00:39:670 (1) - uh i think that slider length is too long
it mean too hard for aim this slider (to get 300)
this map is focus on 314.78BPM deathstream but this slider play style like this map https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1376308#osu/2844649
at stream part have same issue 01:55:532 (1) - 01:58:581 (1) - etc..
before that i impression fieryrage have same issue on other map (sorry i forgot what map)
i hope those slider can fix to optimization play experience ( in particular for HT+HR )
i think it is audio bug? when i listen preview it is feel late 1/1 on website and osu
so i place on 03:56:053 (1) - it is solve
idk that is my computer issue or something
If no problem just ignore it and solve
and banger song
i add 01:14:186 (11,12) - let can be 01:14:322 (13,14) - do kick slider
i think this is better than before