01:01:150 (7) - 01:09:721 (4) - 01:23:436 (4) - these vocals are quite high, you could make this slider in 2 circles as you done on 01:06:293 (3,4) -
same for 2nd chorus 01:56:007 (7) - 02:04:578 (4) - 02:18:293 (4) -
01:14:221 (5,6) - you are using too much this pattern on the chorus, ctrl g would improve and change the variation patterning
00:31:793 (3,4) - distance snap looks lower than 00:32:007 (4,1,2,3) - , recheck your notes are well spaced
00:51:507 (1,2,3) - notes should be at least understandable to hit, 1 and 3 are very close unlike 1 and 2. consider to make them more distant
same as 01:20:650 (1,2,3,4) - 02:09:721 (4,5) -
In the parts outside the chorus there's any 1/1 gap.
notes like 00:37:150 (3) - 00:44:007 (3) - 00:50:864 (4) - 00:57:507 (3) - could be changed in circles to give more breaks during the calmer section
same for the 2nd verse 01:32:007 (3) - 01:38:864 (3) - 01:45:721 (4) - 01:52:364 (3) -
01:05:864 (2,3) - flow is lacking with this surprising note position, you could move it above the last slider so to give a better flow readability
01:10:364 (1,2,3,4) - DS looks gone too far away for some reason, consider to decrease their spacing or reset they distance
same as 01:18:721 (5,1) - 01:24:078 (1,2,3) - 02:05:221 (1,2,3) - 02:11:007 (2,3) - 02:13:578 (5,1) - 02:18:936 (1,2) -