Key: Open: I'll accept almost everything. Semi-open: Only will take maps that already have 1st check/nom. Closed: No requests (except 5K and 9K maps, see below)
How to request Note: I always try to respond and check accepted maps within a week unless otherwise stated, never hesitate to remind me if you think I've forgotten your map!
Only a couple rules, and see my preferences below. Send me your request either through osu! message or via discord in the following format: Link - Title - Artist - Keymode(s) - Difficulties (e.g. NHIX) - short description of your map.
Always open for 5K and 9K maps, even if my status says closed.
Put your metadata sources somewhere in the beatmap discussion
Don't ask me to check your map if you want me to hold the nomination until you've found a 2nd BN. When I'm done checking, I will nominate it, otherwise I will forget and it becomes very difficult for me to keep track of which maps I've checked and which I haven't.
If you have a hitsound difficulty, please delete it and upload the .osu as a note in the beatmap discussion.
New mappers welcome! I'm an oldie now, but I'd still love to help out in your mania mapping journey wherever you are.
I don't like TV sizes. I'm very unlikely to accept one unless it meets any of the below.
Any keymode, but I prefer non-4K with anti-meta keymodes (5K/6K/8K/9K/10K) given priority, 5K especially.
Hitsounds strongly recommended, I likely won't check your map if it's not hitsounded.
Large spreads are good. I'm all for player accessibility!
I will look at every map sent to me, but there's no guarantee I'll do a full mod.
RRM Gang forever has a place in my heart MadBricktree for always test playing maps I can't Kaito-kun for :^) Asherz007 for double checking my SV math and keysounds Shadowsnoop for always giving me constructive criticism LinkTaylord for reminding me of how old I am :') MrDorian for being a good friend Cipse for your kiwi approval
Non-RRM but always special Feerum and Maxus for being a great BN, QAT, and friend FAMoss highly respect your dedication to hitsounding lejel for being one of my first osu friends