
AU - Infinite of Nuclear Fusion [Osu|Taiko]

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OHHHHHHH YEEESSSSSS This is back!!!! <3 ono

lolcubes wrote:

Uh I guess it's time to take this out of the graveyard once and for all?

[Regou's Extra]
I really like how you handled the issues from before. Just some small details left to polish for better gameplay.
  1. 00:24:701 (6,1) - Please unstack this. The map speed is pretty fast and it was flowing nice until here. Just use spacing what you used before, that should work much better. Okay :3
  2. 01:30:251 (5,6,7,8) - I would recommend to lower the spacing a little further. 2 high spaced square patterns are really hard to hit already, and spacing like this just makes it a little over the top if you ask me. -15% spacing
  3. 02:30:251 (1,2,3) - Should reduce spacing. The spacing itself is not the problem but the location of the notes. This is a little too sudden after a break and the calm part and is a little unexpected. (1) and (2) spacing -20%, should be better now
  4. 02:55:751 (3) - Please relocate this a bit to the right. Not only it makes the pattern look bad, but the flow gets disturbed a little as well. 3 grid4 down and right should be enough. Hope I'm doing this on the right way. lol anyway fixed
  5. 02:57:401 (3,4,5) - This spacing needs to be reduced a little because the upcoming spacing afterwards is really small and this destroys the flow and makes it hard to read. Alright, fixed

I will check the other taiko diffs tomorrow. Will update this post.
Thanks :3
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Thank you Regou, updated~!
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~Big update~


100 BPM section deleted

Added Taiko Kantan and Futsuu.
Please tell me what I should keep:

Kantan, Futsuu, Muzukashii, Oni
Futsuu, Muzukashii, Oni, Ura Oni
Kantan, Futsuu, Muzu and Oni for a balanced mapset /o/
Futsuu, Muzu, Oni and Ura Oni.

[Luanny PhNyx] wrote:

Futsuu, Muzu, Oni and Ura Oni.
Yup, seems enough.
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Wohey, fast replays.
Mercurial is kind of right. It is a nice balanced mapset in this way and I would make external links for the harder diffs.
But the normal and hard from osu would take the part of Kantan allready well. Hm.

(reuploading, timlines from normal has been set into Kantan adn Futsuu lol)
dat bug again.
Bakasakihito forgot to remove the BeatmapID in the metadata /o/
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Well, now everything is fixed.
the red timing sections was actually good there to reset the metronome

also, my 800x combo is broken
10 Diffs!!!! Woah!
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10 difficultys just for now.
> p/1925025

Also, new hitsprites and comboburst added, I'm done with everything I have wanted to change now.
I will wait for lolcubes decision about the taiko diff's, any maybe some other opinions. That's all. Ready for rank I guess...?
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Once again graveyard, getting sick of this. I will try once again to ask someone to check and if possible bubble it.
Slowly it's getting me into nervs. It can't be that no one has time.
Hi there

* Sadly, the hitbursts feels too simple for me....

00:30:851 (1) - Add finish?
01:06:851 (1) - Spacing error here, should be 0,80x
02:53:051 (1,2,3) - Spacing here should be 0,70x

[Saten's Hard]
* Set the offset to 2051, for consistency on each diff

02:35:351 (2) - Why finish?

I guess that's it
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Thank you really much for the Mod Leorda, I applied everything(I will only keep the hitburst).
That should it be, I hope so...


Hi, Mod wegen dem German MapPack Team! (^∇^)

Ein kleiner Fehler bei dir im ersten Post denk ich:
Warum steht da nur Regou und nicht Regou's Extra ?

Warum ist der Spinner Skin nicht vollständig?
Noch fehlende Spinner Dateien:
spinner-clear.png, spinner-spin.png, spinner-osu.png

I'm not a taiko modder so I skip the taiko diff's :)


Ich hab jetzt nur die Slider hier rausgepickt, die nicht so gut sind. Natürlich würden viele auch noch ein klein wenig besser aussehen wenn du sie neu setzt aber das ist jetzt kein allzu großes Problem.

00:12:251 (2) - Wenn du diesen Slider hier ein bisschen kurviger machst ist der Übergang zu dem nächsten Circle (3) besser.
00:33:851 (1) - Den kannst du wesentlich schöner machen mit dem neuen 3-Punkt-Slidersystem.
00:42:251 (3) - Der hier könnte ein bisschen runder sein, gefällt dir das? Dürfte vom Spacing her passen. (Code in der Box)

00:44:651 (3) - Falls dir mein Vorschlag gefallen hat kannst du den vorherigen Slider nehmen und einfach hier nochmal so spiegeln, dass er passt.
00:47:051 (3) - Bisschen runder würde er besser aussehen.
00:55:451 (3) - Einfach mit dem neuen Slidersystem nochmal neu setzen, sieht dann schon besser aus.
00:57:851 (3) - Bisschen mehr runden?
01:53:051 (1) - Den hier auf x:260 , y: 248. Das Spacing danach noch anpassen.

(Made a lot of sliders more symmetrical, fixed spacing)

Saten's Hard

Hi Saten! \(^-^*)/

00:27:851 (9) - What about adding a new combo here?
00:41:651 (5) - I don't get why you used that slider here. It doesn't really fit to the rhythm.
01:28:451 (1) - You can make this slider a bit more symmetrical with the new slidersystem.
01:29:651 (2) - Just mirror the new slider if you applied above ^

Nothing more to say here! Good diff!


00:08:051 (4) - Neu setzten und mehr runden, dann sieht das hier besser aus! Beispiel in der Box

00:26:651 (3,4) - Die hier könnten allgemein ein bisschen mehr gerundet sein damit 4 in die mitte von 3 z.B. reinpasst.
00:29:201 (4,6) - Der Overlap hier sieht nicht so schön aus.
01:16:151 (4) - Bisschen mehr Rundung, ich mag solche Slider nicht wirklich ;)
02:05:501 (6,7) - Krümm 6 ein bisschen mehr nach rechts damit die Lücke zwischen 6 und 7 besser aussieht.

(Made some sliders more symmetrical, fixed a overlap, better spacing suggestions)

Regou's Extra

Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:31:126 - snap to 00:31:151

00:33:251 (1) - You can make this slider probably more symmetrical with the new 3-point-slider system.
01:21:251 (1) - same as above ^
01:26:051 (1) - Slider doesn't look too well maybe make a new one and curve it more!
01:27:251 (1) - same here..^
You can probably make a few sliders a bit more symmetrical with the new slider-system. (I didn't mention every slider)

Who is even supposed to pass that?

That's it! If you have any questions ask them via PM or ingame! :)
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I used mostly everything you said, thank you! :)
Waiting for Regou and Saten.

Deni wrote:

Saten's Hard

Hi Saten! \(^-^*)/ o/

00:27:851 (9) - What about adding a new combo here? It doesn't follow the pattern I chose
00:41:651 (5) - I don't get why you used that slider here. It doesn't really fit to the rhythm. It still follows the flow imo
01:28:451 (1) - You can make this slider a bit more symmetrical with the new slidersystem. It is pretty symmetrical
01:29:651 (2) - Just mirror the new slider if you applied above ^ same as above ^

Nothing more to say here! Good diff! Thanks~

Deni wrote:

Regou's Extra

Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:31:126 - snap to 00:31:151

00:33:251 (1) - You can make this slider probably more symmetrical with the new 3-point-slider system.
01:21:251 (1) - same as above ^
01:26:051 (1) - Slider doesn't look too well maybe make a new one and curve it more!
01:27:251 (1) - same here..^
You can probably make a few sliders a bit more symmetrical with the new slider-system. (I didn't mention every slider)
All fixed~
Who is even supposed to pass that? xD

That's it! If you have any questions ask them via PM or ingame! :)
Thanks for your mod~
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Okay, thanks guys! Updated everything :)
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There is no hope anymore. I will just let it graveyard and see what is gonna happen in the next years.
Before this is geeting ranked, I will reach allready the top of osu's ranking.

My style changed allready in the whole time I have waited and tried to find someone. lol

Edit: Okay, I talked to Garven. I will remape Insane and Normal.
It's sad :\
I did some IRC modding on the Ono diffs and I'm too lazy to post the log, but I did play Saten's for a few seconds. 00:08:651 (1,2,3,4,5) - the spacing here made the combos afterward read oddly. I thought it was going to be a 1/4 after the longer slider or something stupid. I dunno. Might be better to keep it all at the same spacing anyway. Some of the longer sliders could use some prettification too, but I'm sure you know what I mean haha.
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Here the log. As I said, thank you for now Garven.

15:45 OnosakiHito: Hey Garven.
15:45 Garven: 'sup
15:46 OnosakiHito: Ah...I must admit I'm pretty angry. Though, I have wanted to ask you something. Maybe you can help.
15:47 OnosakiHito: Is there maybe anyone in the Team who has time at the moment? Maybe you heard something that's why I'm asking.
15:47 Garven: No idea
15:48 Garven: I kinda burned myself out modding all day today, hehe
15:48 OnosakiHito: My projects bum around and no one has time or refuses after 3 weeks that they can't mod it.
15:48 OnosakiHito: IoNF is even 2 years old because of that
15:48 Garven: Thi sabout your popped bubble?
15:48 OnosakiHito: Yes.
15:48 OnosakiHito: Odaril is no BAT anymore
15:48 OnosakiHito: so no rebubble
15:48 OnosakiHito: and Leorda said he want check it
15:48 OnosakiHito: after 3 weeks
15:48 Garven: I keep seeing it in the list, but I keep thinking someone was in th emiddle of taking care of it
15:48 OnosakiHito: If I may say so Garven:
15:48 Garven: Can you PM me the link? I'll take a look at it
15:48 OnosakiHito: Not even one fucking soul.
15:49 Garven: Maybe today, maybe tomorrow. No guarantees. :P
15:49 Garven: Right now I'm just dead though, hehe
15:50 OnosakiHito: That's nice of you, but are you sure about it? Not that I'm getting left to wait 3 weeks again(4th or 3th time that happened now to me) just to receive the answer: sorry, I can't anymore
15:50 OnosakiHito: That's nice of you, but are you sure about it? Not that I'm getting left to wait 3 weeks again(4th or 3th time that happened now to me) just to receive the answer: sorry, I can't anymore
15:50 Garven: I can open it right now and give you a really shitty mod if you'd like
15:50 OnosakiHito: for mint tears I can't even get mods anymore, since people can't find anymore much.
15:50 OnosakiHito: everything is stucked. =w=
15:51 OnosakiHito: No, then I don't want tbh.
15:51 Garven: There might be some basic things that can be fixed that I tend to find in almost every map I check
15:51 Garven: Link it
15:51 Garven: Geez, even when someone has a giant list of mappers, I'm never in the list (nobody likes my mapping woo)
15:52 OnosakiHito: If you really think you could find time, I will just wait. I waited 2 years, so I doubt 1 week more will kill me.
15:52 OnosakiHito: Oh? You mean personal mapper-lists? Like who the peopel can ask?
15:53 Garven: Well, I just look at user pages occasionally
15:53 Garven: and they like to list who their favorite mappers are
15:53 Garven: I'm never in there, hehe
15:53 Garven: /vain
15:54 OnosakiHito: Oh, I wouldn't stick too much to that. Though, I'm also checking sometimes, and it can encourages you.
15:54 Garven: 00:32:051 (3,4,5) - Might be better to use a slider for this kind of rhythm as it's the first time it has come up
15:54 Garven: (normal)
15:54 OnosakiHito: But I'm doing everything for fun. That's importand(and to help people).
15:55 Garven: 00:33:851 (1,2,3) - This is also a little iffy. I dunno - it'd be best to keep different rhythms like this with sliders a few times and use circles as kind of a finale
15:55 Garven: 00:33:851 (1,2,3) - This is also a little iffy. I dunno - it'd be best to keep different rhythms like this with sliders a few times and use circles as kind of a finale
15:55 Garven: 00:37:751 (4) - And then this one doesn't even follow the bass part that you'd been following up to that point
15:55 Garven: Feels odd
15:56 Garven: 00:41:051 (1) - Feels a bit too soon after a spinner for a Normal considering how high the BPM is and that this is the easiest of the set
15:57 Garven: Yellow cursor against yellow lines for the spinner circle = lost cursor
15:58 Garven: A red one would probably work better
15:58 Garven: Ugh, that super-low distance snap feels so boring compared to the fast-nature of the song. Kind of a person peeve though, hehe
15:59 Garven: The bonus numbers for the spinner are also kind of hard to see against the other colors. might work better as a darker orange or red
16:00 Garven: 02:27:851 - You should start the end of the break here to go with the SB sound/images
16:01 Garven: 02:40:451 (1) - Also kinda soon after a spinner
16:02 Garven: The combo burst images don't really fit the cartoony image of the BG imo
16:02 Garven: You're going to have to remove the taiko-specific BGs, but I"m sure you know this already
16:04 OnosakiHito: Yes.
16:04 OnosakiHito: I got allready a solution for it.
16:04 OnosakiHito: Seems like some BAT's agree and some don't.
16:04 OnosakiHito: Since it is SB-related, so no rule break.
16:05 Garven: Don't use the Sb workaround either
16:05 Garven: It will probably break what peppy is working on
16:06 Garven: Futsuu: 01:03:551 (1,1,2,1) - Are these appropriate for a futuu? Maybe just do a dd kk instead of alternating?
16:07 Garven: 01:39:251 (1) - This would be cooler as a drum roll istead of a spinner
16:08 OnosakiHito: used kk dd
16:09 OnosakiHito: I agree with the slider.
16:10 OnosakiHito: (also applied everything in Normal[I think I will even remap it when I think about it. Said it in thread allready that this style is really old(2 years lol)])
16:12 Garven: If you do, make it a little faster please ;D
16:12 OnosakiHito: Of course.
16:12 OnosakiHito: And a bit more distance snapping.
16:14 Garven: All the taiko parts during 02:01:451 (3) - sound super-loud
16:14 Garven: Takes away from the song
16:14 Garven: 02:01:451 - Add a new red line here to reset the barlines btw
16:14 Garven: also consider incrementally increasing the SV starting perhaps here or so 02:11:051 -
16:15 OnosakiHito: I'm not allowed to
16:15 OnosakiHito: -w-
16:15 Garven: wut
16:15 Garven: That's stupid
16:15 OnosakiHito: lolcubes disagreed
16:15 OnosakiHito: loctav disagreed
16:15 Garven: I disagree with their disagreement
16:15 Garven: The huge speed up at 02:39:851 - is rather sudden
16:15 Garven: A smoother transition would help
16:15 Garven: And changing the SV to reflect intensity of the song shouldn't be bad
16:16 Garven: I do it in my taikos and nobody gives a crap
16:16 OnosakiHito: If I may say:
16:16 OnosakiHito: In my taiko's nearly all BAT's do.
16:16 OnosakiHito: lol
16:17 Garven: It's nice to have no repuation. :P
16:17 Garven: reputation*(
16:17 Garven: ao;iuwioeu
16:17 OnosakiHito: haha
16:17 Garven: Anyway, that last kiai section ate me, but whatever
16:17 Garven: ugh
16:17 Garven: Auto time for Oni haha
16:18 OnosakiHito: lol
16:19 Garven: 01:11:576 (4,1) - I thought this wasn't allowed?
16:19 OnosakiHito: It ise.
16:19 OnosakiHito: it is*
16:19 OnosakiHito: just under following pattern constalations:
16:19 OnosakiHito: ooooooooX
16:20 OnosakiHito: ooooxxxxO
16:20 OnosakiHito: ooxxooxxO
16:20 OnosakiHito: no more.
16:20 Garven: So as long as it's the opposite color then
16:20 OnosakiHito: Yep.
16:20 Garven: And a double of the opposite before?
16:20 Garven: No xO?
16:20 OnosakiHito: No.
16:20 Garven: Hm, okay
16:20 OnosakiHito: Of course, in low BPM maps that's considerable.
16:21 Garven: I map muzus anyway, so it's not that big of a problem for me. q:
16:21 OnosakiHito: Haha
16:21 Garven: 02:20:651 (1,2) - dude
16:21 OnosakiHito: I should mention that this Oni is a copy of another mapper in youtube.
16:21 Garven: just do gradual slowdowns
16:21 Garven: this overlap is fugly
16:21 Garven: same volume suggestions blah blah
16:21 OnosakiHito: I disagreed many times in the past to this,
16:22 OnosakiHito: but I think I should do it.
16:22 OnosakiHito: Listen to you guys.
16:22 Garven: rokodon map
16:22 *Garven is scared
16:23 Garven: Heh, he has weird speed changes everywhere anyway
16:24 Garven: I don't see why they bitch about gradual changes for readability
16:25 OnosakiHito: I think it has something to do with osu rules.
16:25 OnosakiHito: You know, normaly yuo have no bar-lines in osu, so you just need one timeline.
16:25 OnosakiHito: And many people apply this on taiko as well. BUt well... personally I got slowly used to it *shrugs*
16:26 Garven: Resetting the barlines applies for nightcore mode too
16:26 OnosakiHito: Does it?
16:26 Garven: Yeah
16:26 Garven: Listen to the crash cymbals
16:26 Garven: They're all on the downbeat
16:26 Garven: If the downbeat is off, well
16:26 Garven: it'll sound (more) like shit
16:27 Garven: Anyway, roko's is okay, I guess. I was kinda glazing over it, and a couple of the streams sounded like crap, but whatever
16:27 OnosakiHito: k
16:27 OnosakiHito: Oh. I have a problem here.
16:27 OnosakiHito:
16:28 OnosakiHito: 02:20:051 -
16:28 OnosakiHito: it's even more stucked when it appears.
16:28 OnosakiHito: That's why I allowed in the rules to have such overlapps
16:28 OnosakiHito: just if the streams are easy/monoton.
16:28 Garven: Doesn't it read better though?
16:29 Garven: I liked the awy rokodo applied his changes
16:29 Garven: They read fine
16:29 OnosakiHito: Tbh, I know my own map, but right now I was right now like: wow, what was that.
16:29 OnosakiHito: Hm, he used it in shorter ways.
16:29 OnosakiHito: Let me check it please. lol
16:30 OnosakiHito: Yep. He used it on 1/2 beats. That works.
16:30 OnosakiHito: While I have 1/4.
16:31 Garven: Poking at the Insane, the SV feels really slow in comparison to the AR
16:33 Garven: 01:21:251 (1,2,3,4) - This spacing starts out awesome and with promise
16:33 Garven: Then it just kind of crawls back to tiny spacing and zzz
16:33 Garven: 01:11:951 (2) - Those finishes during this section grew annoying to hear fast
16:33 Garven: Also the pattern feels more random and isn't very pleasing to the eyes
16:35 Garven: 02:06:101 (8) - When you suddenly decide to use this 'tick' sound, it's really jarring
16:35 Garven: I'm expecting a solid drum sound, and I get met with near-silence instead
16:35 Garven: It really messes with my rhythm a bit
16:35 OnosakiHito: Hm. I do agree.
16:35 Garven: 02:13:151 (9) - Also hearing the soft sliderslide instead of the normal here was weird
16:36 OnosakiHito: Well I'm not sure about the jumps right now.
16:37 OnosakiHito: To be honest, I worry if I make now too large changes
16:37 Garven: I don't really like the Insane that much tbh. It feels random pattern-wise and trying too hard to be hard with the stream use
16:37 OnosakiHito: I will get it ranked in 4 years.
16:37 Garven: I'll help you out if you'd like. I'm just kinda slow since I spread myself thin. :P
16:37 OnosakiHito: Any idea what I should do? because I don't how to act right now.
16:37 OnosakiHito: Hm I see.
16:38 Garven: First thing I would suggset is to increase the SV so that AR9 is actually appropriate
16:38 Garven: That or reduce to AR8 and increase DS a little bit
16:38 Garven: Try to use more jumps instead of relying on streams so much, and try to make more memorable patterns
16:38 Garven: Right now I can't really think of any part of the map I just played
16:39 Garven: The normal had some cool triangular patterns that I still remember from the beginning
16:39 Garven: But the Insane? nothin
16:39 OnosakiHito: So... should I try to remap Normal and Insane then?
16:39 OnosakiHito: I have actually no problem with it, but just as I said... if this means to wait 2 more years
16:39 Garven: It would most probably result in a much better map
16:40 OnosakiHito: then it's just a lose of time.
16:40 Garven: Especially considering the set's overall age
16:40 OnosakiHito: Hm. That's a point.
16:40 Garven: We can try and nitpick each detail, but that would be an essential remap anyway, and would be better served as general advice
16:41 OnosakiHito: I agree.
16:41 Garven: Anyway, It's getting late for me and I still haven't done any excersize, so I'm going to go take care of that. Hope I was a little helpful at least. q:
16:42 Garven: You want me to bother posting? Or you okay without it?
16:42 OnosakiHito: Just if you want kudosu. If not, I'm fine with it. RIght now I can just say thank you for your help and try to remap it.
16:42 Garven: Alright then. Good luck!
16:43 OnosakiHito: Thank's Garven.
16:43 Garven: Let me know if you get stuck anywhere
16:43 OnosakiHito: Allright.
16:43 OnosakiHito: Have a good work with JW.
16:43 OnosakiHito: HW*
I'm OnosakiHito fan and Okuu lover,

this map, perfect ;A;
good song XD
good map XD
Don't give up ;w;
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I will review it when mint tears got ranked.
[Regou's Extra]
a tip
01:24:258 (1,2,3,4) use 0.1x
the same with 01:35:351
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I know, it is a bit selfish, but I deleted all osu difficulties, which I'm sorry about @ Regou and Saten.
My own difficulties were just too old for nowadays standarts and mapping everything once again for a song I heard over thousand times already was not an option anymore. And Rokodo's map didn't fit to the spread anymore, so I deleted it as well. My bad.
Because of this reason I changed this project to a Taiko Only-Set. Meh, hope you guys are not angry. I will add later an external link to the osu difficulties.

So yeah... let's have another try...
Not only selfish, but naive too :/
Sad to hear about this but anyway good luck ono ;w;
Maybe I will map this once again one day, perhaps
Shohei Ohtani

Saten wrote:

Not only selfish, but naive too :/
If it's going to be a taiko set, then you should've kept Rokodo's taiko as well as an extra difficulty. It's been so long since the last ranked Roko-Don's Taiko. :<

Saten wrote:

Not only selfish, but naive too :/
Nothing to add from my side.
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Well, what should I do then? It's not about ranking the map fast(second year), it is about mapping it. I just can't listen for another few months to the same song(since I can't map standart fast enough). If Saten want, he can map the Normal and Insane as well. I have no problem with it.

But a bunch of BATs told me that the set is just not rankable in its current state(looking at Loctav). And having it not ranked is no option at all.
So give me your input please.
Removing all standard diffs was not necessary. Readjusting the Normal and Insane would've been fine. Might take some time but would've been beyond better than making a Taiko Set out of it :/
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Well, I talked to Saten. He will map the Easy, Normal and Insane for it. Regous diff will be also added, so we have a 5Taiko&5osu set.
Though, I still wonder who is gonna mod this... we will see.

I kept all the files for such case.

OnosakiHito wrote:

Though, I still wonder who is gonna mod this... we will see.
I'll keep an eye on it. :D
only Easy left, and then we wait till Ono can upload it~
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Added! After Easy got uploaded I will move it back to pending.
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Suprise Regou! lol
But we have to talk later about some things in this set.
Finally pending beaches!
BOOM! Nice version of the original song :D
Now let's get to the mod ~ (Standard only, since I pretty much suck at Taiko lol)

  1. The Timing seems to be off at the beginning. I put a Timing Point here 00:02:330 - and the Timing seems to be fixed although I am not really confident in my Timing skills so please contact a Timing Pro or someone like that.
  2. Could you lower the volume of the Caution and Caution2? They almost make the song unhearable :S
  3. 02:59:051 - How about putting a Normal-Default Inherited Point with ~45% volume?
  1. I personally think that a changing Slider Velocity does not fit in an Easy Diff or maybe even a Normal Diff, since the player (who is obviously new to the game) shouldn't be able to distinguish the different Slider Velocities.
  2. This Easy seems to have many (intentional?) Distance Snap problems so please fix them!
    Finishing hitsounds!
    00:11:351 (4) - Finishing hitsound at the end of the slider please!
    00:14:051 (1) - Finishing hitsound at the end!
    00:15:851 (4) - Finishing hitsound at the end of the slider!
    00:18:251 (4) - Finishing hitsound at the end of the sldier!
    00:20:651 (3) - Finishing hitsound at the end of the slider!
    00:23:651 (1) - Finishing hitsound at the end!
    00:26:051 (1) - Finishing hitsound at the end!
    00:28:451 (1) - Finishing hitsound at the end!
    00:30:851 (1) - Perhaps you could add a soft finishing hitsound?
    00:15:251 (3) - How about putting a small blanket here?
    00:54:851 (1,2,1) - Please make those sliders more like a blanket, as it looks kind of weird right now.
  3. 01:03:251 (2) - Please move the slider ankle point to x46 y145 to increase that blanket beauty
  4. 01:05:651 (2) - Move the return point to x425 y128 please! (Blanket again ~)
  5. 01:39:251 (1) - MIGHT be too short for beginners.
  6. 02:50:051 (3) - Come on Saten we both know that a cool blanket looks way better here.
  7. 02:57:851 (3) - IF you followed that volume thing in the General mod, please add a finishing hitsound at the end.
  1. 00:10:451 (1,2,3,1) - Holy crap these circles are close o_o
    Finishing hitsounds!
    00:11:351 (1) - Please put a finishing hitsound at the end of the slider!
    00:14:051 (1) - Finishing hitsound!
    00:16:451 (1) - Finishing hitsound!
    00:18:851 (1) - Finishing hitsound!
    00:21:251 (1) - Please put a finishing hitsound at the start of the slider!
    00:23:651 - Finishing hitsound here please!
    00:25:451 (1) - Please put a finishing hitsound at the end of the slider!
    00:27:851 (1) - Please put a finishing hitsound at the end of the slider!
    00:30:851 (1) - Perhaps you could add a soft finishing hitsound?
  2. 00:24:551 (3,1) - Ugh, these two sliders kinda overlap in an ugly way
  3. 02:39:851 - Wow from this point on the Distance Snap seems to be a bit too much for a Normal player to handle, not forgetting that this is 200 bpm(!)
  4. 02:57:851 (1) - IF you followed that volume thing in the General mod, please add a finishing hitsound at the end.
  1. Sorry to say this but the Hard Diff is a bit boring at some points, since it's the same kind of circles or sliders just repeating themselves in another shape (with the same feeling).
  2. 00:00:851 (1) - Not sure if it's cool that the Hard diff is the only diff with that spinner at the beginning or not. Consider removing it!
  3. 00:39:251 (5) - Nice slider, but why not just use a single ankle point to make it smoother?
  4. 00:42:851 (1,2,3,4) - Why not make a cool symmetrical pattern out of them?
  5. 01:29:651 (2) - CTRL + G to increase the flow. It's just a huge flow killer as it is now :/
  6. 01:38:951 (3,4) - Could you move them closer? If the player doesn't know the song he isn't able to read this Spacing.
  7. 02:32:351 (6) - Move it 4 grids up and you have a better looking synnergy.
  8. 02:41:051 (4,5) - Is this overlap on purpose? If not, please fix it because it's not looking that good!
  9. 02:55:901 (6) - Move the slider ankle point to x136 y206 and the slider tail to x198 y206. This just makes the blanket look way better. Also dont forget to stack 02:56:351 (7) - this properly after fixing it.
  1. 00:06:701 (4) - Please stack it with the (2), unless it was done intentionally.
  2. 00:06:551 (3,1) - Also why are these closer together than 00:06:251 (1,3) - ?
  3. 00:08:051 (1,2,3,4) - A jump with that much of a distance doesn't really fit at this part of the song. Consider reducing it.
    Finishing Hitsounds
    00:11:651 -
    00:14:051 -
    00:16:451 -
    00:18:851 -
    00:21:251 -
    00:23:651 -
    00:26:051 -
    00:28:451 -
    Yep, I got too lazy :X
  4. 01:16:151 (4,1,2) - Please shorten the distance here as they've got the same distance as 01:15:701 (3,4) -
  5. 01:22:151 (4) - How about palcing it like this to increase the flow?
  6. 01:37:451 (3) - (4) plays much better if you change the slider to this
  7. 01:39:851 (9) - Only a minor thing but why don't you move the return point to x338 y128? It looks better and plays a little bit better.
  8. 02:39:101 (7,8,9,1) - Is is intended that these aren't stacked?
  9. 02:44:351 (5) - You could move this to the end of 02:43:751 (2) - but both ways are fun to play.
  10. 02:59:051 (5) - IF you followed that volume thing in the General mod, please add a finishing hitsound at the end.
[Regou's Extra]
  1. 00:10:451 (1,2,3) - Woah this one is mean
  2. 00:45:551 (2) - Why didn't you use the same slider as 00:45:251 (1) - ?
  3. 00:51:251 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - I think that a constant cpacing change works out better than what you've got now. Like, increasing the Distance snap by 0,05 every note
  4. 00:53:201 (3) - Make this one face the right side
  5. 01:39:251 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - A perfect circle stream looks way better.
  6. 01:59:051 (5) - They flow is just kind of ruined because of this beginning of the square. Please switch the positions of (7) and (5).
  7. 02:43:301 (4,5,1) - What the hell this triplet
  8. 02:45:251 (5,1,2) - What the crap this triplet
  9. 02:45:851 (3) - How about make the slider in a line with the previous circles? (02:46:151 (4) - has to be changed too if you fix this one)
  10. 02:48:101 (7,8,1) - What the shit this triplet
  11. 02:56:651 (1) - While playing I thought that this is still 1/2 and messed it up. Please increase the spacing by a bit or add a circle here 02:56:501 - .
  12. 02:59:051 (5) - Please put a finishing hitsound here if Saten or Ono followed my General volume mod.
That's it! Good luck ~
Will check once the mod has been fully complete so I don't mess up the general stuff~
hi! m4m from your modding queue
from ranking criteria:
Hitsounds from notes and sliders must be audible. These provide feedback for the player, and having them silent in a rhythm game doesn't make much sense. If you don't like the default sounds, then find replacements rather than silencing notes. You can use hitsounds from the Custom Hitsound Library or easily find others online. Lowering the volume of a few notes to provide a dampened effect is usually fine, but complete silence is always unacceptable. The end of a spinner (or even the entire spinner) the sliding sound of a slider, and the end of a slider can be silent, but only do it if it makes sense. Finally, you cannot silence both slider ticks and slider slides together.
the soft-hitnormal you are using is not audible on some parts, especially in the beginning of lunatic and extra diffs. I suggest changing it or raising the volume in those parts.

Pls tell me that bg isn't nsfw and it can be ranked, it's awesome!
Settings are good, od8 is perfect

00:51:551 (1) - i think this stream needs louder hitsounds
00:58:601 (1,3,5) - this would be much more fun and cool
01:23:651 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - AWESOME antijumps
02:33:851 (6,7) - i don't like this, if you want to follow the piano here there must be something here 02:34:151 or that would be confusing. this or this would do, i prefer the second one because it makes the syncopation more noticeable
02:38:651 (6,7) - ^
02:35:651 (2,3,4,5) - rearranging them would make this pattern clearer and nicer. (i moved 5 just to make it more noticeable) or . or you can simply swap 02:36:251 (6,7)
02:37:601 - it fucking scared the crap out of me
02:44:051 (3,4,5,6) - i would make this parallel to 02:43:751 (2)
OD+1 and maybe HP-1 too

00:49:451 (1,2,3,4) - something like this looks better, distance snap calculated with slider tails doesn't matter at all as these sliders are performed holding cursor on slider's head
00:51:251 (4) - 1. this stream needs louder hitsounds and 2. the spacing change is really cool but i would make 00:51:251 (4,5,6,7) go in a line with 3
01:18:251 (5,6,7,8) - much nicer and much more playable
01:23:951 (2,3,4,5) - ctrl+J and overlap 2 on 3
01:29:351 (1) - add NC
01:29:651 (3) - remove NC
01:30:251 (1) - add NC
01:51:551 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - let them on a line (horizontal or 15° anticlockwise). you may also swap 1 with 2, 3-4, 5-6
02:43:301 (4,5,1) - way too spaced
02:45:701 (1,2,3) - ^
02:48:101 (7,8,1) - ^
02:57:851 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - awful spacing, i hate those fucking antijumps in the end

00:39:251 (5) - ugly shape and overlap
01:38:051 (1,2,3,4) - this pattern could be way better, something like this or this
02:50:501 (4,5,6) - i really don't like this
one of the most playable normals ever, well done really

02:39:851 - maybe sliders are a bit too fast from this point on, i would go for 0.8 or 0.85
too many changes in sv, i don't think it's a good idea to rank an easy that has so many, it would only confuse the newbies imo.

00:54:851 (1,1) - blanket better
01:11:951 (1) - from this to the pause, i think it's too hard for an easy. for sure it would be better without sv changes
the final part is a bit too hard too
02:50:051 (3) - blanket better
02:52:451 (2,3) - i think it should be more like this

i think you should use max 2 different sv (one for the part between the two pauses, one for the rest of the song) without changing it during gameplay and consequently rearrange the patterns. using distance snap could help too
Mod is finished!


01:54:851 (1,1) - Adjust blanket on the 2-circles. It's slightly off.

00:54:851 (1,1) - I'm also going to point these out, but there's enough of a deviation here that I think the off-blanketing is intentional.

02:50:051 (3) - Blanket on the 2-circle? The easiest way to do this is to move 2 slightly down and tighten the curve on 3.


No issues here. Good job!


In general, I personally think the repeat sliders in this difficulty can be a bit confusing. Many of your sliders repeat once, but many also repeat twice, and this makes it a lot harder to tell when the player is supposed to release.

00:39:251 (5) - Why ;_;
Wouldn't it be easier (and cleaner) to use a single control point for this circle?

00:41:651 (5) - This shape is somewhat bothersome, especially since the player has to stare at it for a while. How about something like this instead?
You might have to adjust the SV to get nicer looking shapes in there, but a slightly faster SV shouldn't be a problem with a long slider like this.

00:58:001 (3) - Something like this would fit nicer, I think.

01:02:801 (3) - Nesting error.
Fix by moving the red waypoint up a bit.

02:33:251 (7) - Remove second repeat. The second repeat is unexpected, and you would be following the piano rhythm better if you removed it.


00:58:601 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Move 00:58:751 (2,1) down for symmetry.

[Regou's Extra]

This one is too difficult for me to play through, sorry! I can't tell if there are actual issues with the map or if I'm just bad orz
I'll point out a few graphical things that you can consider fixing.

00:26:201 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe fix this square?

00:38:951 (10) - Curvature is deeper than curvature of preceding stream.

00:52:451 (1) - Tilt downwards to be consistent with the rest of the figure 8.

01:39:251 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Might look nicer as a converted circle slider.

02:55:601 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Pentagon pattern could be neater.


You might've noticed that pretty much everything I've pointed out is graphical. This is because the spacing, note placement, object selection, rhythm, etc. are all very solid, so great job!
Now checking mods

Haya wrote:

BOOM! Nice version of the original song :D
Now let's get to the mod ~ (Standard only, since I pretty much suck at Taiko lol)

  1. The Timing seems to be off at the beginning. I put a Timing Point here 00:02:330 - and the Timing seems to be fixed although I am not really confident in my Timing skills so please contact a Timing Pro or someone like that.
  2. Could you lower the volume of the Caution and Caution2? They almost make the song unhearable :S
  3. 02:59:051 - How about putting a Normal-Default Inherited Point with ~45% volume?
[Regou's Extra]
  1. 00:10:451 (1,2,3) - Woah this one is mean not really, feel the music
  2. 00:45:551 (2) - Why didn't you use the same slider as 00:45:251 (1) - ? my bad
  3. 00:51:251 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - I think that a constant cpacing change works out better than what you've got now. Like, increasing the Distance snap by 0,05 every note Interesting
  4. 00:53:201 (3) - Make this one face the right side Agree
  5. 01:39:251 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - A perfect circle stream looks way better. Yup, sorry that I am not good at making them one year ago
  6. 01:59:051 (5) - They flow is just kind of ruined because of this beginning of the square. Please switch the positions of (7) and (5). k
  7. 02:43:301 (4,5,1) - What the hell this triplet
  8. 02:45:251 (5,1,2) - What the crap this triplet
    Trust me, you can do this and in 2013, it should be allowed

  9. 02:45:851 (3) - How about make the slider in a line with the previous circles? (02:46:151 (4) - has to be changed too if you fix this one) k
  10. 02:48:101 (7,8,1) - What the shit this triplet mmm, same.
  11. 02:56:651 (1) - While playing I thought that this is still 1/2 and messed it up. Please increase the spacing by a bit or add a circle here 02:56:501 - . Increased spacing
  12. 02:59:051 (5) - Please put a finishing hitsound here if Saten or Ono followed my General volume mod. k
That's it! Good luck ~

Sephibro wrote:

hi! m4m from your modding queue
from ranking criteria:
Hitsounds from notes and sliders must be audible. These provide feedback for the player, and having them silent in a rhythm game doesn't make much sense. If you don't like the default sounds, then find replacements rather than silencing notes. You can use hitsounds from the Custom Hitsound Library or easily find others online. Lowering the volume of a few notes to provide a dampened effect is usually fine, but complete silence is always unacceptable. The end of a spinner (or even the entire spinner) the sliding sound of a slider, and the end of a slider can be silent, but only do it if it makes sense. Finally, you cannot silence both slider ticks and slider slides together.
the soft-hitnormal you are using is not audible on some parts, especially in the beginning of lunatic and extra diffs. I suggest changing it or raising the volume in those parts.

Pls tell me that bg isn't nsfw and it can be ranked, it's awesome!

OD+1 and maybe HP-1 too
oh Lunatic is now in OD8. k

00:49:451 (1,2,3,4) - something like this looks better, distance snap calculated with slider tails doesn't matter at all as these sliders are performed holding cursor on slider's head agree
00:51:251 (4) - 1. this stream needs louder hitsounds and 2. the spacing change is really cool but i would make 00:51:251 (4,5,6,7) go in a line with 3 meh, not really
01:18:251 (5,6,7,8) - much nicer and much more playable It looks pretty ugly so, meh
01:23:951 (2,3,4,5) - ctrl+J and overlap 2 on 3 Don't break this antijump please ;w;
01:29:351 (1) - add NC nope
01:29:651 (3) - remove NC nope
01:30:251 (1) - add NC k
01:51:551 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - let them on a line (horizontal or 15° anticlockwise). you may also swap 1 with 2, 3-4, 5-6 to be honest flow like this isn't really good D:
02:43:301 (4,5,1) - way too spaced
02:45:701 (1,2,3) - ^
02:48:101 (7,8,1) - ^
Answering to this again: the general spacing in the speed-up part is very high so that it would be better to keep these tripet in high spacing to prevent breaking the flow.
02:57:851 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - awful spacing, i hate those fucking antijumps in the end >_> come on, the music is like this

11t wrote:


[Regou's Extra]

This one is too difficult for me to play through, sorry! I can't tell if there are actual issues with the map or if I'm just bad orz
I'll point out a few graphical things that you can consider fixing.

00:26:201 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe fix this square? o.o this one should be okay

00:38:951 (10) - Curvature is deeper than curvature of preceding stream. oh well nice catch

00:52:451 (1) - Tilt downwards to be consistent with the rest of the figure 8. :O not sure but trying to do something with this

01:39:251 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Might look nicer as a converted circle slider. sure

02:55:601 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Pentagon pattern could be neater. Yup


You might've noticed that pretty much everything I've pointed out is graphical. This is because the spacing, note placement, object selection, rhythm, etc. are all very solid, so great job!
Topic Starter

Haya wrote:

  1. The Timing seems to be off at the beginning. I put a Timing Point here 00:02:330 - and the Timing seems to be fixed although I am not really confident in my Timing skills so please contact a Timing Pro or someone like that.
  2. Could you lower the volume of the Caution and Caution2? They almost make the song unhearable :S
  3. 02:59:051 - How about putting a Normal-Default Inherited Point with ~45% volume?

Sephibro wrote:

from ranking criteria:
Hitsounds from notes and sliders must be audible. These provide feedback for the player, and having them silent in a rhythm game doesn't make much sense. If you don't like the default sounds, then find replacements rather than silencing notes. You can use hitsounds from the Custom Hitsound Library or easily find others online. Lowering the volume of a few notes to provide a dampened effect is usually fine, but complete silence is always unacceptable. The end of a spinner (or even the entire spinner) the sliding sound of a slider, and the end of a slider can be silent, but only do it if it makes sense. Finally, you cannot silence both slider ticks and slider slides together.
the soft-hitnormal you are using is not audible on some parts, especially in the beginning of lunatic and extra diffs. I suggest changing it or raising the volume in those parts.

Pls tell me that bg isn't nsfw and it can be ranked, it's awesome! Not nsfw :p
Will consider this point with the next update.
Updated Regous diff so far! Thank you for modding.
Changes are done, and a complete revamp on Hard

Thank you all!
Topic Starter
Updated! Thanks~
I think you should go OD10 challenge while I go 8
Think will also fix the diff rating bug lol

And instead of the regular Normal sample-set, you should use N:C3

Saten wrote:

I think you should go OD10 challenge while I go 8
Think will also fix the diff rating bug lol

And instead of the regular Normal sample-set, you should use N:C3
you are mad OD10
Have my babies,regou and ono <3
OD11 pls

_Gezo_ wrote:

OD11 pls
Topic Starter
Mh, I think 1~3 Taiko mods should be enough.
And maybe some osu to be ready for a BAT check.
Hello! Here is the mod you requested!


  1. 01:23:651 (1,2,1,2) - d k k d? I think it fits better with the music.
  2. 02:19:451 (1,2,1,2,1) - replace with a spinner?

  1. 02:10:901 - add a K? there is a drum sound here

  1. 01:24:851 (1,2,1,1) - K K D D? fits better

Nothing to say.

[Inner Oni]

  1. 02:39:851 (1) - I.CAN'T.APPROVE.THIS. I really, REALLY, hate big notes in the end of a 1/4 stream/cluster. This mean, remove finisher, or remove the note just before this.
  2. 02:40:151 (1) - K, it's the same note as before, but before you put a K
  3. 02:41:051 (4) - k, the pitch of the voice is higher here.
  4. 02:43:001 (6) - ^
And that's all. Really great mapset, as usual. For me it's almost ready for rank. Gogo for rank Ono!
Topic Starter

dialgadu77 wrote:

Hello! Here is the mod you requested!


  1. 01:23:651 (1,2,1,2) - d k k d? I think it fits better with the music. Changed to d k d k
  2. 02:19:451 (1,2,1,2,1) - replace with a spinner? Ah, would be quite short.

  1. 02:10:901 - add a K? there is a drum sound here Bigger cluster here, so I rather keep it in this way.

  1. 01:24:851 (1,2,1,1) - K K D D? fits better have to think about this

Nothing to say.

[Inner Oni]

  1. 02:39:851 (1) - I.CAN'T.APPROVE.THIS. I really, REALLY, hate big notes in the end of a 1/4 stream/cluster. This mean, remove finisher, or remove the note just before this. ok
  2. 02:40:151 (1) - K, it's the same note as before, but before you put a K I stick to K D. Like it more.
  3. 02:41:051 (4) - k, the pitch of the voice is higher here. ok
  4. 02:43:001 (6) - ^ pitch at 02:43:451 (1) - is higher.
And that's all. Really great mapset, as usual. For me it's almost ready for rank. Gogo for rank Ono!
Thank you for mod! Short but useful.
Love these hitsounds! :3

Looking good.

I didn't have this diff when I was modding, but it looked fine when I skimmed it just now.


00:48:851 This spinner should start a new combo.
01:30:251 Replace this slider with a circle.
01:30:551 Same as above.
01:39:251 This spinner should start a new combo


00:13:151 This reverse slider throws me so off beat, but each thing I tried to resolve it didn't change that. It does seem to follow the rhythm of that part of the song, so I suppose it's fine.
00:13:751 The last reverse tick of this slider confused me during the first playthrough. Maybe I'm just biased and hate short reverse arrow sliders.. meh.
00:32:351 Sounds better when the slider is replaced with two circles, imo.
00:32:801 ^
00:34:751 ^
00:35:201 ^
01:33:251 - 01:35:351 got me really excited, as it seemed like it could be made so dun to palyt his part. I was disappointed. I would remove the slider and make the section just circles. If you're interested, I'll go into more detail.
02:34:751 Is the end of this slider snapped? It felt a tiny bit off.

AR to 8? I feel it would separate your Insane from Regou's Extra.

01:23:651 - 01:25:751 are the same as Hard. I feel this part could be sooooo fun.
01:33:251 - 01:35:351 ^

[Regou's Extra]

01:24:851 - 01:25:751 is REALLY loud, since the music's beats seems to mix with the hitsound and get really distracting. Try lowering volume by 20%.
01:34:451 - 01:35:351 ^
01:35:651 From the halfway point of this stream and on, I don't like the shape. Instead of curving down, and then up at the end, making a symmetric loop to the right looks better imo.
01:59:051 Swap the positions of 5 and 7?

..I hope I formatted this correctly, and this needs to get ranked already! :)

Xiamul wrote:


00:48:851 This spinner should start a new combo. I did remove the combo due to lack of combo on previous part
01:30:251 Replace this slider with a circle. I would like this part to be a bit special
01:30:551 Same as above. as above
01:39:251 This spinner should start a new combo same as before


00:13:151 This reverse slider throws me so off beat, but each thing I tried to resolve it didn't change that. It does seem to follow the rhythm of that part of the song, so I suppose it's fine. yeah
00:13:751 The last reverse tick of this slider confused me during the first playthrough. Maybe I'm just biased and hate short reverse arrow sliders.. meh. uuu
00:32:351 Sounds better when the slider is replaced with two circles, imo. I would really like to avoid using doubles like that
00:32:801 ^
00:34:751 ^
00:35:201 ^
01:33:251 - 01:35:351 got me really excited, as it seemed like it could be made so dun to palyt his part. I was disappointed. I would remove the slider and make the section just circles. If you're interested, I'll go into more detail. made it similar to the previous part
02:34:751 Is the end of this slider snapped? It felt a tiny bit off. Yes I lowered the velocity, I guess it didn't snap properly after that

AR to 8? I feel it would separate your Insane from Regou's Extra. I don't think it would fit with all the overlaps and stuff. And besides, Hard is already using 8

01:23:651 - 01:25:751 are the same as Hard. I feel this part could be sooooo fun. I think this reverse spacing is quite fun
01:33:251 - 01:35:351 ^ ^

Xiamul wrote:

Love these hitsounds! :3

Looking good.

[Regou's Extra]

01:24:851 - 01:25:751 is REALLY loud, since the music's beats seems to mix with the hitsound and get really distracting. Try lowering volume by 20%.
01:34:451 - 01:35:351 ^
k made some tiny tweeks
01:35:651 From the halfway point of this stream and on, I don't like the shape. Instead of curving down, and then up at the end, making a symmetric loop to the right looks better imo. I don't really like this. sorry
01:59:051 Swap the positions of 5 and 7? This makes the flow sucks, noway 8-) Again, I don't like it personally sorry ;w;

..I hope I formatted this correctly, and this needs to get ranked already! :) OD8 OD10 If you like OD10 it's ok 8-) , it works pretty good to me
Topic Starter
Updated to OD 10.
Hi Ono :3 Taiko Mod from chat .

  1. D (Big don)
  2. d (don)
  3. K (Big kat)
  4. k (kat)
  1. 00:25:601 (2) - Change d ?
  2. 01:29:201 (1) - Del
  3. 01:37:601 (1) - Change k ?
  4. 01:43:301 (1) - add note ?
  1. I think OD6→5 best...
  2. 00:42:551 (5) - 00:44:951 (5) - Change coler ?
  3. 01:10:001 (6,7) - kk
  4. 01:43:301 (1) - Muzukashii ^
  5. 02:20:051 (3,4) - kk?
Inner Kantan Futsuu none
Good map! poor mod sorry ;__;

Good Luck :3/

  1. offset -4 ? several times testplay. offset-4 is a good hiterror graph.
    offset -4 : Image , offset -0 : Image
  1. 00:20:426 - add k ? backsound is stronk for me.
  2. 00:33:701 (4) - d
    and 00:33:851 - kkkkd ?
  3. 01:00:776 - add any notes.
  4. 01:10:976 - d
  5. 01:21:251 (3) - finisher ? will be even stronger.
  6. 01:26:051 - ^
  7. 01:29:126 - add k
  8. 01:35:651 (1) - finisher ?
    and 01:35:726 (1) - del.
  9. 01:46:151 (4) - k
    01:46:301 (1) - d
  10. 02:18:251 - ~ 02:20:651 - so easy patten than Oni. you can add more accent.
  11. 02:57:851 - a little weird sound. this? : Image
  1. 00:20:426 - add k ? same as Inner.
  2. 00:33:701 (2) - d
    and 00:33:851 (1,2,3) - kkk ? i felt a little boring ;_;
  3. 01:10:676 (4) - del ? a little accent.
  4. 01:16:751 (1) - d
    and 01:17:201 (1) - k
  5. 01:17:651 - k d k k d d k k D ?
    01:19:151 (2) - D
    01:19:601 (1) - k
    01:20:051 (1) - D
  6. 02:43:901 (2) - damn this slider. because so 4hit slider. if delete 02:44:351 (3) - ,it changes to 5hit slider. but it is more damn pattern ;_;
    so try this pattern : Image
good luck!
Topic Starter

toara_fict wrote:

Hi Ono :3 Taiko Mod from chat .

  1. D (Big don)
  2. d (don)
  3. K (Big kat)
  4. k (kat)
  1. 00:25:601 (2) - Change d ? This is already d.
  2. 01:29:201 (1) - Del No.
  3. 01:37:601 (1) - Change k ? okay.
  4. 01:43:301 (1) - add note ? There is already a note?
  1. I think OD6→5 best...
  2. 00:42:551 (5) - 00:44:951 (5) - Change coler ? I really prefer it as it is.
  3. 01:10:001 (6,7) - kk This is rather intension here. I don't want too many kats. Fits well in this way.
  4. 01:43:301 (1) - Muzukashii ^ There is already a note.
  5. 02:20:051 (3,4) - kk? mhhhhhh, I will think about this.
Inner Kantan Futsuu none
Good map! poor mod sorry ;__;

Good Luck :3/
After all I changed something, so it helped me. Thank you! :3
@TKSalt: Will check your mod soon.
Topic Starter

TKSalt wrote:


  1. offset -4 ? several times testplay. offset-4 is a good hiterror graph. lemme see soon!
    offset -4 : Image , offset -0 : Image
  1. 00:20:426 - add k ? backsound is stronk for me. Good idea, but I would rather like to keep it in this way.
  2. 00:33:701 (4) - d Followed the beat strictly.
    and 00:33:851 - kkkkd ? Sorry, I don't understand.
  3. 01:00:776 - add any notes. changed
  4. 01:10:976 - d Possible but pattern kkkkddddk works better here.
  5. 01:21:251 (3) - finisher ? will be even stronger. Oh, I really rarely use finishers at the beginning of a stanza.
  6. 01:26:051 - ^ ^
  7. 01:29:126 - add k Changed to something similar.
  8. 01:35:651 (1) - finisher ? Same as before
    and 01:35:726 (1) - del.
  9. 01:46:151 (4) - k connected to previous part, follows a certain beat, but it is hard to hear, indeed.
    01:46:301 (1) - d
  10. 02:18:251 - ~ 02:20:651 - so easy patten than Oni. you can add more accent. Will see about this soon!
  11. 02:57:851 - a little weird sound. this? : Image good idea
  1. 00:20:426 - add k ? same as Inner. ^
  2. 00:33:701 (2) - d I think kat fits here better. ddd emphasizes in this way more.
    and 00:33:851 (1,2,3) - kkk ? i felt a little boring ;_; hm, I'm fine with ddd here.
  3. 01:10:676 (4) - del ? a little accent. oh, good idea.
  4. 01:16:751 (1) - d
    and 01:17:201 (1) - k Good question. Didn't applied yet because I wanted to alternate the pattern.
  5. 01:17:651 - k d k k d d k k D ? great!
    01:19:151 (2) - D done
    01:19:601 (1) - k greaaaaaat!!
    01:20:051 (1) - D greaaaaaat!!
  6. 02:43:901 (2) - damn this slider. because so 4hit slider. if delete 02:44:351 (3) - ,it changes to 5hit slider. but it is more damn pattern ;_;
    so try this pattern : Image
good luck!
Wow, some really nice suggestions, thanks!

Got now 35 mod-posts. lol

Shinde and Sandpig's hitsounds
Topic Starter
Yes haha
Half Year being AFK and this' still not ranked.

How could this be?

OnosakiHito wrote:

Got now 35 mod-posts. lol

32 Mods and all Diffs together are not even 1 1/2 Minute long, don't worry.
Topic Starter

Mercurial wrote:

Half Year being AFK and this' still not ranked.

How could this be?
We have to be strong.
I can't comprehend how this is not ranked yet.
Topic Starter
Don't you go to graveyard again, map.

OnosakiHito wrote:

Don't you go to graveyard again, map.
I'm going to check this map in these days, I want to give it one more chance.
You are "fighting" so much to get it ranked and so we will try one more time.

Let's try this again :p

Kecco wrote:


Shinde and Sandpig's hitsounds
Who what? o_o

Is there another Shinde, or did I map something and forget about it yet again?
as promised my dear Ono ~.~/


  1. Checking your folder and AIBat there is a couple of things in your custom skin you must fix:
  2. There is something wrong. I will write it here and not in "Normal" field below. SV in the Normal diff is 1.40x and the SV in the Hard diff is 1.40x as well while in the Lunatic is 1.50x. It's not good that Normal have only that 0.10 from Lunatic diff. It's hard to play indeed.. Currently the Easy diff has 1.00x so I suggest you to reduce the SV in the Normal till 1.20x. This would fix your mapset spread. Yea, it will be boring but you should almost "remap" the Normal diff, actually it's not that rankable/acceptable :\\
  3. inb4 unrank for nsfw BG

  1. 00:15:851 (4) to 00:19:451 - If you check the previous 00:14:051 (1,2,3,4) and all next parts, this one has a different rhythm and it looks a bit weird. What about to make it consistent using this other rhythm instead? I feel it more enjoyable to play and hear and it'd be much better since it's consistent with all other parts with the same rhythm: (to be short just reduce the slider 00:15:851 (4) by 1/1 and move the 00:16:751 (1) 1/1 earlier, like you did for 00:22:451 (2,3,1) / 00:24:851 (3,4,1) and so on.

  1. 00:10:451 (1,2,3) - I totally would avoid this kind of patterns in a Normal diff. Moreover, the (1) should be moved further from 00:08:651 (2)'s tail because this spacing is inconsistent, and it's not nice considering the kind of diff. Just place them in a different way. What about: or using a slider (with 1.30x spacing for consistency):
  2. 00:50:051 - Add break time
  3. 01:52:151 (4,4,4) - Did you forget claps? I guess yes ;P
  4. 02:39:551 (7) - Clap?

  1. 00:27:101 (6) - You forgot new combo here
  2. 00:30:401 - Did you eat that poor circle here? D:
  3. 00:50:051 - Break time
  4. 01:17:651 (3) - I would set new combo on this slider if I was you

  1. 00:06:251 (1,2,3,4) - I don't like this pattern to be honestly, it plays too bad IMO. What about to make something like this? It plays pretty nice and it's cooler: (you need to stack the 00:06:401 (2) with 00:06:851 (1) and making the 00:06:701 (4) symmetric to it)
  2. 00:09:251 (1,2,3,4) - I don't like this pattern as well how it flows <_< I would suggest you to place them in a different way or, how I prefer, in this one. I like very much how it flows and play:

  3. 00:16:151 (7) - You forgot clap here
  4. 01:08:951 (1,2,3,4) - The stack between 01:09:701 (4,1) could be a bit confusing IMO.. What about to use this rhythm with removing that stack in this way? Personally, I testplayed it and I like how it flows and plays, I would really change it, but it's up to you. I'm just here to give you some suggestions because I'm enjoying this mapset already:

  5. 01:23:651 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I would use some new combo here, to make it easier to read:
  6. 01:33:251 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - You should do the same here but you can also keep it because this pattern is easier to play than previous one
  7. 01:52:151 (5,5,5,5) - Forgot some claps?
  8. 02:11:051 (5) - New combo
  9. 02:31:901 (7) - CTRL + G is more intuitive and plays better since you made the spacing huger here from the previous slider
  10. 02:39:101 (7,8,9,1) - What about to stack them in this way? It looks better from an aesthetic point of view:
  11. 02:48:251 (7) - New combo here removing it from 02:49:151 (1)
  12. 02:49:451 (5) - New combo (this new combo setting is more logical)
  13. 02:53:051 (7) - New combo if you followed above and same for the next ones as well
  14. 02:56:651 (1) - This circle should be move further from the previous slider :\ You are using an inconsistent spacing atm stacking it with 02:55:901 (7) that is 1/2 while this one is 1/1.

  1. 01:24:251 (3) - New combo to warn about new rhythm/jumping pattern?
  2. 01:26:501 (2) - This circle plays very bad where it's actually placed.. really, believe me. I suggest you to stack it with 01:26:951 (4)'s head or move it where the flow looks more natural
  3. 01:51:251 (3) - This slider is ugly D: It could sound nice but pls curve it on the middle
  4. 01:59:051 (5) - 2nd square = new combo pls xD
  5. 02:10:451 (5) - I would suggest you two things here. I would use new combo and I would also change this pattern 02:10:451 (5,6,7,8) placement because I don't like how it flows, honestly. What about this? Try to testplay it and see how it flows divinely:

  6. Regou, I think this map is amazing. Good job, really ;3
This mapset is awesome and pretty solid. I just want you fix the problem in the normal diff I mentioned in "General" field. Don't hate me but it really needs to be changed. I'd be really glad to give you that bubble/osu! standard icon to get the map ranked.
Just noticed that timing offsets are ~15 ms late

00:02:037 first timing section
01:59:637 second timing section
02:01:437 third timing section

timing should be perfect with this little change - get this ranked asap pls i can't wait to play it :)
Dat ryuuta (for a taiko/std mapset)


/me runs

Chewin wrote:

as promised my dear Ono ~.~/


  1. Checking your folder and AIBat there is a couple of things in your custom skin you must fix:
  2. There is something wrong. I will write it here and not in "Normal" field below. SV in the Normal diff is 1.40x and the SV in the Hard diff is 1.40x as well while in the Lunatic is 1.50x. It's not good that Normal have only that 0.10 from Lunatic diff. It's hard to play indeed.. Currently the Easy diff has 1.00x so I suggest you to reduce the SV in the Normal till 1.20x. This would fix your mapset spread. Yea, it will be boring but you should almost "remap" the Normal diff, actually it's not that rankable/acceptable :\\ You should take the circle size and beat/spacing usage into account as well. As you can see, I used SV 1.40 and 1,50 on the harder difficulties, but look at the spacing I used on them as well. This is acceptable from my view, and keep in mind that Normal isn't the easiest difficulty in this mapset. Don't judge solely because of the SV itself
  3. inb4 unrank for nsfw BG

  1. 00:15:851 (4) to 00:19:451 - If you check the previous 00:14:051 (1,2,3,4) and all next parts, this one has a different rhythm and it looks a bit weird. What about to make it consistent using this other rhythm instead? I feel it more enjoyable to play and hear and it'd be much better since it's consistent with all other parts with the same rhythm: (to be short just reduce the slider 00:15:851 (4) by 1/1 and move the 00:16:751 (1) 1/1 earlier, like you did for 00:22:451 (2,3,1) / 00:24:851 (3,4,1) and so on. that was actually intended, but I changed it (I hope I did it right)

  1. 00:10:451 (1,2,3) - I totally would avoid this kind of patterns in a Normal diff. Moreover, the (1) should be moved further from 00:08:651 (2)'s tail because this spacing is inconsistent, and it's not nice considering the kind of diff. Just place them in a different way. What about: or using a slider (with 1.30x spacing for consistency): there's a reason why I went 2/1 here 00:06:851 (1,2,1) - is it really hard to notice? a normal stacking would go diagonally, but that wouldn't fit here
  2. 00:50:051 - Add break time I'm not really found of short breaks
  3. 01:52:151 (4,4,4) - Did you forget claps? I guess yes ;P it's intended c:
  4. 02:39:551 (7) - Clap? clap

  1. 00:27:101 (6) - You forgot new combo here added
  2. 00:30:401 - Did you eat that poor circle here? D: poor circle D:
  3. 00:50:051 - Break time I'm not really found of short breaks
  4. 01:17:651 (3) - I would set new combo on this slider if I was you Yeah I would :3

  1. 00:06:251 (1,2,3,4) - I don't like this pattern to be honestly, it plays too bad IMO. What about to make something like this? It plays pretty nice and it's cooler: (you need to stack the 00:06:401 (2) with 00:06:851 (1) and making the 00:06:701 (4) symmetric to it) done
  2. 00:09:251 (1,2,3,4) - I don't like this pattern as well how it flows <_< I would suggest you to place them in a different way or, how I prefer, in this one. I like very much how it flows and play: changed, but that pattern looks kinda strange though o_O

  3. 00:16:151 (7) - You forgot clap here not forgotten, intended :p
  4. 01:08:951 (1,2,3,4) - The stack between 01:09:701 (4,1) could be a bit confusing IMO.. What about to use this rhythm with removing that stack in this way? Personally, I testplayed it and I like how it flows and plays, I would really change it, but it's up to you. I'm just here to give you some suggestions because I'm enjoying this mapset already: I really like this cursor-pause before the stream though

  5. 01:23:651 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I would use some new combo here, to make it easier to read: all the NCs can look a bit misleading imo, don't you think?
  6. 01:33:251 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - You should do the same here but you can also keep it because this pattern is easier to play than previous one ^
  7. 01:52:151 (5,5,5,5) - Forgot some claps? these are intended as well~
  8. 02:11:051 (5) - New combo done
  9. 02:31:901 (7) - CTRL + G is more intuitive and plays better since you made the spacing huger here from the previous slider it makes the slider in the center kinda awkward imo
  10. 02:39:101 (7,8,9,1) - What about to stack them in this way? It looks better from an aesthetic point of view: it's about the same but sure
  11. 02:48:251 (7) - New combo here removing it from 02:49:151 (1) done
  12. 02:49:451 (5) - New combo (this new combo setting is more logical) done
  13. 02:53:051 (7) - New combo if you followed above and same for the next ones as well done
  14. 02:56:651 (1) - This circle should be move further from the previous slider :\ You are using an inconsistent spacing atm stacking it with 02:55:901 (7) that is 1/2 while this one is 1/1. if you saw my previous parts, this would make sense. This is a somewhat anti-jump, I didn't want to stack it this time because I wanted to start in the middle instead

This mapset is awesome and pretty solid. I just want you fix the problem in the normal diff I mentioned in "General" field. Don't hate me but it really needs to be changed. I'd be really glad to give you that bubble/osu! standard icon to get the map ranked. think about what I said please tomato


ps. I totally "made" the taikos when I have no experience with it at all :DD

Chewin wrote:

as promised my dear Ono ~.~/


  1. Checking your folder and AIBat there is a couple of things in your custom skin you must fix:
  2. There is something wrong. I will write it here and not in "Normal" field below. SV in the Normal diff is 1.40x and the SV in the Hard diff is 1.40x as well while in the Lunatic is 1.50x. It's not good that Normal have only that 0.10 from Lunatic diff. It's hard to play indeed.. Currently the Easy diff has 1.00x so I suggest you to reduce the SV in the Normal till 1.20x. This would fix your mapset spread. Yea, it will be boring but you should almost "remap" the Normal diff, actually it's not that rankable/acceptable :\\
  3. inb4 unrank for nsfw BG

  1. 01:24:251 (3) - New combo to warn about new rhythm/jumping pattern? ok~
  2. 01:26:501 (2) - This circle plays very bad where it's actually placed.. really, believe me. I suggest you to stack it with 01:26:951 (4)'s head or move it where the flow looks more natural good idea~
  3. 01:51:251 (3) - This slider is ugly D: It could sound nice but pls curve it on the middle fixed~
  4. 01:59:051 (5) - 2nd square = new combo pls xD LOLLLL alright
  5. 02:10:451 (5) - I would suggest you two things here. I would use new combo and I would also change this pattern 02:10:451 (5,6,7,8) placement because I don't like how it flows, honestly. What about this? Try to testplay it and see how it flows divinely:

    232,256,130751,1,8,0:0:0:0:ou said212,108,130901,1,0,0:0:0:0:
    mmm I made a new pattern by myself xD , and the old one doesn't works as what you said :P
  6. Regou, I think this map is amazing. Good job, really ;3 <3 thanks
This mapset is awesome and pretty solid. I just want you fix the problem in the normal diff I mentioned in "General" field. Don't hate me but it really needs to be changed. I'd be really glad to give you that bubble/osu! standard icon to get the map ranked.
All fixed!
Topic Starter
Updated everything.
Added ctb palet and "OnosakiHito" into the Taiko BG. And changed the hit0.png and so on.

@Sephibro: My god, this is indeed perfect. At first I thought "pff, perfect lol" and now I think "Wow, perfect!". Latency is 0ms for me. I had even 15ms before with a latency of 1ms. After I used your 14ms, I got 0ms. Great! Thanks!

Also thank you really much Chewin! As I told you before, you did me a big favor! Hopfully after 2 years we will be able to get this ranked...
If you use "fruit-ryuuta.png" you need to complete the skinset using as well
Topic Starter
Ryuuta stands alone, so it doesn't need any fruit skins. That's what is said. Asked in team.
So you have not to worry.
Ok then C: I hope it will be ranked soon ♥

@TaikoBAT who will mod this: obv after your mod you can bubble it :)
Topic Starter
OH MY GOD it begins aaaaaaaaaah
after 2 years we might head to the eeeend.
Thank you chewin! @@
Raging Bull
lol mad dog. od10
goddamn that okuudon is awesome
Rank it for me Ono.
I showed you the song so yeah
I'd mod the taiko diffs tmr. Today is just too tired for me x_x
Sry for the delay :o
Topic Starter
I will wait.

OnosakiHito wrote:

I will wait.
pls me 2
Amazing to see the Map ranked soon. Wird aber auch mal Zeit, ne? :P *hides*

Last edited by Stefan on about 6 years ago, edited 1337 times in total.
Raging Bull

Stefan wrote:

Last edited by Stefan on about 6 years ago, edited 1337 times in total.

secret exposed gg
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