
jioyi - cyanine [OsuMania]

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"Arcwinolivirus' Mod"

Thy Mod.

• First of all, I would want to apologize if I ever say something that will hurt your feelings as a mapper. Remember that I only want to give advices, suggestions, recommendations and sideas for some improvement in your map. Please do understand and thank you.

• do not be afraid to reject some parts of my mod. I am not perfect and I am not always right. But I do give my best to mod with sense. Also, I do not bite rawr.

• If I suggest to "remove or ctrl function moves" on certain note/s, do not forget and be sure to move the hitsound on the other note beside the suggested note. This is because I only mod the notes and with that, I do not pay attention on the hitsounds placements.

Audio: OK!
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• No problem!

_ _ _ _
4K - |1|2|3|4|

01:15:512 - add note to 3, where it is like beat + sound effect. The beat sound is stronger than the double key press on 01:14:523 (74523|1,74523|3) - . It is almost similar to 01:13:205 (73205|1,73205|3) - which has an impact.

01:45:183 (105183|0,106501|2) - I would suggest to remove these LNs and re-position the remaining single notes. The reason is because holding LNs while tapping the singles gives a hard time especially on those mania players who just begin playing. Suggesting some patterns similar to where the doubles emphasizes the cymbals and the singles flow still on-going.

02:45:512 - add note? since you made the similar sound doubles at 02:24:413 -

03:04:139 (184139|2,184303|1) - ctrl H for more comfortable execution.

[A's Standard]
00:18:131 (18131|0) - Fix your snap here as it is snapped on the previous timing point. Check other difficulties snap.

00:26:887 (26887|0) - move to 3 and 00:27:876 (27876|3) - move to 2 for comfortability.

00:32:986 (32986|3,33151|1) - would suggest to add note to change these singles into double for strong sound emphasis.

00:33:975 - add note to 1, strong starting sound.

00:33:975 - until 00:44:524 - I recommend to add more notes as this part seems to be easier than Beginner's which quite feels off. Adding notes will also balance the part to other harder parts. You decide.

00:41:887 - add note to 1 impact sound.

00:49:799 - ^ to 4

00:56:722 - ^ to 4

01:25:567 (85567|2,85732|1,85897|2) - ctrl H, the pitch is on 01:25:567 (85567|2,85897|2) - differs with 01:25:238 (85238|2,86227|2) -

01:39:908 - until 01:44:523 - Buff the part with the percussion, same as previous reason it is because its easier than the Beginner's. Though I understand that you only wanted to follow the melody-like sound. You decide.

01:52:765 (112765|0) - Better if moved to 3 and change to LN until 01:53:095 - for that sweet sound effect. Beginner did LN on this part.

02:24:413 - add note to 4 impact sound

02:24:743 - ^ to 1 or 3

02:35:292 - ^ to 3

02:43:203 - add note to 2 and change 02:43:205 (163205|0) - to LN until 02:43:699 - for focusing the long sound that can be heard here.

02:45:512 - add note to 3 or 4 for the strong beat finish.

02:45:842 - ^ to 2 or 3

02:56:391 - ^ to 3

03:01:666 - ^ to 2

03:02:985 - ^ to 1

03:04:303 - ^ to 3

03:04:303 - until the end - Add more notes for the percussion as they are more consistent and audible than the melody that you want to follow. It feels empty while you hear those percussion but no notes. Example is like 03:04:468 - and 03:04:633 - where you can here that strong beat but no notes. If there are notes it would be more satisfying. Variations and Combinations with the melody can come up with consistent and better patterns.

03:06:941 (186941|1) - should end up at 03:08:260 - and 03:07:765 (187765|3) - starts at where the sound raises up at 03:08:260 - ending at 03:09:578 -

00:30:019 - until 00:32:986 - note density is almost the same as Another's and I would recommend to nerf it like reducing the doubles into singles. With the light jumpstream, it makes this part the spike of the difficulty.

01:39:578 (99578|0) - move to 3, much better to execute and more balance for both hands.

01:47:161 - add note to 3, cymbals can be heard here like you did at 01:46:501 (106501|0,106501|3) -

01:49:880 (109880|0) - move to 2 for comfortability.

02:03:314 - strong beat here, add note to 2

02:12:710 (132710|3,133040|2) - change to LN to emphasize the long synth

00:24:579 (24579|1) - much better if ends on the white line like you did at Hyper so the vision can be better and comfy to execute.

00:25:568 (25568|2,25651|0) - move to 1 and 2 respectively for comfy execute.

00:56:722 - until 00:57:711 - Just I thought so while test playing the hardest difficulty (which has the same burst as this) the notes are too fast for the sound. I listened 25% playback rate and tested using a different snap and it seems "1/6th" snap fits more on the instrument sound rather than 1/8. I recommend to change it and try it out.

01:15:512 - Same as above, the snap should be 1/6 which fits with the burst sound.

01:48:562 (108562|1,108644|1) - I suggest to re-position the above notes to avoid this mini-jack for the drum roll as this gives of the "fun" killer feeling. Something like or move some notes before to avoid changing the patterns above. You decide.

02:13:369 (133369|3) - move to 3 for clearer sight and fits along with 02:13:040 (133040|1,133040|2,133040|3) -

02:22:765 (142765|1,142847|1) - just like before, this can be a combo breaker, recommending the burst can be done comfortably and sight friendly.

03:01:172 (181172|0,181254|0) - unnecessary jack, might want to swap column 03:01:254 (181254|0,181501|1,181584|0,181666|1) - to avoid that.

03:02:820 - add note to 3 kick sound.

00:31:008 (31008|0,31090|2,31172|0,31255|2,31337|0,31420|2,31502|0,31585|2,31667|0,31749|2,31914|2,32079|2,32244|2) - suggesting to re-position some notes so there won't be too much stress on column 1 and column 3. Moving some notes will assure comfortability in this part.

00:56:722 - same as Another's. Snap should be 1/6 according to the instrument sounds.

01:15:512 - Same as above, the snap should be 1/6 which fits with the burst sound.

01:28:617 - add note synth sound

01:28:781 - ^

01:49:551 (109551|3,109592|2,109592|0,109633|1,109674|3,109674|2,109716|0,109757|1,109757|3,109798|2,109839|0,109839|1,109880|3,109922|0,109922|2,109963|1,110004|2,110004|3,110045|0,110086|1,110086|3,110128|2,110169|0,110169|1,110210|3,110251|0,110251|2,110292|1,110334|3,110334|2,110375|0,110416|3,110416|1) - some doubles are unnecessary in this part as you made it like a high bpm jumpstream creating some combo breakable jacks in the process. Recommending something similar to where the doubles are only on the audible synth melody. (In the image not all synth melody on the burst are doubled, this is to avoid sudden 1/4 jacks in the burst execution.)

02:02:985 - add note to 2, melody is along with other percussion sound.

02:03:067 - add mini-LN to 1, same as Another's

02:20:045 - add note here as the snare-like sound can be heard here similar to 02:19:633 (139633|2,139633|3,139798|3,139798|2) -

02:20:540 - ^

02:23:342 - Suggesting instead to avoid sudden 1/4 on the burst. After all you made similar beat sounds, doubles, like 02:22:106 (142106|2,142106|3,142765|2,142765|1) -

02:44:194 - add LN to 3 until 02:44:358 - since new entry of synth sound can be heard here.


Very Good Song Choice, I like genres like this as it has alot of synthesizers and some intense action feeling song. Go go rank this and good luck!

~ END ~
Topic Starter

arcwinolivirus wrote:

"Arcwinolivirus' Mod"

Thy Mod.

• First of all, I would want to apologize if I ever say something that will hurt your feelings as a mapper. Remember that I only want to give advices, suggestions, recommendations and sideas for some improvement in your map. Please do understand and thank you.

• do not be afraid to reject some parts of my mod. I am not perfect and I am not always right. But I do give my best to mod with sense. Also, I do not bite rawr.

• If I suggest to "remove or ctrl function moves" on certain note/s, do not forget and be sure to move the hitsound on the other note beside the suggested note. This is because I only mod the notes and with that, I do not pay attention on the hitsounds placements.

Audio: OK!
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• No problem!

_ _ _ _
4K - |1|2|3|4|

01:15:512 - add note to 3, where it is like beat + sound effect. The beat sound is stronger than the double key press on 01:14:523 (74523|1,74523|3) - . It is almost similar to 01:13:205 (73205|1,73205|3) - which has an impact. Imo the impact doesnt seem to be real loud. just a low bass with low beat as well

01:45:183 (105183|0,106501|2) - I would suggest to remove these LNs and re-position the remaining single notes. The reason is because holding LNs while tapping the singles gives a hard time especially on those mania players who just begin playing. Suggesting some patterns similar to where the doubles emphasizes the cymbals and the singles flow still on-going.

02:45:512 - add note? since you made the similar sound doubles at 02:24:413 - intendedly omitted due to different kind of patterning. The LN release already enough to signifies since its accomodated with the SN on 4

03:04:139 (184139|2,184303|1) - ctrl H for more comfortable execution. was in purpose. probably newbies cant handle the LN release and SN at the same time

00:30:019 - until 00:32:986 - note density is almost the same as Another's and I would recommend to nerf it like reducing the doubles into singles. With the light jumpstream, it makes this part the spike of the difficulty. its actually pretty doable imo. otherwise the gap in between would be quite awkward

01:39:578 (99578|0) - move to 3, much better to execute and more balance for both hands.

01:47:161 - add note to 3, cymbals can be heard here like you did at 01:46:501 (106501|0,106501|3) -

01:49:880 (109880|0) - move to 2 for comfortability.

02:03:314 - strong beat here, add note to 2

02:12:710 (132710|3,133040|2) - change to LN to emphasize the long synth emm i guess the current fine enough

00:24:579 (24579|1) - much better if ends on the white line like you did at Hyper so the vision can be better and comfy to execute. actually yea tru. but not changing because this diff overall are already quite challenging to have this kind of patterns like this

00:25:568 (25568|2,25651|0) - move to 1 and 2 respectively for comfy execute.

00:56:722 - until 00:57:711 - Just I thought so while test playing the hardest difficulty (which has the same burst as this) the notes are too fast for the sound. I listened 25% playback rate and tested using a different snap and it seems "1/6th" snap fits more on the instrument sound rather than 1/8. I recommend to change it and try it out.

01:15:512 - Same as above, the snap should be 1/6 which fits with the burst sound. quite ambiguous here. i'll just leave this for now and will try to ask confirmation

01:48:562 (108562|1,108644|1) - I suggest to re-position the above notes to avoid this mini-jack for the drum roll as this gives of the "fun" killer feeling. Something like or move some notes before to avoid changing the patterns above. You decide.

02:13:369 (133369|3) - move to 3 for clearer sight and fits along with 02:13:040 (133040|1,133040|2,133040|3) - shield was intended apparently

02:22:765 (142765|1,142847|1) - just like before, this can be a combo breaker, recommending the burst can be done comfortably and sight friendly.

03:01:172 (181172|0,181254|0) - unnecessary jack, might want to swap column 03:01:254 (181254|0,181501|1,181584|0,181666|1) - to avoid that. doesnt seem to be a big deal to hit

03:02:820 - add note to 3 kick sound.

00:31:008 (31008|0,31090|2,31172|0,31255|2,31337|0,31420|2,31502|0,31585|2,31667|0,31749|2,31914|2,32079|2,32244|2) - suggesting to re-position some notes so there won't be too much stress on column 1 and column 3. Moving some notes will assure comfortability in this part. doesnt seem to be necessary since those are quite intended

00:56:722 - same as Another's. Snap should be 1/6 according to the instrument sounds.

01:15:512 - Same as above, the snap should be 1/6 which fits with the burst sound. still ambiguous

01:28:617 - add note synth sound

01:28:781 - ^ intended to ignore to focus on the buildup pattern afterwards

01:49:551 (109551|3,109592|2,109592|0,109633|1,109674|3,109674|2,109716|0,109757|1,109757|3,109798|2,109839|0,109839|1,109880|3,109922|0,109922|2,109963|1,110004|2,110004|3,110045|0,110086|1,110086|3,110128|2,110169|0,110169|1,110210|3,110251|0,110251|2,110292|1,110334|3,110334|2,110375|0,110416|3,110416|1) - some doubles are unnecessary in this part as you made it like a high bpm jumpstream creating some combo breakable jacks in the process. Recommending something similar to where the doubles are only on the audible synth melody. (In the image not all synth melody on the burst are doubled, this is to avoid sudden 1/4 jacks in the burst execution.) this one really is intended. Due to the burst noise are on 1/12 and (maybe) 1/16 towards the end of the burst. ofc that would be extremely unecessary to use 1/12 and 1/16 respectively after 1/4 1/8 on the buildup process so i decided to do dense jumpstream instead

02:02:985 - add note to 2, melody is along with other percussion sound.

02:03:067 - add mini-LN to 1, same as Another's

02:20:045 - add note here as the snare-like sound can be heard here similar to 02:19:633 (139633|2,139633|3,139798|3,139798|2) -

02:20:540 - ^

02:23:342 - Suggesting instead to avoid sudden 1/4 on the burst. After all you made similar beat sounds, doubles, like 02:22:106 (142106|2,142106|3,142765|2,142765|1) -

02:44:194 - add LN to 3 until 02:44:358 - since new entry of synth sound can be heard here.


Very Good Song Choice, I like genres like this as it has alot of synthesizers and some intense action feeling song. Go go rank this and good luck!

~ END ~
Everything else is fix. Thx for mod :D

arcwinolivirus wrote:

"Arcwinolivirus' Mod"

Thy Mod.

• First of all, I would want to apologize if I ever say something that will hurt your feelings as a mapper. Remember that I only want to give advices, suggestions, recommendations and sideas for some improvement in your map. Please do understand and thank you.

• do not be afraid to reject some parts of my mod. I am not perfect and I am not always right. But I do give my best to mod with sense. Also, I do not bite rawr.

• If I suggest to "remove or ctrl function moves" on certain note/s, do not forget and be sure to move the hitsound on the other note beside the suggested note. This is because I only mod the notes and with that, I do not pay attention on the hitsounds placements.

Audio: OK!
Offset: OK!
Preview Time: OK!

• No problem!

_ _ _ _
4K - |1|2|3|4|

[A's Standard]
00:18:131 (18131|0) - Fix your snap here as it is snapped on the previous timing point. Check other difficulties snap.

00:26:887 (26887|0) - move to 3 and 00:27:876 (27876|3) - move to 2 for comfortability. // uhh.. i'll keep this

00:32:986 (32986|3,33151|1) - would suggest to add note to change these singles into double for strong sound emphasis. // hmm.. I think i'll keep it as it is

00:33:975 - add note to 1, strong starting sound. // this too, sorry

00:33:975 - until 00:44:524 - I recommend to add more notes as this part seems to be easier than Beginner's which quite feels off. Adding notes will also balance the part to other harder parts. You decide. // i'll keep it as it is

00:41:887 - add note to 1 impact sound. // this too

00:49:799 - ^ to 4 // this too

00:56:722 - ^ to 4 // this too

01:25:567 (85567|2,85732|1,85897|2) - ctrl H, the pitch is on 01:25:567 (85567|2,85897|2) - differs with 01:25:238 (85238|2,86227|2) -

01:39:908 - until 01:44:523 - Buff the part with the percussion, same as previous reason it is because its easier than the Beginner's. Though I understand that you only wanted to follow the melody-like sound. You decide. // already try that and that makes the SR goes up, *as requested from the owner to make it below 2,4*

01:52:765 (112765|0) - Better if moved to 3 and change to LN until 01:53:095 - for that sweet sound effect. Beginner did LN on this part. // hmm... I think i'll keep it as it is since that represent the impact better

02:24:413 - add note to 4 impact sound // i'll keep it as it is

02:24:743 - ^ to 1 or 3 // this too

02:35:292 - ^ to 3 // this too

02:43:203 - add note to 2 and change 02:43:205 (163205|0) - to LN until 02:43:699 - for focusing the long sound that can be heard here. // hmm.. should be good like that, ok I change it to LN, but not adding another note

02:45:512 - add note to 3 or 4 for the strong beat finish. // this too. keep

02:45:842 - ^ to 2 or 3 // this too

02:56:391 - ^ to 3 // this too

03:01:666 - ^ to 2 // this too

03:02:985 - ^ to 1 // this too

03:04:303 - ^ to 3 // this too

03:04:303 - until the end - Add more notes for the percussion as they are more consistent and audible than the melody that you want to follow. It feels empty while you hear those percussion but no notes. Example is like 03:04:468 - and 03:04:633 - where you can here that strong beat but no notes. If there are notes it would be more satisfying. Variations and Combinations with the melody can come up with consistent and better patterns. // same reason as the previous point about the same thing

03:06:941 (186941|1) - should end up at 03:08:260 - and 03:07:765 (187765|3) - starts at where the sound raises up at 03:08:260 - ending at 03:09:578 // fixed -


Very Good Song Choice, I like genres like this as it has alot of synthesizers and some intense action feeling song. Go go rank this and good luck!

~ END ~
Topic Starter
"I want to die" Team's modding

My english is very poor, feel free to ask something if you do not understand me.


00:16:400 - 00:16:441 - are you sure about missing these sounds? They are very audible.

00:24:579 (24579|0) - I guess this sound splits at this moment 00:24:744. Emphasize it.

00:40:898 (40898|1,40898|3,40898|2,41227|1,41227|2,41227|3) - looks very boring.

01:30:018 (90018|3,90018|1,91336|3,91336|0,92655|3,92655|0,95292|2,95292|0,97930|3,97930|0,99249|3,99249|0) - why don't you emphasizing these sounds?

01:39:249 - suggestion: 01:39:413 (99413|2,99413|1,99578|0,99578|3) - CTRL+G.

02:16:831 - suggestion: place lns or triple.

03:04:880 - suggestion:

03:06:611 - are you sure about 1/12 here? Anyway swap this 03:06:803 (186803|3,186831|2) - for emphasizing the pitch increasing.


00:20:129 (20129|3) - move to 3, because it's painful 00:19:469 (19469|3,19799|3,20129|3,20293|3)

00:51:118 (51118|0,51227|2) - CTRL+G maybe (00:52:766 - 00:54:414 - same)

01:44:194 - suggestion for balancing:

01:49:510 (109510|1,109592|3) - suggestion: delete

01:56:721 (116721|1,116721|0,116886|0,116886|3,116886|2) - CTRL+H, because it looks bad: 01:56:062 (116062|0,116227|0,116391|0,116721|0,116886|0)

02:29:358 (149358|3,149441|0) - move to 1 2 or 2 1, also your previous 1/2 jack was on right hand too, so it looks imbalance

02:35:045 - 02:35:210 - it looks boring that you missed these sounds

02:39:908 (159908|0,159990|3) - same situation: move to 3 4 or 4 3

02:52:435 (172435|3,172765|3,173095|3,173260|2,173260|3,173424|2,173424|3) - don't overload right hand so much, especially with this 02:50:622 (170622|3,170705|3)
Topic Starter

eyes wrote:

"I want to die" Team's modding

My english is very poor, feel free to ask something if you do not understand me.


00:16:400 - 00:16:441 - are you sure about missing these sounds? They are very audible. Think its not really worthy to be graced so i decide to follow the main piano

00:24:579 (24579|0) - I guess this sound splits at this moment 00:24:744. Emphasize it. Only did this in the lower difficulties, i believe the sound were snapped correctly.

00:40:898 (40898|1,40898|3,40898|2,41227|1,41227|2,41227|3) - looks very boring. nah. have any ideas?

01:30:018 (90018|3,90018|1,91336|3,91336|0,92655|3,92655|0,95292|2,95292|0,97930|3,97930|0,99249|3,99249|0) - why don't you emphasizing these sounds? Yes to all except the last one

01:39:249 - suggestion: 01:39:413 (99413|2,99413|1,99578|0,99578|3) - CTRL+G.

02:16:831 - suggestion: place lns or triple.

03:04:880 - suggestion: doesnt really look well. wil change if there's more concern

03:06:611 - are you sure about 1/12 here? Anyway swap this 03:06:803 (186803|3,186831|2) - for emphasizing the pitch increasing. quite tricky imo. will change if there's more concern too


00:20:129 (20129|3) - move to 3, because it's painful 00:19:469 (19469|3,19799|3,20129|3,20293|3) I see no difference. if you decrease your timeline zoom, you'll see

00:51:118 (51118|0,51227|2) - CTRL+G maybe (00:52:766 - 00:54:414 - same) still in the same structure. I do this every 4 measures tho

01:44:194 - suggestion for balancing:

01:49:510 (109510|1,109592|3) - suggestion: delete wait this doesnt highlight anything

01:56:721 (116721|1,116721|0,116886|0,116886|3,116886|2) - CTRL+H, because it looks bad: 01:56:062 (116062|0,116227|0,116391|0,116721|0,116886|0) please elaborate what is "bad". I play those just fine

02:29:358 (149358|3,149441|0) - move to 1 2 or 2 1, also your previous 1/2 jack was on right hand too, so it looks imbalance

02:35:045 - 02:35:210 - it looks boring that you missed these sounds dont think so. anyways I add some LN

02:39:908 (159908|0,159990|3) - same situation: move to 3 4 or 4 3

02:52:435 (172435|3,172765|3,173095|3,173260|2,173260|3,173424|2,173424|3) - don't overload right hand so much, especially with this 02:50:622 (170622|3,170705|3) hmm its pretty much like anywhere else in this particular section. I dont see the point
No reply = fix. Thx :>

Rivals_7 wrote:


00:40:898 (40898|1,40898|3,40898|2,41227|1,41227|2,41227|3) - looks very boring. nah. have any ideas? or


01:49:510 (109510|1,109592|3) - suggestion: delete wait this doesnt highlight anything hmm.. For me it does highlights the pitch changing

Also why did you place a note here 02:46:584 (166584|0) - 02:57:133 (177133|1) - if you placed ln here 02:51:858 (171858|2,171941|0)
wheres the ↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓ lol
i love LANOTA!!!!!
00:18:151 (18151|1) - delete
00:19:469 (19469|3,19799|3) - if you want to catch "Cachoo"sound why not catch 00:19:634 (19634|2,19716|1,19799|2) - these notes to mapping LN (and so on)(i won't need to list them)
00:21:777 (21777|0) - i don't understand why you want to mapping here
00:23:425 (23425|3,23590|2,23672|0,23755|3,23755|1,23755|2,23920|0) - and you not same mapping to 00:19:469 (19469|3,19634|2,19716|1,19799|3,19799|0,19799|2,19964|1) -
00:24:579 (24579|0,24909|0) - put the distance between the two LNs are too short ,may be you can 00:25:074 (25074|1) - delete this and 00:24:909 (24909|0) - move to col 2
00:30:183 (30183|0) - move to 3
00:33:315 (33315|1,33398|3,33480|2,33563|1,33563|0,33645|3,33645|2,33727|0,33810|2,33892|1,33975|2,33975|0,33975|3) - Compared to previous sounds ,i think them to soft(00:32:986 (32986|3,32986|2,32986|0,33151|3,33151|0,33151|2) - )
00:40:898 - 00:41:475 -
00:41:557 (41557|0,41722|1) - change to short LNs
00:44:174 (44174|2,44194|3,44194|0) - ??? there is no right
00:56:777 (56777|1,56832|0,56887|3,56942|2,56997|0,57052|1,57107|2,57161|3,57216|0,57271|1,57326|3,57381|2,57436|1,57491|0,57546|3,57601|2,57656|1,57711|0) - ^i think you this period of treatment is not good enough
00:49:799 - 00:56:722 - add more SV
01:09:249 (69249|1,69249|2,70567|1) - Ctrl+h
01:13:452 (73452|3) - no sound
01:15:512 (75512|3,75512|0,75553|2,75595|1,75636|0,75677|3,75718|2,75760|0,75801|1,75842|2,75883|3,75924|0,75966|1,76007|3,76048|2,76089|1,76130|0) - WTF?those rhythm
01:26:391 (86391|1,86556|3) - Ctrl+j
01:28:040 (88040|1,88040|3,88040|2,88205|3,88369|3,88534|3,88699|3,88864|3,88946|2,89029|3,89111|1,89194|3,89276|0,89358|3,89358|2) - lol
01:33:809 (93809|1) - this LN should start 01:33:644 -
01:58:040 (118040|1,118369|2) - 02:03:314 (123314|1,123644|2) - ctrl+h
02:02:490 (122490|3,122655|0,122655|1,122738|2,122820|3,122820|1,122902|3,122902|0,122985|2,122985|1,123067|0,123150|3) - ^
02:05:622 (125622|2,125622|1,125622|3,125787|2,125787|1,125952|1,125952|2) - not same pitch
02:08:589 - add one single note
02:12:710 (132710|3,132710|2,132710|1,133040|0,133040|1,133040|2,133369|3,133369|2,133369|1,133534|1,133534|0) - hh
02:23:342 (143342|3,143383|2,143424|3,143424|0,143424|1,143589|1,143672|2,143754|3,143754|0,143836|1,143919|3,144001|2,144084|1,144166|0,144166|3,144249|2,144331|1,144413|0,144413|3,144413|2) - ^
Good luck! :)
Topic Starter

eyes wrote:

Rivals_7 wrote:


00:40:898 (40898|1,40898|3,40898|2,41227|1,41227|2,41227|3) - looks very boring. nah. have any ideas? or
hmm think i'll pass both. your#1 pic plays kinda unbalanced. plus its contradicted with the next note - 00:41:557 (41557|0,41722|1) - which is intended to be there because pitch relevancy. #2 is uh.... idk. that kind of pattern isnt my thing overall. feels awkward as well when there's a shield inside two LN. Staccato LNs is the best thing i could think of. maybe i put some SVs for a bump feel


01:49:510 (109510|1,109592|3) - suggestion: delete wait this doesnt highlight anything hmm.. For me it does highlights the pitch changing uh i mean when i clicked your timestamp, it doesnt highlight anything in my timeline. This is what i got when i clicked your timestamp
Also why did you place a note here 02:46:584 (166584|0) - 02:57:133 (177133|1) - if you placed ln here 02:51:858 (171858|2,171941|0) o wups fixed. nice catch[/quote]

DustMoon wrote:

wheres the ↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓ lol
i love LANOTA!!!!!
00:18:151 (18151|1) - delete nah. emphasis
00:19:469 (19469|3,19799|3) - if you want to catch "Cachoo"sound why not catch 00:19:634 (19634|2,19716|1,19799|2) - these notes to mapping LN (and so on)(i won't need to list them) hmm only that two foreground "cachoo" noise i was mapping. the 3 notes are not even louder as that LN
00:21:777 (21777|0) - i don't understand why you want to mapping here There's somewhat a long fx noise there
00:23:425 (23425|3,23590|2,23672|0,23755|3,23755|1,23755|2,23920|0) - and you not same mapping to 00:19:469 (19469|3,19634|2,19716|1,19799|3,19799|0,19799|2,19964|1) - I dont see your point. both are same in note density
00:24:579 (24579|0,24909|0) - put the distance between the two LNs are too short ,may be you can 00:25:074 (25074|1) - delete this and 00:24:909 (24909|0) - move to col 2 it wil lose the emphasis i was trying to do here. also the LN doesnt seem to be a problem since they correctly follow fx noise
00:30:183 (30183|0) - move to 3 emm nope. not so hand balance i think
00:33:315 (33315|1,33398|3,33480|2,33563|1,33563|0,33645|3,33645|2,33727|0,33810|2,33892|1,33975|2,33975|0,33975|3) - Compared to previous sounds ,i think them to soft(00:32:986 (32986|3,32986|2,32986|0,33151|3,33151|0,33151|2) - ) I do believe that soft but still worthy to be mapped
00:40:898 - 00:41:475 - uhhhhhhhhh no? three staccato LN already ok imo
00:41:557 (41557|0,41722|1) - change to short LNs hmm i prefer normal note
00:44:174 (44174|2,44194|3,44194|0) - ??? there is no right bell noise is graced here
00:56:777 (56777|1,56832|0,56887|3,56942|2,56997|0,57052|1,57107|2,57161|3,57216|0,57271|1,57326|3,57381|2,57436|1,57491|0,57546|3,57601|2,57656|1,57711|0) - ^i think you this period of treatment is not good enough nah its perfectly follow the fx noise. i dont see the point
00:49:799 - 00:56:722 - add more SV have an idea like that but its pretty poor when executed. mostly because the distance of each notes are 1/3 which is rare
01:09:249 (69249|1,69249|2,70567|1) - Ctrl+h
01:13:452 (73452|3) - no sound uhhh nope. its an obvious one
01:15:512 (75512|3,75512|0,75553|2,75595|1,75636|0,75677|3,75718|2,75760|0,75801|1,75842|2,75883|3,75924|0,75966|1,76007|3,76048|2,76089|1,76130|0) - WTF?those rhythm its actually somewhat cover a waterfall-kind-of noise
01:26:391 (86391|1,86556|3) - Ctrl+j nope. to keep balance with the notes before
01:28:040 (88040|1,88040|3,88040|2,88205|3,88369|3,88534|3,88699|3,88864|3,88946|2,89029|3,89111|1,89194|3,89276|0,89358|3,89358|2) - lol :p
01:33:809 (93809|1) - this LN should start 01:33:644 - its start getting louder on that point so......
01:58:040 (118040|1,118369|2) - 02:03:314 (123314|1,123644|2) - ctrl+h emm doesnt sound balanced
02:02:490 (122490|3,122655|0,122655|1,122738|2,122820|3,122820|1,122902|3,122902|0,122985|2,122985|1,123067|0,123150|3) - ^whats the difference? you just changing the direction.
02:05:622 (125622|2,125622|1,125622|3,125787|2,125787|1,125952|1,125952|2) - not same pitch Disagree. The kick is on the same pitch
02:08:589 - add one single note
02:12:710 (132710|3,132710|2,132710|1,133040|0,133040|1,133040|2,133369|3,133369|2,133369|1,133534|1,133534|0) - hh emphasis :p
02:23:342 (143342|3,143383|2,143424|3,143424|0,143424|1,143589|1,143672|2,143754|3,143754|0,143836|1,143919|3,144001|2,144084|1,144166|0,144166|3,144249|2,144331|1,144413|0,144413|3,144413|2) - ^ ?
Good luck! :)
Alrite thanks for mod!
osu!mania Artist Whitelist queue


00:42:546 (42546|1) - I'm not too sure about having this note here as, although it's not wrong it doesn't really feel right as the doubles before it and after it are mapped to synth, so it sounds less impactful.
00:45:266 (45266|1) - Unneccessary note
00:45:513 (45513|0,45513|3,45596|1,45678|2,45760|3) - This little burst should be a 1/6 burst something like that perhaps?
00:47:574 (47574|1) - Unnecessary note
00:48:892 (48892|1) - ^
00:49:222 (49222|2) - ^
00:56:777 (56777|1,56832|0,56887|3,56942|2,56997|1,57052|0,57107|3) - I'm not quite sure what this is map to, it seems that it's not mapped to anything, as the sound present when the notes are there is the hi-hat, perhaps consider removing this.
02:10:650 (130650|1,130650|0) - Unnecessary double

00:34:304 (34304|1,34304|0,34469|2,34469|3,34634|1,34634|0,34799|2,34799|3,34964|2,34964|1) - This doesn't feel right personally I think the drums should be one note, and the drums+synth should be doubles so something like this just to place emphasis on the synth sound over the drums
00:45:266 (45266|2) - Unnecessary Note
00:56:804 (56804|1,56887|0,56969|3,57052|2) - Not mapped to any sound in particular
01:19:633 (79633|3) - Where the LN starts
01:20:457 (80457|1) - ^
01:22:270 (82270|3) - ^
01:24:249 (84249|2) - ^
01:24:908 (84908|0) - ^
01:25:567 (85567|2) - ^
01:25:732 (85732|0) - ^
01:26:556 (86556|2) - There should be a note here on this 1/2 snap as there is drum sound there
02:01:584 (121584|1) - Unnecessary note

As' Standard
00:26:722 (26722|0,26887|0) - I advise against this for a normal difficulty the 1/2 jack although it isn't much I think it'll be better if you balance the notes out evenly
00:33:315 (33315|2) - I'm not too sure but there is no apparent sound to be heard at this snap, so I don't it's necessary
01:48:479 (108479|3) - this can be a ln that goes to the 1/2 snap for the drum roll sound
02:11:062 (131062|1) - perhaps move this to column 4 to make it flow more nicely and balance it out
02:11:556 (131556|0) - then this should be moved to column 1

The mods below is just suggestions to note placement with the idea of balancing the notes out in mind.
02:12:051 (132051|1) - move to column 2
02:13:040 (133040|1) - move to column 2
02:31:007 (151007|0) - move to column 1
02:34:139 (154139|3) - move to column 4
02:37:188 (157188|1) - move to column 3
02:37:353 (157353|2) - move to column 4
02:37:765 (157765|3) - move to column 4
02:37:930 (157930|1) - move to column 2
02:43:040 (163040|3) - move to column 3
02:57:380 (177380|0) - move to column 1
02:58:287 (178287|1) - move to column 3
02:58:452 (178452|2) - move to column 4
03:00:100 (180100|3) - move to column 4
Topic Starter

Knif3rism wrote:

osu!mania Artist Whitelist queue


00:42:546 (42546|1) - I'm not too sure about having this note here as, although it's not wrong it doesn't really feel right as the doubles before it and after it are mapped to synth, so it sounds less impactful. actually both kick / clap and synth are mapped to doubles
00:45:266 (45266|1) - Unneccessary note emm thats piano
00:45:513 (45513|0,45513|3,45596|1,45678|2,45760|3) - This little burst should be a 1/6 burst something like that perhaps? it is intended to be simplified form from the one i made at Ultimate. iirc it is allowed just for playability sake
00:47:574 (47574|1) - Unnecessary note again its piano
00:48:892 (48892|1) - ^ ^
00:49:222 (49222|2) - ^ ^
00:56:777 (56777|1,56832|0,56887|3,56942|2,56997|1,57052|0,57107|3) - I'm not quite sure what this is map to, it seems that it's not mapped to anything, as the sound present when the notes are there is the hi-hat, perhaps consider removing this. hmm its still hihat, altho yes its not really noticeable by noise but if its start on the middle of it, its sounds really redundant and jarring imo
02:10:650 (130650|1,130650|0) - Unnecessary double agree. removed one

00:34:304 (34304|1,34304|0,34469|2,34469|3,34634|1,34634|0,34799|2,34799|3,34964|2,34964|1) - This doesn't feel right personally I think the drums should be one note, and the drums+synth should be doubles so something like this just to place emphasis on the synth sound over the drums as before, I still map the synth melody with doubles, as well as the kicks and claps.
00:45:266 (45266|2) - Unnecessary Note piano again
00:56:804 (56804|1,56887|0,56969|3,57052|2) - Not mapped to any sound in particular simplified form of 1/6 from Another and Ultimate
01:19:633 (79633|3) - Where the LN starts
01:20:457 (80457|1) - ^
01:22:270 (82270|3) - ^
01:24:249 (84249|2) - ^
01:24:908 (84908|0) - ^
01:25:567 (85567|2) - ^
01:25:732 (85732|0) - ^ uhhhhhhhhh i dont get with all of these. they are all snapped correctly already so.... what did you suggest?
01:26:556 (86556|2) - There should be a note here on this 1/2 snap as there is drum sound there yep
02:01:584 (121584|1) - Unnecessary note synth percussion
Thx for mod :D
John Doe
As i promised in our conversation, here's your full mod!

Just to clarify this, if i say something about 0/1/2/3, i mean the 4 keys you are using for playing (0 = most left key, 3 = most right key).
Anyways, let's go!!!

00:11:208 - I think you could make this into a double
00:16:400 - You could insert a 3-note stream in 1/8 here
00:27:381 - I think this one should only be a double since the second one seems to be louder
00:29:936 - You missed a note here?
00:32:986 (32986|3,32986|0,32986|2,33151|0,33151|2,33151|3) - You could consider to insert short LN's here for the "wush" sound
00:48:892 (48892|3) - I'd delete this note since it feels more fitting then, the piano stream would feel better to play then, i think
01:03:975 (63975|0) - I'd let this LN end at 01:05:623. I can't here it end earlier
01:21:446 - Missed a note here
01:33:809 (93809|1) - Shouldn't this LN start at 01:33:644? Im not sure if you can shorten it just for playability, but yeah, maybe you can go with it

One or two other things in this diff, but only suggestions to make it better, and my suggestions were not as good as what you already have xD

00:11:208 - You could also make this into a double
00:13:186 - This sounds different then the double before, would change it
00:16:400 - Same as in Ultimate, would insert a 1/8th 3-note-stream here
00:24:579 (24579|3) - Would delete this note since you didn't use doubles for this sound before and the LN beginning should be enough
00:24:909 (24909|1) - Sounds different then the LN before, would move it to another column
00:45:513 (45513|3,45513|0,45596|1,45678|2,45760|3) - Shouldn't this be a 1/8th stream from here on?
00:55:953 (55953|3,55953|2,56063|2,56063|3,56172|1,56282|3,56282|2,56392|2,56392|3,56502|1,56612|2,56612|3,56722|3,56722|2,56777|1,56832|0,56887|3,56942|2,56997|1,57052|0,57107|3,57161|2,57216|0,57271|1,57326|2,57381|3,57436|0,57491|1,57546|2,57601|3,57656|0,57711|3,57711|1) - Suggestion for the end: Seems more fitting to me since every second double sounds different then the one before
01:21:446 - Here should be a double
02:43:699 - here should be a double, too

Man, you really did good on the main part, it seems so perfect

00:45:266 (45266|2) - Would still delete this note
01:28:095 - You could insert a note here for finish
02:08:589 (128589|3,128919|0,128919|1,129084|2,129249|1,129413|3,129496|2,129578|0,129578|1) - Suggestion: Feels better then the double above the LN-end, i think
02:34:963 - Here should be a tripple due to consistancy
02:44:523 (164523|1,164523|0,164688|3,164770|2,164853|1,164935|0,165018|2,165100|3,165183|1,165265|0,165347|2,165430|3,165512|0,165512|1) - Again Suggestion: Seems more fitting since A: The Tripple for the finish and B: Double and Tripple sound nearly the same, which is why i would place them in the same columns
02:56:062 - Would add a note here for a tripple

As' Standart
00:33:151 (33151|1) - Would move this note to col [3] because of the sound

01:15:512 - Would add a note here because of the heavy sound
01:28:040 - Add a note here for the finish

Im sorry that the last 2 diffs got not really modded, but i couldn't find anything more. Really good map, good luck with ranking!

Knif3rism wrote:

osu!mania Artist Whitelist queue


As' Standard
00:26:722 (26722|0,26887|0) - I advise against this for a normal difficulty the 1/2 jack although it isn't much I think it'll be better if you balance the notes out evenly // don't find any issue here. it's pretty well balanced and not too hard for Normal or Standart diff
00:33:315 (33315|2) - I'm not too sure but there is no apparent sound to be heard at this snap, so I don't it's necessary // there's a sound there. and it's still in the rhythm so why not?
01:48:479 (108479|3) - this can be a ln that goes to the 1/2 snap for the drum roll sound // yep. you're right. I think reverting it back to the LN looks much better
02:11:062 (131062|1) - perhaps move this to column 4 to make it flow more nicely and balance it out // uhh... i'll loose the Feels if I do that
02:11:556 (131556|0) - then this should be moved to column 1

The mods below is just suggestions to note placement with the idea of balancing the notes out in mind.
02:12:051 (132051|1) - move to column 2
02:13:040 (133040|1) - move to column 2
02:31:007 (151007|0) - move to column 1
02:34:139 (154139|3) - move to column 4
02:37:188 (157188|1) - move to column 3
02:37:353 (157353|2) - move to column 4
02:37:765 (157765|3) - move to column 4
02:37:930 (157930|1) - move to column 2
02:43:040 (163040|3) - move to column 3
02:57:380 (177380|0) - move to column 1
02:58:287 (178287|1) - move to column 3
02:58:452 (178452|2) - move to column 4
03:00:100 (180100|3) - move to column 4
// I've check all of the suggestion and I am sorry that I must reject all of it because some reason that I can't explain to you

LordTimeWaste wrote:

As i promised in our conversation, here's your full mod!

As' Standart
00:33:151 (33151|1) - Would move this note to col [3] because of the sound // eyy.. you understand my style. OK

Im sorry that the last 2 diffs got not really modded, but i couldn't find anything more. Really good map, good luck with ranking!
osu file format v14

AudioFilename: audio.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 144578
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SampleSet: Soft
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Mode: 3
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SpecialStyle: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

DistanceSpacing: 0.8
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 8
TimelineZoom: 3.800004

Version:As' Standard
Tags:aste- noxy games fisica ritmo dance EDM boss song chapter 2


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Topic Starter

LordTimeWaste wrote:

As i promised in our conversation, here's your full mod!

Just to clarify this, if i say something about 0/1/2/3, i mean the 4 keys you are using for playing (0 = most left key, 3 = most right key).
Anyways, let's go!!!

00:11:208 - I think you could make this into a double kinda not suited for some reason
00:16:400 - You could insert a 3-note stream in 1/8 here i dont think so, think its best to keep it simple for this part
00:27:381 - I think this one should only be a double since the second one seems to be louder think its the same clap type(?). emphasized too
00:29:936 - You missed a note here? intended. player will got a better approach if its started on downbeat
00:32:986 (32986|3,32986|0,32986|2,33151|0,33151|2,33151|3) - You could consider to insert short LN's here for the "wush" sound hmm doesnt seem to be my thing so i'll pass :u
00:48:892 (48892|3) - I'd delete this note since it feels more fitting then, the piano stream would feel better to play then, i think
01:03:975 (63975|0) - I'd let this LN end at 01:05:623. I can't here it end earlier uh no? the noise is ended right there. extending it is kinda misleading
01:21:446 - Missed a note here uhhh there's already a note there
01:33:809 (93809|1) - Shouldn't this LN start at 01:33:644? Im not sure if you can shorten it just for playability, but yeah, maybe you can go with it yeah xd. think its more intuitive this way

One or two other things in this diff, but only suggestions to make it better, and my suggestions were not as good as what you already have xD

00:11:208 - You could also make this into a double same reason
00:13:186 - This sounds different then the double before, would change it think its not really affecting much so would like to keep
00:16:400 - Same as in Ultimate, would insert a 1/8th 3-note-stream here again, i want this to be as simple as possible
00:24:579 (24579|3) - Would delete this note since you didn't use doubles for this sound before and the LN beginning should be enough LN and SN represent different sound, so i think its quite fine
00:24:909 (24909|1) - Sounds different then the LN before, would move it to another column i found that this one is better to control.
would like to keep this for now

00:45:513 (45513|3,45513|0,45596|1,45678|2,45760|3) - Shouldn't this be a 1/8th stream from here on? simplified for playability
00:55:953 (55953|3,55953|2,56063|2,56063|3,56172|1,56282|3,56282|2,56392|2,56392|3,56502|1,56612|2,56612|3,56722|3,56722|2,56777|1,56832|0,56887|3,56942|2,56997|1,57052|0,57107|3,57161|2,57216|0,57271|1,57326|2,57381|3,57436|0,57491|1,57546|2,57601|3,57656|0,57711|3,57711|1) - Suggestion for the end: Seems more fitting to me since every second double sounds different then the one before think i'll pass now. the snares placed on the same col to indicate its pitch and loudness which is literally same :u
01:21:446 - Here should be a double hmm seems too low for me
02:43:699 - here should be a double, too this one I agree xd

Man, you really did good on the main part, it seems so perfect

00:45:266 (45266|2) - Would still delete this note everyone still notice it as a piano tho so i think deleting it is not necessary
01:28:095 - You could insert a note here for finish i prefer nope for this diff tho
02:08:589 (128589|3,128919|0,128919|1,129084|2,129249|1,129413|3,129496|2,129578|0,129578|1) - Suggestion: Feels better then the double above the LN-end, i think changed but still keeping the shield tho.
02:34:963 - Here should be a tripple due to consistancy but there's a stream afterwards so.........
02:44:523 (164523|1,164523|0,164688|3,164770|2,164853|1,164935|0,165018|2,165100|3,165183|1,165265|0,165347|2,165430|3,165512|0,165512|1) - Again Suggestion: Seems more fitting since A: The Tripple for the finish and B: Double and Tripple sound nearly the same, which is why i would place them in the same columns
02:56:062 - Would add a note here for a tripple same, there's a stream :u

01:15:512 - Would add a note here because of the heavy sound its not as heavy as before i think so would like to keep
01:28:040 - Add a note here for the finish

Im sorry that the last 2 diffs got not really modded, but i couldn't find anything more. Really good map, good luck with ranking!
Thanks! no reply = fixed.
should have HS-ed this hh xd
hai~ :D
lanota itu game kan !?
<- pernah nyoba versi gratisnya :v

00:31:337 - tambah note
00:31:667 - ^
p.s kalau dua di atas gk ditambah menurutku :
00:45:183 (45183|1,45513|2) - yg ini dihapus karena sebelumnya 1 ln udah ngewakilin drum dan yg bunyi *teketeketek itu :v jadi yg ini juga satu ln bisa wakilin piano+drum
00:48:315 - dan 00:48:645 - ini cuma saran, di tambah note utk suara *apalah yg ada disitu :v
00:48:810 (48810|2) - yg ini kalau dihapus menurutku lebih gampang buat dpt renbow \:v/
01:18:479 (78479|3) - ln
01:33:644 (93644|0) - ln
01:38:919 (98919|1,99249|3,99578|0) - ln
02:03:150 (123150|2,123314|0) - gimana kalau dituker ln sama notenya ?
02:05:952 (125952|0,126281|2) - ctrl+g

As' Standard
00:05:933 (5933|0) - col 4 hand balance
00:18:131 (18131|0) - karena diff lain snapnya di 00:18:151 - sini, samain aja + tambah note menurutku
00:19:469 - biar gk monoton aja maksudku, keputusan ditanganmu :D
00:20:623 (20623|1,20705|2) - ctrl+g
00:24:579 (24579|1,24909|0) - mungkin agak aneh tapi menurutku cocok klo ln
00:26:063 - tambah note
00:27:381 - kalau yg ^^^^ diaccept disamain
00:33:315 (33315|2) - hapus utk istirahat
00:33:975 - tambah note
00:37:766 (37766|3) - col 2
00:37:931 (37931|0) - col 4
00:41:887 - tambah note (walaupun dejavu sama yg hyper tapi menurutku gpp :v)
00:43:535 - tambah note biar drumnya gk ilang
00:46:172 - ^ dan snap 1/1 selanjutnya
01:16:007 - tambah note ?
01:16:172 (76172|3) - col 3

00:35:953 (35953|2) - ln
00:37:766 - tambah note ?
00:49:469 (49469|0) - yg diff ultimate&another berentinya disini loh 00:49:634 - gpp kah ?
01:33:644 (93644|3) - ln
*entah kenapa jadi ketagihan main diff ini aku :v

00:44:112 - tambah note snap 1/8 ke depan ?
01:33:809 (93809|3) - ln ?
01:39:084 - | 01:39:413 - dan 01:39:743 - tambah note

ama mau nanya... bagian ini 01:00:348 - nanti dikasih keysound kan !?

itu aja... maaf modku sedikit, semoga memuaskan :oops:
Hello, Rivals_7 ;)
Wow there‘s one more jioyi boss song mapset?That's great! So it‘s time to rub the laptop keyboard by changing the Key↑↓ :D
Bty I find that you're trying to catch Hitsounds in this song.Maybe I could give a little help in it
Here random HS mod

I make a diff for HS specially.It contain the HS now in your hitsounds base diff and I find others.
Maybe It seem too complicated but in fact it's basic drum track easier than you can see :oops:

You can change/Del the HS which the part not very well or make a Lite version base on this diff by yourself etc .Of course you can copy it directly by choose the Keysound
There're two diff from your map copy done directly and you can play it for experience.

Wish it will help you!
Nice map! Good luck to you StandaloneMapper ftw xdxdxd :)
Topic Starter
holy shit that Hitsound is fuken awesome!
and here i am where i need like 3 hours alone just to found the correct piano hitsound :u

Thank you so much for this. I'll add you alongside aste- as the contributor of this mapset on Hitsounding xD
will check misternopal's mod today too. xD

misternopal wrote:

hai~ :D
lanota itu game kan !?
<- pernah nyoba versi gratisnya :v ena mz serasa maen maimai di hape

00:31:337 - tambah note
00:31:667 - ^
p.s kalau dua di atas gk ditambah menurutku :
00:45:183 (45183|1,45513|2) - yg ini dihapus karena sebelumnya 1 ln udah ngewakilin drum dan yg bunyi *teketeketek itu :v jadi yg ini juga satu ln bisa wakilin piano+drum dua yg di atas emg sengaja kan disana byk LN tuh jadi kalo tiba2 ada note yg newbie mungkin rada kewalahan juga
00:48:315 - dan 00:48:645 - ini cuma saran, di tambah note utk suara *apalah yg ada disitu :v w fokus ke perkusi aja
00:48:810 (48810|2) - yg ini kalau dihapus menurutku lebih gampang buat dpt renbow \:v/ ngeng >:D
01:18:479 (78479|3) - ln
01:33:644 (93644|0) - ln
01:38:919 (98919|1,99249|3,99578|0) - ln ^entahlah. 3 ini rada kurang intuitive kalo LN
02:03:150 (123150|2,123314|0) - gimana kalau dituker ln sama notenya ? kurang balance imo
02:05:952 (125952|0,126281|2) - ctrl+g gk balance :u

00:35:953 (35953|2) - ln nda ena to :u
00:37:766 - tambah note ?
00:49:469 (49469|0) - yg diff ultimate&another berentinya disini loh 00:49:634 - gpp kah ?
01:33:644 (93644|3) - ln ini jgn deh xd
*entah kenapa jadi ketagihan main diff ini aku :v ea

00:44:112 - tambah note snap 1/8 ke depan ? simplein aja deh kalo yg disini. ultimate udh ada to
01:33:809 (93809|3) - ln ?
01:39:084 - | 01:39:413 - dan 01:39:743 - tambah note gk ada clap disini :u

ama mau nanya... bagian ini 01:00:348 - nanti dikasih keysound kan !? udh ada yey xDD

itu aja... maaf modku sedikit, semoga memuaskan :oops:
Sip. Thx modnya :D

misternopal wrote:

hai~ :D
lanota itu game kan !?
<- pernah nyoba versi gratisnya :v

As' Standard
00:05:933 (5933|0) - col 4 hand balance // bias di lihat kan kalau pattern di sini berdasarkan Pitch?
00:18:131 (18131|0) - karena diff lain snapnya di 00:18:151 - sini, samain aja + tambah note menurutku // emang salah snap aku
00:19:469 - biar gk monoton aja maksudku, keputusan ditanganmu :D // no. keep
00:20:623 (20623|1,20705|2) - ctrl+g // no
00:24:579 (24579|1,24909|0) - mungkin agak aneh tapi menurutku cocok klo ln // no. ngga konsisten
00:26:063 - tambah note // no. diff ini khusus di buat single note only
00:27:381 - kalau yg ^^^^ diaccept disamain // no
00:33:315 (33315|2) - hapus utk istirahat // no. itungan nya berantakan ntar
00:33:975 - tambah note // no
00:37:766 (37766|3) - col 2 // no. Pitch nya di lihat
00:37:931 (37931|0) - col 4 // no
00:41:887 - tambah note (walaupun dejavu sama yg hyper tapi menurutku gpp :v) // no
00:43:535 - tambah note biar drumnya gk ilang // no
00:46:172 - ^ dan snap 1/1 selanjutnya //bisa di lihat kan.. itu ngikut suara apa?
01:16:007 - tambah note ? // ngikut hardbeat. untuk yang sample sound itu buat variasi penyiksa
01:16:172 (76172|3) - col 3

ama mau nanya... bagian ini 01:00:348 - nanti dikasih keysound kan !?

itu aja... maaf modku sedikit, semoga memuaskan :oops:
sorry. semua di Reject

I Need Pitch Mod biar Pattern nya Ngikut Pitch HS

From mine and vortex- modding queue

To begin with, holy waaaa this song is amazing~
Anyway, here is the mod, I'll start out with Ultimate difficulty, vortex- is working on the another difficulty
Ultimate difficulty
00:11:373 - Add a note here, you've made doubles out of the ones that have the "cling" sound (or whatever you call it owo) in the background

00:22:931 - Add a note here to emphasize the extra drum sound, just like you've done here 00:18:975 - and here 00:20:953 -

00:26:887 - 00:28:865 - ^same as above

00:29:936 - Missing note, understand you might've removed it to make a smoother transition into the trill, but it doesn't make for a bad transition

00:34:222 - 00:35:541 - 00:35:870 - 00:36:200 - 00:36:530 - 00:37:848 - 00:39:497 - 00:40:156 - Missing notes on all of these, maybe you wanted to map like this for variety?

00:43:123 - 00:47:079 - ^same for these as stated above, especially since you mapped it like that here 00:48:398 -

00:55:953 (55953|2,55953|3,56063|2,56063|3,56282|2,56282|3,56392|2,56392|3,56612|3,56612|2,56722|3,56722|2) - Adding notes to these to make them triples emphasizes the drum sound better, also want to point out that I absolutely love this part :)

01:07:931 - This part and forward is a good place to add SV's especially since you have alot of other SV's in the map

01:26:721 - This double should be here 01:26:639 - Instead, like this

01:30:842 - Add note to make double, emphasizes the drum sound

01:33:479 - 01:36:117 - 01:38:754 - ^Same as above

01:39:496 - Add note

01:40:732 - Add note to emphasize the drum sound

01:42:710 - 01:43:040 - 01:43:699 - 01:44:029 - 01:44:358 - 01:44:688 - 01:45:018 - Remove one note each on these to make them singles, fits the drum sound better

01:43:781 - Add a note

01:58:534 - Nothing from with this part, just cool that you've taken notice of the synth sound to make them doubles :D

01:59:441 - Ghost note, also adding SV's at this part fits the noice

02:00:595 - 02:15:347 - 02:16:336 - 02:17:985 - 02:18:974 - Missing notes

02:20:705 - Missing double here

02:25:979 - 02:27:298 - 02:28:617 - 02:29:935 - 02:31:254 - 02:32:573 - 02:33:891 - Missing notes, really feel like you should add these since the map is above 5* ;) You've also mapped the same sound with a note like that here 02:39:166 -

02:34:716 - 02:36:529 - 02:37:847 - 02:40:485 - 02:41:803 - Missing notes

02:44:523 - Feel like this should be a triple or double, using a double for the same sound here 02:44:358 - makes it confusing

02:48:809 - 02:49:468 - 02:50:787 - 02:59:358 - 03:00:018 - Add a note to emphasize the drum sound in all of these cases

From here 02:50:952 - to here 02:51:034 - you can add notes to emphasize the drum sounds, like in other parts of the map where you have done it

02:52:270 - ^Same as above

That's it for my mod :)

Hope it helped, GL with this amazing map ;)
Hello Rivals_7!

00:23:879 - LN should end here, since the sound supports it

00:24:085 - Maybe put LN on this type of sound? Up to you

00:34:469 (34469|2,34469|3,34799|2,34799|3) - Change these two jumps to singles, but if you wanna keep them for the main piano sound (which I think is what you're trying to do), you should consider to map the piano sound on other parts of that section. 00:37:766 (37766|0) - Like here for instance

00:45:568 - There are two 1/6 piano notes here, not mapped correctly. Map two 1/6 notes instead of that single 1/4 note!

01:16:130 (76130|0) - Spooky ghost note?

Maybe add note here 01:52:930 - and 01:53:012 - Here to represent the sound better? Not necessary of course

01:53:754 - to 02:01:007 - Seems to be a bit vague, maybe add notes between the hands?
02:04:303 - to 02:11:391 - Same here?

02:16:831 - Change this to hand maybe

02:22:765 - Having a jump in the middle here seemed to ruin the flow for me, I suggest you to move the jump to the left.

02:43:122 - Hand? Suggesting to add a note to the jump, and move the LN one column to the left.

02:44:523 - Change this to a jump
03:02:985 - ^ ?

03:04:303 - Instead of a boring slow jumpthrill, have a jumpstream instead, which is better supported by the sound.

Overall, really good song, and a really good map. Want to see it ranked one day! :)
Topic Starter

cpotfangirl wrote:


From mine and vortex- modding queue

To begin with, holy waaaa this song is amazing~
Anyway, here is the mod, I'll start out with Ultimate difficulty, vortex- is working on the another difficulty
Ultimate difficulty
00:11:373 - Add a note here, you've made doubles out of the ones that have the "cling" sound (or whatever you call it owo) in the background actually no. there's only piano i could heard

00:22:931 - Add a note here to emphasize the extra drum sound, just like you've done here 00:18:975 - and here 00:20:953 -

00:26:887 - 00:28:865 - ^same as above

00:29:936 - Missing note, understand you might've removed it to make a smoother transition into the trill, but it doesn't make for a bad transition Personally think it doesnt relevant to any noise that have been builded before and after this line so i dont think thats kinda worth

00:34:222 - 00:35:541 - 00:35:870 - 00:36:200 - 00:36:530 - 00:37:848 - 00:39:497 - 00:40:156 - Missing notes on all of these, maybe you wanted to map like this for variety? all of the synths is kinda not hearable imo so I think its the best to leave it as it is

00:43:123 - 00:47:079 - ^same for these as stated above, especially since you mapped it like that here 00:48:398 - uh same

00:55:953 (55953|2,55953|3,56063|2,56063|3,56282|2,56282|3,56392|2,56392|3,56612|3,56612|2,56722|3,56722|2) - Adding notes to these to make them triples emphasizes the drum sound better, also want to point out that I absolutely love this part :) not wrong actually but it'll make the bias on the left is kinda lol. so i think i just keep it

01:07:931 - This part and forward is a good place to add SV's especially since you have alot of other SV's in the map there's already an SV lol

01:26:721 - This double should be here 01:26:639 - Instead, like this will keep this since the current one cover both piano chord and the deep bass thing which is kinda superior than the clap ones

01:30:842 - Add note to make double, emphasizes the drum sound actually i'm focusing on the main melody which is indicated by a bell noise throughout this section so yea not gonna double them

01:33:479 - 01:36:117 - 01:38:754 - ^Same as above ^

01:39:496 - Add note keep this for focusing the bassdrop fx (and smoother transitionish)

01:40:732 - Add note to emphasize the drum sound intended to keep the patterning buildup consistent


01:42:710 - 01:43:040 - 01:43:699 - 01:44:029 - 01:44:358 - 01:44:688 - 01:45:018 - Remove one note each on these to make them singles, fits the drum sound better

01:43:781 - Add a note
ehhh for this part i think i have an idea to kinda remapped this to relate the song more better

01:58:534 - Nothing from with this part, just cool that you've taken notice of the synth sound to make them doubles :D yey

01:59:441 - Ghost note, also adding SV's at this part fits the noice

02:00:595 - uh no the transition will be too awkward for that - 02:15:347 - 02:16:336 - 02:17:985 - 02:18:974 - Missing notes this is intended since the Drum are not on its stable rythm (different concepts from Another)

02:20:705 - Missing double here

02:25:979 - 02:27:298 - 02:28:617 - 02:29:935 - 02:31:254 - 02:32:573 - 02:33:891 - Missing notes, really feel like you should add these since the map is above 5* ;) You've also mapped the same sound with a note like that here 02:39:166 - only doing the - 02:28:617 - since i notice it was the same rythmical noise as on what you've pointed

02:34:716 - 02:36:529 - 02:37:847 - 02:40:485 - 02:41:803 - Missing notes actually tho i kinda ignore the majority of the synths and let it focus on the main melody for better approach

02:44:523 - Feel like this should be a triple or double, using a double for the same sound here 02:44:358 - makes it confusing it has more than just a kick. its has more emphasize

02:48:809 - 02:49:468 - 02:50:787 - 02:59:358 - 03:00:018 - Add a note to emphasize the drum sound in all of these cases for some reason i dont really like putting three notes alongside the LN, personally think that it is too cramped and not really balance friendly

From here 02:50:952 - to here 02:51:034 - you can add notes to emphasize the drum sounds, like in other parts of the map where you have done it

02:52:270 - ^Same as above no drum I think

That's it for my mod :)

Hope it helped, GL with this amazing map ;)
Thx both for the mod! I'll apply vortex's mod soon xD updated along with aste's update for now

Vortex- wrote:

Hello Rivals_7!

00:23:879 - LN should end here, since the sound supports it imo the fx still exist until there

00:24:085 - Maybe put LN on this type of sound? Up to you already emphasized with triples so LN is kinda unecessary

00:34:469 (34469|2,34469|3,34799|2,34799|3) - Change these two jumps to singles, but if you wanna keep them for the main piano sound (which I think is what you're trying to do), you should consider to map the piano sound on other parts of that section. 00:37:766 (37766|0) - Like here for instance

00:45:568 - There are two 1/6 piano notes here, not mapped correctly. Map two 1/6 notes instead of that single 1/4 note! actually its a simplified version for better sightreading but will consider it next

01:16:130 (76130|0) - Spooky ghost note? i thik its still a synths

Maybe add note here 01:52:930 - and 01:53:012 - Here to represent the sound better? Not necessary of course guess its better to keep

01:53:754 - to 02:01:007 - Seems to be a bit vague, maybe add notes between the hands?
02:04:303 - to 02:11:391 - Same here? ^ not really. i think its better to keep everything balanced

02:16:831 - Change this to hand maybe kinda cramped :u

02:22:765 - Having a jump in the middle here seemed to ruin the flow for me, I suggest you to move the jump to the left. its quite intended. having it on the left making it kinda more hard to read even more xd

02:43:122 - Hand? Suggesting to add a note to the jump, and move the LN one column to the left. the minijack that will created is somewhat unecessary so i guess i'll keep :c

02:44:523 - Change this to a jump its for emphasis here
03:02:985 - ^ ?

03:04:303 - Instead of a boring slow jumpthrill, have a jumpstream instead, which is better supported by the sound. kinda dont want to making the layer too dense from Hyper yet doesnt too close to Ultimate so....... :c

Overall, really good song, and a really good map. Want to see it ranked one day! :)
Thx :D no reply = fix
(From my modding queue~)

Sorry for the late mod, you posted the request in my queue more than 20 days ago, but in addition to having this queue really busy, many things happened irl xD
I hope you are still maintaining this map anyway, here is the mod for the first 2 difficulties, since its a long map ill mode the other diff tomorrow when ill have more time.

Also, i tend to make many personnal suggestions in my mod, so please only apply them if you 120% agree~

EDIT 1: Hyper modding is done but sorry Ill have to delayed Another & Ultimate modding once more, today was a busy day again :c
EDIT 2: Mod finally done~

Legend is 0|1|2|3


00:09:230 (9230|3,9560|1) - Id CTRL+G those, just to follow the piano pitch going higher

00:25:074 (25074|3) - Maybe move it to (2), sorry i dont have logic reason for this, i just feel it would go better with the drum to alternate with 2 columns only instead of going for a 3rd one

00:31:667 (31667|3) - Why not keeping the same jack pattern you used to do before ? I dont think its a big deal to break the LNs just here

00:37:766 - What about adding a note at (2) ? To match the piano (also you did it at 00:41:722 so it would be great to add here too for consistency)

00:47:491 (47491|3) - I find this LN a bit weird, im not sure what you intended to map with it, maybe the fast piano stair, but anyway this LN feels a bit alone in the middle of nothing maybe remove it and just add a note at 00:47:656 if you want to enhance the piano going faster

At 00:53:755 - Somehow i hear this part more with 2 LNs like this. Also maybe its interesting to keep with this 2 LN pattern so a beginner would recognize something he/she has already played at 00:45:183

01:23:095 (83095|1,83260|2) - I would CTRL+G those, first for to follow the synth pitch and then because i like playing a note just after an LN ahah :p
(more seriously, that one column jump pattern is more in the spirit of the surrounding mapping anyway, but the stair is also a good idea in a sense that it contrasts with those, up to you)

01:27:710 (87710|2) - And here is the magic, if you move it to (0) you would have :
01:20:292 - Stair pattern
01:22:930 - Column jump pattern
01:25:567 - Stair pattern
01:27:545 - Column jump pattern owo)b

01:31:336 (91336|2) - Maybe move it to (1) for the jack like at the beginning
01:36:611 (96611|1) - To (2) for the same reason

01:53:424 (113424|2) - I would have seen a LN here (until 01:53:754)
01:58:699 (118699|1) - Ok that would mean adding a LN here too

02:07:188 (127188|2) - Would move it to (1) and
02:07:435 (127435|0) - To (2), the idea is to go in the opposite direction as 02:04:633 (124633|3,124798|1) or 02:05:787 (125787|3,125952|0) so it wont confuse too much the beginners because of the rythm change (especially ternary in binary can be really tricky at that level)

02:05:787 (125787|3,125952|0) - Just maybe add a note here to make the middle of that kiai even more fun and challeging for beginner
02:55:897 - Same thing

Nice diff, entertaining and challenging with a great range of rythm pattern while keeping it simple for beginners. About the HS this is far above my skills i have nothing to contest about it. Just something bother me, during the last kiai, i heard the "click" sounds going sometime to the right ear and sometime in the middle but never to the left here. But anyway i thing it would be real fun to make it go from left to right and right to left during the kiai what do you think ?

As' Standard

00:03:296 (3296|2) - Move it to (3), its no fun to have this 00:02:307 (2307|2,2637|1) twice. You can move the whole pattern else where or move the next note, but the idea is not to have the same pattern twice. Also the idea behind moving it to (3) is to echo with 00:04:285 (4285|1,4615|2,4944|0)

Okay maybe move the following :
00:18:975 (18975|0) - To (1)
00:19:964 (19964|3) - To (2)
00:20:953 (20953|0) - To (1)
00:21:942 (21942|3) - To (2)
The thing is all those first triplet patterns 00:18:315 (18315|2,18398|1,18480|0) and 00:18:645 (18645|1,18727|2,18810|3) have their last note on the (0) or (3) column. But the single notes are also use those column creating a some king of void in the (1) and (2) column for the beginning of that section
(at least that what i feel when testplaying)

00:38:260 - Missing note for the piano
00:39:249 - Here too

00:44:194 (44194|3) - Move it to (2), not sure you need that jack triplet 00:44:194 (44194|3,44524|3,44689|3)

00:46:832 (46832|0,47161|0) - Move it to another column, the jack is good for the kicks, but you should not jack with the snare at 00:47:491 (47491|0)

00:48:810 (48810|1,48892|2,48975|3) - Ok im not sure what you are doing with this, its a bit confusing, there is no piano going that fast here, i think at least remove 00:48:892 (48892|2)

At 01:15:512 if you want to map those voice noise, i think a better choice would be to keep LNs and also map the "clop" tongue sound at 01:16:007
I suggest the following :

01:24:578 (84578|2) - Would move it to (1), there is no need for jack here, i think you should only use jack here when the synth is holding a note like you did at 01:22:600 (82600|2,82930|2)
01:25:238 (85238|2) - And so for this reason id move it to (1)

01:26:227 (86227|2) - Would move it to (3) to follow the synth going to a really high pitch here

01:32:490 (92490|2,92820|2,92985|1) - Maybe move it one column to the left, the pitch is a bit lower than 01:29:853 (89853|2,90183|2,90347|1) and it would avoid using exactly the same pattern twice

01:35:128 (95128|3,95457|2) - Why breaking the jack here ?

At 02:07:930 i would suggest mapping like this :

First i think you can add a note at 02:08:177 for the normal difficulty, also i think its a good place to re-use that LN-side note-LN patterns you are using during those kiai
(I must say this pattern is freaking awsome >w<)b)

02:26:968 (146968|0) - Not sure this note is really necessary, i mean you just introduced this pattern once before, maybe its too soon to already add some arrangement to it

02:28:122 - I really hear a synth note here, but since you are alternating between drum and synth mapping im sure if you should add a note here or not
(remark you added one at 02:38:672 (158672|2))

02:34:633 (154633|3,154798|2,154963|1,155128|0) - Just a suggestion, what about making them LN ? Just to mark the middle of the kiai and contrast with the surrounding mapping

02:55:238 (175238|2,175485|2) - I dont see any reason for this jack

As the previous diff, nothing to say about the HS. I think this diff need a bit more of work before being ready to be ranked, but it already has many good ideas. The kiais might be a bit easy compared to some other parts of the map but i guess its fine anyway owo)/


00:05:604 - I really think you should have a chord here

Maybe add notes at 00:16:318 and 00:16:400 its an hard diff, i think you can match the piano a bit more here

00:19:799 (19799|2,19964|0) - Would CTRL+G those, the drum HS feels like a coming back so i think the single note going with the LNs should alternate directions
Just like you did after in fact 00:23:425

00:27:711 (27711|1,27876|3) - Would CTRL+G those too for the same reasons, but this create an unwanted jack with the next chords that should be fixed then

00:40:898 (40898|3,40898|0,41227|0,41227|3) - What about 1/2 long LN for those ? I feel like it could go well with the synth

00:49:634 - Maybe add a note here, i really feel you should hit something at the end of that noise

01:05:623 (65623|3) - Would move it to (0) just to follow the piano pitch

01:28:864 - That LN only feels a bit weak for the drum going faster

01:55:897 (115897|1) - On (0) and
01:56:227 (116227|1) - On (2), i think the jacks could go well with the drum here

01:56:227 (116227|1) - Okay i somehow expected a chord here to be consistent with the snare mapping before (02:01:831 (121831|2,121831|1) + 02:02:243 (122243|2,122243|0)) but this will be a bit out of context if you dont remove 02:03:067 (123067|0) so its up to you

02:24:743 (144743|2,144743|3,144743|0) - Im really hesitating for this chords, as its the beginning of the kiai + cymbal HS so that would explain the triple but still if we look at the rest of the pattern the bass kick are mapped with double chords.
But still if you want to keep that triple chords i think you should reshape it or reshape 02:25:073 (145073|2,145073|3,145073|0), i dont think you hit the same chords for 2 different drum mapping

02:30:018 (150018|2,150018|3) - You should find another chords for this one, its the 3rd time you use the exact same chords for the bass kick mapping

02:37:270 (157270|3,157270|1,157435|2) - What happenned here ? The chord should be at 02:37:435

02:56:062 (176062|0,176062|1,176144|2,176227|3,176309|1,176391|0,176391|3) - Maybe go for a more trill-like pattern so the middle climax of this kiai will really contrast with the surrounding mapping

Nice diff overall, not too hard, not too easy. Also i didnt see real mapping error, just some adjustement here and there. Nice work owo)b


00:05:604 - Same remark as the hyper, i think you should have a chord here

00:19:469 (19469|3,19799|3) - For this section, im not sure the jack LN are really relevant since the drum is playing 2 very different sounds. What about having the second LN on the symetric side of the first one ? (like first LN is (3) then second is (0))

00:29:689 (29689|3) - I think this LN should last until 00:30:019

Maybe id add a (1,2) chords at
00:40:980 and
00:41:310 - I think its funnier to really hit something at the end of this LNs to match with the drum

01:27:051 (87051|1) - Would move it to (2) to have the jack with the next LN like at 01:21:611 (81611|1,81776|1)

01:36:611 - Maybe a triple chord here

At 01:45:183 i would suggest this kind of pattern first, to continue with the jacks a bit more :

02:25:732 (145732|0,145732|2,145897|1,146062|2,146062|0,146227|1,146391|0,146391|2) - Ok this is a bit sad & flat, what about using jack on those synth parts instead ? For example like this

That would mean using a kind of similar jack pattern at
02:31:007 + 02:36:281 + 02:41:556

02:34:963 - This is a 4.45 star, why no trill here ? T^T

02:48:150 (168150|3) - Shouldnt this LN be longer ? According to 02:46:666 (166666|1,166831|3,166996|1,167161|2)

Really cool diff, nothing much to mod actually. Fun to play and challenging at some part, but still kinda easy for a 4.45*. Many enjoyable idea through the whole map, definitly would like to see it ranked >w<)b


00:05:604 - Same remark as the 2 previous diff, i think a chord is necessary here

00:19:469 (19469|3,19799|3) - And also same remarks for those LN, once again i think it would be better to have them on different column

00:38:260 - What about having a chord here ? Okay the idea is, at the very beginning of this section you went full chords for 2 measures 00:34:304 (34304|2,34304|0,34469|3,34469|1,34634|1,34634|0,34799|3,34799|2) and i think this is a good idea. So maybe it would be nice to have some other small parts with full chord since its the last diff. Im thinking of doing 1 measure full chords at
00:38:260 + 00:40:568 + 00:47:161

00:53:096 - I really like this chord jack section, but maybe at the middle of it you can switch for other chords than (0,1) and (2,3) otherwise its a bit long and repetitive

01:01:337 (61337|0) - Would move it to (3) to follow the piano pitch

01:27:051 (87051|1) - Same remark as the another diff, would move it to (2) to have the jack with the next LN like at 01:21:611 (81611|1,81776|1)

01:42:216 - Okay, compared to the another diff, there is no reason for a specific jack pattern here, but still i think you can find a trill a bit different first instead of going (0,1) - (2,3) for 8 measures

02:15:430 (135430|2) - Maybe move it to (3) for the jack, it could go well with the snare
02:18:067 (138067|0) - Maybe to (1) for the same reasons then

02:25:732 (145732|0,145732|1,145897|2,146062|0,146062|1,146227|2,146391|1,146391|0) - Same remark as another, see above for the detailed explanation & suggestion ~

By the way, this kiai seems really weak for a last diff, i almost felt like playing the another once more here

02:48:150 (168150|3) - I think this LN should be longer if i refer to 02:46:666 (166666|1,166831|0,166996|1,167161|3)

Except the kiai at 02:24:743 that in my opinion does not raise the difficulty compared to the another, the rest is pretty clean. Even if most of the time i really feel like playing another with more notes but i guess its okay, another is really well done and so is ultimate in final :3

69th post hype >////<
Topic Starter

Moku_Hazushi wrote:

(From my modding queue~)

Sorry for the late mod, you posted the request in my queue more than 20 days ago, but in addition to having this queue really busy, many things happened irl xD
I hope you are still maintaining this map anyway, here is the mod for the first 2 difficulties, since its a long map ill mode the other diff tomorrow when ill have more time.

Also, i tend to make many personnal suggestions in my mod, so please only apply them if you 120% agree~

EDIT 1: Hyper modding is done but sorry Ill have to delayed Another & Ultimate modding once more, today was a busy day again :c
EDIT 2: Mod finally done~

Legend is 0|1|2|3


00:09:230 (9230|3,9560|1) - Id CTRL+G those, just to follow the piano pitch going higher

00:25:074 (25074|3) - Maybe move it to (2), sorry i dont have logic reason for this, i just feel it would go better with the drum to alternate with 2 columns only instead of going for a 3rd one think i'd keep this. i saw the flow work much better this way for a beginners hand

00:31:667 (31667|3) - Why not keeping the same jack pattern you used to do before ? I dont think its a big deal to break the LNs just here think of note spreading too so yea (i kinda didnt get what jack you were pointing out tho)

00:37:766 - What about adding a note at (2) ? To match the piano (also you did it at 00:41:722 so it would be great to add here too for consistency) oh the 00:41:722 are intended since its to indicate to approach a new song phase. the rest i'll keep it percussion only for better approach (and consistency)

00:47:491 (47491|3) - I find this LN a bit weird, im not sure what you intended to map with it, maybe the fast piano stair, but anyway this LN feels a bit alone in the middle of nothing maybe remove it and just add a note at 00:47:656 if you want to enhance the piano going faster deleting the LN but not adding any note

At 00:53:755 - Somehow i hear this part more with 2 LNs like this. Also maybe its interesting to keep with this 2 LN pattern so a beginner would recognize something he/she has already played at 00:45:183 its somewhat a different layering so it needs a different approach too

01:23:095 (83095|1,83260|2) - I would CTRL+G those, first for to follow the synth pitch and then because i like playing a note just after an LN ahah :p
(more seriously, that one column jump pattern is more in the spirit of the surrounding mapping anyway, but the stair is also a good idea in a sense that it contrasts with those, up to you)

01:27:710 (87710|2) - And here is the magic, if you move it to (0) you would have :
01:20:292 - Stair pattern
01:22:930 - Column jump pattern
01:25:567 - Stair pattern
01:27:545 - Column jump pattern owo)b

01:31:336 (91336|2) - Maybe move it to (1) for the jack like at the beginning
01:36:611 (96611|1) - To (2) for the same reason they're different snare so yea.... (Hence why the HS is different lel)

01:53:424 (113424|2) - I would have seen a LN here (until 01:53:754)
01:58:699 (118699|1) - Ok that would mean adding a LN here too thats somewhat not intuitive for me. think i'll keep those

02:07:188 (127188|2) - Would move it to (1) and
02:07:435 (127435|0) - To (2), the idea is to go in the opposite direction as 02:04:633 (124633|3,124798|1) or 02:05:787 (125787|3,125952|0) so it wont confuse too much the beginners because of the rythm change (especially ternary in binary can be really tricky at that level) thats rather subjective thing. i actually like this since there's some kinda of jump between the column (col2 to 0 then col 3 to 0|1 which is already intuitive for beginners. The rythm is yes kind of confusing but thats not my thing since it was the music who did confusing rythmic lel

02:05:787 (125787|3,125952|0) - Just maybe add a note here to make the middle of that kiai even more fun and challeging for beginner
02:55:897 - Same thing that would be too much for an ez tho xd

Nice diff, entertaining and challenging with a great range of rythm pattern while keeping it simple for beginners. About the HS this is far above my skills i have nothing to contest about it. Just something bother me, during the last kiai, i heard the "click" sounds going sometime to the right ear and sometime in the middle but never to the left here. But anyway i thing it would be real fun to make it go from left to right and right to left during the kiai what do you think ? that would be a cool thing but kinda lazy since i copied the Hitsound with software so i'll just leave it default lol


00:05:604 - I really think you should have a chord here

Maybe add notes at 00:16:318 and 00:16:400 its an hard diff, i think you can match the piano a bit more here

00:19:799 (19799|2,19964|0) - Would CTRL+G those, the drum HS feels like a coming back so i think the single note going with the LNs should alternate directions
Just like you did after in fact 00:23:425 wouldnt do that since it'll break the consistency of hand balance

00:27:711 (27711|1,27876|3) - Would CTRL+G those too for the same reasons, but this create an unwanted jack with the next chords that should be fixed then yeah thats the reason

00:40:898 (40898|3,40898|0,41227|0,41227|3) - What about 1/2 long LN for those ? I feel like it could go well with the synth hmmh emphasis didnt go well with that

00:49:634 - Maybe add a note here, i really feel you should hit something at the end of that noise no beat tho.

01:05:623 (65623|3) - Would move it to (0) just to follow the piano pitch

01:28:864 - That LN only feels a bit weak for the drum going faster the starting drum is weak anyways

01:55:897 (115897|1) - On (0) and
01:56:227 (116227|1) - On (2), i think the jacks could go well with the drum here they're not drum :u

01:56:227 (116227|1) - Okay i somehow expected a chord here to be consistent with the snare mapping before (02:01:831 (121831|2,121831|1) + 02:02:243 (122243|2,122243|0)) but this will be a bit out of context if you dont remove 02:03:067 (123067|0) so its up to you pretty sure its different than what you've pointed. - 01:56:227 (116227|1) - are synths

02:24:743 (144743|2,144743|3,144743|0) - Im really hesitating for this chords, as its the beginning of the kiai + cymbal HS so that would explain the triple but still if we look at the rest of the pattern the bass kick are mapped with double chords.
But still if you want to keep that triple chords i think you should reshape it or reshape 02:25:073 (145073|2,145073|3,145073|0), i dont think you hit the same chords for 2 different drum mapping sadly we dont have much choice since 4K column limit. I pretend the triples for both cymbal crash and the snare just for this final kiai since everything going intense so the patern are also intense too.

another kind of alternative if i want to keep the triple chords for snare are making the chords+cymbal a quad but thats too exaggerating for this diff

02:30:018 (150018|2,150018|3) - You should find another chords for this one, its the 3rd time you use the exact same chords for the bass kick mapping kick use double chord, snare use triple chord. its a natural on mapping since the snare is louder than a kick

02:37:270 (157270|3,157270|1,157435|2) - What happenned here ? The chord should be at 02:37:435

02:56:062 (176062|0,176062|1,176144|2,176227|3,176309|1,176391|0,176391|3) - Maybe go for a more trill-like pattern so the middle climax of this kiai will really contrast with the surrounding mapping Trill is somewhat too extreme for a "Hard" tier so hink i'll keep xd

Nice diff overall, not too hard, not too easy. Also i didnt see real mapping error, just some adjustement here and there. Nice work owo)b


00:05:604 - Same remark as the hyper, i think you should have a chord here

00:19:469 (19469|3,19799|3) - For this section, im not sure the jack LN are really relevant since the drum is playing 2 very different sounds. What about having the second LN on the symetric side of the first one ? (like first LN is (3) then second is (0)) i'm kinda ignoring that thing. since my pattern revolved around one way of stairs to indicate the song pace

00:29:689 (29689|3) - I think this LN should last until 00:30:019

Maybe id add a (1,2) chords at
00:40:980 and
00:41:310 - I think its funnier to really hit something at the end of this LNs to match with the drum uhhh not intuitive with the emphasis

01:27:051 (87051|1) - Would move it to (2) to have the jack with the next LN like at 01:21:611 (81611|1,81776|1) that would make the col 1 somewhat empty tho

01:36:611 - Maybe a triple chord here already specialized my chord at - 01:33:974 (93974|2,93974|0,93974|1) -

At 01:45:183 i would suggest this kind of pattern first, to continue with the jacks a bit more : changed a little bit

02:25:732 (145732|0,145732|2,145897|1,146062|2,146062|0,146227|1,146391|0,146391|2) - Ok this is a bit sad & flat, what about using jack on those synth parts instead ? For example like this done it differently

That would mean using a kind of similar jack pattern at
02:31:007 + 02:36:281 + 02:41:556

02:34:963 - This is a 4.45 star, why no trill here ? T^T

02:48:150 (168150|3) - Shouldnt this LN be longer ? According to 02:46:666 (166666|1,166831|3,166996|1,167161|2)

Really cool diff, nothing much to mod actually. Fun to play and challenging at some part, but still kinda easy for a 4.45*. Many enjoyable idea through the whole map, definitly would like to see it ranked >w<)b


00:05:604 - Same remark as the 2 previous diff, i think a chord is necessary here

00:19:469 (19469|3,19799|3) - And also same remarks for those LN, once again i think it would be better to have them on different column idk i feel its really fit like this (I think its because the same pitch despite being different snare)

00:38:260 - What about having a chord here ? Okay the idea is, at the very beginning of this section you went full chords for 2 measures 00:34:304 (34304|2,34304|0,34469|3,34469|1,34634|1,34634|0,34799|3,34799|2) and i think this is a good idea. So maybe it would be nice to have some other small parts with full chord since its the last diff. Im thinking of doing 1 measure full chords at
00:38:260 + 00:40:568 + 00:47:161 I kinda dont get what are you trying to explain here. some of the chords are following both piano and snare and some of the piano i left it single since it was rather weak

00:53:096 - I really like this chord jack section, but maybe at the middle of it you can switch for other chords than (0,1) and (2,3) otherwise its a bit long and repetitive i dont like using split chord :c like 0|2, 1|3 etc

01:01:337 (61337|0) - Would move it to (3) to follow the piano pitch i think the pitch already fit tho

01:27:051 (87051|1) - Same remark as the another diff, would move it to (2) to have the jack with the next LN like at 01:21:611 (81611|1,81776|1) uhh same

01:42:216 - Okay, compared to the another diff, there is no reason for a specific jack pattern here, but still i think you can find a trill a bit different first instead of going (0,1) - (2,3) for 8 measures

02:15:430 (135430|2) - Maybe move it to (3) for the jack, it could go well with the snare
02:18:067 (138067|0) - Maybe to (1) for the same reasons then

02:25:732 (145732|0,145732|1,145897|2,146062|0,146062|1,146227|2,146391|1,146391|0) - Same remark as another, see above for the detailed explanation & suggestion ~ as for this one i think its fine. since the column limit is just 4. maybe you just complain it since it wasnt too aesthetical-ish so yea xD

By the way, this kiai seems really weak for a last diff, i almost felt like playing the another once more here Its somewhat intended for a buildup intensity

02:48:150 (168150|3) - I think this LN should be longer if i refer to 02:46:666 (166666|1,166831|0,166996|1,167161|3)

Except the kiai at 02:24:743 that in my opinion does not raise the difficulty compared to the another, the rest is pretty clean. Even if most of the time i really feel like playing another with more notes but i guess its okay, another is really well done and so is ultimate in final :3 yeah both last kiai concept are different just for the sake of pattern variety and buildup intensity lel

69th post hype >////<
Thx a lot :D. no reply=fix

Moku_Hazushi wrote:

(From my modding queue~)

Sorry for the late mod, you posted the request in my queue more than 20 days ago, but in addition to having this queue really busy, many things happened irl xD
I hope you are still maintaining this map anyway, here is the mod for the first 2 difficulties, since its a long map ill mode the other diff tomorrow when ill have more time.

Also, i tend to make many personnal suggestions in my mod, so please only apply them if you 120% agree~

EDIT 1: Hyper modding is done but sorry Ill have to delayed Another & Ultimate modding once more, today was a busy day again :c
EDIT 2: Mod finally done~

Legend is 0|1|2|3

As' Standard

00:03:296 (3296|2) - Move it to (3), its no fun to have this 00:02:307 (2307|2,2637|1) twice. You can move the whole pattern else where or move the next note, but the idea is not to have the same pattern twice. Also the idea behind moving it to (3) is to echo with 00:04:285 (4285|1,4615|2,4944|0) // re-arrange it base on the HS pitch

Okay maybe move the following :
00:18:975 (18975|0) - To (1)
00:19:964 (19964|3) - To (2)
00:20:953 (20953|0) - To (1)
00:21:942 (21942|3) - To (2) // about this... the flow and pattern are no need more fix, thanks for your help thou
The thing is all those first triplet patterns 00:18:315 (18315|2,18398|1,18480|0) and 00:18:645 (18645|1,18727|2,18810|3) have their last note on the (0) or (3) column. But the single notes are also use those column creating a some king of void in the (1) and (2) column for the beginning of that section
(at least that what i feel when testplaying) // well.. that's the idea... make it feels like playing the rim of the drum

00:38:260 - Missing note for the piano
00:39:249 - Here too

00:44:194 (44194|3) - Move it to (2), not sure you need that jack triplet 00:44:194 (44194|3,44524|3,44689|3) // uhh.. keep for now. i want to keep the feel of the music there

00:46:832 (46832|0,47161|0) - Move it to another column, the jack is good for the kicks, but you should not jack with the snare at 00:47:491 (47491|0)

00:48:810 (48810|1,48892|2,48975|3) - Ok im not sure what you are doing with this, its a bit confusing, there is no piano going that fast here, i think at least remove 00:48:892 (48892|2) // oh. my mistake.. fixed and following the piano

At 01:15:512 if you want to map those voice noise, i think a better choice would be to keep LNs and also map the "clop" tongue sound at 01:16:007
I suggest the following :

01:24:578 (84578|2) - Would move it to (1), there is no need for jack here, i think you should only use jack here when the synth is holding a note like you did at 01:22:600 (82600|2,82930|2) // pitch.. sorry
01:25:238 (85238|2) - And so for this reason id move it to (1) // this too

01:26:227 (86227|2) - Would move it to (3) to follow the synth going to a really high pitch here

01:32:490 (92490|2,92820|2,92985|1) - Maybe move it one column to the left, the pitch is a bit lower than 01:29:853 (89853|2,90183|2,90347|1) and it would avoid using exactly the same pattern twice

01:35:128 (95128|3,95457|2) - Why breaking the jack here ?

At 02:07:930 i would suggest mapping like this :

First i think you can add a note at 02:08:177 for the normal difficulty, also i think its a good place to re-use that LN-side note-LN patterns you are using during those kiai
(I must say this pattern is freaking awsome >w<)b)

02:26:968 (146968|0) - Not sure this note is really necessary, i mean you just introduced this pattern once before, maybe its too soon to already add some arrangement to it // naah... it's fine

02:28:122 - I really hear a synth note here, but since you are alternating between drum and synth mapping im sure if you should add a note here or not
(remark you added one at 02:38:672 (158672|2))

02:34:633 (154633|3,154798|2,154963|1,155128|0) - Just a suggestion, what about making them LN ? Just to mark the middle of the kiai and contrast with the surrounding mapping // nice idea

02:55:238 (175238|2,175485|2) - I dont see any reason for this jack // uhh... yes it is.... feels

As the previous diff, nothing to say about the HS. I think this diff need a bit more of work before being ready to be ranked, but it already has many good ideas. The kiais might be a bit easy compared to some other parts of the map but i guess its fine anyway owo)/

69th post hype >////<
NM req from imtdb1's modding queue
00:34:469 - imo you should make that 1 note chord because there are no sounds that you followed that support it
00:34:799 - ^
00:44:194 - meybe add a little LN here?
00:48:315 - make it 1 note chord because imo its better that you only use double not chords at the sounds like 00:48:480
00:48:645 - ^
01:21:281 - make it double?
02:34:963 - add a note in 1st column
00:31:337 - why not use doubles?
00:31:997 - ^
00:37:766 - make it 1 note
00:49:909 - that pattern is really awkward to play (at least for me). Meybe make it like this
01:10:567 - why not add a SV like you did at 01:07:931 ?
Good Luck!
Topic Starter

imtdb1 wrote:

NM req from imtdb1's modding queue
00:34:469 - imo you should make that 1 note chord because there are no sounds that you followed that support it
00:34:799 - ^ ^ uh not rly. its my intention to make both piano and percussion to be doubled
00:44:194 - meybe add a little LN here? hmm its better like this imo
00:48:315 - make it 1 note chord because imo its better that you only use double not chords at the sounds like 00:48:480
00:48:645 - ^ ^ pretty much same reason
01:21:281 - make it double?
02:34:963 - add a note in 1st column intentional. as the note after this are stairs
00:31:337 - why not use doubles?
00:31:997 - ^ ^ its snare tho
00:37:766 - make it 1 note same as hyper
00:49:909 - that pattern is really awkward to play (at least for me). Meybe make it like this hmm not really. it was intended to reflect the diff curve on Ultimate
01:10:567 - why not add a SV like you did at 01:07:931 ? i'll think about it later i guess
Good Luck!
Thx for mod!

As' Standard
00:03:296 (3296|2,3626|1) - i'm sure these sounds are different than 00:02:307 (2307|2,2637|1) . So, replace these notes

00:55:074 (55074|1,55183|2,55293|1,55403|2,55513|1,55623|2) - i don't think this trill is a really good idea, 00:55:403 (55403|2,55513|1,55623|2) - replace this i guess

00:55:733 - - i think it's better fits to music

01:51:776 - i'm sure new LN start here

02:06:858 - finish LN and put note?

02:08:177 - add note?

02:22:930 (142930|0,143012|2,143177|0,143260|2) - it play not so well, may be something like 02:22:930 -
00:11:208 - i hear two sounds, so double?

00:56:722 - i don't think it's a good idea to put 1/4 notes on 1/6 sounds. Is this rankable? xd

01:29:358 - i think better to put notes on main melody (01:29:853 - 01:30:183 - 01:32:490 - 01:32:820 - and etc.)

01:49:139 - shoundn't you put here 1/2 LN for 1/8 sounds like you did before (01:48:479 (108479|3))
00:11:208 - same as in Hyper, double?

00:16:400 - - right is Hyper diff. How you can see Hyper is more difficult than Another xd

02:11:886 - add note

03:04:303 - - let's look on Hyper again, yep, it's harder. Maybe you will make 1/4 jump stream huh
00:11:208 - same as in Hyper, double?

00:16:400 - should i talk about hyper again? xd

01:39:249 - should be triple

03:04:303 - - it plays pretty well, and better fits to music
Good luck!
As requested in Crumpey's Mod Queue!


Beginner, As' Standard
Beginner (Mod)

00:41:227 - Id contemplate moving this to col 2

01:16:007 - id consider putting a note here, but its very opinionated as this is the easiest diff

01:15:512 - put a note besides the ln in col 2

As' Standard (Mod)

00:02:637 (2637|1) - move to col 1

00:05:604 (5604|2) - move to col 4

00:18:151 (18151|0) - add another note in col 4? theres a cymbol crash so you might want to use a double

00:26:063 (26063|0) - put a note on col 2 for the cymbol crash

00:32:986 (32986|3,33151|3) - make these 2 doubles using keys 3 and 4

00:33:315 (33315|2) - after doing that ^ move this to col 2

00:42:216 - in this "segment" you have chosen not to map the major beats, i think the song would flow better if you were to map them, ill timestamp a few of the main beats but there are a bit so ill let you find the rest providing you choose to map these

00:43:535 - main beat

00:46:172 - main beat

00:46:502 - main beat

01:06:612 (66612|2) - consider making an ln

01:25:567 (85567|1) - move to col 1

01:34:633 (94633|1) - move to col 1

02:23:012 (143012|2) - move to col 4

02:29:606 (149606|0) - looks like you accidentally placed it on the blue tick instead of the white

02:34:303 - you have sometimes mapped this beat in and sometimes not, i think all of the prominant beats should be mapped, youve done so here 02:30:347 - 02:31:336 - 02:32:655 - 02:32:985 - to name a few, skipping any now makes the song play weird, i think all of those noticeable beats should be mapped

02:54:084 - youve forgotten a note here

03:04:303 - after this note theres nothing, theres room to put more notes in and to see it just left blank is very odd.

sorry for the long ass wait ive had things going on, hopefully next time ill notify you before making ya wait like a week XD
Good song choice this is what mania needs!
Topic Starter

Mage wrote:


00:11:208 - i hear two sounds, so double? not really a piano chord there

00:56:722 - i don't think it's a good idea to put 1/4 notes on 1/6 sounds. Is this rankable? xd its a matter of simplification so its ok

01:29:358 - i think better to put notes on main melody (01:29:853 - 01:30:183 - 01:32:490 - 01:32:820 - and etc.)

01:49:139 - shoundn't you put here 1/2 LN for 1/8 sounds like you did before (01:48:479 (108479|3))
00:11:208 - same as in Hyper, double? same

00:16:400 - - right is Hyper diff. How you can see Hyper is more difficult than Another xd

02:11:886 - add note

03:04:303 - - let's look on Hyper again, yep, it's harder. Maybe you will make 1/4 jump stream huh
00:11:208 - same as in Hyper, double? same

00:16:400 - should i talk about hyper again? xd

01:39:249 - should be triple exception for this. to give a proper follow with the buildup

03:04:303 - - it plays pretty well, and better fits to music hmm idk, feels too exagerrated to place a quad inside a trill lol
Good luck!

CrumpetFiddler wrote:

As requested in Crumpey's Mod Queue!


Beginner, As' Standard
Beginner (Mod)

00:41:227 - Id contemplate moving this to col 2 em rather not. as for the percussion are on the same pitch

01:16:007 - id consider putting a note here, but its very opinionated as this is the easiest diff

01:15:512 - put a note besides the ln in col 2

sorry for the long ass wait ive had things going on, hopefully next time ill notify you before making ya wait like a week XD
Good song choice this is what mania needs!
Thx guys for the mod!

Mage wrote:


As' Standard
00:03:296 (3296|2,3626|1) - i'm sure these sounds are different than 00:02:307 (2307|2,2637|1) . So, replace these notes // re-arrange it then

00:55:074 (55074|1,55183|2,55293|1,55403|2,55513|1,55623|2) - i don't think this trill is a really good idea, // hmm... nope~ this is a good idea 00:55:403 (55403|2,55513|1,55623|2) - replace this i guess // uhh nope~

00:55:733 - - i think it's better fits to music // uhhmm.. i take that as consideration

01:51:776 - i'm sure new LN start here // uhh.. do we hear the same sound? because the actual snap for the next one are the curent one

02:06:858 - finish LN and put note? // uhh... no. i want to make it as simple as posible

02:08:177 - add note? // eyy there's already 1 note there... no need to add some more

02:22:930 (142930|0,143012|2,143177|0,143260|2) - it play not so well, may be something like 02:22:930 - // uhh.. maybe no...

CrumpetFiddler wrote:

As requested in Crumpey's Mod Queue!


Beginner, As' Standard
As' Standard (Mod)

00:02:637 (2637|1) - move to col 1 // uhh already re-arrange it

00:05:604 (5604|2) - move to col 4 // this too

00:18:151 (18151|0) - add another note in col 4? theres a cymbol crash so you might want to use a double // take note that this diff are not using dual

00:26:063 (26063|0) - put a note on col 2 for the cymbol crash //^

00:32:986 (32986|3,33151|3) - make these 2 doubles using keys 3 and 4 //^

00:33:315 (33315|2) - after doing that ^ move this to col 2 // uhh no

00:42:216 - in this "segment" you have chosen not to map the major beats, i think the song would flow better if you were to map them, ill timestamp a few of the main beats but there are a bit so ill let you find the rest providing you choose to map these // uhh.. thanks but no thanks

00:43:535 - main beat

00:46:172 - main beat

00:46:502 - main beat

01:06:612 (66612|2) - consider making an ln

01:25:567 (85567|1) - move to col 1

01:34:633 (94633|1) - move to col 1

02:23:012 (143012|2) - move to col 4

02:29:606 (149606|0) - looks like you accidentally placed it on the blue tick instead of the white // not accidentaly.. if you hear it again.. there's a synth sound that i've follow

02:34:303 - you have sometimes mapped this beat in and sometimes not, i think all of the prominant beats should be mapped, youve done so here 02:30:347 - 02:31:336 - 02:32:655 - 02:32:985 - to name a few, skipping any now makes the song play weird, i think all of those noticeable beats should be mapped // i follow the synth

02:54:084 - youve forgotten a note here // no i dont

03:04:303 - after this note theres nothing, theres room to put more notes in and to see it just left blank is very odd. // intended

sorry for the long ass wait ive had things going on, hopefully next time ill notify you before making ya wait like a week XD
Good song choice this is what mania needs!
Hi, I will mod the lower diffs as requested in the mod queue

nice song XD


00:24:909 try removing this LN, I don't think it's neccessary since this is the easiest diff

01:33:974 despite how loud this is, I don't think that it's appropiate for this diff, so I suggest you remove a note
02:16:831 ^

02:24:743 - 03:01:666 pls map according to the drum

As' Standard
pls do not strict to much on pitch relevancy

00:10:219 move note on 4 to 2
00:10:549 move note on 3 to 4

00:16:318 (16318|3,16400|2,16483|1) - move these up to 00:16:400 (16400|3,16483|2,16565|1) -

00:18:151 this obviously needs to be double
00:26:063 ^
00:33:975 ^
02:24:743 ^

00:26:887 move note on 1 to 3
00:27:876 move note on 4 to 2

00:42:381 move note on 3 to 1
00:44:524 move note on 4 to 2
01:22:600 move note on 3 to 2
01:24:578 move note on 3 to 2
01:29:853 move note on 3 to 2
01:32:820 move note on 3 to 2
01:35:128 move note on 3 to 4

03:04:468 add a note on 2
03:04:633 add a note on 3

01:38:095 move note on 3 to 4
01:38:260 move note on 1 to 2
01:40:402 move note on 3 to 2
01:43:369 move note on 3 to 2
02:01:501 move note on 3 to 2
02:01:996 move note on 4 to 3

git gud
• 00:24:579 There’s a sound at this time. Maybe you could add a LN on col. 4 or in col. 1.
• 00:48:810 (48810|2) - This note of piano should not be a LN because it’s not enough long. It has the same reverb as the others SNs before.
• Ending LNs with 2 simple notes are not a bit difficult for 1 star or less? Could ending LNs with one notes (it’s just my opinion, maybe is not that tough for a beginner).
• 01:48:479 (108479|0) - Should remove this note.
• 02:06:611 (126611|1) - ^
• 02:09:249 (129249|1) - Move it to 02:09:413.
• 02:11:227 (131227|0) - Move it to 02:11:062.
• 02:23:424 Ending LN with 2 simple notes followed by a stair could be tough for the first-time play. Ending LN with 1 simple note should be easier for a new player to do the followed stair. The best would be to remove the note in the col. 4 at this time. I know there is 2 single notes for the drum and for the synth who goes with the stairs, but if this is the reason why you put 2 simple notes, you should remove one of those in 02:22:765., because there, there is no synth sound.
• 02:25:402 (145402|3) - Should be at 02:25:567 to be on time.
• 02:26:721 (146721|3,148040|3,149358|3,150677|3,151996|0,153314|0,155952|3,157270|2,158589|2,159908|1,161227|1,162545|2,166501|0,167820|0,169139|0,170457|0,171776|0,173095|3,174413|3,177051|0,178369|1,179688|1,181007|2) - Same thing. Up them by an half of a time to be on the drum time.
• 02:55:567 Need a note at this time to follow the beat.
• 02:56:391 Could remove one of the simple notes at the end of the LN.
• 03:04:139 (184139|2) - I don’t think it fits there; the synth is always playing during the LN, so why put only one note for only one of these synth sounds? And I don’t think that adding notes for each EML sounds during the LN is a good idea for a beginner beat map. You should remove 03:04:139 (184139|2) - because it doesn’t fit with the ending pattern.

I really love this song! I hope it would be rank soon. If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer it! Progress, rank and prosperity.
Topic Starter

TheNewBungping wrote:

Hi, I will mod the lower diffs as requested in the mod queue

nice song XD


00:24:909 try removing this LN, I don't think it's neccessary since this is the easiest diff

01:33:974 despite how loud this is, I don't think that it's appropiate for this diff, so I suggest you remove a note
02:16:831 ^ mmh its pretty alright imo

02:24:743 - 03:01:666 pls map according to the drum well sadly the drum are not in consistent 1/4 rythm :/. mapping accurately to the drum may cause confusion to newer player


Songofevil wrote:

• 00:24:579 There’s a sound at this time. Maybe you could add a LN on col. 4 or in col. 1. there's already a 3-sequence SN to follow after it so adding another note is kinda too hard. i'm also highly focused on kick and snare
• 00:48:810 (48810|2) - This note of piano should not be a LN because it’s not enough long. It has the same reverb as the others SNs before.
• Ending LNs with 2 simple notes are not a bit difficult for 1 star or less? Could ending LNs with one notes (it’s just my opinion, maybe is not that tough for a beginner). Its pretty alright i believe
• 01:48:479 (108479|0) - Should remove this note. its to indicate another short roll. it was an LN back then but i simplified it
• 02:06:611 (126611|1) - ^ letting this empty is kinda eh. while there still a lot happening in the song
• 02:09:249 (129249|1) - Move it to 02:09:413.
• 02:11:227 (131227|0) - Move it to 02:11:062.
• 02:23:424 Ending LN with 2 simple notes followed by a stair could be tough for the first-time play. Ending LN with 1 simple note should be easier for a new player to do the followed stair. The best would be to remove the note in the col. 4 at this time. I know there is 2 single notes for the drum and for the synth who goes with the stairs, but if this is the reason why you put 2 simple notes, you should remove one of those in 02:22:765., because there, there is no synth sound.
• 02:25:402 (145402|3) - Should be at 02:25:567 to be on time.
• 02:26:721 (146721|3,148040|3,149358|3,150677|3,151996|0,153314|0,155952|3,157270|2,158589|2,159908|1,161227|1,162545|2,166501|0,167820|0,169139|0,170457|0,171776|0,173095|3,174413|3,177051|0,178369|1,179688|1,181007|2) - Same thing. Up them by an half of a time to be on the drum time. all of these are quite intended. because if i set them up in different spacing between, there will be quite major concern of readability for newbies. because ofc they can not yet synchronizing their fingers with their reading ability
• 02:55:567 Need a note at this time to follow the beat. still a thing ^
• 02:56:391 Could remove one of the simple notes at the end of the LN. start of other song pace. and its crash (quite a nonsense if a crash was mapped in a really small chord xd)
• 03:04:139 (184139|2) - I don’t think it fits there; the synth is always playing during the LN, so why put only one note for only one of these synth sounds? And I don’t think that adding notes for each EML sounds during the LN is a good idea for a beginner beat map. You should remove 03:04:139 (184139|2) - because it doesn’t fit with the ending pattern. this "EML" (though idk what that is lol) did not exist till the downbeat, thus the differentiation. and also i dont think beginner will have much problem on this one

I really love this song! I hope it would be rank soon. If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer it! Progress, rank and prosperity.
Thx for the mods guys!
No reply means fixed
also thx jyu for the stars lul i didnt notice it

TheNewBungping wrote:

Hi, I will mod the lower diffs as requested in the mod queue

nice song XD


As' Standard
pls do not strict to much on pitch relevancy

00:10:219 move note on 4 to 2 // i think the curent one are already fit with the hitsound pitch so i dont see any reason for moving it, sorry but i must refuse
00:10:549 move note on 3 to 4 // ^

00:16:318 (16318|3,16400|2,16483|1) - move these up to 00:16:400 (16400|3,16483|2,16565|1) - // i dont quite get here, did you mean i must re-snap it to make it similar with hitsound base diff? if so i'll do as you say

00:18:151 this obviously needs to be double // uh no. as you can see in this diff, there's no dual used here so i'm sorry if i must refuse it
00:26:063 ^ // ^
00:33:975 ^
02:24:743 ^ // ^

00:26:887 move note on 1 to 3
00:27:876 move note on 4 to 2

00:42:381 move note on 3 to 1
00:44:524 move note on 4 to 2
01:22:600 move note on 3 to 2
01:24:578 move note on 3 to 2
01:29:853 move note on 3 to 2
01:32:820 move note on 3 to 2
01:35:128 move note on 3 to 4

03:04:468 add a note on 2
03:04:633 add a note on 3

01:38:095 move note on 3 to 4
01:38:260 move note on 1 to 2
01:40:402 move note on 3 to 2
01:43:369 move note on 3 to 2
02:01:501 move note on 3 to 2
02:01:996 move note on 4 to 3 // sorry but i dont quite understand about the last mod, and i dont see any reason why i must move it around since it's already well structured as i planned so i hardly must refuse the rest of the mod you give to me

Done applying

oh.. no need to change the diff name. it's already suit for Standart diff
Topic Starter
removing unecessary red line points. Resnapped all diffs
and updated

well after some discussion with a BN, I decided to reduce the gap between as' standard and beginnner also as' standard and hyper. Another 2 diffs has been mapped, totally mapped from the start with more proper balance
hi Rivals ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
free mod investing for future req of BN check

ugh, why there are 2 standard and 2 hyper? i assume you need more diff name
yeah let skip meta because im succ

00:21:447 - why is this triple? nvm anyway, i think these doubles like 00:18:480 - should be triple instead since 00:18:975 - is must have different emphasize with 00:19:140 , and by that i think you should change the other one
00:31:337 (31337|0,31420|2,31502|0,31585|2) - this is just intentional but i would not recommend that since you already have 00:31:008 (31008|0,31090|2,31172|0,31255|2) - right before it
00:32:326 - and this
00:34:964 - not sure why you put triples for some kick, and double for another kick. If its because of the piano, im sure this is should be triple, and some other too, i think you should recheck it
00:45:266 (45266|2) - ghost i guess
01:26:557 - maybe ln should change lane here because i dont think 01:26:392 (86392|2) - sound just "bend" in there
01:49:675 - oh god this reminds me of Algorithm p//s, is it really safe to put those jumpstream with chord in every 1/4 and 182 bpm to basically an I iconed diff? well i do get why you put that but i have a few suggestion. Since it 182 bpm, i think putting chord every 1/2 works better, and by that is suggest you the chord starts from blue line 01:49:716 - (or red line before it if you prefer)
02:03:810 - why no doubles like 01:58:535 -
well i dont like 02:23:343 (143343|0,143425|0) - and you put double for kicks in that roll but then there was triple so i suggest to delete the ln on the 1st lane
02:24:002 (144002|1,144167|3) - i think the synth didn't change pitch on 02:24:002 (144002|1,144167|3) - so it kinda ghosty
the sound in 02:28:782 - is stronger than 02:28:865 , you got what i mean
02:31:255 - strong sound here i think
02:32:409 - here as well
02:33:892 - here
02:34:057 - here, but i might just heard the echo so nvm
02:38:178 - here
02:39:332 - again, might be echo
02:40:486 - here
02:46:337 (166337|1) - ln?
02:49:881 - synth, i think
02:52:024 - ^
02:56:475 - ^
02:58:947 (178947|2) - but i think this is ghost
03:00:431 - synth
03:04:304 - i suggest you jumpstream since almost all of the snare are quite weak
03:06:530 - synth
anyway, about i told you about you missed a sound or a ghost im not 100% because, you are BN and i assume you only have less than 10% chance of missing sound and i'm half-deaf(?)
i think i'd better keep the other diff (blame this lazy dude), but you can use this mod to another diff(?)
Topic Starter

OscarRickyH02 wrote:

hi Rivals ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
free mod investing for future req of BN check

ugh, why there are 2 standard and 2 hyper? i assume you need more diff name soon (TM)
yeah let skip meta because im succ

00:21:447 - why is this triple? nvm anyway, i think these doubles like 00:18:480 - should be triple instead since 00:18:975 - is must have different emphasize with 00:19:140 , and by that i think you should change the other one
00:31:337 (31337|0,31420|2,31502|0,31585|2) - this is just intentional but i would not recommend that since you already have 00:31:008 (31008|0,31090|2,31172|0,31255|2) - right before it
00:32:326 - and this both are intentional due to song nature
00:34:964 - not sure why you put triples for some kick, and double for another kick. If its because of the piano, im sure this is should be triple, and some other too, i think you should recheck it all triple are snares (Clap HS). heard it again
00:45:266 (45266|2) - ghost i guess
01:26:557 - maybe ln should change lane here because i dont think 01:26:392 (86392|2) - sound just "bend" in there adding another LN would quite jumbled the movement with the other SNs and pattern afterwards so i would like to keep it
01:49:675 - oh god this reminds me of Algorithm p//s, is it really safe to put those jumpstream with chord in every 1/4 and 182 bpm to basically an I iconed diff? well i do get why you put that but i have a few suggestion. Since it 182 bpm, i think putting chord every 1/2 works better, and by that is suggest you the chord starts from blue line 01:49:716 - (or red line before it if you prefer) the burst getting deepen right where I put the chords so yea..... putting it on blue would be a little bit misleading with the noise actual purposes
02:03:810 - why no doubles like 01:58:535 - its not really worth it than a second highlight you've listed there. which there's 3 deep bass distort whilst the first highlight only got one
well i dont like 02:23:343 (143343|0,143425|0) - and you put double for kicks in that roll but then there was triple so i suggest to delete the ln on the 1st lane uhh cymbals
02:24:002 (144002|1,144167|3) - i think the synth didn't change pitch on 02:24:002 (144002|1,144167|3) - so it kinda ghosty hmm it did change on my side. and imo its fit with the buildup
the sound in 02:28:782 - is stronger than 02:28:865 , you got what i mean
02:31:255 - strong sound here i think
02:32:409 - here as well
02:33:892 - here
02:34:057 - here, but i might just heard the echo so nvm
02:38:178 - here
02:39:332 - again, might be echo
02:40:486 - here ^ this and the other above. nope. some of the synts were indeed ignored for the sake of clean movement and aesthetic
02:46:337 (166337|1) - ln? emm no i guess
02:49:881 - synth, i think
02:52:024 - ^ doesnt seem to be worth it
02:56:475 - ^ ^
02:58:947 (178947|2) - but i think this is ghost a clear synth on my heard tho
03:00:431 - synth
03:04:304 - i suggest you jumpstream since almost all of the snare are quite weak jumpstream because >snare are weak<? should that thing is the opposite? anyways dont think jumpstreaming this is a good idea either since there's no synth between all the chords
03:06:530 - synth intended to be ignored for lenient movement against 1/12
anyway, about i told you about you missed a sound or a ghost im not 100% because, you are BN and i assume you only have less than 10% chance of missing sound and i'm half-deaf(?)
i think i'd better keep the other diff (blame this lazy dude), but you can use this mod to another diff(?)
e thanks anyway tho. no reply means fixed xd

perfect song [10/10]
only mentioning each issue once

fix diff names already>:0

I remade your bg to be better, use this one (or the one altered from discord)

First red line is 3/4, not 4/4 and the offset should be 1668. This is most likely correct because it lines up with the second red line perfectly. Confirmed this with prot

The SR jump between Hyper and Another is significantly bigger than the rest of the SR gaps

Get rid of all storyboard hitsounds and all double hitsounds

Hitsound base
02:46:172 (166172|4) - These tick sounds are a nice addition but they should be used one 4 beats apart rather than 3 beats. 3 beats sounds really weird and doesnt really fit imo. On the second beat of every bar would be good.

00:22:766 (22766|0,22766|1) - A tonne of double hitsounds which theres probably a lot of in the diffs. Remove them all pls

00:01:648 (1648|2) - is a chord in the song so add another note here

00:19:469 (19469|1,19469|3,19469|0) - Having this as a triple detracts from the power of this 00:19:799 (19799|2,19799|0,19799|3) - which should be a triple. remove the note in col 2

00:39:579 (39579|1) - proposed pattern for better PR mapping

00:43:205 (43205|0) - A lot of emphasis on col 1, maybe break it up a bit in the middle

01:01:337 (61337|0) - add another note on col 4 for the chord

01:03:975 (63975|0) - same, you get the point

01:16:008 (76008|3,76049|2,76090|1,76131|0) - You should redesign this stream to map this "gulp" sound more. Perhaps a 1/2 LN and a 1/4 LN to capture it

01:21:777 (81777|1) - Add something for the snare sound to stay consistent

01:30:843 (90843|1) - add a note on 2 and 01:31:172 (91172|2,91337|1,91337|0,91337|3) - add a note between these to capture the full percussion pattern

01:40:238 (100238|0,100238|1,100568|0,100568|1,100898|0,100898|1,101227|0,101227|1,101557|0,101557|1) - This pattern is weird when you dont continue it on the other side. Either swap it out for something else or change the pattern after it to be similar in theme

02:06:859 (126859|0,126859|1,126942|0,126942|2,126942|3) - This jack feels really weird. It kind of just pops up 2 minutes into the map without any other jacks before it. I'd remove it.

02:08:590 (128590|3) - Shorten this LN to reflect the sound that starts halfway through. I was gonna start start the LN halfway through when the sound starts but the SV makes it feel weird

02:44:524 (164524|2,164524|3,164524|1,164524|0) - Doesn't sound strong enough to be a quad here imo. remove the note on 3

00:27:711 (27711|0,27711|3) Making these triples is completely a-ok for a 4.4*

00:41:722 (41722|2) - Could change this isnt an LN that leads to the triples, would play awesomely

00:47:738 (47738|2) - note here thats not in ultimate?

00:49:799 (49799|2) - the 3-4 here plays kinda weird, maybe just remove the 3

00:56:990 (56990|1,57113|3,57278|1,57443|0) - Why are these 1/16? Should be 1/6

00:57:711 (57711|1) - no where near strong enough for a double

01:22:107 (82107|1) - literally copy pasted from the ultimate, try make the patterns a little harder/easier in one of them

01:35:623 (95623|0) - section feels boring and uninspired tbh. Try adding in a cool theme like have the two beats before the snare be the same and then the snare be different or something like that e.g

01:42:216 (102216|3) - why does the stack theme start here and not earlier/later?

01:59:359 (119359|3,119359|2,119524|1,119524|3,119524|0) - This is harder than the ultimate equivalent

02:08:178 (128178|2,128260|2) - jacks again. if you kept them in the ultimate, definitely get rid of them here.

00:16:400 (16400|1,16441|2,16483|3,16483|0) - This pattern feels like it belongs in the higher diffs. I think a simple 4-3-21 stair would work better

00:24:579 (24579|1) - seems like an odd choice to shorten this by 1/4 just to keep the next LN in the same column

00:29:194 (29194|3) - the pattern here is significantly harder than the one in the another, id suggest changing to a stair

00:35:623 (35623|0) - only 1/1 doubles after trusting the player to do jumpstreams?

00:42:381 (42381|1,42381|3,42711|2,42711|1) - these should be singles to be consistent

01:21:777 (81777|2) - single for the snare? >:00000000

01:23:755 (83755|2) - srsly though, you have random bass doubled even though they're weaker, it's an odd choice

01:26:722 (86722|0) - should really be 1/4 of a tick back to match up with the strong sound. Otherwise the bass is uneven and it doesnt match with the identical sound here 01:26:392 (86392|0,86392|3) -

01:39:909 (99909|2) - add singles on the red ticks in this section to match with the increase in intensity

01:49:140 (109140|0,109387|0) - This reverse shield plays weird as hell, maybe something like

01:19:799 (79799|3) - You mapped the sound here but not the one here 01:20:788 - make it all consistent

Same section 01:25:074 (85074|2) - mapping the snares sometims and other times not is super weird

01:46:832 (106832|3) - This section is the same density as the beginner and half as dense as the standards

01:50:458 (110458|0) - This LN should stop around here 01:51:777 and transfer into a different LN, can apply this to other diffs as well

02:01:008 (121008|0,121008|2,121337|0,121337|2,121832|2,121832|0,122244|0,122244|2) - I really like the theme you had before this pattern here 01:59:030 (119030|2) - with all the doubles in the same columns but at 02:01:008 it doesnt really fit and detracts from the pattern

A's standard
(note some of these timestamps might be off because this is when i realised the timing was wrong)

00:16:359 (16359|3,16400|2,16483|1) - This is timed different to all of the other difficulties, talk to rivals and figure out what it should be at

00:18:315 (18315|2) - This sections patterning feels unnatural, lots of repeated patterns and patterns not really suited for a standard like 00:26:227 (26227|3,26310|2,26392|3,26557|0,26640|1,26722|0) -

00:33:975 (33975|1) - Add a note since it's a super strong sound

00:34:469 (34469|3) - I understand what you're trying to do in this section but it's really slow and boring due to how sparse it is. Even the beginner is more dense

01:11:887 (71887|1) - Col 3 for pitch relevancy

01:13:453 (73453|0) - Remove, neither of the hypers have this note, 01:13:205 (73205|3) - extend this to the white tick. If you dont want to do this (i'd rather you not) just make it a lot more clear in the patterning. What you did on the LN right before it here is a good example

01:32:821 (92821|2) - same comment as before. boring because super sparse like you have gaps of >1 measure 01:35:623 (95623|1,97766|2) . add something else in

01:40:898 (100898|1) - add something even more in for this section to reflect the increase in intensity

01:46:008 (106008|2) - (right is hyper2) the spread between this and the hyper2 is wew

02:20:458 (140458|0,140541|1,140623|2,140705|1,140788|3,140953|1) - This pattern feels very weird to play, smooth it out a bit (or get rid of it because the hyper has no 1/4 rhythms here)

02:46:585 (166585|3) - big gap in col 4 after this note

02:53:178 (173178|3) - same here (dont do this)

02:57:711 (177711|3) - again, theres no reason for these large gaps

00:32:986 (32986|1,32986|3,33151|1,33151|3) - Put these on the same hand for difficulty, I feel like a jack like this in a diff this low is a little too hard

00:49:799 (49799|0) - This section is 1/4 not 1/3 (it is 1/3 but the LNs start every beat)

01:10:898 (70898|2,70898|3,71392|1,71392|2,71887|0,71887|1) - PR!

02:07:436 (127436|3,127931|3,128260|3) - Fairly sure these are meant to be doubles

02:09:579 (129579|2) - Move to 3 to avoid the reverse shield

02:10:486 (130486|0) - Double? most of these are doubles but some arent which is odd

03:05:788 (185788|3) - move to 3 to disconnect it with the previous pattern as its not part of it in the music

Not much to say other than a bunch of missed PR opportunities in sections like 00:34:304 (34304|0) -

01:16:008 (76008|1) - This part is significantly harder than standard(2)
Topic Starter

Litharrale wrote:

hiiiiiiiiiiiiii haaaaaaa
only mentioning each issue once

fix diff names already>:0 ay

I remade your bg to be better, use this one (or the one altered from discord) I prefer my fog-ish :c

I am 99% sure the timing resnap at 00:18:151 is mistimed and not needed. The map sounds perfect without it and with it, everything is slightly late. (note: the whole mod is done without this changed but you should 100% change it or ask someone super experienced with timing to check it) i'll try to ask around

The SR jump between Hyper and Another is significantly bigger than the rest of the SR gaps

The gap between the two is actually only weighted at - 01:47:821 - and - 02:22:107 - whilst the rest is a pretty fair diff gap inbetween

Get rid of all storyboard hitsounds and all double hitsounds

First off, double hitsound is pretty fair if the volume is well distributed (and its not earrape lol). I use all of these techniques in all of my latest maps and there doesnt seem to be much of a problem

the second, about the SB hs. I think this is pretty fair since all the bassline have at least one note to cover. take example on the beginner
00:18:151 - these part afterwards is filled with 2 synths and 1 kick. the synths is on SB to accompany and emphasize the songs. since beginner would naturally hit 1/1 focus kick so they wouldnt be confused with the 2 synths being played as SB. rather, some of the newbie players i asked to test didnt realize that there was an additional synths on SB. they thought it was original song fx

things may got complicated after - 02:01:008 - and - 02:14:194 - in which drumline didnt match my notes which could be confusing, but the song drumline itself is confusing already to follow by newbies so removing the SB hs here wouldnt do much either

tl;dr i dont want to remove the SB because
1) it would remove some special emphasisi which was intended
2) removing the SB hs wouldnt do much either. if you play the song with fx or without the fx, they wouldnt be much different. the only thing different with fx enabled is that you will hear a higher volume version of the original fx from the song

Hitsound base
02:46:172 (166172|4) - These tick sounds are a nice addition but they should be used one 4 beats apart rather than 3 beats. 3 beats sounds really weird and doesnt really fit imo. On the second beat of every bar would be good. the tick is slightly 1 seconds apart. thus the clock - like - fx being used is properly make sense

00:22:766 (22766|0,22766|1) - A tonne of double hitsounds which theres probably a lot of in the diffs. Remove them all pls explained above

00:01:648 (1648|2) - is a chord in the song so add another note here

00:19:469 (19469|1,19469|3,19469|0) - Having this as a triple detracts from the power of this 00:19:799 (19799|2,19799|0,19799|3) - which should be a triple. remove the note in col 2 both is a snare, though its different in volume power but having it to be a double would be kinda misleading as the doubles are for kicks

00:39:579 (39579|1) - proposed pattern for better PR mapping not so sure with the balance there. especially that 4|3|4|3 at the beginning

00:43:205 (43205|0) - A lot of emphasis on col 1, maybe break it up a bit in the middle

01:01:337 (61337|0) - add another note on col 4 for the chord i think its not worthy of a chord since its pretty softy

01:03:975 (63975|0) - same, you get the point ^

01:16:008 (76008|3,76049|2,76090|1,76131|0) - You should redesign this stream to map this "gulp" sound more. Perhaps a 1/2 LN and a 1/4 LN to capture it

01:21:777 (81777|1) - Add something for the snare sound to stay consistent

01:30:843 (90843|1) - add a note on 2 and 01:31:172 (91172|2,91337|1,91337|0,91337|3) - add a note between these to capture the full percussion pattern i'm not really following the percussion here. my main follow is a piano

01:40:238 (100238|0,100238|1,100568|0,100568|1,100898|0,100898|1,101227|0,101227|1,101557|0,101557|1) - This pattern is weird when you dont continue it on the other side. Either swap it out for something else or change the pattern after it to be similar in theme

02:06:859 (126859|0,126859|1,126942|0,126942|2,126942|3) - This jack feels really weird. It kind of just pops up 2 minutes into the map without any other jacks before it. I'd remove it. well its because there is no fx that could accompanied to make a minijack like this, wouldnt it? :d so its totally relevant

02:08:590 (128590|3) - Shorten this LN to reflect the sound that starts halfway through. I was gonna start start the LN halfway through when the sound starts but the SV makes it feel weird i'm pretty sure the bass noise is started where i placed. the halfway you mentioned is where the bass got stronger

02:44:524 (164524|2,164524|3,164524|1,164524|0) - Doesn't sound strong enough to be a quad here imo. remove the note on 3 i think i'm keeping this. idk its personally fits towards where everything will got harder

00:27:711 (27711|0,27711|3) Making these triples is completely a-ok for a 4.4* particularly i want to keep the layering consistency with the other. the triples only used where there's no LN

00:41:722 (41722|2) - Could change this isnt an LN that leads to the triples, would play awesomely

00:47:738 (47738|2) - note here thats not in ultimate?

00:49:799 (49799|2) - the 3-4 here plays kinda weird, maybe just remove the 3 not rly sure i would do that since that will kinda distinguish the cymbal emphasis

00:56:990 (56990|1,57113|3,57278|1,57443|0) - Why are these 1/16? Should be 1/6 dafuq i'm screwed

00:57:711 (57711|1) - no where near strong enough for a double its kinda for the following 1/6 you've pointed before

01:22:107 (82107|1) - literally copy pasted from the ultimate, try make the patterns a little harder/easier in one of them wait i dont remember i copasta aaaaaa. made ultimate different

01:35:623 (95623|0) - section feels boring and uninspired tbh. Try adding in a cool theme like have the two beats before the snare be the same and then the snare be different or something like that e.g i did something with some light jacking piano

01:42:216 (102216|3) - why does the stack theme start here and not earlier/later? this to keep everything various, the earlier has different theme which tend to be simple, then it goes harder with introducing the stacks towards the jtrill and streams later

01:59:359 (119359|3,119359|2,119524|1,119524|3,119524|0) - This is harder than the ultimate equivalent

02:08:178 (128178|2,128260|2) - jacks again. if you kept them in the ultimate, definitely get rid of them here.

00:16:400 (16400|1,16441|2,16483|3,16483|0) - This pattern feels like it belongs in the higher diffs. I think a simple 4-3-21 stair would work better i think its still pretty fair since hyper still on its 3 highest diff which is still pretty simple to handle by intermediate players

00:24:579 (24579|1) - seems like an odd choice to shorten this by 1/4 just to keep the next LN in the same column but it seems pretty ok to me :c see higher diffs

00:29:194 (29194|3) - the pattern here is significantly harder than the one in the another, id suggest changing to a stair

00:35:623 (35623|0) - only 1/1 doubles after trusting the player to do jumpstreams? yeah people need to relax xd

00:42:381 (42381|1,42381|3,42711|2,42711|1) - these should be singles to be consistent consistent with... what? if you refering hyper2 its totally different diff so there's that

01:21:777 (81777|2) - single for the snare? >:00000000 its still a pretty low snare imo so single fit pretty well

01:23:755 (83755|2) - srsly though, you have random bass doubled even though they're weaker, it's an odd choice

01:26:722 (86722|0) - should really be 1/4 of a tick back to match up with the strong sound. Otherwise the bass is uneven and it doesnt match with the identical sound here 01:26:392 (86392|0,86392|3) - for both ^ i kinda didnt intend to doubled the snare since its a pretty weak snare in general and intended to keep the diff curve with hyper2. the doubled bass is because there's a deep bass in it. which where the snare doesnt have it.
thus the idea. exception to - 01:27:711 (87711|2,87711|3) - where the snare is matched with piano

01:39:909 (99909|2) - add singles on the red ticks in this section to match with the increase in intensity but i was follows piano :cc

01:49:140 (109140|0,109387|0) - This reverse shield plays weird as hell, maybe something like it doesnt on my side lol stop using imgur rip my data :c

01:19:799 (79799|3) - You mapped the sound here but not the one here 01:20:788 - make it all consistent its actually piano but i did forget to place it anywhere else so fixed that

Same section 01:25:074 (85074|2) - mapping the snares sometims and other times not is super weird ^

01:46:832 (106832|3) - This section is the same density as the beginner and half as dense as the standards oh ups

01:50:458 (110458|0) - This LN should stop around here 01:51:777 and transfer into a different LN, can apply this to other diffs as well

02:01:008 (121008|0,121008|2,121337|0,121337|2,121832|2,121832|0,122244|0,122244|2) - I really like the theme you had before this pattern here 01:59:030 (119030|2) - with all the doubles in the same columns but at 02:01:008 it doesnt really fit and detracts from the pattern

00:32:986 (32986|1,32986|3,33151|1,33151|3) - Put these on the same hand for difficulty, I feel like a jack like this in a diff this low is a little too hard

00:49:799 (49799|0) - This section is 1/4 not 1/3 (it is 1/3 but the LNs start every beat)

01:10:898 (70898|2,70898|3,71392|1,71392|2,71887|0,71887|1) - PR!

02:07:436 (127436|3,127931|3,128260|3) - Fairly sure these are meant to be doubles looking at the distance inbetween the note which is pretty odd to be predicted by newer players, i made this a little bit simplier

02:09:579 (129579|2) - Move to 3 to avoid the reverse shield its already on 3 :thonk:

02:10:486 (130486|0) - Double? most of these are doubles but some arent which is odd

03:05:788 (185788|3) - move to 3 to disconnect it with the previous pattern as its not part of it in the music

Not much to say other than a bunch of missed PR opportunities in sections like 00:34:304 (34304|0) -

01:16:008 (76008|1) - This part is significantly harder than standard(2)
The rest is fixed. I'm pretty much screwed up lol thx for mention it xD
@Aste pls update before you applying mod. I've made some HS fix
will rename the diff as soon as everything settled

Litharrale wrote:

only mentioning each issue once

A's standard
(note some of these timestamps might be off because this is when i realised the timing was wrong)

00:16:359 (16359|3,16400|2,16483|1) - This is timed different to all of the other difficulties, talk to rivals and figure out what it should be at // ok i fixed it

00:18:315 (18315|2) - This sections patterning feels unnatural, lots of repeated patterns and patterns not really suited for a standard like 00:26:227 (26227|3,26310|2,26392|3,26557|0,26640|1,26722|0) - // uhh... from where do you see it not suited if i may ask? i think that pattern are pretty much suited for novice player to learn something new

00:33:975 (33975|1) - Add a note since it's a super strong sound // as you can see here. i dont use any dual at all.. so any suggestion about adding more note to make dual are rejected, sorry

00:34:469 (34469|3) - I understand what you're trying to do in this section but it's really slow and boring due to how sparse it is. Even the beginner is more dense // FYI, 00:49:799 - this is the reason why i left it like that. i want to make a rest point before i give them the stream

01:11:887 (71887|1) - Col 3 for pitch relevancy // uhh.. no.. the key are (from what i heard here) like this

01:13:453 (73453|0) - Remove, neither of the hypers have this note, 01:13:205 (73205|3) - extend this to the white tick. If you dont want to do this (i'd rather you not) just make it a lot more clear in the patterning. What you did on the LN right before it here is a good example //uhh... no thankyou

01:32:821 (92821|2) - same comment as before. boring because super sparse like you have gaps of >1 measure 01:35:623 (95623|1,97766|2) . add something else in // same reason as before

01:40:898 (100898|1) - add something even more in for this section to reflect the increase in intensity // no

01:46:008 (106008|2) - (right is hyper2) the spread between this and the hyper2 is wew // cant open imgur, sorry (blocked here)

02:20:458 (140458|0,140541|1,140623|2,140705|1,140788|3,140953|1) - This pattern feels very weird to play, smooth it out a bit (or get rid of it because the hyper has no 1/4 rhythms here) // no

02:46:585 (166585|3) - big gap in col 4 after this note // keep it

02:53:178 (173178|3) - same here (dont do this) // ^

02:57:711 (177711|3) - again, theres no reason for these large gaps // yes there's a reason for that i cant explain it
Update Thanks for the mod
Topic Starter
Updated until this point

Standard(2) -> Standard
As' Standard -> As' Intermediate
Hyper(2) -> Light Hyper Advanced

Also changing the timing
mods are a social construct
  1. Might wanna increase HP of As' Intermediate to 7.5 or something cause there's a bunch of little 1/4 rolls that the player won't really be punished for if they miss a lot in.
  2. Spent about 20 minutes checking that every sample in the folder was used and it is T_T)b
00:17:162 - This SV is a 0.4x average cause math but the normalizing of this section is 0.8x. You'll want to average the SV sequence to 0.8x as a result to avoid changing up the reading on the player at last second and forcing them to adjust to a new scroll for only three beats. What you can do is something like this (adds up to 9.6/12 to get 0.8x average)
  1. 00:17:162 - 0.3x
  2. 00:17:821 - 0.5x
  3. 00:17:904 - 1.2x
  4. 00:17:986 - 2.0x
  5. 00:18:069 - 3.5x
00:31:090 (31090|2,31255|2,31420|2,31585|2,31749|2,31914|2,32079|2,32244|2) - The stack here gets pretty long and repetitive while everything else has been a fairly short trill so far. I'd try to break it at 00:31:502 - ish like this

00:32:986 - Imo, a bump using four units (1/8 snap) would have been better for emphasis as it sends the next note flying towards the player which represents the sudden stop in the music or smth i dunno.
00:33:151 - I'd apply the same thing here.

00:35:458 (35458|1,35788|1,36118|1,36447|1,36777|1,37107|1,37436|1,37766|1) - Long stack and also a lot of back and forth on the left hand. Not sure if it's intentional, but I dont think it is cause the following measure at 00:37:931 - only has a measure long stack before changing columns

00:40:898 - 00:41:227 - 4 - 1.8 = 2.2 / 3 = 0.733x as your final SV for these two timestamps listed. The current average is 1.125x which is inconsistent with the current normalizing SV of 1x. As a side note though, I think the placement of the SV is a bit odd. It would make more sense to put them on the downbeat rather than the 1/4 line before as the downbeat is where the sound comes in full force, though I think it's fine. You do need a normalizing SV at 00:41:475 - or you'll have to make the SV average with 5 units instead of 4.

00:49:634 - I'd consider adding a note here to represent the height of the sound after which it kind of just tapers off into silence.

01:07:436 - to 01:07:931 - 1.15x average, although since you're kind of getting at a speed up for 01:07:931 - , I'd keep the average to 1x instead so the player will be accustomed to a 1x average at 01:07:931 - . Something like this would work (each value only lasts one unit)

01:10:568 - Think it'd be nice here to have a similar but probably weaker SV like the one at 01:07:931 - as the cut off is very sudden but the sound is rather weak with it only being a kick.

01:49:675 - Concerning this burst, I disagree with upping the note density rather than the rhythm here. Essentially, col 2 and 3 have all the minijacks with the outer columns in 1 and 4 only having 3/8 rhythms which are still pretty harder to predict. What I think would have worked better here is a single note roll of 1/12 going into 1/16 at 01:50:129 - , like so . Or, you could add jumps to the 1/12 rather than using 1/16 which gets really dense really fast

01:53:755 - Edgy SVs, I couldn't be any prouder tbh

01:55:115 - 01:55:280 - tfw not 1x average reeee. Make 0.4x to 0.5x or make the 2.5x to 2.8x and leave the 0.4x.
01:59:359 - ^ Also, is there any reason for this one to start with the slow value first and fast value second when the first time it occured was a simple fast -> slow bump? Makes the reading a bit awkward too as it connects a slow-fast to fast-slow sequence which I think is better suited for sounds that crescendo/decrescendo rather than sudden stops.
02:00:390 - 02:00:554 - s m h. So on and so forth, not gonna mention the rest of these

01:58:041 - In my opinion, for SV sequences that span over LNs, I tend to favor having them be reversed and start slow value -> fast value as it drags the LN out at the very start, making it seem like it's never going to be released as opposed to jumping forward first before dragging in a really short time frame.

02:12:711 - 02:13:041 - half half method on 3/4 LNs *sad life* Would honestly have benefitted from a simple bump like 02:12:711 - 2x and 02:12:793 - 0.5x, cap at 02:12:958 - with 1x.

03:02:903 (182903|0,182986|0) - t r i g g e r e d. Honestly, the minijack this creates is a really hard transition as the patterns immediately after this are all focused on the left hand in order to contrast the right hand heavy patterns used in the previous measure, so I'd just delete the first note in 1 and avoid the minijack altogether.

03:06:612 - For this, I think the ending burst is a bit unfair to players who have made it this far as the sound is a bit smoother than the rest of the sounds that are represented with bursts. Also, there's the fact that there's a 1/4 pause at the very end which can be a bit misleading when reading as a lot of people will simply assume it is a consistent roll going all the way to the last chord at 03:06:942 - . What I think should be used instead is a simple LN with a gradually increasing SV to show how the sound kind of lurches forward a bit. Wont list all the SVs here but poke me in discord if you need an idea of what kind of sv Im talking about.

00:49:469 - Tfw edgy SV here but no edgy SV in Ultimate smh. Anyways, they aren't averaged though cause you need 16 units to properly utilize a 10x SV (could do 12 but that's not enough edge). Either way, these only use 8 units, so the max rankable value you could do is 7.3x to 0.1x. Or you can set BPM to 2912 and set snap to 1/16 and set 10x to 0.4x SVs that way if you really wanted, but the space between 1/16 snaps is only 2 ms so it's not worth it as it's too unnoticeable.

01:07:436 - Same thing as mentioned in ultimate

01:37:931 (97931|0,98096|3) - Might control H this or something cause none of the ministacks have ever been in col 1 so far and they have a bit of a bias towards the right hand in col 3 and 4.

03:00:183 (180183|0,180266|2,180348|1,180348|3,180431|2,180513|0) - Nice symmetry but at the same time I hate the movement restriction :ccc

03:01:255 (181255|0) - Think it would be better to either move this to col 2 or move 03:01:172 (181172|0) - to 2 to avoid the sudden minijack which may be justified due to the synth being the same pitch here, but it feels out of place as the section so far has been pretty rolly and smooth to play.

00:30:019 - Not too sure how I feel about this as it is a Hyper diff and longer jumpstreams like this tend to be focused more on the difficulty just above this level. I might reduce the amount of jumps to be only every 2/1 instead of 1/1 as the player is still just mastering 1/4 bursts and singles I think.

01:28:865 (88865|0) - Rather than use an LN here, I think you're fine mapping the 3/2 long 1/4 burst here as you have already introduced denser 1/4 patterning to the player before, so it seems kind of anticlimactic to only extend an LN over the entire series of sound.

01:49:799 (109799|2,109881|1,109964|2,110046|0,110129|1,110211|2,110293|0,110376|2) - I think it'd be better to control H here to avoid having a 1/2 ministack on the same hand as the LN or something, cause I keep missing here and it's making me sad

02:44:689 - I'd try to differentiate the roll direction or something a bit because it's identical to Another atm and does feel slightly repetitive the way it is now

00:44:689 - I think you're missing a note for the piano here because every where else in this section has at least a single note for it :thinking:

01:00:348 (60348|0,60843|3,61337|1) - I'd change the arrangement of these LNs as they're the same as 00:57:711 - despite being different pitches.

[As' Intermediate]
00:55:953 (55953|2,56063|3,56282|1,56392|3,56612|1,56722|0) - I think it'd be nice to put these solely on one hand to better emphasize the kicks here, and leave the rest of the synths on the other hand, like this

03:06:942 (186942|1,188260|3) - Tbh, I think it's a bit odd to split the LNs here as they're basically part of the same sound with no distinct separation or cut between them to show that they're different sounds. Instead, the volume just grows a little bit faster at 03:08:260 - so I think overlapping the LNs similar to what the other diffs have done would be a more accurate representation of the crescendo.

02:00:019 (120019|3,120348|0,120348|3) - Shouldn't this still be [3]/[2][23] as you mapped all the snares in the same column, changing only at the end of the measure but this little miniphrase hasnt been completed yet but the chord changes from [23] to [14].

01:31:667 (91667|3,91997|0) - Think it would have been nice to stack these two notes to represent the staccato kick.
01:34:304 (94304|2,94634|0) - ^ just to add a little variation to the map.

02:23:425 (143425|3) - I'd consider moving this to col 2 and then turning 02:22:766 (142766|3) - into a 2/1 LN to represent the constantly increasing speed of the rhythm.
Topic Starter

Protastic101 wrote:

replying mods are a social construct
  1. Might wanna increase HP of As' Intermediate to 7.5 or something cause there's a bunch of little 1/4 rolls that the player won't really be punished for if they miss a lot in.
  2. Spent about 20 minutes checking that every sample in the folder was used and it is T_T)b tfw cant keysound
00:17:162 - This SV is a 0.4x average cause math but the normalizing of this section is 0.8x. You'll want to average the SV sequence to 0.8x as a result to avoid changing up the reading on the player at last second and forcing them to adjust to a new scroll for only three beats. What you can do is something like this (adds up to 9.6/12 to get 0.8x average)
  1. 00:17:162 - 0.3x
  2. 00:17:821 - 0.5x
  3. 00:17:904 - 1.2x
  4. 00:17:986 - 2.0x
  5. 00:18:069 - 3.5x
edit: i change my mind to keep it. the reason is the scrool going in a really fast pace that the player wont even see they coming so they dont have the reflex to the upcoming pattern. so far my SVs the prolly best choice for being readable

00:31:090 (31090|2,31255|2,31420|2,31585|2,31749|2,31914|2,32079|2,32244|2) - The stack here gets pretty long and repetitive while everything else has been a fairly short trill so far. I'd try to break it at 00:31:502 - ish like this

00:32:986 - Imo, a bump using four units (1/8 snap) would have been better for emphasis as it sends the next note flying towards the player which represents the sudden stop in the music or smth i dunno.
00:33:151 - I'd apply the same thing here. if i'm not misunderstanding this, you wish me to go by 1,5 -> 0,83 on 1/8 interval from 4/8 snaps? its kinda didnt suit the bump you've been said. i honestly rather go like my current one as the bump are more noticeable to read

00:35:458 (35458|1,35788|1,36118|1,36447|1,36777|1,37107|1,37436|1,37766|1) - Long stack and also a lot of back and forth on the left hand. Not sure if it's intentional, but I dont think it is cause the following measure at 00:37:931 - only has a measure long stack before changing columns

00:40:898 - 00:41:227 - 4 - 1.8 = 2.2 / 3 = 0.733x as your final SV for these two timestamps listed. The current average is 1.125x which is inconsistent with the current normalizing SV of 1x. As a side note though, I think the placement of the SV is a bit odd. It would make more sense to put them on the downbeat rather than the 1/4 line before as the downbeat is where the sound comes in full force, though I think it's fine. You do need a normalizing SV at 00:41:475 - or you'll have to make the SV average with 5 units instead of 4. this is kinda intended to make the SVs more bumpy friendly towards mini LN.
if i put the starting value at the downbeat, the LN will become visually longer than what the noise should represnt so it'll kind of misleading that way

00:49:634 - I'd consider adding a note here to represent the height of the sound after which it kind of just tapers off into silence.

01:07:436 - to 01:07:931 - 1.15x average, although since you're kind of getting at a speed up for 01:07:931 - , I'd keep the average to 1x instead so the player will be accustomed to a 1x average at 01:07:931 - . Something like this would work (each value only lasts one unit)

01:10:568 - Think it'd be nice here to have a similar but probably weaker SV like the one at 01:07:931 - as the cut off is very sudden but the sound is rather weak with it only being a kick.

01:49:675 - Concerning this burst, I disagree with upping the note density rather than the rhythm here. Essentially, col 2 and 3 have all the minijacks with the outer columns in 1 and 4 only having 3/8 rhythms which are still pretty harder to predict. What I think would have worked better here is a single note roll of 1/12 going into 1/16 at 01:50:129 - , like so . Or, you could add jumps to the 1/12 rather than using 1/16 which gets really dense really fast changed for now, might change back to 1/8js if people getting to disagree with this. (though i know the burst is 1/12 justified lul but meh maniaq)

01:53:755 - Edgy SVs, I couldn't be any prouder tbh yos

01:55:115 - 01:55:280 - tfw not 1x average reeee. Make 0.4x to 0.5x or make the 2.5x to 2.8x and leave the 0.4x.
01:59:359 - ^ Also, is there any reason for this one to start with the slow value first and fast value second when the first time it occured was a simple fast -> slow bump? Makes the reading a bit awkward too as it connects a slow-fast to fast-slow sequence which I think is better suited for sounds that crescendo/decrescendo rather than sudden stops. you might notice on how the song suddenly afloat with the stops. imo its better to slow -> fast rather than vice versa
02:00:390 - 02:00:554 - s m h. So on and so forth, not gonna mention the rest of these

01:58:041 - In my opinion, for SV sequences that span over LNs, I tend to favor having them be reversed and start slow value -> fast value as it drags the LN out at the very start, making it seem like it's never going to be released as opposed to jumping forward first before dragging in a really short time frame.pretty much my preference on how the song acts like "holding" its "beat". based on my experience also, people tend to control fast ->
slow more perfectly rather than slow -> fast because of the nature sense of "we dont know when the notes will speeding up"

02:12:711 - 02:13:041 - half half method on 3/4 LNs *sad life* Would honestly have benefitted from a simple bump like 02:12:711 - 2x and 02:12:793 - 0.5x, cap at 02:12:958 - with 1x.

03:02:903 (182903|0,182986|0) - t r i g g e r e d. Honestly, the minijack this creates is a really hard transition as the patterns immediately after this are all focused on the left hand in order to contrast the right hand heavy patterns used in the previous measure, so I'd just delete the first note in 1 and avoid the minijack altogether.

03:06:612 - For this, I think the ending burst is a bit unfair to players who have made it this far as the sound is a bit smoother than the rest of the sounds that are represented with bursts. Also, there's the fact that there's a 1/4 pause at the very end which can be a bit misleading when reading as a lot of people will simply assume it is a consistent roll going all the way to the last chord at 03:06:942 - . What I think should be used instead is a simple LN with a gradually increasing SV to show how the sound kind of lurches forward a bit. Wont list all the SVs here but poke me in discord if you need an idea of what kind of sv Im talking about.

00:49:469 - Tfw edgy SV here but no edgy SV in Ultimate smh. Anyways, they aren't averaged though cause you need 16 units to properly utilize a 10x SV (could do 12 but that's not enough edge). Either way, these only use 8 units, so the max rankable value you could do is 7.3x to 0.1x. Or you can set BPM to 2912 and set snap to 1/16 and set 10x to 0.4x SVs that way if you really wanted, but the space between 1/16 snaps is only 2 ms so it's not worth it as it's too unnoticeable. deleted entirely. i forgot to remove this since i was too focused around ultimate lol

01:07:436 - Same thing as mentioned in ultimate

01:37:931 (97931|0,98096|3) - Might control H this or something cause none of the ministacks have ever been in col 1 so far and they have a bit of a bias towards the right hand in col 3 and 4.

03:00:183 (180183|0,180266|2,180348|1,180348|3,180431|2,180513|0) - Nice symmetry but at the same time I hate the movement restriction :ccc but its a gem (geddit :DDD)

03:01:255 (181255|0) - Think it would be better to either move this to col 2 or move 03:01:172 (181172|0) - to 2 to avoid the sudden minijack which may be justified due to the synth being the same pitch here, but it feels out of place as the section so far has been pretty rolly and smooth to play.

00:30:019 - Not too sure how I feel about this as it is a Hyper diff and longer jumpstreams like this tend to be focused more on the difficulty just above this level. I might reduce the amount of jumps to be only every 2/1 instead of 1/1 as the player is still just mastering 1/4 bursts and singles I think. but then it'll lost its contrasts to Another. we have Advanced as an alternative. putting chord every 2/1 isnt musically fit either since its literally become layering inconsistency

01:28:865 (88865|0) - Rather than use an LN here, I think you're fine mapping the 3/2 long 1/4 burst here as you have already introduced denser 1/4 patterning to the player before, so it seems kind of anticlimactic to only extend an LN over the entire series of sound.

01:49:799 (109799|2,109881|1,109964|2,110046|0,110129|1,110211|2,110293|0,110376|2) - I think it'd be better to control H here to avoid having a 1/2 ministack on the same hand as the LN or something, cause I keep missing here and it's making me sad i thinki keep this. it feels like doesnt seem to flow for me because of the one handed minitrill before the LN (look at the first 2 notes of your screenshot and the LN after it)

02:44:689 - I'd try to differentiate the roll direction or something a bit because it's identical to Another atm and does feel slightly repetitive the way it is now

00:44:689 - I think you're missing a note for the piano here because every where else in this section has at least a single note for it :thinking:

01:00:348 (60348|0,60843|3,61337|1) - I'd change the arrangement of these LNs as they're the same as 00:57:711 - despite being different pitches.

02:00:019 (120019|3,120348|0,120348|3) - Shouldn't this still be [3]/[2][23] as you mapped all the snares in the same column, changing only at the end of the measure but this little miniphrase hasnt been completed yet but the chord changes from [23] to [14].

01:31:667 (91667|3,91997|0) - Think it would have been nice to stack these two notes to represent the staccato kick.
01:34:304 (94304|2,94634|0) - ^ just to add a little variation to the map.

02:23:425 (143425|3) - I'd consider moving this to col 2 and then turning 02:22:766 (142766|3) - into a 2/1 LN to represent the constantly increasing speed of the rhythm.
*processing SVs intensifies*

Protastic101 wrote:

mods are a social construct
  1. Might wanna increase HP of As' Intermediate to 7.5 or something cause there's a bunch of little 1/4 rolls that the player won't really be punished for if they miss a lot in.// how about 8?
  2. Spent about 20 minutes checking that every sample in the folder was used and it is T_T)b
[As' Intermediate]
00:55:953 (55953|2,56063|3,56282|1,56392|3,56612|1,56722|0) - I think it'd be nice to put these solely on one hand to better emphasize the kicks here, and leave the rest of the synths on the other hand, like this // change to that, thankyou

03:06:942 (186942|1,188260|3) - Tbh, I think it's a bit odd to split the LNs here as they're basically part of the same sound with no distinct separation or cut between them to show that they're different sounds. Instead, the volume just grows a little bit faster at 03:08:260 - so I think overlapping the LNs similar to what the other diffs have done would be a more accurate representation of the crescendo.// fine i'll do that
Topic Starter
why the HP on aste become 8,5 instead?
changing those back to 8 as he says anyways

and yey finally updated :dd

use 8,5 please
Hi, I came across the map and I really liked it :D but I found a couple inconsistencies on your last difficulty so I'll try to convey my points about them as well as possible while trying not to hurt your mapping structure.

00:45:348 - Maybe repattern this section to this instead ( )? I think it represents the pitch going up better without making it too dense, unless you really want to follow the triple layering.

00:49:799 - 00:55:733 - This could use more variety, it goes on for really long and it feels like you just copy pasted and mirrored the patterns a few times. Maybe you could layer a triple every third beat (like on 00:50:458 - and 00:51:447 - and so on) where there's a stronger kick (just like you were doing before) and then vary the pattern right after it (Example: though it doesn't need to be exactly like that, it's just to add a bit more variety). I don't think this will make it much harder either, so that'd be solved for you aswell.

00:55:733 (55733|3,55733|2) - 00:56:063 (56063|3,56063|2) - 00:56:392 (56392|3,56392|2) - These could also be triples, since the kick gets really hard on them, but it's up to you. I didn't highlight 00:56:722 (56722|2,56722|3) - for this matter because it's the start of a burst and it would make the transition a bit rough, however changing it from a [34] chord to a [14] chord I think would represent the crash better. Applying all the mods, it'd probably look something like this I guess ( ), however applying the double change would require you to change up the patterning of the roll burst afterwards, so that's up to you.

01:47:161 (107161|0,107161|1) - I also hear a crash in this double right here, so maybe consider changin it to a [14] aswell, but without inverting the hand that does the jumps again. I think it'd look pretty neat.

01:49:140 - - to 01:50:458 - This goes way overboard compared to the rest of the map. Highly suggest you either start this as a 1/6 roll and then speed it up to 1/8 on the second part or just keep it at a 1/8 roll all along. Having a spike like this hurts the structure of the map in general due to the difference in difficulty, and it surely isn't very fun for players who are either trying to pass the song or FC it. Hah, just imagine, getting a really good acc FC up to that point and then getting absolutely trolled.

SV section: This looks awesome
01:53:178 (113178|2,113260|3,113343|1,113425|0,113508|2,113590|3,113672|1) - I'd check this patterning again if I were you, because I think 01:53:508 (113508|2,113672|1) - are ghost notes.
02:03:727 (123727|1,123810|0,123892|3,123975|2,124057|0,124140|1,124222|3) - ^
01:55:568 (115568|3,115651|0) - Pretty sure this is a 1/6 burst (something like this )
02:10:568 - Missing note? Not that this one matters too much because you put an SV here to another sound anyway.

02:22:766 (142766|2,142766|1) - and 02:23:425 (143425|2,143425|0,143425|3) - These chords... I don't really know what to say to fix the first one, but i'm guessing you don't really want to take it away if it's there in the first place, do you. As to the second one, I'd just reduce it to a double on [34] to prevent this minijack (02:23:425 (143425|2,143425|0,143425|3) - )

02:23:920 (143920|0,144002|1,144085|2,144167|3,144167|0,144249|1,144332|2,144414|0,144414|1,144414|3) - I don't know about you, but I don't hear the sound you're mapping LNs to on these notes 02:24:002 (144002|1,144167|3) - and i do hear it here 02:24:249 (144249|1) - . Might wanna get that part checked aswell (though the pattern is really cool and I'd leave it just for the aesthetics hue but this is the ranking criteria :|).

First main kiai: I'm not exactly sure if you're trying to map the synth or the hihats or both here, so take these mods with a grain of salt. Layering looks fine and the kiai is really fun to play too :).
02:25:651 (145651|2) - Ghost note?
02:27:629 - Missing note?
02:28:453 - ^
02:28:782 (148782|1) - Ghost note?
02:30:925 (150925|0) - ^
02:33:892 - Missing note?
02:36:200 (156200|1) - Ghost note?
02:38:178 - Missing note?
02:39:332 (159332|0) - Ghost note?
02:41:475 (161475|2) - ^

LN section between both kiais
02:44:689 (164689|2,164771|3,164854|0,164936|1,165019|2,165101|3,165183|1,165266|0,165348|2,165431|3) - I think this is supposed to be snapped to 1/3, unless you're not mapping the wubs. If you're mapping the synths here, then 02:44:689 (164689|2) - 02:44:936 (164936|1) - 02:45:183 (165183|1) - 02:45:266 (165266|0) - 02:45:431 (165431|3) - are the ones that should have LNs mapped to them, pretty sure the rest of them would be ghost notes.

Second main kiai: I really liked how you spiced things up with the LNs here :D super cool
02:48:068 - Missing note?
02:58:618 - ^
03:06:118 (186118|1) - Ghost note?
03:06:530 - Missing note?

Good luck with your map! Hope I helped! I really liked it :)
I can also mod the other diffs if there's any need by the way
Topic Starter
eh @Aste i though you were saying HP 8 in prot's reply. are you sure with that? (Changing to 8.5 again for now)

Guilhermeziat wrote:

Hi, I came across the map and I really liked it :D but I found a couple inconsistencies on your last difficulty so I'll try to convey my points about them as well as possible while trying not to hurt your mapping structure.

00:45:348 - Maybe repattern this section to this instead ( )? I think it represents the pitch going up better without making it too dense, unless you really want to follow the triple layering. wasnt it already and yeah i still want to keep the triple, alas it'll become inconsistent with the rest of this section

00:49:799 - 00:55:733 - This could use more variety, it goes on for really long and it feels like you just copy pasted and mirrored the patterns a few times. Maybe you could layer a triple every third beat (like on 00:50:458 - and 00:51:447 - and so on) where there's a stronger kick (just like you were doing before) and then vary the pattern right after it (Example: though it doesn't need to be exactly like that, it's just to add a bit more variety). I don't think this will make it much harder either, so that'd be solved for you aswell. i'm actually in the brink of "yes" or "no"
on this. mainly the concern its about triple stacks. which seem to be quite harsh execution since there's SVs. secondly, it'll lose contrast between this diff and Another which contains pretty light hammerjack while this diff emphasized it more

00:55:733 (55733|3,55733|2) - 00:56:063 (56063|3,56063|2) - 00:56:392 (56392|3,56392|2) - These could also be triples, since the kick gets really hard on them, but it's up to you. I didn't highlight 00:56:722 (56722|2,56722|3) - for this matter because it's the start of a burst and it would make the transition a bit rough, however changing it from a [34] chord to a [14] chord I think would represent the crash better. Applying all the mods, it'd probably look something like this I guess ( ), however applying the double change would require you to change up the patterning of the roll burst afterwards, so that's up to you. i guess i agree with the 2 and 3 but not the first one, however. since the first are not the part of the climax part

01:47:161 (107161|0,107161|1) - I also hear a crash in this double right here, so maybe consider changin it to a [14] aswell, but without inverting the hand that does the jumps again. I think it'd look pretty neat. it doesnt seem to be aesthetical-ish so i think i'll pass this one :c

01:49:140 - - to 01:50:458 - This goes way overboard compared to the rest of the map. Highly suggest you either start this as a 1/6 roll and then speed it up to 1/8 on the second part or just keep it at a 1/8 roll all along. Having a spike like this hurts the structure of the map in general due to the difference in difficulty, and it surely isn't very fun for players who are either trying to pass the song or FC it. Hah, just imagine, getting a really good acc FC up to that point and then getting absolutely trolled. kind of.... no. first off that we heard those burst are really really dense in which they definitely above the usual 1/8 setting. so using either 1/6 or 1/8 in a dense part are quite misleading. its also making it a little to no difference with "Another" in which in another way, pretty misleading since its displayed "Harder" than Another.

SV section: This looks awesome
01:53:178 (113178|2,113260|3,113343|1,113425|0,113508|2,113590|3,113672|1) - I'd check this patterning again if I were you, because I think 01:53:508 (113508|2,113672|1) - are ghost notes.
02:03:727 (123727|1,123810|0,123892|3,123975|2,124057|0,124140|1,124222|3) - ^ wha? i believe they're the part of the wub noises
01:55:568 (115568|3,115651|0) - Pretty sure this is a 1/6 burst (something like this ) woop
02:10:568 - Missing note? Not that this one matters too much because you put an SV here to another sound anyway. already represented by LN there so i guess its fine

02:22:766 (142766|2,142766|1) - and 02:23:425 (143425|2,143425|0,143425|3) - These chords... I don't really know what to say to fix the first one, but i'm guessing you don't really want to take it away if it's there in the first place, do you. As to the second one, I'd just reduce it to a double on [34] to prevent this minijack (02:23:425 (143425|2,143425|0,143425|3) - ) idk. its actually pretty fit for emphasis towards dense LN. well i think 1/4 minijack is kinda doable since ite present in the othe parts in the map as well

02:23:920 (143920|0,144002|1,144085|2,144167|3,144167|0,144249|1,144332|2,144414|0,144414|1,144414|3) - I don't know about you, but I don't hear the sound you're mapping LNs to on these notes 02:24:002 (144002|1,144167|3) - and i do hear it here 02:24:249 (144249|1) - . Might wanna get that part checked aswell (though the pattern is really cool and I'd leave it just for the aesthetics hue but this is the ranking criteria :|). its a pitch (?) if i'm not mistaken. .. they simply represent the Gradual pitch raise :ddd

First main kiai: I'm not exactly sure if you're trying to map the synth or the hihats or both here, so take these mods with a grain of salt. Layering looks fine and the kiai is really fun to play too :).
02:25:651 (145651|2) - Ghost note?
02:27:629 - Missing note?
02:28:453 - ^
02:28:782 (148782|1) - Ghost note?
02:30:925 (150925|0) - ^
02:33:892 - Missing note?
02:36:200 (156200|1) - Ghost note?
02:38:178 - Missing note?
02:39:332 (159332|0) - Ghost note?
02:41:475 (161475|2) - ^ I'll keep the "Ghost notes" as they are actually have noises tho :u some kind of synth and some are pitch changes else is yep

LN section between both kiais
02:44:689 (164689|2,164771|3,164854|0,164936|1,165019|2,165101|3,165183|1,165266|0,165348|2,165431|3) - I think this is supposed to be snapped to 1/3, unless you're not mapping the wubs. If you're mapping the synths here, then 02:44:689 (164689|2) - 02:44:936 (164936|1) - 02:45:183 (165183|1) - 02:45:266 (165266|0) - 02:45:431 (165431|3) - are the ones that should have LNs mapped to them, pretty sure the rest of them would be ghost notes. not really ghost notes if i must say, they are correctly represent the pitch raise every 1/4.

Second main kiai: I really liked how you spiced things up with the LNs here :D super cool
02:48:068 - Missing note?
02:58:618 - ^
03:06:118 (186118|1) - Ghost note? its still have noises, though not the one in particular follows but in order to not break aesthethics i decided to make it flows towards col 1 since the pitch are descended
03:06:530 - Missing note?

Good luck with your map! Hope I helped! I really liked it :)
I can also mod the other diffs if there's any need by the way
no reply = fixed or applied in other way. Thx a bunch guil :)
and maybe i laid the rest to BNs now so you can rest easy :D
not sure if my english even understandable lol

sorry, after thinking and considering of my chart density, HP8 feels a bit low for that so i decide to use 8.5 instead
(or should i use 9?)
Topic Starter
density is a social construct

no dont lol 9 is too overbroad for something that tier xd
i'm prolly raise my Ultimate's HP to 8,5 too
tfw no density is a social construct for me smh

Fixed the snap at 00:16:393 - to be 1/6, have funnnnn
Topic Starter
just testplayed this, i think its a great map
kinda expect something more from the 1st kiai, the 2nd kiai layering is just briliant i'd say
(waiting for PP & overrated SR blame :^)) )
Topic Starter

DDMythical wrote:

that burst ruins an otherwise good chart

The rest of this chart is fine so i'm just going to focus in on this burst and why it has massive playability issues in relation to the rest of this chart.

01:48:521 (108521|3,108563|2,108604|1,108645|3,108645|0) - rolls into splitjumptrills are extremely well used -- this is how you create a buildup without an nps increase.

01:49:661 (109661|1) - this isnt.

The way this is done is kind of silly; The pattern is meant to be jumptrilled I get this -- but you're cutting off a massive audience of players who want to play this for acc or w/e. This entire spike is a luckshot whether you hit it or not because its meant to be manipulated and its already a huge spike -- as seen on the NPS graph.

Suggesting that this burst instead starts with 01:49:140 (109140|0) - a 1/4th splitroll to emphasise the sound which is splitting up and lead in to a pattern at (01:49:634 (109634|0) -) which could be a 1/6th roll (consistently rolling in one direction) and then flipping the direction that it rolls at 01:50:129 (110129|3) - (removing the jump aswell) and emphasising the increase by switching the snapping to 1/8th.


This pattern is much more playable and doesn't make the chart a luckshot.
This pattern is much more enjoyable for people who are just able to do the rest of it -- at the moment this is a spike so as if you can (almost) hit this you can smash the rest of the file and generally be bored; unless you're going for acc -- which isn't worth it because this section is a luckshot. It's a catch 22.


Slightly more objective wording
you created a great chart and ruined it with a single luckshot burst which pretty much ruins the entire chart as a knock on effect.
now this chart isn't playable for acc and isn't playable for people who would struggle with the HS/JS sections because this burst would just dropkick them

pp has nothing to do with any point of my argument don't bring it up
i'm actually not agree with using 1/4 and 1/6 roll in which where the song indicates a really dense kick roll. the reason why is it 1/8 is because the kick roll is obviously denser than that so i think it kinda kill the concept. also it would be lost contrast with "Another"
although yes i'm agree this being a "luckshot" because these 1/12 is quite long to handle properly and require speed that is most people might not have. so i got thing to kinda solved it in mind.

a 1/8 Js with 1/12 roll/splitroll starting from - 01:50:129



(starting point at - 01:49:140 - )
probably the most playable thing people could do and require less speed. and its still indicates the dense change as well. might be a "luckshot" for some people in a midtier who trying to pass but not really for hightier acc player
1/12 roll might be quite questionable so the alternative is making them to 1/8js as well
here's a change not updating it because i still need to fix some stuff in lower diff

what do you think?
Topic Starter

DDMythical wrote:

double posting

aight looked over your edit:

It doesn't fix the problem.

To be absolutely honest any use of 1/12th in this diff (unless its for grace or flams w/e) is too hard.

I think the only way to do this without it being luck based is to have the burst -- at its absolute ending peak -- be 1/8th.

01:49:140 (109140|3,109181|1,109222|3) - also there's a really dumb minitrill here

backed up points edition
1/12 streams in this are 546bpm 1/4ths. Since they are entirely jumptrillable we can take the benefit of halfing this to 273bpm jumptrill burst. Now the reason this stands out so much in comparison to the rest of the file -- as clearly indicated on the NPS graph -- is that the rest of the file is 182bpm trilly handstream. This is a massive skill gap.

I understand your reasoning of wanting this diff to be explicitly harder than another but the thing is -- not every single segment has to be harder and in this case you can actually express the difficulty increase in the other parts of the chart with harder handstream and different patterning (which you already have done) so actually, even if this burst is the same density as another the difficulty is still harder throughout the rest of it.

To fully show this i've created a slightly edited version where the burst is 1/6-1/8 just to show how the NPS graph changes and overall looks more fluid.

You can see that the spikes in intensity are still clearly represented but the chart no longer looks (or plays) like a luckshot file. Overall with these changes I think the file would be much more playable and enjoyable -- not only for high level players -- but for everyone looking to play at it as; as it stands this chart is really ruined by this burst (and from what I've gathered from other modders and players -- they think the same.)

>> not every single segment has to be harder

This.... is somehow sounds subjective for me. Being harder in every single segment might not be a must, but the song offer us a freedom to spice things up. so why limiting it? but ofc also taking playability into consideration.

i simply want it to be representative of what the song has provide. so it says, using constant 1/8 roll (which is shown on your edit) for a section that has its kick roll changing its intensity on certain interval time is not really relevant. it just feels..... hollow. its just there's so much happening but representated in a bland 1/8 rolls

and so to cover both of your playability concern and my concern about musical interpretation, i come up with the closest one

this should clear enough, i guess

1/8 js should be playable since its been fairly used on some infamous ranked map already.
The peak might be around 28 nps? idk just my guesses but it should be acceptable since the js its only last for literally less than 1 secs. both another and ultimate use approximate 1/8 snaps in these burst (as you wish) so there will be not so much struggle transitioning between diffs for both midtier and hightier players.

and... since i removed 1/12 so we can mark this resolve?

the changes is updated btw

(any bad english isn't intended. my wording choice is kinda smh)
bursts were changed to not be so :thinnking: plus a couple added SVs at 01:52:766 -
Topic Starter
there's no 1/8 js wat the heck are u talkin'
chord in-between is like 1/2 each. its a very light js and its completely doable. its an interpretation of the denser kick roll too

she already mentioned the 1/8 js as you said, what she mean its my latest change a week ago

not sure if this what she meant but she didnt tell me anything after that :d
So I am going to pop this bubble for multiple reasons. Reason number one would be because I am going to be moved to probation due to my low activity and secondly because I feel the beginner is a bit too harsh for what the difficulty level indicates. A beginner should be playable for anyone who never touched the game before in his life and I feel this might touch a bit too complex things. Another reason in my opinion is that the bursts of the hardest difficulty are questionable at best so I will cover everything the best I can.

00:24:909 (24909|1) - This one I would rather have it deleted. I feel the same scenario happens in 00:26:887 - here but it gets ignored. The rhytms for such an easy difficulty as this one should be not complex at any point so going 1/2 triples then break then repeat only once cuts a bit the consistency factor in my opinion. The one with the jump because it works as a clearer transition and is also more significant in terms of music intensity.

00:45:183 (45183|0,45513|3) - I am not so sure about this LNs. I get the intention but I would rather have something like a double in 00:45:843 - here to get emphasys for the piano-ish sound. If thats what you are looking for I think it makes more sense to follow the ending with a bit more intensity rather than having two LNs following just part of the rhytm that the piano emulates if that makes sense.

00:49:140 (49140|1,49140|0) - Would personally make this a 1/2 1-2-34 stair instead. Without the LN pointed there of course. I makes up for a better transition to end of section feeling imo.

01:18:810 - I would say this is a bit too hard for a beginner difficulty to be honest. The rhytms are way too broken (even though it follows the song perfectly) so it plays a bit hard for any player up to this level of difficulty. I would honestly just follow the piano ticks with single notes but this is kinda subjective so feel free to analyze it yourself.

No matter what you pick this is a no no no no no 01:27:711 (87711|0,87876|2,88041|1,88041|3) - . Make it 1-2-34 or even a 1-4-12 in worst case scenario to keep some sort of trill motion but not lowering the density.

01:52:766 (112766|1) - Move to 4, having release + press on the same hand is too hard. Probably the same goes here but move to 2 01:50:458 (110458|2) -

02:02:986 (122986|1,123151|2,123315|0) - rip noob players

02:06:942 - I would do something like its a bit too challenging otherwise.

02:23:013 - Try this, I think your way to do it is a bit too hard as well.

In general I am not a fan of this difficulty. I feel its done with no cares in general and I dont really feel anything while playing it. I would suggest a few things to improve the situation:

For the intro up until the mark of 30 seconds I made a custom section to replace what you currently have. I feel the way you made it isnt necesarily bad or anything I just think that its not reaching the potential the diff could reach. I will drop the .osu file of what I did to see if you can find out some ideas out of it and perhaps change your map in that direction a bit

00:32:986 (32986|3,33151|3,33151|1) - Here I would make it 2 doubles without a jack. I think it works because it emulates the intensity I think you want to achieve but the minijack there is way too rude for this diff, specially considering the jump from beginner.

01:54:744 (114744|3) - why not double smh 01:57:381 (117381|0) - (this one 34)
02:00:019 - aaaa same and there are some more but zzz

02:25:074 - For this section I HIGHLY recommend you to follow the main music because man, it would be a waste if you dont. I again drafted something for you to use in this section in case you find it cool. If you want to use it, follow it up until 02:30:348 - where you have to repeat-ish it. (i sent it to you on discord because puush is a d)

For the rest is mostly fine, I think we can give another go once we are done with the rest.

00:26:310 (26310|2,26392|3,26557|0,26640|1,26722|0) - Make those (and all of them kind) something different. Its a bit too hard to one hand trill like that at this level. I would suggest keep the trill motion but in a different way. For example, you can do 1-4-1 or 4-1-4 or even 1-3-2, etc.

02:08:178 (128178|2) - Would move to 2, similar reasons, makes it easier.

02:22:766 (142766|2,142931|0,143013|2,143178|0,143260|2,143425|0) - This is just WAAY too confusing for players in this range. Something like this could work

You would be missing 1/4 notes in 02:28:370 - and 02:28:535 -. If you want to avoid this being a bit too technical you could just make an LN out of the last note here 02:28:205 (148205|1) - and extend it until the moment you want to start the 1/4 stream. Avoid using 1/4 breaks in 1/4 streams for this difficulty level.

In general, most of the ending just works like that and its a bit confusing for the level you are aiming for. I dont think you should remap everything there but certainly keep an eye in the broken 1/4s like the ones I mentioned. They are probably not so many of them that could be fixed in the same way I presented or probably even more ways.

For the rest of the set I will follow up later most likely, my eyes are about to explode. So I will take a short look on what I think are big issues in the hardest difficulty now:

I am not an expert on SVs but I am 100% sure 00:40:898 - this SVs dont play well at all. They feel waay too sudden and the fact that they are LNs makes them ultra akward to hit properly. I imagine it might have to deal with the fact that the 0,9 SV is right in the moment where the note ticks and I would probably move it down a bit

I feel the SV section changes are a bit off, I understand the reasoning to change the pattern else it would be just ultra mindblock material and kinda boring and not really diverse but I think the changes in pattern arent really that justified at least in the mappers perspective. Perhaps players wont feel it as much due to the patterns being too bland but I would make the changes in pattern for sections like this 00:50:458 (50458|1,50458|0,50568|3,50568|2,50678|2,50678|3,50788|0,50788|1) - instead. You can hear that there is some sort of repeated jackstyle-ish sound there that supports the pattern change without making it look weird. Basically just did what you exactly did but making the transitions 2/1 beats earlier and probably one more time.

For the bursts... 394 bpm streams with doubles is way too much haha. Even harder considering the transition before it. Please remove the doubles in the 1//8s bursts at least, the rest can be discussed.

02:24:746 - Why this part has no LNs but the ending does? I mean sure, you want the end of the end to be the most intensive but really, this part is just way too easy compared to anything else and its reaaally asking for some LN action. We can sort it out one day on IRC for sure.

The mod of the last difficulty isnt really a mod I would say, instead, is just marking what I think are the biggest points of issues but the real mod would take place another day. Call me back once you answered this if I dont come back earlier than that.
Topic Starter

juankristal wrote:

So I am going to pop this bubble for multiple reasons. Reason number one would be because I am going to be moved to probation due to my low activity and secondly because I feel the beginner is a bit too harsh for what the difficulty level indicates. A beginner should be playable for anyone who never touched the game before in his life and I feel this might touch a bit too complex things. Another reason in my opinion is that the bursts of the hardest difficulty are questionable at best so I will cover everything the best I can. o no

00:24:909 (24909|1) - This one I would rather have it deleted. I feel the same scenario happens in 00:26:887 - here but it gets ignored. The rhytms for such an easy difficulty as this one should be not complex at any point so going 1/2 triples then break then repeat only once cuts a bit the consistency factor in my opinion. The one with the jump because it works as a clearer transition and is also more significant in terms of music intensity.

00:45:183 (45183|0,45513|3) - I am not so sure about this LNs. I get the intention but I would rather have something like a double in 00:45:843 - here to get emphasys for the piano-ish sound. If thats what you are looking for I think it makes more sense to follow the ending with a bit more intensity rather than having two LNs following just part of the rhytm that the piano emulates if that makes sense.

00:49:140 (49140|1,49140|0) - Would personally make this a 1/2 1-2-34 stair instead. Without the LN pointed there of course. I makes up for a better transition to end of section feeling imo. aint that would be contrary to your concern before about beginner being "too hard"?

01:18:810 - I would say this is a bit too hard for a beginner difficulty to be honest. The rhytms are way too broken (even though it follows the song perfectly) so it plays a bit hard for any player up to this level of difficulty. I would honestly just follow the piano ticks with single notes but this is kinda subjective so feel free to analyze it yourself.

No matter what you pick this is a no no no no no 01:27:711 (87711|0,87876|2,88041|1,88041|3) - . Make it 1-2-34 or even a 1-4-12 in worst case scenario to keep some sort of trill motion but not lowering the density.

01:52:766 (112766|1) - Move to 4, having release + press on the same hand is too hard. Probably the same goes here but move to 2 01:50:458 (110458|2) -

02:02:986 (122986|1,123151|2,123315|0) - rip noob players

02:06:942 - I would do something like its a bit too challenging otherwise. idk since the rythm is odd enough, using LN isnt really the best way imo. since they need to deal with odd releases

02:23:013 - Try this, I think your way to do it is a bit too hard as well. not really change on this since i want to keep the LN place on it. current place are the loudest buildup that could be heard.

In general I am not a fan of this difficulty. I feel its done with no cares in general and I dont really feel anything while playing it. I would suggest a few things to improve the situation:

For the intro up until the mark of 30 seconds I made a custom section to replace what you currently have. I feel the way you made it isnt necesarily bad or anything I just think that its not reaching the potential the diff could reach. I will drop the .osu file of what I did to see if you can find out some ideas out of it and perhaps change your map in that direction a bit i feel like your version is kinda not contrasted with both beginner and aste's. i want it to be like an introduce to higher snapping usage but still living every 2 measure with breaks

00:32:986 (32986|3,33151|3,33151|1) - Here I would make it 2 doubles without a jack. I think it works because it emulates the intensity I think you want to achieve but the minijack there is way too rude for this diff, specially considering the jump from beginner.

01:54:744 (114744|3) - why not double smh 01:57:381 (117381|0) - (this one 34)
02:00:019 - aaaa same and there are some more but zzz they are kind of intended. making the doubles all the ways is somewhat too hard for the progression.

02:25:074 - For this section I HIGHLY recommend you to follow the main music because man, it would be a waste if you dont. I again drafted something for you to use in this section in case you find it cool. If you want to use it, follow it up until 02:30:348 - where you have to repeat-ish it. (i sent it to you on discord because puush is a d) so kinda did but in my own way + approximate them as closely as possible because 1/4 thing isnt really feasible for progression imo. plus the placement of each isnt in usual beat where it could be predictable. Aste already did it and i think its best to keep the concept on him.

For the rest is mostly fine, I think we can give another go once we are done with the rest.

For the rest of the set I will follow up later most likely, my eyes are about to explode. So I will take a short look on what I think are big issues in the hardest difficulty now:

I am not an expert on SVs but I am 100% sure 00:40:898 - this SVs dont play well at all. They feel waay too sudden and the fact that they are LNs makes them ultra akward to hit properly. I imagine it might have to deal with the fact that the 0,9 SV is right in the moment where the note ticks and I would probably move it down a bit they are intended so there would be a bump feel without tricking the LN visually. i dont think the LN is awkward imo. a couple testplay i asked before are same, they dont feel really troubled on this part

I feel the SV section changes are a bit off, I understand the reasoning to change the pattern else it would be just ultra mindblock material and kinda boring and not really diverse but I think the changes in pattern arent really that justified at least in the mappers perspective. Perhaps players wont feel it as much due to the patterns being too bland but I would make the changes in pattern for sections like this 00:50:458 (50458|1,50458|0,50568|3,50568|2,50678|2,50678|3,50788|0,50788|1) - instead. You can hear that there is some sort of repeated jackstyle-ish sound there that supports the pattern change without making it look weird. Basically just did what you exactly did but making the transitions 2/1 beats earlier and probably one more time. hope i get this lol

For the bursts... 394 bpm streams with doubles is way too much haha. Even harder considering the transition before it. Please remove the doubles in the 1//8s bursts at least, the rest can be discussed. muh pp :'

02:24:746 - Why this part has no LNs but the ending does? I mean sure, you want the end of the end to be the most intensive but really, this part is just way too easy compared to anything else and its reaaally asking for some LN action. We can sort it out one day on IRC for sure. one thing for sure that the 1st chorus are entirely act as an introduce to the more trickier part. and i dont really wont to change its since it'll lost the contrast with Another i might kinda screwed the LN part a bit so i guess if you have a thing that come in mind to make it more cool, is welcome c:

The mod of the last difficulty isnt really a mod I would say, instead, is just marking what I think are the biggest points of issues but the real mod would take place another day. Call me back once you answered this if I dont come back earlier than that.
And the rest is accepted. Thx owo

juankristal wrote:

So I am going to pop this bubble for multiple reasons. Reason number one would be because I am going to be moved to probation due to my low activity and secondly because I feel the beginner is a bit too harsh for what the difficulty level indicates. A beginner should be playable for anyone who never touched the game before in his life and I feel this might touch a bit too complex things. Another reason in my opinion is that the bursts of the hardest difficulty are questionable at best so I will cover everything the best I can.

00:26:310 (26310|2,26392|3,26557|0,26640|1,26722|0) - Make those (and all of them kind) something different. Its a bit too hard to one hand trill like that at this level. I would suggest keep the trill motion but in a different way. For example, you can do 1-4-1 or 4-1-4 or even 1-3-2, etc.

02:08:178 (128178|2) - Would move to 2, similar reasons, makes it easier.

02:22:766 (142766|2,142931|0,143013|2,143178|0,143260|2,143425|0) - This is just WAAY too confusing for players in this range. Something like this could work // my apologize but your suggestion make it a bit confusing to read, i just found out that the placement of 1 notes before the pointed one are missplaced and makes it looks like it's 1 chain with the pointed one (should be on 4 instead, i forgot to move that), but thanks for pointing that out

You would be missing 1/4 notes in 02:28:370 - and 02:28:535 -. If you want to avoid this being a bit too technical you could just make an LN out of the last note here 02:28:205 (148205|1) - and extend it until the moment you want to start the 1/4 stream. Avoid using 1/4 breaks in 1/4 streams for this difficulty level. // in this section, i tried to follow the synth so there should be a breaks like that, but after some checking again, yeah the snaps are a bit confusing and i change some of the snaps so it less confusing, i guess

In general, most of the ending just works like that and its a bit confusing for the level you are aiming for. I dont think you should remap everything there but certainly keep an eye in the broken 1/4s like the ones I mentioned. They are probably not so many of them that could be fixed in the same way I presented or probably even more ways.
thanks for your review
Topic Starter
weh tumben cepet :3c
Nice map
okey this took way longer than expected

00:18:810 (18810|2,18975|0,19140|1) - Those should be trills, 3-1-3 works
00:26:722 (26722|1,26887|3,27052|2) - ^ 2-4-2 and 00:27:216 (27216|1) - on 3

00:30:019 - ay spikes. I would make all these 1/4s up until 00:30:925 - rolls from 4 to 1 since the sound is basically repeating itself so using pattern repetition sounds about right.

00:31:997 - Did something like this Probably isnt the most optimal solution but the diff as it is strains too much the right hand in this part so I tried to balance it out a bit.

02:09:497 (129497|0) - Sure this shouldnt be attached to the red tick instead? Like 1/2

02:34:964 - Would delete that double since the density picks up a bit compared to the rest of the map. Also using trill motion for the drum there sounds fine. 02:56:063 - same if you apply

00:24:579 (24579|1) - I am not a fan of this shield release tbh. Neither here nor the harder diff. I feel they are actually 2 different sounds instead of just a long one. You could sort it around to make it more confortable though, similar to what you did in ultimate.

00:49:799 - Should probably apply what I mentioned in the hardest diff in my previous mod.

00:57:601 (57601|3,57711|3) - noo0o0oa0oae0tiay6097yi09a6u4ai6k. Check the hardest diff and move around some stuff to sort that minijack out xD. Or just move the LN, something.

Technically the 1/4 stream should start here 01:28:535 - for this and the hardest diff. Its a personal choice not to do so? If so thats fine but just want to double check.

01:48:480 - I did something like this here to make it easier to follow. I personally find it easier and not too different but its up to you for this one I guess since it seems like a "drastical" change.

01:49:799 - Instead of bumping up the ultimate diff with jumps in the middle of 360 bpm streams I would do something like this in this diff to make up for the difficulty gap instead of making ultimate harder just keep this burst a bit easier

01:39:497 - That one is intentional? Dont feel its strong enough to follow that

remove jumps of the burst pls. Also you could (and perhaps ask some people around what they think too) do something similar to what I suggested in the previous diff.

02:23:343 (143343|0,143425|0) - Not a fan of, would likely delete 02:23:425 (143425|2) - this one and avoid the minijack completely.

Most of the stuff marked in the previous diff could be applied here to some extent
Topic Starter

juankristal wrote:

okey this took way longer than expected

00:18:810 (18810|2,18975|0,19140|1) - Those should be trills, 3-1-3 works
00:26:722 (26722|1,26887|3,27052|2) - ^ 2-4-2 and 00:27:216 (27216|1) - on 3

00:30:019 - ay spikes. I would make all these 1/4s up until 00:30:925 - rolls from 4 to 1 since the sound is basically repeating itself so using pattern repetition sounds about right.

00:31:997 - Did something like this Probably isnt the most optimal solution but the diff as it is strains too much the right hand in this part so I tried to balance it out a bit.

02:09:497 (129497|0) - Sure this shouldnt be attached to the red tick instead? Like 1/2

02:34:964 - Would delete that double since the density picks up a bit compared to the rest of the map. Also using trill motion for the drum there sounds fine. 02:56:063 - same if you apply i think that would be inconsistent with the rest of the same snare which i map it as double

00:24:579 (24579|1) - I am not a fan of this shield release tbh. Neither here nor the harder diff. I feel they are actually 2 different sounds instead of just a long one. You could sort it around to make it more confortable though, similar to what you did in ultimate.

00:49:799 - Should probably apply what I mentioned in the hardest diff in my previous mod.

00:57:601 (57601|3,57711|3) - noo0o0oa0oae0tiay6097yi09a6u4ai6k. Check the hardest diff and move around some stuff to sort that minijack out xD. Or just move the LN, something.

Technically the 1/4 stream should start here 01:28:535 - for this and the hardest diff. Its a personal choice not to do so? If so thats fine but just want to double check. hmm not so obvious for me so yea i guess i'll leave it like that xd

01:48:480 - I did something like this here to make it easier to follow. I personally find it easier and not too different but its up to you for this one I guess since it seems like a "drastical" change. i guess not for this. its quite my preference and doesnt seem to play bad xd

01:49:799 - Instead of bumping up the ultimate diff with jumps in the middle of 360 bpm streams I would do something like this in this diff to make up for the difficulty gap instead of making ultimate harder just keep this burst a bit easier i personally didnt like a thing where everything-should-be-hard-but-its-done-in-easy-way stuff. might be true for lower diff but i guess not this one. it'll lost contrast with hyper since it has streams too

01:39:497 - That one is intentional? Dont feel its strong enough to follow that guess i'll make this anchorable :d

remove jumps of the burst pls. Also you could (and perhaps ask some people around what they think too) do something similar to what I suggested in the previous diff. well... they are claps.people i asked for testplays are also fine with it. changed the pattern to be a little bit more readable after the js anyway

02:23:343 (143343|0,143425|0) - Not a fan of, would likely delete 02:23:425 (143425|2) - this one and avoid the minijack completely.

Most of the stuff marked in the previous diff could be applied here to some extent
else applied :)
Thx again owo
Topic Starter
00:40:897 - tfw sv unsnapped by 1 ms s m h, literally unplayable
00:41:144 - ^

00:40:815 - Not sure if I actually mentioned this in my first check, but why does the start of the SV sequence come before the actual note itself at 00:40:898 - ? It's also unaveraged cause 4 units - 1.8x starting = 2.2 remaining / 3 remaining units = 0.733x as your secondary SV. Lastly, the fact that the 0.9x SV goes through the LNs causes them to appear longer than they really are. I would just start each SV sequence on the downbeat and end on the 1/4 after with a 1x so that the LN doesn't appear all stretched out.

02:20:705 (140705|3,140788|3) - too cruel. Honestly though, I'd just leave the jump before the hand as a single note to avoid a minijack there cause unlike at 02:13:865 (133865|0,133947|0,134030|2,134112|2) - where they were intentional and pretty easy to hit, this comes in the middle of other things that the player is focusing on hitting, so this is pretty much a guaranteed miss even for more experienced players imo. If you do change it, remember to make the note 30% hs vol as opposed to 15%

Might wanna double check all your SVs if they're unsnapped by a couple ms or smth.

00:45:596 (45596|1) - Snaps :thinking: . Same applies to hyper and As' intermediate. The piano is 1/6, not 1/4 and it can't be simplified using 1/4 so you can either use 1/3 which I dont think is possible within a 1/2 time frame or just leave it as an LN or short note on the downbeat.

Otherwise set looks fine, gotta pop for snap but poke me when you've fixed it.
have a few stars owo

20:22 qqqant: hai
20:24 qqqant: hai
20:24 Rivals_7: ping
20:24 Rivals_7: owo
20:24 qqqant: owo
20:24 qqqant: ima jump straight into it
20:24 qqqant: 00:17:162 (17162|3) - the SV here
20:24 Rivals_7: aight
20:24 qqqant: i use a barline skin
20:25 qqqant: it's very hard for meto hit 00:18:151 (18151|1,18151|3,18151|2) - these notes perfectly
20:25 qqqant: ive played this map like 30 times already lol and not once have i gotten them
20:25 Rivals_7: barline uh..... as in like the same as default playfield?
20:26 Rivals_7: how does it look?
20:26 qqqant: let me try to take screenshot
20:27 qqqant: it didnt let me upload it so ill just send it on discord
20:28 Rivals_7: oh thats kind of big playfield hmm
20:29 Rivals_7: thats sure are phard. but we standarized it into default skin so using like another skin as an excuses somehow .... not work. i see it pfine
20:29 Rivals_7: what scrool speedare you using rn
20:29 qqqant: 32
20:31 qqqant: in my opinion, gradual, steady SV change from say 0.7 to 1.3 between those two notes would represent the suspended cymbal better
20:31 qqqant: the 0.1 makes it difficult to kind of judge where the note will land
20:32 Rivals_7: hmm lemme try to workaround a bit with that
20:32 qqqant: oki
20:33 qqqant: i have some more concerns
20:33 qqqant: the next section, starting with 00:18:151 -
20:34 qqqant: up until 00:57:711 -
20:34 qqqant: that whole section, is in 3/4, then changes to 4/4 at 0:57
20:38 Rivals_7: oh to think of it the percussion is 3/4 but not entirely sure myself
20:38 Rivals_7: yea will change that i guess
20:38 qqqant: try to feel the waltzy beat in that section owo
20:39 Rivals_7: do you have any ideas about the sv anyway. i already try another possible speedup but doesnt seem to represent the strong entrance qwq
20:39 Rivals_7: 1,3 were too weak imo
20:40 qqqant: weak?
20:40 qqqant: so u want the SV there to have more strong effect?
20:40 Rivals_7: yeah kindof
20:40 qqqant: for the "shock" factor of the note after?
20:41 Rivals_7: i guess that what you called yeah
20:41 qqqant: ah i see
20:41 qqqant: i thought that it represented the suspended cymbal
20:42 Rivals_7: was my general idea because that sounds prominent xd
20:42 qqqant: hmm i see
20:42 qqqant: so the 1.25->1.75 part is too strong imo
20:42 Rivals_7: didnt see your entire sentence. my bad in the end :d
20:42 Rivals_7: hm
20:43 qqqant: and the 0.1 also too slow due to the barline problem (with my skin)
20:44 Rivals_7: 00:17:821 -
20:44 Rivals_7: i guess 0,25 is ok? cant go more than 0,25 as it will creates some bumpy effect on - 00:17:821
20:44 Rivals_7: oh wait
20:45 Rivals_7: maybe i could remove that
20:45 Rivals_7: the 0,25
20:45 qqqant: im trying things out
20:47 qqqant:
20:47 qqqant: 0.2 -> 0.4 -> 0.6 -> ... -> 1.4 are the values i used
20:48 qqqant: if it's not strong enough, 0.1 -> 0.3 -> ... -> 1.3 also can work
20:54 Rivals_7: guess i'll be doing in on the last 1/4 for the intended effect.
20:54 Rivals_7: it doesnt seem so readable in default but eh
20:54 Rivals_7: maybe its just me
20:54 qqqant: hmm let me try that
20:55 qqqant: looks cleaner
20:56 Rivals_7: coolsies
20:56 qqqant: i can read that now
20:56 qqqant: ok and the time signature thing?
20:57 Rivals_7: yep change that too. but do the signature is changing too at - 00:33:975 - ?
20:58 qqqant: still 3/4 there
20:58 Rivals_7: its like 2/4 and then 3/4 again
20:58 Rivals_7: uh
20:58 qqqant: where?
20:59 Rivals_7: the next crash land on 2/4 after the downbeat - 00:34:634 -
20:59 Rivals_7: then it goes 3/4 again until the time you mention
20:59 qqqant: that's still 3/4
21:00 qqqant: the first two down beats are kick drum
21:00 qqqant: then the third beat is a snare
21:00 Rivals_7: oh wait i'm retarded
21:00 Rivals_7: yea you right xd
21:00 qqqant: :( dont say that
21:01 qqqant: 00:47:986 (47986|3,48151|3,48315|3,48480|3,48645|3) - intentional anchor?
21:02 Rivals_7: :u
21:02 Rivals_7: yea it was
21:02 qqqant: i see
21:02 Rivals_7: it plays kinda cool in my end
21:02 qqqant: yeah it does
21:03 qqqant: the section at 00:49:799
21:03 qqqant: 00:49:799 -
21:03 qqqant: extremely awkward to play - for me at least
21:04 Rivals_7: its uhh something that i try to represent the original chart in lanota :c
21:05 Rivals_7: it is awkward. kinda. but its plyabale tho
21:05 qqqant: it is playable but really really awkward
21:05 qqqant: imo it would be less awkward if there were triples for the snares
21:06 qqqant: and u can balance out the jacks with 3 in a row on either hand
21:07 Rivals_7: isnt that would be... more awkward? idk handling the jacks would be pnasty :d
21:07 Rivals_7: can you give some examples?
21:08 qqqant:
21:09 Rivals_7: three jacks :blobsad:
21:09 Rivals_7: not entirely sure with that cuz anyjacks up to three plays quite eh
21:09 Rivals_7: for me that is
21:10 qqqant: hmm yeah i guess
21:13 qqqant: it plays fine for me
21:18 Rivals_7: coolio then owo. anything else :d
21:19 qqqant: 00:58:700 (58700|2) -
21:19 qqqant: this ln, why doesnt it go all the way?
21:21 Rivals_7: the rest is kinda low echo imo.
21:21 Rivals_7: low volume *
21:22 qqqant: ah i see
21:22 qqqant: that makes sense
21:24 qqqant: at 01:15:513 - just a suggestion
21:24 qqqant: very small change
21:28 Rivals_7: hmm oki looks pcool
21:42 qqqant: 01:26:722
21:42 qqqant: 01:26:722 - no LN?
21:43 Rivals_7: theres no string sound like any other LN does. or at least not that hearable
21:43 qqqant: theres a clear synth sound there
21:45 Rivals_7: maybe i guess. added anyway :dd
21:46 qqqant: how about 01:27:711 - ?
21:48 Rivals_7: i guess shall not waste for the top diff xd added too owo
21:49 qqqant: i think we discussed 01:49:140 - before? in discord
21:51 Rivals_7: yeah....... and gonna keep the double for claps...... thing
21:52 qqqant: well i have solution
21:54 qqqant: i have two proposals
21:54 qqqant: 1. if you like "stepmania" style patterns
21:54 qqqant: 2. sort of pitch relevant (rolling to the right if the pitch going up, rolling to the left going down)
21:55 qqqant: i need to eat dinner real quick
21:56 Rivals_7: kk will try around with it. could post irc for free kudos owo/
22:07 qqqant: back
22:08 qqqant: the SV at 00:40:815 -
22:08 qqqant: the values dont seem averaged
22:11 qqqant: maybe you can do 1.3 on 00:40:898 - and then 0.9 on 00:40:980 - and the same for the second one
22:14 Rivals_7: uh the reason why i leave it before the downbeat is because if i start the SV on the downbeat, it becomes visually long. and it cause confusion
22:14 Rivals_7: vs
22:14 Rivals_7: it is more predictable in sense imo
22:15 qqqant: hmm
22:15 qqqant: then maybe a pull within the LN length?
22:15 qqqant: so at 40898, a 2.2
22:15 qqqant: then on 40918 (1/16 snap) a 0.6
22:16 qqqant: then a 1.0 at the end of the LN
22:16 qqqant: that would normalize it and give the effect
22:18 Rivals_7: will try that. gotta have lunch for a bit >.>
22:18 qqqant: okii
22:19 qqqant: thats all i had, i think
22:19 qqqant: if i have more ill msg u on discord
22:19 qqqant: cya!
Topic Starter
going to change Aste's snaps no (he doesnt seem to read to my PM for more than a week qwq)
the change is on - 00:45:513 - whereas the 1/4th is changed to a single LN
@aste kalo baca, ini versi yg belum diubah sama w dengan timing sama HS udh fix

- Timing changes: - 00:18:151 -> - 00:57:711 - are using 3/4
- added SVs on the last big kiai of Hyper
- change on a js in Ultimate
- buff up the section after heavy SVs part - 02:14:194 - on Ultimate and another
- decided to not change SV of what qqqant have suggested on - 00:40:898 - Feels to weak for me to actually get the feel of the song imo
- fix a couple of unsnapped SB hitsounds

also thx qq for stars owo
just feedback
03:06:612 - would be cool if you add sv here
03:09:249 - and here
Topic Starter
i'm actually thinkig to have a stutter like the one in the middle. but.... doesnt work so well with the music somehow :/
and the 2nd one could be a speedup but uh......... not my taste i guess sorry :c
the "stepmania" suggestion i suggested was a joke... i didnt think you would accept that

short irc over the new basic diff. Here's the bubble back
Topic Starter
dt pp?
finally !!!!!!!!!!
Topic Starter
Thanks juan!!
karena hidup penuh banyak rasa, kopi goodday penuh banyak rasa untuk harimu.
not an actual mod, and I don't have time for it either, but since I'm already take a look a it, so maybe a little suggestions I guess so

To be honest, that intro keysound is just painful to listen to
As I've listen to this song a lot of time already, so something different in the pitch would really make the song experience goes awkward
Feeling like: 00:04:305 (4305|1) - 00:04:964 (4964|1) - 00:06:613 (6613|2) - 00:07:602 (7602|0,7602|3) - 00:08:261 (8261|3,8261|2) - 00:08:591 (8591|0) - 00:10:239 (10239|1) - 00:12:217 (12217|2) - 00:12:876 (12876|0) - 00:14:525 (14525|3) - 00:15:514 (15514|2,15514|1) - most likely are wrong, either they're too low or too high in the pitch sounds
Still, I don't have any suggestion either, because I'm not that good in creating keysounds with piano pitch, but I hope it would be better

00:33:151 - i choke'd here, maybe because played on Lanota only have the main notes on 00:32:986 (32986|2,32986|1,32986|3,33151|3,33151|2,33151|0) - or the SV actual make me suprised, eventually, 00:33:315 (33315|1,33398|3) - this one sounds isn't so notable imo, while 00:33:480 - are actually louder and either to management

00:39:249 (39249|1) - wrong piano keysound pitch, it should be even lower than 00:38:260 (38260|0) -
00:41:227 - in here should have a piano keysound with the same pitch of 00:40:898 -

00:47:821 (47821|0,48315|3,48645|0,48810|1) - just these are too high tho, make it lower

01:28:947 (88947|2,89112|1,89276|0) - I know you're following drum here, but following the melody on here is more better imo, follow with the current melody, it should be start on 01:28:535 - (suggestion:

01:30:018 - on here definitely have the same clap sound volume with 01:29:689 - 01:30:348 - 01:30:678 - 01:31:007 - etc. but why it's 3 notes here (?) It's different from 01:31:337 - since it have kick sound in here but on 01:30:018 - didn't (already turn off hitsound to check this part)
Same to upcoming part, 01:32:656 - 01:35:293 - 01:37:930 -

01:38:590 - would be better to make it have a LN start on here till 01:38:919 - and don't have this note 01:38:754 (98754|2) - which actually following the song in this part more accurate since you tend to following that upcoming synth sounds while 01:38:754 (98754|2) - don't have that kind of sound like that

Feels kinda odd when this is the pattern 01:42:546 (102546|0,102546|2,102711|2,102711|1,102875|3,102875|1,103040|0,103040|3) - and it's the same 3 times

01:54:084 (114084|0,114167|2,114249|0,114331|2,114414|0,114496|2,114579|0,114661|2) - actually I don't really get the ideas why it should be this pattern for the rest of this part (ex: 01:56:721 (116721|3,116804|0,116886|3,116969|0,117051|3,117134|0,117216|3,117298|0) - 01:58:370 (118370|2,118452|1,118535|2,118617|1,118700|2,118782|1,118864|2,118947|1) - etc.) If you notice it, it has the change in pitch too, it's not same pitch for this whole part, just weird feel and awkward while playing actually (from here till the end of this ↑ ↓ part, you know what I mean :wink:)

01:58:864 - this is actually 1/6, not 1/4

02:02:491 - keysound missed a sound on here
02:01:996 (121996|1) - this one sounds actually kinda accurate but just feels empty somehow

02:02:820 (122820|1) - I don't understand this part, if you're somehow following 1/2 LN like this, then isn't it should be like them too (?)
Plus, it goes continously on 02:02:820 (122820|1,122903|3,122985|2,123068|0) - while 02:02:985 (122985|2) - is 1/2 but 02:02:820 (122820|1) - isn't
02:02:738 (122738|3) - ghost note, I don't heard any sounds here

While 02:08:178 (128178|1,128178|0) - is kick and 02:08:260 - is snare, wouldn't be a good idea when it's 2 notes jack here, for the better understandment, moving 02:08:260 (128260|1) - to | 3 | is better imo, I know you want to make it easier for playability but any still works

02:08:919 - This part actually a bit weird to me, yeah it have sounds on 1/4, just 02:09:167 (129167|1,129331|0) - change to LN make it more challenge plus accurate with the song more imo
02:10:485 (130485|3) - this one supposed to be on 02:10:568 - and end on 02:10:732 -

02:13:864 (133864|0,133947|0,134029|2,134112|2) - those are not same pitch anyhow, still, 02:13:864 (133864|0,133947|0) - is the same loud as 02:13:700 (133700|1,133700|0,133782|3,133782|2) - would still suggest to make it 2 notes here instead

02:23:425 - ehm, what I can heard is the melody on 02:23:425 - 02:23:590 - 02:23:754 - 02:23:837 - 02:23:919 - 02:24:084 - 02:24:249 -
I don't know what are those extra one for, more likely are ghosts to me
Plus, 02:24:084 - 02:24:249 - is 1/6 if you're trying to add normal notes

02:32:903 - got sound on here too, a little bit hard to recognizes but sure it has (flows raising higher on here)
02:34:057 - same, got sound on here too, plus a similar part (02:28:782 -)

Since this part is coming to loop on next up and this is the end of the first part (02:34:634 - ), why not making it different from the current only-notes by adding some LNs here (suggestion:

02:38:178 - got sound on here too, would be better to add a note on here
02:39:496 -

02:43:700 - are you following the melody synth on here? If that so, 02:43:864 (163864|0) - should be start on 02:43:947 - and 02:44:029 (164029|3) - shouldn't be exist (or you can keep for that BG sound too, but still, it starts on 02:43:947 - too, try to catch it again

Suggestion: (02:44:689 - )

02:54:496 (174496|1,174579|0) - this one is actually same pitch, you can either keep them or merge them like 02:49:386 (169386|2) - or you can seperate 02:49:386 (169386|2) - into like that 2 LNs too

02:55:156 (175156|3) - make into LN for the melody?
(Some parts I hardly to understand whenever you use 1/2 and 1/4 LNs)

03:06:117 (186117|2) - actually there is no melody like 03:05:787 (185787|3,185787|2,185870|1,185952|0) - on here
Can understand that is 2 notes because it's just fresh start, and 03:06:200 (186200|3,186200|0) - it's a new start from the breaker on 03:06:117 - but what about 03:06:447 (186447|3,186447|1) - here?

Nope, not a SV-Elitist, I skipped SV Check

Also "click.wav" isn't exceeded 100ms and "D3S_s", "F#3S_Gb3S_s", "LR3_BassDropPDG" and "E3S_s" is kinda delayed
While "LR_HiHat Click", "LR_HiHat Click2" did exceeded 100ms but only by a little, so I would suggest to add a blank part for like 10~20ms for them for more safer

Would wish to check the other difficulties too but I really don't have that much time
So anyway, good luck there!
Topic Starter
its big

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

not an actual mod, and I don't have time for it either, but since I'm already take a look a it, so maybe a little suggestions I guess so

To be honest, that intro keysound is just painful to listen to
As I've listen to this song a lot of time already, so something different in the pitch would really make the song experience goes awkward
Feeling like: 00:04:305 (4305|1) - 00:04:964 (4964|1) - 00:06:613 (6613|2) - 00:07:602 (7602|0,7602|3) - 00:08:261 (8261|3,8261|2) - 00:08:591 (8591|0) - 00:10:239 (10239|1) - 00:12:217 (12217|2) - 00:12:876 (12876|0) - 00:14:525 (14525|3) - 00:15:514 (15514|2,15514|1) - most likely are wrong, either they're too low or too high in the pitch sounds
Still, I don't have any suggestion either, because I'm not that good in creating keysounds with piano pitch, but I hope it would be better
i had a conversation with protastic earlier about this. the beginning keysound part has to actually be differentiated a little bit due to it goes "too blended" which is we know thats against RC

tbf i'm not much of an expert of KS either but still, it make sense in the ear at least

00:33:151 - i choke'd here, maybe because played on Lanota only have the main notes on 00:32:986 (32986|2,32986|1,32986|3,33151|3,33151|2,33151|0) - or the SV actual make me suprised, eventually, 00:33:315 (33315|1,33398|3) - this one sounds isn't so notable imo, while 00:33:480 - are actually louder and either to management
as far as i want this chart to be close to Lanota, cant agree the fact that there's a synths. and hearable at that too so yeah wont be hurt if the synths actually getting highlighted too

00:39:249 (39249|1) - wrong piano keysound pitch, it should be even lower than 00:38:260 (38260|0) - i dont really get here. this KS is actually match, at least in a sense
00:41:227 - in here should have a piano keysound with the same pitch of 00:40:898 - could work actually but the actual piano is only exist at the first one

00:47:821 (47821|0,48315|3,48645|0,48810|1) - just these are too high tho, make it lower again, if we actually demand on the RC i cant really change it unless it goes way too far from the actual pitch. these 4 along with the piano noise from the song is perfetly match the accompanied KS so i guess its just ok with

01:28:947 (88947|2,89112|1,89276|0) - I know you're following drum here, but following the melody on here is more better imo, follow with the current melody, it should be start on 01:28:535 - (suggestion:;
i could agree with this but it doesnt seem necessary. the melody here going quite fast, i guess not so many people would actually heard the difference

01:30:018 - on here definitely have the same clap sound volume with 01:29:689 - 01:30:348 - 01:30:678 - 01:31:007 - etc. but why it's 3 notes here (?) It's different from 01:31:337 - since it have kick sound in here but on 01:30:018 - didn't (already turn off hitsound to check this part)
Same to upcoming part, 01:32:656 - 01:35:293 - 01:37:930 -
take a look again. both clap you mentioned, the triple one, and the double one, had a different type. The triple has LR4 type clap @30% along with LR2 @25%x2, while the double one has only LR2 type clap both @15% . They do sounds louder and each triple the LR4 clap has relatively longer sound than an LR2 Clap

01:38:590 - would be better to make it have a LN start on here till 01:38:919 - and don't have this note 01:38:754 (98754|2) - which actually following the song in this part more accurate since you tend to following that upcoming synth sounds while 01:38:754 (98754|2) - don't have that kind of sound like that
its an alternative i think but my POV on this is that there's an upcoming synths every 1/2 which i think its more than a worth to be highly emphasized

Feels kinda odd when this is the pattern 01:42:546 (102546|0,102546|2,102711|2,102711|1,102875|3,102875|1,103040|0,103040|3) - and it's the same 3 times maybe its just you

01:54:084 (114084|0,114167|2,114249|0,114331|2,114414|0,114496|2,114579|0,114661|2) - actually I don't really get the ideas why it should be this pattern for the rest of this part (ex: 01:56:721 (116721|3,116804|0,116886|3,116969|0,117051|3,117134|0,117216|3,117298|0) - 01:58:370 (118370|2,118452|1,118535|2,118617|1,118700|2,118782|1,118864|2,118947|1) - etc.) If you notice it, it has the change in pitch too, it's not same pitch for this whole part, just weird feel and awkward while playing actually (from here till the end of this ↑ ↓ part, you know what I mean :wink:) xd i guess that works too since i had it in mind but it feels really just.... cluttered that way. with a lot of chords to handle, unlike lanota's chart.

01:58:864 - this is actually 1/6, not 1/4 its not? actually i was following a noise thing that has been continued on 1/4 before

02:02:491 - keysound missed a sound on here we focused to drum on here. since its the thing that you can heard and recognize first while you here
02:01:996 (121996|1) - this one sounds actually kinda accurate but just feels empty somehow not sure what you mean by empty here

02:02:820 (122820|1) - I don't understand this part, if you're somehow following 1/2 LN like this, then isn't it should be like them too (?)
Plus, it goes continously on 02:02:820 (122820|1,122903|3,122985|2,123068|0) - while 02:02:985 (122985|2) - is 1/2 but 02:02:820 (122820|1) - isn't the 1/2 LN does have a longer sound. its what i heard on 100% anyway, and no one probably notice that little of a difference
02:02:738 (122738|3) - ghost note, I don't heard any sounds here its a kind of secondary synths buildup alongside the LN one

While 02:08:178 (128178|1,128178|0) - is kick and 02:08:260 - is snare, wouldn't be a good idea when it's 2 notes jack here, for the better understandment, moving 02:08:260 (128260|1) - to | 3 | is better imo, I know you want to make it easier for playability but any still works well like you said then. its for playability purposes (besides, that kind of jacking you suggest is kinda generic nowadays so some difference here and there wouldnt be too much xd).

02:08:919 - This part actually a bit weird to me, yeah it have sounds on 1/4, just 02:09:167 (129167|1,129331|0) - change to LN make it more challenge plus accurate with the song more imo i think i get what you mean to catch by the LNs but tbh i feel like this is pmuch more manageable and to top of that is predictable
02:10:485 (130485|3) - this one supposed to be on 02:10:568 - and end on 02:10:732 - The LNs were supposed to not exactly landing on 1/4 tbh, its rather on 1/6 on precise but had to sacrifice them for the sake of playability. The start however, accounting with the playability part had to start it here since imo its just too cluttered while other part doing it consistently

02:13:864 (133864|0,133947|0,134029|2,134112|2) - those are not same pitch anyhow, still, 02:13:864 (133864|0,133947|0) - is the same loud as 02:13:700 (133700|1,133700|0,133782|3,133782|2) - would still suggest to make it 2 notes here instead both jacks, despite following the drum, is not exactly following the drum pitch, but the melody pitch that is going for a bit. the part is rather not chaotic too so a rather lighter patterning is done

02:23:425 - ehm, what I can heard is the melody on 02:23:425 - 02:23:590 - 02:23:754 - 02:23:837 - 02:23:919 - 02:24:084 - 02:24:249 -
I don't know what are those extra one for, more likely are ghosts to me
Plus, 02:24:084 - 02:24:249 - is 1/6 if you're trying to add normal notes i kinda want to map the buildup here tbh, and each of 1/4 LNs has an actual low synths mapped. it is mapped with LNs too indicate the buildup

02:32:903 - got sound on here too, a little bit hard to recognizes but sure it has (flows raising higher on here)
02:34:057 - same, got sound on here too, plus a similar part (02:28:782 -) i suppose that true, but most of them break the consistency in some part so would rather did the noticeable one

Since this part is coming to loop on next up and this is the end of the first part (02:34:634 - ), why not making it different from the current only-notes by adding some LNs here (suggestion:; uhhh no. this first chorus was intended to be non-LN and then goes LN in the 2nd one. pmuch the concept

02:38:178 - got sound on here too, would be better to add a note on here
02:39:496 - well, i guess i missed that probably because i mostly mapped a synths rather than a melody but doesnt seem to be a worth of a DQ, atm at least

02:43:700 - are you following the melody synth on here? If that so, 02:43:864 (163864|0) - should be start on 02:43:947 - and 02:44:029 (164029|3) - shouldn't be exist (or you can keep for that BG sound too, but still, it starts on 02:43:947 - too, try to catch it again actually no. it was following some kind of uh idk..... bzzz thing?

Suggestion: (02:44:689 - ) could works, but dont want the last part to be LN-y since theres SVs that could affecting the length and manipulated the player

02:54:496 (174496|1,174579|0) - this one is actually same pitch, you can either keep them or merge them like 02:49:386 (169386|2) - or you can seperate 02:49:386 (169386|2) - into like that 2 LNs too there's a tiny-bity slight of difference between the two. in 100% play, the one LN thing is do obvious enough to be hearded as one but the 2 separate LNs one, that you mentioned has slight difference heard with the LN you previously mention. thus the difference between them. its kinda odd if its like you said imo

02:55:156 (175156|3) - make into LN for the melody?
(Some parts I hardly to understand whenever you use 1/2 and 1/4 LNs) i particularly only mapped the obvious sound that is hearded on 100% playback. this part is too chaotic to be too accurate

03:06:117 (186117|2) - actually there is no melody like 03:05:787 (185787|3,185787|2,185870|1,185952|0) - on here
Can understand that is 2 notes because it's just fresh start, and 03:06:200 (186200|3,186200|0) - it's a new start from the breaker on 03:06:117 - but what about 03:06:447 (186447|3,186447|1) - here? there's some kind of wobble noises in the BG along with the melody. i guess thats pretty worthy too along with the melody. and i keep the direction of the LN and the length the same as the others for mainly consistency sake

Nope, not a SV-Elitist, I skipped SV Check SVs is a social construct anyways

Also "click.wav" isn't exceeded 100ms and "D3S_s", "F#3S_Gb3S_s", "LR3_BassDropPDG" and "E3S_s" is kinda delayed
While "LR_HiHat Click", "LR_HiHat Click2" did exceeded 100ms but only by a little, so I would suggest to add a blank part for like 10~20ms for them for more safer
click has 280 ms on my end :thinking:. else is might be rather delayed but nothing unrankable. i could make a pack of fixed HS and make it downloadable via description later anyways
the last 2 one is a bit of a threshold but not necessary. could do the pack as i said earlier

Would wish to check the other difficulties too but I really don't have that much time
So anyway, good luck there!

thanks for taking a look! honestly if you were come a little bit earlier, i could've applied some of this :/
maybe when this does got DQ later, will reconsider what you tell. but for now, gotta gather the community attention first so i could get more feedback (maybe)
wadu dah k e r a d
Hello, so i'm not sure bout the snap here, so i want to point it out just to make sure.

the left one is the ultimate diff, the right one is the intermediate diff.
Is the 1/8 snap at intermediate intentional? since there isn't any 1/8 there, and all other diff also use 1/6.
cool map but
02:45:513 - SV is 512
02:45:678 - SV is 677
is that on purpose?
Derped by request
Topic Starter

me irl

- derped piano
- derped hitsound files
- derped snap
- derp my life

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Caput Mortuum
yessss best song in the game
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