
Nomizu Iori - *** Passionate (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on sábado, 28 de abril de 2012 at 3:32:32

Artist: Nomizu Iori
Title: *** Passionate (TV Size)
Source: Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? OF THE DEAD
Tags: koreha is this a zombie? zombie haruna masou shoujo kenezz kenezzedward no_gu climbb65588 climbb
BPM: 141
Filesize: 16691kb
Play Time: 01:45
Difficulties Available:
  1. Climbb's Taiko Oni (4,83 stars, 682 notes)
  2. Gu's Normal (4,16 stars, 167 notes)
  3. Hard (4,9 stars, 287 notes)
  4. Insane (4,98 stars, 422 notes)
  5. Kenezz's Easy (2,12 stars, 97 notes)
Download: Nomizu Iori - *** Passionate (TV Size)
Download: Nomizu Iori - *** Passionate (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? OF THE DEAD <3! Enjoy!

Kenezz's Easy: Done
Gu's Normal: Done
Hard: Done
Insane: Done
Climbb's Taiko Oni: Done
= =god speed cbb

Perhaps small spacing can't fit my rhythm in this map well..So I also mapped a bigger spacing one.choose one which you prefer.

Download: 48135 Nomizu Iori - Passionate (TV Size).rar
Gu's Normal has a tick rate of 2. I actually suggest you change all diffs to have tick rate two because this fits way more.

[Kenezz's Easy]
00:25:919 (1) - Finish at start?

[Gu's Normal]
I'm pretty sure 5% sections have to be at least 15.
00:06:629 (3) - Why is this unsnapped?
00:26:558 (6) - shorten by a 1/4?
01:31:451 (5) - Whistle at start

00:13:153 (7,1) - Clap? The snare is there in the music

00:05:494 (3,4,5,6) - Stressing the drum the the background, clap?
00:27:515 (10) - Delete this, shift the end of 00:27:196 (9) to where it was and then add a note to where the slider used to start.
00:41:239 (1,1) - These sound more like If you can't change the first one because of the stream leading into it, do a repeat slider.
01:14:004 (1) - I don't believe this NC is really necessary.
here we go again :|. mod requested in-game

Bold:Unrankable/must fix
Red:You should take a look but it's up to you

The lead in time is inconsistent. it has to be the same for 1 mapset.
Since you have the video, disable the letterbox during breaks.

[Kenezz's Easy]
00:20:813 (1) - this slider looks like it's just put there. i suggest adding another point in the middle of the slider for a better flow to the next note.
00:37:834 (1) - replace the whistle for a finish? i think it fits with the vocals IMO.
00:41:239 (1,2) - i think you're going to make beginners nervous because (1) is touching the hp bar and (2) is touching the score. move it down a bit so that it doesn't happen.
00:54:005 (1) - maybe end this at the blue line and add a repeat to follow vocals accurately?
01:01:664 (1) - remove the NC because the vocals are still going.
01:04:217 (5) - same as 00:41:239. i suggest that you change the direction of the slider so that it doesn't touch the hp bar.
01:09:323 (3) - same as 00:41:239 for (2).
01:12:727 (2) - i think beginners might let go after the second repeat, so get rid of the repeats and add another 1/1 slider to make it easier for beginners and to give a nice flow to the next note.
01:35:706 (2) - *nazi* move this at the middle of the slider to form a blanket.
i suggest that you avoid putting the notes on the score and the hp bar on easy diffs because beginners might either mess up or become nervous which leads them to messing up.

[Gu's Normal]
00:06:629 (3) - ooh re-snap this note. i think this is supposed to end at the red line.
00:13:579 (6) - replace the whistle for a finish? i think it fits with the song IMO.
00:34:643 (5) - make this a NC because of new lyrics.
00:41:239 (1,2) - same as 00;13:579 but just add the finish.
00:48:047 (1,2) - ^
01:00:813 (1) - this should end at the blue line to follow vocals.
01:01:664 (3) - ^
01:04:217 (4) - end this slider till 01:04:855. same reason as 01:00:813.
01:14:430 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - the combo should be like this to follow vocals accurately. if you ignore this then you can do something similar to this.

00:04:217 (3) - make this a NC because the tune of the guitar changes?
00:16:983 - add a circle to follow vocals?
01:29:749 (1) - if this combo is supposed to be a diamond, then align (1) to (3). as it stands it looks ugly IMO. if you ignore this, change the shape for this combo.

i think a OD of 9 is overdoing it because you have to be precise when to hit the notes. I suggest either decreasing it to 8 or 7 to reduce the damage for players.
00:42:302 (4) - since this is an insane diff, this kick slider looks too easy. replace it for a stacked stream or a stream to challenge players.
00:44:005 (4) - ^
00:49:111 (4) - ^
00:59:111 (1) - either replace this for a stream or 1/4 sliders with 2 repeats. same reason as 00:42:302.
01:12:727 (1,2,3) - replace this for a stream? same reason as above.
01:29:642 (1,2,3,4) - since (1) is there, try this? ^

This is the best I can do. GL :D
This is so evil xD, I suggest OD-1
00:42:302 (4) - move this 1/8 ahead and remove a repeat
00:44:005 (4) - ^
00:49:111 (4) - ^

00:42:302 (4) - same as Insane
00:44:005 (4) - ^
00:49:111 (4) - ^

00:05:281 (1) - shorten this slider by 1/4
00:05:778 (2,3) - this isn't 1/3
00:26:558 (6,7) - this part is kinda strange imo, make something else?
01:31:876 (1) - how about moving it to 01:31:983 instead? 1/4 spacing is kinda too sudden
01:45:564 (1) - move this to 01:45:706 instead? 1/6 spacing? o.o

01:45:493 (3,1) - isn't these too close to eachother? move it at least one more tick ahead~

I don't think disabling letterbox is necessary on videos with 16:9 & 16:10 (non of the diffs doesn't even have any breaks xD)

Byakugan249 wrote:

[Kenezz's Easy]
00:20:813 (1) - this slider looks like it's just put there. i suggest adding another point in the middle of the slider for a better flow to the next note. naah not is neccesary
00:37:834 (1) - replace the whistle for a finish? i think it fits with the vocals IMO. The finish in the map are only in the parts when the track mark this, like the begin of the chorus, and here sound a bit loud with finish.
00:41:239 (1,2) - i think you're going to make beginners nervous because (1) is touching the hp bar and (2) is touching the score. move it down a bit so that it doesn't happen. hmm imo if a circle/slider touch the hp not is a problem (inclusively in easy diffs) furthermore here is only a bit...
00:54:005 (1) - maybe end this at the blue line and add a repeat to follow vocals accurately? I prefer make the diff more easy without notes 1/2~1/2.
01:01:664 (1) - remove the NC because the vocals are still going. Vicho alreay fix this...
01:04:217 (5) - same as 00:41:239. i suggest that you change the direction of the slider so that it doesn't touch the hp bar. Same as 00:41:239.
01:09:323 (3) - same as 00:41:239 for (2). ^
01:12:727 (2) - i think beginners might let go after the second repeat, so get rid of the repeats and add another 1/1 slider to make it easier for beginners and to give a nice flow to the next note. hmmm I will bear this in mind.
01:35:706 (2) - *nazi* move this at the middle of the slider to form a blanket. Nope, this slider is symmetric with the before and I want symmetry.
i suggest that you avoid putting the notes on the score and the hp bar on easy diffs because beginners might either mess up or become nervous which leads them to messing up. Really not is a problem haha :3
Topic Starter
some things fixed, almost all, thanks guys <3
Hello >v<)/


Kenezz's Easy:
- 01:22:940 >> New combo ?

Gu's Normal:
- 00:01:664 >> Since the beats are kind of separated it would be good to put new combos on 00:01:664 and 00:03:366
- 00:26:239 >> New combo ?
- 01:08:047 >> New combo ?
- 01:20:387 >> New combo then remove new combo on 01:21:876 and add new combo on 01:22:089
- 01:43:366 >> New combo then remove new combo on the next slider

Climbb's Taiko Oni:
- It seems like you have lots of unsnapped circles
00:12:300 (57) - Unsnapped circle.
00:12:353 (58) - Unsnapped circle.
00:39:747 (253) - Unsnapped circle
00:39:800 (254) - Unsnapped circle
00:39:960 (256) - Unsnapped circle
00:40:013 (257) - Unsnapped circle
00:42:300 (273) - Unsnapped circle
00:42:353 (274) - Unsnapped circle
00:42:407 (275) - Unsnapped circle
00:42:460 (276) - Unsnapped circle
00:44:002 (284) - Unsnapped circle
00:44:055 (285) - Unsnapped circle
00:44:109 (286) - Unsnapped circle
00:44:162 (287) - Unsnapped circle
00:49:109 (316) - Unsnapped circle
00:49:162 (317) - Unsnapped circle
00:49:215 (318) - Unsnapped circle
00:49:268 (319) - Unsnapped circle
00:59:109 (377) - Unsnapped circle
00:59:162 (378) - Unsnapped circle

- Fine

- 00:42:302 >> I'm a little worried ... Are these easy or at least hit-able ? Is just that is so weird to see this kind ~

lovhin456 wrote:

Gu's Normal:
- 00:01:664 >> Since the beats are kind of separated it would be good to put new combos on 00:01:664 and 00:03:366
- 00:26:239 >> New combo ?
- 01:08:047 >> New combo ?
- 01:20:387 >> New combo then remove new combo on 01:21:876 and add new combo on 01:22:089
- 01:43:366 >> New combo then remove new combo on the next slider
all fixed

Download: Nomizu Iori - Passionate (TV Size) (Vicho-kun) [Gu's Normal].osu
Topic Starter
all fixed :3
Tan rapido conseguiste una bubble o.o
Modding Vicho's version...

- Timing needs to be consistent with Rika's version, I think this one is more likely to be correct because it's a whole number, but I don't know.

- Changing 1/8 stacks to kicksliders discussed over IRC.
00:54:749 (1) - It makes more sense for this spinner to start on a white tick, that's where the next vocal is.

01:34:217 (1) - This note needs a new combo.

[Gu's Normal]
01:31:983 (1) - It makes more sense for this spinner to start on a white tick, that's where the next vocal is.

[Kenezz's Easy]
01:04:217 (5) - This goes too far into the HP bar, try to avoid this somehow.

I hope this can end well for both mappers.
Topic Starter

SapphireGhost wrote:

Modding Vicho's version...

- Timing needs to be consistent with Rika's version, I think this one is more likely to be correct because it's a whole number, but I don't know.

- Changing 1/8 stacks to kicksliders discussed over IRC.
00:54:749 (1) - It makes more sense for this spinner to start on a white tick, that's where the next vocal is.

01:34:217 (1) - This note needs a new combo.

[Gu's Normal]
01:31:983 (1) - It makes more sense for this spinner to start on a white tick, that's where the next vocal is.

[Kenezz's Easy]
01:04:217 (5) - This goes too far into the HP bar, try to avoid this somehow.

I hope this can end well for both mappers.
All fixed, about timing, I think mine is the correct one...
Two patterns fixed on [Hard], one pattern fixed on [Gu's Normal].
Very small fixes, so this is ready for ranking now, it seems you're the first!

Verdisphena wrote:

Tan rapido conseguiste una bubble o.o
Tan rapido conseguiste el Rank :P
Felicitaciones!! :D
You win
oh damn that was quick :o congratz on the rank :D
h-how? D:
that was the fastest beatmap has been ranked... :)
anyway congatz...
gratz.. ;w;
ohh taiko lol
-[ ix Ishida xi ]-
1/8 notes in taiko diff ?
Mh, nothing agains you Vicho-kun and climbb, but this shows one more time how generel BATs sometimes act in some situations.
It is in 4 days ranked, but the Taiko diff hasn't been modded just for once? Really, are you kidding me?
(about stars I will nothing say now)

[Climbb's Taiko diff]

1/8 has been used, that means 2 x BPM 141 = 282 BPM

Do you guys know what that mean? It is unrankable. I don't say it is not possible to play those 1/8 but
1. they are 1/6
2. this is agains the guidelines we made before(which are even going to be changed to rules)
3. diff spread is higher as it should be

00:12:302 - kat hitfinish would be also enough.
00:39:749 - 1/6 I highley suggest
00:42:302 - ^
00:44:005 - ^
00:49:111 - ^
00:59:111 - ^

Really, I strongly suggest you BATs (and MATs) to have a taiko mod before a map gets ranked or at least ask for some Taiko mappers opinion.
I don't think it is a problem

since Ryougen no Mai have 1/6 which is 1.5 x BPM 208 = BPM312
As we know, Namco did severel mistakes in there own maps, so we don't need to follow those styles, too.
And most importand thing is, this is agains the mappers agreedment.
- map not uploaded correctly (need updates after DL)
- 3/8 snapped into 1/4, 1/6 snapped into 1/8
Unranking because of wrong submission and 1/8 in taiko diff. Please fix both.
* - The vocal sounds like 3/8 beat + 5/6 beat, applied to some of the following sections.

00:12:302 - 1/8
00:39:749 - ^
00:41:239 - 3/8 + 5/6
00:42:302 - snap in 1/6
00:42:941 - 3/8 + 5/6
00:44:005 - snap in 1/6
00:48:047 - 3/8 + 5/6
00:49:111 - snap in 1/6
00:59:111 - 1/8

that's all.

EDIT: for the 3/8+5/6 part, climbb mapped on music instead of vocal. 1/8 are fixed. The version below is fine now.

Anyway, as you guys wish, here's a non-1/8 + fixed version.

Download: Nomizu Iori - Passionate (TV Size) (Vicho-kun) [Climbb's Taiko Oni].osu
2 Unranks by Odaril. Pretty cool eh.

Philippines wrote:

2 Unranks by Odaril. Pretty cool eh.
That's not cool at all. Both are caused by glitched submissions (asking to update right after downloading). This one also has unrankable 1/8 in the taiko diff (check OnosakiHito's Taiko Rules, they were agreed on by the taiko community).

If you have nothing worth saying don't say anything.

Vicho-kun: please PM me (forum if I'm not logged in in-game) as soon as you made the updates so we can get this re-ranked as soon as possible
That was a compliment for you actually cause you are aware of these errors. >.>
Try to understand it first before you start off with a "hey i'm a BAT so learn to respect."
I ain't gonna give a shit if that's what you think I was trying to say.

Philippines wrote:

That was a compliment for you actually cause you are aware of these errors. >.>
Try to understand it first before you start off with a "hey i'm a BAT so learn to respect."
I ain't gonna give a shit if that's what you think I was trying to say.
Maybe next time check if your post can't be taken the wrong way you wouldn't want it to be taken which it did, because you can only blame yourself for this
But it doesn't mean he has to tell me those things. He's a BAT, he deserves respect, but he must respect people too to have one.
Stop discussing for that , Philippines. I know what you think about.
But I sure Vicho don't want this post to be worst.

Let's stop and let this map to re-rank faster.
Lmao there are maps that have been pending for months and bubbled for weeks yet this chit keeps happening.

fuark this community
Ok now, let's get things done. Novideo link is fixed.

  1. Add "climbb" to the tags of all difficulties for the mapper, and "zombie" because not everyone might think of the question mark.
  2. I find tick rate 2 to fit much better the song, and it will get rid of unsymmetry on symmetric sliders.
  3. Both offsets need +10ms. Remember to resnap all notes and kiai sections.
Kenezz's Easy
  • Fine. All those symmetric sliders ruined by tick rate 1 =(
Gu's Normal
  1. 00:01:664 (1,1,3) - I find these to sound pretty bad. Also for a Normal, these might be pretty confusing, as they're really short, and make the rhythm quite complex. Replace them with circles ?
  2. 00:25:068 (4,1,2) - This should be a 3/4 rhythm. And it'd be better to make it a repeat slider instead of adding a repeat to (4), which breaks the comboing (the new combo should be on the white tick where it ends) and makes the rhythm hard to play.
  3. 00:41:239 (1,2) - and 00:48:047 (1,2) - Silencing beats like this is unrankable. The song DOES have sounds there, so there's no point in silencing them.
  4. 01:00:823 (1,2,3,4) - Keep the spacing consistent in this pattern. The raise of spacing makes the timing very unclear.
  5. 01:34:855 (2) - I really hate that kind of slider in Easy or Normal difficulties. They're confusing to play for new players and feel completely out of place in the rhythms used in the diff.
  • This is too hard for a Hard... Ah well.
  1. 00:16:770 (4,5,6,7) - Why such complicated rhythm here ? The song clearly goes for a simpler 1/2 rhythm... This doesn't really belong to a Hard diff. =|
  2. 00:22:090 (1,2) - Why a jump here ? I don't get it. Is that a mistake ?
  3. 00:24:430 (2,3,4,5) - Same as above.
  4. 01:01:025 (1,2) - This comes too soon after the spinner. Shorten the spinner ? Add a note where it ended if necessary.
  5. 01:03:153 (3,4) - Pretty confusing, knowing that all of these patterns before were 1/4s, when this one's 1/2. And because it's hidden under a previous hitburst, it's pretty hard to read.
  6. 01:16:344 (1,2,3) - This feels like it's lacking something. Make (2) a 1/2 slider to keep the same rhythm as before ?
  7. 01:26:344 (2,3,4,5) - This might be pretty confusing too. Make (2,3,4) a repeat slider instead ? It will be more playable, but you'll be able to keep your current rhythm.
  8. 01:28:047 (1) - This is hidden under the hitburst from 01:26:664 (5) - . Also I don't think this stream is a good idea for a Hard. Replace it with a spinner ?
  9. 01:31:451 (1) - Shorten this spinner by 1/1. It will fit the song better, and 01:34:217 (1) - will be much easier to catch.
  1. 00:06:132 (5,6) - Why a jump here ? I assume it's a mistake ?
Climbb's Taiko Oni
  • is fine now o/
I think you should get more mods before ranking this. The mere fact I could write such a big mod on a map that was ranked isn't a good thing. =x
*sigh* It seemed to download correctly at the time. Sorry for my mistake and good luck on re-rank.
Well if it's unranked now, maybe wait a week to see if they air a version of the song that doesn't have that silly re-introduction to the series at the end?
Topic Starter
It was a mistake to have mapped this orz

Natteke wrote:

Lmao there are maps that have been pending for months and bubbled for weeks yet this chit keeps happening.

fuark this community
This should never happen.
I respect Vicho-kun's maps, please keep up the good work. also MATs BATs
Good modder Byakugan's map remains Re-bubbled for a looooong while.
Modded on Vicho-kun's request :3

00:04:227 (3) - New Combo.
00:09:546 (5,1) - Swap New Combo.
00:11:249 (3) - New Combo.
00:17:206 (1,2) - Swap Combo.
00:55:078 (x) - I strongly suggest to put a spinner which lasts at 00:56:568 with a silent sound.
00:59:121 (x) - ^ which lasts at 01:00:397 with the silent sound.

That's all nya :3

  1. 00:27:100 (6) - Delete it and add a circle in 00:27:312
  2. Add circles in 00:31:142 and 00:31:568 or delete 00:31:355
  3. 01:26:567 (4) - Delete it and add a circle in 01:26:567 and a slider from 01:26:674 to 01:26:993
irc short mod =_=

03:30 <Vicho-kun> : hi ;w;
03:31 <0OoMickeyoO0> : hi /o/
03:31 <Vicho-kun> : I need your help!!!
03:31 <0OoMickeyoO0> : what help? owo
03:31 <Vicho-kun> : could you check my map and do a very little mod ><?
03:31 <Vicho-kun> : please please
03:31 <Vicho-kun> : onegai!!!
03:31 <0OoMickeyoO0> : no no~
03:31 <Vicho-kun> : I want my map re-ranked ; w ;
03:31 <0OoMickeyoO0> : I don't like modding ;w;
03:32 <Vicho-kun> : just a little
03:32 <0OoMickeyoO0> : and very very lazy
03:32 <Vicho-kun> : very little!!!!! little !
03:32 <0OoMickeyoO0> : irc is ok?
03:32 <Vicho-kun> : yeah, and just post "irc modded2
03:32 <0OoMickeyoO0> : and do not give me a kudosu lol
03:32 <Vicho-kun> : modded*"
03:32 <Vicho-kun> : oh ok
03:32 <Vicho-kun> : but... onegaishimasu!!
03:32 <0OoMickeyoO0> : link?
03:32 *Vicho-kun is listening to (Nomizu Iori - *** Passionate (TV Size))[]
03:32 <Vicho-kun> : 8D
03:33 <0OoMickeyoO0> : aow?
03:33 <0OoMickeyoO0> : didn't ranked already?
03:33 <Vicho-kun> : ranked and then
03:33 <Vicho-kun> : unranked! ;w;
03:33 <0OoMickeyoO0> : WTF!!!
03:33 <0OoMickeyoO0> : why D::
03:33 <Vicho-kun> : so I need 3-4 mods and I should ask Odaril again D:
03:33 <Vicho-kun> : so that's why that I need your help with a mod
03:34 <Vicho-kun> : unranked = taiko things ><
03:34 <0OoMickeyoO0> : what diff?
03:34 <Vicho-kun> : all if you want, but I need mod ><
03:34 <Vicho-kun> : just that!! ><
03:34 <0OoMickeyoO0> : Taiko: slider tick should be 2
03:34 <0OoMickeyoO0> : at all diff :o
03:35 <Vicho-kun> : already tick 2 :o
03:35 <0OoMickeyoO0> : I see it's 1 ;~;
03:35 <Vicho-kun> : fixed in taiko
03:35 <Vicho-kun> : but others diff tick 2~
03:38 <0OoMickeyoO0> : [Hard] 00:24:653 (3,4) - why stack?
03:41 <0OoMickeyoO0> : 01:01:035 - add note?
03:41 <0OoMickeyoO0> : seem empty xD
03:41 <0OoMickeyoO0> : *add note & clap
03:48 <Vicho-kun> : done
03:49 <Vicho-kun> : ?
03:50 <Vicho-kun> : 00:24:653 (3,4) what do you think?
03:50 <0OoMickeyoO0> : great!
03:50 <Vicho-kun> : :D!
03:50 <0OoMickeyoO0> : I think it's fine on other diff
03:50 <0OoMickeyoO0> : hitsound is great too, I can't mod more ;~;
03:50 <Vicho-kun> : okay! can you post that you modded it on irc ><?
03:51 <0OoMickeyoO0> : ah no, sorry I'm lazy :P
03:51 <Vicho-kun> : onegai
03:51 <Vicho-kun> : I need it ;~;
03:51 <Vicho-kun> : why so lazy!

good luck~~

  • Folder and timings are fine.
Kenezz's Easy
  • Fine. Tick rate was raise \o/
Gu's Normal
  1. 00:25:929 (1) - This slider should end on the blue tick.
  • Is fine
  • I feel pro for FC'ing this ><
Climbb's Taiko Oni
  • fine o/
Just one thing in the Normal diff (don't kd this post).
Topic Starter
Why didn't you PM me when you fixed ? >< Anyway, this looks fine now, so... bubbled.

@next BAT: don't forget to wipe scores
00:05:291 - useless inheriting section at Gu's diff :D

just short fix, waiting for re-rank >w<
lol Odaril rechecks!!!
Gu's Normal:
00:41:249 (1,2) - make these symmetrical (it looks a little strange with the circle not being in the center of the slider)

00:59:121 (1,2) - I hated playing this pattern because there is a sound 00:59:866, so it is really hard for me to tell when to stop holding the first slider and go to the 2nd, esp since there is jump there. (personal thing, but thought I should bring it up)

For those that care, I am going to relax my standards a bit since I shouldn't hold this back from reranking because some of my personal beliefs.

Besides that, I think the map is okay for ranking. Contact me when you are ready.

Edit: Looks like I don't have a reason to hold back this map anymore, so re-ranked!!!!!
Re-Grats !! ^^
oh, ranked~
Re-Grats ~ :)
grats :3
oh FINALLY about time this got re-ranked :P
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