mapped by Hitomi_Konoe
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I think the kiai rhythms at some places feels off and somewhat random. This is mainly due to your emphasis and rhythm choices, which include jumps that doesn't follow either the vocals or the instrumental part of the song. As a result, the player may struggle to understand the rhythm, making the cursor movement feel more random rather than naturally following the melody.

For example, in 01:39:805 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6), you used a repetitive triangular pattern that doesn't align well with the vocals. The transition from vocals to instrumental at 01:40:783 (2,3) doesn't work very well, where's 01:41:436 (5,6) feels much smoother as it naturally leads into the next lyrics. Additionally, it seems questionable since the second half of the kiai is more focused on vocals at 01:50:892. And also, the moment 01:56:436 (2,3,4,5), where the rhythm shift to circles feels random - maybe applying Ctrl+G would improve consistency? Same for 02:51:218 (3,4,5).

The second kiai is also consist of small amount rhythm issues. 02:46:327 (3,4) ; 02:52:522 (2,3) - Jumps like this do not illustrate the rhythm of the song and looks more randomly, switching from the vocals to instumental - just place a slider instead. Also 02:51:544 (3,4,5) - rhythm as this one must be Ctrl+G for better vocals.


02:18:283 is also suffers for a rhythm choice. 02:18:609 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) vs. 02:13:881 (3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - Comparing this one choice is clearly show of questionable choice of rhythm, which do not follow something. Also for the bridge section, it looks too much active (and a bit overspaced?) this moment 02:24:479 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) or, again, with repetitive construction of 02:29:370 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - looks monotonous, and also require some changes. As also a way of solution, try to stick rhythm like you did here 02:13:066 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) and not to make so active in jumps, because it begin looks like another kiai, but the intense not as kiais.


(about kiai rhythms) or another variant to use rhythm like 01:44:207 (1,2,3) - in Insane diff also looks cool, imo. rhythm from Insane could be also used in some places.


changed a bit in places that u mentored

Marked as resolved by Hitomi_Konoe

01:58:718 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - можешь понерфить по причине "я не попадаю" ? 🥺


Эт саггестом над было пометить, да?


Оно так и должно быть по причине КОНТРАСТ

Marked as resolved by Hitomi_Konoe

Я полностью понимаю ваш пойнт мистер, НО Я НЕ ПОПАДАЮ 😩




There are some rhythm structures which don't follow/fit with the song. Unlike the other diffs, this one looks out of context and overmapped and it looks disappointing that this happen, i point you out some pattern where you could improve and match better with other diffs.

00:06:055 (2) - you would make 2 circles instead because there are strong drums on it

00:11:599 00:16:816 this is a passive sound although on other diffs you mapped as an active one
same as 00:21:870 (3) - 00:24:479 (4) - 01:14:044 (5) - etc.

notes like 00:12:903 (5) - 00:18:120 (5) - 00:27:903 (4) - etc. are not following any type of vocal in the song but they are still active notes, you could remove them to make more the vocal spread more enjoyable

00:41:599 (5,1,2,3,4) - this combo is completely off since stronger vocals are on 00:41:599 00:42:251 00:42:903, you might try this rhythm costruction:

00:52:686 (2,3) - do ctrl g to follow vocals better as 00:52:196 (1) -

01:37:196 (3) - you could do this 2 circle + 1/2 slider as you did on Insane and Another



Marked as resolved by Hitomi_Konoe

Overall, this is a really good map but I feel as though it'd be better if there was more emphasis between sections (i.e. kiai, verse, etc.). I feel like the spacing is a lil too inconsistent at times and it causes confusion as to where the contrast is. for example 01:34:262 (2,3,4,5) - is roughly the same spacing as 01:41:436 (5,6,1) . it's not a huge issue but i believe that better displaying the contrast between the slower sections and the more intense sections would increase the impact of the map


ye, makes sense. fixed the stuff what are u mentioned: 01:34:262 (2,3,4,5)

Marked as resolved by Hitomi_Konoe