00:29:847 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - some more spacing buildup on these would be nice, when playing they didn't really feel as noticeable as they were in the song, so lower spacing here perhaps 00:29:847 (5,6,7,8) -
same for rest 00:32:442 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1) - 00:34:712 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) -
00:33:901 (1,2) - hmm. questionable nc here. don't have to nc here cause the do-do really is nothing to be highlighted here
00:38:928 (8) - this one feels rather jank because you'll have to suddenly move your cursor in some odd way after the stream. you could make it into something like this-> https://i.imgur.com/9qFuX9T.png where the cursor still moves but slows down.
00:43:469 (1,2) - parts like these could be simplified to a 1/1 slider. reasoning being that there's nothing impressive here to be made a 3/4. Or instead, make it similar to this 00:40:874 (1,2), but replace the 2nd slider with 2 circles instead. Even if you'd argue that you want to focus on the drums, still, you're missing the one in the red tick.
01:01:469 (6,1) - imo feels weird to change flow rotation direction so sharply here when song is quite smooth sounding. Compare to 01:04:063 (6,1) - where it's relatively smooth. Up to you to change, but imo it felt kinda janky to play
could ctrl + g 01:01:307 (5,6) - these notes (and fix hs accordingly)
01:04:226 (1,2,3) - spacing for these feel a bit small here coupled with the slider leniency. Its feels the same as 00:53:847 (1,2,3) - found in the repeat in a less intense section.
Would suggest spacing it similarly to 01:01:631 (1,2,3).
01:18:333 (2,3,4,5) - 02:40:063 (2,3,4,5) - 04:04:387 (2,3,4,5) - increase spacing, it really feels underwhelming considering the guitar peaks there
this spacing follows the idea that vocals reflect spacing
since there's no vocals on the circles like 01:18:333 (2,3,4) - , i decided to reduce spacing drastically to contrast the rest of the section
although looking over it again ya i kinda reduced a bit too much, so applied very slight spacing buff
01:24:657 (2,3) - buff spacing here, spacing feels pretty awkward coming right after big spacing here 01:24:333 (1,2) - with no indication of calming down in the song, compare to spacing here 01:27:252 (2,3) -
01:32:117 (1,2,3,4) - imo these 1/2 sliders here just being at the end of snare spam section feels a bit lackluster. I think you could make a connection with the vocals here and do 1/2 sliders on 01:30:819 (1,2,1,2) - these two 1/2 spots because vocals pause here, then do jumps for the rest
(01:33:414 (5,6) - keep these as 1/2 sliders btw cuz similar vocal pause)
01:33:414 (3) - missing NC here?
04:46:711 (8) - same for downbeat
01:33:982 (7,8) - got a little too excited with the spacing, yes? All of these (probably the ones I could catch anyway) have spacing that is way too similar with the rest of the section which is too far. Just uh, make it less.
01:44:117 (2,3,4,5) - I don't recall you using this particular stack-jump pattern anywhere on the map. Replace it with something else so that it doesn't look so off.
01:47:684 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - flow here is continuously circular in one direcetion, so if you wanted it to be consistent should change flow here 01:48:333 (5) - on the emphasized guitar riff like how you did here 00:48:009 (5) -
01:47:684 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - spacing for these could be buffed a bit, similarly to how you did it in the former repeat at 00:47:361 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1). At give them a bit more spacing compared to your section at 01:39:900.
02:07:792 (3) - ok, this may be a minor nitpick but I believe this slider shape: https://i.imgur.com/9VzaFbK.png is slightly better for the player to follow. Also, similar to 01:07:144 (2,3) - increase distance or NC this slider so the player knows which is which rhythm.
02:09:738 (1,2,3) - distance from 1-2-3 is a bit too high looking from the same section. Also, 02:09:900 (2) - I don't think you'll need to kickslider this because you aren't following piano
02:20:117 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - theres a jump here for no reason, i'd suggest you use 2 1/2 sliders and then make a 4 note jump afterwards to mark drums like https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/828795162816938038/910787755800412190/unknown.png
02:20:765 (1,2,3,4) - would be good to use a different flow/pattern here since you hitsounded it differently than 02:20:117 (1,2,3,4) -
Imo ctrl + g 02:20:441 (3,4) - to make square pattern that flows into sharp flow would be really cool way to distinguish these rhythms in the song
02:22:387 (4) - 02:24:982 (4) - vocals get pretty strong here so making this active would be nice, don't go too ham on the spacing tho
02:25:954 (3) - drums kinda pop of so it would be nice to make this active with 2 circles instead rather than use the same rhythm as 02:25:306 (1,2) - that are following vocals.
02:35:279 (2,3) - you should manually stack these since the 1/4 isnt really visible https://i.imgur.com/lgxtK8j.png
02:36:009 (2,3,4,5,1) - for how intense this all is, feels really cramped and doesn't reflect song very well IMO because of it.
Something like this would reflect the song better imo
02:36:982 (1) - very opinion based, but I think ctrl + j and keep in same place here would be POG flow
Then adjust 02:37:468 (2,3,4) - to be like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17649125/e38f
right now, feels a bit lacking of emphasis to me, but that is just my opinion :P see how u feel about it
02:59:684 (3,4) - visuals, please. This looks the exact same as 02:57:414 (4,5) - so distinguish both of them a bit.
03:26:603 (3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - why are all these practically distance spaced LMAO. You're already stacking a lot of these notes and decreasing the intensity of these so try not to be scared of adding a bit spacing to these.
Same thing with 03:31:468 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - where spacing could be a teeny bit bigger to reflect the intensity here
03:49:630 - don't really get the SV changes here in this section. You've done patterning in groupings of 4 with 03:49:630 (1,2,3,4) - 03:50:927 (1,2,3,4) - etc but you do SV changes after groupings of 2 and 4 respectively at 03:50:279 - 03:51:576 - which seems really incoherent with your idea.
So instead, I think it would be better alongside your increasing spacing idea to have SV changes every groupings of 4 at 03:50:927 - 03:52:225 - 03:53:522.
i don't think it makes a huge difference from a gameplay perspective if i changed the spacing for this slider, tho i could change the order of 04:23:360 (1,2) - to fix? let me know what u think
04:38:927 (1,2,3,4) - I don't recall you using these kinds of patterns too. Secondly, the music is quite intense, so putting a stack pattern here doesn't really give it justice. Make the second pair of sliders something like 04:42:819 (1,2) - ig
04:38:927 (1,2,3,4) - it's to emphasize the loud uh.. violin? i'm not good with instruments; it repeats in a pattern of 4 like that, and the spacing is enough to represent intensity imo
04:47:036 (1,2) - drum is rather weak here, slider. 04:48:009 (1,2) - no drum here, slider.
04:48:009 (1,2) - I suspect this part is a 1/3 if you follow the guitar. Or maybe it's drift from post production.
04:49:306 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - surely you can buff the spacing for the peak of the guitars here? At least do similar spacing to the previous jumps you did at 04:48:333 (1,2,1,2,3). The patterning is enough to differentiate these both and the extra spacing will be cool to emphasise the peak.
04:50:603 (1) - imo sliderend and sliderhead should be made more clear like the insane since currently its basically unreadable in normal gameplay