ?)

I got RSI from modding o/

Good luck !

Linada wrote:


Ekoro wrote:

RIP fingers 2k16

00:48:865 - 01:01:899 rip stamina o/ (no sliders ?) the music gets really intense here, the triplets makes it all. i do think that sliders would make it less "emphasizing", and i don't know where i'd place them anyway
thanks anyway \o/
Topic Starter

Linada wrote:

hi random mod o/ don't kudo if no changes please holy fuck that BG i love it

AR9 and 290BPM, looks like AR7 on 180BPM, raise it to 9.3/4? it's mapped like a 145bpm song, the streams aren't supposed to be singletapped
01:26:106 (9) - NC this part has a NC every 2 measures, and I want to keep that consistency
This diff looks weird, but i guess 290BPM can't help for 4.3 stars

found nothing o/

I got RSI from modding o/

Good luck !
Merci pour l'aide et ton temps, et désolé pour le RSI lol
I'll see if I can find something to mod:

01:09:555 (3,4) This might look nicer if you moved the cirle outside for a bit? The (4) to the left that is.

01:38:520 (1,1) - I don't think I like these two sliders - the most emphasized part of the guitar solo (the bend) is left with no representation. Maybe make the slider shorter and add a circle? Not sure

I found nothing apart from too many 1/4 sliders :^)

00:06:451 (7,8,1,2) - I think this pattern doesn't play well at all, but maybe that's me - but there's a note playing in the middle of the slider so there's definitely other ways to map this - your call.

00:13:072 (7,8,1,2) - ^

01:05:830 (2,3,4) - this is really hard to play - I don't know if it's fitting for this diff?

01:10:796 (3,4,5) - ^

01:24:451 (3,4) - Doesn't the beat that is a sliderend here warrant more emphasis than 01:26:003 (3) - and 01:26:830 (6) - ?

02:19:899 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This might need reworked spacing, make distances between 1,2,3,4 consistant and distances between 5,6,7,8 - or you could have a gradual increase in distance

01:50:934 (3,4) - These could work as a slider repeating twice, that way you would be able to emphasize the lead guitar as well

02:38:520 (2,3,4,5) - repeating sliders instead please

Rest is too hard. Sorry didn't really find anything major, I guess that means the map is good though right? :^)

Also holy shit ekoro's diff
Topic Starter

dermit wrote:

I'll see if I can find something to mod:

01:09:555 (3,4) This might look nicer if you moved the cirle outside for a bit? The (4) to the left that is. yea changed this part a bit

01:38:520 (1,1) - I don't think I like these two sliders - the most emphasized part of the guitar solo (the bend) is left with no representation. Maybe make the slider shorter and add a circle? Not sure I use very few circles in this difficulty, of course those sliders are underwhelming but that's just how it goes

I found nothing apart from too many 1/4 sliders :^)

00:06:451 (7,8,1,2) - I think this pattern doesn't play well at all, but maybe that's me - but there's a note playing in the middle of the slider so there's definitely other ways to map this - your call. changed the triple

00:13:072 (7,8,1,2) - ^ ^

01:05:830 (2,3,4) - this is really hard to play - I don't know if it's fitting for this diff? it should play the same as a slider->stream, the repeat might be confusing to read to i think it's okay for a Hard

01:10:796 (3,4,5) - ^ ^

01:24:451 (3,4) - Doesn't the beat that is a sliderend here warrant more emphasis than 01:26:003 (3) - and 01:26:830 (6) - ? I don't understand what you are trying to say here, but I think I have an idea, if I only mapped a slider end here and put a circle for the other despite them being less important, it's just because we don't have a lot of choice in patterns for Hard, and anyway 01:24:658 - has nothing on it to justify stopping the slider there

02:19:899 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This might need reworked spacing, make distances between 1,2,3,4 consistant and distances between 5,6,7,8 - or you could have a gradual increase in distance well they're consistent, just gradually increasing every 3 circles

01:50:934 (3,4) - These could work as a slider repeating twice, that way you would be able to emphasize the lead guitar as well yes, but I don't want to break the flow here, as I don't think the guitar strokes are enough to justify breaking it

02:38:520 (2,3,4,5) - repeating sliders instead please I might consider this with more feedback, it's sure is challenging but it's only 217bpm doubles basically

Rest is too hard. Sorry didn't really find anything major, I guess that means the map is good though right? :^)

Also holy shit ekoro's diff

Linada wrote:

is this EZ mod with high AR ? lol
01:07:899 (1) - i think you should place it under (6), the movement here is weird (x:508 y:132) using a sharper angle since emphasizing with spacing kind of impractical :(
01:35:624 (3,4,5) - maybe bursts on patterns likes theses ? if you mean 1/4, that kind of goes against the whole difficulty excluding 1/4 clicking lol
01:36:451 (3,4,5) - ^, etc
02:30:658 (1) - same, (x:4 y:252) ?
I love that diff !! not same
thanks for looking linada!
Might as well add a 9* diff now

Maybe lower the HP slightly on Ekoro's Fever? Like, by 1 or 0.5. Its gonna be a struggle to pass anyway.
Idk i'm bad
Topic Starter
this is probably a good idea yes
I insist that pishi's diff should have higher cs, its kinda hard to read

Biwa Hoshi wrote:

I insist that pishi's diff should have higher cs, its kinda hard to read
Imo this is easily readable, i love the diff.
I mean, cs 2 with ar 9.6 its like playing ez mode with high ar which looks, weird. Imo the diff should have at least cs 4, it would be so much more fun to play

Biwa Hoshi wrote:

I mean, cs 2 with ar 9.6 its like playing ez mode with high ar which looks, weird. Imo the diff should have at least cs 4, it would be so much more fun to play
Looking at pishi's diff, it was specifically made with CS2. The spacing is high enough to make it playable.
I know that the AR and the CS makes it fast as hell, but that could be a challenge, heh.
The diff is very good, and CS2 makes it even more special. Using CS4 would increase the global spacing a lot, anyway.
what he said yeah

Ekoro wrote:

Biwa Hoshi wrote:

I mean, cs 2 with ar 9.6 its like playing ez mode with high ar which looks, weird. Imo the diff should have at least cs 4, it would be so much more fun to play
Looking at pishi's diff, it was specifically made with CS2. The spacing is high enough to make it playable.
I know that the AR and the CS makes it fast as hell, but that could be a challenge, heh.
The diff is very good, and CS2 makes it even more special. Using CS4 would increase the global spacing a lot, anyway.

pishifat wrote:

what he said yeah
Thanks for the explanation guys haha, anyways, please dont let this die its so good :(

Linada wrote:

01:01:692 - missing the beat ? Yes, it's intended.
02:04:589 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - really hard to read Yes, but so is the map in general, and this isn't harder to read than the previous similar patterns.
I Must Decrease
top diff = "Hi this is Ekoro and welcome to Jackass!"

11/10 i love it
5/7 not enough streams
hi mania col = 1~4

puxtu sc

00:21:968 (21968|1) - pindah ke 3 -> 00:22:175 (22175|0,22382|0) - pindah ke 2 -> 00:23:003 (23003|1,23210|1) - pindah ke 1
00:54:037 (54037|3) - pindah ke 3
00:54:348 (54348|0) - pindah ke 2

puxtu shd

00:14:934 (14934|3) - ini aneh kalau cuma gini add di 2 jg atau kalau untuk konsistensi ya pindah ke 2 aja
00:22:175 (22175|0,22382|0) - pindah ke 3 dong, awkward zzxczxc terus 00:23:003 (23003|1,23210|1,23417|2,23623|2) - pindah 1 kolom ke kiri
02:18:244 (138244|0,138244|1) - lebih bagus di [2][3]
02:21:761 (141761|1,141761|0) - pindah ke [2][3] jg

good luck
I hope this gets ranked, i love it.
did everything that archerlove mentioned and revised some of my patterns in both diffs
Hi puxtu

[puxtu's SC]
00:16:486 (16486|3,16589|2,16693|3,16796|2,16900|3,17003|2,17106|3) - accidentally got a long one-handed trill going on for no reason ;p;
00:20:106 - nice streams!!
00:48:865 - ok i'll be honest, all streams at this density look the same to me
01:57:968 - make difficulty spike easier? ;n;
02:01:692 (121692|2) - delete... consistency reasons + awkward jack in lane 3
02:19:744 - oo nasty trill
i think it's too heavy on the right hand from 02:19:279 - to 02:19:899 -
02:42:934 (162934|2) - move to 2?
[puxtu's SHD]
00:16:486 (16486|3,16589|2,16693|3,16796|2,16900|3,17003|2,17106|3) - this trill is still here, but i guess it's not as big of a deal at this difficulty!
00:20:106 (20106|3,20210|3,20262|2,20313|3) - this pattern seems kinda harsh compared to everything around it
00:41:106 - should be three notes for consistency!
01:08:210 - lol cool pattern

alright man good job on mapping something this fast (290 bpm wow) and good luck with rank ^^
omg you're so helpfull!! revised all my cool patterns, I hope you like it now!! thank you m8!1!
Modding because there's not much to mod.
Lanes: 1|2|3|4

puxtu's SC
00:06:658 ~ 00:06:969 - this pattern plays and flows kinda weirdly and is hard to read, especially considering the 34 12 at the beginning and that it forces you to alternate between every note against the drum's flow; maybe change to something like this
00:27:347 ~ 00:28:175 - this pattern doesn't flow as well as it could have in my opinion, up to you if you want to fix it though; i personally recommend something like this
00:28:278 (28278|0) - move to 3 if you followed the one above (pattern consistency)
01:37:692 (97692|0,97744|1,97796|0) - i think this 3-trill while not that bad was kinda random in that pattern; maybe change to something like this?
01:38:727 - just pointing this out because i dont know if this was done intentionally or was just passed by, but there's a solor guitar rhythm that follows the timing points 01:38:727 - 01:38:882 - 01:38:934 - if you want to incorporate it into the map
01:57:968 ~ 01:58:382 - this pattern sucks plays rather badly continuing from the previous patterns and could have been done much more better, and therefore i recommend something like this
02:06:555 (126555|0) - remove note? don't really like its positioning in the pattern and how it plays
02:21:968 ~ 02:22:382 - while this isn't bad, i think it could have been done better; i recommend something like this

*Note: If you're thinking that the patterns I suggest are repetitive and unoriginal, I can't really argue with that except for saying that what I, as a player, look for in a map isn't how funny looking the patterns are, but how well they play on the hands and how fun overall the map is. How I see it is that this map, being 290 BPM and desires the difficulty of 'SC', leaves not much choice for the pattern department in that aspect.

puxtu's SHD
00:56:624 (56624|3,56624|1,56675|0,56727|2,56727|1) - i don't think it matters too much, but i still think this tastes better
01:38:727 - there's a solor guitar rhythm that follows the timing points 01:38:727 - 01:38:882 - 01:38:934 - if you want to incorporate it into the map; the same thing i pointed out in the previous difficulty
02:49:899 ~ 02:50:934 - i don't have a clue what's going on in this pattern, but i think it's a bit uncalled for even at this difficulty; i do not have any pattern suggestions as i do not know what you tried to do here, but i think that you should change it

Cadmium-113 wrote:

[puxtu's SC]
01:38:727 - just pointing this out because i dont know if this was done intentionally or was just passed by, but there's a solor guitar rhythm that follows the timing points 01:38:727 - 01:38:882 - 01:38:934 - if you want to incorporate it into the map
01:57:968 ~ 01:58:382 - this pattern sucks plays rather badly continuing from the previous patterns and could have been done much more better, and therefore i recommend something like this
I'm sorry but I don't hear any 1/4 guitar sound except at this point 01:38:882 -
and the rest is applied, thank you!
Awesome map, I love it

Pichu wrote:

Awesome map, I love it
senpai ;A:
There is a testplay for pishi's diff (I can only play this one tho)

There is a replay if somebody is curious how it went :) -
Topic Starter
This will be quite helpful for us, thank you
Oh, btw. I'll give you couple of stars because i really like that map
Hi Puxtu, sorry for the late, so many updated and welp, reset and reset XD (and short time kek)

I´ll center the mod in just the SHD diff because i find the SC fun and playable


00:05:003 - Maybe you should add a note in sections like that, like you did in 00:38:934 - or in 00:37:279 -
00:21:968 - we was talked this before, here for follow the guitar with more accuracy you can do this:

and continue for make variety because that part is the same as the start

01:08:572 - you forgot a note lol
01:14:365 - here too
01:29:261 (89261|3,89365|1) - Those notes what are following?

01:43:486 - You are following the drums of the white line, so, for enphazise the cymbal, you can add one note more

01:51:658 - Here the guitar is so intense for ignore it, you can do something like for enphazise and no lose the difficult

01:54:658 - Here i no feel a 1/6 with the playback, move, 01:54:727 (114727|1) - to 01:54:761 - and erase 01:54:796 (114796|2) -

01:58:382 (118382|0) - This ends in 01:59:003 - if you are following the guitar

02:06:658 - Lets start adding in cymbals again? you choice like before
02:09:968 - here too
02:03:348 - ^

i told you before that you missed some notes, but i see is not so dangerous, i hope it helps ^^

Skalim wrote:

00:21:968 - we was talked this before, here for follow the guitar with more accuracy you can do this:
dayum dat pattern, but sorry skalim i'm just following the drum sound here

01:29:261 (89261|3,89365|1) - Those notes what are following? actually the guitar sound is a lil bit faster here
thank you skalim!
hi :D request in game
omg 290 bpm

[puxtu's SC]
01:32:210 (92210|0,92261|1,92313|0) - change this, it's too hard to press.
01:33:865 (93865|0,93917|1,93968|0) - ^
01:41:830 - 01:45:141 - i'm not sure it is 1/6 or not.
01:54:865 - 01:55:899 - ^
this diff is ok already.

[puxtu's SHD]
00:08:624 (8624|1,8727|2) - Ctrl + j
00:08:934 (8934|1,9038|2) - ^
00:09:244 (9244|1) - move to 4
00:09:348 (9348|3) - move to 1
00:09:451 (9451|0,9451|2) - move to 2 and 4
00:09:555 (9555|1) - move to 3
00:09:658 (9658|2) - move to 2
i suggest you to lock any column for snare sound. if you follow my pattern, snare sound will be on column 4 >>
00:10:072 - 00:11:520 - this part, if you follow my pattern, i suggest you to lock column 1 for snare sound.
00:11:727 - 00:13:175 - any pattern are all ok but i suggest you to lock any column for snare.
00:15:089 - 00:16:486 - lock any column for snare.
00:16:693 - 00:18:141 - ^
00:35:003 (35003|3) - move to 1
01:32:106 (92106|1) - move to 1
01:32:158 (92158|2) - move to 2
01:32:210 (92210|0) - move to 3
01:32:727 (92727|2) - move to 4
01:32:779 (92779|1) - move to 3
01:32:830 (92830|3) - move to 2
01:32:882 (92882|2) - move to 1
01:32:934 (92934|0) - move to 3
01:32:986 (92986|1) - move to 4
01:33:037 (93037|2) - move to 2
01:33:089 (93089|3) - move to 1
01:33:141 (93141|1) - move to 4
01:33:192 (93192|0) - move to 2
01:33:244 (93244|2) - move to 1
01:33:348 (93348|0) - move to 3
01:33:399 (93399|1) - move to 1
01:33:451 (93451|3) - move to 2
01:33:813 (93813|2,93865|1) - Ctrl + j
01:33:968 (93968|2) - move to 1
01:34:020 (94020|0) - move to 3
01:34:072 (94072|1) - move to 4
01:34:124 (94124|2) - move to 1
01:34:175 (94175|0) - move to 2
01:34:227 (94227|1) - move to 3
01:41:830 - 01:45:141 - i'm not sure it is 1/6 or not.
01:54:865 - 01:55:899 - ^
02:37:951 (157951|2) - move to 4
02:38:003 (158003|0) - move to 3
02:39:003 (159003|1) - move to 4
02:40:658 (160658|2) - move to 1
02:42:313 (162313|1) - move to 4
02:43:968 (163968|2) - move to 1
02:45:624 (165624|1) - move to 4
02:47:279 (167279|2) - move to 1
02:48:934 (168934|1) - move to 4


nowsmart wrote:

[puxtu's SC]
01:41:830 - 01:45:141 - i'm not sure it is 1/6 or not.
01:54:865 - 01:55:899 - ^ I'm just following the std diff's snaps
[puxtu's SHD]
01:41:830 - 01:45:141 - i'm not sure it is 1/6 or not.
01:54:865 - 01:55:899 - ^ lol
thank you!
Mitt Aim Suger
oooh cant wait untill this is ranked
shiet sorry 4 forgetting m8


00:21:555 - why is there timing point here

00:07:382 (7382|1) - were you following melody? if so keep, if not delete (no drum)
00:41:313 (41313|1) - ^

00:13:279 (13279|3,13279|0) - why double?

00:25:278 (25278|1,25278|0,25382|0,25382|1,25485|2,25485|3,25589|0,25589|1) - I think this should follow the pattern afterward, so 00:25:278 (25278|1,25278|0) - 00:25:485 (25485|3,25485|2) - make them single

01:00:710 (60710|2) - remove

01:05:003 (65003|2) - double (Finish sound)

01:08:520 (68520|0,68520|1) - single?

01:11:624 (71624|1) - double (Finish sound)

01:13:951 - add note here

01:18:141 (78141|3) - kick drum sound
01:24:761 (84761|3) - ^
01:28:072 (88072|1) - ^

01:28:382 (88382|2,88382|0,88382|3) - Why triple?

01:33:555 (93555|1) - double
01:34:279 (94279|3) - ^

02:01:072 (121072|3,121072|2,121279|2,121279|1) - single?

02:03:348 (123348|0,123348|1,123451|3,123555|2,123555|1,123658|0,123761|3,123761|2,123865|1,123968|0,123968|3,124072|2,124175|1,124175|0,124279|3,124382|1,124382|2,124486|0) - only double in Finish sound here (02:03:348 - 02:03:658 - 02:03:968 - 02:04:279 -

02:04:589 (124589|2,124589|3,124692|3,124692|2,124796|0,124796|1,124899|0,124899|1) - 1/4

02:27:761 (147761|1) - double (Finish sound)
02:34:382 (154382|2) - ^

02:44:106 - 02:44:313 - 02:44:520 - big drum sound, maybe double?

02:50:468 (170468|1) - double


00:00:555 (555|1) - I don't here anything here
00:00:969 (969|0) - ^

00:00:606 (606|2) - Maybe double?
00:01:020 (1020|1) - ^

00:13:279 (13279|2,13279|0,13279|3) - single

00:25:072 (25072|2,25072|3,25175|3,25175|2,25278|0,25278|1,25382|0,25382|1,25485|3,25485|0,25485|2) - triple, double, single, double, single

01:00:710 (60710|1) - delete

01:01:072 (61072|1,61072|0) - why double?

01:05:003 (65003|1) - Finish sound here too (double/triple)
01:11:624 (71624|2) - ^

01:08:158 - add note

01:18:141 (78141|0) - kick drum sound (double)
01:24:761 (84761|3) - ^

01:41:003 (101003|2) - triple (Finish sound)

02:04:589 (124589|2,124589|3,124692|3,124692|2,124796|0,124796|1,124899|0,124899|1) - 1/4

02:27:761 (147761|2) - Finish sound here too (double/triple)
02:34:382 (154382|1) - ^


jakads wrote:

my sc looks like a fucking mx for this guy lmfao

00:21:555 - why is there timing point here metronome set maybe idk ask the std guy

00:07:382 (7382|1) - were you following melody? if so keep, if not delete (no drum)
00:41:313 (41313|1) - ^ yes, it is for the guitar sound

00:25:278 (25278|1,25278|0,25382|0,25382|1,25485|2,25485|3,25589|0,25589|1) - I think this should follow the pattern afterward, so 00:25:278 (25278|1,25278|0) - 00:25:485 (25485|3,25485|2) - make them single uh if only you explain why.. 00:25:072 (25072|3,25072|2,25175|3,25175|2,25278|1,25278|0,25382|0,25382|1) - these double emphasis 2 sounds, 00:25:485 (25485|2,25485|3) - this one for cymbal and 00:25:589 (25589|0,25589|1) - everything onward is regular [1][2][1][2] pattern. I don't see anything wrong about this tbh

01:00:710 (60710|2) - remove I know the sound is too weak, but if you hear it carefully from this point 01:00:658 - until this point 01:01:279 - there's a pedal stream


00:00:555 (555|1) - I don't here anything here
00:00:969 (969|0) - ^ it is loud and clear

00:25:072 (25072|2,25072|3,25175|3,25175|2,25278|0,25278|1,25382|0,25382|1,25485|3,25485|0,25485|2) - triple, double, single, double, single
if only you gave me a screenshot.. and I don't like to involving any single in this area for SHD lol

01:00:710 (60710|1) - delete same as sc

01:01:072 (61072|1,61072|0) - why double? double the notes, double the fun
as usual, not replied = ok! thanks m8
-[C R A Z Y]-
OSU! need more hard map
little IRC with puxxx

11:48 puxtu: ._,
11:49 Harbyter: o,o
11:49 Harbyter: yo man
11:49 Harbyter: what's up
11:49 puxtu: yo
11:49 puxtu: you know what's up :v
11:49 Harbyter: uhm?
11:49 Harbyter: bubbled song?
11:50 Harbyter: enmei
11:50 Harbyter: xD
11:50 puxtu: wh
11:50 puxtu: no
11:50 puxtu: lol
11:50 Harbyter: and what
11:50 Harbyter: o,,,o
11:50 puxtu: test my map
11:50 Harbyter: ahhh
11:50 Harbyter: i'm at work
11:51 Harbyter: btw i've tested it at home
11:51 Harbyter: can't pass it now
11:51 puxtu: ow
11:51 puxtu: can you mod it then
11:51 Harbyter: you sure need a mod
11:51 Harbyter: ?
11:51 Harbyter: what i can mod there are just some placement
11:51 Harbyter: of the notes
11:51 Harbyter: for more confortable pattern at some points
11:51 Harbyter: xD
11:52 puxtu: yes pls
11:52 puxtu: im really sucks at notes placement
11:53 *Harbyter is editing [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Flowering Night Fever [puxtu's SHD]]
11:53 Harbyter: i'm a little free now
11:53 Harbyter: wanna do it now?
11:54 puxtu: sure
11:54 Harbyter: 00:06:762 (6762|3,6813|0,6865|2,6917|1) -
11:54 Harbyter: ctrl h
11:54 Harbyter: and ctrl j
11:54 puxtu: have you update
11:54 Harbyter: uhh
11:55 Harbyter: forgot
11:55 Harbyter: 00:06:762 (6762|3,6813|0,6865|2,6917|1) - ctrl h and ctrl j
11:55 Harbyter: xD
11:55 Harbyter: 00:06:969 (6969|0) - col 2
11:55 puxtu: k done
11:56 Harbyter: 00:07:072 (7072|1,7124|2,7175|1) - ctrl h
11:56 puxtu: 00:07:072 (7072|0) - col 1
11:56 Harbyter: 00:07:279 (7279|2,7382|1) - move 1 col left
11:56 puxtu: done
11:57 Harbyter: 00:20:106 (20106|2,20158|3) - ctrl j
11:57 Harbyter: 00:21:968 - strange here
11:57 Harbyter: you usually map those precussor of the guitar
11:57 Harbyter: xD
11:58 puxtu: uh
11:58 puxtu: nope
11:58 puxtu: only hi-hat
11:58 puxtu: xdd
11:58 Harbyter: don't want to map the precussor here?
11:59 puxtu: nah
11:59 Harbyter: oky
12:00 Harbyter: dang without headphones so hard
12:00 puxtu: just focus on my notes placement xd
12:00 Harbyter: oky
12:00 puxtu: ye
12:03 puxtu: dude?
12:03 Harbyter: wwù
12:04 Harbyter: sorry had a customer
12:04 Harbyter: xD
12:04 puxtu: wwu
12:04 puxtu: xd
12:05 Harbyter: 00:45:192 (45192|1,45244|0,45348|1,45399|0) - ctrl j
12:05 Harbyter: 00:45:503 (45503|1,45555|0) - switch column
12:05 Harbyter: 00:45:658 (45658|1) - col 1
12:05 Harbyter: 00:45:761 (45761|0,45865|1) - ctrl j
12:06 Harbyter: 1 mom
12:06 puxtu: ok dad
12:33 Harbyter: dang
12:33 Harbyter: this customer was so slow
12:33 Harbyter: lol
12:33 puxtu: wb
12:34 puxtu: smack the bastard
12:36 Harbyter: 00:49:641 (49641|0) - 4
12:36 Harbyter: 00:49:692 (49692|3) - 1
12:36 Harbyter: 00:49:796 (49796|0) - 4
12:36 Harbyter: 00:49:899 (49899|3) - 1
12:36 Harbyter: 00:50:003 (50003|0) - 4
12:36 Harbyter: 00:50:055 (50055|3,50106|2) - 1 col left
12:37 Harbyter: 00:50:210 (50210|1,50261|2,50313|1) - ctrl h
12:37 puxtu: done
12:39 Harbyter: 00:55:486 (55486|3) - 2
12:39 Harbyter: 00:55:589 (55589|1) - 4
12:39 Harbyter: 00:55:641 (55641|3,55692|2) - 1 col left
12:39 Harbyter: meh
12:39 Harbyter: changhing here means changing everything
12:39 Harbyter: trying to follow your style
12:39 Harbyter: xD
12:40 puxtu: okay xd
12:40 Harbyter: 00:55:796 (55796|1,55848|2,55899|1) - ctrl h
12:41 Harbyter: 00:56:003 (56003|2,56055|1) - ctrlh
12:41 Harbyter: 00:56:261 (56261|3,56313|0,56313|1) - ctrl h
12:42 Harbyter: 00:56:417 (56417|2,56417|3,56468|1,56520|0,56520|2) - ctrlh
12:42 Harbyter: 00:56:624 (56624|3,56624|1,56675|2,56727|1) - ctrl h
12:43 Harbyter: 00:56:727 (56727|2,56779|3) - ctrl j
12:43 Harbyter: 00:56:830 (56830|2,56882|1) - ctrl h
12:44 Harbyter: 01:00:658 (60658|2,60710|1) - 1 col right
12:44 Harbyter: 01:00:761 (60761|3) - 2
12:45 Harbyter: 01:01:434 (61434|3,61537|2) - 1 col left
12:45 Harbyter: 01:01:589 (61589|1,61692|2) - ctrl h
12:45 Harbyter: 01:01:848 (61848|1,61899|2) - ctrl j
12:46 Harbyter: 1 mom
12:48 puxtu: ok all done
12:54 Harbyter: 01:15:555 - y no jacks here
12:54 puxtu: ah
12:54 puxtu: idk tbh
12:55 Harbyter: 01:31:899 -
12:56 Harbyter: overjoy?
12:56 Harbyter: there aren't any 1/4
12:56 puxtu: ah
12:56 puxtu: it's for guitar stream
12:56 Harbyter: if guitar
12:56 Harbyter: 01:31:968 - 01:32:037 -
12:56 Harbyter: 01:32:106 -
12:56 Harbyter: 01:32:210 -
12:56 Harbyter: 01:32:313 -
12:56 Harbyter: 01:32:417 -
12:57 Harbyter: 01:32:520 -
12:57 Harbyter: 01:32:624 -
12:57 puxtu: ok what
12:57 Harbyter: 01:32:796 -
12:57 Harbyter: 01:32:865 -
12:57 Harbyter: those points are where there are the guitar
12:57 Harbyter: remember this is a 260 bpm
12:57 Harbyter: 290
12:57 Harbyter: °
12:57 puxtu: 290*
12:58 Harbyter: human hand can't play 1/4 guitar
12:58 Harbyter: or at least
12:58 puxtu: std diffs used 1/4 here ._.
12:58 Harbyter: this sound aren't for 290 bom 1/4
12:58 Harbyter: overmapped eeee
12:58 Harbyter: and don't take consideration the std diff
12:58 puxtu: eeee
12:58 puxtu: let
12:58 puxtu: why
12:58 Harbyter: no
12:59 Harbyter: QAT will take this down
12:59 Harbyter: i'm sure
12:59 puxtu: aa
12:59 puxtu: the guitar sound is pretty fast
13:00 Harbyter: yea
13:00 Harbyter: but is like a 1/4 sound but in 145 bpm
13:00 puxtu: im not quite sure what are you trying to suggest me
13:00 Harbyter: what i've pointed before are where there are the guitar sound
13:00 Harbyter: other notes should be deletted
13:01 Harbyter: 1 mom customer
13:05 puxtu: alright snapped to 1/3
13:25 Harbyter: not everything is 1/3
13:27 puxtu: how come you be so sure? you're not even using headphone o_o
13:29 Harbyter: the sound is clear
13:30 Harbyter: i'm pretty confident
13:30 puxtu: lol k den
13:32 Harbyter: sorry for the afk
13:32 Harbyter: today i'm alone at the shop
13:32 Harbyter: c.c
13:32 puxtu: its cool
13:32 puxtu: xd
13:41 Harbyter: can you update
13:41 Harbyter: a moment
13:41 Harbyter: so i can recheck the guitar part
13:41 puxtu: ok
13:41 puxtu: hold on
13:42 puxtu: alheak is online
13:48 Harbyter: k
13:51 puxtu: ok done
13:56 Harbyter: 01:29:279 (89279|3,89348|2) - spotted this one
13:56 Harbyter: no 1/3
13:56 Harbyter: simple 1/2
13:57 Harbyter: 01:32:210 - guitar here
13:57 puxtu: o
13:57 Harbyter: 01:32:175 (92175|1,92244|3) - remov
13:57 Harbyter: 01:32:417 - guitar here
13:57 Harbyter: 01:32:382 (92382|1,92451|2) - remov
13:57 Harbyter: 01:32:624 - guitar here
13:57 Harbyter: 01:32:589 (92589|1,92658|3) - renov
13:58 Harbyter: 01:33:089 (93089|3) - no guitar
13:58 Harbyter: no guitar 01:33:192 (93192|2,93399|3) -
13:59 Harbyter: 01:33:606 (93606|2) - no guitar
13:59 Harbyter: 01:34:020 (94020|0,94072|2,94124|1) - no guitar here but in 1/3 01:34:037 - 01:34:106 -
14:00 Harbyter: 01:34:227 (94227|2) - no guitar
14:01 puxtu: so you're saying they are using the wrong snap?/
14:16 Harbyter: yea
14:16 Harbyter: pretty wrong
14:16 Harbyter: but sometimes std allow those things
14:17 puxtu: alright
14:17 Harbyter: take example my senbonzakura gd ranked
14:17 Harbyter: there were some strange snaps there
14:17 Harbyter: so my friend copied the snap
14:17 Harbyter: and mapped it in the STD
14:17 Harbyter: one of the DQ was those snaps because the playability was bad
14:18 Harbyter: so they used a more solid snap consistency to fix this
14:18 Harbyter: and there are tons of other song with those example
14:18 puxtu: std is weird
14:18 Harbyter: they give the priority to the playabity
14:18 puxtu: :/
14:18 Harbyter: and i think is good though
14:18 Harbyter: xD
14:19 Harbyter: that's why std people doesn't understand mania snaps
14:19 Harbyter: since we use every fucked up snap existent
14:19 Harbyter: ahhaha
14:19 puxtu: ok hang on
14:20 puxtu: let me fix this fucked up snap
14:20 Harbyter: from here
14:20 Harbyter: there are other things to fix
14:20 Harbyter: not only there
14:20 Harbyter: mmm
14:20 Harbyter: i think here the
14:21 Harbyter: 1/4 is correct
14:21 puxtu: ok wait
14:25 Harbyter: 01:44:589 (104589|1,104658|0,104796|1,104865|3,105003|0,105072|2) - no guitar there
14:25 Harbyter: simple 1/2
14:26 puxtu: ok all done
14:27 Harbyter: missing guitar
14:27 Harbyter: 01:52:020 -
14:27 Harbyter: 01:54:606 -
14:27 Harbyter: 01:54:710 -
14:27 Harbyter: 01:54:813 -
14:27 Harbyter: 01:54:934 (114934|3,115003|1) - no guitar here
14:27 Harbyter: simple 1/2 here 01:54:968 -
14:28 Harbyter: 01:55:348 (115348|2,115417|0) - no guitar 1/2 here 01:55:382 -
14:29 puxtu: oh my god these snapping
14:29 puxtu: ;o
14:29 Harbyter: 01:55:761 (115761|1,115830|3) - should start here
14:29 Harbyter: 01:55:796 - 01:55:848 -
14:29 Harbyter: 1/4
14:29 Harbyter: 01:56:158 (116158|0) - ghost
14:29 puxtu: oh this 01:55:899 - there is 1/4 drum roll here
14:30 Harbyter: yea noticed
14:31 Harbyter: 1 mom
14:34 puxtu: 01:56:158 (116158|0) - i hear a 1/4 drum here
14:34 puxtu: it's not a ghost
14:36 puxtu: complex snap is too hard for std, sad
14:36 Harbyter: oh
14:36 Harbyter: oky
14:36 Harbyter: that's why they put a straingh 1/4
14:37 puxtu: ye
14:37 Harbyter: 01:56:779 (116779|2,116830|0,116882|1,116986|2,117037|0,117089|1) - 1/3 guitar here
14:37 Harbyter: 01:56:796 - 01:56:865 - 01:57:003 - 01:57:072 -
14:39 Harbyter: 02:12:606 (132606|1,132658|0) - ctrl j
14:39 Harbyter: 02:12:761 (132761|1,132865|0) - ctrl j
14:39 Harbyter: 02:12:968 (132968|1,133020|0,133072|1) - ctrl j
14:39 Harbyter: uh
14:39 Harbyter: swtich column
14:40 puxtu: done
14:40 Harbyter: putting a little of pressure on the left hand
14:40 Harbyter: since there was a high pressure in the right hand here
14:40 Harbyter: 02:13:175 (133175|0,133227|1,133279|0) - switch too
14:40 puxtu: o
14:41 Harbyter: 02:15:141 (135141|3,135244|3) -
14:41 Harbyter: this broke your consistency here
14:41 Harbyter: xD
14:41 Harbyter: let you the repatterning here
14:41 puxtu: ok
14:41 puxtu: rip
14:42 puxtu: 0k done
14:42 puxtu: no more 3 hammer
14:42 Harbyter: 02:17:106 (137106|1,137210|0) - switch
14:42 puxtu: done
14:43 Harbyter: 02:17:624 (137624|1,137675|2) - ctrlj
14:43 Harbyter: 02:17:727 (137727|1) - 4
14:44 puxtu: ok
14:50 Harbyter: ok
14:50 Harbyter: i think
14:50 Harbyter: that's all
14:51 Harbyter: kudo plx
14:51 Harbyter: xDDD
14:51 puxtu: o
14:51 puxtu: u sure?
14:51 Harbyter: yup
14:51 Harbyter: placement at the end is fine
14:51 Harbyter: nothing so major to change
14:51 Harbyter: there aren't any different
14:51 puxtu: how about the sc
14:52 Harbyter: never checked
14:52 puxtu: a
14:54 Harbyter: mmm
14:54 Harbyter: looks fine
14:54 Harbyter: it's a lot symmetrical
14:54 Harbyter: well the guitar
14:54 Harbyter: need to be rearranged
14:54 Harbyter: xD
14:55 puxtu: yeah ill do it now
14:56 Harbyter: 02:39:624 (159624|0,159692|1,159761|0,159830|2,159899|1) -
14:56 Harbyter: 02:39:761 (159761|0) - 3
14:56 Harbyter: 02:39:830 (159830|2) - 1
14:56 Harbyter: 02:41:279 (161279|0,161348|1,161417|2) - 1 col right
14:56 Harbyter: 02:41:486 (161486|3) - 3
14:57 puxtu: whats this
14:57 Harbyter: in the sc
lot of improvements from harby, thanks!
Hey this mod was long before because of some missing notes and overmapping in the guitar solo.
But damn mr. Harby is op.

So I'm just going to point out a few issues I have with the patterning of this.
Sorta safe chart disregarding some of the bursts in SHD so there is not that much to say.

man i suck so much at 4k

puxtu's Super Hard Ducks
As a general comment some of the bursts during the "easy parts" are VERY easy to mash and don't contribute much to the difficulty balance of this chart. You could go a bit harsher on the patterning of these. (ex: 01:13:899 - you could jumptrill this entire thing and still get mostly rainbow 300s easily)

00:48:865 - During this section I noticed that you put most of the pressure in the second and the third column. Try to sort things out a bit here. Also try to alternate which hand the minijack (00:48:968 (48968|1,49072|1) - this one for example) happens for every triplet you make. The problem with this section is that besides not being a full-fledged 290 js like the section at the end of the guitar solo it's still dense, slightly rough patterned, and lasts for too long, so it ends up being way harder than every other section. That whole suggestion also counts for the second triplet section.
00:53:830 - Alternatively you could also make those 2 note chords to ease this section a bit, but I guess you really don't want to do that.
00:56:830 - That 4 note jack at the first column is no joke, mainly in the middle of what i like to call the hardest section of the song, try to break it. I did this.
00:59:624 - A bit too right hand biased. I think the problem could be solved by ctrl+h'ing this section: 01:00:658 - to 01:01:899 - .
02:00:865 - jumptrillable pattern
02:04:589 - also very jumptrillable, try to avoid patterns that are too stair-y (1234/4321 or 1243 4312, anything that resembles these kind of things, you might want to playtest a bit for these)
02:09:658 - ^
02:49:899 - ^
02:16:899 - All the three note jacks (02:16:899 (136899|1,137003|1,137106|1,137210|0,137313|0,137417|0,137520|1,137624|1,137727|1) - ) are on the left hand, things are a bit biased here, move those around.
02:21:761 - Same here but for the right hand. The problem with this hand bias is not that it's "unbalanced" between the hands and tires one more than another, but that these kind of patterns are sorta awkward and uncomfortable to play.

puxtu's Shooting Cunts
I think the same thing can be said about the bursts here. Though I wouldn't recommend you to change them that much, just following something that's not the usual 1234/1243 based patterns should be already pretty nice.

01:55:899 (115899|2,116003|2,116106|2) - Oof, break this up, it makes this part of the solo harder to combo than the dense section at the end of the stream.
02:21:865 - to 02:22:382 - To give the end of this section a bit more attention, I'd toughen the patterns a bit, it's as easy as most of the bursts in this map.

general comments you can completely ignore
I think in terms of "technical correctness", it's already pretty solid. But this map overall feels so... welp.
In another words I only felt like you went "boom shaka laka here's my weiner" in the solo and that other triplet section. The rest feels pretty bland like it's there just so there aren't any sections with no notes.
The song doesn't help you that much in this situation, and I'd probably need to make huge paragraphs to fully explain to you an option on how to make this less stale. You'd also need to remap most of the patterns and have to go through the proccess of modding all again, so I'm not going to do that.

Just keep these things in mind next time you map a song of the sort. Instead of going through the repetitive proccess of mapping the drums in the most mechanical way possible try to express the song in some different ways. If you want a hint, in this chart you could've made it so you're technically following the drums but give the player the impression he's also playing the guitars through a bit of pattern manipulation. I'll let you have your ideas on how you'd do things like that.

In the end it's just taking more risks for your map's quality and making the modding proccess evidently longer, but believe me, having your chart expressing things in a new or at least more expressive/non-mechanical way leaves a good taste in your mouth.

Then again that's just my opinion, feel free to ignore all that's written here if you disagree. You don't need to leave a reply for this in your next post either.

Have fun ranking this o/
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