
AU - Infinite of Nuclear Fusion [Osu|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Samstag, 19. Oktober 2013 at 19:44:12

Artist: AU
Title: Infinite of Nuclear Fusion
Source: Touhou
Tags: utsuho reiuji okuu IoNF unyuu Saten Saten-san Regou techno
BPM: 200
Filesize: 13909kb
Play Time: 02:57
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,24 stars, 157 notes)
  2. Futsuu (4,32 stars, 421 notes)
  3. Hard (4,93 stars, 367 notes)
  4. Inner Oni (5 stars, 1083 notes)
  5. Kantan (2,07 stars, 272 notes)
  6. Lunatic (5 stars, 634 notes)
  7. Muzukashii (4,8 stars, 663 notes)
  8. Normal (4,36 stars, 225 notes)
  9. Oni (4,94 stars, 946 notes)
  10. Regou's Extra (5 stars, 676 notes)
Download: AU - Infinite of Nuclear Fusion
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
A hybrid set. Taiko mapped by me while osu by Saten and Regou. Let's have some Nuclear Fusion clicking action!
Kantan ------ Easy by Saten
Futsuu ------ Normal by Saten
Muzukashii - Hard by Saten
Oni ---------- Insane by Saten
Inner Oni --- Extra by Regou

AU's website:
Aww, another Nuclear Fusion <3 Lovin' the Onis :D
Just some of my spontaneous humble suggestions :>

Green - spacing suggestions
Violet - personal taste
Blue - hitsounds/Taiko

  1. 'caution' as tag is not required, imho.
01:50:051 (1,2,3) & following - Keep distance spacing at 0,8x
01:53:651 (2,3) - distance snap (0,8x)?
02:36:251 (1) - I dislike, when hitcircles are out of the grid.
02:44:651 (3,4) - distance snap (0,5x)?

baba's Insane
You frequently change your distance spacing, uh? :D
I wouldn't change the distance spacing within a combo, so the jumps get more predictable.
I'll just point out some parts where it doesn't fit imho. You should overview the whole thing, anyways.

00:02:351 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - strange spacing? D:
01:07:151 (2,3) - ^
01:19:601 (4,5) - ^
01:26:351 (2,3,4) - ^
01:27:551 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:33:851 (3,4,5,6) - ^
02:17:051 (5,6) - ^
02:37:451 (1,2,3) - ^
02:46:151 (2,3) - ^
02:49:001 (4,5) - ^

Taiko Muzukashii
00:04:451 (10) - big don?
00:09:251 (29) - ^
00:36:401 (8) - kat?
00:56:501 (2) - big don?
01:01:301 (2) - ^
02:25:451 (4,5) - kat kat?
02:57:251 (3) - kat?

Just tell me, when the Hard is done. I'll try to 'mod' it. Lol. Excellent mappack anyways. But since it's neither finished yet nor the star system is working right now, I'll star it later, duh.
Part was corrected.
I think space to be unquestionable because of its judgment because it is Insane.
Topic Starter
Thank you Loctav!
I have changed some things in Normal and baba changed some things in Insane too~
But I couldn't agree with the Muzukashii Mod. Most reasons are that using kat in some parts would make it too hard or big dons have a system in this map.

Anyway, hard and maybe the SB is coming soon!
Just suggestions~

- General

Source: touhou -> Touhou
Disable countdown in all diffs because it's not used.
Normal, Insane, Taiko Muzukashii and Oni don't have a preview time.
The spinner is love. ♥

- Normal

00:36:251 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Finde ich so recht unintuitiv und passt auch nicht wirklich zum Rhythmus, probier es mal mit dem Rhythmus. D:
01:06:551 (5)- Neue Combo?

Ich finde, das ist eher Easy als Normal, aber okay, gefällt mir :>

- baba's Insane

Add a second Kiai like in Normal? (02:39:851 to 02:59:051)

00:44:876 (8,9) - Align with (5,6,7)?
01:24:251 (3,4) - Make the jump a bit smaller?

Can't mod taiko, meh.

Ich würde ja gerne einen Stern hinterlassen, aber was nicht geht, geht nicht - von daher wünsche ich dir so viel Glück und gebe dir mental ein Sternchen >w<
Da hast du xD
I like really your maps :D
Good luck! :)
Kudosu star~ :3
Topic Starter
Danke für deinen Mod Linco! Es war zwar nicht viel, jedoch trotzdem sehr hilfreich!
Ich konnte erst jetzt einen KD geben da baba auch deinen MOD angenommen hatte.^^

Wow... Saten-san, Chris-chan and Linco, thank you really much for your stars!
Edit: Chris-chan what did you done lolololol you really much @___@"
Seems like kd stars are worth 1 now, but mine was still worth 2 :3

Thanks to you, I've become an okuu fan~

Edit: Editing to avoid double-posting :3

Offset: 2041 (-10ms)
Remove letterbox or this might happen Add a preview point of course~ maybe you already knew that

baba's Insane
00:39:251 (1) - whistle?
01:34:451 (1,2,3) - make them go left, right,left instead of left, left, right
02:39:851 (1) - finish at the beginning
02:49:451 (1) - ^
02:51:851 (1) - ^
02:54:251 (1) - ^
02:55:451 (1) - finish
02:56:651 (1) - ^
02:57:251 (5) - finish at the beginning

Wow, the best [Hard] ever!!!!!!!!
btw, can I make one? ><
AR -1?
01:05:651 (1) - Remove new combo
01:06:851 (3) - Add new combo
01:21:251 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - imo it feels like the spacing should be higher due to the repeat slider
01:35:651 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^
01:59:651 (1) - could you make the spinner end with a soft finish?
02:49:451 (3) - finish at the beginning
02:51:851 (3) - ^
I KILL YOU ONO =.=                                                                           
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Thank you really much for your mod! I changed some things. Waiting now for baba~ ^^
01:21:251 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - imo it feels like the spacing should be higher due to the repeat slider
^ I will think about this.
Oh god... this picture! Go ahead and make a Hard please. I have uploaded allready your diff. name(I hope it's the right one)~ ^^

@Zlew: Tokamaku is yours~

Please redownload the map if you have not the latest update!
New Storyboard scripting, sounds, SB-Elements + added Saten-san's name for the diff.

 ☢Caution!!☢ ☢Caution!!☢ ☢Caution!!☢ ☢Caution!!☢ ☢Caution!!☢ ☢Caution!!☢

Download: AU - Infinite of Nuclear Fusion (OnosakiHito) [Saten's Hard].osu
Topic Starter
Thank you really much Saten-San!!! x3
It's fantastic!

The mapset is finished! I will now just try to get, how to use the taiko-slide bar. After I got it, it's going into pending.
well well goooooooooooooood map .oni
and two note i think
1:11:561 this note is finish(X) i think it would be clap (x)
and the last is finish(O) ...i think it would be (o)....
Topic Starter

yuan0312 wrote:

well well goooooooooooooood map .oni
and two note i think
1:11:561 this note is finish(X) i think it would be clap (x)
and the last is finish(O) ...i think it would be (o)....
I can't change this because I remapped this map from youtube(as you can see in the description). Only the 1/8 has been changed to 1/6.
00:10:451 (3,4,5) - Like this?

Only some minor changes will have to be made after, just move the next combo so that the combo after that is still in distance snap.

Hmm, some things I'd like to point out, but it's a normal, not an easy.

01:05:651 (4) - This slider's hitburst covers (2) of next combo. Must be fixed (I think).

Oh kiai spacing change ohoho. They become a whole tick apart, but I guess it's still normal.

02:31:451 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Try this, just remove those notes and place this in.

02:41:051 (3) - Last tick one down, strange suggestion, I know, but lol.
That kiai section wasn't nearly as hard as the first one...

But good diff.
[Saten's Hard]
00:08:051 (3) - Remove clap?
00:34:901 (6) - Whistle?

00:35:651 (1R) - Remove whistle
- 00:35:651 (1END) - Add whistle.
00:36:101 (2) - Remove whistle
00:36:251 (3HEAD) - Add whistle
00:38:051 (1END) - Remove whistle
00:38:351 (2HEAD) - Add whistle

Just for consistency, and it sounds better.

00:58:001 (3) - Don't let the end touch (4)'s head ;w;
Good diff! Moe Saten!
[baba's Insane]
Oh my, this is one of my least favorite mapping styles...

Mainly because it's so cluttered and ugly.
Really, the hitbursts are covering MANY circles most of the time, and the sliders too like, three clicks.

I'm sure it play well if you're pro, but yeah, I just don't like the style.
It's very hard to mod too, but it plays well, and it seems that's what you're aiming for, so it seems fine.
Oh and more nuclear hitsounds lol

[Taiko Muzukashii]
00:49:901 (1) - Remove?
01:28:301 (6) - Remove?

I dunno, all I can suggest lol.
[Taiko Oni]
01:11:651 (1) - lol? Illegal megakatu
01:33:251 (1) - ^ also is illegal
02:20:651 (1) - VERY overlapped
02:39:851 (19) - another illegal megadon
02:59:051 (3) - and the last one

Other than illegal stuff, it was good. Some parts felt empty though...

00:37:001 - katu?
00:37:451 - don?
00:37:826 and 00:37:901 - can either be empty for a small break, or dk.

But yeah, nice diff..
[Roko-Don's Taiko]
This is all your style so I'll poke random things and you ignore them

00:04:226 (2) - Deleting this looks nice.
00:06:626 (2) - Same with this

Nevermind. Anyways, good mapset Ono :3
Oh and the SB is awesome.

OzzyOzrock wrote:

[Saten's Hard]
00:34:901 (6) - Whistle?

00:58:001 (3) - Don't let the end touch (4)'s head ;w;
Good diff! Moe Saten!
Did these~

Download: AU - Infinite of Nuclear Fusion (OnosakiHito) [Saten's Hard].osu
Hi Ono :) I am so free so I want to mod it :D (Sorry for bad English)

Nothing :D

00:37:601 (4,5) - Too hard for this diff~
00:40:451 (X) - I love the custom hitsound at 00:11:651 (1) to 00:30:851 (4) Why not add custom hitsound here?
01:23:651 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Just suggestion~Distance changing is hard for this diff.However,it's okay if you like...
01:36:851 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:51:851 (4) - This hitsound is also interesting :D
02:31:451 (1) - Ugly

That's all of [Normal]

[Saten's Hard]
00:34:901 (6) - Add whistle at the begin of the slider.
00:35:651 (1) - Delete the 00:35:801 (1) Whistle Add whistle at 00:35:951 (1)
02:40:451 (X) - Add a object
02:54:851 (3) - ^
That's all for this diff 0.0~

[baba's Insane]
00:15:541 (2) - The begin :Clap

That's all my modding><Hope I could help you Ono~ ;)
I really like the song, but again, I can't do taiko. I did however have a lot of fun playing Saten's map. baba's insane just pissed me off, specifically because the approach rate is at 9. Anything past 8 seems unreasonable when I play. I played through it on 8 and it was pretty fun but still hectic, which is good. Something to consider?

nold_1702 wrote:

[Saten's Hard]
00:34:901 (6) - Add whistle at the begin of the slider. there's already a whistle here o.o
00:35:651 (1) - Delete the 00:35:801 (1) Whistle Add whistle at 00:35:951 (1) sounds weird imo o.o
02:40:451 (X) - Add a object done
02:54:851 (3) - ^ done
That's all for this diff 0.0~
Download: AU - Infinite of Nuclear Fusion (OnosakiHito) [Saten's Hard].osu
I felt like rechecking. Why do I mod when it's so late? I should do this during daytime.

The spacing got better, indeed.
02:32:951 (2) - I would avoid hiding hitcircles below slider ends.
02:35:351 (2) - ^
02:56:351 (3) - ^

[Saten's Hard]
Jättebra, like it more than the Insane, lol D: Far more better spaced than the Insane.

00:04:151 (5) - the track runs below my lifebar D: eww
00:46:601 (6) - ^
00:47:651 (1) - imo this looks odd.

[baba's Insane]
This map is still strange, somehow. The spacing seems kinda random. Eggpain, duh.
(e.g.: 01:08:791 (5,6) - is spaced like this, 01:19:591 (4,5) - like this. Wth, inconsistent.)

Approach rate -2? o__O

00:24:241 (3,4,5,1) - flow-killing imo
00:24:691 (5) - new combo
00:24:841 (1) - remove combo
00:38:041 (1,2,3,4) - spacing D:
00:42:841 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
00:54:091 (2) - shape it like (1)?
01:14:041 (1) - remove combo
01:15:241 (1) - remove combo
01:24:391 (4,5) - do a double hit on (4) instead of the (5) as slider?
01:34:291 (6) - remove?
01:51:541 (2) - strange shape.
02:36:251 (1,2,3,4) - this looks overmapped for me.

[Taiko difficulties]
Everything has been said before, uh. Rokodo's drives me insane, but I can pass it, lol.

Excellent storyboard ;w; <3

Empty .osb is empty. You could remove it.

Why you add multiple sprite entries for the same use? (like 'w_2' in 7151 and 52751 and 131351 and 21992) Just wondering.
'l_2' decelerates oddly (71951ms), but maybe it's just me D:
'l_2' still moves inconsistent D: Need another opinion (83651)
The sounds at 147701 are distracting somehow. Same goes for 157451
Topic Starter
@nold: Thank you for your mod! :)
@Wolfn: Oh, hey hey! Thank you for star! :) - I will tell it baba one more time.
@Loctav: Thank you for your mod! :)

Normal, SB, and Insanes AR are still not changed. We will do that soon.


☆~We Reached the Pending Status~☆

Loctav wrote:

[Saten's Hard]
Jättebra, like it more than the Insane, lol D: Far more better spaced than the Insane.

00:04:151 (5) - the track runs below my lifebar D: eww lol
00:46:601 (6) - ^
00:47:651 (1) - imo this looks odd.
fixed them~

Download: AU - Infinite of Nuclear Fusion (OnosakiHito) [Saten's Hard].osu
Topic Starter
Updated Insane and Hard.
Thank you Saten-san and baba1994!
Du solltest mal anfangen nach einem MAT oder BAT zu schauen.
Die Map sieht doch schon ganz gut aus oder nicht? Kanns kaum ertwaten sie ranked zu sehen.
I don't remember giving any specific permission to use my spinner skin in this map.
I don't see any credit whatsoever being given for it.
I don't remember you asking for permission to use it in more than just one map.

Either give proper credit or delete it from the map. I don't have anything against people wanting to use my skin elements, but credit should be given where credit is due.

Also, why do you have two copies of the exact same picture (4Jvj.jpg and BG.jpg) ? Delete one of them as it isn't serving any other purpose than to take up space/bandwidth. If one of them is used in the storyboard, just correct the filename in your .osb.

Edit: I just noticed the difference between the two images. Delete one of them anyway, kthx.
Topic Starter

Rena-chan wrote:

I don't remember giving any specific permission to use my spinner skin in this map.
I don't see any credit whatsoever being given for it.
I don't remember you asking for permission to use it in more than just one map.

Either give proper credit or delete it from the map. I don't have anything against people wanting to use my skin elements, but credit should be given where credit is due.
Yeah, you are totally right. And I'm really sorry for my selfish acting...
It was also a fatal misstake from me to put you not into the credits.
Next time I will not forget to ask you again. Credits will be from now on also everytime included, if you allow me to use one of your skins.
I apologize my self for this!

Rena-chan wrote:

Also, why do you have two copies of the exact same picture (4Jvj.jpg and BG.jpg) ? Delete one of them as it isn't serving any other purpose than to take up space/bandwidth. If one of them is used in the storyboard, just correct the filename in your .osb.
Oh, some one removed the shadow before but I didn't have want to use it. So I forgot to delete it somehow. Thank you, Rena-chan.

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@Chocopikel: それは本当にすごいです!
Baba's Insane was pretty fun actually.
I'm not gonna mod this into detail yet, I feel it could use more "standard" mods for now, but I'm gonna give some small stuff you could consider.

First of all, Roko's taiko diff uses 0,5 tickrate. You should fix that as it's unrankable now.

[baba's Insane]:
  1. A few stuff bugged me in the baba's insane though.
    This is a suggestion only, but I think you should raise OD to 7. 200bpm and OD6 don't go well together, because anyone who is able to play that bpm on AR9 will most likely have 99+ if not 100% accuracy. OD7 isn't much harder, but it still creates more variation on the scoreboard, something to consider.
  2. The kiai time goes over a break. You shouldn't have a need to use kiai time on breaks.
  3. 00:11:341 (4) - This note is very bad. Occasional notes over nothing to preserve playability are okay I guess (even though I am against mapping emptiness) but this note makes zero sense, it would be best to remove it. In the music, there is a slight buildup which could be expressed by a slider sliding into the music (next big white tick). I don't feel that would play good, so I suggest you just leave nothing here.
  4. 00:28:441 (1,2,3) - You should be careful how you position your notes. For example, you could place these almost anywhere, but you chose them to put behind the hitbursts from previous notes. If this was your intention, okay, but I suggest that you move them somewhere they are seen better.
  5. 00:30:841 - This section was kinda awkward because there is a very bassy undertone in the music and all you have are soft default hitsounds. You could try to immitate that sound with a hitsound somehow.
  6. 01:21:241 - In this section, the overuse of finishes felt kinda bad, you should remove most of them.
  7. 02:39:841 - This section was kinda too loud, needs volume change. Although I'd say it's pretty epic for maybe another kiai?
I only took a glance over Saten's Hard and it looked okay, except that it had cramped distance snap, so everything was "touching". Oh well.

And about the normal, well I also only took a glance, but in general, I think you you should use AR4 and reduce HPdrain and OD to 3. It was pretty straightforward though, maybe you could have mapped some red ticks where they fit for variety, up to you.

That's about it I guess, this wasn't a really in-depth mod though, I bet you could use some standard mods for this map further, before it's ready.
Topic Starter
I changed some things in Normal and informed Rokodo and baba1994 about your mod.
I will give you the kd after baba1994s post. Thank you for now~!

Sure, I will search for more mods. :)
:) 頑張れオノくん~!I'm here for star~
Topic Starter

eikkaleyd wrote:

:) 頑張れオノくん~!I'm here for star~
Here is My m4m

Normal ~~~ IMO

00:03:851 (3) - Add soft whistle at the end of the slider
00:08:651 (1) - Add soft whistle at the end of the slider
00:48:851 (1) - Add finish
00:43:451 (1) - 3 grids down
I think Thats All :O

Saten's Hard ~~~ IMO

01:39:401 (1) - Add finish
00:48:851 (5) - Change whistle for finish
01:52:451 (1) - Add soft whistle at the begin of the slider
01:54:851 (1) - Add soft whistle at the begin of the slider
01:57:251 (1) - Add soft whistle at the begin of the slider
02:38:651 (1) - Add finish

baba's Insane
~~~ IMO

01:26:041 (1) - Add finish at the begin of the slider
01:27:241 (1) - Add finish at the begin of the slider
01:33:241 (1) - Add clap at the begin of the slider
01:35:641 (1) - Add finish at the begin of the slider
01:36:841 (1) - Add finish at the begin of the slider
02:18:251 (1) - Add finish

Thats it i didin't find any error about Spacing Hope it is helpful

Good Luck C:
Topic Starter
I change some point in the Normal.
Stiill waiting for Saten-San and baba.
Thank you TeAmo!

@lolcubes: Pfiiiii... dao sam ti kudosu za sat, posto je baba nekakvo nestao. Videcu sta da radim ako se nejavi. Trebam mozda da skidam njegovu difu. Ili mozda cu ja da nastavim.

[Te][Amo] wrote:

Saten's Hard ~~~ IMO

01:39:401 (1) - Add finish
00:48:851 (5) - Change whistle for finish

Download: AU - Infinite of Nuclear Fusion (OnosakiHito) [Saten's Hard].osu
Topic Starter
Diff. updated, thank you Saten-san~


01:26:051 (1) - Finish?
01:28:451 (1) - ^
01:29:051 (2) - ^
01:30:851 (1) - ^ (Startpoint; Middlepoint)
01:50:051 (1) - ^
01:59:051 (3) - One grid left

[Saten's Hard]

01:22:451 (1) - Finish?

[baba's insane]

It's good diff, I didn't found anything serious.


Map is really well done, and so enjoyable. Last thing I need to wrote here, is "Good luck" - Map is GREAT!

Acrith wrote:

[Saten's Hard]

01:22:451 (1) - Finish?
added the finish somewhere else, + did some other hitsound changes~♪

Download: AU - Infinite of Nuclear Fusion (OnosakiHito) [Saten's Hard].osu
Topic Starter
Thank you really much for your mod Acrith!
Saten-sans diff has been updated~
I will update mine soon.
Can you remove the "[Osu|Taiko]"?, looks weird
Topic Starter
@^: Removed it.

- I took the mod's now from lolcube and [Te][Amo] for baba's Insane, because he didn't answered severel times to the PM's.
- Added Taiko Inner Oni, this or Roko-Don's Taiko will get an external link later because of the 6map limit rule.

OnosakiHito wrote:

_Gezo_ for showing me the song![/b][/size]
Just saying :
(incoming lotsastuff)

IzzySM for providing the pack made by Gpop119 containing the cut version of this song, stepped by (dunno who) and played in a video uploaded by _Gezo_ who showed the song.

/me runs

Also Gezo => Germanium => Germany => OnosakiHito

/me runs²
Topic Starter
Thank you for stars Luka!
Anyway, still waiting for more mods. But seams like some of the people I asked forgot it or so. hmpf
Searching for more/new mods.
Modding Time!


- 00:20:351 - 00:20:951 What's about a litle stream here?
- Put (4,5) from 00:37:601 - 00:37:676 to 00:37:451 - 00:37:526.
- 01:06:701 Add a circle.
- 02:08:651 - 02:09:251 (1,2) Spacing simmilar to (1,2) before.

- You should use more hitsounds, because I love them :) If not, it's a wasting of Art!
- 02:06:262 - 02:20:651 I think it's too empty here~
- It would be nice if you use less Spinner's.


- 01:29:651 (2) Take down the slider velocity just for this slider and remove the reversal one.
- 01:36:851 (1) Remove new combo~
- 02:15:851 - 02:17:651 (1,2) Make them parallel.

- Hitsounds are too loud...


- 00:22:441 - 00:23:491 (6,7,8,9) Overlapping~
- 02:05:941 - 02:06:241 (3,4,1) Spacing~
- 02:16:441 - 02:17:241 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) Spacing~

- They are such nice hitsounds from the other diffs, why you didn't put them in?

Hope it was helpful!

Topic Starter

Saten-san wrote:

All applied~ thanks
I will think about the generel things~ :3

Thank you Vortex!

Some infos:
- Going to make some combobursts soon, since I noticed because of videos that I forgot them. orz
- Taiko Inner Oni will be deleted soon and will be uploaded in the Taiko download again. So don't worry.~

By the way, videos:
Hello Ono.Long time no see.

Sadly,I hv to tell you a Rank map only accept 6diffs...

(Ignore me if yours is going to be an App map.)

Sorry that I don't hv enough kd to star this cool map.
Topic Starter
Oh yeah, I know.
At the moment there are 7 diff's because I don't know which Taiko diff. I should delete.
Anyway, thank you.^^
Modded your map :3

[*] Fix Audio-Lead-In to 500ms via Notepad.

[*] 00:06:251 (2) - Second Sliderpoint to x:228/y:368 so that (3) fits in that curve perfectly.
[*] 00:20:951 (5) - Move that note x:132/y:176
[*] 00:55:451 (3) - Sliderstart to x:320/y:220 :3
[*] 01:05:651 (4) - Sliderstart to x:352/y:14
[*] 01:30:851 (1) - Could look a bit rounder, try this:
[*]01:51:851 (4) - Sliderend to x:368/y:264

Saten's Hard:
[*] 00:39:251 (3) - Could use a bit moar roundness :3
00:39:251 (3) - 

baba's Insane:
[*] 00:48:541 (5) - Was is das denn für ne Wurst ^^" That Slider looks weird, straighten it a bit more dont worry about spacing though.
[*] 02:06:241 (1) - One grid down to fix spacing lol

Gj and good luck~
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i can only mod standard

Since your map has a (very nice) skin, you need to force sliderborders for it. Since you =also= don't have custom combo colors, you'll need to force custom combo colors as well!
brb stealing image from kenezz' puush

of course, your combocolors will be the same as the default ones.

Do you ever use AlbumArtSmall.jpg? ever?
I'll assume you got permission from original skin makers if applicable.

00:20:651 (3,4,5) - some people might complain about 200bpm 1/2 in a normal but i don't see any problem no sir
01:06:551 (5,6,1) - ^


a lot of the sliders look awkward, but no gameplay issues.
00:09:241 (1) - remove the whistle from this slider and place a whistle hitsound on each the end and the start - selecting the slider as a whole will add "soft-whistleslide" to it, which in this case is very audible and unsuited.
00:23:041 (8) - i worry about the visibility of the slider in play.
02:11:041 (1,3) - see :09:241
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