
Kan R. Gao - Once Upon a Memory

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Neil Watts
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on lundi 2 février 2015 at 19:34:58

Artist: Kan R. Gao
Title: Once Upon a Memory
Source: To the Moon
Tags: johnny river sigmund corporation piano ambient ego_17
BPM: 69,95
Filesize: 4925kb
Play Time: 02:23
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,29 stars, 121 notes)
  2. ego_17's Normal (1,59 stars, 164 notes)
  3. Hard (1,97 stars, 183 notes)
Download: Kan R. Gao - Once Upon a Memory
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
In honor of Kan Reives Gao, the creator of To the Moon, the best game I ever played.

Thanks to ego_17 for his Normal Diff and his awesome storyboard !
Bonus diff by Ovoui here

Thanks to the modders
Kibbleru, ego_17, Gordon123,Gaia, FlobuFlobs, pandorawindy, Jaltzu, P o M u T a, handsome, theramdans, Hollow Wings, Ovoui(x2!), Nozhomi, Disgallion, Xgor, Neil Leo, Cherry Blossom, Pereira006, IceBeam, Paloma, Xgor, Pereira006

13:14 Kibbleru: poke
13:15 Neil Watts: poke?
13:15 Kibbleru: lets talk about hitsounds here
13:15 *Kibbleru is editing [ Kan R. Gao, feat. Laura Shigihara - Once Upon a Memory [Hard]]
13:16 Kibbleru: well im not sure but claps should have a consistent pattern
13:16 Kibbleru: in MOST songs
13:16 Kibbleru: that actually have a drum beat
13:16 Neil Watts: Oh yeah ^^ Thanks to mod my map :3
13:16 Kibbleru: in MOST songs that actually have a drum beat
13:16 Kibbleru: the claps would be put on the 2nd and 4th white tick
13:16 Kibbleru: counting from the big white tick which is called the downbeat
13:16 Kibbleru: (just some base vocabulary :P)
13:17 Neil Watts: I know, I have to review my hitsound mapping, but what I should do?
13:17 Kibbleru: well
13:17 Kibbleru: okay
13:17 Kibbleru: so
13:17 Kibbleru: whistles
13:17 Kibbleru: are put on the prominant melody lines
13:17 Neil Watts: yeah
13:17 Kibbleru: well thats option A, you can also spam them if u want and put them on all the melody lines
13:18 Kibbleru: and the melody here is the piano (i assume u know)
13:18 Kibbleru: so whistles would fit basically on
13:18 Kibbleru: whatever sound you feel
13:18 Kibbleru: more emphasized
13:18 Kibbleru: hm
13:18 Neil Watts: and the clap?
13:18 Kibbleru: as for your claps
13:18 Kibbleru: tbh you actually found a pretty good custom clap for this kind of song
13:19 Kibbleru: i cant really give you any tips for this one as there really isnt a drum beat in your song
13:19 Kibbleru: however,
13:19 Kibbleru: i can tell you that you should make a clap pattern
13:19 Kibbleru: and keep it consistent
13:20 Kibbleru: so i guess
13:20 Kibbleru: try to figure out a clap rhythm that would work
13:20 Kibbleru: and consistently repeat it
13:20 Kibbleru: every downbeat that is.
13:20 Kibbleru: or actually doesn't even have to be that
13:21 Neil Watts: Ok, and I use the whistles to complete the sound mapping?
13:21 Kibbleru: hm?
13:21 Kibbleru: no you use whistle on any emphasized melody line
13:21 Kibbleru: that seems to fit
13:22 Kibbleru: LOL tbh u chose a pretty hard song to hitsound x_x
13:23 Neil Watts: Hm... And what about the rhythm ? Particularly for the two last notes
13:23 Kibbleru: whats wrong with it?
13:24 Neil Watts: listen them
13:24 Neil Watts: with 25% speed
13:24 Kibbleru: ahh
13:24 Kibbleru: ic
13:24 Kibbleru: well
13:24 Kibbleru: there A.
13:24 Kibbleru: may be a timing change
13:24 Kibbleru: B. the artist fucked up or something :o
13:24 Neil Watts: as the intro?
13:25 Kibbleru: by the way
13:25 Kibbleru: i would use 70 bpm instead
13:25 Kibbleru: as
13:25 Kibbleru: usually,
13:25 Neil Watts: these 2 last circles are in rhythm with 1/16
13:25 Kibbleru: songs don't go into the really precice decimals
13:25 Neil Watts: I used 70bpm before
13:25 Kibbleru: and that MAY or may not solve ur problem
13:25 Kibbleru: 70 didnt work?
13:25 Neil Watts: but at the end, the music wasn't in rhythm
13:26 Neil Watts: nope
13:26 Kibbleru: ah k
13:26 Kibbleru: well
13:26 Kibbleru: most likely
13:26 Kibbleru: 02:22:337 -
13:26 Kibbleru: there is a timing change
13:26 Kibbleru: probably here 02:21:586 -
13:27 Neil Watts: with 1/16 i can place these 2 notes easily
13:27 Neil Watts: 1/16 beats
13:28 Kibbleru: okay
13:28 Kibbleru: nono
13:28 Kibbleru: dont do that
13:28 Kibbleru: cuz thats wrong
13:28 Neil Watts: at least, I could with 70bpm
13:28 Kibbleru: and they're not on the beat anyway
13:28 Kibbleru: okay
13:28 Kibbleru: 02:21:586 -
13:28 Kibbleru: add another uninherited timing point here
13:28 Kibbleru: and set it to 76 bpm
13:28 Kibbleru: and you should be able to map out the beats now on the white ticks
13:29 Kibbleru: make sure u do that with easy diff too
13:29 Kibbleru: oh btw u need a normal fyi if u didnt know that :o
13:29 Kibbleru: OH this song is from to the moon
13:30 Kibbleru: no wonder it sounded so familiar
13:30 Neil Watts: yeh ^^
13:30 Neil Watts: you played it?
13:30 Kibbleru: no lel :x ive watched a vid LOL
13:30 Neil Watts: ok xD
13:30 Neil Watts: 76bpm works perfectly! thanks!
13:31 Kibbleru: 00:53:883 (3) - this note is a bit overmapped
13:31 Kibbleru: i don't think you want to overmap such a calming song :X
13:32 Kibbleru: try to go through your diff and remove any objects that doesn't actually support the music
13:32 Kibbleru: this type of song should not be overmapped
13:32 Kibbleru: doesn't really fit the song :P
13:32 Kibbleru: ok
13:32 Kibbleru: so for ur easy diff
13:32 Neil Watts: i know, that's probably the excitation
13:32 *Kibbleru is editing [ Kan R. Gao, feat. Laura Shigihara - Once Upon a Memory [Easy]]
13:33 Kibbleru: 00:17:213 - i really recommend you adding something here
13:33 Neil Watts: effectively
13:33 Kibbleru: actually try this rhythm 00:16:785 -
13:33 Kibbleru: a 1/2 slider with reverse should work well
13:34 Kibbleru: 00:23:647 - same here in this case
13:34 Kibbleru: making easy diff shouldn't bee 2 hard for this song
13:34 Kibbleru: but make sure that you map out the dominant beats
13:35 Neil Watts: yep
13:35 Kibbleru: also people absolutely despise it when you reverse stuff more than once 01:06:105 (6) -
13:35 Kibbleru: since it's hard to expect
13:36 Kibbleru: however, thins like this 01:15:969 (4) - you can remove since it's not on a really prominent sound
13:36 Kibbleru: and like 01:19:400 (6) -
13:36 Kibbleru: 01:24:975 (1,2,3) - i highly recommend you NOT to go into the 1/4 snap in easy diff
13:37 Kibbleru: well
13:37 Kibbleru: not that
13:37 Kibbleru: leme reword
13:37 Kibbleru: don't have 1/4 spacings
13:37 Kibbleru: fark
13:37 Kibbleru: i mean
13:37 Kibbleru: the 1/4 gap between objects is too short
13:37 Kibbleru: for newbies to react to
13:37 Kibbleru: THERE ^
13:37 Neil Watts: i understand
13:37 Kibbleru: 01:38:699 - similar situation here
13:38 Kibbleru: the reverse sliders fit better 01:42:130 (5) -
13:38 Neil Watts: (hard to follow Oo, that's the first time that somebody's modding my map)
13:38 Neil Watts: i keep the logs
13:38 Kibbleru: yeah dont do this lel 01:51:136 (1,2,3) -
13:38 Kibbleru: ill post logs on ur thread
13:38 Kibbleru: to show that u got mods :P
13:38 Kibbleru: and np ppl say i mod too fast lol x_x
13:38 Neil Watts: oh, good idea!
13:39 Kibbleru: anyway thats about it for now
13:39 Kibbleru: ill post on thread
Topic Starter
Neil Watts
My first mod \o/
That was really fast but helpful. Let's shell that.

Kibbleru wrote:

13:16 Kibbleru: the claps would be put on the 2nd and 4th white tick
13:16 Kibbleru: counting from the big white tick which is called the downbeat
Fixed. The only problem is this hard diff haven't enough items (particularly at the beginning) to punctuate all the concerned ticks with the claps.

13:28 Kibbleru: 02:21:586 -
13:28 Kibbleru: add another uninherited timing point here
13:28 Kibbleru: and set it to 76 bpm
13:29 Kibbleru: make sure u do that with easy diff too
Fixed ! Really useful :D

13:29 Kibbleru: oh btw u need a normal fyi if u didnt know that :o
I said it in the previous post ; I'm actually looking for a guest diff. ;)

13:31 Kibbleru: 00:53:883 (3) - this note is a bit overmapped

13:33 Kibbleru: 00:17:213 - i really recommend you adding something here
13:33 Kibbleru: actually try this rhythm 00:16:785 -
13:33 Kibbleru: a 1/2 slider with reverse should work well

13:34 Kibbleru: 00:23:647 - same here in this case

13:35 Kibbleru: also people absolutely despise it when you reverse stuff more than once 01:06:105 (6)

13:36 Kibbleru: however, thins like this 01:15:969 (4) - you can remove since it's not on a really prominent sound

13:36 Kibbleru: and like 01:19:400 (6) -

13:36 Kibbleru: 01:24:975 (1,2,3) - the 1/4 gap between objects is too short for newbies to react to

13:37 Kibbleru: 01:38:699 - similar situation here

13:38 Kibbleru: yeah dont do this lel 01:51:136 (1,2,3) -
Thank you for your mod :D

PS: Yeah 8-)
Sir Wali
Well. Maybe try more to mapping.
Easy is ... okay but it is more normal.
And hard ... not hard enough. Need more. Pls remapp and after this i mod is = )
Topic Starter
Neil Watts
This song have a very low bpm, so the diffs are appropriate.

If I try to map this with more difficulty, I will overmap the song and it will sound very bad.
oh are you planning to add a normal? cuz need one since you have an easy.

orr you can just rename your easy to normal since apparently it plays like one anyway

by the way, tickrate 4 :P works better for this song
Topic Starter
Neil Watts
I'll ask for a guest diff in my modding queue, I think.
If the guest diff is easier than my Easy diff, I will rename it Normal.
If I don't find anybody, I'll map it myself.

Good idea for the tickrate, but I prefer to put 2 on the Easy diff to avoid this.
Concerning the Hard diff, I think it sounds overmapped a little, so I prefer to put 2 again. But thanks :D
change offset to 00:14:640 to follow downbeat, mb you remap some parts after it/ and after update i try to mod it (pm me mb..dont expect more^^)
Topic Starter
Neil Watts
Offset modified, thank you!

I also removed some hitsounds.
change offset on easy diff too
00:23:647 (2,3) - change to repeat slider like you did it before 00:16:785 (2) -
00:31:794 (6) - this note should be playeble, so circle mb?
00:37:799 (5) - new combo
00:41:230 (9) - ^
00:42:088 (1) - remove new combo
00:47:234 (4) - new combo
00:47:234 (4,5,6) - plays good but too hard - make it like this - 01:31:837 (2,3,4) -
00:53:668 (2,3,4,5,6) - for easy try awoid more thet 3 circles in a row and for me its same as 00:14:640 (1,2,3) - but in another key so you dont need so many circles
00:57:956 (6) - stat from this place
01:04:389 (2) - to many circles again and difficulty lvl incresed its ok to make harder in kiai part but not here i think
01:06:105 (6) - repeat offbeat for me make it simple slider or two half beat sliders starting on white tiks
01:24:975 (1,2) - repeats again)
01:34:410 (6) - new combo
01:35:268 (8) - remove last 2 repeats
01:42:130 (5) - ^
and circles, theare is too much
01:44:274 (7,8) - mb change to somthng
01:45:561 (1) - i point on it again) but this time its ok )
02:01:429 (1,2,3) - too hard
02:17:941 (2) - start it 02:17:726 (2) - and make longer
02:22:375 (6) - new combo

00:54:097 (3) - remove
01:24:976 (1,2,3) - there is no need of using blue tics
01:32:266 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - i see why you did this, but plasing them in stacks it not good and deleting 01:32:696 (5) - makes it more playable
01:34:197 (2) - del
01:36:127 (4) - one circle
01:43:203 (6,8) - del
01:47:063 (7) - ^
01:55:855 (7,1,2,3) - ? its like copypasted on wrong beat) try to remap this place until 02:00:144 (4)
02:02:288 (1) - its ok that kiai overmapped a litle, but i think from now it nedds to be more calm
thats all for now )
mb a litle more in the future )
and try to give more attention on flow, in this map its very important : try to make notes follow simple lines, one by one(00:29:651 (4,1) - not like this, or this 00:33:082 (5,1) - 00:36:514 (5,1) - )

and for me hitsounds its just to make some beats and melody sound more clear, placing them on every second beat is kind too easy way (play this map or listen insane in editor )
ps i need some time to respond for your mod - im a little busy on work for now
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

ego_17 wrote:

change offset on easy diff too
00:23:647 (2,3) - change to repeat slider like you did it before 00:16:785 (2) - fixed!
00:31:794 (6) - this note should be playeble, so circle mb? hm no, I like how it's placed currently
00:37:799 (5) - new combo fixed!
00:41:230 (9) - ^ ^
00:42:088 (1) - remove new combo ^
00:47:234 (4) - new combo ^
00:47:234 (4,5,6) - plays good but too hard - make it like this - 01:31:837 (2,3,4) - should be fine now
00:53:668 (2,3,4,5,6) - for easy try awoid more thet 3 circles in a row and for me its same as 00:14:640 (1,2,3) - but in another key so you dont need so many circles ^
00:57:956 (6) - stat from this place Fixed!
01:04:389 (2) - to many circles again and difficulty lvl incresed its ok to make harder in kiai part but not here i think replaced 2 circles by a slider
01:06:105 (6) - repeat offbeat for me make it simple slider or two half beat sliders starting on white tiks fixed differently
01:24:975 (1,2) - repeats again) I want to keep the break
01:34:410 (6) - new combo yep
01:35:268 (8) - remove last 2 repeats ^
01:42:130 (5) - ^ ^
and circles, theare is too much replaced by sliders
01:44:274 (7,8) - mb change to somthng changed
01:45:561 (1) - i point on it again) but this time its ok ) no changes
02:01:429 (1,2,3) - too hard changed
02:17:941 (2) - start it 02:17:726 (2) - and make longer fixed
02:22:375 (6) - new combo ^

00:54:097 (3) - remove replaced by a slider
01:24:976 (1,2,3) - there is no need of using blue tics changed a little. I want to keep the offbeat
01:32:266 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - i see why you did this, but plasing them in stacks it not good and deleting 01:32:696 (5) - makes it more playable changed with sliders
01:34:197 (2) - del fixed!
01:36:127 (4) - one circle ^
01:43:203 (6,8) - del ^
01:47:063 (7) - ^ ^
01:55:855 (7,1,2,3) - ? its like copypasted on wrong beat) try to remap this place until 02:00:144 (4) remapped.
02:02:288 (1) - its ok that kiai overmapped a litle, but i think from now it nedds to be more calm ^
thats all for now )
mb a litle more in the future )
and try to give more attention on flow, in this map its very important : try to make notes follow simple lines, one by one(00:29:651 (4,1) - not like this, or this 00:33:082 (5,1) - 00:36:514 (5,1) - ) - remapped a little for some parts.

and for me hitsounds its just to make some beats and melody sound more clear, placing them on every second beat is kind too easy way (play this map or listen insane in editor )
ps i need some time to respond for your mod - im a little busy on work for now
Thank you very much :)
all good but BPM : 70,00
00:42:088 (2) - replace slider > (In rhythm)
good job :)
P.S. good luck
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

Gordon123 wrote:

all good but BPM : 70,00 No. It was 70 before, but the end was desynchronized (try by yourself)
00:42:088 (2) - replace slider > (In rhythm)
The slider velocity alteration is too brutal for an easy diff, I think. Modified by another way.
good job :)
P.S. good luck Thank you!
Thanks for your mod!

Remove the slider sound? I think it'd sound a lot better
A lot of straight sliders, would be more fun if you had more curves imo

00:27:506 (1,2) - looks like an awkward blanket
00:37:799 (1,2) - blanket better
00:37:799 (1) - 00:40:270 - not stacked properly
00:41:230 (1,2) - blanket
00:54:954 (5) - to not overlap and blanket
01:12:109 (7) - down instead of left so blanket?
01:24:546 (8,1) - aren't lined up
01:32:266 (3) - weird whistle sound and I don't think you can use 1/4 for easy
01:35:268 (3) - Don't think you can reverse more than once in easy
01:42:130 (4) - ^
01:43:417 (5,6) - not lined up
01:43:846 (6,1) - try not to overlap
01:49:850 (7) - same as above
01:53:281 (5,1) - not stacked perfectly
01:57:569 (4,5,6) - blanket these

Slow song like this, CS4 (maybe even less) sounds better to me
00:15:497 (2,3) - line up straight
00:16:784 (1,2) - ^
00:20:214 (2,3) - both a little bit to the left
00:39:514 (3,5) - not straight
00:41:980 (2) - not very sure about the 8th here.
01:23:152 (4) - ^
01:35:267 (2) - stack on 01:33:552 (1) - ?
01:51:135 (1,3) - line up straight
02:10:863 (2,3) - blanket
02:20:299 (6,7,8,9) - not perfect square
02:22:375 (1,2) - not lined up straight

Nice and relaxing ^^ Great song~
GL from now on!!
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

Gaia wrote:


Remove the slider sound? I think it'd sound a lot better - removed! yeah, it sounds better :3
A lot of straight sliders, would be more fun if you had more curves imo

00:27:506 (1,2) - looks like an awkward blanket should be fine
00:37:799 (1,2) - blanket better fixed
00:37:799 (1) - 00:40:270 - not stacked properly yep
00:41:230 (1,2) - blanket no, I like how it's placed now
00:54:954 (5) - to not overlap and blanket fixed by another way (for AiMod)
01:12:109 (7) - down instead of left so blanket? remapped.
01:24:546 (8,1) - aren't lined up now they are
01:32:266 (3) - weird whistle sound and I don't think you can use 1/4 for easy ^
01:35:268 (3) - Don't think you can reverse more than once in easy yes but kiai time. I'll see with the next modders.
01:42:130 (4) - ^ ^
01:43:417 (5,6) - not lined up now they are
01:43:846 (6,1) - try not to overlap I want to keep it :( Let's see what the other modders will say
01:49:850 (7) - same as above same
01:53:281 (5,1) - not stacked perfectly now they are~
01:57:569 (4,5,6) - blanket these okay but a little

Slow song like this, CS4 (maybe even less) sounds better to me will be too easy for a Hard diff D: but okay
00:15:497 (2,3) - line up straight fixed
00:16:784 (1,2) - ^ ^
00:20:214 (2,3) - both a little bit to the left yep!
00:39:514 (3,5) - not straight ^
00:41:980 (2) - not very sure about the 8th here. it should be fine
01:23:152 (4) - ^ ^
01:35:267 (2) - stack on 01:33:552 (1) - ? why ?
01:51:135 (1,3) - line up straight yep
02:10:863 (2,3) - blanket fine
02:20:299 (6,7,8,9) - not perfect square moved
02:22:375 (1,2) - not lined up straight ^

Nice and relaxing ^^ Great song~
GL from now on!! Thank you!!
Thank you very much for your mod :) I'll take a look to your map soon~
  1. 00:18:071 (3) - this curve is a bit too sharp
  2. 00:28:364 (2) - blanket here?
  3. 00:39:944 (3) - spacing should be constant
  4. 00:45:519 (5,1) - bad Blanket
  5. 00:47:663 - add note
  6. 01:07:820 (7) - move the end a bit lower to avoid stack with 01:06:104 (5) -
  7. 01:31:837 (2,3,4,5) - this is extremly hard to read
  8. 01:57:569 (4,5) - bad blanket
  9. 02:07:862 (4) - copy this and flip and and snap it, looks way better

  1. 00:31:365 (2) - fix spacing
  2. 00:30:508 (1,2,3) - isnt correctly lined up
  3. 00:34:367 (1,2,3) - incease spacing by 0,1x or 0,2x to avoid stack?
  4. 00:35:225 (3) - blank ?
  5. 00:35:225 (3,4,5) - incease spacing by 0,1x or 0,2x to avoid stack?
  6. 00:53:238 (1) - Fix spacing
  7. 01:13:824 (3) - move more to the right for a better looking spacing
  8. 01:20:685 (3,4,5) - ^the same with left
  9. 01:23:152 (4,5) - space or blanke them, it looks like 1/4
  10. 01:27:977 (5) - move a bit lower for better spacing
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

FlobuFlobs wrote:

  1. 00:18:071 (3) - this curve is a bit too sharp fixed with a blanket
  2. 00:28:364 (2) - blanket here? remapped a little.
  3. 00:39:944 (3) - spacing should be constant remapped all because of this stupid AiMod
  4. 00:45:519 (5,1) - bad Blanket I don't see the problem with this blanket
  5. 00:47:663 - add note not on the easy diff
  6. 01:07:820 (7) - move the end a bit lower to avoid stack with 01:06:104 (5) - yep
  7. 01:31:837 (2,3,4,5) - this is extremly hard to read changed
  8. 01:57:569 (4,5) - bad blanket why ?
  9. 02:07:862 (4) - copy this and flip and and snap it, looks way better yep!

  1. 00:31:365 (2) - fix spacing ok
  2. 00:30:508 (1,2,3) - isnt correctly lined up can't see
  3. 00:34:367 (1,2,3) - incease spacing by 0,1x or 0,2x to avoid stack? fixed
  4. 00:35:225 (3) - blank ? hm no
  5. 00:35:225 (3,4,5) - incease spacing by 0,1x or 0,2x to avoid stack? no stacking here...?
  6. 00:53:238 (1) - Fix spacing fixed
  7. 01:13:824 (3) - move more to the right for a better looking spacing ok
  8. 01:20:685 (3,4,5) - ^the same with left yeah
  9. 01:23:152 (4,5) - space or blanke them, it looks like 1/4 unstacked
  10. 01:27:977 (5) - move a bit lower for better spacing yeah!
Thank you ! :)
At your request,i come here mod your map for M4M;
First things first,I am a guy who can give you some suggestions to improve your overall quality.I don't concern the maps' rankability.
  • pretty good man,this diff is very suit to play for beginners.
  1. Don't use too many circles in your map,create some sliders instead of them.If you always look the ranked maps,you ll see slider is very important object. Lost my pieces is a good example.The map ll be emptiness without sliders.00:15:497 (2,3) - you can use the slider instead of there two circles.etc... :arrow:
  2. 00:26:219 (2) - you can change it into a slider. :arrow:
  3. 00:29:221 (3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - :arrow:
  4. There are just a little bit examples,you can find more and fix in your diff.
I also am a fan of the soft music,so i love your song,i trust you can make your map better. :D
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

pandorawindy wrote:

At your request,i come here mod your map for M4M;
First things first,I am a guy who can give you some suggestions to improve your overall quality.I don't concern the maps' rankability.
  • pretty good man,this diff is very suit to play for beginners. Thanks :D
  1. Don't use too many circles in your map,create some sliders instead of them.If you always look the ranked maps,you ll see slider is very important object. Lost my pieces is a good example.The map ll be emptiness without sliders.00:15:497 (2,3) - you can use the slider instead of there two circles.etc... :arrow:
  2. 00:26:219 (2) - you can change it into a slider. :arrow:
  3. 00:29:221 (3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - :arrow:
  4. There are just a little bit examples,you can find more and fix in your diff.
I don't think I'm overusing circles and I don't want to use more sliders because they make the beatmap too easy and I want to use them to emphasize the rythm.
However, I replaced some circles by sliders in the whole song, where I think some sliders should be placed.

I also am a fan of the soft music,so i love your song,i trust you can make your map better. :D
Thanks for your mod :) I'll mod yours today.
I'm pretty sure you can change 69,95 BPM to 70.

00:20:216 (4,5) - Don't stack notes in easy diff.
00:47:234 (6,7) - Continue the slider till 00:48:306 and delete the circle.
01:49:850 (5) - This multislider doesn't fit in the music in this position.
02:01:000 (6) - New combo
02:03:574 (8) - Do not stack this circle under the slider tail.
02:13:009 (3,4,5) - Replace with:
02:18:155 -

00:50:236 (6) - Continue this slider till 00:51:094. Delete circle 00:51:094 (7)
01:35:267 - You could add something like:
01:42:129 - ↑↑
01:48:991 -↑↑
01:55:853 -↑↑
02:11:293 (5) - NC
02:13:866 (1) - Delete NC
02:14:724 (2) - NC
02:15:152 (1) - Delete NC
02:23:164 (1) - ↑↑

00:54:525 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think this part doesn't fit the music well. It's not bad at all when played, but I would still map this the same 'calm' way as everything else till this point in the map.
Nothing else to point out. Love this.

Really lovely map. Good luck for getting it ranked.
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

Jaltzu wrote:

I'm pretty sure you can change 69,95 BPM to 70. Noo I cant, try by yourself and listen the last 15 seconds of the song with 25%speed.

00:20:216 (4,5) - Don't stack notes in easy diff. Low BPM and good visibility. It should be fine if it's rankable.
00:47:234 (6,7) - Continue the slider till 00:48:306 and delete the circle. fixed
01:49:850 (5) - This multislider doesn't fit in the music in this position. fixed
02:01:000 (6) - New combo of course
02:03:574 (8) - Do not stack this circle under the slider tail. okay
02:13:009 (3,4,5) - Replace with: yeah
02:18:155 - no

00:54:525 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think this part doesn't fit the music well. It's not bad at all when played, but I would still map this the same 'calm' way as everything else till this point in the map. Fixed by removing some elements.
Nothing else to point out. Love this.

Really lovely map. Good luck for getting it ranked. Thank you~
Thanks for your mod :) I'll come see your map tomorrow.

Jaltzu wrote:

I'm pretty sure you can change 69,95 BPM to 70.
it really becomes offbeat - i tried it

00:50:236 (6) - Continue this slider till 00:51:094. Delete circle 00:51:094 (7)
but i did it same about 2-3 times before (cos it sound same to me) and changing only this place? no/ and i think 00:51:094 (7) - must be playable so - circle here, or slider, not slider end.
01:35:267 - You could add something like:
i intentionally avoided 1/4 sliders (just 2-3 here) they too short and overlap eachover - so no changes (it sound good and really fits, but i follow to another melody, not this ringbells - only in the end once..)
01:42:129 - ↑↑
01:48:991 -↑↑
01:55:853 -↑↑
02:11:293 (5) - NC
02:13:866 (1) - Delete NC
02:14:724 (2) - NC
02:15:152 (1) - Delete NC i want mark those sliders more...
02:23:164 (1) - ↑↑
im truing to follow melody not down beats here, but i splitted some long combos

mb we fix this star raiting issue later...

Really lovely map. Good luck for getting it ranked.
P o M u T a

  1. You haven't Break time, so not need 'Letterbox during breaks' check.
  2. Not need 'Widescreen Support'. you not use SB.
  1. 00:14:640 (1,2) - try blanket?
  2. 00:48:949 (1) - spacing is so far. try 1.00 around spacing. beginner player confuse!
  3. 01:35:267 (3) - maybe this slider confuse beginner player. (hard) 1/2 reverse slider more better imo.
  4. 02:13:008 (3,2) - overlaps is looks bad. try change better.
  5. this diff some stack notes. bit hardly play.
[ego_17's Normal]
  1. 00:39:943 (4) - add clap. i think fit.
  2. 01:38:269 (5) - add whistle slider head?
  3. 01:55:424 (6) - ^
  4. 02:16:010 (2) - why use red point? (slider).
  1. OD8 is too big. i prefer 7.
  2. 01:34:410 (1) - remove NC. nothing mean imo.
  3. 02:23:164 (2) - add whistle. because strong piano sound.
sorry. short mod.
good luck :)
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

P o M u T a wrote:


  1. You haven't Break time, so not need 'Letterbox during breaks' check. Uh, okay, even if I don't think it will really change something
  2. Not need 'Widescreen Support'. you not use SB. Already not checked.
  1. 00:14:640 (1,2) - try blanket? okay, a large one
  2. 00:48:949 (1) - spacing is so far. try 1.00 around spacing. beginner player confuse! Yeah! Didn't noticed that.
  3. 01:35:267 (3) - maybe this slider confuse beginner player. (hard) 1/2 reverse slider more better imo. It's kiai time, and it's not soo hard I think.
  4. 02:13:008 (3,2) - overlaps is looks bad. try change better. changed
  5. this diff some stack notes. bit hardly play. I think it's okay, but I'll see with the next mods.
[ego_17's Normal]
  1. 00:39:943 (4) - add clap. i think fit.
  2. 01:38:269 (5) - add whistle slider head?
  3. 01:55:424 (6) - ^
  4. 02:16:010 (2) - why use red point? (slider).
  1. OD8 is too big. i prefer 7. yeah why not
  2. 01:34:410 (1) - remove NC. nothing mean imo. okay.
  3. 02:23:164 (2) - add whistle. because strong piano sound. Nope. I like the current sound.
sorry. short mod.
good luck :)
Thank you for your mod! :)

combo 1 and 2 are too alike

interesting, but its very linear and compressed. try to make full use of the playing field. i do acknowledge the challenges encountered due to the low bpm though. try to do more blanketing and curved sliders. also, keep ds constant, its much neater.

00:15:497 (2) - ds?
00:34:796 (2,3) - can be blanketed
00:52:380 (4) - NC here, remove NC after
01:05:246 (7) - pretty ugly overlap, try to have the sliders perpendicular to the flow
01:08:248 (5) - too close
01:11:465 (4) - incorporating 1/4 sliders into a stream is very confusing to the fingers. try having 5 and 6 stacking below the slider.
01:23:152 (4,5) - too close
01:26:690 (4) - ^
01:33:552 (1,3) - stack?
02:07:861 (3) - blanket
02:10:863 (2,3) - can be blanketed better, here's a guide (i havent changed it)


00:23:646 (1,2,3) - this portion is staggered weirdly, fix it
00:25:790 (5) - either blanket or let it flow regualrly
00:27:506 (1) - blanket

umm i'm falling asleep, its too slow for me, i tried though, :p
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

handsome wrote:


combo 1 and 2 are too alike modified a little

interesting, but its very linear and compressed. try to make full use of the playing field. i do acknowledge the challenges encountered due to the low bpm though. try to do more blanketing and curved sliders. also, keep ds constant, its much neater.

00:15:497 (2) - ds? for one pixel? yeaaaah, if you want, here's your pixel. xD
00:34:796 (2,3) - can be blanketed yep
00:52:380 (4) - NC here, remove NC after hm yeah why not
01:05:246 (7) - pretty ugly overlap, try to have the sliders perpendicular to the flow nope, I tried but AiMod disagrees.
01:08:248 (5) - too close yeah
01:11:465 (4) - incorporating 1/4 sliders into a stream is very confusing to the fingers. try having 5 and 6 stacking below the slider. no, I think it should be fine like this - and it's a Hard diff
01:23:152 (4,5) - too close no.
01:26:690 (4) - ^ centered
01:33:552 (1,3) - stack? yeah of course!
02:07:861 (3) - blanket yeah a little.
02:10:863 (2,3) - can be blanketed better, here's a guide (i havent changed it) with a REAL guide it's better. x_x"


00:23:646 (1,2,3) - this portion is staggered weirdly, fix it
00:25:790 (5) - either blanket or let it flow regualrly
00:27:506 (1) - blanket

umm i'm falling asleep, its too slow for me, i tried though, :p
Thank you very much for your mod! I'll begin yours tomorrow if I don't fall asleep before. :lol:

P o M u T a wrote:


i rechecked hitsounds as promised to Neil

[ego_17's Normal]
  1. 00:39:943 (4) - add clap. i think fit. added
  2. 01:38:269 (5) - add whistle slider head? added
  3. 01:55:424 (6) - ^ added

    and, added another hitsounds at kiai
  4. 02:16:010 (2) - why use red point? (slider). listen to the song - there is some sort of bells ringing

    thanks !

handsome wrote:



00:23:646 (1,2,3) - this portion is staggered weirdly, fix it intentionaly - they placed at curved line and so flow more natural, at oval form/
00:25:790 (5) - either blanket or let it flow regualrly i dont like blankets - that it changes ?
00:27:506 (1) - blanket ^

umm i'm falling asleep, its too slow for me, i tried though, :p
lazy )
Woops. Well my intentio n was to post a picture but idk what i did. Well its basically using a circle's approachcircle to see how perfect your blankets are.
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

Blue Dragon wrote:

I will. :D
(I hope, at least!)
random mod-overall not bad for first map but i found some issues here lol

You can make the bpm exact 70.00
Avoid using the settings like OD > AR
Check AIMOD! This Easy diff has several DS inconsistency!
00:16:784 (2,3) - minor DS error
00:20:215 (4,5) - dont stack, use DS
00:21:501 (1) - better curve man
00:23:646 (2,3) - make both curve, or just either one
00:30:937 (5) - remove reverse
00:31:794 (6) - 1 1/2 slider here
00:35:225 (2,3) - suddenly x1.12 DS, not consistent :(
00:44:232 (3,4) - again, stack. remove please
00:47:234 (6) - end the slider at 00:47:877, then add a circle at 00:48:306
01:04:389 (2,3) - merge these to one 1/2 slider with 1x reverse
01:07:391 (5,6) - same^
01:08:677 (1) - this spinner is awkward lol
01:21:543 (3) - 1/2 slider with 1x repeat here
01:22:830 (4) - a circle here
01:23:259 (5) - 1/1 slider with 1x repeat here
01:25:832 (6) - a circle here then put break at 01:26:047
01:35:267 (3) - better make this long curvy slider instead with repeats this much
01:42:129 (4) - same

WARNING : Why Kiai has wider and some different spacing (1.5, 1.3, 1.2, 1.4) ? this is inconsistent for easy and it is a no-no,and
01:42:987 (4,5) - what is this man, it is not 'easy' at all with sudden big spacing and remove that slider's repeat :(
01:45:560 (1) - 1/1 slider here (remove repeat)
01:47:705 (2) - drag to 01:47:276 and make it 1/2 beat longer
01:51:136 (2,3) - again, unstack these
01:50:707 (2,3) - delete these, replace with 1/2 slider with 1x repeat
01:51:993 - 1/1 slider here?
01:55:853 - 1/2 slider here?


This is not bad for a first map, but you need to know clearly that Easy diff must be consistent with DS.
What you can do more is you can merge 2-3 circles into 1 slider, any length and maybe with reverse
Then you should reshape your sliders for more creativity, dont be shy to use more curvy sliders (you have a lot of linear sliders there)
Avoid using patterns like 01:19:828 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) <- this is not 'Easy' man

Will mod more later \o/

further modding
Sorry for rly long delay
Ive been busy and tired all this week so that I kept forgetting this

Here goes!

OD > AR is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
OD -1, AR +1

00:21:501 (2) - NC should be here instead
00:22:359 (3) - ctrl + j for variety?
00:28:363 (2) - NC should be here instead
00:35:225 (3) - NC should be here instead (you should already get the idea)
00:41:230 (1,2) - you can blanket this
01:06:104 (4) - ctrl +j and reposition
01:19:828 (2) - curve more
01:35:696 (1,2) - curve more + blanket
01:41:272 (3) - mid point [174,219], tail point [239,246]
01:43:845 (4,6) - curve more
01:46:847 (3,4) - blanket
01:49:420 (1,2,3) - curve more + blanket
01:53:280 (2,3) - blanket
02:13:008 (5,2,1) curve more + blanket
02:16:010 (2) - why suddenly sharp turn slider point? lol, use curve
02:23:164 (1) - no NC and use circle instead, there is nothing after this tick


Generally, this should be interesting if you raise the base SV (to 1.5~1.6 EVEN 2.00+++ haha)
and adding some speedup/slowdown inherited point. So far it is good, but boring in my eyes
One more thing, you can DISABLE DS to make some small jumps or even certain patterns like \STARS/
(there are several parts in the song that you can possibly make \STARS/)

00:54:739 (4) - use circles instead (even jumps)
01:08:677 (1,2,3,4) - too linear and too firm, make some stars/triangles imo
01:10:822 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - these are too close and too firm
01:14:682 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - same, too linear-sharp circle turns
01:18:970 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:25:403 (1,2) - better to not overlap them, make jump if possible
01:31:836 (2,3,4,5) - not sure about this
01:35:053 (3,4,5) - you can make triangle/stars /1/2 slider jumps here
01:38:698 (6,7,8,9) - ^
01:48:991 (5,6,7,8) - ^, also the 7 and 8 are not fitting
01:52:422 (5,6,1,2) ^
01:54:138 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - these sounds weird to me >_>

Well,,, basically you have to do more curve on the sliders, or switch and alter between curve and linear/sharp turn sliders.
Not a bad map, but needs more work!
Good luck
Topic Starter
Neil Watts
Thank you for your mod!

Will be checked and fully commented when I'll have the two other mods.

theramdans wrote:

random mod-overall not bad for first map but i found some issues here lol
You can make the bpm exact 70.00
ok to make it clear - open easy and check 02:14:640 (1) - with 69.95 bpm
recheck with 70 bpm


C'est assez bien je trouve, mais y'a pas mal de chose a revoir pour rank o/


00:18:071 (3) - Pas tès joli je trouve, tu pourais améliorer ton blanket comme ça
00:40:372 (1) - Je verrais plus quelque chose comme cela [spoilerbox]
00:45:519 (5) - ce blanket peut-être améliorer
00:47:234 (6) - ici, ce slider est bizarre ca va mieu ca je trouve 01:07:820 (7) - Ca va mieu comme ca je trouve
01:23:689 (6,7,8,1) - ca fait un peu trop 2008 a mon gout ^^
01:45:560 (1) - j'ai l'impression que ce slider n'est pas en rythme
01:54:138 (3) - ce blanket peut etre amélioré
01:57:569 (2) - celui la aussi est pas trop en rythme je crois

[ego_17's Normal]

00:22:359 (3) - Something like that works better imo 01:44:703 (5) - move it to x=272;y=64 ?
01:45:131 (6) - this is not symetric to 01:43:845 (4) -
02:16:010 (2) - a curve slider is better imo


00:36:083 (4,5) - deplace le 4 à (284;232) et 5 à (360;216)
00:54:739 (4) - j'suis pas sur que ce soit en rythme
01:08:677 (1,2,3,4) - ca fait trop rectiligne je trouve
01:10:822 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - pareil ici
01:25:618 (2) - pas trop en rythme non plus je crois

J'ai pas trouvé grand chose a dire, dsl D:

btw j'espere que ca t'aidera quand même et gl pour rank o/

Ovoui wrote:


[ego_17's Normal]

00:22:359 (3) - Something like that works better imo i want second slider go up to fit with next combo
01:44:703 (5) - move it to x=272;y=64 ? moved down
01:45:131 (6) - this is not symetric to 01:43:845 (4) - visible only in redactor
02:16:010 (2) - a curve slider is better imo i like it this way )
Topic Starter
Neil Watts
The mods will be checked tonight.

I was waiting since 2 weeks for the next part of theramdans' mod, but it seems that he don't want to mod it anymore, even if it was a M4M.

Thank you anyway.

Edit: Finally he said he will mod it - so i'll wait again. Thank you :D
Hollow Wings
from Scorpiour's Modding Queue


  1. ur hs's volume in the beginning part is a bit too loud, low down them plz, it's a quiet song
  2. i hightly recommend u to mute the slider tracks' hs, or it'll be too noisy


  1. 00:24:503 (3,4) - blanket maybe
  2. 02:07:432 (2,3) - ^
  3. 01:16:397 (5) - arrange ds
  4. 01:22:401 (3,4,5) - this will be a bit confusing in reading that pattern in a hard diff... maybe spread them to avoid that overlap
  5. fine with those rhythms, what's more, i think they r a bit interesting. but as for the composing... i should say it's pretty straightforward, but not that welcomed nowadays. maybe u can mod more others' maps and see what they have do to their stuffs

ego_17's Normal

  1. 01:35:696 (1,2) - blanket maybe
  2. 01:49:420 (1,2) - ^, well, not a big deal thou
  3. fine


  1. 00:27:506 (1,2) - blanket with ds kept
  2. 00:34:797 (2,3) - perfect this blanket
  3. 00:54:954 (4,5) - ^
  4. 01:47:705 (3,4) - ^
  5. 01:57:569 (2,3) - ^
  6. 00:40:372 (1,2) - lol why not blanket here?
  7. 01:53:710 (2,3) - ^
  8. 00:51:094 (1) - nc setting from here's a bit confusing, maybe just set them at the heavy beats in long white lines, rather than following those patterns
silent song

good luck

Hollow Wings wrote:

from Scorpiour's Modding Queue

ego_17's Normal

  1. 01:35:696 (1,2) - blanket maybe sure
  2. 01:49:420 (1,2) - ^, well, not a big deal thou i leave it like this
  3. fine
thanks for your time
Topic Starter
Neil Watts
Okay, let's start checking !
theramdans' mod

theramdans wrote:

random mod-overall not bad for first map but i found some issues here lol

You can make the bpm exact 70.00 No.
Avoid using the settings like OD > AR Fixed.

Check AIMOD! This Easy diff has several DS inconsistency! I don't see anything with AiMod... Maybe I have already fixed them.
00:16:784 (2,3) - minor DS error fixed
00:20:215 (4,5) - dont stack, use DS okay
00:21:501 (1) - better curve man changed because of the last point
00:23:646 (2,3) - make both curve, or just either one no, I like how it's currently
00:30:937 (5) - remove reverse sounds ugly for me D:
00:31:794 (6) - 1 1/2 slider here no
00:35:225 (2,3) - suddenly x1.12 DS, not consistent :( yeah.
00:44:232 (3,4) - again, stack. remove please fixed
00:47:234 (6) - end the slider at 00:47:877, then add a circle at 00:48:306 I changed it on the advice of another mod. I'll see with the next mods.
01:04:389 (2,3) - merge these to one 1/2 slider with 1x reverse no, it should be fine like this.
01:07:391 (5,6) - same^ nope
01:08:677 (1) - this spinner is awkward lol why you don't like it? D:
01:21:543 (3) - 1/2 slider with 1x repeat here changed by another way
01:22:830 (4) - a circle here changed by another way
01:23:259 (5) - 1/1 slider with 1x repeat here changed by another way
01:25:832 (6) - a circle here then put break at 01:26:047 no break. The HP is low.
01:35:267 (3) - better make this long curvy slider instead with repeats this much no, the "long curvy slider" don't point out the great notes. And it's Kiai.
01:42:129 (4) - same same.

WARNING : Why Kiai has wider and some different spacing (1.5, 1.3, 1.2, 1.4) ? this is inconsistent for easy and it is a no-no,and
01:42:987 (4,5) - what is this man, it is not 'easy' at all with sudden big spacing and remove that slider's repeat :(
Kiai time fully remapped. The spacing will not be higher than 1.3.
01:45:560 (1) - 1/1 slider here (remove repeat) I like how it's placed now.
01:47:705 (2) - drag to 01:47:276 and make it 1/2 beat longer no, I like how it is now
01:51:136 (2,3) - again, unstack these unstacked.
01:50:707 (2,3) - delete these, replace with 1/2 slider with 1x repeat no
01:51:993 - 1/1 slider here? nope.
01:55:853 - 1/2 slider here? yeah why not.


This is not bad for a first map, but you need to know clearly that Easy diff must be consistent with DS.
I know that and I'm improving.
What you can do more is you can merge 2-3 circles into 1 slider, any length and maybe with reverse
I don't like to do this. I place the elements following my idea. A slider and a circle sounds very different for me.
Then you should reshape your sliders for more creativity, dont be shy to use more curvy sliders (you have a lot of linear sliders there)
I'm improving too in this domain. That's because this is my first map, I suppose.
Avoid using patterns like 01:19:828 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) <- this is not 'Easy' man
Remapped this part.

AR+1 OD-0.5 ; AR+0.5

Generally, this should be interesting if you raise the base SV (to 1.5~1.6 EVEN 2.00+++ haha)
and adding some speedup/slowdown inherited point. So far it is good, but boring in my eyes
It's a calm music and my first beatmap, don't forget it.
One more thing, you can DISABLE DS to make some small jumps or even certain patterns like \STARS/
(there are several parts in the song that you can possibly make \STARS/)
I don't want to make some \STARS/ patterns because the \STARS/ pattern is too much used on a great number of beatmaps.
And because it's a calm music.

00:54:739 (4) - use circles instead (even jumps) changed by another way
01:08:677 (1,2,3,4) - too linear and too firm, make some stars/triangles imo Jumps!
01:10:822 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - these are too close and too firm Fixed!
01:14:682 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - same, too linear-sharp circle turns Fixed :D
01:18:970 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - ^ changed a little.
01:25:403 (1,2) - better to not overlap them, make jump if possible remapped
01:31:836 (2,3,4,5) - not sure about this Let's see what the other modders will say.
01:35:053 (3,4,5) - you can make triangle/stars /1/2 slider jumps here I don't want, I like how it is now.
01:38:698 (6,7,8,9) - ^ remapped!
01:48:991 (5,6,7,8) - ^, also the 7 and 8 are not fitting it fits for me
01:52:422 (5,6,1,2) ^ maybe later.
01:54:138 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - these sounds weird to me >_> fixed!

Well,,, basically you have to do more curve on the sliders, or switch and alter between curve and linear/sharp turn sliders.
I'm working on it.
Not a bad map, but needs more work!

Sorry for rly long delay, I've been busy and tired all this week so that I kept forgetting this
Don't worry, it's fine :D

Good luck! Thanks!

Ovoui's mod

Ovoui wrote:

slt Hi


C'est assez bien je trouve, mais y'a pas mal de chose a revoir pour rank o/
Je sais bien ^^

00:18:071 (3) - Pas tès joli je trouve, tu pourais améliorer ton blanket comme ça Amélioré d'une autre façon. Je fais en sorte qu'AiMod ne me signale aucune erreur, c'est mon challenge pour une première map :D
00:40:372 (1) - Je verrais plus quelque chose comme cela Nope, car les deux sliders (2 et 3) ne seront ni parallèles ni blanketés. En l'occurrence j'ai choisi un blanket, bien qu'il soit plutôt éloigné.
00:45:519 (5) - ce blanket peut-être améliorer Hein, y'avait un blanket ici ? :o Fixed.
00:47:234 (6) - ici, ce slider est bizarre ca va mieu ca je trouve Il n'est pas comme ça pour rien. Il s'agit d'un slider 5/4, c'est peu commun mais il fallait marquer le rythme.
01:07:820 (7) - Ca va mieu comme ca je trouve Approuvé.
01:23:689 (6,7,8,1) - ca fait un peu trop 2008 a mon gout ^^ Fixed dans le précédent mod.
01:45:560 (1) - j'ai l'impression que ce slider n'est pas en rythme Il s'agit d'un offbeat.
01:54:138 (3) - ce blanket peut etre amélioré Un peu modifié dans le dernier mod.
01:57:569 (2) - celui la aussi est pas trop en rythme je crois Il s'agit encore d'un offbeat...

00:36:083 (4,5) - deplace le 4 à (284;232) et 5 à (360;216) Modifié un peu.
00:54:739 (4) - j'suis pas sur que ce soit en rythme Ceci est un offbeat !
01:08:677 (1,2,3,4) - ca fait trop rectiligne je trouve Changé dans le mod précédent.
01:10:822 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - pareil ici Pareil là.
01:25:618 (2) - pas trop en rythme non plus je crois CECI EST UN OFFBEAT

J'ai pas trouvé grand chose a dire, dsl D: C'est déjà super :D

j'espere que ca t'aidera quand même et gl pour rank o/ Merci ^^

Hollow Wings' mod
[quote="Hollow Wings"]from Scorpiour's Modding Queue


  1. ur hs's volume in the beginning part is a bit too loud, low down them plz, it's a quiet song Added some timing points.
  2. i hightly recommend u to mute the slider tracks' hs, or it'll be too noisy I did it in the past, but there was an upload problem. Fixed!


  1. 00:24:503 (3,4) - blanket maybe well, yes, why not
  2. 02:07:432 (2,3) - ^ yeah.
  3. 01:16:397 (5) - arrange ds fixed in the previous mod
  4. 01:22:401 (3,4,5) - this will be a bit confusing in reading that pattern in a hard diff... maybe spread them to avoid that overlap
  5. fine with those rhythms, what's more, i think they r a bit interesting. but as for the composing... i should say it's pretty straightforward, but not that welcomed nowadays. maybe u can mod more others' maps and see what they have do to their stuffs
    Hmm... I dunno... I can't remove this 1/8 circle at all, because it fits really great with the song... For now I can only let it like this, I will ask my friends modders to know what they can advice to me.


  1. 00:27:506 (1,2) - blanket with ds kept already did my best here
  2. 00:34:797 (2,3) - perfect this blanket okay
  3. 00:54:954 (4,5) - ^ Did I really mapped this ? :o
  4. 01:47:705 (3,4) - ^ should be fixed
  5. 01:57:569 (2,3) - ^ same
  6. 00:40:372 (1,2) - lol why not blanket here? In fact there is one, but I can't improve it because of the distances
  7. 01:53:710 (2,3) - ^ can't do much better.
  8. 00:51:094 (1) - nc setting from here's a bit confusing, maybe just set them at the heavy beats in long white lines, rather than following those patterns removed NC. Should be enough.
silent song

good luck Thank you! :)/quote]

Thank you so much for your mods !! They was really helpful!! (even if I took more than 4 hours to check these mods!)

theramdans wrote:

further modding
Sorry for rly long delay
Ive been busy and tired all this week so that I kept forgetting this

Here goes!

OD > AR is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
OD -1, AR +1
this settings not linked and redactor allows chose different AR-OD - so i can do that i want :) (low ap - it was 2 until bakari asked for 3 - and high juging for accurasy)

00:21:501 (2) - NC should be here instead
00:22:359 (3) - ctrl + j for variety? no - "i want second slider go up to fit with next combo"
00:28:363 (2) - NC should be here instead
00:35:225 (3) - NC should be here instead (you should already get the idea) i get it, but i dont want so many one combo sliders, and i want follow points
00:41:230 (1,2) - you can blanket this not this time
01:06:104 (4) - ctrl +j and reposition i like current flow
01:19:828 (2) - curve more for me 1 and 2 is alike - thats what i want
01:35:696 (1,2) - curve more + blanket ok,but already done
01:41:272 (3) - mid point [174,219], tail point [239,246] i try to leave it unchanged , mb rethink later
01:43:845 (4,6) - curve more i remapped a lite
01:46:847 (3,4) - blanket no (wait for it)
01:49:420 (1,2,3) - curve more + blanket i tryed to make 01:50:707 (3,5) - alike, so it like this now...
01:53:280 (2,3) - blanket OK!
02:13:008 (5,2,1) curve more + blanket i didnt like blankets - they break flow on easy\normal difs for me..
02:16:010 (2) - why suddenly sharp turn slider point? lol, use curve cos sounds i maped with it ( ring bells) didnt sount alike - different sliders
02:23:164 (1) - no NC and use circle instead, there is nothing after this tick intentional , its my reference to game (blue-yellow rabbit) and long slider for long last note
it was a partisan mod - i didnt noticed it, until Neil pointed it
Hi Neil~ as requested...or not ?

- General :
  1. Désactive Widescreen Support vu que tu n'as pas de SB.
- Hard :
  1. Tu as un problème de spacing. Du début jusqu'au kiai, je te vois passer de 0.89x à 1.2x. Garde un spacing constant, soit 1.10x ou 1.20x vu que tu les utilise le plus. Recheck tout !
  2. AR7 peut être ?
  3. 00:17:641 (3,4) - BLanket améliorable.
  4. 00:25:790 (1) - Descend le un peu pour plus être dans le flow de 00:24:932 (4) - .
  5. 00:27:505 (1) - Problème de distance spacing que j'ai noté au dessus.
  6. 00:31:365 (2,3) - Blanket pls.
  7. 00:53:667 (3,4,5) - Je trouve pas ça super esthé pense que tu peux le retravailler un peu pour rendre ça plus joli, même si tu dois y placer un léger jump entre les 3.
  8. 00:56:240 (1,2) - Améliore moi ce flow pls...
  9. 01:08:248 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - Le changement de DS est vachement brutale et innatendu, alors que tout était tranquille jusque là. Franchement réduit le DS drastiquement, 2.00x grand max.
  10. 01:10:822 (1,2,3,4,5) - Toute cette partie tu change le SV, mais on voit que le DS est pas le même. Retravaille ça.
  11. 01:12:966 (2,3) - Bad blanket.
  12. 01:14:681 (1,2,3) - Fait en sorte qu'ils soient aligné.
  13. 01:16:397 (1,2,3) - Nazi stack.
  14. 01:18:112 (1,2,3,1) - Pas beau ce triangle.
  15. 01:19:399 (1,2) - Fait en sorte qu'ils soient aligné.
  16. 01:23:259 - NC ici plutôt non ? Et le suivant à 01:26:690 - .
  17. 01:33:123 (5) - Place plutôt ta fin de slider à 255:209 pour une meilleur esthétique.
  18. 01:46:203 (5) - Ici tu as un DS de 1.14x alors que pour le même écartement tu as du 1.00x ici 01:42:129 (1,2,3,4,5) - . Fait un choix et soit constant.
  19. 01:51:135 (1,2,3) - Centre moi ça.
  20. 01:51:350 (2,4,5,6) - Pourquoi ne pas faire un square avec ces 4 la ?
  21. 01:54:138 (3,4,5,6) - Centre moi ça aussi plus joli quand même.
  22. 02:05:717 (1,2,3,4) - Pas très beau ça. Et l'overlap est pas toptop.
- ego_17's Normal :
  1. Pls CS3, this slong is slow and don't deserve a CS4 for a normal diff. Also AR4 / OD4, because it's better than OD didn't exeed AR value.
  2. I don't really get your logic for NC. Why not put them when music restart like 00:18:070 - or 00:21:501 - ?
  3. 00:23:646 (1,2,3,4) - Improve alignment.
  4. 00:31:365 (2) - Move it at 312:56 for better flow.
  5. 00:37:799 (1) - Move it a little forward to improve flow with 00:36:512 (4) - .
  6. 00:59:242 (3,5) - Improve a little this blanket.
  7. 01:02:673 (1,2,3) - Center this pattern. Looks better.
  8. 01:38:269 (5,2) - Use same shape for them for a better look no ?
  9. 01:43:416 (3,4,5) - Center it by align 01:42:987 (2,4) - on the x axis.
  10. 01:49:420 (1,3) - Use same shape (or do it for 01:50:707 (3,5) - ) and blanket 01:49:420 (1,2) - no ?
  11. 02:03:573 (1) - Rotate it by -20° and replace it to improve flow.
- Easy :
  1. CS2 ou 2.5. CS3 ne colle pas avec une Easy de ce BPM. Et peut être OD2 je sais pas.
  2. Revois certains de tes NC qui sont trop long pour une easy imo.
  3. J'ai pas pu vérifier le spacing parce que l'AiMod bug mais j'espère qu'il est constant.
  4. 00:14:640 (1,2) - Perfect blanket si tu le bouge à 352:236.
  5. 00:16:785 (2,3) - Overlap.
  6. 00:34:797 (2,3) - Tu peux améliorer le blanket.
  7. 01:12:967 (1) - Curve le un poil plus.
  8. 01:16:398 (6,1) - C'est pas l'enchainement le plus logique que j'ai vu. Le flow est naze aussi.
  9. 01:35:267 (3) - Je pense que tu verrais éviter les longs reverse sliders comme ça pour une Easy. Surtout que tu ne l'utilise pas à tout les moments ou la musique est comme ça (par exemple 01:38:699 (3,4) - ). Repense-y.
  10. 01:47:277 (2,4) - Léger overlap.
  11. 01:47:705 (3,4) - Blanket pas beau.

Y a pas mal de boulot. Mais bon tu vas y arriver hein ? ;) GL you two.
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

Nozhomi wrote:

Hi Neil~ as requested...or not ?

- General :
  1. Désactive Widescreen Support vu que tu n'as pas de SB.
- Hard :
  1. Tu as un problème de spacing. Du début jusqu'au kiai, je te vois passer de 0.89x à 1.2x. Garde un spacing constant, soit 1.10x ou 1.20x vu que tu les utilise le plus. Recheck tout ! Un remapping est prévu à ce niveau.
  2. AR7 peut être ? AR6.5 est convenable imo.
  3. 00:17:641 (3,4) - BLanket améliorable. Tu chipotes D: Amélioré un petit peu.
  4. 00:25:790 (1) - Descend le un peu pour plus être dans le flow de 00:24:932 (4) - . obviously
  5. 00:27:505 (1) - Problème de distance spacing que j'ai noté au dessus. Sur la liste des improvements à venir.
  6. 00:31:365 (2,3) - Blanket pls. J'ai fait que j'ai pu... Sur un si petit slider.
  7. 00:53:667 (3,4,5) - Je trouve pas ça super esthé pense que tu peux le retravailler un peu pour rendre ça plus joli, même si tu dois y placer un léger jump entre les 3. les distances seront retravaillées, mais j'aime bien comment c'est comme ça.
  8. 00:56:240 (1,2) - Améliore moi ce flow pls... Il est très bien mon flow.
  9. 01:08:248 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - Le changement de DS est vachement brutale et innatendu, alors que tout était tranquille jusque là. Franchement réduit le DS drastiquement, 2.00x grand max. Ceci est un jump. Je modifierai plus tard ci nécessaire. C'est tout de même une hard diff.
  10. 01:10:822 (1,2,3,4,5) - Toute cette partie tu change le SV, mais on voit que le DS est pas le même. Retravaille ça. C'est prévu.
  11. 01:12:966 (2,3) - Bad blanket improved
  12. 01:14:681 (1,2,3) - Fait en sorte qu'ils soient aligné. Je remapperai ça avec les distances
  13. 01:16:397 (1,2,3) - Nazi stack. A la base c'était un troll pour les HD players. Mais, fixed.
  14. 01:18:112 (1,2,3,1) - Pas beau ce triangle. Il est très beau mon triangle...?
  15. 01:19:399 (1,2) - Fait en sorte qu'ils soient aligné. Fait. Bah, du coup, ça fix le triangle avec le stacking.
  16. 01:23:259 - NC ici plutôt non ? Et le suivant à 01:26:690 - . Bien vu.
  17. 01:33:123 (5) - Place plutôt ta fin de slider à 255:209 pour une meilleur esthétique. Euh, bah, ouais, si tu veux.
  18. 01:46:203 (5) - Ici tu as un DS de 1.14x alors que pour le même écartement tu as du 1.00x ici 01:42:129 (1,2,3,4,5) - . Fait un choix et soit constant. Comme je te l'ai dit, le DS a trop changé au fil des mods, je vais remapper ça.
  19. 01:51:135 (1,2,3) - Centre moi ça. Ça ne change rien.
  20. 01:51:350 (2,4,5,6) - Pourquoi ne pas faire un square avec ces 4 la ? Trop difficile à faire, sachant qu'un des trois côtés est un triplet.
  21. 01:54:138 (3,4,5,6) - Centre moi ça aussi plus joli quand même. Ramené au centre... Bien que ça ne change pas grand chose...
  22. 02:05:717 (1,2,3,4) - Pas très beau ça. Et l'overlap est pas toptop. Je reverrai ça avec le distance remapping. Les hitsounds collent pas.
- ego_17's Normal :
  1. Pls CS3, this slong is slow and don't deserve a CS4 for a normal diff. Also AR4 / OD4, because it's better than OD didn't exeed AR value.
  2. I don't really get your logic for NC. Why not put them when music restart like 00:18:070 - or 00:21:501 - ?
  3. 00:23:646 (1,2,3,4) - Improve alignment.
  4. 00:31:365 (2) - Move it at 312:56 for better flow.
  5. 00:37:799 (1) - Move it a little forward to improve flow with 00:36:512 (4) - .
  6. 00:59:242 (3,5) - Improve a little this blanket.
  7. 01:02:673 (1,2,3) - Center this pattern. Looks better.
  8. 01:38:269 (5,2) - Use same shape for them for a better look no ?
  9. 01:43:416 (3,4,5) - Center it by align 01:42:987 (2,4) - on the x axis.
  10. 01:49:420 (1,3) - Use same shape (or do it for 01:50:707 (3,5) - ) and blanket 01:49:420 (1,2) - no ?
  11. 02:03:573 (1) - Rotate it by -20° and replace it to improve flow.
- Easy :
  1. CS2 ou 2.5. CS3 ne colle pas avec une Easy de ce BPM. Et peut être OD2 je sais pas. BPM low -> CS important. Et OD=AR ça me va bien perso.
  2. Revois certains de tes NC qui sont trop long pour une easy imo.
  3. J'ai pas pu vérifier le spacing parce que l'AiMod bug mais j'espère qu'il est constant. AiMod bug ? wut?
    AiMod ne détecte aucun problème sur mes diffs, j'ai fait en sorte que tout colle.
  4. 00:14:640 (1,2) - Perfect blanket si tu le bouge à 352:236. Moved
  5. 00:16:785 (2,3) - Overlap. Il est où l'overlap?
  6. 00:34:797 (2,3) - Tu peux améliorer le blanket. improved again
  7. 01:12:967 (1) - Curve le un poil plus. Ok !
  8. 01:16:398 (6,1) - C'est pas l'enchainement le plus logique que j'ai vu. Le flow est naze aussi. Allez, hop, un blanket et c'est réglé.
  9. 01:35:267 (3) - Je pense que tu verrais éviter les longs reverse sliders comme ça pour une Easy. Surtout que tu ne l'utilise pas à tout les moments ou la musique est comme ça (par exemple 01:38:699 (3,4) - ). Repense-y. Hm, j'y repenserai si quelqu'un d'autre me fait la remarque, en attendant c'est bon.
  10. 01:47:277 (2,4) - Léger overlap. Non, là t'abuses, ça ne va tuer personne.
  11. 01:47:705 (3,4) - Blanket pas beau. Il est beau mon blanket

Y a pas mal de boulot. Mais bon tu vas y arriver hein ? ;) GL you two. Merci ^^
Merci pour le mod ! Je te dois un mod en échange :lol:

Nozhomi wrote:

Hi Neil~ as requested...or not ?

- ego_17's Normal :
Pls CS3, this slong is slow and don't deserve a CS4 for a normal diff. it was 3 before, changing it again is step backwards, and it helps to make different star raiting thith easy
Also AR4 / OD4, because it's better than OD didn't exeed AR value. why they must be equal ? thats the matter?
I don't really get your logic for NC. Why not put them when music restart like 00:18:070 - or 00:21:501 - ? i have my own logic mb ?)
00:23:646 (1,2,3,4) - Improve alignment. i intentionaly made it like this//
00:31:365 (2) - Move it at 312:56 for better flow. moved a litle
00:37:799 (1) - Move it a little forward to improve flow with 00:36:512 (4) - . dont see problem here
00:59:242 (3,5) - Improve a little this blanket. they dont blanketing ) moved a litlle
01:02:673 (1,2,3) - Center this pattern. Looks better. okay
01:38:269 (5,2) - Use same shape for them for a better look no ? you cant see them both when playing - so im ok with them
01:43:416 (3,4,5) - Center it by align 01:42:987 (2,4) - on the x axis. its more smooth like i did
01:49:420 (1,3) - Use same shape (or do it for 01:50:707 (3,5) - ) and blanket 01:49:420 (1,2) - no ? i like this place like i did - you cant blanket whole map )
02:03:573 (1) - Rotate it by -20° and replace it to improve flow.improved
Heyaa, i'm a Disgallion.


Only one thing, and maybe the one that could cancel the ranking : The gap between Normal and Easy isn't big enough (I won't talk about Hard since NW told me that it will be remade)


  • - 00:40:372 (4) - Si tu veux suivre le flow, il est plus au dessus, + Le nouveau combo est sur le prochain slider
    - 00:50:237 (2) - x148 / y180 ?
    - 00:55:812 (1) - J'aurais mis le nouveau combo ici
    - 01:35:267 (3,4) - J'ai peur qu'un nouveau joueur se plante ici, même si ça va très bien avec la musique. J'aurais mis un slider en zigzaguant (un peu comme ça tu devrais essayer et voir si ça te plait)
    - 01:41:701 (3) - Tu ne veux rien mettre ici ? o: GENRE mon super slider :D
    - 01:43:417 (4) - Décale le de 2px à droite
    - 01:45:560 (1) - Je ne sais pas pourquoi un reverse, ça sonne bizarre, un grand slider plutôt ?
    - 01:51:136 (2,3,4) - Les trois à 316y fait plus joli je trouve
    - 01:55:853 (1) - Il fait quoi lui en mode combo color alone ? D:
    - 01:57:569 (2) - Même remarque concernant le reverse d'avant
    - 02:03:574 (3,3) - Des sliders suivraient mieux la musique, à toi de voir si ça fait trop après
    - 02:22:375 (1) - L'inverse d'au dessus, 2 circles !
Sinon c'est une bonne Easy, tout ce que je dis au dessus ne sont que des propositions et des avis !


  • Okay, so you have exactly the same AR than the Easy diff, and for a Normal, it's damn low !
    - 00:29:221 (3) - x400 ?
    - 00:55:811 (1,3) - combo here fit most with the music
    - 01:23:045 (2) - You should try a 1/4 slider here and start on the blue tick
    - 01:57:569 (3) - Something like that is better I think - 02:13:866 (1,2) - Something wrong in the new combo here
    - 02:15:152 (1,2) - like before, mirorred would look better, rounded slider followed by squared slider seems strange
    - 02:22:375 (1,1) - Hmm... two circles ? Or remove one combo ?
    In many slider there's a small inconsistency in the flow, not something very bad, just some circle to move a bit.
    Anyway good job on it !

Voilà, here you go, hope this will be usefull. Bonne chance pour ranker !
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

Disgallion wrote:

Heyaa, i'm a Disgallion.


Only one thing, and maybe the one that could cancel the ranking : The gap between Normal and Easy isn't big enough (I won't talk about Hard since NW told me that it will be remade) Hm ça devrait aller anyway.

  • - 00:40:372 (4) - Si tu veux suivre le flow, il est plus au dessus, + Le nouveau combo est sur le prochain slider definitely agreed.
    - 00:50:237 (2) - x148 / y180 ? nope car problème de distance entre le (2) et le (3) après. Je modifie différemment.
    - 00:55:812 (1) - J'aurais mis le nouveau combo ici agreed
    - 01:35:267 (3,4) - J'ai peur qu'un nouveau joueur se plante ici, même si ça va très bien avec la musique. J'aurais mis un slider en zigzaguant (un peu comme ça tu devrais essayer et voir si ça te plait)
    Ce slider zigzag est absolument unrankable sur une easy diff. C'est le kiai time, je me fais plaisir.
    - 01:41:701 (3) - Tu ne veux rien mettre ici ? o: GENRE mon super slider :D unrankable comme dit ci-dessus
    - 01:43:417 (4) - Décale le de 2px à droite Il est pas sur une ligne droite mais dans un flow.
    - 01:45:560 (1) - Je ne sais pas pourquoi un reverse, ça sonne bizarre, un grand slider plutôt ? On appelle ça un offbeat :') (cc Ovoui)
    - 01:51:136 (2,3,4) - Les trois à 316y fait plus joli je trouve ça fait trop droit :( il est dans un flow
    - 01:55:853 (1) - Il fait quoi lui en mode combo color alone ? D: wtf effectivement xD
    - 01:57:569 (2) - Même remarque concernant le reverse d'avant CECI EST UN OFFBEAT XD
    - 02:03:574 (3,3) - Des sliders suivraient mieux la musique, à toi de voir si ça fait trop après hm, à voir peut-être plus tard!
    - 02:22:375 (1) - L'inverse d'au dessus, 2 circles ! on m'a déjà conseillé le contraire. Mais c'est vrai que je préfère comme ça.
Sinon c'est une bonne Easy, tout ce que je dis au dessus ne sont que des propositions et des avis !
Merci pour ton mod, je te revaudrai ça :D

Disgallion wrote:

Heyaa, i'm a Disgallion.


Only one thing, and maybe the one that could cancel the ranking : The gap between Normal and Easy isn't big enough (I won't talk about Hard since NW told me that it will be remade)


  • Okay, so you have exactly the same AR than the Easy diff, and for a Normal, it's damn low !
    bpm is low so ap is low too) i raized overaldiff so it harder to get 300 with same AP... raising AP didnt add star raiting, so no changes
    - 00:29:221 (3) - x400 ? it woud be on same line with 00:29:221 (3,4) , but changes DS - dont want to move whole section
    - 00:55:811 (1,3) - combo here fit most with the music you mean new combo ? i have enought 1-2 combos, dont want another one)
    - 01:23:045 (2) - You should try a 1/4 slider here and start on the blue tick this sound isnt on blue tick and didnt fit to normal
    - 01:57:569 (3) - Something like that is better I think i want to leave it unchanged
    - 02:13:866 (1,2) - Something wrong in the new combo here becose i wanted 02:15:152 (1,2) look more independent or separated
    - 02:15:152 (1,2) - like before, mirorred would look better, rounded slider followed by squared slider seems strange
    cos sounds i maped with it ( ring bells) didnt sound alike
    02:15:152 (1) - 2 bells, 02:16:010 (2) - 3 bells
    - 02:22:375 (1,1) - Hmm... two circles ? Or remove one combo ? bpm changed suddenly and its easier to hit sliders - they as long as notes for me and to colours its refference to game
    In many slider there's a small inconsistency in the flow, not something very bad, just some circle to move a bit.
    Anyway good job on it !
so so changes, im not trying to be mean or stubborn just feel its unneeded
you pointed some good places,but i have some reasons to keep it unchanged.

some hitsounds added...
Topic Starter
Neil Watts
Good job! ego_17, don't forget to gimme your diff else I can't update it.

I just finished to remap my Hard diff. This time, the mapset should be ready.

I'm just worrying about the diffspread. Some modders told me that's fine, but I'm not sure ; we'll see when a BAT will mod it - or what the other modders will say.
To the moon :D

  1. The artist is just "Kan R. Gao" so change to that

    Laura Shigihara only in "Everything's Alright" and a part of the trailer as you can see on the track list here.
  2. I feel that the ticking sounds doesn't really fit with the song...
  3. I don't think kiai fit for such a calm song like this, It feels more distracting than something that adds to the experience.
  1. 01:42:129 (4) - Short repeating sliders is quite confusing for a newcomer so it's not recommended to use it on a easy.
    01:47:705 (3) - ^ This is not as long but it's kinda the same thing
  2. 01:45:560 (1) - This doesn't really fit the song.
    If you make this a 1/1 slider with a circle 1/2 after the slider it fit the song better.
  3. 01:57:569 (2) - Also dosn't really fit the song, but this makes more sense as a 3/2 slider.
  4. 02:01:000 (1) - A 3/4 slider doesn't make much sense here. A 1/1 long slider makes sense more, especally as the later parts that sound just like this has a 1/1 slider.
  1. 02:16:010 (2) - This is minor... but I feel that having a pointy slider like this feels wrong where pretty much every other slider in the map has standard curve.
  1. I feel that this AR is a bit too fast for this song. around AR 5-5.5 feels better to the song
  2. 00:54:739 (4,5) - I'm not really sure what these beats are following.
  3. 01:07:391 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - This stream doesn't fit the song, and just feels overmapped. I feel that this makes more sense to the song even if it makes it much easier.
  4. 01:14:681 (1) - I don't feel that this makes sense to the song.
  5. 01:17:040 (1) - Doesn't really makes sense to the song and I suggest you remove it.
  6. 01:18:327 (2,3) - Also overmapped. There isn't that much 1/4s in this song before 01:32.
  7. 01:25:618 (2) - This slider doesn't follow anything and sounds just awful due to that.
  8. 01:57:998 (3,4) - This doesn't really follow anything. I think this should be removed.
  9. 02:15:152 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Having it like this makes more sense to the song,
Liked the map, Just some stuff that I felt overmapped. fixed artist and some minor things that bugged me.
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

Xgor wrote:

To the moon :D

  1. The artist is just "Kan R. Gao" so change to that

    Laura Shigihara only in "Everything's Alright" and a part of the trailer as you can see on the track list here.
    We definitely haven't the same list
    But anyway, ok, I'm fixing that
  2. I feel that the ticking sounds doesn't really fit with the song...
    I was searching for a calm clap hitsound, because using only soft whistles sounds really bad imo - and I can't use anything else because the map is really calm and low-bpm. I had to choose a secondary hitsound, calm as possible, and I chose this one.

    You suggested me drums - but this kind of hitsounds are too hard for this song. So I think ticking is not a bad idea. However, if you have other suggestions (or other hitsounds to "tick" the beatmap), feel free to suggest.

  3. I don't think kiai fit for such a calm song like this, It feels more distracting than something that adds to the experience.
I wanna keep the kiai time, because every beatmap has one, and especially because it allows me to increase a little the difficulty (distance snap in the Hard diff) and I absolutely need difficulty to keep a constant diffspread.

  1. 01:42:129 (4) - Short repeating sliders is quite confusing for a newcomer so it's not recommended to use it on a easy.
    Okay, I change it. You're not the first modder to say it.
    01:47:705 (3) - ^ This is not as long but it's kinda the same thing
  2. 01:45:560 (1) - This doesn't really fit the song.

    If you make this a 1/1 slider with a circle 1/2 after the slider it fit the song better.
    Okay, offbeat removed.
    Replaced by a long 1/1 slider with a reverse arrow.
  3. 01:57:569 (2) - Also dosn't really fit the song, but this makes more sense as a 3/2 slider.
    wanna keep this one.
  4. 02:01:000 (1) - A 3/4 slider doesn't make much sense here. A 1/1 long slider makes sense more, especally as the later parts that sound just like this has a 1/1 slider.

  • This Hard diff was highly overmapped. I think your mod helped me to fix most of the last overmappings. Thank you a lot!
  1. I feel that this AR is a bit too fast for this song. around AR 5-5.5 feels better to the song
    Set to AR6. I think this AR should be fine for this BPM. (75)
  2. 00:54:739 (4,5) - I'm not really sure what these beats are following.
    Hm effectively. That was overmapped.
  3. 01:07:391 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - This stream doesn't fit the song, and just feels overmapped. I feel that this makes more sense to the song even if it makes it much easier.
    Fixed by another way
  4. 01:14:681 (1) - I don't feel that this makes sense to the song.
  5. 01:17:040 (1) - Doesn't really makes sense to the song and I suggest you remove it.
    removed and remapped
  6. 01:18:327 (2,3) - Also overmapped. There isn't that much 1/4s in this song before 01:32.
  7. 01:25:618 (2) - This slider doesn't follow anything and sounds just awful due to that.
    remapped. But I wanna keep the offbeat.
  8. 01:57:998 (3,4) - This doesn't really follow anything. I think this should be removed.
    yeah. Remapped.
  9. 02:15:152 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Having it like this makes more sense to the song,
    I think it's fine like that.
Liked the map, Just some stuff that I felt overmapped. fixed artist and some minor things that bugged me.
Thank you so much!
(for the star too ;w;)

waiting for ego_17's response...And here we go ! (again!) :D

P o M u T a wrote:

[ego_17's Normal]
  1. 02:16:010 (2) - why use red point? (slider).

theramdans wrote:

02:16:010 (2) - why suddenly sharp turn slider point? lol, use curve

Ovoui wrote:

[ego_17's Normal]
02:16:010 (2) - a curve slider is better imo

Disgallion wrote:

Heyaa, i'm a Disgallion.
- 02:15:152 (1,2) - like before, mirorred would look better, rounded slider followed by squared slider seems strange
and now:

Xgor wrote:

To the moon :D
  1. 02:16:010 (2) - This is minor... but I feel that having a pointy slider like this feels wrong where pretty much every other slider in the map has standard curve.
well this slider once came to me in my nightmares, begging to del this red dot...
just kidding
ok i fixed it - first time someone argumented why i shoud fix it and i agreed.

i hope no one tells somthing like - "02:15:152 (1,2) - make them alike" in the future )

hi Xgor ! thanks for playing and modding

sorry i don't know what to say about normal diff

  1. 00:21:502 (1) - pas parfaitement symérique, et ca ce voit en jouant
  2. 00:23:647 (2) - c'mieu comme ca je trouve 00:23:647 (2) - c'mieu comme ca je trouve

  3. 00:30:508 (4,5,6) - ca fait un peu 2008, une idée :

  4. 01:12:109 (3,1) - plus joli je trouve

  5. 01:35:267 (3) - trop de répétition pour une easy je pense
  6. 01:38:699 (3,4) - en décalent un peu les slider ca donne une impresseions moins rectiligne

  7. 01:40:415 (1,2,3,4) - une idée de pattern, par contre apres faut bouger un peu le 01:43:417 (5) - pour ne pas casser ton spacing

  8. 01:47:705 (2) - fais plutot un slider droit en faisant des blankets sur chaque extrémité
  9. 01:56:712 (1) - j'verrais plus quelque chose comme ca

  10. 02:11:293 (1,3) - penche les un peu mais garde les parallèles

  11. 02:17:726 (2) - pour changer des slider barres et nous mijoter une blanquette

  12. 02:18:584 (3,4,5) - une idée :

  13. 02:22:375 (1,2) - et pour bien finir (le 2 est en x408 y152), normalement il est bien sur la lune, du bg :o (quand tu joues)

  1. 01:08:677 (1) - courbe le un peu
  2. 01:10:822 (2,1) - tu peux mettre un p'tit jump ici

  3. 01:18:541 (2,1,2) - tiens c'est p'tete bien ca

  4. 01:26:261 (2,1) - tu peux aussi mettre un jump ici (ici 01:26:690 (1,1) - sont stack ensemble)

  5. 01:32:265 (1,2,3) - pas tres bien rythmé je trouve, essaie ca et une idée :
  6. 01:43:845 (1) - tien pour changer
  7. 01:55:424 (6) - meilleur flow avec ca je trouve


aller gl pour la suite o/
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

Ovoui wrote:


sorry i don't know what to say about normal diff

  1. 00:21:502 (1) - pas parfaitement symérique, et ca ce voit en jouant t'es sérieux?
  2. 00:23:647 (2) - c'mieu comme ca je trouve 00:23:647 (2) - c'mieu comme ca je trouve - agreed

  3. 00:30:508 (4,5,6) - ca fait un peu 2008, une idée : mouaiiis bof. modifié un peu.

  4. 01:12:109 (3,1) - plus joli je trouve trop de blankets tuent les blankets. Ce que les mappers 2014 ne comprennent apparemment pas.

  5. 01:35:267 (3) - trop de répétition pour une easy je pense je croyais avoir dernièrement fix ça!
  6. 01:38:699 (3,4) - en décalent un peu les slider ca donne une impresseions moins rectiligne bon, je les ai arrondis, voilà, content? xD

  7. 01:40:415 (1,2,3,4) - une idée de pattern, par contre apres faut bouger un peu le 01:43:417 (5) - pour ne pas casser ton spacing nngh c'est pas mal mais trop blanketté. Modifié différemment

  8. 01:47:705 (2) - fais plutot un slider droit en faisant des blankets sur chaque extrémité bêêêh, blankets! Je modifie autrement.
  9. 01:56:712 (1) - j'verrais plus quelque chose comme ca pas moi

  10. 02:11:293 (1,3) - penche les un peu mais garde les parallèles j'aime quand c'est plat <3

  11. 02:17:726 (2) - pour changer des slider barres et nous mijoter une blanquette il s'agit ici d'etna sliders. Je veux pas gâcher ça avec des blankets.

  12. 02:18:584 (3,4,5) - une idée : Etna sliders.

  13. 02:22:375 (1,2) - et pour bien finir (le 2 est en x408 y152), normalement il est bien sur la lune, du bg :o (quand tu joues) j'étais parti pour faire ça au départ. Mais laflem.

  1. 01:08:677 (1) - courbe le un peu nope. Ils sont bien mes sliders droits.
  2. 01:10:822 (2,1) - tu peux mettre un p'tit jump ici nah. cette partie est déjà suffisamment différente du reste de la map.

  3. 01:18:541 (2,1,2) - tiens c'est p'tete bien ca déjà fait ici 01:16:397 (3,4,1) - j'aime pas les patterns trop symétriques

  4. 01:26:261 (2,1) - tu peux aussi mettre un jump ici (ici 01:26:690 (1,1) - sont stack ensemble)

  5. 01:32:265 (1,2,3) - pas tres bien rythmé je trouve, essaie ca et une idée : maiis, maiis, je les aime, mes petits sliders !
  6. 01:43:845 (1) - tien pour changer êrk, c'est quoi ce truc! il est parfait mon slider plat.
  7. 01:55:424 (6) - meilleur flow avec ca je trouve hagrid


aller gl pour la suite o/
Merci beaucoup ! :D
Wild modding :D

Slider tick rate of 2 feels better
01:08:677 (1) - Not enough recovery time after spinner. In Easy, a rough guide should be > 1500ms. Replace it with notes.
01:24:975 (1,2) - Replace with spinner, suggestion
Maybe add spinner starting at 02:22:375 and ending at 02:23:954 with a quiet inheriting point

I don't see any jumps here, hard needs some jumps
Jump suggestions
- 01:32:265 (1,2,3,1)
- 01:38:698 (1,2,3,4)
- 01:42:129 (1,2,3,4,5)
Maybe add spinner starting at 02:22:375 and ending at 02:23:954 with a quiet inheriting point (I don't see any spinners here)
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

Neil Leo wrote:

Wild modding :D

Slider tick rate of 2 feels better fine, applied
01:08:677 (1) - Not enough recovery time after spinner. In Easy, a rough guide should be > 1500ms. Replace it with notes. okay
01:24:975 (1,2) - Replace with spinner, suggestion oh, great idea!
Maybe add spinner starting at 02:22:375 and ending at 02:23:954 with a quiet inheriting point no, should be fine without it

I don't see any jumps here, hard needs some jumps
Jump suggestions
- 01:32:265 (1,2,3,1) well, why not
- 01:38:698 (1,2,3,4) yeah
- 01:42:129 (1,2,3,4,5) okay
I don't like jumps on calm songs, but the ones you suggested looked nice, so I added them. I will remove them if a mod disagrees with it, though.
Maybe add spinner starting at 02:22:375 and ending at 02:23:954 with a quiet inheriting point (I don't see any spinners here)
I know this map would need a spinner, but here it doesn't fit at all imo.
Thank you very much!
Cherry Blossom
Hello from my queue.


  1. check aimod, because kiai is not snapped.
  2. redim your BG to a rankable size, like 1366*768.
  3. Disable widecreen support on diffs which have it enabled, since you don't have any sb.


  1. 01:04:389 (2,3,4) - weird flow here, it is not really comfortable to play for a beginner, so try to arrange these objects to make this pattern more comfortable to play, you can move this slider 01:04:818 (3) - or change its shape, just an example :
  2. 01:32:909 (3,4) - polarity issue, i don't really think the gap difference is noticeable, it should be better if you add a slider instead of both circles.
  3. 01:54:138 (3) - please tell my why there is a spacing change here, it looks kinda messed up imo and need some rearrangements.
  4. 02:01:000 (1) - same as ^

    Not bad for a Easy diff, but please, make spacing consistent, because in the last kiai there are different DS used, and that does not really make sense.

ego_17's Normal

  1. 00:47:663 (2) - use a straight slider instead, a curved slider is kind of unwanted slowdown (more noticeable when playing).
  2. 01:32:265 (4) - same as ^

    this diff is fine, i don't have much things to say.


  1. 00:50:236 (1,2) - The sound you can hear is continuous, so it should be better if you add a 1/1 slider instead of these circles 00:50:236 (1,2) -
  2. 01:09:535 (2,1,2) - i see that you want to make a spacing change here, so make it noticeable by an equal distance between 01:09:535 (2,1) - and 01:10:393 (1,2) -
  3. 01:42:129 (1,2,3,4,5) - this breaks the current atmosphere of the kiai, you don't really have any reasons to add jump here, it looks overkill compared to what you did before, please make them closer to each other.
  4. 01:48:991 (5,6,7) - this is kiai time but you didn't make 01:49:206 - and 01:49:635 - player or followed, as you did for 01:42:129 (1,2,3,4) - , you should do it.
  5. 02:15:152 (1,2,3) - i don't really get your idea there, why stacking circles ? just make them spaced like 02:16:010 (4,5,6) -

    Not bad, but could get more improvements.

Try to find 1-2 mods and then call me back.
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Hello from my queue.


  1. check aimod, because kiai is not snapped. eww, didn't noticed. Fixed for all the diffs!
  2. redim your BG to a rankable size, like 1366*768. okay!
  3. Disable widecreen support on diffs which have it enabled, since you don't have any sb. okay oAo


  1. 01:04:389 (2,3,4) - weird flow here, it is not really comfortable to play for a beginner, so try to arrange these objects to make this pattern more comfortable to play, you can move this slider 01:04:818 (3) - or change its shape, just an example :
    nice idea. Pattern remapped.
  2. 01:32:909 (3,4) - polarity issue, i don't really think the gap difference is noticeable, it should be better if you add a slider instead of both circles. mmh okay
  3. 01:54:138 (3) - please tell my why there is a spacing change here, it looks kinda messed up imo and need some rearrangements.
  4. 02:01:000 (1) - same as ^

    Not bad for a Easy diff, but please, make spacing consistent, because in the last kiai there are different DS used, and that does not really make sense.
I thought I remapped the distances for the easy diff... But in fact not :v
All distances rearranged.


  1. 00:50:236 (1,2) - The sound you can hear is continuous, so it should be better if you add a 1/1 slider instead of these circles 00:50:236 (1,2) - remapped it by another way
  2. 01:09:535 (2,1,2) - i see that you want to make a spacing change here, so make it noticeable by an equal distance between 01:09:535 (2,1) - and 01:10:393 (1,2) - yeah, didn't noticed because of the timing point
  3. 01:42:129 (1,2,3,4,5) - this breaks the current atmosphere of the kiai, you don't really have any reasons to add jump here, it looks overkill compared to what you did before, please make them closer to each other. Jump removed here
  4. 01:48:991 (5,6,7) - this is kiai time but you didn't make 01:49:206 - and 01:49:635 - player or followed, as you did for 01:42:129 (1,2,3,4) - , you should do it. No, I'm mapping a stronger instrument starting here. I added a slider though, it should fit better.
  5. 02:15:152 (1,2,3) - i don't really get your idea there, why stacking circles ? just make them spaced like 02:16:010 (4,5,6) -
    Nope, because in this case 02:16:010 (4,5,6) - the three notes you can hear in background are different.
    Here 02:15:152 (1,2,3) -, you can hear that the two first notes are the same, followed by a different one.
    So I stacked the two first.

    Not bad, but could get more improvements.

Try to find 1-2 mods and then call me back.
Thank you CB! <3

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Hello from my queue.

ego_17's Normal

00:47:663 (2) - use a straight slider instead, a curved slider is kind of unwanted slowdown (more noticeable when playing).
01:32:265 (4) - same as ^
well its some small change - so ok i make them stright.
hi I saw modreqs sometime


  1. in tag, should add Piano and Ambient
  2. In hard, that combo color 3 show is inconsistency other diff's, fix this


  1. 00:37:799 (1) - this should remove new combo to keep consistency, like you did other pattern, just saying, also the rhythm for this diff, feel is "continue" when reach 00:42:087 the rhythm change, so this should better if you remove new combo
  2. 00:45:518 (3) - u sure you wanna keep this ? for me is not really nice curve, look like is prallel, try more curve like you did in 00:40:372 (4)
  3. 00:47:234 (4) - ^ same
  4. 01:19:828 (1) - this wave slider look is unsymentric and ugly, because the points are different place, try this code
    I don't have problem this but wave still unsymentric
  5. 02:07:862 (4) - this souldn't NC ? look like you missing there
  6. 02:15:152 (4) - ^ same
  7. 02:18:583 (9) - ^ same
[ego_17's Normal]

Song Setup:

  1. Try CS 3.5 and AR+1 this really better for this diff with bpm and SV, trying testplay

  1. 00:18:928 (5,6) - when you do CTRL+J you will that notes isn't align with 00:17:213 (2,3) , so maybe this notes should be align
  2. 00:25:790 (5) - example other, try CTRL+h you will see is different and isn't align with 00:24:503 (3) you did align other pattern, and this pattern didn't
  3. 01:32:909 (5,6) - this rhythm don't fit very well, try CTRL+G really better to follow this music, you will listen in 01:33:123 the piano triple is different from 01:32:909
  4. 01:47:276 (4,5,6) - can you change better to flow ? like you did in 00:55:811 (4,5,6) and more, I feel this part flow is poor
  5. 02:13:866 (1) - why nc? remove

Song setup:

  1. The HP should be -1 when you go test play you will see the HP is down faster, -1 is better IMO

  1. 01:08:677 (1,2,1) - I feel this really increassing DS 1.50x, because in 01:08:677 the rhythm is hight still better if you make DS 1.50 IMO
  2. 01:36:983 (1) - remove new combo dunno why you put this nc
  3. 02:15:152 (1,2,3) - ??? why don't try same this 02:16:010 (4,5,6) is better
  4. 01:42:343 (2) - this shouldn't align with 01:42:773 (4) ? I think this part 01:42:129 (1,2,3,4,5) - could improve pattern look unsysmentric for me

look good, I'm worry is easy and normal because SV is same lol and also I didn't mod hitsound becasue that hitsound the Hard is complety different from easy expect Normal (is guest diff) Hard should be consistency with easy or is intentional ?
let me know if this get bubble or I do bubble if you pick me, get more 1-3 mods then call me if you feel this is ready.
Any question if you don't understand ask me
I wish good luck
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

Pereira006 wrote:

hi I saw modreqs sometime


  1. in tag, should add Piano and Ambient okay
  2. In hard, that combo color 3 show is inconsistency other diff's, fix this fine


  1. 00:37:799 (1) - this should remove new combo to keep consistency, like you did other pattern, just saying, also the rhythm for this diff, feel is "continue" when reach 00:42:087 the rhythm change, so this should better if you remove new combo well, why not, nc removed
  2. 00:45:518 (3) - u sure you wanna keep this ? for me is not really nice curve, look like is prallel, try more curve like you did in 00:40:372 (4) okay, remapped the combo a bit
  3. 00:47:234 (4) - ^ same yep
  4. 01:19:828 (1) - this wave slider look is unsymentric and ugly, because the points are different place, try this code yep, looks better
    I don't have problem this but wave still unsymentric should be okay, I'll see later if it should really be changed
  5. 02:07:862 (4) - this souldn't NC ? look like you missing there yep
  6. 02:15:152 (4) - ^ same ^
  7. 02:18:583 (9) - ^ same ^

Song setup:

  1. The HP should be -1 when you go test play you will see the HP is down faster, -1 is better IMO down to 5.5

  1. 01:08:677 (1,2,1) - I feel this really increassing DS 1.50x, because in 01:08:677 the rhythm is hight still better if you make DS 1.50 IMO yes, why not. rearranged
  2. 01:36:983 (1) - remove new combo dunno why you put this nc yeah okay
  3. 02:15:152 (1,2,3) - ??? why don't try same this 02:16:010 (4,5,6) is better

    Neil Watts wrote:

    Nope, because in this case 02:16:010 (4,5,6) - the three notes you can hear in background are different.
    Here 02:15:152 (1,2,3) -, you can hear that the two first notes are the same, followed by a different one.
    So I stacked the two first.
    errr, that's not the first time somebody noticed it though. changed ;_;
  4. 01:42:343 (2) - this shouldn't align with 01:42:773 (4) ? I think this part 01:42:129 (1,2,3,4,5) - could improve pattern look unsysmentric for me remapped.

look good, I'm worry is easy and normal because SV is same lol and also I didn't mod hitsound becasue that hitsound the Hard is complety different from easy expect Normal (is guest diff) Hard should be consistency with easy or is intentional ?
I can't reproduce the same hitsound effect with the Easy diff because the diff don't have enough notes to "tick" the song with claps.
let me know if this get bubble or I do bubble if you pick me, get more 1-3 mods then call me if you feel this is ready.
Any question if you don't understand ask me
I wish good luck
Thank you very much!

Pereira006 wrote:

hi I saw modreqs sometime

[ego_17's Normal]

Song Setup:

  1. Try CS 3.5 and AR+1 this really better for this diff with bpm and SV, trying testplay
i tryed changhing it and i think i dont like it - i alredy changed CS two times and looks like it can be requested every time ) . with AR+1 it looks like apcircles rushing somethere and sliders too slow for them.


  1. 00:18:928 (5,6) - when you do CTRL+J you will that notes isn't align with 00:17:213 (2,3) , so maybe this notes should be align they didnt centred so// and there is no place for this.
  2. 00:25:790 (5) - example other, try CTRL+h you will see is different and isn't align with 00:24:503 (3) you did align other pattern, and this pattern didn't
    well changed a little
  3. 01:32:909 (5,6) - this rhythm don't fit very well, try CTRL+G really better to follow this music, you will listen in 01:33:123 the piano triple is different from 01:32:909
    hm mb its point of opinion - for me there is same place like here - 00:47:234 (1,2,3) - and notes on 01:32:909 (5) - and 01:33:552 (6) - must be played, not be slider ends.and here starts new melody so i desided to add some note on 01:33:123 -red tick
  4. 01:47:276 (4,5,6) - can you change better to flow ? like you did in 00:55:811 (4,5,6) and more, I feel this part flow is poor
    i tryed to make something new/ but ok i changed it to more smooth one
  5. 02:13:866 (1) - why nc? remove
    but combo what starts from 02:09:577 (1) - become too long, but i removed NC from 02:15:152 (3) i think its better now )
about diff spread - i think Easy and Normal is same cos its low bpm song. easy have less elements so mb its ok )
thanks for mod!
hey mate, fan of to the moon here

nice nickname


I liked the first part of the map, but from 01:08:677 (1) you started to use way too many 1/2. I know that melody became more intense, but as it's easy, you could make some rhytm gap for other diffs to fill.
like here - 01:12:966 (1) - you could just make a 1/1 slider up to 01:13:824 (2). I won't point out every slider, cause it's ur choice, but it's just my advice to make more simple rhythm where u can

01:00:529 (5,1) - you might want to fill this space with note(s). it felt empty to me
01:57:569 (2) - I'd rather remove repeat at all and made a staightforward slider

OD -1?

01:30:550 (2) - здесь я бы сделал слайдер обычный. протянул от этой точки до 01:31:836 (3), иначе могут быть проблемы с чтением этой ноты в первый раз
02:22:375 (1,1) - немного странно звучит, не слышу звуков на концах слайдеров. может сделать просто один слайдер с 02:22:375 до 02:23:164? ну или 2 кружка


01:24:117 (3,1) - distance snap lies here.. and confuses me, especially after that yellow note, it feels like you should hit it a bit earlier than u should. so just snap it at 1,20x manually as it was before
01:31:836 (2) - how about stacking it with 01:32:265 (1)? plays and reads better to me
01:52:422 (3) - u accidently stopped using 1/4 slider for some reason on such moments.why? maybe continue using them on 1/4 piano patterns?
01:55:853 - ^ same

decent mapset, don't see much major problems, just hitsounds volume seems too high, I'd decrease it. gl guys
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

IceBeam wrote:

hey mate, fan of to the moon here

nice nickname


I liked the first part of the map, but from 01:08:677 (1) you started to use way too many 1/2. I know that melody became more intense, but as it's easy, you could make some rhytm gap for other diffs to fill.
like here - 01:12:966 (1) - you could just make a 1/1 slider up to 01:13:824 (2). I won't point out every slider, cause it's ur choice, but it's just my advice to make more simple rhythm where u can
It's a 70bpm easy map. I don't want to make it boring for the beginners. I think 1/2 is appropriate as long as I don't overuse it.
Using 1/1 for the whole song is appropriate for 120+bpm easy beatmaps, but not for this bpm imo. It's already very easy.

01:00:529 (5,1) - you might want to fill this space with note(s). it felt empty to me
I don't feel it undermapped.
01:57:569 (2) - I'd rather remove repeat at all and made a staightforward slider
I agree!


01:24:117 (3,1) - distance snap lies here.. and confuses me, especially after that yellow note, it feels like you should hit it a bit earlier than u should. so just snap it at 1,20x manually as it was before
ooo didn't noticed that, thanks!
01:31:836 (2) - how about stacking it with 01:32:265 (1)? plays and reads better to me
mmm yes
01:52:422 (3) - u accidently stopped using 1/4 slider for some reason on such moments.why? maybe continue using them on 1/4 piano patterns?
01:55:853 - ^ same
no, I wanna vary the mapping a bit, so I mapped both to avoid having the same pattern on the whole kiai time. And these changes fits imo.

decent mapset, don't see much major problems, just hitsounds volume seems too high, I'd decrease it. gl guys
Thank you! :D
Hellooo c: To the moon ♥


I think the slidertick is pretty unnecessary, try to remove it. Should be better to the peaceful song. That "tick tick" ruins the calm. :c


00:54:525 (3,4,1) - This plays a bit close, patterns like this almost all makes the newbie players just start hitting all they see on screen. For a easy it is more comfortable to play when the pattern is more kinda spaced, you can try to space it a little more as you prefer.

01:05:675 (4,5,6) - The flow can be improved here, you see that the movement is a little broken. You can change this slider, and do something similar to this
02:04:431 (1,2,3) - Please fix the symmetry here~

[ego_17's Normal]

00:24:932 (4,5,6) - This flow is pretty broken compared to the flow movement of previous notes. I think you can do something very similar to this to a more neat aesthetics.
01:49:420 (1,2,3) - I think the (2) don't need to exist, it is weird. You could sacrifice the (2) and make the (1) a reverse-arrow. It looks more pretty to cursor movement and fits better, like this c:
I think is only this suggestions, the diff is fine.

Well I am just entering the "mapping world", for this I couldn't see anything I could suggest on hard diff. Good luck~

IceBeam wrote:

hey mate, fan of to the moon here

OD -1? ну изначальная идея была - медленно, но точно. поэтому 5

01:30:550 (2) - здесь я бы сделал слайдер обычный. протянул от этой точки до 01:31:836 (3), иначе могут быть проблемы с чтением этой ноты в первый раз сделал слайдер подлинней, но круг пусть будет)
02:22:375 (1,1) - немного странно звучит, не слышу звуков на концах слайдеров. может сделать просто один слайдер с 02:22:375 до 02:23:164? ну или 2 кружка ну там длинные ноты они звучат на длину слайдера, концы я приглушил

decent mapset, don't see much major problems, just hitsounds volume seems too high, I'd decrease it. gl guys
спасибо что замодил )

Sakura Blossom wrote:

Hellooo c: To the moon ♥

[ego_17's Normal]

00:24:932 (4,5,6) - This flow is pretty broken compared to the flow movement of previous notes. I think you can do something very similar to this to a more neat aesthetics.
it was something like this before/but i was asked to make 00:24:503 (3,5) - on line and i chanched it

01:49:420 (1,2,3) - I think the (2) don't need to exist, it is weird. You could sacrifice the (2) and make the (1) a reverse-arrow. It looks more pretty to cursor movement and fits better, like this c:ok chanched , but it affected many sliders after..

I think is only this suggestions, the diff is fine.
thanks for cheking
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

Sakura Blossom wrote:

Hellooo c: To the moon ♥


I think the slidertick is pretty unnecessary, try to remove it. Should be better to the peaceful song. That "tick tick" ruins the calm. :c
Xgor said the same, but I think it's just a matter of taste, and the majority of players weren't bothered by this tick at all.
I don't think it's bothering but I can understand that some people don't like it. In this case, I guess you should just disable the hitsounds.


00:54:525 (3,4,1) - This plays a bit close, patterns like this almost all makes the newbie players just start hitting all they see on screen. For a easy it is more comfortable to play when the pattern is more kinda spaced, you can try to space it a little more as you prefer. I agree.

01:05:675 (4,5,6) - The flow can be improved here, you see that the movement is a little broken. You can change this slider, and do something similar to this improved by another way.

02:04:431 (1,2,3) - Please fix the symmetry here~nazi detail :v

Well I am just entering the "mapping world", for this I couldn't see anything I could suggest on hard diff. Good luck~
Useful mod, thank you very much!
Topic Starter
Neil Watts
Firetrucking awesome storyboard added, made by ego_17. Thank you very much :D

Waiting for a storyboard checking, and let's rank it c:

Little check btw
- 00:40:372 - In the french version, Johnny is written with an H. I'm pretty sure it's the case for the english version too.
- 02:24:743 - Maybe you should add a signature here. I already credited you in the description, but you can also put a "Storyboard made by ego_17" at the end as well.

edit: oops sorry, double post

Neil Watts wrote:

Firetrucking awesome storyboard added, made by ego_17. Thank you very much :D

Waiting for a storyboard checking, and let's rank it c:

Little check btw
- 00:40:372 - In the french version, Johnny is written with an H. I'm pretty sure it's the case for the english version too.

sorry my fault - it must be Johnny

- 02:24:743 - Maybe you should add a signature here. I already credited you in the description, but you can also put a "Storyboard made by ego_17" at the end as well.

nah - i dont like that "made by" things

edit: oops sorry, double post
Oh hey, you got a SB for it now so it's SB checking time!

Very solid storyboard so only suggestions here, It's really ready to go without them buuut would be better with it.

First of all you might wanna warn about the MAJOR SPOILERS in the description about the SB. Probably an good idea, I had the album cover in my TTM map first buut people complained about spoilers. As this SB is pretty much based on that scene spoilers can't be avoided so a warning is the next best thing.

Bit of an pity of the lack of widescreen support buut I can see why it's not there as the game itself being 4:3

If you really wanna go authentic To The moon you could change the font on the text to something closer to the text in game (As far as I know it's Times new roman so it's really easy to change if you want that)

One idea I came up with when I saw if was that if you made the grass move at a different speed it will give a really really great sense of depth that looks great. No big deal but would be cool.
I changed
You need to change when moon.jpg appears to 23490 for it to look good though, but soo worth it.

If you really want to go super optimized with the SB load you could split up the log from the riven and Johnny and having them as separate images. No big deal though.

Anyways just small suggestions. Feel free to PM me when you think it's ready. I'd love to bubble it :)

Also every map doesn't need kiai... my To The Moon map didn't... Still your choice....
Topic Starter
Neil Watts

Xgor wrote:

First of all you might wanna warn about the MAJOR SPOILERS in the description about the SB. Probably an good idea, I had the album cover in my TTM map first buut people complained about spoilers. As this SB is pretty much based on that scene spoilers can't be avoided so a warning is the next best thing.
Yeah, I talked about it with him before, I'll add a big warning in the description.

Xgor wrote:

Also every map doesn't need kiai... my To The Moon map didn't... Still your choice....
Honestly, I don't think this one is misplaced. That's not because it's a slowbpm/calm map that it can't have kiais.

Thank you for the icon and your support :D
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