
How to Play osu! Like a Pro Megathread

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strager wrote:

Tanongi wrote:

The tip about the mouse acceleration helps so much I could cry. I don't know why even after all those years of FPS gaming I never figured that out.

Nifty little tricks in here, thanks.
Has it actually improved your game or are you just saying that?
Well, I'm not overshooting jumps as often and I don't fall out of quick sliders as much, so yeah, I'd say it helped me. =)
Oh, masters of osu! Help me!

What is the most efficient way of improving mouse control? I took mouse acceleration off and I feel like its more comfortable playing without it. So that helped a bit.

But I still keep missing randomly and thats why I am asking. Whats weird in it, is that I keep missing in easy parts, preventing me from fceing songs anymore.

Mukku wrote:

What is the most efficient way of improving mouse control? I took mouse acceleration off and I feel like its more comfortable playing without it. So that helped a bit.

But I still keep missing randomly and thats why I am asking. Whats weird in it, is that I keep missing in easy parts, preventing me from fceing songs anymore.
Play maps by James. His shorter BeForU maps are pretty good for practicing medium spacing.
i say.. having a certain kind of gaming mouse actually helps when playing osu. i use the razer salmosa mouse and i noticed that when i use 1000hz of polling rate the delay when the mouse move reduces a lot. (that is because i have a slow pc)

anyways other thing is that try to practice the jumps and closeup notes (take kanbu for example) those notes are quite hard to master because its too close even if its in a easier difficulty.

finally : practice makes perfect

Crimson_SoulZ wrote:

i say.. having a certain kind of gaming mouse actually helps when playing osu. i use the razer salmosa mouse and i noticed that when i use 1000hz of polling rate the delay when the mouse move reduces a lot. (that is because i have a slow pc)

That will only make your movements fluid, if it affects anything at all, and won't really help otherwise. 250 Hz > 60 Hz (osu! input poll rate???).

If you actually compared polling rates using the same mouse, YMMV. However, if you're comparing a generic Dell mouse to a gamer-grade mouse, shame on you (unless the latter is really that bad or the former really that good, of course).
Hmm. I've been playing osu! with a cheap crappy mouse for over a year (the same one. never had to replace it) and I've been just fine.
It does matter if the mouse fits your hand and your playing style.
Woohoo! I got my first ranking in a 100+ BPM map after like... 60 retries. Rank #4 on Taiko no Tatsujin - Kumo Made Todoke! [TaikOsu-Muzukashii]

I guess I could call that a milestone. Slowly getting a better a bit at a time.

lukewarmholiday wrote:

Input styles
Turn off mouse acceleration.(google it, even if you suck right when you turn it off it doesn't matter. it's like changing sensitivity, just get used to it. It should only take a day at most.)
This should be written with big flashy letters on the screen when you turn on the game for the first time. Actually, put it in the file name of the installer.

Seriously though, I was so frustrated with Osu! because my mouse kept moving out of my pad range that I resorted to buying a new mouse and pad completely. I had no idea that my poor mouse and pad weren't even guilty. Just because of that one little option in the control panel I wasted about 80$ on "gaming" mouse and pad. Well, just wanted to suggest you put that somewhere more obvious, so idiots like me don't do ridiculous things like I did.

lukewarmholiday wrote:

Fix your universal offset, done right you will probably notice a lot less 100s.
If you want to go for acc, get a timing ear for adjusting individual offsets to what you like.
I recommend to use the in-game hotkeys if you feel uncomfortable with the timing.
Set the offset-hotkeys right next to your playing buttons. Use the extra buttons on gaming mice.
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Bump, round 2
How do you use the spinner? Can anyone give me tips,becuase on some songs I fail unless I use the all spun out mod ;)

Cheeselo wrote:

How do you use the spinner? Can anyone give me tips,becuase on some songs I fail unless I use the all spun out mod ;)
This is in both the tutorial map and the FaQ. You treat it similarly to a slider, and spin it as fast as you can.

An64fan wrote:

Cheeselo wrote:

How do you use the spinner? Can anyone give me tips,becuase on some songs I fail unless I use the all spun out mod ;)
This is in both the tutorial map and the FaQ. You treat it similarly to a slider, and spin it as fast as you can.
Not always as fast.

As with streams and other things, it sometimes helps to relax. Being tense can cause problems.

Try getting up to at least 320 RPM consistently (i.e. not "on a good day"). Then, try spinning in the other direction.
@lukewarmholiday: I've been playing FPS's for about 4 years now, and I've had no issue with the mouse acceleration option. I think you need to calm down just a little bit. I mean, it was started as a noobie guide, not a nazi camp. I've been playing Taiko mode mostly, cause I'm not gonna touch Osu mode until I can get my tablet.

1: watch some of the replays first to get an ear for the beat.
2: Just cause they're big, doesn't mean you have to mash both keys.
3: sometimes alternating between sides on your drum (like, mine are G H for left and right don(center), and T Y for left and right kat(rim), can mess your timing up. Try tapping on one side for a little and see if it helps.
4: just as musicians tap a foot or bob a head to the beat to help them keep rhythm and time, Try this as well! It helps me with EVERY music game I play (beatmaniaIIDX, Taiko no Tatsujin, DDR, Guitar Hero, GFDM, Pop'n music, etc.)
5: BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE TRACK! listen to it a few times before attempting it! so you'll get a feel for how the track flows!

hope my tips helped someone :3
Topic Starter
Learning more, opposed to learning less, that's all fucking mouse acceleration is. I am sorry. It also completely fucks your ability to do spinners past a certain point.

Added your Taiko mode tips.
eh? mouse acceleration is awesome for spinning. if it's a short spinner you can control your mouse and spin close to the center, or you can just go all out and spin fast as fuck if it's a long spinner.

Cheeselo wrote:

How do you use the spinner? Can anyone give me tips,becuase on some songs I fail unless I use the all spun out mod ;)
Go all-out until the spinner's approach circle starts shrinking too close to the center, then start minimizing your mouse movement. When you get better with mouse control/mouse acceleration, just do fast smaller spins.

Gabi wrote:

eh? mouse acceleration is awesome for spinning. if it's a short spinner you can control your mouse and spin close to the center, or you can just go all out and spin fast as fuck if it's a long spinner.
Im not sure that mouse accel does well for spinning close to the center. It probably helps out a ton if you thrash spinners with big circles though.

To be honest though, new players should start out with mouse accel off, since it helps out more in the long run.
Card N'FoRcE
Mouse acceleration is a pain, because everytime the same movement gets to a different result.

Everytime i suggested players to turn it off, they improved instantly. I ask myself why did they even bother adding such a weird to use feature as default <.<

Anyway, great list of tips, good job luke :)

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Mouse acceleration is a pain, because everytime the same movement gets to a different result.
That's untrue.

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Everytime i suggested players to turn it off, they improved instantly. I ask myself why did they even bother adding such a weird to use feature as default <.<
Because it's easier for normal users to use in a Windows GUI environment.
Card N'FoRcE
I guess i'm not a normal user then, because i find it so uncomfortable to work with... :S

Oh well, i guess it's different for each person.
Topic Starter

lukewarmholiday wrote:


What should I set here?
leave it as default

Glasslake wrote:

leave it as default
Should i play only by keyboard(i mean clicking) or both?
And on what dpi should i play:3?(Now i'm plaing on 2k)

Uber1337 wrote:

Should i play only by keyboard(i mean clicking) or both?
And on what dpi should i play:3?(Now i'm plaing on 2k)
Doesn't matter.

Doesn't matter.
Is turning off mouse acceleration that big of a deal?

I have no idea, so I was just wondering why turning it off is so important.

Zergneedsfood wrote:

Is turning off mouse acceleration that big of a deal?

I have no idea, so I was just wondering why turning it off is so important.
If you get better results with acceleration on, use it.
If not, turn it off.
Acceleration off is better in the long run.

SilentWings wrote:

Acceleration off is better in the long run.
agree with this, had a friend who didnt know he was using it, turned it off and immediately did better on jumps, even after a couple months playing with it
Really helps, i turned off my mouse acceleration, helps me with the pattern i cannot really complete(keep getting miss at that pattern part), then makes me spin fast ^^ thank you

kindut wrote:

but i didn't necro
Is it actually better to have a high or low mouse sensitivity in osu?
While I believe it's more convenient for me to have a high sensitivity as I don't have to move my hand as much, but it usually means it's less accurate, right?

Depore wrote:

my name is derp
go search the forums t/99612 may be helpful
1. why are people necroing?
2. lower dpi == greater accuracy
Deal with it.
1750 dpi
all these low dpi scrubs
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