mapped by Rita Summers
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This beatmap wasn't updated since 2 October 2024 so it was graveyarded...
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00:39:670 (1) - uh i think that slider length is too long
it mean too hard for aim this slider (to get 300)
this map is focus on 314.78BPM deathstream but this slider play style like this map
at stream part have same issue 01:55:532 (1) - 01:58:581 (1) - etc..
before that i impression fieryrage have same issue on other map (sorry i forgot what map)
i hope those slider can fix to optimization play experience ( in particular for HT+HR )


btw for other parts i dont have any opinion good try


this slider is cheesable using both NM and HR by moving the cursor to the center of the sliderbody quickly, granting a 300 consistently without fast cursor movements. plus, the slider is at the very beginning of the map so its easilly retry-spammable, i dont see an issue here.


I actually think it's worth nerfing. 4.00x -> 3.50x, thanks for catching it


yea i think 3.50x is good but still can try 3.0~3.3 speed


when u fix it u can solve it at any time


Tried 3.00x before 3.50x, it totally lost its punch. I seem to hit 300 on the 3.50x slider on HTHR consistently, so it should be fine


01:04:067 (1) - oh i just notice it lmao


also about 00:39:670 (1) - 01:04:067 (1) - buzz slider, it feels weird though when you didn't apply this pattern at same place like 00:42:719 (1) - 00:45:769 (1) - 00:48:818 (1) - etc

i think some execution like long slider 01:40:664 (1) - are better than using buzz slider

also some slider like 01:22:366 (1) - kinda have random slow sv configuration lol


the first downbeats of phrases(? 4x measure) are mapped with a buzz

buzz. vs long sliders are mapped differently to differentiate sections with vocals and without


oh i see, but how to clarify 01:22:366 (1) - slow slider there? since the slider itself has strong vocal and drum sound, but you slow mapped it, also 01:22:366 (1,2,3) - pattern kinda low on intensity which kinda random for me to see this in the middle of the song part


what? there is no vocal there


i don't know man but the vocal 01:22:366 (1) - says: aaaaeaeuugh

but yeah it will be really nice if you map the pattern similarly like 01:31:515 (1,2,3) - and make better visual pattern


the vocal is such a nothingburger so there is no gameplay (I couldn't even hear it until you brought it up)


01:30:753 (1,2,3) - broken stacks?


yes, good eye


01:41:617 (2) - think this being on the same place as previous green object takes highlight of this white pattern away, it is also quite a big jump on not so important bit. potential change to 01:41:617 (2,4) -


I actually think this helps the pattern stay intact visually with quasiblanketing, though it is agreeable that the jump is too big... rearranged the white sliders to be on the right instead


I think it's fine as is currently



Marked as resolved by Mirash

#4619987 want to say this also applies to other repeat sliders besides the 4x ones, 01:55:532 (1) - mostly in the kiais here

considering the spacing of the streams prior, you have to kind of jerk your cursor to the right in order to fully hit these properly (especially noticeable on HR, which i get probably isn't one of your main concerns but still) -- the current SV works a bit more intuitively for the latter kiais where stuff is spaced out more (02:19:930 (1) - 04:03:621 (1) - stuff like this is fine as an example), but the former feels super weird to play properly atm


#4619987/12266391 fwiw i don't really think "losing its punch" is necessarily a good argument against changing this when this by far makes the map a lot more enjoyable for the target audience (stream slop enjoyers / funny rake tapper men) and doesn't really impact the map as a whole that much both conceptually and aesthetically


also sidenote more than anything but i can't lie cs 5 in general feels hella forced just to get this as the highest SR map in the game, this works fine at cs 4


Okay, I will nerf the kicksliders after streams for HR compatibility. Should I nerf the end kiai sliders anyway, does it matter if it matches the velocity of the streams?

The sliders "losing their punch" impacts myself as the map's creator, who has the most authority on anything in the map. If they do not represent the song as much as I want them to, then all of this is for nothing.


Please do not use "forced" as a sole argument ever again, elaborate on it further. I have never seen anyone use this word and elaborate on anything meaningfully, it's a complete cop out used to discredit maps without putting much effort into the critique.

CS5 was used primarily for aesthetics of structure through visual spacing and slider design, changing it to anything else, higher or lower, would have a negative impact on the visuals of the map. Do you have any improvements I could make that would arbitrarily "justify" the circle size?


I think its a bit odd that choosing a circle size outside of ~4 has to be justified by some special reason. no one complains about someones choice of cs4 in a map arbitrary.


02:26:458 - should these 2 be mapped?




02:54:621 - I feel like this loses too much gameplay momentum especially when comparing to an earlier section when the song drops musical layers (01:44:476 - )


when comparing those sections it feels odd that the one with the bigger flashier slider gets the calmer gameplay afterwards


I think following the synth in a stand-out way is cooler

Marked as resolved by Rita Summers

To me, it makes sense to have a slower slider at the start to introduce the concept of fast sliders at all in the map, and it makes sense to reduce strain after a jumpscare of a slider


03:06:057 (1) - dope as fuckkk


04:10:007 (3) - this seems pretty harsh SV and angle-wise considering where the next stream starts. like to hit this properly you have to move down extremely fast and then also snap to the next stream after that, i feel like the SV would be fine if it went in the same direction of the next note like at 02:17:166 (1) - , but as is idk.

If people were hitting it fine in test plays maybe its no issue but yeah thought id bring this up in case


04:22:301 - this kiai lasts for too long. previously, you put this as a buildup part, which felt right. it seems like you needed some extra difficulty. it would be better if you replaced it with a slow part, to make the player relieve the shit off their shoulders after they play the kiai


This is once again fundamentally not valid as the song does something completly different here so it is mapped accordingly


04:32:880 (7) - don't think you ever did this hitsounding on blue tick in streams, sounds cool though, do this in other places?


don't think I should, whistles anywhere else are used to signal big flow changes; this one is a more or less straight line so hitsounding whatever should be okay

Marked as resolved by Rita Summers

05:20:723 (14) - cant rly hear this slider


sounds like red ticks to me


It was 1/8 actually, not 1/4. My bad

Marked as resolved by Rita Summers

[!] 05:34:113 (27) - i hate to be that guy but this is definitely off screen by a few pixels :nerd:


05:30:920 (26) - might be too you might want to nudge it up using notepad


On screen on my monitor and mapset verifier doesn't complain


don't wanna be a buzzkill but i would consider these off-screen

they do clip a little out of the screen, barely by a few pixels. see this & this might need to zoom in a little tho lol

a quick fix, but prolly wanna wait til last 2-3 days incase there's further discussion for w/e reason


I still don't see it being offscreen in your screenshots? You can consider it whatever you want, the object is on screen, is perfectly playable, and is a mildly innovative way of song representation by being as close to the edge as possible because of how muffled the song is. I'd rather keep it as is


Unless rules have changed, it does not matter if YOU think they're playable or if you 'want to keep them as is'. These are NOT negotiable things for you to decide.

If you wish to change rules or guidelines, please refer yourself to the RC subforums, thank you


you cant keep sth as is when it is rule breaking lol

I've asked a couple bns to confirm and its objectively off screen


i consider these as "off playfield" but definitely not "off screen". and this is not the 1st time someone uses that.


I never implied it was fine ONLY because it's playable, I directly answered your concern by saying I don't understand how you see it as offscreen when it isn't.

Even here, you have a person disagreeing with you, your friend group agreeing with you does not mean anything


They are offscreen because the full object is not visible.

You can see in the screenshot that there is a clean cut in the circle form, meaning it's not fully onscreen or partially offscreen.


Insane that u instantly jump to the conclusion that im jerking with a "friend group" over an objective issue but ok


^this is offscreen by like 2 pixels or so.


"Insane" that you instantly jumped to me roasting you for "jerking" it with your friend group when every human possible functions within a friend group. I see now that it's offscreen by zooming in 400%


guys i get your complains but we literally have a ranked map with some circles being 2/3s off screen so i don't see any problem with rita's case


Please, be polite.

The BNs are only doing their job. Mods like these are not an attack to your person and you shouldn't take it as one.

This is still an objective issue. Even if its hard to spot, it still is a tecnicality that needs to be addressed.


@UrQty2 care to share your example? I'm very intrigued about it.


im not bn for std ttho so its not my job but it caught my eye since the circle is placed outside the normal editor field which is allowed as long as its not offscreen


So with your argument, we should let actual misnaps of objects get ranked too because maps before have gotten ranked with unrankable misnaps. What? Just because an individual map slipped through the cracks that should've gotten unranked, doesn't mean we're gonna make it a standard practise.

Also not sure why the mapper has such a hostile vibe towards us when we're trying to help you? If you wish these things were allowed, you're more than free to make a proposal to change stuff like this?


@UrQty2 It's literally the first ranking criteria for std, just because an error/oversight was made in the past doesn't that mean the rule no longer applies to any future maps.


...wait, are you talking to me? None of whatever I brought up had anything to do with the issue at hand, it was my "considering" stuff based off of nothing, which is a terrible way to start your argument, but you were right in the end; I only realized after iRedi posted their screenshot and I zoomed in on it.

I'm not sure where you're getting your "hostile" vibe from, I'd rather you get to the point quickly and without the "considering" part, make it a clear issue so none of us are confused about anything. You could have started with the zoomed in screenshot, and we would be all clear


the caretaker map appears differently in gameplay compared to editor

let's all do better with our attitude and tone in modding discussions going forward and the mapper will fix the offscreen issue (another reason not to trust mapset verifier as ground truth!)


I apologize that my point (screenshots) were on the 3rd line of text and not the first. I will consider this for the future.

It doesn't take much to digest that whatever your current attitude is, is not friendly at least. Maybe hostile is bit of a stretch, but to jump into assumptions such as 'friend groups' when we're not even friends; we share the same job - to nominate maps, that's all.

fwiw my first paragraph in my last post wasn't directed at you, it was for UrQty2.


Oh, I didn't assume you were friends, I had thought they discussed this with someone else instead of you. Crazy how assumptions work, huh? I also mentioned how there's nothing wrong with discussing things with friend groups, it's how every single human being exists, but it also has nothing to do with the value of your argument.

The key part was zooming in on the screenshot, not the fact that you posted one at all. The fact that this error happened at all should have indicated a setup error on my part (which I found out just now)


And to be specific, my initial post also included the words 'might have to zoom in a little lol' but yeah... aside from that, I'm glad we can see eye to eye and like said, it's a very quick fix so won't take long to requalify whenever you decide to disqualify it.


this is my first time seeing qualified map having offscreen warning on 02:43:565 (4) - and 04:12:770 (1) - too.
you should fix that for better validation on this map


One of the most objective rules in the game is offscreen, how in gods name did you guys turn this into an essay. Either it is offscreen on 4:3 ratio while in gameplay or it isn't. Not that hard, please refrain from pointless discussions. @RitaSummers you can use the pause shortcut while in testplay in the editor to pause in any frame to check for offscreens, that helps a lot.


05:34:113 (27) - this object was deliberately placed off grid btw. its not part of a ctrl f stream and the only way to place a circle off grid other than that is either through the .osu or with rotation shenanigans. idk what else to say than how do you intentionally place an object off grid and then not check to see if its off screen


@UrQty2 Couldn't see any offscreen in playfield, so it didn't violate any rules.
Even if it were, that doesn't justify offscreen which violates RULE.


@UrQty2 @Malphs regarding b2, everything is verified to be on screen. there was one that fiery caught during modding which was 1 pixel offscreen and it had to be moved



they are definitely offscreen by like 2 pixels

the problem is that this rule is clearly intended to prevent mappers from obscuring objects beyond the 4:3 gameplay area, in a way where a person playing in 4:3 would hit the edge of their screen trying to aim the object.
this is not such an instance; if only small amount of pixels of the edge of the border of a circle/sliderbody, there is nothing that would cause a player to have to perform an unnatural action like smacking their cursor against the edge of their screen to catch an object. furthermore needing to zoom in to even confirm that those two pixels are "offscreen" just shows how silly this ordeal is

this is a dumb technicality that IMO needs to be revised in the rule itself


@velamy @Affirmation @Asphyxia my bad guys


its offscreen lol


Just move it a couple pixels :sob:


@UrQty2 nws, just clarifying <3


why are we beefing its 2 pixels just move it


well, that's how internet works ig, since we don't interact directly irl, this thing could happen over just a small issue...

it's time to move on and evaluate ourself.


not to be that guy but I think the slider before that circle is also offscreen by like 1 pixel (it's prob okay so dont mind me if im wrong)


what a good discussion 🍿


why are you even resisting this if its unrankable its unrankable


Yeah this is unrankable just move it a few pixels upward. if you want to keep it just keep the map unranked we don't have to argue over nothing and be rude


no more unncessary discussion is needed on this post. this will be fixed when the map is uploaded with changes
