
Cake Hime * Masaruumi & JUMA - Eiya no Parade

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Snowy Dream
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年4月22日 at 13:25:24

Artist: Cake Hime * Masaruumi & JUMA
Title: Eiya no Parade
Source: Touhou
Tags: c81 Yagokoro Eirin Houraisan Kaguya night five colours Arte Refact
BPM: 129
Filesize: 6023kb
Play Time: 04:32
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.66 stars, 222 notes)
  2. Hard (4.58 stars, 551 notes)
  3. Imperishable (4.78 stars, 702 notes)
  4. Normal (3.34 stars, 296 notes)
Download: Cake Hime * Masaruumi & JUMA - Eiya no Parade
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Snowy Dream's 5th Touhou song & 1000+combo , and 8th beatmap.
Slow song :3
Hope all of you enjoy the imperishable night
[Easy] by Snowy Dream
[Normal] by Snowy Dream
[Hard] by Snowy Dream
[Imperishable] (Hard+) by Snowy Dream
[Story Board] by Snowy Dream
Crazy Jay
00:32:388 (3,4) - 这两个转-95度,调整一下位置,再把5和6的位置对换一下,感觉会好一些
00:34:248 (3) - new combo
00:36:109 (3) - ^
00:51:923 (3) - 没意义的jump
01:43:783 (2) - 往左移,到1和3之间的间距相等
02:02:620 (7) - new combo
03:59:132 (6,7,8,9) - 没意义的jump

00:30:062 (1,2) - 这里节奏不好,重下
02:28:202 (1) - 往下移
02:47:271 (1) - 往左移

Topic Starter
Snowy Dream

Crazy Jay wrote:

00:32:388 (3,4) - 这两个转-95度,调整一下位置,再把5和6的位置对换一下,感觉会好一些
00:34:248 (3) - new combo
00:36:109 (3) - ^
00:51:923 (3) - 没意义的jump
01:43:783 (2) - 往左移,到1和3之间的间距相等
02:02:620 (7) - new combo
03:59:132 (6,7,8,9) - 没意义的jump

00:30:062 (1,2) - 这里节奏不好,重下
02:28:202 (1) - 往下移
02:47:271 (1) - 往左移


0.0我没记得要过mod request
Thx CJ :)
BG的辉夜美爆了> <
request from my queue
03:11:457 (5,6) - 5全加whistle 6加预设soft finish

Ayakura Mei
帮你找了 两个clap的音效..
一个比较重的clap.....建议音量63~65使用....自己听听看就知道用哪里了 :)
一个比较轻的clap2....比默认的要轻点 可以用在高潮的节拍上(就是声音小了点lol)...
能用的上就行了....don't kd for the post ;)

Download: soft-clap.rar

* The artist should be "Arte Refact", since that is the circle. But you can put that on tags, since the vocal on artist is fine. But, sometimes some maps are always put the circle name into the artist

* Why Kaguya only on BG? There is should be Eirin too on that BG D:
* I can barely hear the hitsound, can you make volume up for hitsound?

* Please make the original title of this song (e.g. Original Title : Necrofantasia)
* Some SB elements has unecessary space, crop it?

SB\C3.png - Change the "Aritist" to "Arranger", since that name was arrange this song
SB\8-1.png - In 03:49:830, there was a little fade out during fading to 03:52:853

* AR +1?

00:29:132 (4) - The tail slider is almost offscreen
02:01:457 (1) - I feel this spinner was too short for normal diff, try extend as possible to make beginners are able to complete the spin
03:10:062 (1) - The tail slider is touch the HP Bar
03:42:155 (4) - Same issue as 00:29:132 (4)

00:25:760 (T) - Unecessary inherited timing points
00:25:992 (T) - ^
00:56:341 (2,3) - This pattern might be confuse for players, because the (2) is stack to tail slider and they don't know which hitcircle should go first
02:24:481 (10) - Can you unstack this one? I'm kinda hesistate because the players think that this is snap at red tick
03:33:550 (6,1) - I think this jump is kinda too far for hard diff (?)
03:35:411 (6,1) - ^
04:21:922 (6,7) - Same issue as 00:56:341 (2,3)

01:54:016 (11,1) - I don't think this jump is fit to the song, since (1) has no vocal on it
02:48:202 (3) - The tail slider is almost offscreen

Can I mod this one? It seems interesting for me :)
Topic Starter
Snowy Dream

Leorda wrote:

Can I mod this one? It seems interesting for me :)
:) Sure you can

But another MAT might check this
Topic Starter
Snowy Dream

Leorda wrote:


* The artist should be "Arte Refact", since that is the circle. But you can put that on tags, since the vocal on artist is fine. But, sometimes some maps are always put the circle name into the artist Fixed. Put it on tags 0v0

* Why Kaguya only on BG? There is should be Eirin too on that BG D: I know but I only found this BG I like best :(

* I can barely hear the hitsound, can you make volume up for hitsound? Done~

* Please make the original title of this song (e.g. Original Title : Necrofantasia) Fixed~
* Some SB elements has unecessary space, crop it? @.@ if it effects a lot, I will crop

SB\C3.png - Change the "Aritist" to "Arranger", since that name was arrange this song Fixed!
SB\8-1.png - In 03:49:830, there was a little fade out during fading to 03:52:853 you find it in edit or in the .osb? if in edit, how great your eye 0.0 Fixed!

Eirin All done.
* AR +1?

00:29:132 (4) - The tail slider is almost offscreen
02:01:457 (1) - I feel this spinner was too short for normal diff, try extend as possible to make beginners are able to complete the spin
03:10:062 (1) - The tail slider is touch the HP Bar
03:42:155 (4) - Same issue as 00:29:132 (4)

Kaguya All done ~
00:25:760 (T) - Unecessary inherited timing points
00:25:992 (T) - ^
00:56:341 (2,3) - This pattern might be confuse for players, because the (2) is stack to tail slider and they don't know which hitcircle should go first
02:24:481 (10) - Can you unstack this one? I'm kinda hesistate because the players think that this is snap at red tick
03:33:550 (6,1) - I think this jump is kinda too far for hard diff (?)
03:35:411 (6,1) - ^
04:21:922 (6,7) - Same issue as 00:56:341 (2,3)

Imperishable All done~
01:54:016 (11,1) - I don't think this jump is fit to the song, since (1) has no vocal on it
02:48:202 (3) - The tail slider is almost offscreen
from my queue

这diff spread太差了,需要弄个Easy出来

01:49:597 (3) - 不要折返,直接1/1 sldier吧,不合曲还影响读图
04:04:016 (1) - 换个颜色吧,跟spinner混了

00:18:434 - 加个note然后spinner挪后点,用点finish之类的,好听点
00:33:318 (1) - 这个可以往下一点点,play的时候刚好可以对准BG那个圈
03:31:923 (1) - ^
03:46:341 (5) - newcombo,不然太confusing
04:09:132 (5,6,7) - 把这个挪到前面4的位置,然后4放到后面,可以跟vocal更好,不过舍弃了下clap的地方,随你

00:32:388 (3,5) - 分别加newcombo,不然这跳吓死人
01:21:225 (1) - 这个地方的note你自己检查下,玩的时候其实没有对准BG的
03:32:620 (4) - NC下,不然有点吓人
03:36:574 (5) - ^
03:40:295 (5) - ^
03:42:155 (5) - ^
03:59:248 (7) - 挪到03:59:016 - 试试,我感觉三连下在这里好听点
04:26:108 - 加个note好点

recheck time


difficulty setting 略低,你看着办,至少AR+1
00:45:411 (1) - 换个方向好点,指着(2),不然可能松太早
02:24:946 (1) - 我不知道这个shape新人吃得消不,有空换个shape好点
03:55:876 (2) - 我感觉03:56:109 - 开始好点
03:54:248 - 04:01:457 - 这SV已经很低了你还0.75速,这读图太困难了,要么增大点spacing要么直接用1.0吧
04:04:946 (1) - 换个combo color好点,这个跟spinner一起有点瞎

00:57:039 (3) - vocal off了,个人感觉跟vocal好点

01:47:504 (8,1) - 太跳了

01:06:574 (10,1) - 这地方我觉得不该跳的,即使要跳也不应该这么大

//Break Periods

edit : after some irc stuff , bubbled
Topic Starter
Snowy Dream

wcx19911123 wrote:

recheck time


difficulty setting 略低,你看着办,至少AR+1
00:45:411 (1) - 换个方向好点,指着(2),不然可能松太早
02:24:946 (1) - 我不知道这个shape新人吃得消不,有空换个shape好点
03:55:876 (2) - 我感觉03:56:109 - 开始好点
03:54:248 - 04:01:457 - 这SV已经很低了你还0.75速,这读图太困难了,要么增大点spacing要么直接用1.0吧
04:04:946 (1) - 换个combo color好点,这个跟spinner一起有点瞎

00:57:039 (3) - vocal off了,个人感觉跟vocal好点

01:47:504 (8,1) - 太跳了

01:06:574 (10,1) - 这地方我觉得不该跳的,即使要跳也不应该这么大

//Break Periods

edit : after some irc stuff , bubbled

  • 發現了一個bug

    Night :
  1. 02:47:737 (1) - 再New Combo 一次

    今天才被挑過 >_<
Topic Starter
Snowy Dream

bossandy wrote:

  • 發現了一個bug
    Night :
  1. 02:47:737 (1) - 再New Combo 一次


今天才被挑過 >_<fixed ~ will upload another day

bossandy wrote:

  • 發現了一個bug

    Night :
  1. 02:47:737 (1) - 再New Combo 一次

    今天才被挑過 >_<
Confirmed and

  1. Please change to tick rate 1 due to the bug.While you're in game,you can't see that is tick rate 2.

Topic Starter
Snowy Dream

kanpakyin wrote:

bossandy wrote:

  • 發現了一個bug

    Night :
  1. 02:47:737 (1) - 再New Combo 一次


今天才被挑過 >_<Confirmed and

  1. Please change to tick rate 1 due to the bug.While you're in game,you can't see that is tick rate 2.

OK 修复@.@
不过我这里看的效果倒是很清楚的2 slider ticks
I wonder if it's skin-related.


Topic Starter
Snowy Dream

Garven wrote:

I wonder if it's skin-related.



uhhhh I fixed the slider velocity @.@
Ah okay. Nevermind me then. q:

  1. I have got the timing and I found 3556 (+5) for offset.
  1. 02:17:504 (1,2,3) - 這段一到中間做對稱?
  2. 03:05:411 (4,1) - 間距問題,這裡突然放大有意義麼?我覺的照著DS放就好了
  3. 04:10:062 (2,1) - ^同
  4. 04:25:876 (6,1) - ...同
Consider them and I'll rebubble.No kuds for this post.
Topic Starter
Snowy Dream

kanpakyin wrote:


  1. I have got the timing and I found 3556 (+5) for offset.
  1. 02:17:504 (1,2,3) - 這段一到中間做對稱?
  2. 03:05:411 (4,1) - 間距問題,這裡突然放大有意義麼?我覺的照著DS放就好了
  3. 04:10:062 (2,1) - ^同
  4. 04:25:876 (6,1) - ...同
Consider them and I'll rebubble.No kuds for this post.

Done ww thx KPY~
Please resnap all notes in every diff.Please don't send me the forum pm after fix.
Topic Starter
Snowy Dream

kanpakyin wrote:

Please resnap all notes in every diff.Please don't send me the forum pm after fix.
hmm, modding bubbles.
looks great, except the crappy non-descriptive difficulty name :(

00:57:276 (3,4,5) - IMO this plays better.
01:02:160 (4) - this note is overmapped, there's nothing in the music here.
03:10:067 (1) - I'm just going to point out that this is the only new combo in this kiai which isn't on a long white tick. You do this all the time, which clearly means you don't think it's wrong. I think it is wrong most of the time, and can easily be avoided.

overmapped :(

overmapped :(
01:30:997 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - it bugged me you didn't map this in kaguya, but just inexcusable to not map it in imperishable.
02:45:416 (1) - the song repeats, so this is just a reminder that if you do my suggestions that you should consider all possible places they exist.
04:21:230 (1,2,3,4) - One reason I don't like overmapping is because the rhythms people tend to create don't make rhythmical sense with the song. For example, what you currently have here is overmapped. However this is extremely similar, but not overmapped (it's actually still undermapped).

I understand many folks hate when their bubble is modded, but I urge you to not let that affect whether or not you deem these "worthy of bubble popping". If you have any questions send me a PM, and I'll likely get to them faster. Likewise if you want a recheck, or want a full overmapping mod, you'll have to ask, but I'll respond quickly, and recheck quickly.
Topic Starter
Snowy Dream

ziin wrote:

hmm, modding bubbles.
looks great, except the crappy non-descriptive difficulty name :(

00:57:276 (3,4,5) - IMO this plays better.
01:02:160 (4) - this note is overmapped, there's nothing in the music here.
03:10:067 (1) - I'm just going to point out that this is the only new combo in this kiai which isn't on a long white tick. You do this all the time, which clearly means you don't think it's wrong. I think it is wrong most of the time, and can easily be avoided.

overmapped :(


overmapped :(
01:30:997 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - it bugged me you didn't map this in kaguya, but just inexcusable to not map it in imperishable.
02:45:416 (1) - the song repeats, so this is just a reminder that if you do my suggestions that you should consider all possible places they exist.
04:21:230 (1,2,3,4) - One reason I don't like overmapping is because the rhythms people tend to create don't make rhythmical sense with the song. For example, what you currently have here is overmapped. However this is extremely similar, but not overmapped (it's actually still undermapped).

I understand many folks hate when their bubble is modded, but I urge you to not let that affect whether or not you deem these "worthy of bubble popping". If you have any questions send me a PM, and I'll likely get to them faster. Likewise if you want a recheck, or want a full overmapping mod, you'll have to ask, but I'll respond quickly, and recheck quickly.

Thanks for modding :D
Fixed a bit
It seems I was planning to mod a self-popped bubble for the third time today. I still want to mod this, just let me know when it's rebubbled.

SapphireGhost wrote:

It seems I was planning to mod a self-popped bubble for the third time today. I still want to mod this, just let me know when it's rebubbled.
checked and everything is fine, so it's the time now :3
Topic Starter
Snowy Dream

wcx19911123 wrote:

SapphireGhost wrote:

It seems I was planning to mod a self-popped bubble for the third time today. I still want to mod this, just let me know when it's rebubbled.
checked and everything is fine, so it's the time now :3
Thanks for your rechecking :)

随手给KDS了 >.>
11 days later, here I am. This mod contains a lot of mapping opinions and suggestions for future maps, separate from things that you should fix on this specific map. I went ahead and put those in dark green for convenience.

- Some of the lower difficulty names are a bit ambiguous. Something like [Easy / Normal / Hard / Imperishable] could work for a difficulty spread, because it's fairly obvious which one is which and you get to keep a cool name.
- I think the difficulties should definitely start at the same time! You mapped all of them, and it makes more sense that way.
- A higher Stack Leniency would make sense here, maybe 7. It'll make the back-and-forth patterns stack which is helpful for reading them on Hidden. In fact, I don't find back-and-forth patterns play well in general and can be confusing to read, but that's just a preference and something to keep in mind.
- General mapping advice: slider velocity is very important in the pacing of a map, so harder difficulties should use higher slider velocities. I find this improves the difficulty spread and feel of the map. It's also good to keep them somewhat fast so that lower difficulties don't feel too crowded and slow.
- Song is very nice and relaxing. Good for my soul at the moment.

01:15:997 (1) - Rhythmically, this would make more sense starting on a white tick.

- So many breaks on this difficulty, maybe map through some to make it consistent with Easy and Normal?
- Also, this felt very similar in difficulty to [Imperishable], but with different settings in more breaks. In the future, I'd differentiate difficulties more, maybe with slider velocities like I mentioned earlier.
03:45:183 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - This spacing is quite confusing, you could try something like this.

03:46:811 - On the timeline, drag the break to this point. It makes more sense for it to start here.

- As I was mentioning earlier about slider velocities, keeping them generally higher can actually make Easy difficulties more readable as the notes don't occasionally overlap, and aren't stuck too close together.
02:45:183 (1,1) - For a new player, there isn't enough time to recover after the spinner and hit the next note here. Try to find some way to resolve this that works for you. For this reason and because spinners are generally tiring, I keep them out of Easy difficulties in general except before breaks and at the end of a song.
04:02:160 (1,1) - See above.

Overall, it really is a nice song and map, and I'll be happy to rank after fixes. That's all!
Topic Starter
Snowy Dream

SapphireGhost wrote:

11 days later, here I am. This mod contains a lot of mapping opinions and suggestions for future maps, separate from things that you should fix on this specific map. I went ahead and put those in dark green for convenience.

- Some of the lower difficulty names are a bit ambiguous. Something like [Easy / Normal / Hard / Imperishable] could work for a difficulty spread, because it's fairly obvious which one is which and you get to keep a cool name.
- I think the difficulties should definitely start at the same time! You mapped all of them, and it makes more sense that way.
- A higher Stack Leniency would make sense here, maybe 7. It'll make the back-and-forth patterns stack which is helpful for reading them on Hidden. In fact, I don't find back-and-forth patterns play well in general and can be confusing to read, but that's just a preference and something to keep in mind.
- General mapping advice: slider velocity is very important in the pacing of a map, so harder difficulties should use higher slider velocities. I find this improves the difficulty spread and feel of the map. It's also good to keep them somewhat fast so that lower difficulties don't feel too crowded and slow.
- Song is very nice and relaxing. Good for my soul at the moment.

01:15:997 (1) - Rhythmically, this would make more sense starting on a white tick.

- So many breaks on this difficulty, maybe map through some to make it consistent with Easy and Normal?
- Also, this felt very similar in difficulty to [Imperishable], but with different settings in more breaks. In the future, I'd differentiate difficulties more, maybe with slider velocities like I mentioned earlier.
03:45:183 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - This spacing is quite confusing, you could try something like this.

03:46:811 - On the timeline, drag the break to this point. It makes more sense for it to start here.

- As I was mentioning earlier about slider velocities, keeping them generally higher can actually make Easy difficulties more readable as the notes don't occasionally overlap, and aren't stuck too close together.
02:45:183 (1,1) - For a new player, there isn't enough time to recover after the spinner and hit the next note here. Try to find some way to resolve this that works for you. For this reason and because spinners are generally tiring, I keep them out of Easy difficulties in general except before breaks and at the end of a song.
04:02:160 (1,1) - See above.

Overall, it really is a nice song and map, and I'll be happy to rank after fixes. That's all!

All fixed!
wow. So many advice :oops:
Thank you SapphireGhost.> <
I'll take them.
Topic Starter
Snowy Dream

No_Gu wrote:

祝nuke ;)
I do not like this song, I do not like how the storyboarding was fixed by Suzully, I do not like this map. I also don't like how the fixes are small enough for this to go to ranking. Deal with it:

congrats nuked!
congrats ranked /.\

gratz~ :3

checked and rebubbled before rerank :3
恭喜啊 ~
Minty Gum
I downloaded this map when it was pending, thinking, "What a nice map, I hope it gets ranked soon." 5 minutes later, it was ranked! Lucky me :D Great song and very nice mapping. Gratz~

Minty Gum wrote:

I downloaded this map when it was pending, thinking, "What a nice map, I hope it gets ranked soon." 5 minutes later, it was ranked! Lucky me :D Great song and very nice mapping. Gratz~
True skills here.
Good :)

Minty Gum wrote:

I downloaded this map when it was pending, thinking, "What a nice map, I hope it gets ranked soon." 5 minutes later, it was ranked! Lucky me :D Great song and very nice mapping. Gratz~
lol, plz download my maps, too ;)

wcx19911123 wrote:

Minty Gum wrote:

I downloaded this map when it was pending, thinking, "What a nice map, I hope it gets ranked soon." 5 minutes later, it was ranked! Lucky me :D Great song and very nice mapping. Gratz~
lol, plz download my maps, too ;)

No_Gu wrote:

wcx19911123 wrote:

lol, plz download my maps, too ;)
神mapper... 跪了
I like this song and the background picture.
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :Posu สนุกมาก
Awesome song and map :)!

..BUT!! I think the title may be wrong? According to this it should be "Cake Hime * Yuumi & JUMA - Eiya no Parade". Said by one of the singers o.o
Topic Starter
Snowy Dream

kikones34 wrote:

Awesome song and map :)!

..BUT!! I think the title may be wrong? According to this it should be "Cake Hime * Yuumi & JUMA - Eiya no Parade". Said by one of the singers o.o

;) OK you're right , I will notice that when next time.
I'm still confused, because this song sounds familiar too me, even it's name, but I can't remember when or where I heard this song, I was searching OST of this song on google, but I didn't find a thing...
ahh.. this solves the problem
Cake Hime stands for her>>>> "keekihime"

,one of the singers of this song, so it is actually "Yuumi"
and not Masaruumi. (The kanji has more than 1 reading)
I love love love this map :D <3
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