
Glutamine - Babylon

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CSY the corrupt
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年4月4日 at 12:06:19

Artist: Glutamine
Title: Babylon
Tags: Hatsune Miku BakaHuang huang99520 Touma
BPM: 186
Filesize: 5120kb
Play Time: 02:56
Difficulties Available:
  1. BakaHard (4.94 stars, 432 notes)
  2. Corruption (5 stars, 721 notes)
  3. Easy (1.93 stars, 150 notes)
  4. Normal (4.21 stars, 250 notes)
Download: Glutamine - Babylon
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

[BakaHard] - by BakaHuang
Megurine Luka

Give me KD for timing help


Your message is too short. Your message is too short.
Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

Megurine Luka wrote:


Give me KD for timing help

Your message is too short. Your message is too short.

Megurine Luka wrote:


Give me KD for timing help

Your message is too short. Your message is too short.

Fuck yah, this is pure win
Ibuki Suika
For fun?
For 粪?
Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

Ibuki Suika wrote:

For fun?
For 粪?

93890c2538f6010d8644f9a5 名字改BG或者歌曲名字 总之最好不是无意义字符
加个lead-in吧 1s~1.5s
最后的红线慢了 建议166,455
02:56:777 (1) - kiai结束在这里

P.S这歌4diff比较合适 ENHI, 你现在E到H的难度跨度有点大 如果有N做过渡H还可以在难点-主要是间距 现在基本没有JUMP 但这是后话了


00:05:274 (1) - 有必要无声?至少最后加个大点声的finish音比较好
00:16:887 (1) - 向下向左一格
00:44:474 (1) - 这里也没必要大直线 弯一下可以
00:50:048 (1) - 可NC


00:26:726 (1) - spinner结束位置不对 干脆取消了算了 向前收缩就太短了
01:20:539 (4) - stack
hard这么用kiai的喷泉效果可以有 应该沿用到easy


00:06:081 (1,2,3) - 三角再正一点(不是角度 是本身
00:07:855 (1) - 用spinner的finish吧 这多出来的note没什么意义
00:37:261 (1) - NC?
00:39:228 (6) - 要突出就在突出点 这样太小了
00:57:589 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这段应该是1/3 虽然1/4也不是不能打但原则上
01:12:998 (8) - 这段的kiai加空白处了
02:30:028 (8) - NC
03:27:756 (3) - kiai :?

good luck
Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

LKs wrote:


93890c2538f6010d8644f9a5 名字改BG或者歌曲名字 总之最好不是无意义字符
加个lead-in吧 1s~1.5s
最后的红线慢了 建议166,455
02:56:777 (1) - kiai结束在这里

P.S这歌4diff比较合适 ENHI, 你现在E到H的难度跨度有点大 如果有N做过渡H还可以在难点-主要是间距 现在基本没有JUMP 但这是后话了


00:05:274 (1) - 有必要无声?至少最后加个大点声的finish音比较好
00:16:887 (1) - 向下向左一格
00:44:474 (1) - 这里也没必要大直线 弯一下可以
00:50:048 (1) - 可NC


00:26:726 (1) - spinner结束位置不对 干脆取消了算了 向前收缩就太短了
01:20:539 (4) - stack
hard这么用kiai的喷泉效果可以有 应该沿用到easy


00:06:081 (1,2,3) - 三角再正一点(不是角度 是本身 fixed
00:07:855 (1) - 用spinner的finish吧 这多出来的note没什么意义 fixed
00:37:261 (1) - NC? fixed
00:39:228 (6) - 要突出就在突出点 这样太小了 摆了一下觉得还是藏起来好了
00:57:589 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这段应该是1/3 虽然1/4也不是不能打但原则上 这个位置非常感谢提醒,我之前没听清楚
01:12:998 (8) - 这段的kiai加空白处了 其实这里只是想在结尾加个喷泉,应该没关系吧?
02:30:028 (8) - NC fixed
03:27:756 (3) - kiai :? 跟前面一样

good luck
Red : Unrankable/error staff, you should fix
Blue : Important things, you'd better fix
Black : Just suggestions, fix it only if you want


  1. 难度延展确实感觉不太好, easy和hard之间, hard和Corrupution之间都差了挺多, 可以考虑像LKs说的, 加个normal, 然后hard可以再难点


  1. 01:32:670 (1) - spinner结尾没有snap
  2. 02:55:487 (1,2,3,4) - 1234不是1/3拍的, 这里应该是123是3/4拍间距的, 02:55:487 (1), 02:55:729 (2), 02:55:971 (3), 02:56:132 (4), 间距改变后排列也应该改下


  1. 02:46:455 - 02:56:777 - 这段1.5xBPM太疯狂了lol, 会不会太难了点...感觉像是app图的感觉了
  2. 02:55:164 (2,3,4,5) - 跟hard一样, 3/4拍

Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

Breeze wrote:

Red : Unrankable/error staff, you should fix
Blue : Important things, you'd better fix
Black : Just suggestions, fix it only if you want


  1. 难度延展确实感觉不太好, easy和hard之间, hard和Corrupution之间都差了挺多, 可以考虑像LKs说的, 加个normal, 然后hard可以再难点


  1. 01:32:670 (1) - spinner结尾没有snap
  2. 02:55:487 (1,2,3,4) - 1234不是1/3拍的, 这里应该是123是3/4拍间距的, 02:55:487 (1), 02:55:729 (2), 02:55:971 (3), 02:56:132 (4), 间距改变后排列也应该改下


  1. 02:46:455 - 02:56:777 - 这段1.5xBPM太疯狂了lol, 会不会太难了点...感觉像是app图的感觉了个人感觉这里用x1.5实在太合适了,很多人都是能连上的,应该不会很疯狂 :D
  2. 02:55:164 (2,3,4,5) - 跟hard一样, 3/4拍

from BakaHuang's request所以我來mod了~


  1. tags少了BakaHuang
  2. kiai統一吧...


  1. 01:21:031 (1,1) - 對Easy來說節奏之間距離太近 間距距離中心太遠
  2. 01:42:816 (2,3,4) - 不平均間距


  1. 未用的綠線:
    02:23:963 -

  2. 00:15:597 (1,1,2) - 節奏對了但是對於Normal來說太難了
  3. 00:16:081 (1) - 不要NC 然後在 0:16:565 (3) - 從這開始NC((不然combo太長了
  4. 01:22:506 (2,1) - 部份重疊了 這樣不是很好看
  5. 02:25:438 (1,2,3) - 同樣是對Normal來說太難了


  1. 00:32:813 (9,10,1) - 間距突然變小了


  1. 00:05:274 (6) - 這圓圈並沒有很圓...建議是想辦法修一下吧((雖然可能會搞很久orz
  2. 02:34:455 (6) - 下移一個grid(size 3) 因為和02:33:963 (3,5) - 之間的距離統一
  3. 03:14:680 (1,1) - 距離中心的距離太遠了

紅色是unrankable的 一定要改 藍色的是需要討論的問題 黑色就只是建議

ok~that's all
good luck!
Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

spboxer3 wrote:

from BakaHuang's request所以我來mod了~


  1. tags少了BakaHuang
  2. kiai統一吧...


  1. 01:21:031 (1,1) - 對Easy來說節奏之間距離太近 間距距離中心太遠
  2. 01:42:816 (2,3,4) - 不平均間距


  1. 未用的綠線:
    02:23:963 -

  2. 00:15:597 (1,1,2) - 節奏對了但是對於Normal來說太難了
  3. 00:16:081 (1) - 不要NC 然後在 0:16:565 (3) - 從這開始NC((不然combo太長了
  4. 01:22:506 (2,1) - 部份重疊了 這樣不是很好看
  5. 02:25:438 (1,2,3) - 同樣是對Normal來說太難了


  1. 00:32:813 (9,10,1) - 間距突然變小了


  1. 00:05:274 (6) - 這圓圈並沒有很圓...建議是想辦法修一下吧((雖然可能會搞很久orz
  2. 02:34:455 (6) - 下移一個grid(size 3) 因為和02:33:963 (3,5) - 之間的距離統一
  3. 03:14:680 (1,1) - 距離中心的距離太遠了
mostly fixed

紅色是unrankable的 一定要改 藍色的是需要討論的問題 黑色就只是建議

ok~that's all
good luck!
mod in IRC :33
鬼畜鬼畜CC :<<

20:07 <bakabaka> : 咱來MOD了:D
20:07 <CSY the corrupt> : 好~~
20:07 <bakabaka> : 不過早知道跟你要個hard :<
20:07 <bakabaka> : 聽一聽挺好聽的:3
20:07 <CSY the corrupt> : 你早说:<
20:07 <bakabaka> : 開始MOD了唷~in game :O
20:08 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯嗯~~
20:12 <CSY the corrupt> : 怎么没反应o.o
20:12 <bakabaka> : 咱在看呀lolO
20:13 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯嗯~
20:13 <bakabaka> : ":3
20:14 <bakabaka> : 00:19:629-這邊:3
20:14 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯嗯
20:15 <bakabaka> : 要不要1往下三格3網上三格:3?
20:15 <CSY the corrupt> : 为啥:O
20:15 <bakabaka> : :O
20:15 <bakabaka> : 不知道是不是比較好讀一點":O
20:16 <CSY the corrupt> : 唔...
20:16 <CSY the corrupt> : 现在也挺好读,不改了lol
20:16 <bakabaka> : 恩
20:16 <bakabaka> : 咱是覺得比較好玩啦:D
20:17 <bakabaka> : 00:20:113-這個slider要不要按ctrl+H
20:17 <bakabaka> : 轉過去比較順lol
20:18 <CSY the corrupt> : 可是那样就挡住了...
20:18 <bakabaka> : 神馬擋住":O?
20:19 <CSY the corrupt> : 那样好像不好看...
20:19 <bakabaka> :
20:19 <bakabaka> : :O
20:20 <CSY the corrupt> : 哦哦这个意思
20:20 <CSY the corrupt> : 好
20:20 <bakabaka> : 嗯嗯
20:20 <bakabaka> : 13疊一起也可以~ 看你:33
20:20 <bakabaka> : 你自己玩玩看吧:P
20:20 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯嗯:D
20:20 <CSY the corrupt> : 继续继续
20:20 <bakabaka> : 00:22:855-這個擋住了不好看:O
20:21 <CSY the corrupt> : 是跟2有点交接不好看吗
20:21 <bakabaka> : 這樣怎麼樣:3?
20:22 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯我看看怎么改
20:24 <CSY the corrupt> :就这样好了o.o
20:25 <CSY the corrupt> :
20:25 <bakabaka> : 把4往右移2下移2
20:25 <bakabaka> : 然後讓5跟46間距相等:3
20:26 <bakabaka> : 讓456看起來像123的間距加大版lol
20:26 <CSY the corrupt> : 现在就是加大版啊
20:27 <bakabaka> : :O
20:27 <bakabaka> : 那也可以:3
20:27 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯嗯
20:27 <bakabaka> : 00:24:952-
20:28 <bakabaka> : 要不要把slider拉開一點:3
20:28 <bakabaka> : 反正slider跳很簡單:D
20:29 <CSY the corrupt> : 这里该怎么拉才好看o.o
20:30 <bakabaka> : 我是覺得都可以呢:O
20:30 <bakabaka> : 只要不要擋太多:P
20:32 <CSY the corrupt> : 那就这样吧:3
20:32 <bakabaka> : :D
20:32 <bakabaka> : 00:31:769-這裡要不要whistle
20:33 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯要~
20:34 <bakabaka> : 00:32:943-
20:34 <bakabaka> : 00:33:335-
20:34 <bakabaka> : 上面要不要也加lol
20:35 <CSY the corrupt> : 00:32:943 (2) - 这个不加了
20:36 <bakabaka> : 00:31:769-剛剛這裡感覺改加clap好像可以呢:O
20:36 <bakabaka> : 00:32:291-然後換這裡whister lol
20:37 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯嗯
20:37 <CSY the corrupt> : 好了:3
20:37 <bakabaka> : :3
20:37 <bakabaka> : 00:38:409-這個看起來不像三角形
20:38 <bakabaka> : 要不要改成正三角形或等腰:O
20:38 <bakabaka> : 感覺等腰比較好打:3
20:38 <CSY the corrupt> : 是正的><
20:38 <bakabaka> : 是嗎:OO
20:38 <CSY the corrupt> : 我量过:D
20:38 <bakabaka> : 不正呀lol
20:38 <CSY the corrupt> : 咦
20:38 <CSY the corrupt> : 我看看
20:38 <bakabaka> : 3跟6網上一格
20:38 <bakabaka> : 舊證了
20:38 <bakabaka> : 就正
20:38 <CSY the corrupt> : 这有点歪了是怎么回事
20:39 <CSY the corrupt> : 真的歪了!
20:39 <CSY the corrupt> : 好了现在正了~
20:40 <bakabaka> : :3
20:41 <bakabaka> : 01:12:998-這裡沒放東西為神馬要加kiai lol
20:41 <CSY the corrupt> : 要喷泉...
20:41 <bakabaka> : 可是其他難度你沒加
20:41 <bakabaka> : 要統一 (自己做的部分)
20:41 <bakabaka> : GD不用
20:42 <bakabaka> : 而且他只噴一下lol
20:42 <CSY the corrupt> : 因为normal那段不是空的啊...
20:42 <bakabaka> : 你空的加kiai沒用呀!!
20:43 <bakabaka> : 好呆 ._.
20:43 <CSY the corrupt> : 那我是补条绿线吗
20:43 <bakabaka> : 你是只要最後噴一下嗎
20:43 <CSY the corrupt> : 是啊:O
20:43 <bakabaka> : 01:13:080-這裡補條沒kiai的綠線
20:44 <CSY the corrupt> : 其实为什么一定要补..
20:44 <bakabaka> : 因為你沒放東西放kiai沒用呀 =-=
20:44 <CSY the corrupt> : 实际上也没影响啊=-=
20:44 <bakabaka> : kiai就是要噴人的你讓他噴空氣<.<
20:44 <bakabaka> : 可是要統一呀
20:44 <bakabaka> : 你有看過RANK圖有嘛!!!!
20:45 <CSY the corrupt> : 可是这个没办法统一嘛,normal那里就不需要这个喷泉~
20:45 <bakabaka> : 哪你空的地方為神馬要放拉lol
20:45 <bakabaka> : 你不就只想噴一下...
20:45 <CSY the corrupt> : 因为反正后面spinner开头我会加一个绿线所以完全没影响啊lol
20:46 <bakabaka> : 臥槽加條綠線就那麼難嗎TAT
20:46 <CSY the corrupt> : 说白了就是我懒得多加一条绿线:D
20:46 <bakabaka> : T-T
20:47 <CSY the corrupt> : 因为我觉得后面spinner开头的绿线已经具备了关kiai的功能,所以这条绿线如果加了的话就是多
20:47 <CSY the corrupt> : 余的:O
20:47 <bakabaka> : 嗚嗚~咱不想MOD了拉TAT
20:48 <CSY the corrupt> : T.T难道你没觉得我说的很有道理吗
20:49 <bakabaka> : 沒道理呀T.T
20:49 <CSY the corrupt> : 哪里没道理T.T
20:49 <bakabaka> : 咱做的那張圖最後1/4噴了好幾次._.
20:49 <bakabaka> : 下了一堆綠線你說有沒有道理呀!!!!
20:49 <bakabaka> : 快加!!
20:49 <bakabaka> : ><
20:50 <CSY the corrupt> : 其实我已经加了T.T
20:50 <bakabaka> : 那還跟咱辯那麼久T.T
20:50 <CSY the corrupt> : 好玩:D
20:51 <CSY the corrupt> : 哈哈哈
20:52 <bakabaka> : 01:26:933-這個要不要跟
20:52 <bakabaka> : 01:25:949-這個重疊
20:53 <CSY the corrupt> : 应该不用,隔了这么长距离重不重叠都没人会注意到了:D
20:53 <bakabaka> : 只是感覺檔著不好看:<<
20:54 <CSY the corrupt> : 隔了这么久挡不住的啦,没事没事
20:54 <bakabaka> : :<
20:55 <CSY the corrupt> : (一会偷偷地把那条该死的绿线去掉
20:55 <bakabaka> : D::
20:56 <CSY the corrupt> : ;D
20:56 <bakabaka> : 02:42:488-nc吧:<
20:56 <CSY the corrupt> : 好~
20:57 <bakabaka> : 02:52:745-感覺突然停頓~要不要拉成三拍:O
20:58 <CSY the corrupt> : 那该怎么改o.o
20:59 <bakabaka> : 就拉個折返呀:O
20:59 <CSY the corrupt> : 不想拉o.o
20:59 <bakabaka> : 那別拉了~哼 o.o
20:59 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯不拉了o.o
20:59 <bakabaka> : 03:27:745-到底是為神馬o.o
21:00 <CSY the corrupt> : 什么为神马o.o
21:00 <bakabaka> : 為神馬要kiai o.o
21:00 <CSY the corrupt> : 喷泉o.o
21:00 <bakabaka> : 算了不管了~交給微風了o-o
21:01 <CSY the corrupt> : 哈哈
21:02 <bakabaka> : normal 沒神馬問題 o_o
21:02 <CSY the corrupt> : :D
21:02 <bakabaka> : :D
21:03 <CSY the corrupt> : 为什么我随手做的就都没啥问题0.0||
21:03 <bakabaka> : 為神馬你其他難度都那麼正常呢:D
21:03 <CSY the corrupt> : 因为都是随便做的o.o
21:03 <bakabaka> : 沒神馬好mod的:D
21:03 <CSY the corrupt> : 那hard呢LD
21:03 <CSY the corrupt> : :D
21:03 <bakabaka> : :O
21:05 <bakabaka> : 貌似也沒問題:D
21:06 <CSY the corrupt> : lol
21:06 <bakabaka> : 好正常:D
Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

bakabaka wrote:

mod in IRC :33
鬼畜鬼畜CC :<<

20:07 <bakabaka> : 咱來MOD了:D
20:07 <CSY the corrupt> : 好~~
20:07 <bakabaka> : 不過早知道跟你要個hard :<
20:07 <bakabaka> : 聽一聽挺好聽的:3
20:07 <CSY the corrupt> : 你早说:<
20:07 <bakabaka> : 開始MOD了唷~in game :O
20:08 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯嗯~~
20:12 <CSY the corrupt> : 怎么没反应o.o
20:12 <bakabaka> : 咱在看呀lolO
20:13 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯嗯~
20:13 <bakabaka> : ":3
20:14 <bakabaka> : 00:19:629-這邊:3
20:14 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯嗯
20:15 <bakabaka> : 要不要1往下三格3網上三格:3?
20:15 <CSY the corrupt> : 为啥:O
20:15 <bakabaka> : :O
20:15 <bakabaka> : 不知道是不是比較好讀一點":O
20:16 <CSY the corrupt> : 唔...
20:16 <CSY the corrupt> : 现在也挺好读,不改了lol
20:16 <bakabaka> : 恩
20:16 <bakabaka> : 咱是覺得比較好玩啦:D
20:17 <bakabaka> : 00:20:113-這個slider要不要按ctrl+H
20:17 <bakabaka> : 轉過去比較順lol
20:18 <CSY the corrupt> : 可是那样就挡住了...
20:18 <bakabaka> : 神馬擋住":O?
20:19 <CSY the corrupt> : 那样好像不好看...
20:19 <bakabaka> :
20:19 <bakabaka> : :O
20:20 <CSY the corrupt> : 哦哦这个意思
20:20 <CSY the corrupt> : 好
20:20 <bakabaka> : 嗯嗯
20:20 <bakabaka> : 13疊一起也可以~ 看你:33
20:20 <bakabaka> : 你自己玩玩看吧:P
20:20 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯嗯:D
20:20 <CSY the corrupt> : 继续继续
20:20 <bakabaka> : 00:22:855-這個擋住了不好看:O
20:21 <CSY the corrupt> : 是跟2有点交接不好看吗
20:21 <bakabaka> : 這樣怎麼樣:3?
20:22 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯我看看怎么改
20:24 <CSY the corrupt> :就这样好了o.o
20:25 <CSY the corrupt> :
20:25 <bakabaka> : 把4往右移2下移2
20:25 <bakabaka> : 然後讓5跟46間距相等:3
20:26 <bakabaka> : 讓456看起來像123的間距加大版lol
20:26 <CSY the corrupt> : 现在就是加大版啊
20:27 <bakabaka> : :O
20:27 <bakabaka> : 那也可以:3
20:27 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯嗯
20:27 <bakabaka> : 00:24:952-
20:28 <bakabaka> : 要不要把slider拉開一點:3
20:28 <bakabaka> : 反正slider跳很簡單:D
20:29 <CSY the corrupt> : 这里该怎么拉才好看o.o
20:30 <bakabaka> : 我是覺得都可以呢:O
20:30 <bakabaka> : 只要不要擋太多:P
20:32 <CSY the corrupt> : 那就这样吧:3
20:32 <bakabaka> : :D
20:32 <bakabaka> : 00:31:769-這裡要不要whistle
20:33 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯要~
20:34 <bakabaka> : 00:32:943-
20:34 <bakabaka> : 00:33:335-
20:34 <bakabaka> : 上面要不要也加lol
20:35 <CSY the corrupt> : 00:32:943 (2) - 这个不加了
20:36 <bakabaka> : 00:31:769-剛剛這裡感覺改加clap好像可以呢:O
20:36 <bakabaka> : 00:32:291-然後換這裡whister lol
20:37 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯嗯
20:37 <CSY the corrupt> : 好了:3
20:37 <bakabaka> : :3
20:37 <bakabaka> : 00:38:409-這個看起來不像三角形
20:38 <bakabaka> : 要不要改成正三角形或等腰:O
20:38 <bakabaka> : 感覺等腰比較好打:3
20:38 <CSY the corrupt> : 是正的><
20:38 <bakabaka> : 是嗎:OO
20:38 <CSY the corrupt> : 我量过:D
20:38 <bakabaka> : 不正呀lol
20:38 <CSY the corrupt> : 咦
20:38 <CSY the corrupt> : 我看看
20:38 <bakabaka> : 3跟6網上一格
20:38 <bakabaka> : 舊證了
20:38 <bakabaka> : 就正
20:38 <CSY the corrupt> : 这有点歪了是怎么回事
20:39 <CSY the corrupt> : 真的歪了!
20:39 <CSY the corrupt> : 好了现在正了~
20:40 <bakabaka> : :3
20:41 <bakabaka> : 01:12:998-這裡沒放東西為神馬要加kiai lol
20:41 <CSY the corrupt> : 要喷泉...
20:41 <bakabaka> : 可是其他難度你沒加
20:41 <bakabaka> : 要統一 (自己做的部分)
20:41 <bakabaka> : GD不用
20:42 <bakabaka> : 而且他只噴一下lol
20:42 <CSY the corrupt> : 因为normal那段不是空的啊...
20:42 <bakabaka> : 你空的加kiai沒用呀!!
20:43 <bakabaka> : 好呆 ._.
20:43 <CSY the corrupt> : 那我是补条绿线吗
20:43 <bakabaka> : 你是只要最後噴一下嗎
20:43 <CSY the corrupt> : 是啊:O
20:43 <bakabaka> : 01:13:080-這裡補條沒kiai的綠線
20:44 <CSY the corrupt> : 其实为什么一定要补..
20:44 <bakabaka> : 因為你沒放東西放kiai沒用呀 =-=
20:44 <CSY the corrupt> : 实际上也没影响啊=-=
20:44 <bakabaka> : kiai就是要噴人的你讓他噴空氣<.<
20:44 <bakabaka> : 可是要統一呀
20:44 <bakabaka> : 你有看過RANK圖有嘛!!!!
20:45 <CSY the corrupt> : 可是这个没办法统一嘛,normal那里就不需要这个喷泉~
20:45 <bakabaka> : 哪你空的地方為神馬要放拉lol
20:45 <bakabaka> : 你不就只想噴一下...
20:45 <CSY the corrupt> : 因为反正后面spinner开头我会加一个绿线所以完全没影响啊lol
20:46 <bakabaka> : 臥槽加條綠線就那麼難嗎TAT
20:46 <CSY the corrupt> : 说白了就是我懒得多加一条绿线:D
20:46 <bakabaka> : T-T
20:47 <CSY the corrupt> : 因为我觉得后面spinner开头的绿线已经具备了关kiai的功能,所以这条绿线如果加了的话就是多
20:47 <CSY the corrupt> : 余的:O
20:47 <bakabaka> : 嗚嗚~咱不想MOD了拉TAT
20:48 <CSY the corrupt> : T.T难道你没觉得我说的很有道理吗
20:49 <bakabaka> : 沒道理呀T.T
20:49 <CSY the corrupt> : 哪里没道理T.T
20:49 <bakabaka> : 咱做的那張圖最後1/4噴了好幾次._.
20:49 <bakabaka> : 下了一堆綠線你說有沒有道理呀!!!!
20:49 <bakabaka> : 快加!!
20:49 <bakabaka> : ><
20:50 <CSY the corrupt> : 其实我已经加了T.T
20:50 <bakabaka> : 那還跟咱辯那麼久T.T
20:50 <CSY the corrupt> : 好玩:D
20:51 <CSY the corrupt> : 哈哈哈
20:52 <bakabaka> : 01:26:933-這個要不要跟
20:52 <bakabaka> : 01:25:949-這個重疊
20:53 <CSY the corrupt> : 应该不用,隔了这么长距离重不重叠都没人会注意到了:D
20:53 <bakabaka> : 只是感覺檔著不好看:<<
20:54 <CSY the corrupt> : 隔了这么久挡不住的啦,没事没事
20:54 <bakabaka> : :<
20:55 <CSY the corrupt> : (一会偷偷地把那条该死的绿线去掉
20:55 <bakabaka> : D::
20:56 <CSY the corrupt> : ;D
20:56 <bakabaka> : 02:42:488-nc吧:<
20:56 <CSY the corrupt> : 好~
20:57 <bakabaka> : 02:52:745-感覺突然停頓~要不要拉成三拍:O
20:58 <CSY the corrupt> : 那该怎么改o.o
20:59 <bakabaka> : 就拉個折返呀:O
20:59 <CSY the corrupt> : 不想拉o.o
20:59 <bakabaka> : 那別拉了~哼 o.o
20:59 <CSY the corrupt> : 嗯不拉了o.o
20:59 <bakabaka> : 03:27:745-到底是為神馬o.o
21:00 <CSY the corrupt> : 什么为神马o.o
21:00 <bakabaka> : 為神馬要kiai o.o
21:00 <CSY the corrupt> : 喷泉o.o
21:00 <bakabaka> : 算了不管了~交給微風了o-o
21:01 <CSY the corrupt> : 哈哈
21:02 <bakabaka> : normal 沒神馬問題 o_o
21:02 <CSY the corrupt> : :D
21:02 <bakabaka> : :D
21:03 <CSY the corrupt> : 为什么我随手做的就都没啥问题0.0||
21:03 <bakabaka> : 為神馬你其他難度都那麼正常呢:D
21:03 <CSY the corrupt> : 因为都是随便做的o.o
21:03 <bakabaka> : 沒神馬好mod的:D
21:03 <CSY the corrupt> : 那hard呢LD
21:03 <CSY the corrupt> : :D
21:03 <bakabaka> : :O
21:05 <bakabaka> : 貌似也沒問題:D
21:06 <CSY the corrupt> : lol
21:06 <bakabaka> : 好正常:D
From BakaHuang 's modding request:
I hv to mod this map.

Since my English is bad,if you don't understand anything about this mod,catch me in IRC or PM me.

If my modding is not good or something,please don't hate me or challeng me.I hope we can hit it off.

Also,you can ignore anything in my mod if you don't like it.

Okay,let's start.

Blue=You have better to fix it.


Red=Unrankable issue


00:18:178 (1) - Stakc it probably on 00:17:533 (5) 's end.(Close the grid snap and move 00:18:178 (1) to 00:17:774 and use distance snapping 0.0x and stack it on 00:17:533 (5) .)

00:22:371 (1) - This note make me feel confused

00:26:726 (1) - This spinner make non-sence end at the blue time line.Or map some sliders or notes instead this spinner?(It's really weird.)

00:47:425 (2,3) - Why the jump is soooo huge here...

03:08:551 (7) - Stakc it probably on 03:07:906 (5) - 's end.(Use the same method of 00:18:178 )

03:22:906 (1) - Change the time section volume to 50%

03:24:196 (1) - Add a time section with 35% volume.

03:25:971 (1) - Add a time section with 20% volume.

03:27:422 (x) - Add a time secion with 5% volume.

That's all for this diff.


00:06:081 (1) - Add whistle at the begin and the end?

00:14:629 (2) - Del NC

01:47:406 (6) - Ctrl+R?

01:59:373 (x) - Let this break begin at 02:01:832 since other diffs are the same.

02:18:471 (x) - Add a note here.

That's all for this diff.



00:26:565 (1) - Add a U-trun and del 00:27:049 (2)

Also,The break starts at 00:27:335? <<For this (If you agree with this,please do the same thing in [Easy])

02:01:176 (1) - Put it in distance snapping?

That's all for this diff.


00:47:097 (2) - Put it in distance snapping .

01:21:031 (1) - End at 01:22:834 since it's too close(Time) to 01:23:490 (1) - (Orginally)

That's all,hope my modding can help you to improve your map and your mapping skills.


00:17:533 (2) - 结尾clap
00:19:468 (5) - clap
00:20:758 (2) - ^
00:22:049 (1) - finish
00:23:339 (2) - clap
00:23:984 (2) - whistle
00:24:629 (3) - clap
00:26:081 (1) - 结尾finish
00:36:606 (1) - finish
00:43:163 (3) - clap
00:44:474 (5) - 开头和结尾clap
00:47:753 (1) - 结尾clap
00:49:720 (4) - clap
00:50:048 (1) - 开头删除clap 中间clap 结尾删除clap
02:12:324 (1) - finish
02:17:569 (1,2) - 来回太多了 不适合在Easy

00:15:597 (3) - finish
00:46:769 (6) - clap
01:05:129 (1) - finish
01:06:441 (5) - 结尾finish
01:10:375 (1) - whistle
01:23:162 (4) - clap
01:28:407 (6) - ^
01:41:832 (1) - finish
01:42:816 (3) - ^
01:43:800 (5) - ^
01:43:800 (5) - 结尾finish
02:12:324 (1) - finish
02:30:356 (6) - clap
02:33:307 (1) - finish
02:56:777 (3) - clap

00:06:565 (1) - 结束在00:07:855
00:19:307 (5) - clap
00:20:113 (3) - ^
00:24:469 (5) - ^
00:25:275 (3) - ^
01:05:129 (7) - ^
01:07:097 (9) - ^
01:10:375 (7) - ^
01:12:343 (9) - ^
01:17:916 (7) - finish
01:28:408 (8) - clap
02:12:324 (1) - finish
02:13:635 (3) - ^
02:14:947 (5) - ^
02:16:258 (1) - ^
02:30:356 (5) - whistle
02:51:616 (1) - ^
02:56:777 (4) - finish

00:31:769 (5) - 删掉clap
02:12:324 (1) - finish

nice map. :) 渣mod
HI, mod by bakahuang's in-game req :)

awesome timing :P
it seems fine but not sure about it.

cut the mp3 from 02:57:745, or mapping them in other diffs too but not only in [Corruption].

KIAI in all diffs should start at 02:25:438 until the end imo though it's fine now, and idk if it's allowed to use KIAI as a fountain like, just check the guideline or ask someone who knows it plz :)

00:37:261 (2) - nothing wrong but just care about why the white point out of bounds ?
00:46:442 (1) - don't like too short right-angle-sliders personally, and seems a bit weird here with a stack note under the slider
00:52:343 - how about add a note here? and move the green area before break to 00:54:310.
01:11:687 (5) - lower half seems too fat
01:20:211 (7) - red point 1 grid left
01:55:438 (1,1) - gap here between spin and note seems too short for a easy-diff, maybe you can end the spin at 01:59:209
02:36:258 (break) - go on mapping here plz

00:02:694 (2) - move the red point on the tick in the slider if you meant bend slider with rhythm.
00:15:597 (3,4,5) - just follow the rhythm if you want.
00:27:102 (2) - well, I know that you must listen'd carefully here but imo It's fine to move it to 00:27:049 (or just add a reverse arrow on 00:26:565 (1)). and let breaktime start at 00:27:335.
02:01:176 (1) - I'd like you not to overlap it here
02:20:848 - well,volume here hmmmmm.....feels a litte awkward
02:45:766 (1) - don't overlap it here personally
02:55:487 (3,1) -

well, almost all the rhythms snap'd on 1/1 lines. but nothing wrong , fine for me hehe :)

01:59:209 - break前面那段绿色的一直拖到02:01:832,从这儿开始

槽,完全挑不出来毛病,排列也干净好看。很用心的diff,star for this

00:24:629 (9,1) - change the newCombo seems better when playing
00:26:726 (1) - end at 00:27:335
00:39:392 (1) - well...fine, but seems a bit weird for me
00:39:556 (2) - how about ctrl+R ,then makes 00:40:048 (3) far away ?
01:33:964 - 01:45:111 hmmm..overmap'd on this part with streams like that I'm afraid
01:46:750 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1) - wow confused spacing
02:07:078 - let break start from 02:08:389 if you want
03:27:745 - I wanna know why KIAI here?

awesome diff :)

That's all, good luck :)
阿黄要的mod 略水

AR可以+1或者2 不影响star rating AR3对于一个normal难度来说太慢了

02:26:586 (8) - 都快顶到scorebar了低一点
01:33:964 (1) - 这一段开始也是比较静不跟前面继续用soft系的音效吗

00:06:565 (1) - 像阿黄难度那样停在00:08:016 停在白线有一种违和感
00:23:984 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这串摆直角略不美观跟之后的钝角比较好
01:33:964 (1) - 这段怎么和之前那一段差那么远虽然说不影响打但是给人一种硬塞节奏的感觉
02:07:078 (1) - 如果只是为了突出这一点的重音我觉得这个note可有可无要么就把整段做掉
02:37:569 (1) - 吓尿了这里一静还以为我断了
03:05:971 (4) - 虽然有点nazi但是往右上一个感觉会好看点
03:22:906 (1,1,1) - 改成第一个转圈在03:23:874结束 第二个在03:25:809结束 第三个03:26:132开始的话想要突出的音会更好体现出来

图还好但是整体感觉略吵图和歌就好像在比吵一样 哨子声要用到位才会好听 还有排列略单调有点不美观 几个不是折角型的slider可以更圆滑点?
Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

nold_1702 wrote:

From BakaHuang 's modding request:
I hv to mod this map.

Since my English is bad,if you don't understand anything about this mod,catch me in IRC or PM me.

If my modding is not good or something,please don't hate me or challeng me.I hope we can hit it off.

Also,you can ignore anything in my mod if you don't like it.

Okay,let's start.

Blue=You have better to fix it.


Red=Unrankable issue


00:18:178 (1) - Stakc it probably on 00:17:533 (5) 's end.(Close the grid snap and move 00:18:178 (1) to 00:17:774 and use distance snapping 0.0x and stack it on 00:17:533 (5) .)

00:22:371 (1) - This note make me feel confused

00:26:726 (1) - This spinner make non-sence end at the blue time line.Or map some sliders or notes instead this spinner?(It's really weird.)

00:47:425 (2,3) - Why the jump is soooo huge here...

03:08:551 (7) - Stakc it probably on 03:07:906 (5) - 's end.(Use the same method of 00:18:178 )

03:22:906 (1) - Change the time section volume to 50%

03:24:196 (1) - Add a time section with 35% volume.

03:25:971 (1) - Add a time section with 20% volume.

03:27:422 (x) - Add a time secion with 5% volume.

That's all for this diff.


00:06:081 (1) - Add whistle at the begin and the end?

00:14:629 (2) - Del NC

01:47:406 (6) - Ctrl+R?

01:59:373 (x) - Let this break begin at 02:01:832 since other diffs are the same.

02:18:471 (x) - Add a note here.

That's all for this diff.



00:26:565 (1) - Add a U-trun and del 00:27:049 (2)

Also,The break starts at 00:27:335? <<For this (If you agree with this,please do the same thing in [Easy])

02:01:176 (1) - Put it in distance snapping?

That's all for this diff.


00:47:097 (2) - Put it in distance snapping .

01:21:031 (1) - End at 01:22:834 since it's too close(Time) to 01:23:490 (1) - (Orginally)

That's all,hope my modding can help you to improve your map and your mapping skills.
Mostly fixed. Thanks for mod.
Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

Beren wrote:



00:17:533 (2) - 结尾clap
00:19:468 (5) - clap
00:20:758 (2) - ^
00:22:049 (1) - finish
00:23:339 (2) - clap
00:23:984 (2) - whistle
00:24:629 (3) - clap
00:26:081 (1) - 结尾finish
00:36:606 (1) - finish
00:43:163 (3) - clap
00:44:474 (5) - 开头和结尾clap
00:47:753 (1) - 结尾clap
00:49:720 (4) - clap
00:50:048 (1) - 开头删除clap 中间clap 结尾删除clap
02:12:324 (1) - finish
02:17:569 (1,2) - 来回太多了 不适合在Easy

00:15:597 (3) - finish
00:46:769 (6) - clap
01:05:129 (1) - finish
01:06:441 (5) - 结尾finish
01:10:375 (1) - whistle
01:23:162 (4) - clap
01:28:407 (6) - ^
01:41:832 (1) - finish
01:42:816 (3) - ^
01:43:800 (5) - ^
01:43:800 (5) - 结尾finish
02:12:324 (1) - finish
02:30:356 (6) - clap
02:33:307 (1) - finish
02:56:777 (3) - clap

00:06:565 (1) - 结束在00:07:855
00:19:307 (5) - clap
00:20:113 (3) - ^
00:24:469 (5) - ^
00:25:275 (3) - ^
01:05:129 (7) - ^
01:07:097 (9) - ^
01:10:375 (7) - ^
01:12:343 (9) - ^
01:17:916 (7) - finish
01:28:408 (8) - clap
02:12:324 (1) - finish
02:13:635 (3) - ^
02:14:947 (5) - ^
02:16:258 (1) - ^
02:30:356 (5) - whistle
02:51:616 (1) - ^
02:56:777 (4) - finish

00:31:769 (5) - 删掉clap
02:12:324 (1) - finish

nice map. :) 渣mod
Mostly fixed. 非常感谢:D
Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

atk1992 wrote:

HI, mod by bakahuang's in-game req :)

awesome timing :P
it seems fine but not sure about it.

cut the mp3 from 02:57:745, or mapping them in other diffs too but not only in [Corruption].

KIAI in all diffs should start at 02:25:438 until the end imo though it's fine now, and idk if it's allowed to use KIAI as a fountain like, just check the guideline or ask someone who knows it plz :)

00:37:261 (2) - nothing wrong but just care about why the white point out of bounds ?
00:46:442 (1) - don't like too short right-angle-sliders personally, and seems a bit weird here with a stack note under the slider
00:52:343 - how about add a note here? and move the green area before break to 00:54:310.
01:11:687 (5) - lower half seems too fat
01:20:211 (7) - red point 1 grid left
01:55:438 (1,1) - gap here between spin and note seems too short for a easy-diff, maybe you can end the spin at 01:59:209
02:36:258 (break) - go on mapping here plz

00:02:694 (2) - move the red point on the tick in the slider if you meant bend slider with rhythm.
00:15:597 (3,4,5) - just follow the rhythm if you want.
00:27:102 (2) - well, I know that you must listen'd carefully here but imo It's fine to move it to 00:27:049 (or just add a reverse arrow on 00:26:565 (1)). and let breaktime start at 00:27:335.
02:01:176 (1) - I'd like you not to overlap it here
02:20:848 - well,volume here hmmmmm.....feels a litte awkward
02:45:766 (1) - don't overlap it here personally
02:55:487 (3,1) -

well, almost all the rhythms snap'd on 1/1 lines. but nothing wrong , fine for me hehe :)

01:59:209 - break前面那段绿色的一直拖到02:01:832,从这儿开始

槽,完全挑不出来毛病,排列也干净好看。很用心的diff,star for this

00:24:629 (9,1) - change the newCombo seems better when playing
00:26:726 (1) - end at 00:27:335
00:39:392 (1) - well...fine, but seems a bit weird for me
00:39:556 (2) - how about ctrl+R ,then makes 00:40:048 (3) far away ?
01:33:964 - 01:45:111 hmmm..overmap'd on this part with streams like that I'm afraid
01:46:750 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1) - wow confused spacing
02:07:078 - let break start from 02:08:389 if you want
03:27:745 - I wanna know why KIAI here?

awesome diff :)

That's all, good luck :)
OK mostly fixed. Thanks for mod:D
Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

kiririn_ wrote:

阿黄要的mod 略水

AR可以+1或者2 不影响star rating AR3对于一个normal难度来说太慢了

02:26:586 (8) - 都快顶到scorebar了低一点
01:33:964 (1) - 这一段开始也是比较静不跟前面继续用soft系的音效吗

00:06:565 (1) - 像阿黄难度那样停在00:08:016 停在白线有一种违和感
00:23:984 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这串摆直角略不美观跟之后的钝角比较好
01:33:964 (1) - 这段怎么和之前那一段差那么远虽然说不影响打但是给人一种硬塞节奏的感觉
02:07:078 (1) - 如果只是为了突出这一点的重音我觉得这个note可有可无要么就把整段做掉
02:37:569 (1) - 吓尿了这里一静还以为我断了
03:05:971 (4) - 虽然有点nazi但是往右上一个感觉会好看点
03:22:906 (1,1,1) - 改成第一个转圈在03:23:874结束 第二个在03:25:809结束 第三个03:26:132开始的话想要突出的音会更好体现出来

图还好但是整体感觉略吵图和歌就好像在比吵一样 哨子声要用到位才会好听 还有排列略单调有点不美观 几个不是折角型的slider可以更圆滑点?
Mostly fixed. 非常感谢:D
Hi~财神爷,曾经路过你另外一张图骗过KUDO :D
Mod Request by Nymph

Hard和insane分数和难度差距比较大吧,可能会被MAT说diff spread


02:42:486 (4) - unsnapped note

Beatmap design/suggestion
01:23:490 (1,3) - 这种slider可能会比较困惑新手,因为slider body被遮挡的比较厉害,
02:56:132 (1) - 这个NC没有必要



02:46:455 这条绿线无用 直接用红线就可以了
02:24:537 这里附近几条改音量的绿线只改了1%!? 没人能听的出来差别吧 建议要改的话以5%为单位

Beatmap design/suggestion
02:56:777 (6) - easy这里用了个NC normal不用么?



00:27:595 (2,3,4) - 这个3连基本都很难打准,由于变速,建议换成slider。

Beatmap design/suggestion
OD5对于hard太低了 至少+1 我建议+2,AR也建议+1 AR7玩起来真的十分的蛋痛,在加上这个diff有很多小跳。。
02:31:340 (3,4,5) - 这个2X SPACING的跳对于hard来说太难了,建议删掉5,从节奏上来说5也有点多余
01:12:343 (9) - add NC, 变速的slider需要用NC标示一下比较好
01:32:670 (5) - ^


检查下绿线,有些地方多余了,有些地方只改了1% 改和不改没什么差别。。这歌本来就很吵,能听出来的都是神人了- -


Beatmap design/suggestion
00:51:032 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 建议把这2个3连再放远一点,现在的位置很容易当连在一起的打
03:22:906 (1,1,1,1,2,3) - 结尾这里很奇怪 因为这里歌是fade out,声音越来越小的 没有必要用3个转盘,
用1个就够了,然后最后的3连也没有什么必要,总之 全部都用一个转盘带过吧 开始在03:23:874 结束在03:27:745

Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

Kanon wrote:

Hi~财神爷,曾经路过你另外一张图骗过KUDO :D
Mod Request by Nymph

Hard和insane分数和难度差距比较大吧,可能会被MAT说diff spread


02:42:486 (4) - unsnapped note

Beatmap design/suggestion
01:23:490 (1,3) - 这种slider可能会比较困惑新手,因为slider body被遮挡的比较厉害,
02:56:132 (1) - 这个NC没有必要



02:46:455 这条绿线无用 直接用红线就可以了
02:24:537 这里附近几条改音量的绿线只改了1%!? 没人能听的出来差别吧 建议要改的话以5%为单位

Beatmap design/suggestion
02:56:777 (6) - easy这里用了个NC normal不用么?



00:27:595 (2,3,4) - 这个3连基本都很难打准,由于变速,建议换成slider。

Beatmap design/suggestion
OD5对于hard太低了 至少+1 我建议+2,AR也建议+1 AR7玩起来真的十分的蛋痛,在加上这个diff有很多小跳。。
02:31:340 (3,4,5) - 这个2X SPACING的跳对于hard来说太难了,建议删掉5,从节奏上来说5也有点多余
01:12:343 (9) - add NC, 变速的slider需要用NC标示一下比较好
01:32:670 (5) - ^

mostly fixed

检查下绿线,有些地方多余了,有些地方只改了1% 改和不改没什么差别。。这歌本来就很吵,能听出来的都是神人了- -


Beatmap design/suggestion
00:51:032 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 建议把这2个3连再放远一点,现在的位置很容易当连在一起的打
03:22:906 (1,1,1,1,2,3) - 结尾这里很奇怪 因为这里歌是fade out,声音越来越小的 没有必要用3个转盘,
用1个就够了,然后最后的3连也没有什么必要,总之 全部都用一个转盘带过吧 开始在03:23:874 结束在03:27:745
mostly fixed

  • Hi hi~ request from BakaHuang's In-Game PM ~ ( 2 diffs mod >_< )
    General :
  1. 看起來沒啥問題 ^_^
    Easy :
  2. 00:52:343 ~ 00:54:310把上面延遲Break的東西用掉啦
  3. 02:37:897 (1) - 離下一個note太近了 這是Easy難度 >_< 結尾提前到02:39:865
    BakaHard :
  4. 00:23:178 (5) - 要注意spacing啊lol~
  5. 00:36:269 (1) - NC沒啥必要
  6. 00:53:327 (1) - ^
  7. 02:14:947 (5) - NC 如果NC的話 02:16:258 (3) - 去NC
    紅色: 是我覺得一並要改的藍色: 建議 但個人認為要改的 黑色: 就單純建議
好帥的歌曲... baka要注意一下spacing啊lol!~
Good Luck :3
Megurine Luka


Aoi's Mod

  1. MP3文件略奇葩呀
  1. 00:03:984 (3) - 既然00:02:371 (4,5)处用了那么个梗那就这边也对应着来呀
  2. 00:05:274 (6) - 略没有拉圆。。。随手覆盖代码
  3. 00:06:081 (1,2,3) - 感觉摆成(3)在00:05:274 (6)圈中央的正三角会比较好吃
  4. 00:16:887 (1) - finish
  5. 00:22:049 (6) - 开头一个finish
  6. 00:35:943 (8) - ^.这里是一段突变,两个finish连用效果会更好,而且vocal最后两个音也是重音+顿音
  7. 00:41:851 (1) - 第一个圈finish
  1. 00:15:597 (4) - 这根滑条用个0.75的SVM调节长度一致咩
  2. 01:22:179 (5,6,7) - 用个减音量的效果吧
  1. N/A
  1. N/A
咦 难道这是财神爷(吃屎爷)?幸会我是美国大哥的负责舔脚的小弟
Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

bossandy wrote:

  • Hi hi~ request from BakaHuang's In-Game PM ~ ( 2 diffs mod >_< )
    General :
  1. 看起來沒啥問題 ^_^
    Easy :
  2. 00:52:343 ~ 00:54:310把上面延遲Break的東西用掉啦
  3. 02:37:897 (1) - 離下一個note太近了 這是Easy難度 >_< 結尾提前到02:39:865
    BakaHard :
  4. 00:23:178 (5) - 要注意spacing啊lol~
  5. 00:36:269 (1) - NC沒啥必要
  6. 00:53:327 (1) - ^
  7. 02:14:947 (5) - NC 如果NC的話 02:16:258 (3) - 去NC
    mostly fixed
    紅色: 是我覺得一並要改的藍色: 建議 但個人認為要改的 黑色: 就單純建議
好帥的歌曲... baka要注意一下spacing啊lol!~
Good Luck :3

Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

Megurine Luka wrote:


Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

AoiX wrote:


Aoi's Mod

  1. MP3文件略奇葩呀 经你这么一说突然发现这个MP3是没有文件名的(诶?
  1. 00:03:984 (3) - 既然00:02:371 (4,5)处用了那么个梗那就这边也对应着来呀
  2. 00:05:274 (6) - 略没有拉圆。。。随手覆盖代码
  3. 00:06:081 (1,2,3) - 感觉摆成(3)在00:05:274 (6)圈中央的正三角会比较好吃
  4. 00:16:887 (1) - finish
  5. 00:22:049 (6) - 开头一个finish
  6. 00:35:943 (8) - ^.这里是一段突变,两个finish连用效果会更好,而且vocal最后两个音也是重音+顿音
  7. 00:41:851 (1) - 第一个圈finish
  1. 00:15:597 (4) - 这根滑条用个0.75的SVM调节长度一致咩
  2. 01:22:179 (5,6,7) - 用个减音量的效果吧
  1. N/A
  1. N/A
咦 难道这是财神爷(吃屎爷)?幸会我是美国大哥的负责舔脚的小弟
mostly fixed
check my diff


Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

BakaHuang wrote:

check my diff


Colin Hou
  1. artist: Glutamine
  2. title: Babylon
  3. necessary tags: Touma (as composer, lyrics and so on
  4. remember to remove the old .osb before the full-sub
  1. remove lean-in
  2. 00:08:258 (t) - this break is a bit long and boring as such one after 2 notes, try map this part as well.
  3. 01:25:293 (8,9,10,11) - new combo 9, or make the spacing more soft
  4. 01:30:375 (7,8,9,10,11) - ^
  5. 02:43:799 (1,2,3,4,5) - try some jumps?
  1. remove this section: 00:27:595
forum PM after fixing these, you know.

Colin Hou wrote:

  1. remove lean-in fixed
  2. 00:08:258 (t) - this break is a bit long and boring as such one after 2 notes, try map this part as well. fixed
  3. 01:25:293 (8,9,10,11) - new combo 9, or make the spacing more soft sorry , I think this jump for [Hard] is ok?
  4. 01:30:375 (7,8,9,10,11) - ^ ^
  5. 02:43:799 (1,2,3,4,5) - try some jumps?
no thanks
Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

Colin Hou wrote:

  1. artist: Glutamine
  2. title: Babylon
  3. necessary tags: Touma (as composer, lyrics and so on
  4. remember to remove the old .osb before the full-sub
  1. remove lean-in
  2. 00:08:258 (t) - this break is a bit long and boring as such one after 2 notes, try map this part as well.
  3. 01:25:293 (8,9,10,11) - new combo 9, or make the spacing more soft
  4. 01:30:375 (7,8,9,10,11) - ^
  5. 02:43:799 (1,2,3,4,5) - try some jumps?
  1. remove this section: 00:27:595
forum PM after fixing these, you know.
fixed. thanks for mod :D
Colin Hou
Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt
Thank you very much :D
Megurine Luka
Hatsune Miku_old
Megurine Luka

Hatsune Miku wrote:

Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

Megurine Luka wrote:

I managed to get to modding this!

- I'd strongly suggest having all difficulties end at the same time. It makes the spread feel more complete and consistent, and players of all skill level deserve to enjoy those last 20 or so seconds.
- In addition the above suggestion, kiai should be consistent too. Currently the only inconsistencies are with the eighth and ninth section, so check those.
- It was a bit odd that the breaks were slightly different on each of CSY's difficulties, but I suppose it's alright. It makes more sense if you stick to one way of doing breaks, though, just a note for the future!
- If you want, I can change the colour of the title text in the beginning to something that fits more with the background, just need RGB triplets for the colour you want for the artist and title.

00:23:984 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2) - This sort of pattern is rather awkward to play, (4) to (1) goes very fast so it makes it hard to hit (2) accurately. I'd just advise moving (2) out from (1).
00:57:917 (5,6,1) - The way stacking works, (1) is almost impossible to see on Hidden mod because it's directly under the repeat of (6). So maybe change this pattern a bit?
03:14:680 (1) - The spinner here is really short and it's not a good place for a spinner, so I'd really advise you map through this bit.
03:15:487 (1) - By the way, make sure this note has a new combo.

00:08:339 (1) - Note is missing new combo, so add new combo manually.

00:27:335 - Have the break start at this point? It works really well.
02:12:324 (1,1,1,1) - Maybe map this part like on [Easy]? It's sort of boring as it is now.

01:21:195 (1,1) - This pattern is really difficult for a new player, give them more time to recover from the spinner or do this part some other way, basically it's best not to have notes right after a spinner on an Easy.
01:55:602 (1,1,2) - ^
02:34:619 (6) - Add a new combo to this note? Nine is getting sort of long.
02:37:569 (9,1,1) - Sort of the same spinner recovery idea, but you could map through the spinner to solve this.

That's all, I think. It's a bit late right now, so maybe I'm tired. Just PM me after fixes.
Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

SapphireGhost wrote:

I managed to get to modding this!

- I'd strongly suggest having all difficulties end at the same time. It makes the spread feel more complete and consistent, and players of all skill level deserve to enjoy those last 20 or so seconds. If possible, I prefer to remain my current ending time
- In addition the above suggestion, kiai should be consistent too. Currently the only inconsistencies are with the eighth and ninth section, so check those. fixed
- It was a bit odd that the breaks were slightly different on each of CSY's difficulties, but I suppose it's alright. It makes more sense if you stick to one way of doing breaks, though, just a note for the future! :D
- If you want, I can change the colour of the title text in the beginning to something that fits more with the background, just need RGB triplets for the colour you want for the artist and title. both of the title and artist use 205, 0, 0 . [Easy] and [Corruption] appear at 00:08:500, [normal] and [BakaHard] don't change it, just change the color. Thank you.

00:23:984 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2) - This sort of pattern is rather awkward to play, (4) to (1) goes very fast so it makes it hard to hit (2) accurately. I'd just advise moving (2) out from (1). fixed
00:57:917 (5,6,1) - The way stacking works, (1) is almost impossible to see on Hidden mod because it's directly under the repeat of (6). So maybe change this pattern a bit? fixed
03:14:680 (1) - The spinner here is really short and it's not a good place for a spinner, so I'd really advise you map through this bit. fixed
03:15:487 (1) - By the way, make sure this note has a new combo. fixed

00:08:339 (1) - Note is missing new combo, so add new combo manually. fixed

00:27:335 - Have the break start at this point? It works really well. fixed
02:12:324 (1,1,1,1) - Maybe map this part like on [Easy]? It's sort of boring as it is now. fixed

01:21:195 (1,1) - This pattern is really difficult for a new player, give them more time to recover from the spinner or do this part some other way, basically it's best not to have notes right after a spinner on an Easy. fixed
01:55:602 (1,1,2) - ^ fixed
02:34:619 (6) - Add a new combo to this note? Nine is getting sort of long. fixed
02:37:569 (9,1,1) - Sort of the same spinner recovery idea, but you could map through the spinner to solve this. fixed

That's all, I think. It's a bit late right now, so maybe I'm tired. Just PM me after fixes.
Thank you very much:D
- Changing title text for individual difficulties isn't supported yet so, you'll have to pick one time for all difficulties, sorry!
- I'd really feel more comfortable ranking if all difficulties were mapped to the end, this has been the standard for most ranked maps nowadays and it resolves the problem of kiai after the map ends. So, could you please do this?
Topic Starter
CSY the corrupt

SapphireGhost wrote:

- Changing title text for individual difficulties isn't supported yet so, you'll have to pick one time for all difficulties, sorry!
- I'd really feel more comfortable ranking if all difficulties were mapped to the end, this has been the standard for most ranked maps nowadays and it resolves the problem of kiai after the map ends. So, could you please do this?
I removed the last kiai time in [Corruption], and both of the title text use 205, 0, 0 ,appear at 00:08:500,thank you.
22:52 <CSY the corrupt> : hi
22:54 <CSY the corrupt> : if i remove the last kiai , can i not to map all diff to the end? Orz
22:54 <SapphireGhost> : Hm, why don't you want to map them to the end?
22:59 <CSY the corrupt> : er..I think if all diffs map to the end it's too long....I think easy and normal are not necessary to do so
22:59 <SapphireGhost> : Well, if you're really that sure then maybe just remove the last kiai, sure
22:59 <SapphireGhost> : I guess you can just do it on the diffs where it's not mapped to the end.
23:12 <CSY the corrupt> : ok thank you :D
23:13 <CSY the corrupt> : and the title text just can change to the same time?
23:13 <CSY the corrupt> : all diff
23:13 <SapphireGhost> : Yeah
23:14 <SapphireGhost> : What time do you want?
23:15 <CSY the corrupt> : I want 00:08:500 ,but some diff mapped, not break
23:16 <SapphireGhost> : Hm, that's another reason why it's good to have consistent breaks
23:18 <CSY the corrupt> : lol
23:25 <SapphireGhost> : Did you change the kiai?
23:28 <CSY the corrupt> : T.T I am thinking about the question
23:30 <CSY the corrupt> : OK I submit it, should I reply in the forums?
23:31 <SapphireGhost> : Sure, won't hurt
23:36 <CSY the corrupt> : OK
00:26 <SapphireGhost> : Oh, CSY?
00:27 <SapphireGhost> : 00:08:339 (1) - on [BakaHard] still missing new combo
00:30 <CSY the corrupt> : it is new combo now?
00:31 <SapphireGhost> : Make sure "new combo" is highlighted
00:31 <SapphireGhost> : And one other thing...
00:32 <SapphireGhost> : 00:22:049 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6) - on [Corruption] is a little confusing, any idea how to make it a bit more
00:32 <SapphireGhost> : readable?
00:32 <CSY the corrupt> : but I see it already new combo
00:33 <SapphireGhost> : It can say (1) and still not be marked as new combo
00:33 <SapphireGhost> : Maybe it wasn't uploaded correctly or something
00:34 <CSY the corrupt> : oh
00:34 <SapphireGhost> : And 01:49:209 (1,1) - on [Easy]
00:34 <SapphireGhost> : Still short spinner recovery
00:35 <SapphireGhost> : Did you fix it already? Since maybe yeah, it didn't upload right
00:37 <CSY the corrupt> : need full submit?
00:38 <SapphireGhost> : Wouldn't hurt, try it and see
00:39 <CSY the corrupt> : ok, I fix these quickly
00:39 <SapphireGhost> : The other spots in [Easy] I mentioned with the spinner recovery aren't fixed on this version of the map
00:39 <SapphireGhost> : still
00:39 <SapphireGhost> : From the first mod post
00:45 <CSY the corrupt> : 01:49:373 (1) - it's ok?
00:45 <CSY the corrupt> : oh
00:45 <CSY the corrupt> : 01:49:373 (1) -
00:46 <SapphireGhost> : Hm, I don't think so because it's not enough time for a new player to recover
00:47 <SapphireGhost> : Maybe if the spinner ends at 01:51:340 ?
00:47 <SapphireGhost> : For 01:55:930 (1,1) - maybe delete the circle and have spinner end at 01:59:865
00:48 <SapphireGhost> : Did you already change 01:21:687 (1,1) - ?
00:49 <CSY the corrupt> : no, how to change it better?
00:50 <SapphireGhost> : ?
00:51 <CSY the corrupt> : oh remove spinner add slider?
00:51 <SapphireGhost> : Yes.
00:53 <CSY the corrupt> : become this, it's all right?
00:54 <SapphireGhost> : Sure
00:55 <CSY the corrupt> : 01:49:373 (1) - and how to change this part
00:55 <SapphireGhost> : End spinner at 01:51:340?
00:56 <CSY the corrupt> : you mean the spinner is too long?
00:56 <CSY the corrupt> : start at which time
00:56 <SapphireGhost> : Well, if it ends at that point then there will be enough recovery time afterwards
00:56 <SapphireGhost> : Spinner goes from 01:49:209 to 01:51:340, then there's enough time to hit 01:52:651 (1) - .
00:58 <CSY the corrupt> : that's OK
00:59 <CSY the corrupt> : I think I misunderstand what you mean before, but now understand
01:02 <SapphireGhost> : And then 01:55:930 (1,1) - ?
01:03 <CSY the corrupt> : form 01:55:602 (1) -
01:03 <CSY the corrupt> : to 01:57:897
01:03 <CSY the corrupt> : it's ok?
01:04 <SapphireGhost> : Hm, ok
01:06 <CSY the corrupt> : and have it other problem
01:07 <SapphireGhost> : I think it should be okay now, submit and see
01:07 <CSY the corrupt> : ok
01:09 <CSY the corrupt> : I submited, check it please
01:21 <SapphireGhost> : Hm, just curious, why is "touma" in tags?
01:22 <CSY the corrupt> : I don't know, too x_x
01:22 <SapphireGhost> : Okay, I'll trust he knows what he's doing.
01:22 <SapphireGhost> : Probably knows more about source than I do!
01:23 <CSY the corrupt> : haha
Well, after a lot of discussion on IRC this is finally ready for ranking, and I'm ready to go to sleep. Congratulations on your first ranked map, hope to see more from you.
Ibuki Suika
More [Corruption] plz
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