I quit taiko for 7 years though oof worth it giving a last try at 4twc
Welcome to my user page ~~ ( Click here for full page ) _____________________________________ No modding and mapping requests accepted Basically quit and online only when I have mood
士之特立獨行,適於義而已。不顧人之是非,皆豪傑之士,信道篤而自知明者也。 I doubted myself maybe 7 years ago, no longer now
Server won by default -> Here BAT -> BA -> BN -> ->Alumni, Finally the hassle is gone My job is no longer "appreciation" of others' works, with only a so-called "nominator" left. So what's the point of staying here? 各位香港twc玩家請加油,今年我大概沒甚麼時間當主力,很抱歉
Over these 5+ years, I've seen the growth of the taiko community, starting from a small circle of interest to a huge player base nowadays.
I'd like to say thank you to all of my friends, both currently active ones and those who've left. Without you guys, I'd probably be gone years ago.
[list]I won't forget TWC 2, TWC 3 & TWC 4 And btw, I don't wanna clear them. Just leave them as memories <3 Kana, Kpy, Xebi, Noboru, you guys are the best [/list:o] [list]Special mention to Ono here. Thanks for accompanying and supporting me since we met in MP room many years ago. Please, continue doing your best for the community. I know you've upset many people before but I believe your experience can help you do better over time.[/list:o] [list]I can't mention everyone here. But please remember that all of my friends here are very important [/list:o]
Time flies. It's now already 2015, and I feel so old.
[list]I'm old, because I don't feel like modding anymore. I can probably never go back to the old days in which I modded daily. The workload is just too big for my academic studies, at least for this semester. Even when I was free, I simply had no motivation to spend hours on a single tv size which actually doesn't have much issues. I'd still like to help new mappers out though. Just find me in-game and I'll be happy to provide you some simple feedback and suggestions. I'm really sorry if I didn't mod your map which I promised to do so some time ago, but I'm just Busy And Tired. This world is full of irony, huh ?[/list:o]
[list]I'm old, because I can't improve at playing taiko. My skill level went bottleneck years ago and I hardly had any significant improvements these years. I'm probably obsolete for TWC. I believe many are more appropriate than me to be the participants. I really see their huge potential in TWC4 and LMS. I'm sure they'll shine at TWC5 and onwards. My sincere apologies for my poor performance in LMS. I guess I'd better let the new blood strive for the champion, and I think I can't be active this year. After all, time has told me that's too distant for me.[/list:o]
[list]I'm old, because I'm tired of the conflicts happening here and there. Over the years, especially after being Taiko BAT in 2013, I've seen different people doing different things that are to be honest, very stupid. Some are too inflexible or inexperienced who go unrank maps unreasonably, often backed up with trivial or weak arguments which usually don't make much sense to me. Others just have poor personality who refuse to listen to others and choose to be a dictator, despite knowing the fact that they know they received much discontent from the community. I'm not going to name those people, but I want to say that such situation really, really makes me exhausted.[/list:o]
The good news is that, I'm still writing here because I still have hope on Osu's future.
[list]I enjoy mapping. I really like expressing myself through maps. Mapping remains an excellent way for me to show my love towards the songs, as well as my own interpretation on the songs' feeling. Whenever players provide positive feedback to my map, I gain much motivation to go on delivering more high-quality maps to them. I don't confine myself to taiko diffs. I map standard Osu diffs too and maybe I'll try mania diffs in the future.[/list:o]
[list]I also enjoy playing other game modes. Standard and mania gained much of my interest since they provide new perspectives for me to view a song. Two-dimensional and multi-lined diffs are still relatively new to me. It's fascinating to study how and why some of them are well-mapped, bit by bit through my personal exploration though playing songs that I like.[/list:o]
[list]And most importantly, I enjoy talking to you guys! These 5 years really let me make so many friends here, and I've even seen some of you in real life! Big thanks to HKOSP and Taiwan players who meet me when I went travelling in July 2014! Sharing happiness remains the best part of Osu.[/list:o]
Osu is indeed an amazing adventure to me, but for now I think it is really time for me to step down for some time, at least. It remains as a video game that I cannot devote all of my available time. I have my academic stuffs, as well as many other interests. I know I need some time to readjust myself. It's better not miss my real-life opportunities. I don't want regrets in the future. When opportunity is gone, it is gone.
And finally, thank you for really this so far. I'm really happy that you are willing to spend time reading this messy wall of text
Hello everyone, I'm glad that you click the box and visit my userpage >w<
I'm aabc271, and people usually call me aabc Basically my idea for the username is quite odd aabc271 -> Seems an ordinary username ( abc ) + a to make it unique + random number ( 271 ) It might be odd, but I like this username :3 Well, somehow Gezo explained it in a different way ( Yes, he's baka www )
I'm a taiko player, but I also play CTB & solo these days I'm still so weak at CTB & solo. I'll be happy if you can give me some suggestions on improving ^^
Gameplay style :
Taiko : zxcv ( Default ). Index fingers x 2 ( Left for zx, right for cv ). Right hand only for 1/2 or below for normal BPM. Alternating hands for high BPM
Osu : Mouse + Keyboard. Hit by zx. z for normal BPM and zx alternate for high BPM
My history of osu & taiko ( Currently incomplete. I'll finish this when I have time ) :
2008 Feb - First time playing Taiko on NDS, and Taiko is my 1st music game. 1st song is doraemon ( kantan ) lol
Mar - Start to train Taiko on PSP
Aug - First FC of oni diff taiko ( on PSP )
2009 Jan - Changed from setting 1 to 2 ( on PSP ) because I couldn't proceed. Started from muzu again
Aug 23 - Joined osu. At 1st day of joining I couldn't even import a map properly and so all the maps have no music lol. But somehow I played till Sep. Also played some solo at that time, but I was too weak to play normal diffs www
Sep - Started to AFK because of lack of taiko players & maps. At that time 99% of solo maps are just all d in taiko and they're too fast.
2010 Mar - Came back to osu and found lots of ranked taiko maps. Started to train taiko in osu. ( Basically I dled most ranked taiko diffs and played all of them until 2011 Aug ) Also met Ono in a mp room. He's probably my best non-asian friend :3 ~
Apr 09 - Mapped my 1st taiko diff offline, which is just horrible lol. Wrong timing, 1/6 streams with patterns, unsnapped notes... If you're interested, you can download it here. ( Kept all the fails in the diff. Discover them yourself xD )
May 15 - First #1 in osu. Interesting thing is that the #1 is still here after ~ 2.5 years lol ( Cool Joke - UNDO, screenshot here )
May 24 - Modded taiko diff for 1st time. At that time my mod is too colourful lol. Mod post here.
Aug - Invited by Wmf to join HKOSP, and I realized that there were quite a lot of HK players :3
Oct 02 - Attended HKOSP meeting for the 1st time and met a lot of HK players. We played osu for hours in a room lol
Nov - Started to train alternating hands in taiko. It took me ~ 1 year to proceed to harder oni level ;w;
2011 (WIP. Will finish when I have time)
Apr 16 ~ May 8 - Joined TWC 1. My teammates were Kana, Kpy & Xebi. It's a pity that we could only proceed to round 2 as we lost against team Japan ;w;
Sep 20 - Joined CAT ( taiko section ), which means I'll be one of the members participating the map-selection process ! Up till today I'm still part of it :3
2012 (WIP. Will finish when I have time)
Mar ~ Apr - TWC 2
2013 (WIP. Will finish when I have time)
Feb ~ Mar - TWC 3
Players that influenced me a lot in osu : Youngdow, Kanopu, Kim, danny, ono, hln, xebi, KDS, nega, asuke, asgardv, xay, and many more ( Will add details later )
Taiko modding / mapping
I'm a Taiko modder and mapper. I can help you mod a Taiko diff or map one for you ~
If you want me to mod / map a Taiko diff, feel free to forum PM me or go here ~ You may also in-game PM me, but I may forget those often lol
Taiko modding
Basically I accept all kinds of Taiko mod requests ~ However, my modding could be slow when I'm busy / lazy ~
My modding usually includes the following : [list]Timing check ( You may ask me for a detailed Timing check for any maps )SB check ( Only visual check. Not the file dimensions, file size or sth )Taiko difficulty settings ( Give suggestions such as OD -1, HP -1 )Taiko diff spread ( Note density, combo-breakers, difference between easy & hard parts etc )Taiko patterns suggestions ( Graphic modding, eg ooo O )Suggestions of improving the diff[/list:o]
Taiko mapping
For Taiko map requests, I'll accept if I like the song ~ Same for my modding, my mapping could be slow when I'm busy / lazy ~
I usually prefer the following song genres : [list]Gal songs ( Songs from Japanese gal games )Soft, relaxing songsTrance, Nightcore, TechnoJapanese Anime, but not those old onesInstrumental, Classical[/list:o]
Screenshot ~ ( Last update : 2014/09/20 )
Well, I've got an idea to keep fun screenshots here lol