This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年4月22日 at 13:25:24
Artist: Cake Hime * Masaruumi & JUMA
Title: Eiya no Parade
Source: Touhou
Tags: c81 Yagokoro Eirin Houraisan Kaguya night five colours Arte Refact
BPM: 129
Filesize: 6023kb
Play Time: 04:32
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Snowy Dream's 5th Touhou song & 1000+combo , and 8th beatmap.
Slow song :3
Hope all of you enjoy the imperishable night
[Easy] by Snowy Dream
[Normal] by Snowy Dream
[Hard] by Snowy Dream
[Imperishable] (Hard+) by Snowy Dream
[Story Board] by Snowy Dream
Artist: Cake Hime * Masaruumi & JUMA
Title: Eiya no Parade
Source: Touhou
Tags: c81 Yagokoro Eirin Houraisan Kaguya night five colours Arte Refact
BPM: 129
Filesize: 6023kb
Play Time: 04:32
Difficulties Available:
- Easy (1.66 stars, 222 notes)
- Hard (4.58 stars, 551 notes)
- Imperishable (4.78 stars, 702 notes)
- Normal (3.34 stars, 296 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Snowy Dream's 5th Touhou song & 1000+combo , and 8th beatmap.
Slow song :3
Hope all of you enjoy the imperishable night
[Easy] by Snowy Dream
[Normal] by Snowy Dream
[Hard] by Snowy Dream
[Imperishable] (Hard+) by Snowy Dream
[Story Board] by Snowy Dream