Hello this is my mod from osumod
i just want to make sure this map is for ranked but unfortunately i think this map is not ready for ranked yet i'll try to provide some quick details regarding that.
00:08:420 until 00:24:595 - there's lack of execution for this part. For example 00:14:812 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - it has different tone of musical part, but you mapped it with flat distance which causing lack of emphasize to the map.
second, 00:23:030 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this should be 1/3 instead of 1/4 which makes the pattern itself has errors
also there's some undermapped parts like on 00:24:855 (2,3) - and it's unpleasant feeling since this map is 9*
the map design too simple and plain for a 9 stars map, it focused only in center which causing a lot of unnecessary overlap and repetitive patterns, and also the map itself has a lot of rhythm errors should be fixed, i'm sorry but i can't address those error where, and you could try to get help from another person or try to make shorter map can be nice idea to begin good mapping
alright that's it i think, once again sorry if you think i put aggressive mods here, but yeah mods is mods, i try to say something objective for now so you can be a better mapper someday.
also, if you want more assistance regarding this mod, you can always PM me.
thank you
Hello this is my mod from osumod
i like the map
Here's some improvement suggestion you might be like to be applied:
00:51:251 - the pattern looks weird when you skip such main beat here, add circle won't make the gameplay ruined (example: 00:58:191 (2,3,4,5,6) - )
01:19:236 (6,7) - i suggest you to put spaced out on this pattern from 01:19:012 (5) - overlap to increase visual readability
01:27:408 (8,1) - this jump kinda brutal to hit, i think CTRL+G 01:27:520 (1) - will make it better since the slider part have higher sv than previous part, it's should be have enough emphasis for that.
01:27:744 (2,3,4,5) - following synth and melody here can be great idea, 01:29:311 (1,2,3,4,5) - same for this too
01:42:744 (1,2,3,4,5) - this part looks like nerfed without good reason behind it, i'd rather put 1/4 slider to replace 01:43:191 (4) - and 01:43:191 (5) -
03:46:661 (3,4) - i would rather make this overlap even farther from stack to avoid confusion to hit melody or the main beat (example move to 164|235 enough to fix that one). also same thing for 04:08:714 (1) -
04:20:355 (1,2) - 04:22:147 (1,2) - 04:27:519 (1,2) - 04:29:311 (1,2) - those sliders that i mention here could be better if you swap rhythm following main beat, i think the reason why you put upbeat slider here are weird since you map similar pattern like 04:23:938 (1) - 04:24:833 (1) - 04:26:624 (1) - 04:28:415 (1) - etc.
so, to improve consistency for the whole part, better fix that.
this can be (!) suggestion if i want, but yeah i think if you have some strong reason between it, it might be acceptable
that's it i think, for insane i have already checked it and it looks have same rhythm with highest diff, you can always recheck the insane diff since my mod above focusing on rhythm and structure.
you can pm me if you need more help.
Hello this is my mod from osumod
before i full review this map i want to make sure activity for this map by fixing this issues if you want to push the map for rank
lemme know when you're done with this
hello this is my mod from osumod
00:03:047 (1) - 00:04:247 (1) - 00:07:847 (1) - 00:09:047 (1) - 00:12:647 (1) - 00:15:047 (1) - 00:16:247 (1) - 00:21:047 (1) - i would really be happy if you put higher distance for those thing i mentioned
so it can be really neat and consistent with something like 00:05:447 (1) - 00:06:647 (1) - 00:10:247 (1) - 00:11:447 (1) -
00:57:947 (2) - i think this slider a bit too far for distance, causing 00:59:447 (1,2,3) - have lower impact on emphasis, consider lower it up for better transition pattern
also same thing on 01:54:570 (10) - too
but for easy, i personally feel it's too hard lol
That's it i think, good luck on ranking this map
and yeah, if you need some assistance from me, you can always pm me.
hello, this is my mod from osumod
well, yeah i think this map needs to be rework because some pattern are overmapped, i probably don't want to check all of the errors but maybe i can help give you some issue points that you might continue to figure it out.
and yeah here's the detail
New World:
before you check this map, make sure you have 0% effect sound to hear the song itself and compare it to your map, there's many overmapping parts that is kinda unnecessary to do in this map.
this overmapped style leading into unstructured map, misleading gameplay translation, and make the map itself didn't sync with music, pay attention to them can be a long term skill, and probably can make this map better.
one solution for me to take out this problem is, you need to try listen into music and for each Beat you map, do similar rhythm to improve consistency, so you will get better rhythm placement and it will easier to manage.
00:50:097 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this pattern could be invalid because you can try to map circles on 00:50:709 - until 00:50:938 -
so, 00:50:097 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - are not meant to be mapped stream at for any reason
00:58:056 (1,2,3,4,5) - this problem similarly same with 00:50:097 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -which can be better if using 1/2 jump (or 1/4 kickslider) instead of 5s stream
01:00:964 (1,2) - this slider might be not consistent compare to your previous pattern using circles
01:17:341 (9) - this slider can be better if you split them into 2 1/4 sliders
and also same thing for 01:17:648 (11) - you will realize there strong drum sound there skipped by this pattern
01:17:954 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - are overmapped
also same for 01:22:086 (9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - and 01:24:076 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -
01:38:847 - just question, why you didn't map this?
i can try to mention some part that you should be mapped in 1/4 but didn't
01:39:383 (2) -
01:39:842 (5) - until 01:40:071 -> 01:40:224 (2) - overmapped
01:40:607 - 3/4 slider kinda useless
01:41:679 (7,1,2,3) - this pattern too simple
01:42:903 (1) - slider too long
01:43:744 -
maybe that's it, i stop at 40% of this map because i knew that next part will be same concept, but yeah when i check your first 40% map are kinda messy and unsturctured which probably i'm not gonna continue for this map checking.
so, unfortunately if you planning this map to be ranked, i think it will be really hard time to do that, i'd better suggest you to get more time to fix structure on this map so it might be rankable.
Good luck with your map, and yeah don't worry if you need some assistance from me, you can always pm me.
hello this is my mod from osumod
Everlasting Symphony of Souls:
first thing, i have okay feeling for this map because some pattern you did are might be lack of concept of the emphasis. some strong drum sound are being mapped with suppressed stream and some pattern which you need to map triple, you extend it to 5s stream. I'm really open for discussion regarding of this since it's your map, my suggestion can be ignored with reason on it why you did that, here i put some issue detail of what i've said before:
00:11:408 (1,2,3) - for me this pattern can be okay if you starts it with slider instead of triple, it can emphasis guitar hold, or you can just to 5s stream. After that, you can instead map 00:11:713 - with circles and you can see 00:11:865 as slider so you can provide kickslider jump there for better impact on music.
00:14:758 (1) - i think this slider reverse can be changed by circle stream due to drum sound there. The idea is you change 00:14:301 - with kick slider and change 00:14:454 with kickslider reverse until 00:14:682 - to gain more impact on 00:14:758 - stream pattern
00:15:367 (1,2,3) - this can be same thing like 00:11:408 (1,2,3) - so you didn't spam unnecessary triple there, or you can convert this 00:15:063 (1,2,3,4) - to slider reverse instread to provide break on guitar hold. You might be think about increase triples distance for 00:15:367 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - if you do that
00:16:281 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - this pattern should have higher spacing with better readability because it's clearly a guitar sound
00:18:108 (3,4,5,6) - these pattern probably needs higher spacing due to high pitch of drums.
00:18:870 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - you can create kick slider and reverse to break strain on these pattern, and continue to 00:19:479 (5,6,1,2) - this should be mapped with Circle for better impact on drum emphasize (with higher spacing)
00:22:372 (1,2,3,4) - i don't have any idea why you put pattern like this, 00:22:525 (2) - can be converted into triples and you probably able to put slider on 00:22:372 - and you don't even need circle 00:22:372 (1) -
the problem is, you almost did this into whole map, let me guide you into timeline:
00:23:591 (1,2,3) - swapped triples
00:24:809 (1,2) - swapped vocal
00:26:027 (1,2,3) -
00:29:682 (1,2) - no triples
00:32:119 (1,2) -
00:34:555 (1,2) -
00:34:555 (1,2) -
00:35:773 (1,2,3) -
etc. (i can't mention it all because post length)
and yes, I've seen that only 00:27:246 (1,2) - you did it right way
open for discussion because this suggestions are destructive (causing major remap)
00:51:611 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - i have idea to change this to slider to follow guitar better, but i got your point doing this suppressed notes following drum. you can either apply this or no
00:53:895 (2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - i think creating deathstream on this part (especially since this map is 6.8*) is not a good idea since you have build some rest pattern before and this deathstream landing on calm parts, I suggest you reduce strain by putting kick slider with reverse
and yeah you might be think 00:58:921 - can be good for deathstream for transition pattern.
01:04:707 (7) - missed NC i think
and yeah 01:04:707 (7,8,9) - can probably swapped, so you can convert 01:05:012 (1,2) - into slider and nudge triples on 01:05:317 (2,3,4,5,6,7) -
it is also can be applied on 01:12:017 (7,8,9,1,2,3) -
01:13:540 (1,2) - i think this is can be problem refer to 00:22:372 (1,2,3) - issue, it really ruin consistency you've made in kiai time like 01:01:357 (1) - 01:02:575 (1) - 01:03:794 (1) - etc
01:30:900 (1,2,3,4,5) - i feel like you should move this to somewhere center, just some restructuring on position can be okay instead put these pattern on the edge of the playfield, there's free space on right playfield
That's it for now i think, this mod only cover 30% of the whole map since the map is marathon and has a lot of problems (for me, idk if for anyone who modded this has same thinking or no), I will try to continue this map next week maybe, I will pm you for that.
But, at overall you can also recheck the parts on the map which has similar concept of what I said before, so maybe i can recheck the map and the problem can be solved so i got less issue in here. But yeah, if you didn't found any issue until that time, I'll help you by keep posting some suggestions or problems.
if you have any questions regarding this mod, you can always pm me.
Thank you.
00:11:408 (1,2,3) - for me this pattern can be okay if you starts it with slider instead of triple, it can emphasis guitar hold, or you can just to 5s stream. After that, you can instead map 00:11:713 - with circles and you can see 00:11:865 as slider so you can provide kickslider jump there for better impact on music.
00:15:367 (1,2,3) - this can be same thing like 00:11:408 (1,2,3) - so you didn't spam unnecessary triple there, or you can convert this 00:15:063 (1,2,3,4) - to slider reverse instread to provide break on guitar hold. You might be think about increase triples distance for 00:15:367 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - if you do that
00:16:281 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - this pattern should have higher spacing with better readability because it's clearly a guitar sound
00:18:108 (3,4,5,6) - these pattern probably needs higher spacing due to high pitch of drums.
00:18:870 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - you can create kick slider and reverse to break strain on these pattern, and continue to 00:19:479 (5,6,1,2) - this should be mapped with Circle for better impact on drum emphasize (with higher spacing)
00:22:372 (1,2,3,4) - i don't have any idea why you put pattern like this, 00:22:525 (2) - can be converted into triples and you probably able to put slider on 00:22:372 - and you don't even need circle 00:22:372 (1) -
the problem is, you almost did this into whole map, let me guide you into timeline:
00:23:591 (1,2,3) - swapped triples
00:24:809 (1,2) - swapped vocal
00:26:027 (1,2,3) -
00:29:682 (1,2) - no triples
00:32:119 (1,2) -
00:34:555 (1,2) -
00:34:555 (1,2) -
00:35:773 (1,2,3) -
etc. (i can't mention it all because post length)
and yes, I've seen that only 00:27:246 (1,2) - you did it right way
open for discussion because this suggestions are destructive (causing major remap)
00:51:611 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - i have idea to change this to slider to follow guitar better, but i got your point doing this suppressed notes following drum. you can either apply this or no
00:53:895 (2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - i think creating deathstream on this part (especially since this map is 6.8*) is not a good idea since you have build some rest pattern before and this deathstream landing on calm parts, I suggest you reduce strain by putting kick slider with reverse
and yeah you might be think 00:58:921 - can be good for deathstream for transition pattern.
01:04:707 (7) - missed NC i think
and yeah 01:04:707 (7,8,9) - can probably swapped, so you can convert 01:05:012 (1,2) - into slider and nudge triples on 01:05:317 (2,3,4,5,6,7) -
it is also can be applied on 01:12:017 (7,8,9,1,2,3) -
01:13:540 (1,2) - i think this is can be problem refer to 00:22:372 (1,2,3) - issue, it really ruin consistency you've made in kiai time like 01:01:357 (1) - 01:02:575 (1) - 01:03:794 (1) - etc
01:30:900 (1,2,3,4,5) - i feel like you should move this to somewhere center, just some restructuring on position can be okay instead put these pattern on the edge of the playfield, there's free space on right playfield
Please check AI mod (or maybe you can try Mapset Verifier program), this mapset needs Insane diff atleast for ranking, that's it i think
before you check this map, make sure you have 0% effect sound to hear the song itself and compare it to your map, there's many overmapping parts that is kinda unnecessary to do in this map.
this overmapped style leading into unstructured map, misleading gameplay translation, and make the map itself didn't sync with music, pay attention to them can be a long term skill, and probably can make this map better.
one solution for me to take out this problem is, you need to try listen into music and for each Beat you map, do similar rhythm to improve consistency, so you will get better rhythm placement and it will easier to manage.
00:50:097 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this pattern could be invalid because you can try to map circles on 00:50:709 - until 00:50:938 -
so, 00:50:097 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - are not meant to be mapped stream at for any reason
00:58:056 (1,2,3,4,5) - this problem similarly same with 00:50:097 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -which can be better if using 1/2 jump (or 1/4 kickslider) instead of 5s stream
01:00:964 (1,2) - this slider might be not consistent compare to your previous pattern using circles
01:17:341 (9) - this slider can be better if you split them into 2 1/4 sliders
and also same thing for 01:17:648 (11) - you will realize there strong drum sound there skipped by this pattern
01:17:954 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - are overmapped
also same for 01:22:086 (9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - and 01:24:076 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -
01:38:847 - just question, why you didn't map this?
i can try to mention some part that you should be mapped in 1/4 but didn't
01:39:383 (2) -
01:39:842 (5) - until 01:40:071 -> 01:40:224 (2) - overmapped
01:40:607 - 3/4 slider kinda useless
01:41:679 (7,1,2,3) - this pattern too simple
01:42:903 (1) - slider too long
01:43:744 -
Adding 6.1 - 6.3 Stars diff are highly recommended by me
the overall Strain between Insane and Lycanthrocide diff are pretty huge, kinda like intensity 3 times bigger. so, to balanced that another extra diff can be good one
00:03:047 (1) - 00:04:247 (1) - 00:07:847 (1) - 00:09:047 (1) - 00:12:647 (1) - 00:15:047 (1) - 00:16:247 (1) - 00:21:047 (1) - i would really be happy if you put higher distance for those thing i mentioned
so it can be really neat and consistent with something like 00:05:447 (1) - 00:06:647 (1) - 00:10:247 (1) - 00:11:447 (1) -
00:57:947 (2) - i think this slider a bit too far for distance, causing 00:59:447 (1,2,3) - have lower impact on emphasis, consider lower it up for better transition pattern
also same thing on 01:54:570 (10) - too
remove Unused files here:
00:51:251 - the pattern looks weird when you skip such main beat here, add circle won't make the gameplay ruined (example: 00:58:191 (2,3,4,5,6) - )
01:19:236 (6,7) - i suggest you to put spaced out on this pattern from 01:19:012 (5) - overlap to increase visual readability
01:27:408 (8,1) - this jump kinda brutal to hit, i think CTRL+G 01:27:520 (1) - will make it better since the slider part have higher sv than previous part, it's should be have enough emphasis for that.
01:27:744 (2,3,4,5) - following synth and melody here can be great idea, 01:29:311 (1,2,3,4,5) - same for this too
01:42:744 (1,2,3,4,5) - this part looks like nerfed without good reason behind it, i'd rather put 1/4 slider to replace 01:43:191 (4) - and 01:43:191 (5) -
03:46:661 (3,4) - i would rather make this overlap even farther from stack to avoid confusion to hit melody or the main beat (example move to 164|235 enough to fix that one). also same thing for 04:08:714 (1) -
04:20:355 (1,2) - 04:22:147 (1,2) - 04:27:519 (1,2) - 04:29:311 (1,2) - those sliders that i mention here could be better if you swap rhythm following main beat, i think the reason why you put upbeat slider here are weird since you map similar pattern like 04:23:938 (1) - 04:24:833 (1) - 04:26:624 (1) - 04:28:415 (1) - etc.
so, to improve consistency for the whole part, better fix that.
this can be (!) suggestion if i want, but yeah i think if you have some strong reason between it, it might be acceptable
00:08:420 until 00:24:595 - there's lack of execution for this part. For example 00:14:812 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - it has different tone of musical part, but you mapped it with flat distance which causing lack of emphasize to the map.
second, 00:23:030 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this should be 1/3 instead of 1/4 which makes the pattern itself has errors
also there's some undermapped parts like on 00:24:855 (2,3) - and it's unpleasant feeling since this map is 9*
the map design too simple and plain for a 9 stars map, it focused only in center which causing a lot of unnecessary overlap and repetitive patterns, and also the map itself has a lot of rhythm errors should be fixed, i'm sorry but i can't address those error where, and you could try to get help from another person or try to make shorter map can be nice idea to begin good mapping
first, I didn't read all text above. Second, for some reason why there is a jump map in relaxing TV Size song?. Third, I've never seen a TV size map have complex problem like this.
I agree with fieryrage because it makes sense how map should be emphasized so i'd suggest to fix it. That's it I think.
after some consideration for this reply, i have updated these pattern with followed rhythm pattern, i also adjusted visual a bit with a different approach. fixed for now
okay suggestion, but i prefer slider to follow vocals and put something cool pseudo symmetrical shape here 00:55:256 (8,2,3,5) -
this is okay suggestions,
on going process malphs' mod here 2281018#4802325 to fix similar issue,
i'll probably fix this
good suggestions,
i can make 00:30:556 (5,6) - and 00:30:956 (7,8,9) - spaced a bit
00:31:156 (9,1) - more distance,
keeping 00:30:056 (1,2,3,4) - suppressed for transition effect
this is okay suggestions,
open discussion until questions resolved