Some of you guys have really bad music taste and I often reject maps because of song choice. Therefore, I made a bounty list with songs that I would love to nominate a good map of them.
I'll make sure to notify on the map discussion that I picked your map before I start modding. Feel free to keep reminding me constantly if your 1st BN already modded before me. Please, don't be sad if I didn't pick your map. ówò Feel free to ask me ingame why I rejected your request.
I will accept pretty much ANYTHING as long as the set and song is good and/or interesting.
If you don't want your request to be denied over small fixable things, make sure of the following: > AI "ART" BACKGROUNDS WILL BE INSTANTLY DENIED. Make sure to use REAL ART from a REAL ARTIST and credit them on the description of your map. Avoid artists that clearly don't want to have their art used. > FINISHED MAPSETS ONLY, FULLY HITSOUNDED (HS diff would be cool) and FULL REQUIRED SPREAD MAPPED. > Check MAPSET VERIFIER before requesting and make sure everything is fine. > Make sure your HITSOUNDS are CONSISTENT for ALL DIFFS (Unless there is proper reasoning for hitsounding variation) and make sure you aren't MISSING OBVIOUS HITSOUNDS on any of the diffs. > If your map needs COMPLEX TIMING, get someone experienced to check or do it for you before requesting. > I will reject your map if even one of the diffs on the set is not of reasonable quality, so make sure to get PROPER LOWER DIFFICULTIES AND GUEST DIFFICULTIES. > I dislike modding BIG SETS with a lot of unnecessary difficulties. Try to keep the spread as small as possible. > I dislike E/N/H sets as these are usually not very interesting (both song and map wise) to me.
If you are a newer or beginner mapper and you want to improve, here are some tips:
- For starters, watch the pishifat YouTube videos, so you can grow accustomed to the editor, mapping concepts before even starting to make your map.
- I would suggest to pick an anime opening that has been ranked already because they mostly have simple rhythms and they are good for learning the basics of mapping. Aim for songs between 170-190 BPM and just map without focusing on star rating. Don't try mapping a 300 BPM, very complex song because you're gonna get confused and feel like you don't know what you are doing at all.
-When mapping your first sets, try doing one thing at time so you can work on specific mapping elements before progressing. Firstly, try focusing on rhythms and do what sounds more intuitive, then later compare with the ranked rhythms of the same song so you can learn from it. After making the rhythms, try to make some basic slidershapes and basic patterning with some sort of visual spacing between the objects, using consistent angles and avoiding random overlaps (look where you placed objects a couple seconds ago and avoid those places, using more of the playfield).
-After you are done with your map, ask people for feedback (you can also ask me to give you feedback if I'm online on osu!).
-Look and analyze other mappers and maps that you enjoy and try take inspiration to develop your own style, understand the basics and other stuff that can be useful.
- Join mapping discords, interact with people and join some sort of group since it is much easier to improve once you are surrounded by other mappers on the community.
Hello! I'm Malphs, a mapper and Beatmap Nominator. I really like to talk to people about mapping or anything so feel free to message me!
I started mapping in December 6, 2019. Mapping and modding mentee of Basensorex. I started (actually) modding/going for BN in February 22, 2021. I was Dada's modding mentee from the Official BN Mentorship Cycle 0.
I quit playing the game/farming in 2021. Mapping >>> Playing.
Social Media: Discord: malphsosu (I'm available most of the time.) Twitter (I just lurk and tweet once in a while.) Youtube (dead since quit playing.) Twitch (tries to stream once a year LUL)
This is just my personal opinion on the overall quality of the maps.
GD Requests:Just ask. Only if you are going for rank. If you are a beginner-ish mapper, I'll deny your request because I dont' wanna map for graveyard.
My star rating priority: Expert > Normal > Insane (very picky) (don't request me Hard GDs.)
Feel free to remind me CONSTANTLY if you need the GD done sooner.
I LOVE AMATSUKI <3 Ask me a GD if you are mapping any song of him!
Ado, Aimer, Amatsuki, Chogakusei, FLOW, Ito Kashitaro, JUNNA, MAN WITH A MISSION, MY FIRST STORY, ONE OK ROCK, Raon, Ryoukushoku Shakai, SPYAIR, sumika, THE ORAL CIGARETTES, Tsukuyomi, UVERworld, YOASOBI, Yuuri
If you are going to map one of this songs, hit me for a GD!
Amatsuki - Astro Lost Amatsuki - Bokura wa Natsu o Matteita. Amatsuki - Chiisana Koi no Uta (DiVE!!<初回限定盤>) Amatsuki - Dakara Boku wa Ongaku o Yameta Amatsuki - Hakanaki Ghosting Amatsuki - Hoshi no Komoriuta Amatsuki - Irresponsible Sensation Amatsuki - Kimi dake wa. Amatsuki - Kimi ga Matsu Ano Oka e Amatsuki - Kimi to Boku Amatsuki - Kitto Aitte Amatsuki - Koibito Boshuuchuu (Kari) Amatsuki - Kokoroe Amatsuki - Mikazuki Resize Amatsuki - Mr.Fake Amatsuki - Outer Science Amatsuki - Shooting Star Amatsuki - Silhouette Amatsuki - Starlight Kiseki Amatsuki - Takane no Hanako-san Amatsuki - Time Capsule Amatsuki - Tsunageru Amatsuki - Very Merry Christmas Amatsuki - White Line BACK-ON - STRIKE BACK (TV Size) Cansol - Curtain Call Chloe Adams - Last Christmas (Sped Up Ver.) Coda - Fighting Gold Daniel Pemberton - Good Tonight DM Ashura - Elise Evanescence - Bring Me To Life FAKE TYPE. - FAKE LAND FAKE TYPE. - Nightmare Parade FLOW - Sign (TV Size) FLOW - Sign FUNKIST - Ft. (TV Size) FUNKIST - Snow Fairy (TV Size) GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE - Hard Knock Days Ikimonogakari - Netsujou no Spectrum (TV Size) Ikimonogakari - Netsujou no Spectrum Inori Minase - MELODY FLAG ITO KASHITARO - Kiritorisen ITO KASHITARO - START ITO KASHITARO - Yuudachi no Ribbon Kagamine Len - Outer Science (Rearrange Cover) Katadani Hiroshi - We Go! [Only if someone make good timing.] Kishidan to Kitadani Hiroshi - We Can! [Only if someone make good timing.] Latino - Selhinho na Boca Linked Horizon - Guren no Yumiya (TV Size) Linked Horizon - Shinzou o Sasageyo! Luck Life - Kaze ga Fuku Machi Madotsuki@ - Ikanaide mafumafu x Amatsuki - nonfantasy mafumafu x Amatsuki - ROMEO mafumafu x Amatsuki - Yume Fanfare MAN WITH A MISSION - Merry-Go-Round! MAN WITH A MISSION - Raise Your Flag MAN WITH A MISSION - Seven Deadly Sins MAN WITH A MISSION - When My Devil Rises Namie Amuro - Hope (TV Size) NICO Touches the Walls - Diver NX ZERO - Bem ou Mal Panic! At The Disco - Emperor's New Clothes Porcelain Black - Pretty Little Psycho (Sped Up Ver.) Porno Graffitti - THE DAY (TV Size) Raimundos - Vida Inteira [Only if someone make good timing.] Raon Lee - Hikari Are Ricky Montgomery - Snow Ricky Montgomery - This December Ryokuoushoku Shakai - Sora ni Utaeba Set It Off - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (feat. William Beckett) suzumu feat. soraru - Zetsubousei : Hero Chiryouyaku (TV Size) suzumu feat. soraru - Zetsubousei : Hero Chiryouyaku The Cro-Magnons - Totsugeki Rock The Penguin Band feat. Cadence - Ghosts Just Wanna Dance TRUE - DREAM SOLISTER UVERworld - D-Tecnolife Yamadera Kouichi - Motto! Motto! Kaiketsu Zorori (TV Size) Yamadera Kouichi - Motto! Motto! Kaiketsu Zorori
Thanks Elzix for two months of osu! supporter <3 Thanks LighScrap for the one month of osu! supporter <3 Thanks Maaadbot for the two months of osu! supporter <3 Thanks aaeky for the three months of osu! supporter <3 Thanks skro for the one month of osu! supporter <3 Thanks -Keitaro for the one month of osu! supporter <3 Thanks Slyme for the one month of osu! supporter <3 Thanks kiri_ for the one month of osu! supporter <3 Thanks [3D] for the four months of osu! supporter <3 Thanks Zey for the two months of osu! supporter <3 Thanks Ziu for the one month of osu! supporter <3