00:17:017 (1,2,3) - can't really understand what you were trying to follow over there ngl
you could take the rhythm from 00:11:531 (1,2,3) - and ctrl+C ctrl+V
00:22:502 (1,2,3,4) - i'd point out this patterning, especially the placement of 00:23:360 (3,4) - & 00:23:017 (2) - which could be really difficult to read/play due to the flow and gameplay of the linear movement
https://i.imgur.com/xYl6CoR.png players at this level will tend to play in a circular gameplay rather than linear. the fact that the slidertail of (1) ends in the direction of (3,4) will cause players to misread the pattern and totally skip (2)
https://i.imgur.com/JZM7P2K.png there’s also the concept of equidistance at play, (3,4) is the same distance from the slidertail of (1) as (2) is. making those kind of thing for low diffs is highly discouraged
you can make it easier by using a visual similar to what you've done here 00:27:988 (1,2,3,4) -, 00:30:731 (1,2,3,4) - or 00:38:960 (1,2,3) - etc...
00:42:045 (2,3) - the high spacing here is not necessary, if you compare 00:41:702 (1,2) - vs 00:38:274 (3,1) - it doesn't make sense to have smaller spacing where there's a cymbal and larger spacing where there isn't
what if you lower the spacing to make improve the constistency here? :),
01:11:188 (6,7) - vs 01:13:074 (3,4) - comparing these they look like similar although the beat difference and they both would be hitted as 1/2. You could do less spacing on the triple so to keep the intensity spacing but distinguish it with the next pattern