Ok lets do this.
Hi [CSGA]Ar3sgice. I've known this map since long ago (
April Lolicore Clear), I was introduced to it through a taiko player. I love this song, so I decided to try out the osu standard difficulty for it.
To put it lightly: it has a lot of problems. I was hoping they'd be fixed by now, but not much has changed. So here's some modding:
* For the [Lolicore] map:
01. Red timing point on 00:190 for 180 BPM: fix the offset, it's earlier than 190, approximately 180-184. I recommend going with 182.
02. The five first notes that sync to the vocals saying "Sa - To - Ri - De - Po" are incorrectly aligned. Move those notes 1/8 forward in the timeline. Yes, 1/8 is uncommon, but this song isn't normal, and I checked this 10 times.
03. The transition between the "Po~" and the repeating slider right after it makes no sense. It's one note in the rhythm, not two, there's no reason for the player to have to click twice. Remove the circle and move the repeating slider to its timeline. i.e.
like this04. This is so overmapped... dear god wtf is going on. Right from the start: the stream that starts on 00:13:822 doesn't match notes in the song. Right after it there's another stream on 00:14:339 which also doesn't match anything in the song.
Don't just spam streams to add clicking. If it doesn't match anything in the song, don't put it on the map.
I'm assuming you wanted to swap from mapping the background beat to the vocals in that part, which is legitimate because the vocal volume went up on that point. However the correct timing for the vocals is this:
[Image]Please make sure your timing is correct and follows the song. There's no point to map a song if you don't follow it.
If you want to increase difficulty, you do it with distance spacing and patterns, not with invisible notes.
05. After this part you switch back to mapping the background beat, however this is incorrect and you can't do this the way you did. On 14:850 you have an empty spot with no objects/notes, and yet the song has a background beat note at that point. This means that the player will not read the rest of the map as the background beat, and because of that he will expect to play the rest as the vocals. You have two options here:
Option 1 - Decide to map the vocals, and then just follow their timing. If you choose this, the timing for the BG beat is OFFBEAT in comparison to the vocal timing, the player's reading will be 1/2 off timing if you don't place the notes correctly. Here is an image to illustrate:
[Image]Option 2 - Decide you still want to map the background beat. In this case, you must place a slider that starts on 14:850 to show that you have transitioned the sync out of the vocals into the BG beat.
Regardless of which option you pick, the 3-hit-stream on 00:14:977 makes no sense. Don't place invisible notes like that.
06. Right next, starting from 16:892 where the vocals and BG beat timings align, you create a stream - finally a stream that makes sense, because it follows the vocals, except you don't map the parts after it to the vocals so what's the point!? do the timing correctly! Here is image to explain:
[Image]I could go on and on about the timing in this map, it's flawed in many many ways, please start by fixing the timing.
First: remove all of the invisible notes. All of the streams in parts where the song doesn't stream anything. All of the random notes that don't match a song note.
Second: break your map into sections, you can use combo colors to make it easy for yourself to remember where each section starts and ends, or green timing points, and for each section make a decision for what rhythm you want to map - and then only map that rhythm inside that section so that it would make sense to the player.
You're allowed to switch up what sync you map, i.e. from vocals, to drums, to guitar to whatever, but only in parts where the song has some change the indicates your change of mapping - like a volume increase, a sudden pause, a pattern break in the rhythm, etc. It must not be random, it has to follow something in the song.
Now about some other problems:
The notes in 24:041 and 24:169 are completely unreadable. I don't even understand what you tried to map with those. If you wanted to map the "Iaa~ uu~" vocals part, the real timing for it is 23:913 and 24:041 which is half a beat earlier than those two notes, but you weren't even mapping vocals at that point, the slider follow the BG beat... so wtf. At first I thought this was a spacing problem while I played, because the note on 24:041 is practically invisible due to its location which does not follow the movement flow that the slider before it creates combined with the way it's hidden under the stream prior to it, but after checking in Edit it's actually a timing problem. Seriously, fix the timing.
At 30:679 you have a 1/8 repeating slider. Don't ever create those. Even if the song really had a fast 1/8 pattern in it, for mapping you'd have to convert it to 1/4 to be playable - however the song doesn't even have a 1/8 pattern in this part, so don't do something like this at all. If you want a fast repeating slider, 1/4 is very very fast and you don't need any more than that.
...You have a lot more 1/8 repeaters after this! wow. No wonder they were all unplayable. Never use timing smaller than 1/4 for those.
Breaks: you have two breaks that are about 8 seconds long each. This is too long for a break on this difficulty. Find a different way to choose where to put a break if you want breaks, and don't do breaks longer than 3-5 seconds.
02:04:764: lol. This part is just sooo wrong. Even if it's technically playable, it makes no sense at all. Don't do that. Nuke this completely.
If the song had an actual pattern for this sort of slider stream timing this would pass, but it doesn't. If you don't understand the rhythm of the song at a certain point, don't spam notes on an imaginary timing. Instead just put one slider and give it a weird/funny shape that you feel matches that rhythm. Don't create imaginary hit timing. You can look at val0108's map for With a Dance Number for examples on sliders like that.
02:11:020 - 02:11:275: this is completely unreadable. Don't do this.
This map has too many problems than to write in one post. Please fix it, I like this song, give it a decent map.
Right now you need to go over the entire map and 1 - fix ALL the timing, 2 - remove all of the 1/8 repeaters, 3 - fix all of the unreadable stacks
There's more problems but I think this is already enough for now. Hope this helps. Good luck.
I did not check the other difficulties but I'm sure they suffer from similar issues. Please go over the entire map slowly and fix them one by one.
P.S. Things I did like about the map: usually I don't like high slider speed, but the movement style you chose to do for it was mostly ok, so the jumps on this are kinda fun. Once you fix the timing the jumps between high slider speed will be very fun to play.