Although it isn't necessary to do so, you could place a new timing point at these points of the map to reset the nightcore cymbal.
(Please don't reply to this post so I can continue to edit it as I look through the map.)
All your base are belong to ME:
03:58:069, 05:03:982
Dark Side:
06:49:070, 07:33:230
Lolicore 2.27 (Pu-erh tea edition):
08:59:630, 11:14:023
Use the force Reizoko!:
unless theres some intentional spelling im missing, shouldn't the diffname be Staminathon!
Stamanathon sounds better imo, although yes I get your point. I get it could be considered a fade between Stamina and Marathon through merging "mina" and "mara" into "mana". Also inspiration taken from "Nanathon" from Nana Party lmao
I think if I did this I'd have to start then thinking about where else I could do this, and honestly with what I need to sort through already I think I'd prefer to keep kiais (same with svs kinda) more simple. Either way I don't think this would fit here cause apart from the main synth thing everything else in this whole section is kind of the same, so will keep as is. Places like 23:20:260 - work with this cause literally everything drops out apart from some random sample they add.
The CirnoRHTL section has some instances of 1/6 patterns being improvised where there is clearly something being played on the 1/4 snapping. I found cases of this at 01:41:265, 01:46:905, and 01:48:105, but I suggest you closely examine all patterns other than 1/4 in this section yourself to ensure they are not ignoring clear elements of the track.