
Marguerite du Pre - Marie Antoinette

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on zondag 27 mei 2012 at 0:50:19

Artist: Marguerite du Pre
Title: Marie Antoinette
Source: beatmania IIDX 16
Tags: AHO Lesjuh Gladi Alace AngelHoney Konami Empress
BPM: 215
Filesize: 3205kb
Play Time: 02:04
Difficulties Available:
  1. Another (4,9 stars, 457 notes)
  2. Beginner (1,75 stars, 111 notes)
  3. Hyper (4,91 stars, 345 notes)
  4. Medium (4,34 stars, 234 notes)
  5. Muzukashii (4,7 stars, 388 notes)
  6. Pangko (4,94 stars, 572 notes)
Download: Marguerite du Pre - Marie Antoinette
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Another by Lesjuh
Hyper by AngelHoney.
Pangko (Taiko) by Alace.
Medium, Beginner and Muzukashii (Taiko) by GladiOol.

The storyboard names are made by Lesjuh and they are storyboarded by me.

Originally AR8 but I went for 9, just to please you crazy guys. Enjoy!

Download: Marguerite du Pre - Marie Antoinette (GladiOol) [Lesjuh's Another].osu
gladi&lesjuh is awesome!

thnks for mapping this song \o\
Topic Starter
ilu Alace / Lesjuh <3 no homo
Add a previewpoint on all difficulties!
Are you still going to make a SB with the images in the folder?

01:04:075 (3) - Resnap (1/3)
01:12:656 (1) - Should be a normal sample
02:04:177 - End kiai time here (or else you'll get an ugly skip button instead of it fading automatically into the score screen)

And the names ofc :v


GladiOol wrote:

ilu Alace / Lesjuh <3 no homo
Topic Starter
ilu AngelHoney <3333333333333333333
One more thing:

00:16:267 - Change custom normal sounds to normal sounds in this kiai section.
Hi Gladi~ o/

From my mod queue :D (You don't need to follow all of my mod because it just be a suggestion)

01:17:046 (4) - new combo ?

00:04:547 (2) - up 1 grid ? I think it's more roundness
01:49:534 (8) - up 1 grid ?

fine :)

00:28:826 (1) - new combo?
01:22:314 (4) - 1 grid down and 2 grid right


That's all

Good luck and Star~ :D
Topic Starter

Frostmourne wrote:

Hi Gladi~ o/

From my mod queue :D (You don't need to follow all of my mod because it just be a suggestion)

01:17:046 (4) - new combo ? Fixed

00:04:547 (2) - up 1 grid ? I think it's more roundness Nahh
01:49:534 (8) - up 1 grid ? Fixed

fine :)

00:28:826 (1) - new combo? Fixed
01:22:314 (4) - 1 grid down and 2 grid right Fixed


That's all

Good luck and Star~ :D
Thanks for the mod /o/
Add AHO, Empress, Court Waltz in tags?
Topic Starter
Added AHO, if u want kudosu: mod /o/

GladiOol wrote:

Added AHO, if u want kudosu: mod /o/
I didn't want kudosu for these tags suggestions \:D/

Anyway, I'll mod this.


Why this diff doesn't have tick rate 2 like Medium and Another?

Maaaaybe this is just me, but change some of your stacks? I couldn't play them properly when I was nub. Either this is just me.

00:24:081 (3,4,5) - Maybe this is a bit hard for beginners? Anyway this is like 107,5 BPM 1/2, so this should be okay.


01:32:851 (6) - One grid to the right, then one grid higher? (level 4)
01:38:997 (1,2,3,4) - Maybe reduce spacing?
02:03:209 (1,2,3) - DERP. You should make this into a single kick slider. D:


Why this diff have custom combo colours?
Why this diff doesn't have tick rate 2 like Medium and Another?

01:53:046 - 02:04:177 - You could add some sliders here :\


God this is hard D:

That's all o/
I was requested to mod this and it was nicely mapped so I decided to do so.

- Red sections should be consistent. Currently the taiko difficulties have different red sections.
- Kiai sections are slightly different on all difficulties, try to make sure they're all consistent and snapped where you want them. This might be helpful.
- Maybe use the same combo colours on all difficulties? Not necessary, though.

00:32:266 to 00:37:534 - I think the 1/4s here should actually be snapped to 1/6. Try listening to the song at 50%. Pretty fast but they're possible to hit (I've checked).
01:30:217 to 01:37:241 - This section was a bit awkward to play because the sliders switch from going quite fast to quite slow. Perhaps you could make the 0.5x sections more like 0.8x, or whatever works

- Shouldn't the storyboarding say "Difficulty by AngelHoney"?
- Maybe use Tick Rate 2 like the other difficulties.
- You could disable letterboxing in this difficulty for consistency, not that it matters. Not many other problems unless you count a few overlaps here and there.

02:03:209 (1,2,3,4) - Could be a bit confusing, especially since the Approach Rate is low and this seems to be the only kickslider in the map.

00:22:965 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Combo seems a bit long.
00:51:583 - Not sure about having a 12-second break here, none of the other difficulties have it and it's a bit long. Map through it, perhaps.
01:23:192 - Break ought to start here.
01:37:241 (1,1) - Sort of unsure about this pattern for [Beginner], as you've got a sped-up kickslider. Shouldn't be too much but you could probably have a more beginner-friendly pattern.

Anyhow, maybe get two or three more mod posts as the mapset doesn't have too much modding yet. If you can get someone who can mod taiko that would be great, too. Forum PM me afterwards for a re-check because this is a nice map and I want my 9 million points.
Topic Starter

Real wrote:

GladiOol wrote:

Added AHO, if u want kudosu: mod /o/
I didn't want kudosu for these tags suggestions \:D/

Anyway, I'll mod this.


Why this diff doesn't have tick rate 2 like Medium and Another?

Maaaaybe this is just me, but change some of your stacks? I couldn't play them properly when I was nub. Either this is just me.

00:24:081 (3,4,5) - Maybe this is a bit hard for beginners? Anyway this is like 107,5 BPM 1/2, so this should be okay.


01:32:851 (6) - One grid to the right, then one grid higher? (level 4)
01:38:997 (1,2,3,4) - Maybe reduce spacing?
02:03:209 (1,2,3) - DERP. You should make this into a single kick slider. D:


Why this diff have custom combo colours? FIXED
Why this diff doesn't have tick rate 2 like Medium and Another? FIXED

01:53:046 - 02:04:177 - You could add some sliders here :\


God this is hard D:

That's all o/
Thanks for modding!

SapphireGhost wrote:

I was requested to mod this and it was nicely mapped so I decided to do so.

- Red sections should be consistent. Currently the taiko difficulties have different red sections. FIXED
- Kiai sections are slightly different on all difficulties, try to make sure they're all consistent and snapped where you want them. This might be helpful. FIXED
- Maybe use the same combo colours on all difficulties? Not necessary, though. FIXED

00:32:266 to 00:37:534 - I think the 1/4s here should actually be snapped to 1/6. Try listening to the song at 50%. Pretty fast but they're possible to hit (I've checked). Yes they are supposed to be 1/6th... but that just plays awful. With the bpm being over 200 you can't hear the diffrence between 1/6 and 1/4 anway, the only diffrence is that 1/4 plays awesome and 1/6 doesn't.
01:30:217 to 01:37:241 - This section was a bit awkward to play because the sliders switch from going quite fast to quite slow. Perhaps you could make the 0.5x sections more like 0.8x, or whatever works. No, 0.5x is just fine.

- Shouldn't the storyboarding say "Difficulty by AngelHoney"? Gonna get Lesjuh to fix that for me /o/
- Maybe use Tick Rate 2 like the other difficulties. FIXED
- You could disable letterboxing in this difficulty for consistency, not that it matters. Not many other problems unless you count a few overlaps here and there. It doesn't have any breaks, oh well fixed anyway haha

02:03:209 (1,2,3,4) - Could be a bit confusing, especially since the Approach Rate is low and this seems to be the only kickslider in the map. No.

00:22:965 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Combo seems a bit long. FIXED
00:51:583 - Not sure about having a 12-second break here, none of the other difficulties have it and it's a bit long. Map through it, perhaps. I've added in a spinner to make the break shorter, I won't map it though.
01:23:192 - Break ought to start here. FIXED
01:37:241 (1,1) - Sort of unsure about this pattern for [Beginner], as you've got a sped-up kickslider. Shouldn't be too much but you could probably have a more beginner-friendly pattern. It seemed friendly to me, oh well changed it around a bit.

Anyhow, maybe get two or three more mod posts as the mapset doesn't have too much modding yet. If you can get someone who can mod taiko that would be great, too. Forum PM me afterwards for a re-check because this is a nice map and I want my 9 million points.
Thanks for the mod you both o/ I'll get a few more mods (+ taiko mod(s)) and I'll contact you back then @SapphireGhost

As requested


Add Empress to tags.

Pretty flawless.

Also flawless.

00:28:547 (8,9,10) - move note 8 to the right 1 grid point? It will fix the tiny spacing inconsistency and it was also round with slider 10 in a much nicer fashion.

This lesjuh difficulty is intense O.O

Uhh I could not find anything wrong really. Everything in the set seemed pretty amazing.
SapphireGhost should bubble this.


- Just a suggestion, maybe try these colors ?
Combo1 : 180,120,121 
Combo2 : 125,164,172
Combo3 : 124,152,135
Combo4 : 180,162,126
Combo5 : 112,108,132

- The diff by x.png you use look kinda bad, the letters look uh, I don't know how to say it but please look at the difference between yours and this one I made If you want me to I can do the rest but I need to know the exact font.

- Cool diff but to be the easiest it has a lot of stacks which can be considered "hard" for novice players aside from that very nice diff. So I suggest you to maybe only have a few stacks, up to you.
- 00:08:733 >> Maybe a new combo here ? To split the current combo of 7

- 01:46:607 >> New combo ?
- 00:05:384 >> This combo is kinda long, try to split it ?

- 00:37:534 >> New combo ?
- 00:38:997 >> Useless green section
- 00:46:314 >> This combo is a bit long split it ?
- 02:03:935 >> Could you make a jump between (10,11) to emphisize the ending more ?

- Nice, really wow ending too

- 01:51:583 >> Unsnapped circle

* That's all, I guess SG is already on this but if for some reason SG doesn't recheck this or something else feel free to contact me
Topic Starter

lovhin456 wrote:


- Just a suggestion, maybe try these colors ?
Combo1 : 180,120,121 
Combo2 : 125,164,172
Combo3 : 124,152,135
Combo4 : 180,162,126
Combo5 : 112,108,132
They look too depressing >: all so dark. I'd rather keep standard then.

- The diff by x.png you use look kinda bad, the letters look uh, I don't know how to say it but please look at the difference between yours and this one I made If you want me to I can do the rest but I need to know the exact font. Font is fine for me.

- Cool diff but to be the easiest it has a lot of stacks which can be considered "hard" for novice players aside from that very nice diff. So I suggest you to maybe only have a few stacks, up to you. Stacks aren't hard.
- 00:08:733 >> Maybe a new combo here ? To split the current combo of 7 All the combo reach into higher numbers, so does this one.

- 01:46:607 >> New combo ? Nah
- 00:05:384 >> This combo is kinda long, try to split it ? There's no long combo there?

- 00:37:534 >> New combo ? There's no new combo 00:34:022 (6) - here either, so I won't put one on this spot as well.
- 00:38:997 >> Useless green section Fixed
- 00:46:314 >> This combo is a bit long split it ? No
- 02:03:935 >> Could you make a jump between (10,11) to emphisize the ending more ? There's already a jump between 9 and 10 to emphasize it.

- Nice, really wow ending too

- 01:51:583 >> Unsnapped circle Fixed

* That's all, I guess SG is already on this but if for some reason SG doesn't recheck this or something else feel free to contact me
Taiko check by request !

Holy Shit!! It's a huge post!

00:16:267 (1,2) - DK
00:16:686 (3,4) - ^
00:17:942 (1,2) - KD
00:18:361 (3,4) - ^
00:18:779 (5,6,7) - k?
Try to follow this pattern for the entire kiai.
00:32:558 (2,3,4,5,6) - ddkdd
00:34:314 (2,3,4,5,6) - kkdkk
00:35:192 (7) - d
00:36:070 (2,3,4,5,6) - ddkdd
00:37:534 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - kddkdkd
00:44:558 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
01:07:388 (1,2,3) - kdk
01:09:144 (1,2,3) - dkd
01:10:900 (1,2,3) - kdk
01:19:680 (7) - K
01:21:436 (11) - ^
01:30:217 (1) - ^
01:31:973 (1) - ^
01:33:729 (1) - ^
01:35:485 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - kddkdkd
01:37:241 (9,10,11,12) - dkdk
01:38:997 (13,14,15,16) - ^
01:53:048 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - dkdkkdkkdkd
01:55:951 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - ^
01:58:854 (3) - K
01:59:096 (4,5,6) - dkd
01:59:580 (7,8,9,10) - dkdk
02:00:548 (11,12,13) - kkd
02:01:031 (14,15) - K
02:01:757 (16) - ^
02:01:999 (17,18,19) - dkd


00:02:035 (5,6,7,8) - remove big notes
00:05:663 (20) - d
00:05:942 (21,22,23) - dkd
00:06:779 (25,26,27) - ^
00:06:500 (24) - d
00:07:337 (28,29,30,31,32) - dkdkd
00:09:570 (38,39) - dK
00:10:407 (40,41) - kD
00:12:081 (45,46,47,48,49,50,51) - kkddkkdk
00:13:198 (52) - d
00:13:756 (54,55,56,57,58,59,60) - kkddkkdk
00:14:872 (61) - k
00:16:267 - 00:24:640 - See Muzukashii
00:24:640 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - dkdkdk
00:32:851 (4) - k
00:34:607 (11) - ^
00:36:363 (18) - ^
00:37:534 (22,23,24,25,26,27) - dkdkdk
00:39:583 (2,3,4,5,6) - kkddK
00:41:339 (12,13,14,15,16) - ^
00:43:095 (22,23,24,25,26) - ^
00:46:607 (2,3,4) - dkd
00:49:827 (17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28) - ddkkddkkddkk
00:57:729 (30) - k
00:58:607 (35) - ^
00:59:485 (40) - ^
01:00:363 (45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54) - d
01:03:875 (4) - k
01:04:314 (8,9,10,11) - kdkd
01:07:388 (31) - k
01:09:144 (41) - k
01:09:729 (46,47,48) - kkd
01:12:656 (1,2,3,4,5) - ddkdk
01:13:534 (6,7,8,9,10) - kkdkd
01:14:412 (11,12,13,14,15) - dkdkk
01:15:290 (16,17,18,19,20) - ^
01:16:168 (21,22,23,24,25) - kdkdd
01:17:924 (31,32,33,34,35) - ddkdk
01:18:802 (36,37,38,39,40) - kdkdd
01:19:680 (41) - k
01:19:973 (42,43,44) - dkd
01:20:558 (45) - k
01:20:851 (46,47,48) - dkd
01:21:436 (49,50,51,52) - kddk
01:23:485 (2,3,4,5,6) - dkdkd
01:24:949 (8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - kdkdkdk
01:26:705 (16,17,18,19,20,21,22) - ^
01:28:461 (24,25,26,27,28,29) - kdkdkd
01:32:412 (17,18,19,20) - kddk
01:35:924 (41,42,43,44) - ^
01:37:241 (1,2,3,4) - kdkd
01:38:997 (5,6,7,8) - ^
01:42:802 (10) - d
01:43:973 (13) - ^
01:49:827 (2) - ^
01:47:485 (5) - ^
01:49:534 (1,2,3) - dkd
01:50:705 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - dkdkdk
01:53:048 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - k kdk k kdk kkddkkd d
01:55:951 (17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32) - ^
01:58:854 (1,2,3,4,5) - kdkdk
01:59:580 (6,7,8,9,10) - ^
02:00:306 (11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - kkddkkd
02:01:273 (18) - k
02:01:515 (19) - remove
02:01:757 (1,2,3,4,5) - kdkdk
02:02:483 (6,7,8,9,10) - kdkdk
02:03:209 (11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - kkddkkd
02:04:177 (18) - k
Well um... feel free to deny what you don't see a point in... might mostly be my personal taste... ;w;
*Please don't yell at me q.q*

02:04:177 - might be just my taste but a kiaifontain would fit here


  • 00:00:361 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - feels more like it has to be a zig-zag then square-loose circles
    00:05:384 (1,2,3,4) - aren't these meant to be 1/3s?
    00:09:012 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is... nice ._.
    00:15:430 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - i'd except the circles to go down-up-down-up-down-up here instead of up-down-up-down-up-down
    00:26:314 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same thing as 00:00:361
    00:27:151 (1) - add whistle on beginning to keep a better feeling in hitsounds?
    00:27:988 (1) - add whistle for same reason?
    00:28:826 (1) - whistle at beginning, same reason?
    00:29:663 (2) - 75% volume sounds better at this
    01:00:363 (1) - i'd use 15 or 20% volume for that spinner (except for the end)
    01:20:558 (2) - NC? (feels better if previous combo is just that one circle, since it displays the elite beat then and the circles don't feel as they belonged to each other)
    01:22:314 (3) - sounds better at 45-50% volume imo


  • 00:34:461 (7,8,9) - these building a straight line feels awkward to me
    00:36:217 (2,3,4) - ^
    00:37:827 (8,9) - switch of angle between these two looks not that nice (even though it's mostly an optical "issue" i'd like to see it "fixed")
    00:44:558 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - feels like 2 straight lines of circles rowed after each other; doesn't affect gameplay but... still it'd feel better if it had a balanced bowy form instead
    01:07:680 (3) - this circle somehow pokes out like an edge ;w;
    01:11:046 (2) - ^
    01:23:778 (4,5) - 2 circles feel awkward most of the time, so do they this time, i'd suggest using a more balanced curvy shape here again
    01:27:583 (7) - move this a little to the left to keep the curvy shape (like 1 grid size 4 is enough)
    01:32:851 (7) - ^ same with 1 grid down
    01:34:314 (5,6) - this angle is breaking the previous curvy shape, move 6 more to the left [like 1 grid size 3] (and adjust 7 then)

Don't see a problem on lower diffs but I suck at modding these anyways (they look pretty neat though q.q)
Come on, buddy!

Jenny wrote:


  • 00:05:384 (1,2,3,4) - aren't these meant to be 1/3s?
That's what I fixed

pooting gladi

Download: Marguerite du Pre - Marie Antoinette (GladiOol) [Another].osu

k my puush file is being weird
I think I love you, one of my all time fave IIDX songs.
posting for kudosu

edit: you're welcome, Faust - Sorry MMzz
I truly love this map and the song choice. Also, here's a finish hitsound that fits this map much better than the default.

Lesjuh wrote:

I spent a few hours modding this and even gave it a shiny star icon, I refuse to let you grave this. Look, I like it so much I'm going to give it a star icon again, several months later. See? Has that ever happened to you before? I don't think so.

SapphireGhost wrote:

I spent a few hours modding this and even gave it a shiny star icon, I refuse to let you grave this. Look, I like it so much I'm going to give it a star icon again, several months later. See? Has that ever happened to you before? I don't think so.
I even modded it twice !
pretty much flawless, talked on IRC about silly stuff such as raising the OD on hyper etc etc and that stupid new combo after a spinner etc etc

good luck on getting it ranked~
SapphireGhost request.

  1. "beatmania" should not have a capital B in the source.
  1. Stuff like 00:57:144 (26,27,28,29) - is inaccurately mapped. Here's a more correct rhythm, using 1/6:
  2. 01:06:217 (19,20,21,22) - Just wondering what your justification on using 1/6 instead of 1/4 is. I'm not sure if there's actually a triple pattern instead of a duple pattern.
  3. 01:44:412 (1) - Spinners like this one should start 1/1 after the last note. In this section there shouldn't be any 1/2 patterns.
  1. 00:13:756 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - I feel you'd want to preserve the triple time pattern by using 3 5-note patterns instead of what you have here.
  2. 01:53:048 (1) - Ending sequence is too difficult for Muzukashii. Consider these rhythm patterns for each phrase:
    1. First and second:
    2. Third:
    3. Fourth:
Topic Starter

those wrote:

SapphireGhost request.

  1. "beatmania" should not have a capital B in the source.
  1. Stuff like 00:57:144 (26,27,28,29) - is inaccurately mapped. Here's a more correct rhythm, using 1/6: I did put them on 1/6, but not like you did it.
  2. 01:06:217 (19,20,21,22) - Just wondering what your justification on using 1/6 instead of 1/4 is. I'm not sure if there's actually a triple pattern instead of a duple pattern. 25% the playback rate and you can clearly here 1/6 snap there.
  3. 01:44:412 (1) - Spinners like this one should start 1/1 after the last note. In this section there shouldn't be any 1/2 patterns. Fixed
  1. 00:13:756 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - I feel you'd want to preserve the triple time pattern by using 3 5-note patterns instead of what you have here. Fixed~
  2. 01:53:048 (1) - Ending sequence is too difficult for Muzukashii. Consider these rhythm patterns for each phrase:
    1. First and second:
    2. Third:
    3. Fourth:
Fixed & Changed these all a bit~
Sorry, I should have been more clear. I was thinking more along the lines of the below for Muzukashii's 00:13:756 -

I think this preserves the triple meter the most, so I just wanna know how you feel about this first.

Edit: fixing bubble for you.
add "taiko" in the tags in Pangko diff? or anything else so this diff will show up when you search for "taiko"? :? baka alace
You finally did it, Gladi! I've modded this before, so the standard difficulties are obviously flawless. those has fixed up the taiko difficulties. For clarification, the taiko tag issue was resolved in #dutch. It's not being done because Alace never does that. Enough talk, Let them eat rank.
great map :)
great job :D
Good boy, good boy!
wow nice map~
grats on ranked!
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