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Topic Starter

nekonomitsu wrote:

Hey Ichi~
Star ;)
Thank you very much :D
00:30:700 (1) - remove clap
00:31:600 (4) - how about this?? and add clap on start of slider
00:32:050 (1) - remove clap i think these are more better
00:36:550 (4) - NC here because changed distance..
02:04:150 (3) - 1 repeat?
i think you need soft whistle like kosiga's normal


hmmm. maybe that's all :(
sorry and GL!
Topic Starter
Thanks Asgard :D
Hi again ~~~Ichigun o/

From my mod queue :D (You don't need to follow all of my mod because it just be a suggestion)

00:06:850 (1) - 00:24:850 (1) I suggest you to remove all clap because this is silence part of this song same as other diff. It may be better :3
00:41:050 (2) - you forgot to add clap at the start of slider :3
02:20:650 (3) - ^
02:27:850 (1) - ^
02:27:850 (1,2) - I suggest you to remove these 2 notes and insert break for same as other diff

good diff ;)

well , fine :)

00:35:050 (4) - add clap can make better sound for me
00:53:950 (5) - new combo this and remove 00:55:150 (1) - instead . This can make a number follow the notes and good divide
01:37:150 (5) - ^ 01:38:350 (1) -
02:15:550 (5) - ^ 02:16:750 (1) -

just that :D

take my star :3

good luck~~
Topic Starter
Frostmourne thx a lot :D
Barney Stinson
I don't have anything to say about this map. If you want a guest diff don't hesitate to call me or Ylinestra44 on our queue! Thanks and sorry!
Hi, IchiGUN

From my modding queue

Why does no name of the guest diff in diff name?

02:20:650 (3) - Add clap
02:27:850 (1) - ^

02:11:050 (6) - Add clap

01:03:550 (1) - Remove Finish
02:05:350 (5) - ^ in the end of slider, but add finish at 02:06:850 instead.

That's all, that I can find them.
nice map and song, star

Good luck.
Topic Starter
nich95 thx :3

nich95 wrote:

02:11:050 (6) - Add clap fixed~
thanks~ :oops:

Download: Sun Ye - Maybe (IchiGUN) [Normal].osu

00:07:150 (2) - Remove this note?
00:27:250 (4) - New combo?
00:28:450 (1) - Remove new combo?
00:29:650 (3) - New combo?
01:28:750 (1) - New combo for preventing of spinner bug

Was planning to bubble this, but not old map, sorry
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:


00:07:150 (2) - Remove this note?
00:27:250 (4) - New combo?
00:28:450 (1) - Remove new combo?
00:29:650 (3) - New combo?
01:28:750 (1) - New combo for preventing of spinner bug

Was planning to bubble this, but not old map, sorry
Thanks :3 Fixed
a little late :/


00:21:250 (1) - finish doesn't fit imo. Replace with whistle?
00:37:750 (4) - I would unstack.
00:40:750 (1,1) - one spinner fits better imo but, it's fine if you keep it.
01:23:950 (1,1) - ^ The whistle is a little loud imo on the first slider.
01:50:050 (4,5,6) - Spacing seems a little big and just unfitting imo. it could be a little smaller like this. or even smaller.
01:53:650 (4) - why not the same rhythm as 01:49:150 (1,2,3) - to follow vocals


01:28:450 (1) - just for consistency purpose you could use the same rhyhtm as 00:45:250 (1,2) - I also kinda like that better
01:45:250 (5) - this is usually confusing for beginners. If you are adamant about hte placement i don't mind if you keep it, but i think it's better of like or something
02:32:050 - use normal hitnormal for the beginning of this slider?
02:41:650 - ^?


00:20:050 (1) - sounds better and yes i know it messes up the blanket, but it sounds better imo :( I also would have the stack at 00:23:050 (3) - if you do this.
00:39:250 (1) - would look better imo if it was the mirror image of 00:37:450 (2) -
00:52:450 (3) - blanket combo 2?
01:11:050 - addin a note fits here imo (with clap)
01:23:050 (2) - either make this the same as 01:20:650 (2). Or make 01:20:650 (2) - the same as 01:23:050 (2) -
02:05:650 (1) - start spinner at 02:05:350 - ?

Hope this helps abit~~
good luck~~
Topic Starter
Thanks winber1 :3

00:06:850 (1) - может с разворота убрать хлопок, т к бит в музыке не начался.
00:08:650 (2) - может зашифтуешь?
Начало слайдера 00:39:250 (1) - подровнять по одной линии с концом слайдера 00:37:450 (2) -
00:42:850 (2) - подровнять по одной линии с концом слайдера 00:41:050 (2) -
00:43:450 (3) - подровнять по одной линии с 00:42:250 (1) -
00:47:650 (1) - ну разве нельзя было его в центр поставить :< просто это сбивает геометрию.
00:53:650 (1) - зачем тут красная точка, это страшно выглядит.
01:18:850 (1) - 1 грид вниз
01:45:250 (1) - поставь его на главную вертикаль, пожалуйста.

すべてがいいです。ヒッツ音が好きです。 :3

00:06:700 (1) - подровняй по середине на главной горизонтали, пожалуйста
00:09:100 (1) - ^
00:24:550 (2) - здесь красную точку может на главную горизонталь дотянуть?
00:53:950 (1) - размести это между 00:53:200 (3,4) - пожалуйста
А и да, после перемещений и подравнений проверяй дистан снап дальше .
01:16:300 (1) - 2 грида вниз, чтобы совпало с 01:13:900 (1) -
01:20:050 (4) - D:
01:34:450 (4) - пожалуйста, поставь на главную вертикаль чтобы получилось равная диагональ
01:35:950 (2,3,4) - может сделаешь из них равный равнобедренный треугольник?
01:50:950 (6,7) - 6 по центру на главной вертикали, слайдер несимметричный.
02:30:550 (4) - 1 грид вверх
02:35:350 (4) - 1 грид вверх
И да такое ощущение что в секции тупо скопированы с нормала. В некоторых местах просто не идет и все, это надо переслушать и исправить.
Topic Starter
Zorlok_ респектос :D
Hi, IchiGUN
Here's my mod...


00:17:650(1) - I think its not suitable for finish to be here. You can replace it with whistle.
00:40:450(1) - replace with whistle
01:58:450(2) - add finish or whistle here
02:00:850(1) - at this point, add whistle




00:28:900 - preferable, add a note here..

Sorry for a short mod.
And I shall take my leave...
Topic Starter
hillaryzx, thaaanks ^^

winber1 wrote:


01:28:450 (1) - just for consistency purpose you could use the same rhyhtm as 00:45:250 (1,2) - I also kinda like that better I have tried a variety of patterns. so no change ;x;
01:45:250 (5) - this is usually confusing for beginners. If you are adamant about hte placement i don't mind if you keep it, but i think it's better of like or something I consider the spinner, has put in this position. Also want to hear other people's opinion. If confused, I think about a change
02:32:050 - use normal hitnormal for the beginning of this slider? There is surely the drum sound there. but I think it is better for whistle, in this
02:41:650 - ^? ^

Zorlok_ wrote:

すべてがいいです。ヒッツ音が好きです。 :3 ありがとう :3

hillaryzx wrote:

thank you everyone~ >w<
From my queue.


00:14:650 (2) - Goes off the screen.
Topic Starter
Ooo, thx Jacob ;)
fixed, thx Jacob ^_^

Download: Sun Ye - Maybe (IchiGUN) [Easy].osu
716 Girl
Цвета под Background

01:16:450 (1) - Удали НК
01:18:850 (1) - ^
02:09:250 (1) - или мне кажется или кривоват?
02:16:450 (3) - тут можено сделать волнистый слайдер
02:38:650 (4) - удали нк
02:39:250 (1) - ^

00:49:450 (5) - удали нк
00:50:050 (1) - ^
00:56:050 (1) - можно сделать обычный волнистый как 00:57:250 (2) -
01:02:050 (4) - удали нк
01:03:250 (1) - ^
01:23:650 (3) - тут можно сделать волнистый
01:29:650 (1) - зачем тут нк?
01:53:650 (1) - выглядит чууть чуть криво

00:24:550 (2) - зачем такой слайдер?
01:20:050 (4,3) - ^
01:57:250 (1) - ^
01:59:650 (1) - ^
02:36:850 (4) - НК?
02:37:750 (1) - Удалить НК если заменил предыдущий
Topic Starter
3er123 ook спасибо, но цвета захотелось взять повеселее...взял из предметов одежды ^^

3er123 wrote:

00:49:450 (5) - удали нк sorry, no change. because there is vocal follow NC
00:50:050 (1) - ^ ^
00:56:050 (1) - можно сделать обычный волнистый как 00:57:250 (2) - same way as this 00:46:450 (1)
01:02:050 (4) - удали нк same as above
01:03:250 (1) - ^ ^
01:23:650 (3) - тут можно сделать волнистый This is intentional
01:29:650 (1) - зачем тут нк? put the NC at the beginning of the kiai
01:53:650 (1) - выглядит чууть чуть криво I do not have no problem. I want a recipe if you think that this is strange
thank you~ :oops:
716 Girl
Ах да, забыл дать звезду <3
Some suggestions:

Move "Dream High" to Tags if it's an album name or so.

00:37:450 (2) - Move to x224y216.
01:03:550 (1) - I don't know why but setting a spinner here may be a little bit weird.
01:14:050 (1,1) - Bad overlapping.
01:45:250 (1) - Remove nc.
02:11:650 (1) - ^
02:18:850 (2) - Ctrl+R.

01:02:050 (4) - Remove whistle from the beginning and add it to the end.
01:20:050 (4) - Add whistle to the end.
01:29:650 (1) - Remove nc.
01:30:850 (4) - Add nc.
02:23:650 (4) - Same as 01:02:050 (4).
02:40:450 (4,5) - Should be like this.[Hard]
00:21:250 (1) - Move to 00:21:550, ends on 00:23:050.
01:03:550 (1) - Move to 01:03:400.
01:17:800 (T) - Useless timing point.
01:53:650 (4,5) - 02:39:100 (T) - Useless timing point.

That's all. Good luck~

Topic Starter
JauiPlaY, thanks :3

JauiPlaY wrote:

01:02:050 (4) - Remove whistle from the beginning and add it to the end. sorry,I do not match me ;x;
01:20:050 (4) - Add whistle to the end. ^
01:29:650 (1) - Remove nc. It is the NC of the opening of KIAI TIME. I also put the NC, do not feel strange
01:30:850 (4) - Add nc. I think that the NC is unnecessary even if I watch other similar parts
02:23:650 (4) - Same as 01:02:050 (4). sorry,I do not match me ;x;
02:40:450 (4,5) - Should be like this.good. i change itATTACH[dfsdef.PNG]

thank you~ :oops:

Download: Sun Ye - Maybe (IchiGUN) [Normal].osu
Hi, mod as you requested in my queue!~

I have to say that I love all the song you're choosing for you maps XD
Anyway, let's begin!


Remove the osb if there isn't a sb. :3


00:16:450 (3) - NC?

00:17:650 (1) - Remove NC

00:19:450 (4) - NC

00:20:050 (1) - Remove NC

01:20:650 (2) - Make a weird about let it finish at 01:21:250 ?

01:35:650 (3) - NC?

01:36:850 (1) - Remove NC

01:38:650 (2) - NC


01:17:350 (2,3) - Uhm, why don't you move the slider? Maybe just to flip it vertically and put it under the ending of the other slider.

01:35:050 (5) - NC

02:11:050 (6) - NC

02:18:850 (4) - Move 2 grid down.

02:23:650 (4) - Move 2 grid up and 2 left.

02:27:250 - Why don't you let end the kiai time here?


I think it's fine.

That's all. Hope it helped, good luck with your map ♥
Topic Starter

Yucali wrote:

I have to say that I love all the song you're choosing for you maps XD
thaaanks O(≧∇≦)O

Yucali wrote:


01:17:350 (2,3) - Uhm, why don't you move the slider? Maybe just to flip it vertically and put it under the ending of the other slider. sorry, no change ;x;

01:35:050 (5) - NC vocal follow NC. I do not feel funny :D

02:11:050 (6) - NC ^

02:18:850 (4) - Move 2 grid down. why? when I changed it, DS becomes 0.9x :(

02:23:650 (4) - Move 2 grid up and 2 left. sorry, no change ;x; I do not look bad to me even if I do not put it parallel

02:27:250 - Why don't you let end the kiai time here? match it with other diff. However, I think that I may change this because it is a guest diff. I hear the opinion of other people a little more
thank you~ :oops:
00:26:050 (3) - убрать репит
00:26:500 (4) - ноту
00:26:800 (5) - ноту
00:28:300 (5) - ноту
00:28:900 - ноту
00:31:150 - так сделай
00:36:550 - слайдер с репитом сюда с красного тика по красный
00:54:400 (2) - смени форму
Хватит.иначе ремап сделаю
Остальные диффы вроде ничего
S h i a
Hi o/
mod as you requested in my queue o/
Nice K-POP


02:05:650 (1) - let the spinner start from 02:05:350? ending time no change.
Yeah that's all. nice sliders.nice and clean.

01:20:050 (4) - newcombo?
Man. nice.

01:53:650 (4,5) - this would fit music better

I love this song. :D

need any Insane diff ? :P

S h i a wrote:

01:20:050 (4) - newcombo? fixed~
Man. nice.
thank you~ :oops:

Download: Sun Ye - Maybe (IchiGUN) [Normal].osu
Topic Starter

S h i a wrote:

need any Insane diff ? :P
Thanks for mod :3 and yes, why not ;)
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ IchiGUN ~ :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 02:27:400 - Remove this break time,really not need this is too short.


  1. 00:46:600 - KIAI start point must be on white line.

That's all ~ pretty nice mapset ~

Good luck ~ ;)
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika, thank you :33
Oh hi.

Time to... mod now.

*Usual note: Gold ones are a must-do. Yes, I'm playing with my avatar. Everything in red are things that look awkward to me (subjective suggestions; you can follow my lead here or not); everything else are rants and minor suggestions to make things look cooler.

  1. Everything looks fine. To the maps.
  1. 00:20:050 (1) - Clap at the other end of the slider?
  2. 01:05:650 - End the kiai time here?
  1. 01:05:650 - Same as Easy.
  2. 02:42:850 - I think there's no need to lower the volume up to 20%. Remove the inherited timing point here?
  1. 00:45:250 (1,2,3,4) - Set an inherited timing point and adjust the volume to 60% here, then add clap to "1" and "3", maybe?
  2. 00:55:150 (3) - Clap?
  3. 00:55:600 (5) - ^
That was pretty good. Should be able to get bubbled.

Good luck on the way 8-)
Topic Starter
Hinsvar, thanks a lot =^^=

Hinsvar wrote:

  1. 01:05:650 - Same as Easy. yea :3 change it
  2. 02:42:850 - I think there's no need to lower the volume up to 20%. Remove the inherited timing point here? sorry, i want to reduce the sound
thank you ~ :oops:

Download: Sun Ye - Maybe (IchiGUN) [Normal].osu
Normal mod request from my modding queue. :)


-When doing blanklets, make sure your distance snap remains constant. I noticed that your distance spacing varies from 0.8x, 0.85x, and 0.9x, or somewhere in between. Although AIMod didn't detect this, so it's probably okay in this case.
-OD +1? For better difficulty spread.
-00:57:250 (2) - blanklet this slider better.
-01:02:050 (1) - ^ Also make it blanklet with 01:15:850 (2).
-01:16:450 (1) - ^ Also make it symmetrical with 01:20:650 (2).
-01:20:650 (2) - Blanklet with 01:20:650 (2).
-02:21:250 (1) - Blanklet with 02:23:050 (2).
-02:39:250 (1) - This slider is almost touching the drain meter.

-00:22:150 (1) - Insert break time after this spinner.
-02:26:050 (3) - Insert break time?

-None, but could use some polarity, so it's more readable.

Pretty good map indeed. 8-)
Topic Starter
BeatofIke thank you so much :D

How about this? (slider sound) ( ) ( )



fine' v '


Kiai should start on a white tick (rule) 01:29:800

01:23:950 (1) - move to here 01:24:550

01:54:850 (1) - spacing

bye ~ :D
Topic Starter
thx B2IN :3
many zigzag sliders. hard to newbie player imo

01:29:500 - not using section. delete this
01:48:700 - ^

00:26:050 (3) - please try this
00:36:250 - add circle to triangle's center?
01:03:400 (1) - end at 01:05:650, also please add some hitsound
01:29:650 - 2nd kiai start here

Muya wrote:

01:29:500 - not using section. delete this タイミングズレ対策で1tick前に置くようにしています。これがあっても特に問題無いかと思います。
01:48:700 - ^
ありがとうございます~ :oops:
Topic Starter
Muya-san, ありがとう (ノ・_・)‥‥…━━━━━☆ピーー
Hi There Here is My Mod


- Inconsistency in Kiai Times:

- [Easy] :

Kiai #1: Starts on 00:46:450, ends on 01:05:650
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:29:650, ends on 01:48:850
Kiai #3: Starts on 02:08:050, ends on 02:27:250

- [Hard] :

Kiai #1: Starts on 00:46:450, ends on 01:05:650
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:29:800, ends on 01:48:850
Kiai #3: Starts on 02:08:050, ends on 02:27:250

- [Normal] :

Kiai #1: Starts on 00:46:450, ends on 01:05:650
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:29:650, ends on 01:48:850
Kiai #3: Starts on 02:08:050, ends on 02:27:250

But i think that Guest diffs can have different kia Times :P


00:06:850 (1) - Add whistle at the begin
00:17:650 (1) - Add whistle
01:03:550 (1) - Move this spinner to 01:03:850 (x) and end it here 01:05:650 (x) due is to close from 01:02:050 (1)
02:20:650 (3) - Miss the clap add it
02:27:850 (1) - ^


00:06:850 (1) - Add whistle at the begin
02:05:350 (1) - Add clap at the end
02:06:550 (2) - ^
02:27:850 (x) - Add note whit clap for empty space
02:29:050 (x) - ^


00:33:100 (1) - Remove clap at the end
00:36:850 (2) - Remove clap, normal-hitsounds sounds better alone
00:38:650 (1) - Add clap
00:39:250 (3) - Same as 00:38:650 (1)
02:27:850 (x) - Add note whit clap for empty space
02:29:050 (x) - ^

Nice mapset :) Hope it was helpful

Good Luck !

[Te][Amo] wrote:


00:06:850 (1) - Add whistle at the begin sorry, no change. Here is a quiet sound
02:05:350 (1) - Add clap at the end this is intentional. Gets in the way of vocals when I put it here
02:06:550 (2) - ^ ^
02:27:850 (x) - Add note whit clap for empty space sorry, Others do not match rhythm if they put it here.
02:29:050 (x) - ^ ^
thank you~ :oops:
Topic Starter
[Te][Amo] thaaanks :3
Here we go, finally modded something again.

- I'd strongly advise changing the difficulty names to [BCI's Easy], [kosiga's Normal] and [Hard] so that players downloading through osu!direct can see who made what difficulty.
- Consider timing the little tune in the beginning, but it's not necessary (asked a BAT).
- Just a note: New combo placement seems a bit strange through all difficulties, usually one per measure or lyric works well.

02:27:850 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - It seems you have two red combos in a row here, try to fix the second red (1) and make it blue.

- I probably would have used a slightly higher slider velocity to prevent overlap between notes, but it's late for that now. I'd advise doing that in the future, though, it looks a bit better.
01:58:450 (1,2,3) - These curves seem really "squished", try to make them more smooth like this.
02:34:450 (1) - It sounds a lot better to have this spinner end on the downbeat at 02:36:850.

- Throughout the map, beat blankets were a bit off, and changing them a bit could really improve the look of the map. For example: This to this. It's not a big problem, but something to consider. There's also this guide if you haven't read it already! Most else looked fine, good job.

Alright. Not many problems, PM for re-check after fixes.

SapphireGhost wrote:

- I'd strongly advise changing the difficulty names to [BCI's Easy], [kosiga's Normal] and [Hard] so that players downloading through osu!direct can see who made what difficulty. I entrust Ichigun
- Just a note: New combo placement seems a bit strange through all difficulties, usually one per measure or lyric works well. ;x;

- I probably would have used a slightly higher slider velocity to prevent overlap between notes, but it's late for that now. I'd advise doing that in the future, though, it looks a bit better. Easy uses 1.00 and Hard uses 1.40. so it thinks that balance is good that I use 1.2 @x@
01:58:450 (1,2,3) - These curves seem really "squished", try to make them more smooth like this. hm... ok. fixed
02:34:450 (1) - It sounds a lot better to have this spinner end on the downbeat at 02:36:850. 02:32:050 (5) - quiet in this end. and 02:39:250 (1) - quiet in this start. so 02:34:450 (1) - also had better be quiet here IMO. and when I move, I think that an interval to 02:39:250 (1) becomes too much vacant ><
Thank you~ :oops:

Download: Sun Ye - Maybe (IchiGUN) [Normal].osu
Topic Starter
SapphireGhost thanks :3 all fixed
Added one more tag over IRC and double-checked stuff. Everything looks good now.

tiny irc mod
13:33 <IceBeam> : в харде,01:17:650 (6,1) - вот тут не очень подходит прыжок мне кажется
13:33 <IceBeam> : не то чтобы сложный просто ни к месту
13:33 <IchiGUN> : oook
13:34 <IceBeam> : 01:50:950 (6,7) - вот тут может сделать чтоб они не слипались?
13:35 <IchiGUN> : так они вроде и не слипаются Оо
13:35 <IceBeam> : ну немного
13:35 <IchiGUN> : 1мм зазорчик везде )
13:35 <IceBeam> : хотя там и дальше слайдер
13:35 <IceBeam> : ну ладно,тогда оставим
13:36 <IchiGUN> : =)
13:37 <IceBeam> : в остальном все чисто,приятно удивил :о ну в общем правь тогда тот джамп и апдейть
13:37 <IchiGUN> : спасиюки ) уже поправил
13:37 <IchiGUN> : сейчас залью
13:38 <IchiGUN> : готово )
13:41 <IceBeam> : хорошо,только скажи жанр и еще нашел что у этой певицы имена разные - Min Sun Ye, Sun Ye,Sun
13:41 <IchiGUN> : проблем не было, так как песенка спокойная ^^ да и ритм не сложный, а вот следующая мапа более
13:41 <IchiGUN> : грандиозная :D через недельки 3 покажу :3
13:41 <IchiGUN> : K-pop
13:42 <IceBeam> : просто не нашел ранкд мапок ее
13:42 <IceBeam> : поэтому спросил про имя
13:42 <IchiGUN> : все её Sun Ye называют
13:42 <IchiGUN> : =)
13:42 <IchiGUN> : сам честно точно не знаю )
13:43 <IceBeam> : там просто еще Sunye в вики
13:43 <IceBeam> : ну ладно
13:43 <IceBeam> : Sun Ye красивее всего :D
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Thanks a lot IceBeam :D
грацую ж \:D/
Kawayi Rika
Omedeto ~ :)
Oh, Congratulation !
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Black_Cherry_Ita спасяб :3
kosiga ありがとう ^_~
Kawayi Rika 감사합니다 =^^=
Gabex3 thanks =)
Congrats~ :)
Congratz~! ><
Awesome beatmap !
Sonico Makaron
gratz ;3
Няша, старались же. Грац :3 Кусочек торта праздничного дайте таки. :3
congratz IchiGUN~
축하 !
716 Girl
Yay~ Gratz
Love this drama <33 Congrats!
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ヘ(^_^ヘ) o(^^o) Thanks to everyone (o^^)o (ノ^_^)ノ
:) :)
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