
Kara - Step

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012년 3월 23일 금요일 at 오후 5:28:02

Artist: Kara
Title: Step
Tags: djmax technika 3 sweetune dsp media
BPM: 123
Filesize: 23155kb
Play Time: 03:17
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.72 stars, 210 notes)
  2. Hard (4.43 stars, 333 notes)
  3. Maximum (4.97 stars, 465 notes)
  4. Normal (3.06 stars, 262 notes)
  5. Taiko (4.8 stars, 732 notes)
Download: Kara - Step
Download: Kara - Step (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 55th beatmap, and 1st K-Pop map XD

Licensed in DJMAX TECHNIKA 3

Music Artist : Kara
Composed by Sweetune

Latest full submission : 2012. 3. 23.

Special Thanks to : Sunny Holic (for video incording :D)
Akiyama Mizuki
힘내세요 ww
Awesome map. Looking forward for other stages/difficulties.~ :>
Mayonnaise Dad
Are you accepting any guest difficulties for this map?
Yes :D I've been waiting for someone to make this map. Haha, too busy trying to finish up my 2 maps x.x
Take my star!
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SoujiTheFox wrote:

Are you accepting any guest difficulties for this map?
sorry, i don't accept guest diff at this time :(

ykcarrot wrote:

Take my stars!

bmin11 wrote:

Take my stars!
Pink Agate
First time meet you, I come to the MOD, the level of my English is poor, please forgive me.I like this map

02:10:136 (1)(2)(3)- I think this position didn't necessary put two circle,I think that one is enough,This part of the sound effects, very weird?
02:14:038 (1)(2)(3)-Same as above,The other part of the map also had a similar,I think can appropriate cancel off some

I think the difficulty and hard difficulty close, consider whether increase the difficulty?
I'm sorry, could find only the trouble is, after all, is a perfect map!
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umm...... i think they're okay ._.;
so no kud, sorry ;_;

btw, thank you for modding :D
You're good O.O
I would use a slidertick 1 for the rhythmn you used (mostly white ticks)
01:08:184 (x) - Add a note here for the la-la-lala
01:12:087 (x) - ^
01:29:648 (1,2,3) - try to make the curve remain? it seem better to me

00:19:404 (x) and 00:19:892 (x) - It feel good to add them the time they sounds ( 3 times )
00:49:404 (1,2,3,4) - A bit of curve?
00:53:306 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:12:331 (5) - Delete, Add one repeat to 01:10:867 (4) and Add a circle in 01:12:819 (x) - (repeating this 01:05:502 (2,3,1) - in less words)

Nothing to say >.<

Well, it's easily readable and flow good (seems a Muzukashii mostly... ) but..
00:55:502 (156,157,158,159) - I didn't understand why... the sound you're trying to follow it's a triple 1/6 stream (Oni-level), so try to redo the parts: 00:50:623 - 00:52:575, 00:54:526 - 00:56:477 and so.
P.s it really is like this

There are other parts ypu're following that same sound (the synth), and it should be on 1/6

Nothing to say >.<

Star, definitely
안녕하세요 ㅠ... (실력자 분이신데 저 같은 뉴비를...)


03:01:599 (6) - : x:215 y:281 로 움직이시면 1.00x distance 될거 같아요.

03:06:965 (2) - : ^


00:14:770 (4) - : spot이 조금 일그러졌어요.

00:45:258 (3) - : 이렇게 하시는게 어떨까요? ▼▼▼


02:17:697 (5) - : x:256 y:164 로 가시면 좋을거 같아요.

하드는 모딩할게 없네요 ㅎ... 근데 너무 잘 만드셧어요 ㅠ...

랭크 되길 바랍니다 ㅎ... 모딩큐 이용해 주셔서 감사합니다~ ^^
I love your map, and I have nothing to say from your Mod Request. </3 ...

Good luck on your map!


Also, when I play in Taiko Mode, the Taiko Diff is more Easy than the Maximum. o___o.
Request from my modding queue.
Although, I can't think of any suggestions for your map, sorry. :( Your map is so good.
Therefore, your map deverves my star.

Kim Jin Seok

한번 플레이해봤는데 딱히 문제점이라고 할건 없는것 같네요. :)

그런데 bpm123정도면 sv1.6이 적당했을것 같은 생각도 드는데,

뭐 그런데 딱히 상관은 없을듯..
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:O Thanks for star, everyone XD
Started the mod, I'll finish soon~


• Timing seems a little off to me. I think it should be this:
  • Offset: 614 (-10)
• The first kiai start on Easy and Normal does not start on a beat, which makes the kiai start a tad awkward. I suggest you change it.
• Countdowns are not in use, so please turn them off.


• 01:44:028 (1,2,3) - I think you should change the pattern here to this because (5) forces the player to go to the right direction and if you change the pattern like this, it will continue on the flow and natural feel.

• 02:11:843 (5,1) - Add a new combo on(5) and remove it one the next note. I think it would match the music better.


• 02:49:892 (5,6) - I personally rather the notes stacked on top of a slider instead of under. It just looks less ugly in my opinion.So, I would stack these notes on top of (1).

• 03:16:965 (7) - I think this is a point too early to finish, compared to the other diffs. I would rather you end at the same point as Insane and do this.


• 02:02:575 (8) - I don't like where this note is positioned, I'm sure it will confuse many players. I recommend doing this.


Splendid, well balanced map. I don't expect nothing less from MoonFragrance. Stared.
Hello from my queue~
sorry for delay


I tried out Offset 612 and sound better to me


AR -1

00:17:209 - add note
01:23:794 (5) - move this on x:256 y:248
01:38:184 (4) - new combo?
01:42:087 (4) - ^
01:45:989 (4) - ^


00:19:160 (3) - change with something like this?
00:23:063 (3) - ^
00:26:965 (3) - ^
00:31:599 - i would add note here
02:23:184 - make this break start from 02:23:550 -
03:17:453 - you can use spinner from here to here 03:18:916 -


01:22:575 (4,5) - unstack
01:35:258 (3) - i would reverse selection
01:56:721 - add note on x:256 y:104
01:57:697 - add note on x:256 y:232 sound better to me


01:55:136 (10,11,12,13) - unstack this, is a bit ugly there

Nice Mapset :D
Good Luck~

Topic Starter

Kiddo-Kun wrote:


• 03:16:965 (7) - I think this is a point too early to finish, compared to the other diffs. I would rather you end at the same point as Insane and do this.

- i've tried to do it, but it a bit awkward for me becuz other similar parts on this diff dosen't have pattern like that


• 02:02:575 (8) - I don't like where this note is positioned, I'm sure it will confuse many players. I recommend doing this.

- this diff is the hardest diff of this song, so i think it's not a problem :3 and i think it fit to music becuz same vocal voice is repeated in that part.
others are all fixed :D

giO- wrote:


I tried out Offset 612 and sound better to me
no change except offset :(

btw, thanks for modding and star XD
저는 K-Pop팬 덕분에 별 하나 더 쏴드림...

카라 너무 좋아요~~~
특히 한승연!!!!

모딩은..음..술 깬 다음에 시간 날때 한번 해 드리겠음...

Sorry for the incredibly long delay,in these days I had a lot of problems between school & others. D:


  1. 00:38:916 - Add a note?


  1. 00:28:172 (5) - Stack this on the note 4?
  2. 02:01:099 (2,3,4,5,6) - Maybe these sliders will look better by making them like this:


  1. 02:14:038 (1) - I don't see any reasons for NC here.


  1. 00:29:392 (1) - Move the NC on 00:29:880 (3) - ?
  2. 01:30:124 (4) - Stack this on 01:29:880 (3) - ?

Pretty cool map and songs,hope this gets ranked as soon as possible! :D
Topic Starter
no fixing, sorry :(
짬내서 모딩...했는데 일단 급한거 하나..

난이도마다 offset이 다릅니다.. 하나로 통일해주면 되겠네요...

수정한 다음 all note resnap 꼭 잊지 마시고요~

아...혹시 모르니까 타이밍 설정바(초록색 라인)도 확인해주세요..

지금 어디 가봐야해서 나머지는 나중에 다시 모딩하도록 할게요.
(우선 당분간 쿠도스는 주지 마세요~ 쿠도스는 제가 모딩 완전히 완료할 때까지 안주셔도 됩니다..)


02:23:051 (5) - New combo.

다른 난이도는 New combo가 되어있는데 여기는 안되어있습니다. 아마 이 부분에서 패턴통일성 때문에 그럴 듯..
꼭 할 필요는 없지만 브렉 도입과 관련하면 New combo도 나쁘진 않을 듯..?


02:34:758 (1) - Remove

이건 개인적인 생각일지도 모르겠지만..

아마 많은 사람들은 동영상을 안 키고 플레이하시는 건지는 모르겠지만..
동영상을 키고 플레이하는 사람도 있을 겁니다...

이 부분은 모든 난이도에서 스피너를 하셨는데..
이 시간대에 영상에서는 카라 맴버들 5명 각각 클로즈업씬이 짧게 나옵니다..
이게 꽤나 인상을 남기는 부분인데...그 모습들이 스피너 때문에 몽땅 가려져서 전혀 볼 수 없습니다... :(

제 생각에는 그냥 제거해주시면 될 듯 하네요.
(다만 브레이크 시간이 살짝 길어진다는 게 조금 걸리긴 하겠지만(대략 15초) 다른 분(MAT나 BAT분들)이 어떻게 볼 지는 모르겠네요..)

이 외에는 문제는 없는 듯..

모딩 끝..
errr... why diff [normal] and [maximum] have different offset.....
it should be 612 in all diff.....

maybe someone had point this out :D

nanda2009 wrote:

maybe someone had point this out :D

It's me. :P
Everything looks good to me. So I guess it's time to

Tanmak wrote:

nanda2009 wrote:

maybe someone had point this out :D

It's me. :P
well, I guess someone must have been pointed it out faster than me :D
Nice difficulty spread. Time to mod this!

- The current background is sort of poor quality and isn't in 4:3 dimensions. A 1024x768 / 800x600 image would be great, if you can find one.
- Letterboxing should be consistent on all difficulties. If you choose to use a letterboxed background, then please disable letterboxing during breaks.
- Comboburst dimensions shouldn't exceed 500x767, and comboburst-3.png currently exceeds that limit. I know it's a very small difference, but I'd really appreciate if you could change it for rankability.
- Countdown is enabled in [Normal] currently... it doesn't make a difference but consider disabling it for consistency.

02:07:441 to 02:23:051 - During this section there's some overlapping between 1/4 spacing. If you could manage to have these notes not overlap while still keeping the spacing reasonable, I think it'd look nicer. This to this, for example.

- The first kiai section of this difficulty needs to end at 01:05:002 for consistency with the other difficulties, it's currently off by seven milliseconds.

00:44:270 (5) - It'd be nice if you could avoid having the slider go back on itself slightly by doing something like this.
02:07:441 to 02:23:051 - Because this isn't the hardest difficulty of the mapset, I'd probably advise against using 1/4 stacks at this level of difficulty. The 1/4 sliders played nicely, though.
02:52:807 (6) - Could you maybe separate the start and end of this slider a bit more like this? I think it'd make it a bit more readable and pretty.
03:13:782 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same thing about 1/4 stacks on [Hard].

- Probably could have used a slightly higher slider velocity to avoid a lot of overlapping, but that's already been decided. Just something to keep in mind, then!
02:14:026 (6,1,2) - Do you think it might be possible to avoid these overlapping?
03:10:368 (3) - Maybe change this slider slightly so it doesn't reach into the HP bar/score numbers.
03:14:270 (3) - Same here.

02:34:758 (1) - For newer players, you could consider removing this spinner entirely and mapping this bit with sliders to avoid issues with recovering in time for the next note, or possibly end it at the downbeat instead.

That's all I have to say for you. Forum PM me for a re-check after fixes, thanks!
Topic Starter

SapphireGhost wrote:

Nice difficulty spread. Time to mod this!

- The current background is sort of poor quality and isn't in 4:3 dimensions. A 1024x768 / 800x600 image would be great, if you can find one.
- changed background image to better one, but i can't find image in 4:3 dimensions <_<; (i think it's becuz DJMAX TECHNIKA use wide dimensions)

02:07:441 to 02:23:051 - During this section there's some overlapping between 1/4 spacing. If you could manage to have these notes not overlap while still keeping the spacing reasonable, I think it'd look nicer. This to this, for example.
- umm...... i think it just making diff harder. i can't feel big change <_<;;

02:07:441 to 02:23:051 - Because this isn't the hardest difficulty of the mapset, I'd probably advise against using 1/4 stacks at this level of difficulty. The 1/4 sliders played nicely, though.
03:13:782 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same thing about 1/4 stacks on [Hard].
- i think it can be step to be used in short stream :3

02:14:026 (6,1,2) - Do you think it might be possible to avoid these overlapping?
- i think it can be step to be used in stacked circles :3

02:34:758 (1) - For newer players, you could consider removing this spinner entirely and mapping this bit with sliders to avoid issues with recovering in time for the next note, or possibly end it at the downbeat instead.
- i think all difficulty needs at least on spinner per each diffs to prevent tie score
others all fixed :3 thank you for modding XD
Alright, all the important things are fixed and you've provided good reasoning for the other things. Checked with another BAT on the background dimensions and we've agreed that they're okay. The video's totally worth it, anyway. Well, no reason to wait any longer. Good map/song/video, and here's your heart.

damn i'm fast.

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yay! XD
thank you all \X3/
Congratz~! ><
Kara song! Congratz on ranking!
ㅊㅋㅊㅋ 문프라 :D
gratz :D
*kpop fag here*
nice song , nice everything
i love KARA :D
Kanye West
OMGYES more kpop ranked congrats! :D
I love Kara
Akiyama Mizuki

I have a request,can you make a Lupin - KARA beatmap?
can you make more kara songs :)
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