beatmap discussions

00:02:585 (4,5) - this jump, unlike the next one 00:06:760 (4,5) - , sounds quite forced and similar to a 9/12 used on 00:01:039 (2,3) - . You might decrease their distance as long as they can not be similar


00:37:683 this is a vocals, you could make 00:37:528 (7) - a 3/12 slider so to catch it as passive

same as 02:00:264


00:41:548 (1,2) - this jump sounds very radical considering the whole section where you're going quite chill as 00:39:692 (1,2) - 00:46:187 (3,4) - etc. you could rework on this changing the slider flow as well


00:52:373 (5,1) - vs 00:51:445 (3,4) - their visual spacing sound quite similar although their bear should be different. What about to move closer the reverse slider to 11/12 slider

same as 02:59:173 (4,1) - vs 02:58:863 (3,4) - / 03:48:970 (3,4) - vs 03:48:042 (1,2) -


00:55:156 (6) - what about to change this in a circle instread? his sound stops as you did on 00:54:228 (3) -


01:04:125 01:04:280 is there a reason why you didn't hit the vocals while 01:05:671 (1,2,3) - 01:11:548 (1,2,1) - you did? you could follow the same example since you're already doing it

same as 02:22:068 02:22:222


01:17:424 (1,1) - 02:35:367 (1,1) - looks like spam NC, could remove one of them

same as 02:39:385 (1) - 03:47:114 (1) - i would remove this and keep the next one since it's expectedly overlapped imo


01:19:734 (4) - you would follow vocals better if you move this 3/12 slider to 01:19:888 and place another circle before its
this would help to cover this gap 01:20:047 as well

same as 02:37:529 (3,4) -


01:28:865 (1,2,3,4) - jump doesn't look that fluid with its movement. you could do ctrl g on 01:29:175 (3,4) - to make a cirve flow as you're doing with 01:24:690 (6,1,2,3) - 01:25:773 (1,2,3) - etc.


01:54:853 (5,1) - swap NC would improve the jump predictability


01:55:316 (3,1) - what about following the same example you did on 00:13:719 (1,1,1,1,1) - decreasing the density spacing?


02:09:697 (4) - NC here would disguise better the lil gap between the last note


02:11:553 (3,1) - 02:10:625 (1,2) - these look quite similar, why make them so different to just follow a guitar sound? you might make both sliders 7/12 + stacked circle


02:13:408 vocal sounds passive but 02:12:171 (1) - 00:55:465 (1) - are not, you would make this slider 02:13:099 (5) - a circle and cover the vocals with a 3/12 slider


02:31:655 (2,3) - what about to make the same stack as you did on the last section 01:13:713 (2,3) - ? otherwise you could do the opposite


02:53:296 (1) - you could let decrease thr slider lenght to 02:53:760 for the hit drum on the beat


03:01:183 (3) - you could try to make this slider a double circle since you already did similar aim patterning on similar sounds 01:39:535 (1,2) - 01:46:957 (4,5) - etc.


03:27:640 (1,2,3,4) - would decrease the jump intensity so to don't make it too different to 03:26:712 (1,2,3,4) -


03:30:402 (1,2,3,1) - pattern doesn't fit that much with snare usage, your intentions are to follow guitar intentions but with a costant snare every 5/12 this sounds quite confusing. Could try to remove some reverse and add some 1/12 slider like this

plus remove NC spam on 03:31:793 (1) -


03:54:228 (5,1) - would get it closer so to not exchange to a similar beat of 03:53:609 (1,2,3,4) -


04:09:448 (1) - would like to finish the spinner on end guitar instead? example 04:13:314


i don't get it the speed difference between 02:40:313 - 02:47:571 vs 02:47:730 - 02:53:142, they have a costant intensity while you're casually change it with faster shapes. I could understand some speed increasement on 02:47:730 (1,2,3) - 02:50:513 (1) - 02:54:224 (4) - cause you're hitting the high snares in a good mood, but the rest after the first half part sound off from the song's intentions.

would decrease some SV change like 02:48:967 02:50:204 02:51:441 and match them more with the song's intensity used on the first half


Would you grow up the AR until ~8.5? jumps like 02:54:534 (1,2,1,2,1) - 03:02:575 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 03:38:455 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - are difficult to read rn


Metadata Check

What about to add the capitalization on marker (MyGO!!!!! Ver.)?



your volume settage sounds too loud on some part, for example 00:00:730 a ~60% sounds very loud for a solo guitar part, or also after adding drums 00:08:142 ~70% is louder. i would suggest to follow this scheme during your volume settage

Verses ~60/75%
Calm parts ~40/55%
Chorus ~80/85%
Slow parts/calm bridges ~30/45%
Instrumental parts for example "Guitar Solo" ~75/80%

00:03:822 00:04:132 i think add feedback here would help since you're covering stronger guitar notes
00:15:265 00:15:419 missing whistle for vocals
01:36:288 02:54:534 03:57:939 change additions in soft for the cymbal
01:57:635 what about to use a cymbal instead of a hihat?
03:24:083 03:24:238 idk what were your intentions, this sounds like a drum-hitclap

regarding whistle usage, from 00:15:575 to the rest of the song it has minimum usage which sometimes it lead to a real absence of hitsounding feedback, for example 00:18:203 (5,7) - 00:22:069 (5,6) - 00:31:193 (2,3,4) - etc. I think you should hear again where the song need additive feedback or you're going to get some absent part and some overmapped from hitsounds


MP3 looks fine to me
Combo Colours are fine since there are not any kiai part (also cause it's a guideline)
BG fine


Considering the whole beat of the song, BPM must be 92

you can double your SV it's not a problem, just you hit good your song's beat


Data check

Unromanised artist should have "ê" in the name, so it should change in Black Raison d'être

i don't find anything about this artist discussion, so i think i'll start on my own and see if this is right




00:57:696 this sounds more like a 1/6


00:14:631 (1) - sliderbody is overlapping with the HP bar, might you move it a bit down to prevent that from happening

same as 00:20:437 (2) -


00:33:179 you could cover this vocals since you did on a similar pattern like 00:30:760 (3,4) -


00:54:308 (3) - note looks more closer than the last, the expected distance should be 1.00x


01:06:244 (1,2,3) - you vocal melody is going to focus too much on instruments unlike 01:04:954 (4,5,6,7) - 01:07:534 (4,5,6,7) - etc. What about to make 01:07:050 an active sound instead with a pattern structure similar to


Basensorex GD owner :)


00:10:276 (4,1) - this overlap, unlike 00:06:889 (1,2) - , looks almost fully overlapeed which it might go against the rules of the game. would space a bit more to make more visible the next slider under the last note

same as 01:01:083 (1,2) - 01:15:276 (1,2) -


00:14:308 (5) - would make this 3/4 slider in double circle as did on 00:13:663 (2,3) - since you're following a similar rhythm


00:24:550 (4,5) - Objects 1/2 of a beat apart or less must not fully overlap. try make a stack instead


00:32:696 (1,2,3) - 00:21:889 (3,4,5) - vs 00:18:018 (3,4) - 00:20:599 (3,4) - etc. they are the same stack but one is triple 1/2 and another one is a double, they are hitted in a very short time from each other and they would be changed in a different pattern.


01:16:244 (5,6) - this jump, outside the other density jumps, looks quite distant for a hard diff which you reach a such spacing over of 2.00x. Consider to decrease the density spacing here and make similar jumps like 01:08:179 (5,6) -


OD looks still a bit high cosidering the normal and hard setup difference. what about a 6.5 instead?


00:12:212 there's an high instrument here, it sounds similar to 00:11:244 (3) - which it's hitted. you could make this slider 00:12:050 (1) - 1/2 so to make hearable its sound


00:29:954 would you hit this snare as you did on 00:31:889 (3) -


00:52:373 (3,4) - 3/4 jump looks quite hard to reach considering the last similar patterns had a minor jump instead 00:42:050 (3,1) - 00:54:954 (3,4,1) - , you could decrease their spacing since the current part doesn't require that much intensity


01:06:728 (2,3,4) - would ctrl g this pattern so to make slider heads hit the snare instead


00:16:647 00:16:808 since you're still hitting instruments you would like to hit these as active notes as well


00:18:986 you could hit as active sound as well since you already did on 00:21:405 (2,3) -


01:01:567 (2,3) - 01:02:050 (4,1) - 01:11:889 (3,4) - ctrl g this pattern would improve the vocals flow since you're hitting similar sound like that 00:59:631 (1) -


01:09:954 (5,1) - pattern does not follow vocals that good, would make this pattern more consistent with 00:59:631 (1) -


01:16:486 (1,2) - swap NC would be more noticeable since you're starting to make denser the next part

Metadata check on 2255980#4875023


00:07:430 (4,5) - this double cirlce is a stack but 00:01:849 (4,5) - even if it's rhithmically similar it's unstack, would unstack also this one to not compare them different


00:11:267 (1,2,3,4) - 00:12:663 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - etc. song's rapresentation is going quite over the mapping, you might make these less dense making them closer

(also cause 00:16:849 (1,2,3,4,5) - is strangely calmer than 00:11:267 (1,2,3,4,5) - so it would improve the playability)


00:19:639 (1) - 00:14:058 (6,1) - you should follow piano better since the current patterns sound without a destination, you might try this kind of pattern

gonna post only these cause i would train more about messable maps, anyway if you like my mods i could make a try again


Hi, are you sure Artist name is correct right now?

Current artist field 神楽めあ, 湊あくあ which romanised is Kagura Mea, Minato Aqua

Metadata source, However, it provides a different field 神楽めあ×湊あくあ which it will be Kagura Mea x Minato Aqua. Could i know why this choice even your different data field?


Hi, i hope my review would help you to improve your map!!


First timing still needs to be moved. As i can see, i think -4 would match better.

i still hear some off sync with 00:10:015, i would suggest to use something similar at this

16,333.333333333333,4,2,0,100,1,0 9349,331.491712707182,4,2,0,100,1,0 10011,320.855614973262,4,2,0,100,1,0 10333,333.333333333333,4,2,0,20,1,0 10666,333.333333333333,4,2,0,20,1,0


00:09:353 (1,2,3) - would move down the slider 3 so as to make the combo hit more evident


00:11:332 00:21:999 you could include to hit also this one as you did on 00:10:019 (2) - 00:12:666 (2) - etc.


00:14:666 (6,1) - 00:25:333 (6,1) - would switch NC placement since the new section is raising up from the 6


00:17:332 00:27:999 would make this hittable as you did on 00:11:999 (1) -


00:24:666 (5) - double reverse is not that predictable as the start. would make something like this instead


00:39:332 this sound is hittes as passive but 00:39:999 (2) - is not, you could remove reverse on 00:38:665 (1) - and make another 1/1 slider to make the mapping intentions more consistent

same as 00:49:333 (1) - etc.


01:04:666 (3) - 01:23:332 (2) - is overlapping with the HP bar, could you move it a bit down to prevent that from happening


01:14:666 (1,2) - 01:25:333 (1,2) - etc. make a stack. Current one is breaking a RC rule

Objects 1 beat apart or less must not fully overlap.


01:13:666 (2) - multiple reverse slider is covering importants active hits like 01:13:999 01:14:332 etc. what about to represent the oculele with other notes like this?

same as 01:16:332 (2) - 01:24:333 (2) -


DS starting from 00:30:665 until 01:13:332 is not for a normal diff. The current one is passed from 0.9x to 1.3x which it's a radical change considering the intensity choosen before and this is so unexpected since you just raised your SV from 1.00x to 1.20x. Current patterns look very distant from each other, considering also RC guideline 1/2 notes should overlap each other on the playfield

Consider to not change or minimize spacing change keeping it as 0.9x/1.0x and also density will decrease with it. You can find a similar issue on this difficulty

ex: You can do patterns similar at 01:18:166 (3,1,2) - etc. just they are visibly overlapped


Tags on Hard diff are in conflict with all other diffs, make sure to copy paste all the tags on all your difficulties


00:09:353 (1) - reverse doesn't follow anything considering the unique sound present is on 00:10:019. You might rework this kind of reverse slider usage and enjoy more something similar to Normal's patterns


00:11:166 (5,1) - their distance look so close although it's a 1/1 gap. You could make this slider 00:11:166 (5,1) - 1/1 instead and make something like this (NC change would improve too)


00:14:999 (1,2,3) - 00:16:333 (1,2,3) - etc. maybe fully overlapping slider bodies within 2 beats of each other would be confusing, what about making some variant like this (also with straight sliders)

same as 00:16:666 (2,1) - 00:27:333 (2,1) - you might not overlap them


00:18:499 (3,4) - spacing looks quite difficult to reach, you could try 2 things for this:

  • Get close the the reverse slider until they overlap a bit
  • remove 1/4 slider and leave just the triple

same as 00:18:666 (4,1) - 00:52:333 (2,3) -


00:52:333 (2) - 1/6 as you did on Sunshine?


01:13:666 (1,2,3,4) - 01:14:666 (1,2,3,4) - etc. this pattern looks like more a stream considering also after this one you're making a bigger spacing on 01:14:166 (4,5) - although the beat is similar. I would go adding some 1/2 slider as well and to not mix spacing or ppl would not expect what the next pattern will be


01:24:833 (5) - 01:27:499 (6) - would remove this circle since the oculele is playing on 01:24:665 but here not


Some NC need to be rewatched cause they are a lot expecting the overall (Normal 50 / Hard 80)

00:11:666 (1,2) - 00:22:333 (1,2) - ctrl g on NC
00:14:999 (1) - 00:25:666 (1) - remove NC since you're already keeping oe on 00:14:666 (1) -
00:17:333 (1) - 00:28:000 (1) - would remove NC to make contrast with 00:15:999 (4) -
00:19:999 (1) - 01:11:999 (1) - since this circle is still part of the pattern before the gap it would be good remove the NC
00:24:666 (1) - 00:35:333 (1) - 00:40:666 (1) - etc. this NC looks so random to just cover a different rhythm choice, what about to remove it
00:31:666 (1,2) - 00:32:999 (1,2) - 01:15:999 (4,1) - etc. ctrl g on NC since the song is repeating starting to white tick
01:13:666 (1) - remove NC here since you already keeping one on 01:13:333 (1) -
01:21:999 (1) - 01:23:332 (1) - unnecessary NC spam since you're following a pattern and disguise them would lead to a pattern misunderstanding
01:28:833 (1) - why NC this if you already have one on 01:29:333 (1) - ? what about to remove it


00:40:332 (5,10) - 00:50:999 (5,10) - etc. what about to NC these for identify better the streams


01:11:499 this note sounds calmer than the rest active notes you covered, you might make this slider 01:11:166 (4) - 1/1 so to represent it more as a passive sound


01:14:833 (1) - 01:17:499 (1) - 01:18:833 (1) - 01:20:166 (1) - etc. you could remove NC since you're currently following a circle pattern where every 1/1 gap has a new chain


01:24:832 (1) - 01:27:499 (1) - this note sounds empty since the oculele is not playing here, would remove this one to better follow the instrument


01:28:833 (1) - this note would sound better if it was overlapped on 01:28:499 (3) - as you did on the most of the patterns


01:29:832 (3,1) - 01:30:499 (3,1) - visual spacing looks quite similar to 01:29:666 (2,3) - , consider to make a similar pattern like 01:27:666 (2,1) -


01:33:332 (3) - would finish the reverse on 01:33:999? i think it makes more sense since there's a fromg and after that sound there's no sound anymore


HP5 so the overall spread would be 3->4->5


Greenline begin from 00:02:681 looks offset, you should resnap all of these after moving a timing point


Hard + Sunshine. 00:18:333 5% volume pattern, this may be hard to hear over the song since it is a silent pattern rn, try to raise a bit his sound of around ~40%


Hard + Sunshine.

These diffs, basing on section contrast, look like too similar for the all their sections, it does not follow a difficulty contrast considering the visual spacing of 00:09:353 - 00:27:999 vs 00:30:665 - 01:11:999 quite similar or the same except for SV. A good diff needs to identify and show how sections are different from each other giving more or less mapping intensity referring on song's intentions, your current situation is you are not following anything about it making these sections look like the same.
I'm pretty sure you are more inclined to decrease intensity on this section 00:09:353 - 00:27:999 since it's the quiest section comparing to the next one

Hard -> you could decrease your DS to something like 1.2x + make more 1/2 stack patterns like 00:10:499 (2,3) - 00:13:166 (2,3) - etc.

Sunshine -> you could decrease your SV to 0.80x since your shapes look so fast rn


Referring on past mods like this, section from 00:30:665 to 00:51:332 you're currently using just a pattern to cover the whole song.

All difficulties have this kind of problem which patterns repeats each other on the whole section, for example normal has this 00:30:666 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - , hard has this 00:30:666 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2) - and Sunshine has this 00:30:666 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2) - , i know it's the same rhythm but doing similar patterns without changing rhythm costruction would lead to a lack of variation patterning and boring section since the poor patterning choice cause the aggressive repetition of this. I'm sure you can do a lot of good rhythm variation with similar beats and i'm gonna point out someone for you for every diff:

Normal -> i see you're often repeating this pattern 00:30:666 (1,2,3) -, what about to vary with rhythms like these

same will impact on 00:52:665 - 01:11:665

Hard -> you're often repeating this pattern 00:30:666 (1,2,3,4,1) -, i think you can make some different rhythm basing on these examples

Sunshine -> you're repeating this pattern 00:30:666 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - , since you're introducing 3/4 rhythms i think you have more variation choices like these examples


Unused files.

drum-hitclap.wav drum-hitclap2.wav normal-hitclap.wav normal-hitclap2.wav soft-sliderslide.wav soft-slidertick.wav soft-sliderwhistle.wav


Metadata Check

title and artist are fine to me, DESKPOP is a discography building for who's wondering

add instrumental in tags



Current hitsounds are lacking of feedback on the most of the instruments, this lead to a misinterpretation song and we don't wanna this happens, you would add whistle on some piano like 00:09:353 00:10:333 00:10:499 00:10:999 00:11:166 00:11:665 etc.

what about to add a normal-hitclap on sounds like 00:10:019 00:11:332 00:12:665 00:13:999 etc. i think it would improve the music rappresentation

00:18:666 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - as Hard as Sunshine, hitclap sounds quite strong again, i would go with whistles instead

from 00:30:665 to 00:51:332 there's an absence of kick appresentation as well, try to identify all kick starting from these hints 00:30:665 00:30:999 00:31:999 00:32:332 etc.

00:31:332 00:32:665 etc. default drum-hitclap sounds wrong for me, what about to change this sound with a soft-hitclap instead?

from 00:09:353 to 00:30:665 would fit better a volume around ~40/45%
from 00:30:665 to 01:13:332 would fit better a volume around ~65/70%
from 01:13:332 to 01:32:665 would fit better a volume around 50/55%
01:32:665 what about to increase the volume to ~30/35%


MP3 is fine to me


who is will stetson


01:39:172 (3) - Every slider must have a clear and visible path of movement to follow from start to end. Slider end does not follow this rule


from 00:41:269 to 01:03:043 there is not a single gap to remake the chain. Easy diffs, as hards', need to get some 1/1 or 2/1 breaks to remake the chain, you can find this example here. This does not count on kiai parts

imma go to make some gap on 00:44:334 (4) - 00:56:592 (7) - making them a circle + you could remove this circle 00:49:817 (4) - for the same reason


begin from 00:32:076 to 00:42:398 there's any variation between sliders and circles which it makes a rhythm costruction lack and contrast issue between this section and the next one. It's ok make super simplified notes like these for easy diff but you still need to represent intensity song with your mapping style.

i think 00:36:592 (6) - can freely be a circle so as not to repeat the same rhythm pattern used on 00:32:076 (1,2,3) -


01:17:531 what about add a spinner as other diffs do?


first section from 00:00:560 - to 00:11:188 there are some little intentions mix between vocals and piano where they would be disastrous if you don't pay attention to the song.

00:04:160 (2) - 00:09:645 (2) - your first intention is to cover as piano as vocal with the slider, but considering the last patterns like 00:02:960 (1,2) - etc. you wanna follow vocals. You would like to make these 1/2 slider in 1 circle on white tick so as to direct players to focus more on vocals instead


01:06:217 (1) - you could represent better vocals as you did on 01:08:960 (4,5,1) - , you could make something like this basing on your mapping structure


00:55:417 (1) - remove whistle on slider shape


00:38:274 (3) - 3/4 reverse slider instead, it sounds more accurated and consistent with the spread


01:11:188 (6,7) - vs 01:13:074 (3,4) - comparing these they look like similar although the beat difference and they both would be hitted as 1/2. You could do less spacing on the triple so to keep the intensity spacing but distinguish it with the next pattern


00:41:617 what about to hit this hihat as you did on 00:27:902 (6) - ? it would make more consistency between sections


00:34:502 (3,4) - Fully overlapped note, i think it was supposing to be a stack instead


00:44:445 (5) - would add NC since other diffs has one before the break

same as 01:17:360 (5) -


00:38:960 this cymbal sounding as passive note unlike 00:22:502 (1) - 00:33:474 (1) - , you could remove the reverse on slider and make the cymbal more active so to not make a big break on 00:39:302


sususu super basensorex


00:49:651 (3) - this slider is 1/1 while 00:40:924 (4,3) - are not. Suppose you wanted to follow the same thing used on 00:36:560 but the gap is bigger and it would quite boring leaving such a big gap, try to make a 2/2 as did before

same as 00:58:378 (4) -


00:52:924 (2) - is overlapping with the HP bar, could you move it a bit down to prevent that from happening


01:01:105 (1) - slider hasn't a good path to understand how it starts. A slider's end position must be clear under the assumption that a player has a skin which makes slider end circles fully transparent.


OD4 seems very high, we're always talking about a barely 1*

would go with ~2/2.5


00:14:469 (1,1) - spinner end and note look quite close, on normals the spinner needs to get min 2 beat ish before the next note. You could decrease its lenght to 00:16:378, i think it would be long enough to achieve 1k score

same as 00:23:196 (1,1) - 00:31:924 (1,1) -


00:41:196 (1) - 00:45:560 (1) - why overuse the spinner instead of make similar overmaps like 00:04:378 (1,2) - etc. Consider to rewatch these nad cover them with some passive sound as slider shapes


01:01:105 (1) - slider hasn't a good path to understand how it starts. A slider's end position must be clear under the assumption that a player has a skin which makes slider end circles fully transparent.


DS changes seems quite aggressive, we are talking about a radical usage between 1,8x / 3,7x. This lead to a patterning misunderstanding since comparing these 00:00:560 (1,2,3) - vs 00:03:832 (5,1) - / 00:01:651 (3,4,5) - vs 00:04:378 (1,2) - they look so different although they have similar beats.

The thing that would help you to manage better your distance usage is to not going so far with spacing, this is still a normal diff and spaces like those are difficult to follow. Since you're not changing SV you can always use a DS around 1,8x / 2,1x


OD6 is quite high, even a regular normal hasn't such high overall. Would go with ~4

also AR seems high considering the general sr, try with ~5.5/6


00:38:742 (1,2) - you would ctrl g the NC since the first circle is still holding with the last slider


00:41:196 (1) - 00:45:560 (1) - these spinners sound forced unlike sliders used on 00:36:560 (4) - 00:49:651 (4) - etc. You could make something similar so to not overuse spinners since actual one looks like just spin and stop


in case other diffs will decrease their overall, would go with OD6 so to not gapping with spread


audio, HS and metadata are fine for me


HS for oxx got well

volume settage does not exist in this beatmap, i would recommend this kind of usage while hitosunding:

Verses ~60/75%
Calm parts ~40/55%
Chorus ~80/85%
Slow parts/calm bridges ~30/45%
nstrumental parts for example "Guitar Solo" ~75/80%

00:05:997 00:10:059 00:11:309 00:15:997 00:25:997 00:41:153 00:48:653 00:58:496 01:05:996 etc. whistle

00:52:872 (1,2,3,4) - on top this looks so lacking of feedback


00:16:226 (5) - you could follow better instruments if you place a not here 00:16:054 instead. Would make another 1/1 slider as 00:54:674 (4,5) -


00:25:881 (1,2) - vocals are going off sync here, you would make ctrl g the pattern or make a 1/4 reverse slider so to make active only the white tick sound


00:26:916 (4,5,6) - looks like you skipped guitar but 00:29:157 (2,3,4) - here you followed very well. consider to do the same since your intentions are to follow this if there aren't vocals

01:55:191 (3) - move this to 01:55:019 for the same reason
02:28:295 (3) - this too on 02:28:122


00:32:088 (3) - 01:26:054 (7,8) - is overlapping with the HP bar, could you move it a bit down to prevent that from happening


01:05:709 you could add a note since there's a vocal as 00:54:674 (4) -


01:06:916 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - i would split a bit this chain since it looks quite long. you might make 2 circles this slider 01:08:467 (4) - since both vocals are pretty mappable


02:29:502 (2) - vocals can be hitted better ig, place a additive circle on 02:29:502 so to be able to mark this vocal 02:29:674


this song has some repetitive melodies where you're mapping as such, but doing this ot makes the diff too monotonous and boring. It's not a problem hit with the same rhythm 2 rhythm if they sounds the same, but if they repeat again it would become as well. let'see which could be potentially changable

01:18:295 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - i think you could find another way to hit this song without spamming the same pattern costrution, for example you could make this 01:21:054 (2) - in a 1/4 reverse or make this 01:22:433 (6) - in a 1/4 + circle

i see you're using a lot also this kind of slider pattern 00:34:157 (1,2) - , sometimes you could just make double circle on guitar as you're doing on 00:29:157 (2,3,4) -

I'll mod one diff rn, if need more help about it i will be glad to do it. let me know if my mods wre good for you


add tags

japanese hololive ホロライブ pop jpop j-pop jp vtuber youtuber virtual fbkingdom blessing elements garden

if you still use your old name as credit, add also MyAimZesTy

add also GDers when finished




00:03:855 (5,1) - 00:11:100 (4,1) - ctrl g on NC since you're refreshing it every 4 beats


00:16:534 this sound is passive but 00:20:157 (1) - etc. are not, you would make 00:16:082 (5) - a circle so to make also that sound a possible active note


00:09:289 5% volume circle, this may be hard to hear over the song since it is a silent circle rn


section from 00:02:044 to 00:16:534 has some vocals and insturment mixing which it may be misunderstood during playing base. I think your intentions were to follow more instruments since patterns like 00:02:044 (1,2,3) - 00:07:478 (1,2,3,4,5) - etc. are supposing to follow that, although there are some points where this application looks quite difficult to read for example 00:02:836 (2,3) - 00:06:459 (2,3) - 00:09:289 (6) - etc.
Often it's not a problem trying to cover something different from the song but we're talking about a normal diff, precisely an almost 2* where the rhythm should be similar to a basic beat, let's see which pattern inflicts these difficulties.

00:02:836 (2,3) - etc. you are following kicks here but these notes 00:02:044 (1,4,5) - are inclined more on following vocals, you may just follow vocals as well 00:02:723 00:02:949, they are supposing to be the better choice to not mix rhythms intentions

00:09:742 (1,2) - same issue about mixing instruments and vocals intentions since circles after sliders are supposing to follow vocals. You could make the fisrt slider 1/1 and a similar patterning structure as 00:08:610 (4,5,6) -

rest after vocal part is fine since you are following well your intentions


Patterning construction from 00:16:534 to the end sounds quite boring and too repetitive, unique patterning choice you're using is 00:20:157 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - and over, you could actually make more other patterns since you're introducing 1/4 reverse sliders like 00:17:893 (4) - and they would be very helpful to make the diff more variable.

00:25:138 (5) - 00:28:761 (5) - you could just make this circle since it hasn't no sound during his reverse
00:26:044 (2) - 00:29:666 (2) - you could make then 1/4 reverse slider as well, there's a guitar sound here 00:26:157 etc


HP & OD looks quite high considering the total SR, would go with HP3 and OD3 instead


00:06:119 (1) - this 1/1 slider cover snares you usually map on 00:02:723 (3,4) - , leaving like that would decrease the density you are currently using. Consider to make hittable at least 00:06:459


00:07:478 (1,2,3) - you skipped the snare around the slider but 00:14:723 (1,2) - you didn't here instead, it would make more if you map this 00:07:704 as well


00:08:610 (6) - there's no vocal/instrument here to make this slider useful, instead you may move that to 00:08:497 since there are some drums. you can see this looking at all diffs' mapping decision


00:10:082 vs 00:02:836 (4) - why skip an intentional sound? Suppose the pattern on 00:09:742 (1,2) - could follow even better overmaps with something similar like


00:12:006 (1) - reverse slider looks unpredictable since its song position, you would make even better if you change this in circle + 1/2 slider as did on 00:10:082 (2) -


00:13:704 (3,4) - ctrl g would match better with what are you trying to follow


00:27:855 (3) - Sloderbody offscreen in 4:3 16:9 aspect ratios


00:23:780 (6,1) - ctrl g on NC


OD7 for a barely Hard diff looks quite high rn, what about a ~6


from 00:09:742 there's a 1/1 gap anymore, I would add some to at least have some rhythm density difference compared than 00:01:817 00:09:516.
You could make this 1/1 gap on 00:18:119 and 00:25:365 removing the respective circles covering the beat


00:05:440 (8) - this 1/4 slider is different from 00:12:685 (1,2) - , you might make them the same pattern to follow better the snare on 00:05:553


00:12:685 (1,3) - ctrl g on NC ig since the lasts you did on white tick instead


Density diff looks too detached from the Hard diff and too close with the insane diff where sometimes it looks quite higher considering circle usage. Talking about 00:02:949 (3,4,5,6,7) - 00:13:817 (5,6,7,8,9) - these patterns are super strong, even stornger than insane as you can look at, you really need to calm your patterns. I'm gonna point out something

00:02:949 (3,4,5,6,7) - 00:13:817 (5,6,7,8,9) - as said, comparing with Hard and Insane, these streams looks denser from the all diffs mentioned, these need to be nerfed a little. you could just make the first 2 circle in another 1/4 slider so it will remain the triple as dense pattern

00:04:874 (4,5,6,7) - this stream, considering the song, is quite too strong if we look at how middle diffs mapped it. You may make another 1/4 slider on 00:04:874 or remove the note 00:04:987 (5) -


AR & OD are kinda high considering SR and they pass over the Difficulty setting guidelines. Would go with something like AR8 and OD7


00:22:987 (5) - you could make this slider 2 circle on kicks since you're using the same patterning for 3 or more times, you can prevent the lack of rhythm construction at least


00:26:044 (3) - mis NC? i see you did also on 00:22:421
00:30:346 (1,2) - ctrl g on NC here instead, it makes more sense since it's the song's last note


00:03:402 (1,1) - 00:07:025 (1,1) - 00:14:270 (1,1) - 00:28:761 (1,1) - these 3/4 jumps seems a bit aggressive, also cause you don't map them at the same intensity but these are the most aggressive. Even if 1/4 jumps are hittable as 1/2 jumps the intensity/contrast of that level is not really supported by the song. Try to decrease their spacing as did on 00:10:648 (1,1) - etc.


00:10:648 (1) - 00:16:534 (1) - 00:25:591 (1) - 00:26:270 (4) - 00:29:214 (1,2) - offscreen object in 4:3 16:9 aspect ratios


00:27:402 (1,2) - vs 00:28:082 (2,3) - same visual spacing but different rhythm gap, you should keep the first stamp more distant with the circle or it would looks like a 1/2 pattern just like the second stamp

same as 00:20:157 (1,2) - 00:02:044 (1,2) -


00:09:289 (1,2) - 5% volume circle, this may be hard to hear over the song since it is a silent circle rn


00:09:968 (2,3) - this pattern doesn't follow that good drums as you did on 00:02:723 (4,1) - , ctrl g the pattern would make snare stronger and impactful


00:03:855 (6,1) - 00:07:478 (6,1) -etc. ctrl g on NC since there's a gap between them, it would make more sense


00:05:214 (4,5,6,7) - 00:12:459 (1,2,3,4) - what are they supposing to follow? at the 4th circle there's a hitclap where it makes these patterns very confusing since you're hitting nothing except that snare. Consider to make a 1/2 slider in the middle, for example


00:23:553 (2) - this note may be a passive sound instead since there's no sound to cover with. Consider to make this slider 00:23:327 (1) - 1/2 as you did on 00:26:610 (5) -


00:30:232 (1,2) - this reverse slider, after you didn't usee for the whole section, seems underwhelming since you used to hit these notes with circles, you could do something similar to 00:26:044 (1,2,3) -


Imo but AR still looks low since the fast jumps, what about to raise it up to 9.7?


00:07:365 (2,1) - there's a high snare with a minimum spacing while 00:07:478 (1,2) - there are kicks with a high spacing. Other patterns are using spacing on kicks, it would match better if you do the same thing on this circle 00:07:365 (2) - since it has a strong sound as well

same as 00:12:006 (4,1) - 00:14:723 (1,2) -


00:12:459 (1) - remove NC since you didn't on 00:05:214 (3) -


Unused files




00:02:044 kicks still look so low, would increase volume to ~75%
00:16:534 same thing, but it would match better ~70%

00:07:931 miss whistle for vocals
00:17:553 00:18:912 00:19:365 etc. missing whistle for guitar


Timing point sound barely off, i think moving his positon to -3 would improve drums position


Just a question, do you still use your old osu! name as credit? if yes, add kpolar in tags


When all ready remember to remove HS diff (hi hiro)

Metadata check did in past (do not take in consideration additive tags)


Timing point could be improved, would go decreasing Offset to -6


00:04:459 (1,2,3) - vocals are quite different from your pattern choice, your last note was hitting a sound similar to 00:04:617. You may do the same and make the first slider in a circle so to move the 1/1 slider to that sound


00:24:986 (1,2) - 1/1 slider sounds off from your intentions, you could ctrl g it to let it match better with instruments

same as 01:49:933 (4,5) - you might follow more 1/1 beat


00:38:722 is this sound like a vocal miss? if yes you could add a note in

same as 01:54:038 with kick


00:38:880 (1,2,3) - rhythm looks kinda hard to follow, this issue is caused from the circle in the middle where it force you to radically change your intentions. You could move away the circle to place better the slider on white tick


01:04:774 (2,3) - this double circle is stacked while 01:02:248 (3,4) - 01:12:354 (3,4) - are not instead, this double could disguise with other 1/2 patterns like 01:00:037 (3,4) - etc. Make sure to unstack them so to prevent that from happening


01:15:038 this vocal is skipped but here 01:10:143 (3,4) - you did the opposite, you may take inspiration from that pattern to don't leave this sound without a note


01:39:512 is this intentional don't hit this strong kick as 01:44:564 (1) - ? You could do the same thing since you already did later


AR and OD are too high for a 3.4* and it would make the whole diff denser than the Insane. Would go with these settage

AR 7 / OD 6.5

Also HP looks quite low, would you increase it to ~4


Does it a mistake your diff is the unique one without the capitalization on the first letter? if yes pls make sure to rename it NeverKelly's Hard


00:12:828 (6,1) - 01:08:407 (6,1) - unintentional broken stack


00:38:249 (7) - 00:40:775 (7,1) - you could improve the vocals instruments follow if you make this 1/1 and remove the next circle imo


00:40:143 (6) - this 2/2 slider doesn't follow as vocals as instruments, you could improve it if it was 1/1 + circle

same as 01:41:564 (6) - try to make triple + 1/2 slider


00:42:196 (4,5) - it would match better if it was ctrl g as 00:43:143 (7,8) -


00:46:143 (5,1) - this jump is quite too distant, this may lead into a pattern's disreading and as consequence to loose the combo. Consider to get closer each other so to prevend this does not happens

same as 01:03:828 (1,2) - 01:04:775 (4,5) - etc.


00:47:564 this is a passive sound but 00:49:143 (1) - 00:51:670 (1) - these are actives, you would go to make also this one a hittable note


00:54:038 (1) - this 6 reverse slider looks kinda disappointing for the song's build up. Consider to make more than 1 reverse slider


Most of parts have so much density that would be almost the same or above of Insane, this is caused by the big spacing used on the diff and fast sliders present on calm sections. Lemme check out

00:00:986 - 00:11:091 First section uses an VS of 1.00x, which compared with insane it looks the same exact speed. You may decrease his velocity and spacing to get a density more consistent with the diffname

00:11:091 - 00:21:196 / all Chorus part. Looking at some jump mentioned on timestamps those were the worst, but all the kiai section has a spacing issue since it looks quite forced and uncontrolled as 00:11:091 (1,2) - 01:01:301 (4,1) - 01:05:091 (5,1) - etc. SV similar to 1.00x and a DS around 1.4/1.6 cuold manage better the song intensity

01:21:828 - 01:26:880 would decrease the density also on this part since this is the calmest part of the song and SV is equal to 00:36:354 and it makes this part quite high


00:31:933 (2) - you could follow the same intensity of 00:26:880 (3,4) - since they are the same vocals intentions


00:56:249 (1) - reverse slider looks a bit unexpected since the overlap with 00:56:091 (1) - , you could change his verse to make it more visinble to the player, example


01:14:564 (2,3) - 3rd circle has no sound in, you could make a 1/2 slider to always draw inspiration from the first half 01:04:143 (1) -


01:53:722 (3,4) - would ctrl g the pattern to sound it better with the melody as you did on 01:53:407 (1,2) -


Insane & Boogie Woogie, spinner finish in 2 different timezones, could you choice just one so to don't mess with final spread lenght


00:10:775 (6,1) - this 3/4 jump looks very difficult to reach, you might get closer each other more so to be sure they can be both hittable


00:15:670 (5,6) - this jump does not have the triple but 00:20:564 (4,5,6) - this has one, you could make it more consistent adding another circle on 00:15:749


00:26:249 (5) - would NC this since laurier's diff has one + you are the only one with laurier to hit this note


00:36:670 (2) - this 1/1 slider looks very boring unlike 00:41:722 (3,4,5) - you did a great job. You might make something similar to change the 1/1 slider


01:10:301 (5) - 01:10:301 (5) - 01:30:512 (5) - miss NC since you are making combos every 4 beats


01:03:196 (2,3) - Flow looks lacking here, circle could get more visibility if it was just under the last slider, for example this kind of pattern


01:56:407 (6,1) - unlike all 1/1 gaps jump that there were in the section this is the unique 1/1 gap without an overlap where it may lead into an unexpected pause. you would have two ways to prevent this

  • make circle 6 1/2 slider
  • make a similar overlap as 01:42:038 (7,1) - etc.

Recheck AIMod for unsnapped kiai lines


00:10:617 (2,3) - this jump looks quite hard to reach, you may decrease their spacing to prevent this jump not too messy


01:13:617 (3,4) - these notes make a stack but 01:03:512 (3,4) - these not, you could make another jump pattern since there are just 4 stacks in the section and they already have a sense unlike this one


01:18:038 why instant changing SV while you are still on the same calm section. Consider to stay at the same SV given on 01:16:775

same as 01:25:617


Is it a mistake HP is 2.9? cause it's becoming impossible fail in this diff. If not, you could increase it to 4.5/5 and it would be fine


Current BG weighs more than the weight limit imposed by RC of 2.5MB. I compressed a new one for you so that this problem d not continue, just change it with the actual one


Metadata check

add jon-YAKITORY chaos video laurier on tags
remove 初音ミク kaito on tags since they arely in artist and source
remove doubled tags like japanese pop jpop vocaloid

Not pretty sure if is it a game ver or less but i'll leave the title like that rn



Actual s-hn is too silent for sections like 01:47:091 and it's very difficult hit something without hearing the beat. you can do two things about

All kiai parts could be raised up to 80% volume since they look still to quiet
00:00:986 01:16:775 60% sounds kinda high, would go ~50% instead?
01:47:091 00:21:196 this section still look silent, raise the volume to ~70%

00:36:354 00:46:459 01:16:775 01:21:828 01:47:091 miss cymbal somewhere
01:01:143 01:06:196 etc. would add another kick here
01:18:038 01:19:301 01:20:564 add feedback here
02:02:249 add silent SV for spinner end

01:47:091 - 01:54:670 in this whole section only this note is marked as a kick 01:54:511 (7) - leaving a big lack of hitsounds. try to use the same kick on sports like 01:47:564 01:47:880 etc.



00:01:291 you could raise up this volume to ~50/55% since whistle is still looks too calm
00:13:462 hitcircle sounds quite strong again, you could decrease is volume to ~65%
00:58:720 why decreasing so much volume that i can't hear the cymbal? If you really want to compare different this sound you should set it around ~50%
01:00:262 you could change custom to 30 so to match better hitclaps
01:08:491 rhythm is still high without density changes, why you surprisingly decreased his hit? try to keep the same volume of 01:00:262

Sometimes you're missing some whistle on melodies for example 00:13:977 00:14:491 00:14:662 etc. I suggest you to recheck which sound you skipped cause all the song has this lack of whistles
On the other hand there are some over feedbacked parts as 00:30:091 - 00:32:662 / 00:41:062 - 00:43:634 which you are abusing too much the cymbal usage, this would lead to a overlapping between hitsounds and song where the player can't hear the song cause the HS' high feedback. You could just reduce cymbal usage and leave only the most impactfuls

00:58:377 00:58:548 missing toms here
01:08:491 since you used cymbal for similar sounds, this should be the same

soft-hitnormal10, soft-hitnormal20 and soft-hitnormal30 are too similar to the whistle sound soft-hitwhistle10, soft-hitwhistle20 and soft-hitwhistle30. You could just remove s-hn or replace it with something different so to not disguise with the whistle custom sound


00:09:652 (4) - 02:28:915 (1) - this triple reverse slider, compared to 00:02:231 (4) - 00:06:494 (2) - etc. it would be confusing and left before its end. You could remove one reverse and add a circle on vocal 00:10:126

same as 01:34:126 (4) - you could make a triple before the 1/4 reverse slider


00:10:915 (6) - this circle compared to 00:03:336 (6) - 00:05:862 (7) - is following nothing with this, you could focus more on vocals if you move this circle on 00:11:073


00:13:757 (1,2,3,4,5) - this rhythm, similar to 00:03:652 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - , could be improved since sounds like 00:14:704 hardly follows your intentions. consider to make a rhythm which as 00:14:389 as 00:14:547 are active sounds


00:30:968 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - there are so many sliders without circle variation, this may lead to a density lack in the song regarding the stronger sounds. you might change these sliders 00:32:704 (4) - 00:34:283 (2) - 00:35:231 (4) - etc. in circles so to mark more your intentions

same as 00:41:547 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 01:49:757 (3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - etc.


01:18:652 (2) - You could change this in 2 circles as you did on 01:21:494 (2,3) - 01:22:599 (1,2) - to follow vocals


01:19:441 (1) - there's 1/1 slider but 01:24:494 (2,3) - 01:29:547 (2,3) - these are not 1/1, you might make this slider 1/2 as well since it matches better

same as 03:20:704 (1) -


02:02:389 (3,4) - 02:59:389 (3,4) - this pattern would sounds better if it was ctrl g. vocals like 02:02:547 sound very active during playing base


section 02:07:126 - 02:20:073 has no gaps at all, you should make one sometime in non kiai parts to get at least more density comparison. you could you could make one gap on 02:14:547 for example


02:36:968 this is actually a missing note, you might add a circle
02:37:599 there's any piano sound here, also the other diffs consider that as such. Try to remove one reverse on 02:37:126 (1) -


might it be a break here 02:40:283? other diffs has one


02:56:625 (6) - 03:05:468 (7) - 03:07:994 (2) - etc. on the most of times in this kiai section. Removing triple would fit better with vocal intensions, looking at better it doesn't hit nothing and it would be very repetitive


03:30:178 (9,10) - this stack could be disguised with 03:28:757 (3,4) - since the sense part. you could unstack them so to prevent that from happening


03:52:915 (4) - since this note 03:52:994 is not a snare or something, you can change this 1/4 reverse slider into a circle + triple on 03:53:073 and mark more snares in the part


04:00:020 (2) - you could follow much better melody n' drums if this was circle + 1/2 slider on 04:00:178


Some NC placement are quite wrong or to improve but nothing so problematic imo, i would point out someone so to improve the diff interview with all diffs after it.

00:36:178 (1,2) - 00:38:704 (1,2) - 00:46:283 (1,2) - etc. this would be ctrl g since every new combo is on white tick rn
00:49:757 (1) - this would be removed since we are still talking about the slow part
01:05:547 (6,1) - 01:07:757 (1,2) - 01:07:757 (1,2) - etc. looking at all other new combos placed on kiai you are doing it every 4 beats, so what about to do the same with this?
01:06:810 (5) - add NC if agree with last stamps
01:38:389 (8) - 03:18:178 (8) - 03:34:599 (7) - miss NC
01:46:283 (1) - you could remove this NC and add it on 01:47:231 (3) - since all diffs has one
02:21:968 (1) - honestly i don't see a real reason to place a new combo and leave the previous circle as different section
03:29:547 (7) - would add NC to make more visible the surprising rhythm change

01:22:599 (1) - 01:29:389 (1) - this can remail like that imo


OD7.5 comparing with the Insane's looks very close, would you go with something like ~OD7 instead? so to make the spread 7 > 8 > 9


00:06:652 (3) - i think you could follow your vocals better if this slider was double circle as 00:04:283 (3,4) -


00:09:178 (3) - reverse slider starts in a silent sound where it would looks so unexpected, moving to 00:09:336 would improve this pattern


00:15:178 (2) - slider doesn't hit 00:15:336 but this one 00:05:231 (2) - yes, would you like to make both hit the same white tick so to represent more vocals?


00:37:757 (1) - vs 00:47:862 (1,2,3,4,5) - what about to overmap a bit more the first stamp, i think it would match better with something similar to the second one


00:57:573 (1) - this reverse slider is barely follow vocals intentions since the last vocal hit is on 00:58:441. you would like to change this pattern and make circle + 3/2 slider


01:09:336 (5) - 01:14:389 (5) - 01:19:441 (5) - etc. miss NC you could add it for the new section


01:10:599 (1,2) - would ctrl g this rhythm as you did on 01:00:494 (1,2) - so you would follow better strong drum on white tick

same as 01:57:336 (1,2) - 02:15:494 (4,5,6) -


01:25:599 (6,1) - you could make a triple to follow better snares on the song since you already did on this section like 01:21:810 (1,2,3) - 03:27:494 (2) -


01:33:968 (4) - a bit hard to understand this reverse slider since here 01:34:047 there's no snare sound imo, you might make this slider in a circle + triple stacked on the next stream


01:58:599 (1,2,3) - circles are splitted by a slider but 00:40:283 (1,2,3) - this, as same vocals intention, has both circles mapped before the slider. Consider if you want follow a similar intensity you can ctrl g this 01:58:757 (2,3) -

same as 02:13:757 (1) - vs 00:45:336 (1,2) -


02:03:494 (6) - with this 1/1 slider you don't follow this vocal 02:03:652 while on last sections you were using this slider only for long vocals like 00:49:126 (1) - 01:41:231 (3) - etc.


02:47:152 why you didn't mapped this drum as a triple but here 02:46:520 (2) -, which you overmapped just for feeler, there is? You could make the same thing as you did on 01:06:020 (3,4,5) - and cover both as triple

same as 03:13:757 (5,6) - vs 01:12:178 (3,4) -


02:57:652 (6,1,2) - you would try to ctrl g on notes 1-2 so to make this 02:58:283 denser since vocals are rising for a little here


03:06:336 (4) - this slider could be changed in 2 circles since 03:06:494 it's a strong sound and you could replace something as 01:05:231 (5) - which it has the strong sound as active note

i will mod only one diff but maybe in future i will do the rest, hope this will help you


Difficulty has NC spam very frequently, yes hard diff and the rest of the mapset refresh their combo every 4/4, but this diff, as undermapped as it is, it makes look very charged where notes like 00:03:763 (1) - are literally random. You might try to decrease the New Combo usage for every 8 or 4 beats so to make your patterns more meaningful while playing.

00:03:763 (1) - etc. as told, you could remove this
00:07:854 (1) - 00:16:035 (1) - etc. since we are talking about the calm part you can remove this NC too
00:09:899 (1) - 00:11:945 (1) - etc. you could start to make combos every 4 beats


00:54:388 (2,3) - this pattern is unstacked but 00:21:660 (2,3) - not, you might make them both stacked or not

same as 00:59:501 (5,6) - 01:01:547 (5,6) - vs 00:26:774 (5,6) - 00:28:820 (5,6) -


Ngl this diff contains like 5 patterns to follow vocals.

I was wondering if is it was right but except these sections 00:21:149 - 00:24:899 / 00:53:876 - 00:57:626 which they are fine imo, the rest is a continuous repetition with these patters

  1. 00:08:876 (1,2) -
  2. 00:07:854 (1,2,3,1) -
  3. 00:17:058 (1,2,3) -
  4. 00:25:240 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
    About 4/5 patterns but these are the most used in the sections, the point is it's very boring and it doesn't lean into most differences the song provides even though you can not do that much with these difficulties. Let's point out something to find a solution to this:

even the inconsistance between 00:00:695 - 00:07:854 vs 00:33:422 - 00:48:763 where it shows an undermap on vocals like 00:01:376 00:02:399 etc. You might introduce something more than 1/1 slider + circle since vocals allow you to do it for example 00:01:206 00:02:910 00:03:251 etc.

same explanation for 00:17:058 - 00:20:126 / 00:49:785 - 00:52:854, vocals are allowing you do overmap more using 1/2 sliders like you did on 00:51:831 (1,2,3) - , so i don't see the reason to simplify so much the song density

00:25:240 - 00:29:331 / 00:57:967 - 01:02:058 during the first section 00:25:922 (3) - you made this a 1/2 slider but on the 2nd section you did a circle 00:58:649 (3) - what about to change the 1/2 slider in a circle as well? It would improve the patterning creativity


miss GD owner to Kin


00:17:740 (5,1) - 00:18:763 (5,1) - 00:50:467 (5,1) - 00:51:490 (5,1) - these 1/1 gap are too close and they may be hit before their actual beat. Would space them more to make sure they are visibly different from the patterns that follow


00:52:513 (5,1) - this slider is not overlapped with the last circle but 00:19:785 (5,1) - it is, you would make both the same kind of pattern to don't mess with consistency between sections


00:20:126 (1,2,3) - why do this is so spaced but this 00:52:854 (1,2,3) - not? Consider to make them the same since they have the same intensity


00:23:706 silent slider end, it doesn't have any sense of mute this unless it's 3/4


00:39:217 (3,1) - vs 00:38:876 (2,3) - their visual spacing is quite the same although one has 1/1 gap, you would make more distant the slider 1 to the last circle to make it visibly 1/1 gap

same with these 3/4 slider patterns 00:46:717 (1,2) - 00:47:740 (1,2) - 00:48:763 (1,2) - which they are too similar to 00:46:035 (2,3) -


00:49:104 (2,3) - Uncontrolled spacing, this is the highest spacing jump you did on the diff and it would be surely missable cause the far distance. You should get close the slider 3 to play it more comfortable


00:55:581 (4,5) - supposing it's a broken stack since it looks like 00:22:854 (4,5) -


01:02:058 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - unoverlap them since later you did 01:04:104 (1,2) - + they look similar to 01:05:126 (1,2,3,4) -


00:08:024 (2) - these notes would fit better if they were circles as 00:06:831 (1,2,3,4) -


00:21:660 (3,1) - jump on these notes lacks on flow, you would improve it using this pattern

same as 00:55:240 (2,3,1,2) - , you could ctrl g these circles 00:55:581 (1,2) -


00:46:035 (2) - this 1/4 reverse slider sounds awkwuard considering most of the times you're following 1/2 vocals as 00:14:331 (2,3) - , you would make this in 1/2 slider like 00:47:058 (2) -


00:08:024 (2,1) - this pattern sounds better on 00:08:195 as you did on 00:16:376 (2,3) -


00:08:195 (1,1) - these NCs looks random, would remove them like you did on 00:16:547 (3) -


00:33:422 (1,2) - try to space them more, actual one looks like 3/4 pattern and it may be hit before his actual beat

same as 00:34:445 (1,2) - , try to get them more close


00:45:695 (1) - hard and insane have this slider as 3/4, what about to make this one as such?


00:57:967 (1,2) - 00:25:581 (2) - this overlap is quite underwhelming considering the other patters like 00:58:308 (2,3) - 01:00:013 (1,2,3,4) - , consider to unoverlap them and make a spacing similar to the sliders mentioned


Metadata Check

add classical Kyaroru on tags
remove carol of the on the tags since there are already on title


Genre should be Classical


audio.ogg needs an improvement considering his max stats are 160kbps under 20KHz, I made a new one for you which it satisfy the mp3's requirements, just drop it on the folder and change AudioFilename : audio.mp3

Offset 00:00:535



Looks like you are using hihats as hitclap for example 00:00:695 00:01:717 etc. I would say to use it as whistle but looks like you're using whistle for another thing 00:07:854 00:08:195 which the trouble is "What do i do with these now?", honestly i would say to switch hitclap as hitwhistle and hitwhistle as hitclap since they look more comfortable like such.

Sounds like 00:20:126 00:24:217 00:52:854 00:56:945 you could change them in hitclap since the low volume present and it would make the note more hearable

00:08:876 - 00:16:035 / 00:33:422 - 00:48:763 these volumes have to be decreased to ~40% since you already did on 00:00:695
01:02:058 - 01:07:172 decrease the volume to ~50% as you did on 00:29:331


00:21:544 (2) - Note is overlapping with the HP bar, could you move it a bit down to prevent that from happening


00:33:936 (1,2) - these sliders, comparing with whole spread, is the unique one is not covering hitclaps on white ticks. Consider to make both sliders 1/1 leaving 00:34:425 as 1 beat gap


01:11:599 this is the same hit of 01:14:207 (3) - 01:16:816 (3) - etc. Consider to include it as such


02:13:066 SV intensity looks similar to 00:57:414, you would consider to getting the same velocity to give a better demonstration


01:22:033 since you are not following a patterning variation, you would hit better this kick using patterns as 01:07:686 (1,2) - to give different impact and change between section


01:39:805 (3,1) - spacing looks very small unlike 01:41:109 (3,4) - etc. you could space it more to make it equal with the rest


01:41:599 (1) - this slider hardly follows the music, try to follow vocals better with strong sounds like 01:51:870 (3,1) -

same as 01:46:816 (3) - with 01:57:088 (3,4) -


01:45:512 (4) - vs 02:40:294 (5,6) - these patterns are following the same vocal but mapped differently. you might map the first as the second to give more variation circle slider


03:01:164 (4) - this note could be removed since you're intentionally following vocals like 02:55:946


03:05:321 (1) - according to the whole spread, this slider is longher than the all diffs where their spin finish on 03:10:131, decrease his lenght to compare it with them


Some sections look undermapped or off with the music. Make a diff with song's intention helps a lot the playability and such a lowdiff it should be the same, i point out somethng.

00:46:979 - 00:56:109 this section is equal to 00:05:240, so you might overmap like similar. For example, you would make all 2/1 sliders like 00:46:979 (1) - etc. in 1/1, you could introduce more circles on big gaps left by you like 00:47:794 00:47:957 00:50:403 00:50:566 etc.

01:07:849 - 01:28:718 You would need to structure more also this section. For example making 01:08:990 (4) - 01:14:207 (3) - etc. in 1/1 sliders so to include the high drum to be active notes


There are some NC placement that i don't understand and sometimes they are in conflict with the Hard diff. Let me show you

00:52:196 (4) - miss NC since you are placing it every couple 4/4
01:07:686 (1,2) - 02:54:805 (5,1) - as well as hard diff is doing, would ctrl g NC since the new section is starting on the slider
01:44:207 (4,1) - 01:45:512 (4,1) - 01:50:729 (1,2) - etc. on kiai parts you are doing every 4/4 a new combo, so swith NC can help to follow better the spread between normal and hard
01:57:414 (4) - 02:40:294 (5) - and others on the 2nd kiai, miss NC as such


00:31:490 since you are following vocals, it would be interesting adding a note here, so as to continue the combo as the vocals are doing

same as 01:15:512


00:50:892 Intensity is still the same as 00:46:979, why increasing SV during a calm part?


00:59:696 (5) - 01:04:914 (5) - you could make this a circle to make another 1/1 gap like 01:01:816 01:02:468


01:24:642 (4,1) - rhythm structure could be improving, you might ctrl g the pattern for following better vocals on the section


01:24:805 (1,2) - these are very close objects and they would be masked as 1/2 rhythm, doing this change could bring into make a 1/1 stack with circle and slider


01:37:686 (7,8) - you could stack them since the sound here is minimum, making spacing looks very annoying


02:18:283 (4) - 02:28:718 (4) - why these notes are passive but 02:13:066 (1) - 02:23:501 (1) - not? Try to make them all actively hittable so to have more sense on playbase


02:29:044 (1,2,3) - this pattern uses a super high spacing comparing with 02:18:609 (1,2,3) - 02:30:675 (3,4) - , consider to decrease their spacing

same as 02:53:827 (3,4) - 02:57:088 (4,1) -


02:43:718 (1,2,3,4,5) - streams in 184bpm look quite strong for the diff, you would remove this note 02:43:800 (2) - to make the next pattern a triple instead


the section 02:13:066 - 02:33:936 has 2 different DS despite the same density. I honestly don't see any reason on decrease the distance on the 2nd half since it's a unique section without changes by the song, this could also lead to a failure to song represent with the difficulty and a gap between Hard/Insane density since the next diff uses similar spacing in both of the parts.

Consider to resnap from this part 02:23:501 at 1,2x DS so to not impact so much with this


This diff contains some unnecessary NC spam with the song where it makes this diff the most filled diff of new combos. Consider you are still mapping a lowdiff and every NC needs to be clear to the players, here's something you could fix

00:05:566 (1) - remove this NC since there is on 00:05:240 (1) -
same as 01:08:175 (1) - 01:23:827 (1) - 01:26:436 (1) - etc.

00:09:153 (1) - 00:14:370 (1) - 00:19:588 (1) - unnecessary NC here
00:27:414 (1) - 00:32:631 (1) - would be better remove NC here since you didn't add anything on 00:30:022 (3) -
00:33:283 (1,1) - this looks very random NC spam, you could remove them
01:01:979 (1) - you could remove NC here considering you have it also on 01:01:327 (1) - 01:02:631 (1) -
01:09:805 (1) - 01:15:022 (1) - etc. keep 2 circles in a different combo looks very underwhelming
01:33:283 (1) - vs 01:30:675 (4) - same vocal density different NC placement, you could follow the second one and remove it to the first stamp
02:43:718 (1) - wourl remove NC since you are following the same intensity here


SV on kiai looks very high according as SV line as SV general. This bring into a sliders too fast to read and difficulty to overmap since the long shapes, SV general is pretty high considering the song's BPM where this is the result. The luck is you are using a slider velocity usage around 0.60x/1.20x where it explain you are able to use lower velocity.

Lowering kiais' SV to 1.10x would improve the readability of shapes, consequentially, improve overmapping during chorus since there are some sliders that would become circles.

01:40:457 (1) - this could become circles since the kick present on 01:40:620
01:42:414 (3) - 01:52:849 (3) - slider body is covering this note 01:42:577 where it would be a good choice hit it instead, you can do 1/2 slider + circle or just a 1/2 reverse
01:43:392 (2) - you might decrease the slider lenght for making it 1/2 + circle on snare
01:48:936 (3) - this slider might become double circle so to mark better the triple on 01:49:099 (3,4,5) -
01:50:729 01:55:294 01:55:946 don't try to make the same patterning used on the first half, you could try to compare them hitting this vocal since these are you intentions

same for 2nd chorus 02:36:544 - 02:54:805 (even though you made it more intense so it has more impact with the song)


HP is pretty higher than insane's, would go with ~4 so the spread obtains more sense


00:09:642 (2) - 00:20:077 (2) - these notes are following anything with the song, you would remove them and leave the gap


00:27:414 (1,2,3) - this jump looks very spaced comparing with 00:30:022 (1,2,3) - 00:31:979 (3,4,5) - , you should decrease a bit his distance to make all jumps not too much dense as you did with the lasts


00:36:544 - 00:46:979 SV is very high considering the equalism with 00:26:109, you would use something like 0.70x/0.60x for slow and calm vocals as you did on 00:44:207 (1) -

same as 01:28:718, the change between last section and this is very radical, you would go with 1.00x


00:50:566 (5,1) - their distance is very far considering the whole slow section, you might get closer the slider one to make the same spacing as 00:47:794 (3,4) - 00:52:686 (2,3) - etc.

same as 02:33:120 (3,4) -


00:58:718 (1,2) - this pattern doesn't follow very weel the melody, you could make sure to hit this kick 00:58:881 and leave this 00:59:207 as passive

same as 01:03:936 (1) -


01:01:164 (1,2) - would ctrl g the pattern to make rhythm more comfortable to hit with the song


01:11:762 this hit is passive but 01:10:457 (1) - 01:15:675 (1) - are not, you should make it more active like ctrl g this pattern 01:11:599 (1,2) -

same as 01:16:979 01:22:196


01:24:153 (2) - vs 01:26:763 (2,3) - they are the same sound but they are mapped in different way, try to map the first one as the second one


01:34:099 since you are following vocals you could hit this as well


02:59:044 (2) - slider looks weird basing on what you are trying to hitting, it would match better if there were 2 circles


Also this diff contains some unnecessary NC spam, reason is quite the same but there are more less than the hard diff, i'll show you which.

00:05:566 (1) - remove this NC since there is on 00:05:240 (1) -
same as 00:33:283 (1) - 00:37:196 (1) - 01:08:175 (1) - etc.

00:11:599 (1,1) - 00:16:816 (1,1) - very random NCs, look at 00:06:381 (2,5) -
00:13:066 (3,1) - ctrl g for NC cause 00:13:066 here restarts the fade out
same as 00:39:153 (5,1) -

01:07:196 (1) - since you are using NCs every 4/4 it would be better you remove this one
01:20:240 (1,1) - this looks very random NC spam, you could remove them


Kiai has some rhythm difference between 1st and 2nd half whee it confuse which would be better to sound. At first half you are trying to hit more high snare sounds and the second half you are focussing more on vocals, you should understand what do you want to follow or your patterns will be in conflit each other.

01:41:762 (1) - vs 01:52:196 (3,4) - first one you are following good the vocals intentions, the second one you're gone quite off the song considering also the lack feedback on 01:52:686, try to make the same 1/1 reverse on the second half

01:44:207 (1,2,3) - vs 01:54:479 (5,1) - the first one has a triple while the second not, during the chorus you placed triples on the same place as first and second, so it would be consistent hit the second with a triple as well

01:46:653 (4) - vs 01:57:088 (4,5) - the first one you are hitting more melody with the slider leaving passive the vocals, the second stamp shows your major focus on vocals where it's actually fine. you might make the first stamp the same

01:44:859 (4,5) - vs 01:55:131 (2,3) - the first one doesn't really follow anything ngl, try to use a similar patterning as you did on the second one

01:47:631 (3,4,5) - vs 01:58:066 (3,4,5) - second pattern sounds off since the stack on circles 01:58:392 (4,5) - , you would switch their position and make look like the first one

same with 2nd kiai, you can compare them with what you did on the first


00:24:642 (5,1) - ctrl g on NC since the 4/4 is starting on the 1/2 slider


00:24:968 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this combo is calmer than 00:04:099 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - , consider to make a similar density patterning


00:28:555 (5) - this note is hitting anything here, you might remove it so to make the gap more understandable


00:35:240 (1,2) - you would get close each other so to get more feeling while build up the music


01:25:457 (3,4,5) - this jump looks so distant comparing with 01:09:805 (3,4,5) - 01:17:631 (3,4,5) - 01:20:240 (3,4,5) - where you're keeping a snap around 2/2.6. Consider to nerf a bit their spacing each other so to make it similar with those mentioned


01:58:963 (3) - not is hitting anything unlike 01:49:099 (2,3,4) - , since you are following more hit drums with jumps, try to keep a faithful pattern with that instead

same as 03:04:832 (3) -


02:28:718 (1,2) - vs 02:13:066 (1,2) - 02:18:283 (1,2) - etc. They look the same rhythm but you only hitted this differently, instead of make only one what about to make also this one 02:23:501 (1,2) - as the first stamp? it would improve the rhythm construction difference between equal sections


02:35:892 (1) - remove NC since 00:04:588 (3) - 00:25:457 (4) - you didn't


02:53:501 (1,2,3,4,5) - vs 02:54:153 (1,2,3,4) - they have the same intensity but they are mapped with a different density, you might space more the first combo to make more emphatic the drums present on the part


00:36:544 - 00:46:979 SV is still high considering the equalism with 00:26:109, as told on insane diff, try to decrease it to like 0.70x/0.60x as you did on 00:44:207 (1) -


00:51:218 (3,4) - section is still quite dense with these jumps, try to make these 2 circle in a 1/2 slider


02:00:022 (3) - add NC would help with spread consistency


02:35:892 (1,2) - vs 00:04:588 (5) - since they are the same intensity sound you could do both 1/2 sliders or double circles


03:04:262 (1,2) - this jump, compared to 03:03:936 (1,2) - 03:04:588 (1,2,1,2) - it's the unique one where it has horizontal movement and this would be confusing to the person is playing the last part. Consider rotating it so to make it similar with the rest


There are some rhythm structures which don't follow/fit with the song. Unlike the other diffs, this one looks out of context and overmapped and it looks disappointing that this happen, i point you out some pattern where you could improve and match better with other diffs.

00:06:055 (2) - you would make 2 circles instead because there are strong drums on it

00:11:599 00:16:816 this is a passive sound although on other diffs you mapped as an active one
same as 00:21:870 (3) - 00:24:479 (4) - 01:14:044 (5) - etc.

notes like 00:12:903 (5) - 00:18:120 (5) - 00:27:903 (4) - etc. are not following any type of vocal in the song but they are still active notes, you could remove them to make more the vocal spread more enjoyable

00:41:599 (5,1,2,3,4) - this combo is completely off since stronger vocals are on 00:41:599 00:42:251 00:42:903, you might try this rhythm costruction:

00:52:686 (2,3) - do ctrl g to follow vocals better as 00:52:196 (1) -

01:37:196 (3) - you could do this 2 circle + 1/2 slider as you did on Insane and Another


02:49:425 (1) - extra + another. This slider hardly follows strong sounds. As you made on insane diff, you would move the slider to 02:49:588 so you can hit the cymbal better



00:00:023 03:05:321 volume is too low, give the change to hear the spinner sound, use something around ~40/45%
00:35:240 unfortunately 60% is not enough for this, you could add a SV and raising up by 65-70-75% every beat
00:46:979 raise it a bit up so it can stand out from the last section
02:33:936 this volume is kinda low that i can not hear the cymbal, try to use ~60%

3/4 of the song lacks of feedback, this brings a bad demostration of the whole song and sometimes also a loose of the feeling during playbase, i will point something out:
00:57:577 (2,3) - 01:00:267 (2,3) - 01:02:794 (2,3) - 01:05:484 (2,3) - etc. add feedback and don't leave these triples so empty

00:45:022 remove whistle since most of the times it's a slider end here
02:43:637 this sound is still a high snare, remove kick and add hitclap
03:10:131 actually this is a hitclap since you are finishing the spinner on it, so prove it as such

You are missing a lot of cymbal around the whole song and it's sad don't hear them cause you are hitting them very well most of the times, consider to hit these as cymbal 01:02:631 01:18:283 01:44:370 01:48:283 01:48:936 01:52:196 01:54:479 01:54:805 01:57:414 01:59:370 02:18:283 02:22:849 02:23:175 02:26:109 02:28:718 02:31:327 02:32:631 02:41:762 02:43:066 02:49:588 02:52:196 03:00:022


Combo 1 and Combo 3 look too similar between each other, would just keep one of these two could fit better imo. Otherwise you could look for another one

then this is subjective, would you like to make the slider borders a bit darker? i think it would match better with the BG

SliderBorder : 255,0,0




00:09:915 Do i wrong or there's any sound here? all diffs are hitting but the song is stopping before the 1st fourth and this would be almost a miss for who's playing it


00:00:915 (3) - idk what are you hitting with this since also song base is following this snare 00:00:765, it would be more comfortable if you might chenge in 1/1 slider this note 00:00:765 (2) - so to follow better melody and snare

same as 01:10:515 (3) -


00:04:065 this note is not hitted while snares like 00:01:965 (6) - 00:02:715 (1,3) - are, you would do the same since it's quite strong as hit and players would feel the hit


00:14:715 (1,2) - 00:21:915 (1,2) - 00:24:315 (1,2) - etc. until start kiai. The hitclap is on the passive sound rn, you would consider to make ctrl g to make the patterns more impactful with the song

same as 01:26:115 (6,7) -


00:16:365 (6) - with this 2/2 slider you're covering this vocal 00:16:515, your intentions are to hit vocals, right? So you would hit as you done on 00:18:015 (3,4) - ig


00:30:165 (6,8) - these sliders are not very comfy with the song cause this 1/2 00:30:165 (6) - , you might make the slider 6 1/1 and make a rhythm like this


00:31:515 (10) - NC since the whole spread has it before the break


00:56:115 (3) - circle is overlapping with the HP bar, could you move it a bit down to prevent that from happening


01:00:015 (1,2) - ctrl g NC would improve the change between kiai and non kiai part


NCs on kiais are less than the Hard, it would be more impactful if they would have the same bunch of new combos. Here's some note you could add NC

00:54:315 (6) - 00:59:115 (6) - 01:02:565 (5) - 01:07:515 (8) -


OD5 is quite high for a 2.4*, would go with something aroung ~3/3.8


00:54:015 (4,1) - ctrl g this pattern would improve the vocal following, it also make this note 00:54:315 active


01:01:815 (2,3,4,5) - basing by your triple placement, this looks very off with the song since the triple is present on 01:02:040. you might make this note 01:01:815 (2) - a circle and move 01:02:115 (3,4,5) - on the red tick so to match it better with kick drums


00:03:765 (5) - this slider can be 2 circles since both the sounds covered by the slider are actively hittable, you would try something lile this

same as 00:54:165 (6) -


00:05:115 (5,1) - ctrl NC


00:16:515 (5,1) - this jump looks very far like 00:15:315 (4,1) - . Considering the last distance patterns used on 00:15:765 (1,2) - , this would be seen as a 1/2 gap and this is confusing, would make this more close with the last slider or remove one reverse to the 1/4 slider

same as 00:38:715 (1,1) - 01:12:015 (4,1) - 01:21:615 (1,1) -


00:46:665 (6,7) - this stack sounds underwhelming considering the high snare on 00:46:815, you would move it and make a stack with the next note 00:46:965 (1) - instead

same as 01:04:215 (2,3) -


01:08:715 (5) - this slider is the shortest if we are looking at all diffs where they surely finish on 01:09:615, you could do as the spread does so it would have more sense


00:08:265 (1,2) - flow here is quite confusing since the last slider shape, you would switch them to make a cleaner circular flow


00:36:915 (9,1) - 00:39:315 (9,1) - ctrl g NC would improve the visibility of every pattern


SV on 00:36:915 could be slower since the low density song, this also impact the comparation between this section and the next one 00:41:115 where it's higher. You might decrease SV to ~0.90x/1.00x for make more obvious the differenze


01:03:315 (2) - this note can be actively hitted, it has the right intentions for being an active sound since the snare and vocal in. you could make the 1/1 slider 01:03:015 (2) - in 1/2 and add a circle to make more impactful the instruments with vocals


00:09:615 (1,2,3,4) - miss hitclaps on the stream


00:12:615 (3,4) - ctrl g on pattern would improve the vocals following since the vocals are still active on 00:12:765

same as 00:58:965 (1,2,3) - for triple kick


00:19:215 (1,2) - since you are following vocals here, you would ctrl g or make the 1/1 slider 2 circles + 1/2 slider on 00:19:515


00:36:915 as exposed on the Extra general diff, try to keep this SV at 1.00x


00:56:415 leave this gap looks diapponting since the hit is the same of 00:51:465 (5) - , you would follow the same patterning or add a circle on the gap, here's an example that you can consider about

same as 00:57:615


01:14:715 (1) - this 3/4 slider would be unexpected if considering the whole diff rarely/doesn't has 3/4 sliders and it could like slider break while playing. You might decrease his lenght and make it 1/2 as 01:15:915 (1) -



Volume management is quite low comparing with the song, you can barely hear the circle beat and this is not that good. You shoul recheck volume settage and make sure the notes are hearable during the song, here's some point that you could use on your volume settage:

Regarding individual hits, i noted some lack of feedback on a lot of point. i point you out something:
There are a lot of cymbal misses in the map, looking at the whole it looks like you added a max of 6/7 finish in total, i would recommend to sound these notes as such 00:00:315 00:02:715 00:05:115 00:07:515 00:07:965 00:08:565 00:12:315 00:21:915 00:26:715 00:36:315 00:45:915 01:00:165 01:05:115 01:09:915 01:12:315 01:14:715 01:19:515 01:24:315
About whistles you hitted very well their intentions but still noting some lack on high overmaps and streams, i'll point you out all i find 00:18:615 00:19:065 00:19:365 00:24:465 00:24:765 00:25:815 00:26:265 00:28:815 00:36:465 00:36:615 00:36:765 00:39:015 00:39:615 00:43:215 00:43:365 00:59:265 00:59:565
00:25:965 this doesn't look a whistle, would be better remove it
00:27:615 this looks more an high snare, consider to remove kick and add hitclap
00:27:915 this hitclap looks off from the song, better remove it
00:39:765 this whistle would be without, add kick instead
00:57:015 miss hitclap
00:56:940 01:01:290 these notes miss feedback, try to give them something to don't decrease his density
01:11:940 this looks a miss kick

01:26:715 add 5% slider velocity for slider ends


Audio is fine


Would you like add the video on your map? you could use the same background video used on the Plus4j map.

In case you wanna add it, remember to set on all diffs the option on Design Display epilepsy warning. I see some flash in the video


00:02:539 (3,4) - ctrl g would improve to follow better the shot pistol. i suppose you want follow this


00:22:027 (1,2) - Broken DS, make sure every note is well snapped in the same way or the pattern would be confusing


00:41:079 (6) - changing it in 2 circles would include also this note 00:41:297 where it looks very important


00:56:626 leave this note as passive sound (slider end) would look pretty disappointing as for players as for mapping structure. You could reduce to 1/2 this slider 00:56:188 (2) - add add a note for solving this issue


00:56:845 (1) - Spinner broke a bunch of good RC guideline that you must follow for a better Normal diff. Actual spinner is too short for making a minumum score of 1000 + your spinner is too close to the next note which is needed 4/4 as minimum.

You might remove the spinner and replace it with some note like 00:57:064 00:57:283 00:57:502 00:57:940 00:58:378


01:12:830 Normal and top diff, end kiai line is offset, suggesting to pay more attention with these using AIMod


OD5 for this diff is very high considering the final star rating. would go better if it was 3


00:11:954 (3,4) - this pattern looks quite close considering the rest of the notes like 00:08:670 (3,4) - 00:11:078 (1,2) - . you might distance them more to compare them the same distance you're unsing in this section rn


00:30:568 (4,1) - broken jump, bring closer these notes considering this would be a sure miss from the player


00:48:305 (6) - miss NC, normal and top looks like they have it


01:09:108 (10,1) - a ctrl g on the pattern would match better the strong sound present on 01:09:108


01:12:392 (5) - change it in a note, that would help with making some 1/1 gap on switch section


01:24:874 (2,3) - idk what are you supposing to hit with these, these notes would fit better if they were on 01:25:093 01:25:969 since the loud shot as base song


Difficulty contains multiple density and spread diff issues where it makes it seem more like a normal, or precisely too close with the normal density. Fyi, Density is based by the song's feedback, i.e how much the song is strong (verse, kiai, bridge, breaks) you have to follow it mapping it more or less dense. Spread difficulty is how much a diff (increasing or decreasing), compared with another one, is different counting: density, overmap and patterning difference.

00:01:006 - 00:08:013 Starting with this section, but precisely on 00:04:509, song density is growing up but you're still keeping like this part 00:01:006. snares like 00:04:728 00:05:604 00:06:151 with this whole bunch of high notes are covered by 00:06:261 (5) - you could hit all with some circle and slider, for example.

00:16:553 (1,2,3,4) - also this part is growing up, you would overmap the snares present in the song and increase the contrast between Hard and Normal

00:18:524 - 00:34:290 This whole section is equal with the Normal's density, entire patterns like 00:18:524 (1,2,3,1,2,3,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - are the same and this is not good since you're transforming it in a Normal, let's see what could you change for solve this problem.

00:55:312 (1,2,1) - you might increase the density here since the map is going like to "explode" for enjoying to the chorus. You would consider to sound actively these notes 00:55:750 00:55:969 etc. and the whole spinner part

00:58:816 - 01:12:830 Also kiai part needs some increasement with density. Objects like 00:58:816 (1) - 01:00:568 (5) - 01:01:881 (1) - 01:05:823 (3) - 01:09:765 (2) - would be changed in something more similar to 1/2 sliders but let's see how would we solve this.

  • 00:58:816 (1) - 01:05:823 (3) - you might remove the reverse and place next to it a circle since the vocals
  • 01:00:568 (5) - you would follow vocals also with some 1/2 slider to make the density costant with the section

    01:09:765 (2) - same thing i said above about costant snares, you would place some 1/4 reverse slider + circle as you already done on 01:11:078 (1,2,3) -

00:18:086 (5) - you would try to make this 1/4 slider to cover this snare 00:18:195


00:30:787 (1,2) - imo you can do the same thing you done on 00:23:779 (1,2,3,4) -


00:37:794 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - all this pattern is quite off from the vocals intentions that you're supposing to cover, you should focus on hit like "circle slider, circle slider", you would understand better if you do ctrl g on all pattern


00:45:677 (3,4) - you should try to actively hit the snare present on 00:46:115, do ctrl g for a better reading


00:48:086 (1,2) - ctrl g on NC would fit better


01:08:232 (5,6) - you would stack them so to make more enjoyable the jump after these notes


01:24:874 (1,2,3,4) - same thing said on Hard 2262664#4804960


Same density and spread issue is present in this diff. Basically, this diff seems too simplified to be an "almost 4*", and similar patterns are used as on hard as on this one. you need to overmap more and space more since patterns like 00:19:181 (5,6) - 00:26:188 (3,4) - 01:00:787 (7,8) - 01:13:487 (3,4) - 01:20:495 (3,4) - are very simplified and easier considering the difference between this diff and Hard, let's point out them.

00:01:006 - 00:07:137 start looks undermapped, notes like 00:01:443 00:01:662 00:01:772 etc. should be mapped for this section cause it shows how the difficulty spread can vary basing on the diff.

00:18:524 - 00:34:290 this section looks simplier than the start, consider to look more at the constrast between song and mapping, it would really help.

00:55:312 (1,2,1) - exact thing said on hard diff, you can use the same hint gave there

00:58:816 - 01:12:830 there are some patterns that needs a buff to.


some section has less NC than the last diff.

00:09:765 (6) - 00:29:035 (5) - 01:00:568 (6) - 00:35:823 (5) - 00:39:327 (5) - 00:46:553 (7) - 01:14:582 (5) - NC here
01:07:356 (3,5) - would NC these for the strong sound to giving them a major visibility while playing


Timing point still looks delayed, decrease his position to -10


Hitsounds are missing in this mapset if the intentions are to push this on the Ranked Section


video.mp4 contain audio track in, a video's audio track must be removed from the video file.

I made one for you, just remove the actual one and replace it with this
Offset Video +50


metadata Check

title and artist are good

remove prom tags 2.5 since it's already on source


I assume the audio is fine rn

also BG since it should come from an official image


01:01:150 (7) - 01:09:721 (4) - 01:23:436 (4) - these vocals are quite high, you could make this slider in 2 circles as you done on 01:06:293 (3,4) -

same for 2nd chorus 01:56:007 (7) - 02:04:578 (4) - 02:18:293 (4) -


01:14:221 (5,6) - you are using too much this pattern on the chorus, ctrl g would improve and change the variation patterning


since the is not reaching the 2* you would decrease the OD to 2.5/3


00:31:793 (3,4) - distance snap looks lower than 00:32:007 (4,1,2,3) - , recheck your notes are well spaced


00:51:507 (1,2,3) - notes should be at least understandable to hit, 1 and 3 are very close unlike 1 and 2. consider to make them more distant
same as 01:20:650 (1,2,3,4) - 02:09:721 (4,5) -


In the parts outside the chorus there's any 1/1 gap.

notes like 00:37:150 (3) - 00:44:007 (3) - 00:50:864 (4) - 00:57:507 (3) - could be changed in circles to give more breaks during the calmer section
same for the 2nd verse 01:32:007 (3) - 01:38:864 (3) - 01:45:721 (4) - 01:52:364 (3) -


01:05:864 (2,3) - flow is lacking with this surprising note position, you could move it above the last slider so to give a better flow readability


01:10:364 (1,2,3,4) - DS looks gone too far away for some reason, consider to decrease their spacing or reset they distance
same as 01:18:721 (5,1) - 01:24:078 (1,2,3) - 02:05:221 (1,2,3) - 02:11:007 (2,3) - 02:13:578 (5,1) - 02:18:936 (1,2) -


sbirulì sbirulà


Hello, i'm glad to mod your map, fyi i'm improving my modding skills to join in a future in the BNg, if you consider some point too exceeding you can point it, that would help me to improve my point of view while modding <3


01:43:731 (2,3,4,1) - 01:54:397 (2,3,4,1) - theese 1/3 paterns could disguise themselves with 1/2 patterns even though the noticeable spacing difference. You might change them in 1/1 hits as you done on 01:41:842 (3,4,5,6) - where you skipped 1/3 kicks


02:00:508 (1,1) - BASIC, ADVANCED and EXPERT basing by RC you can restart mapping after spinner also by 02:04:508 (for normal diff), the actual gap between spinner and next note looks very very distant and it might trigger the thought that the map is finished


00:01:842 (3,1) - vs 00:00:509 (1,2) - they look very similar but with a rhythm distance different, you would make more noticeable their difference as you done on 00:17:842 (4,5) -


01:18:175 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - this pattern looks very disappointing by his structure and density, unlike you done on 00:24:842 (1,2,3,4) - , this one needs to be changed in another way. Since your intentions are to make a different pattern from the first one, this one could be an idea to improve this pattern


01:39:620 this sound would be important to hit since you're hitting all vocal scratches, consider to decrease this slider 01:39:508 (1) - into a 1/3 + circle


01:51:342 (6) - miss NC


from 01:36:508 to 01:52:508 there are some confusing rhythm and patterning structures, adding also their lack on density present on some point, i show you something:

01:39:008 you are covering this hit with a passive sound, where it would bring into a mess in the playbase caused by this 3/2 slider 01:38:508 (3) - , you might make this slider more active with following instruments present in the map like change it in 1/1 so to hit this hitclap 01:38:842 and leave space to actively hit the mentioned sound
Same as 01:49:175 (1,2,3) -

01:39:508 (1,2) - with 01:40:175 (3,4,5) - they follow the same identical sound but they are hitted in a different way. Not complaining you've used different patterns to fill the map, the issue is the unhitted sound useful to impact more the playbase while paying. For example:


00:01:842 (3,1) - this jump is surprisingly high considering the calm part, you should decrease his spacing for not force the chosen density spacing for the section


00:51:175 (1,2) - vs 00:51:008 (9,1) - spacing looks very similar but rhythm changes, this would bring into a confusion during playbase, make sure that they looks different and understandable
same as 01:03:175 (2,3) - vs 01:02:175 (4,1) -


00:54:675 00:55:008 00:56:008 00:56:342 01:00:008 01:00:342 01:01:342 01:01:675 why skip these notes during a chorus part? indeed, as you done on 00:44:008 (2,3,1,2) -, it would fit better if you build up something more to make consistent the density section


01:54:286 (2) - this rhythm is the same of 01:43:620 (3,4) - , you could make them the same pattern since they both have a high density


This difficulty contains some unexpected and/or random SV change where it would break the density criteria you imposed in your setting. This problem cause also some mapping & song consistency issues since the high or low change without the consideration of other possibly hittable notes.

00:26:008 (1) - 0.75x -> 2.00x this SV change would bring to insta slider break considering the last sliders similar like 00:17:842 (4) - 00:14:508 (4) - , adding his respective jump with 00:25:841 (1) - a player would unintentional skip this note and unconsciously miss. you might use some circle to gradually increase the density for hitting this note 00:26:175 where in the whole it's the highest note in this section

00:27:508 (3,4) - 0.75x -> 0.25x you are decreasing the SV during a drum n' bass part like 00:21:842, this high drop brings you to use these sliders as 1/1 without considering important notes like 00:28:008 00:28:342 00:28:425 etc.
same as 01:20:842 (3,4) -

01:08:508 (5) - 0.75x -> 0.20x vs 00:15:175 (5) - even though the density difference, the second one is denser than the first one, make sure to make the first one similar or denser than the reverse slider

01:38:508 (1) - 1.50x -> 0.80x vs 01:36:758 (2,2,2) - they look too similar, maybe the same lenght, you might consider to change this slider and focus more hitting the 1/4 sounds
Same as 01:49:175 (1) -


Some issue said on general EXPERT hits also this diff, but with lower impact.

00:02:508 (1) - 00:25:842 (1) - even though this has more sense, would be better if you control yourself unsing a max of SV of 3.00x/3.50x as you done on 00:07:175 (1,2,3,4) -

00:26:842 (3,5,6) - 01:20:842 (5,6) - same identical thing told in EXPERT, you are decreasing the SV during a drum n' bass part like 00:21:842

00:56:508 (1) - 4.00x -> 0.50x instead of make the same lenght but different durability, you could try place a different slider shape to give more sense with the scrach song at 0.75x


01:09:675 this gap would be annoying and undermapped, you might do a 1/12 reverse slider as Nowaie's diff


01:30:425 miss hitnote for the present stream, try to make this circle 01:30:342 (5) - in a 1/4 slider

similar thing with 01:40:508, add a note to cover the kick


01:39:008 (1,2,3) - vs 01:39:508 (1,2,3) - 01:40:175 (1,2,3) - they look very similar with spacing, try to decrease the triple spacing for maping sure they don't look loke the 1/3 jumps
foe example, you can do it similar to this 01:52:342 (7,8) -


01:41:758 (6,1) - this 1/4 spacing is unespected cause a note is barely under the slider, consider to stack them so you can make the 1/3 & 1/4 difference spacing (01:39:508 (1,2,3) - 01:40:175 (1,2,3) -


01:54:286 (2) - this rhythm is the same of 01:43:620 (2,3) - , you could make them the same pattern since they both have a high density


Nowaie as GD owner


Since the Re:MASTER is already on OD9 try to buff it to ~9.5


01:00:508 looks like this SV is 1ms ahead and it modifies its slider velocity. idk if is it a problem but i would mention as it is


01:03:175 (1) - Slider body is offscreen basing on a 4:3 aspect ratio


01:46:842 (1,1) - these circles would look very similar to 01:42:397 (1,2) - 01:46:508 (1,2) - , you should try to stack them so as not to make them seem like one


Volume management is very stunning, they are all setted in 80%. This would bring into a too loud or too silent notes hearable, you would take the example by the last volume diffs' usage


there is a big density gap between EXPERT & Re:MASTER, for example high jumps like 00:52:064 (2,1) - 01:33:008 (6,1) - 01:38:508 (1,1) - 01:43:731 (3,1) - increase alot their difference gap. But not only this cause this:

00:37:842 comparing both diffs, EXPERT use a standard SV usage without any increasement, on the other hand the Re:MASTER use a big SV and spacing increasement.
00:51:175 also this 1/3 section is very gapped between them. The Re:MASTER use a costant jump circles patterns, but the expert inclueds breaks and reverse sliders
00:54:175 (1,2,1,1,2,3,1) - 00:59:508 (1,2,1,1,2,3,1) - as i've talked in the general EXPERT diff, these parts are kinda undermapped and his density, comparing with the Re:MASTER one, is very distant.

My vision is, you can do 2 things to clear this problem. the first would be to Nerf Re:MASTER density with his respective stamps mentioned above, or get a middle diff where it would fill that density gap without change or nerf/buff something on the other diffs


Metadata Check
Metadata 2

Artist shoud be kanone feat. せんざい
Romanized is kanone feat. Sennzai

add error- M2U on tags



00:00:509 add cymbal
00:00:509 00:03:175 these should be clap
00:01:842 00:03:175 these should be kick
00:02:508 remove cymbal
00:08:508 00:26:175 add cymbal
00:15:842 00:26:508 add hitclap
00:29:175 remove hitclap

00:33:508 00:34:842 these should be kicks like 00:36:175 00:37:508
00:41:842 add whistle

01:25:842 01:32:342 01:33:008 01:33:675 remove hiclap
01:57:175 02:07:175 miss hitclap
02:09:842 add cymbal
02:11:175 remove hitclap and add cymbal


Audio is fine




Timing point still need a buff, adding +8 would perfectly fit with the song


00:15:927 (6,1) - 01:14:109 (7,1) - ctrl g NC

(If you don't know what does it mean, Switch the new combo)


00:21:836 (3) - let it be 2/1 slider so to have this note 00:23:200 available for an active sound


01:20:472 (9) - using 2/1 reverse slider you're skipping sounds like 01:20:927, it would be better if you might make 1/1 slider + 2/1 slider on 01:21:382


This difficulty doesn't contain any 1/1 gap, i see your intentions to cover the most of the song but also some little break is not a bad thing. Making these gaps sometimes it would improve the playbase for who is starting to play since you're giving a chance to rework which note is coming to them.
For example which gap should potentially do to improve this difficulty:

00:07:745 (1) - this rever slider could be changed in a circle so to leave 00:08:200 without a sound + you have the hint to place an active sound on 00:08:654

00:14:563 (5) - also this reverse slider could be changed to make a gap, you should remove the reverse and leave the next note free to skip

00:26:382 (1) - you would move this slider here 00:26:836 so to follow better active vocals and leave a gap on 00:26:382 where there are any vocals in
same as 00:30:018 (1) - 00:33:654 (1) -
00:40:927 (6) - 00:48:200 (1) - remove circle
00:44:109 (5) - make it circle


00:50:245 (1) - slider doesn't follow melody feeling very well, moving the slider to 00:50:472 and add another active sound here 00:50:245 would improve the pattern's playability


00:58:654 (6,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - this pattern chain is quite long if we compare it to others present in the diff. You might split it a bit like removing these notes 01:00:700 (1) - 01:02:518 (1) -

01:14:109 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - same thing removing this note 01:15:700 (4) -


01:28:200 (3) - this slider could fit better if moved on 01:28:654, so you can hit the strong sound present there


OD5 looks very high for a 2.10*, would go with 3/3.5

same thing for HP, decrease it to 3.5


00:14:109 (1,2,3) - vs 00:14:791 (5,6) - you are making a lot of complex patterns where these 2, put together, would confuse very much since one is a triple and one is a double. You should make the triple a 3/4 reverse slider to compare different these two patterns


00:21:836 (2,3) - spacing is too long for a hard difficulty, you should be aware that you're mapping for a 3* and cooking these patterns with a close distance between one note and another it would be very missable. For find a compromise with this you could remove a reverse on them and make them like triple, so the spacing would make more sense

same as 01:23:654 (4,5,6) - 01:25:018 (1,2) - 01:25:927 (5,6,7) -


00:59:791 (1,2,3,4) - 01:01:609 (1,2,3,4) - vs 00:58:882 (1,2,3,4) - 01:00:700 (1,2,3,4) - i would congratulate you for the idea, but these circles are still to close. Try to make sure they don't overlap with each other otherwise you cold make them similar to this spacing 00:49:563 (5,6,7) -


01:20:472 (5,6) - these sliders could confuse the playbase since they are perfectly stacked tail/head. you might do something similar to this:


00:08:200 (3) - you could make this more comfortable if you remove a reverse and hit this note 00:08:654 with an active sound


00:55:927 (1) - as the Hard diff shows, try to make this slider 1/3 so to give consistency spread


01:10:472 (8,9) - 01:17:745 (2,3) - too distant 3/4 jump. this is surely a mistake during the playbase since it is very unexpected, these are also the unique super jump in the whole diff present in the kiai. you should remove the circle to make them 1/2 jump that would work better


Some after kiai connection patterning looks very difficult to hit since some pattern use the stronger hits on passive sounds (slider ends), these are the issues found:

01:24:563 (4) - this reverse cover an important note necessary to connect the next stream to the player 01:25:018 and without that it would mess the playability feeling you've made. it would match better if you might remove the reverse and actively hit the note suggested so to give the best connection with slider + stream.

01:26:609 (7) - also here there's an issue about your reverse usage. players expect this sound 01:26:836 is unhitted since the instruments sounds until this note 01:26:722, you would remove this reverse for leaving a gap between slider and next pattern so to give a greater connection between the guitar hits 01:25:018 and the hitclaps hits 01:26:950


recheck all unhitsounded triples


I'm sorry to say it but i need to mention this.

Easy, Normal and Insane are very centered mapped.

Normal (least problematic)


How you can see, comparing from your diffs and the IWEJ's one, your playfield is very minimal with the most of the time it focuses exclusively on the center. This brings to a 2 mapping problems:

  • you have less space to map
  • in a 4:3 scale screen you will cover less than you could do

I think you don't wish these problems happens if you wanna push this map to rank and ppl judge your map as "bad one" just cause your playfield, so what's should you do in this case? You might recheck your diffs and understand if you have the possibility of changing some pattern position so to include angles or sides where it allows you to have a larger space when you use mapping editor. If you wanna know more about the playfield you can check also this page for more clarifications.



00:08:654 remove hitlclap, even though looks like there actually is, it would match better if your strong sound is covered only by the cymbal
00:10:018 00:13:654 remove cymbal and add hitclap
00:09:109 00:12:745 add soft-hitclap instead of a drum-hitclap
00:10:927 00:11:836 miss hitclap
00:14:109 01:21:382 a cymbal would match better
00:16:836 00:18:654 00:35:927 00:39:563 00:45:927 00:49:563 01:07:291 01:08:654 01:10:927 01:12:291 01:15:927 remove cymbal
00:30:359 00:32:063 00:37:632 00:44:904 00:48:541 add whistle for vocals

01:26:950 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - referring from the insane but also in the whoe map ig, this cymbal spam gives too much feedback to the song and it would bring into a cover over the music. It would be better add the cymbal only in neccessary parts like these 01:27:063 01:27:745 01:28:200 01:28:541 while the rest would match better with some hitclap. with this change you can be able to fit with the density song

In the whole of the map, sound like these 00:16:382 00:18:200 00:20:018 etc. replace them with a hitclap. Hitwhistle is usually used to cover vocals or instrument parts, your actual usage is for some snare or active parts where it's not the right usage


Metadata check

remove from tags 1997 1990 1900's they don't need for serchability
Marionette is in tags 2 times, remove one
remove from tags also 林原めぐみ and J since they are already on artist and source

optional if you wanna ad the album vintage denim on tags


Audio looks fine rn unless someone will provide a 192kbps


Metadata 2

Artist: Conton Candy
Romanised Artist: ...
Title: 普通 (TV Size)
Romanised Title: FUTSUU (TV Size)
Tags: leominexd shiino サカモト デイズ Deizu コントンキャンディー anime japanese pop jpop j-pop jp ending ed female vocals girlband 紬衣 Tsumugi ふうか Fuuka さやか Sayaka

Official Playlist


hi, i'm sorry for this but i can't mod this map since the low quality mapping, but i wanna give you some point to improve your mapping style or this map.

First of all i see you're unsing a playfield very very minimum, a good map needs to cover most of the grid possible without any worry, this is an example of comparation of your playfield vs another ENHYPEN ranked map

Second i see you don't follow the Standard Difficulty Star Rating. If you have intentions to rank your maps you need to follow this rule with his respective difficulty rules, i think watch a 2* Insane would result a bit "weird" for a player.

Third i see you use a lot of very close patterns, this is a reason for which your diffs don't fit with SR (Star rating), as first step to improve your pattern knowledge would be watching your favorite mapper's map and try to replace something you really liked.

as conclusion i think you are able to understand what i wanna trasmit to you, hope this post could help you to make your maps better and motivate you to make more (we need kpop mappers lol)
if you wanna get more opinions, you can join in some discord server like this and i'm sure someone will help you




will try to don't overlap with shurelia mods (they were unsolved while modding this)


During this section 02:04:488 you're using very often this sort of patterning 02:05:711 (3,4) - where it repeats until the end section. It might be important make some variation when a song section costantly repeats so to make the diff more impactful and less boring during the play.
To make a compromise about it, you would split the section in 2 types of patterning, for example:

02:04:488 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this will be left as it is
02:12:044 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this part will be changed with some other different pattern of 02:05:711 (3,4) - so to don't repeat the first half section

Consider to use any pattern you think of, you can find some idea below this post as well


02:33:822 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1) - this chain is still quite long, consider to change this 1/1 sliders 02:35:155 (5) - in circles placed on white ticks

same as 02:40:933 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1) - with 02:42:488 (5) - changed in 1 circle


00:25:377 (1,2) - vs 00:25:155 (7,1) - they are visually spaced with the same distance but one of these is 1/2 gap, this would bring to an istant miss hit since you would think this is the same rhythm as the last two notes. Rather you can make more distant 00:25:377 (1,2) - since the next pattern is overlapped 00:25:711 (2,3) -


00:51:266 00:54:822 are you not suppose to hit this as 00:44:155 (5,6) - 00:45:933 (5,6) - 00:47:711 (5,6) - ? pls give reason cause they are pretty much the same sound


02:34:488 (7) - 02:38:044 (7) - 02:41:600 (6) - you could make them circles, i find the reverse next to them complex to read without a lil gap between them imo


02:35:155 (9) - miss NC


00:10:377 (8,1) - this jump looks higher comparing with all jump sliders present in the section, even doing ctrl + g doesn't change the high jump. you could get closer until the distance would be equal or less than 4.00x


00:56:600 (6) - would NC this to make it more visible after the double circle spam previous


1/12 and 1/16 reverse sliders sounds very loud comparing to the song, you might decrease the volume while they are playing


02:32:377 (6) - this sounds very odd considering the snare is on 02:32:266, would you mind removing the note or move it on 02:32:488 to give more sense with the music chart


Normal and Extra diff, recheck AIMod to fix offset greenlines (precisely kiai's)


00:21:600 (2) - is there a reson for not hitting this as 00:18:044 (4,5) - ? it would make a better pattern variation


00:42:377 (4) - this note sounds off from what you suppose to hit, it might be better move the active sound on 00:42:488


02:42:266 (5) - would be more understandable if there was an NC since it's a new pattern system


OD8 looks still too low since the last diff is 7.6, would go with 8.5


Hitosunds don't have any volume control. Referring to what i wrote on insane, this map needs to get some volume variation since sometimes the sound looks too loud or too quiet, this would help to give more impactful sections and less comparison between song and hitsound.

Sections as 00:07:600 01:32:933 need a volume around ~60%
Sections as 00:28:933 01:48:933 need a volume around ~70%
Sections as kiais can go with something around ~80%


02:45:822 me after hitsounds


drum-hitfinish10.wav has a delay of ~10 ms, i provided one without delay


Source from newground

Audio is fine

I'm unable to mod top diff since the high SR, anyway i hope my modding was good for you and hope it will be understandable




01:06:452 (3,4,5) - these notes looks very close each other, precisely regarding note 3 & 5 where it could lead to hitting before note 4. Try to distance these more to make a better reading on note 4

same as 01:22:649 (1,2,3) -


AR3 looks still too slow considering the lowest diff has the same one as well, would go with 4/4.5


00:11:974 (1) - slider offscreen using 4:3 aspect ratio, move it a bit higher


00:47:679 (2) - this note is difficult to get what are you trying to hit, surely you wanna hit more vocals present in the part. You should try use 1/2 slider + circle for hitclap on 00:48:047 since you hitted high instruments with active sounds


AR6 still looks very slow and most of your patterns overlap each other with it, consider to use something like 7/7.5


00:19:336 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - you can use some contrast circle slider as you always done instead of spamming all sliders, your actual patterning simplify very much the density you are giving to the part and it would bring into a lowering of difficulty (total sr confirms). let's try to change in circles slider like 00:19:336 (1) - 00:20:808 (1) - 00:21:912 (2) -

same as 00:47:311 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 01:20:072 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) -


00:23:753 (5,1) - ctrl g on NC


00:33:323 (3) - make this snare active as you always done on patterns like 00:30:195 (3,4) - 00:25:777 (2,3) -


00:41:421 (1,2) - vs 00:41:606 (2,3,4) - stacking together looks very similar with them since their close placement and it would be confusing to understand if one of these is 1/2 or 3/4. you could unstack these notes 00:41:421 (1,2) - for making more obvious

same as 01:30:563 (1,2,3,4) -


01:02:495 (1) - This slider broke a rule of RC. slider reverse arrows that do not follow the visible slider shape, cause it would bring into a wrong interpretation of his direction. The solution is you could curve less the slider shape to make this noticable and clear.

01:03:139 (2) - this slider counts as well


01:32:587 (10) - this multy reverse slider looks a bit diappointing, if you really want to hit those 1/1 kicks you should start this slider on 01:32:955 since it's there it starts his beat


OD looks very gapped by the OD's last diff, would go better if you use something like 7/7.5


00:58:354 (3) - would NC this since it's a different hit unlike of 00:10:501 (1,2,3,4) - 00:22:280 (1,2,3,4) -


00:10:501 (4) - hitting this beat with a passive sound would bring to hit the next note too early, since your intentions are hitting all those kicks you should do the same with this as well
example. you done what i'm asking for here 00:21:728 (2,1) -


00:28:906 (1,2,1,2) - these 2 patterns looks off from the song, unlike of 00:28:538 (1,2) - where you're following vocals and base, with these you're trying to do the same thing but with a different music base. consider to hit notes like 00:29:090 for making patterns as:


01:07:925 (1,1) - this looks like 01:01:851 (1,2) - 01:04:980 (1,2) - but with a different density note, consider to unstack it for make it visually different from the patterns mentioned before


01:23:876 (2) - this would match better on 01:23:937 for the active kick on the song


timing poing looks a bit off, move offset of -7


Inconsistent tags with diffs Extra (feat. Emilia), recheck addition tags used for all diffs and add them to this


Unused files:



Map doesn't contain any Combo Color, here's someone it would help with it:

Combo1 : 180,180,180
Combo2 : 255,85,85
Combo3 : 106,106,255
Combo4 : 231,170,88


actual soft-hitnormal sounds very light where notes like 00:14:550 00:17:403 00:28:722 etc. sounds like inexistent. The action you would do for this are 2:

+remove actual soft-hitnormal
+replace it with something else


Recall me when this is finished or possible mod


Set Preferred Skin on Default


00:13:899 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - since the long pattern chain compared to the other following and previous ones, remove this note 00:15:514 (9) - to decrease his lenght

same as 00:30:283 (9) - 00:59:822 (4) - 01:07:206 (4) - 02:50:591 (6) - 02:57:976 (2) - 01:09:745 (2) - (make it circle)


00:38:476 (2,3,4) - 00:42:168 (2,3,4) - 00:45:860 (2,3,4) - 00:49:552 (2,3,4) - suppose these patterns would be on white tick instead of blue ticks considering vocals and kicks are starting there

counter: if you wanna follow kicks, just make circle on white tick + 1/2 slider on 2nd blue tick


01:03:745 (5,6) - try to make a more comfortable flow instead of overlapping it with the previous slider, specially if the distance is kinda the same as 01:03:514 (4,5) -

same concept for 01:48:976 (3,4) -


01:31:899 (5,6) - you could make it a slider instead of broke spacing for a 3/4, it would look like a 1/4 gap and it would be very messy. If you want to make more circle/slider switch you would change this 01:29:129 (6) - 01:30:976 (3) - in circles


Chorus has only 1 pattern sequence which is only this 01:48:052 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - played repeatedly until exhaustion. Create new patterns is important for every diff as easy it is, in the kiai you can do alot of new things if you would change sometimes these 1/1 reverses 02:04:668 (4) - 02:12:052 (4) - 02:13:899 (1) - in something else like 1/2 slider on vocals + circle.

Your kiai is lacking of density rn cause of these continue 1/1 reverses, it would be appreciated if you give a little more rhythm density to this section as you gave on the whole diff.


02:52:668 (6) - NC
02:57:283 (1) - remove NC


Use the same capitalization you used for the all diffs OVERDOSE


make a difference with MASTER and Overdose Overall, increase the top diff OD in 9/9.2


le fonzis
