00:01:574 (1574|4,1824|4) - I think both should be double not just adding simple anchor like 00:01:574 (1574|4,1824|4,2074|4) - (ref 00:05:699 (5699|2,5699|0,5824|3,5824|5) - )
00:14:324 (14324|2,14324|0,14824|3,14824|5) - double with low vocal sound seems too much for me, suggest reduce to single.
thought abt this too lol. Made 00:14:324 (14324|0,14324|2) - into single on col1 and 00:14:824 (14824|5,14824|3) - into single on col6
00:17:699 (17699|1,17699|0,17761|2,17761|3,17824|5,17824|4) - seems weird progression in here, those chordsizes should be 2-1-3 (ref 00:15:824 (15824|4,15824|3,15886|1,15949|4,15949|3,16011|1) -, 00:17:574 (17574|3,17574|4,17574|2) - has triple with big drum), this is my opinion to rearrange
same logic can be applied at 00:22:574 (22574|1,22574|0,22636|4,22636|5,22699|3,22699|2,22761|1,22824|2,22824|4,22824|0) -
00:18:511 (18511|2) - this 1/4 stream appears too early, the synth starts 00:18:574, not there. Suggest remove it.
00:19:074 (19074|3,19136|4,19199|3,19261|4) - you can keep this pattern however I think those one-hand 210 bracket-trill is overkilling them (same logics at #4852794), you can nerf simple trill or stream, this is one of my suggestion with trill
00:24:324 (24324|0,24324|1) - vocal double should be placed 00:24:261, not here if you intended that.
Keep. the doubles are for this vocal that you can hear here too 00:18:324 (18324|4,18324|5,18449|0,18449|1) -
00:28:074 (28074|0,28136|2,28199|3) - this vocal notes and after 00:28:261 - stream blends and results both unclear song progression and making unintended anchor at col3 if you make double-trill at 00:28:011, imo.
suggest remove those notes and add double at 00:28:011 col2,3, it is fine to start 1/4 stream at 00:28:261 cuz the sound actually starts here.
00:32:074 (32074|1,32074|0,32074|5) - should be quad for cymbal like 00:28:074 (28074|5,28074|4,28074|3,28074|0) -
00:33:886 (33886|2,33949|4,34011|0) - I feels underwhelming just dealing same as 1/4 stream, this sound has clearly different one compared with other parts, you can improve to 1/8 or 1/6 stream instead (eg. 00:37:449 (37449|2,37490|3,37532|4) - ,00:35:699 (35699|5,35740|4,35782|3) - )
00:38:824 (38824|0,38886|3,38886|2,38949|1,38949|0,39011|2,39011|3,39074|0) - IDK not sure about this, those 00:38:824 (38824|0,38886|2,38949|1,38949|0,39011|2,39074|0) - part is actually too left-hand based, I think you can rearrange differently that you made same kicktrill parts (eg. 00:42:949 (42949|2,42949|1,43011|4,43011|5,43074|1,43074|0,43136|2,43136|3,43199|5,43199|4) - , etc)
00:41:574 (41574|5,41574|4,41574|0,41636|3,41699|2,41699|1,41699|5,41761|4,41824|0,41824|3,41824|1,41886|5,41949|3,41949|4,41949|2,42011|0,42074|2,42074|1,42074|5) - I can understand your intention however, results too blended with vocal and kick notes, and unsure where's the emphasis point is.
I suggest remove vocal with 1/4 stream which is not suitable imo, it is fine to leave as 1/2 triple (with quad at 00:41:824) jack, in this entire parts do single 1/4 stream and 1/2 jack can ventilate enough
00:43:199 - vs 00:43:824 (43824|1,43824|4,43824|5,43824|0) - quad or double? well, I suggest just add triple or quad both
i think you meant to say 00:43:324 (43324|5,43324|1,43324|0,43324|2) - ??? and not 00:43:199.
00:43:324 (43324|5,43324|1,43324|0,43324|2) - and 00:43:824 (43824|1,43824|4,43824|5,43824|0) - both are quads for the big kick so i don't see where's the problem here... gonna leave open for now
00:43:074 (43074|1,43074|0,43136|3,43136|2,43199|5,43199|4) - and 00:43:699 (43699|0,43699|1,43761|3,43761|2,43824|0,43824|4,43824|5,43824|1) - both are constructing same kick sounds, however those pattern is conflicting your idea;
former one is consisting 2-2-2 chordsizes but latter one is 2-2-4, which have different end chordsizes
that's why I suggested pick one
if you worried about 00:43:324 (43324|5,43324|1,43324|0,43324|2) - , adjust both to triple at the end
i think im gonna keep this as it is since the structure for 00:43:074 (43074|1,43074|0,43136|3,43136|2,43199|5,43199|4) - is voluntarily different from 00:43:699 (43699|1,43699|0,43761|2,43761|3,43824|1,43824|5,43824|4,43824|0) - cuz both end with different types of kicks (00:43:199 (43199|4,43199|5) - normal kick so double, 00:43:824 (43824|1,43824|4,43824|5,43824|0) - veeery big kick so quad)
u right but im kinda struggling to connect it with 00:46:699 (46699|5,46699|4). I'll see what i can do
00:51:074 - suggestion; maybe instead of keeping the 1/4 flow here, u can sort of "break" it to emphasize the "break" in the flow of the song. my suggestion is to make 00:51:074 a triple, and add one note jack on it at 00:51:199.
also since its very close to this timestamp, maybe u could make 00:51:761 a double to keep the consistency with 00:51:699?
here is a visual example of everything i had mentioned in this mod:
also related to the first part of the post, maybe u can do the same thing with 00:53:699 (53699|5)?
hmm i don't think i understand, you're sayoing that i should make 00:53:699 (53699|5) - into a double?
and also for 01:00:824 i think u ment another timestamp??? its a lot different from 00:51:074
00:53:699 (53699|2) - might be picky sugg; ghost note (or very minor vocal) and even consisting unfriendly anchor 00:53:574 (53574|2,53699|2,53824|2) - , suggest move another col imo
00:54:261 - this is honestly pretty uncomfortable to play because of the high bpm, maybe can u switch places with 00:54:261 (54261|2,54324|1) and move 00:54:449 (54449|2) to col 5?
00:54:261 (54261|5,54261|1,54261|0,54261|4,54324|3,54324|2) - I think you can make 1/8 stream instead of quad-double structure considering it is synth
00:54:449 (54449|0,54449|4,54449|5,54574|0,54574|5,54574|1) - vs 00:54:449 (54449|0,54449|4,54449|5,54574|0,54574|5,54574|1) - actually conflicting your concept, suggest make quad-triple like latter one.
00:51:324 (51324|0,51324|4,51324|3,51324|5,51449|5,51449|0,51449|1) - :skull: this one consists 3-4 chordsizes (sorry for kb issue)
since 00:54:449 (54449|0,54449|4,54449|5) - i made this as 3 cuz its not the same type of "big kick" as 00:51:324 (51324|4,51324|0,51324|3,51324|5) (which i made as 4). I think it's better if i keep it like this so that both kick sounds are differentiated :3
00:55:074 (55074|0,55074|5,55074|3,55199|1,55199|2,55199|4,55324|5,55324|0,55324|3,55449|4,55449|1,55449|2,55574|5,55574|3,55574|0) - minor opinion: it is actually cool, but I highly suggest make only triple at vocal+kick and variate to double: like this
00:58:949 (58949|3,58949|1,59011|2,59074|3) - this looks a little hard to read imo especially with the trill, 00:58:949 (58949|5) - could move to col1 for better readability and hand balance
01:01:574 (61574|0,61574|1,61574|3,61574|2,61636|4,61699|1,61761|3,61824|2,61824|1,61824|0) - some chordsize structure isn't consistent compared with 00:32:074 - 00:45:324 part and results uncomfortable progression like 01:01:636 (61636|4,61699|1,61761|3) - weird 1/2 stream.
I suggest to change 3-4 chordsize structure that you previously made at 00:32:074 - 00:45:324, and this can be give enough space for streamy atmostphere
01:31:449 (91449|2,91574|2,91699|2) - current 01:31:324 (91324|3,91324|4,91386|0,91386|1,91449|3,91449|2) - and (ctrl+h'ed one at 01:31:574 (91574|2,91574|1,91636|5,91636|4,91699|2,91699|3) - ) pattern results uncomfortable anchor, you can refine like this:
02:00:449 (120449|2,120574|2,120574|0,120699|2,120699|0,120824|0) - those anchor seems too harsh for them, avoid like this?
same as 02:02:574 (122574|0,122574|3,122574|5,122574|1,122699|3,122761|2,122824|0,122824|4,122824|3,122824|5) - ,
02:05:574 (125574|0,125574|5,125574|1) - minor, 02:05:574 - 02:05:949 part seems better to rearrange 2-3-2-3 chordsizes, reduce to double instead (ref. 02:05:824)
02:09:011 (129011|3,129136|3,129323|3,129448|3) - seems tricky minijacks imo, ctrl+h 02:09:073 (129073|5,129073|4,129073|0,129136|3,129198|2,129261|1,129323|5,129323|3,129323|0,129323|4,129386|2,129448|3,129511|4,129573|0,129573|1,129573|5,129636|4,129698|3,129761|2,129823|5,129823|1,129823|0,129823|4,129886|3,129948|2,129948|0,129948|1,130011|5) - this can be better hand balance
same as 02:13:074 (133074|4,133074|0,133074|5,133136|3,133199|2,133261|1,133324|4,133324|3,133324|0,133324|5,133386|2,133449|3,133511|4,133574|0,133574|1,133574|5,133636|3,133699|2,133761|1) - ,02:13:824 (133824|0,133824|4,133824|5,133824|3,133886|1,133949|5,133949|4,133949|2,134011|0) - also need adjustment
02:15:074 (135074|3,135324|3,135574|3,135824|3,136074|3) - minor, this anchor is kinda huge even you made anchorjack at col4, result too heavey col4. you can move 02:15:574 (135574|3) - to col3 can avoid it.
02:22:074 (142074|1,142115|2,142157|3,142199|4,142324|1,142365|2,142407|3,142449|4) - is there a reason to make 1/6? I can't figure what sound are you emphasizing. (compared with glitch at 02:21:324 (141324|5,141365|4,141407|3,141449|2,141699|5,141740|4,141782|3,141824|2) - , 02:22:574 (142574|5,142615|4,142657|3,142699|2,142740|1,142782|4,142824|0,142865|1,142907|2,142949|3,142990|4,143032|5) - )
i wanted to emphasize those two particular kicks (02:22:074 (142074|5,142074|4,142074|0) and 02:22:324 (142324|0,142324|5,142324|4)) and also if you hear closely you can hear 2 snares (02:22:199 (142199|3,142449|3) - ) so i connected the kicks and the snares with a 1/6 stair just to spice things up :3
02:59:824 (179824|3,179949|3) - i suggest remove this jack because inconsistent with 02:59:574 (179574|1,179699|2) -
Keep. I'm using 2 logics for the 2 types of kicks here: 02:59:574 (179574|5,179574|4,179574|1,179574|0) - quad for the big kick (also here 02:57:574 (177574|5,177574|4,177574|1,177574|0) - 02:58:574 (178574|5,178574|4,178574|1,178574|0) - 03:00:574 (180574|4,180574|5,180574|1,180574|0) - etc...) and hands on opposite columns like 02:59:824 (179824|5,179824|3,179824|4,180074|1,180074|2,180074|0) -(and also 03:00:949 (180949|4,180949|3,180949|5,181324|1,181324|2,181324|0) - 03:01:824 (181824|5,181824|3,181824|4,181949|2,181949|0,181949|1,182074|5,182074|3,182074|4) - etc...). I know that these jacks exist (the one u highlighted and others like 03:02:074 (182074|3,182199|3)) but i don't want to change anything cuz it would look inconsistent :P
03:21:449 (201449|4,201574|4,201699|4,201824|4) - due to 03:21:449 (201449|4) - note remains col5, feels insufficient emphasizing for clear kickdrum at col5,6 jacks;
reduce 03:21:324 triple for lowering synth and make enough space 03:21:449 (201449|4) - to place another col seems better
03:34:324 (214324|2,214324|0,214324|1,214324|4,214386|5,214449|1,214449|0,214449|4,214511|2,214574|3,214574|5,214574|4,214574|1,214636|2,214636|0) - all fine stream for me but this one is kinda tricky for players, anchor at col2 03:34:074 (214074|1,214199|1,214324|1,214449|1,214574|1) - makes more and too hard to read blendy notes, suggest rearrange like this?
03:36:074 (216074|4,216199|4,216324|4,216449|4,216574|4) - itchy anchor at col5, 03:36:449 (216449|4) - move to col4?
03:44:074 (224074|3,224136|5,224136|4,224199|3,224261|5,224261|4) - those one-hand trill seems not comfortable, suggest move 03:44:074 (224074|3,224199|3) - to col 1
03:40:074 (220074|0,220074|1,220074|2,220136|3,220136|5,220199|2,220199|1,220199|0,220261|4) - make like this?
04:25:074 (265074|5,265074|1,265115|0,265157|4,265199|3,265240|1,265282|5,265282|0,265324|4,265365|2,265407|1,265449|5,265490|3,265532|0,265574|2,265615|1,265657|4,265699|3,265740|2,265782|5,265824|4) - those glitch sound delay is too uncomfortable and spiky that player can thought unexpected dump in calm section, think more intuitive pattern like simple stream or something
04:50:074 (290074|5,290074|4,290199|0,290199|1,290261|2) - bit underwhelming chord choice at large kick sounds, imo, I think you can ignore minor 04:50:136 (290136|3) - note and more expressing with at least triple at 04:50:074, 04:50:199, 04:50:261, seems better for me, consider about this.
05:04:699 - I think it is worthy to place triple compared with 05:04:824 (304824|5,304824|3) - , has big drum sound
i prefer these 05:04:699 (304699|0,304699|2,304824|3,304824|5) to be symmetrical so i'll just leave them as doubles for now :3