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Hello! Are there any tips for defeating deathstreams and circles that are really close to each other (coming in fast)? What I usually do is alternate click with mouse (left then right). I get mostly 100's and 50's and some 300's and a lot of misses. D:


Yay Cyclone. Thanks to whoever replies!
Try using Z and X on the keyboard. It helps for those sorts of things. ;)
depends on the bpm
obviously the higher bpm the faster you press z/x

try playing around with it first.
Yay me. ^_^

Anyways, i've seen this question asked a LOT. Would it help if i made a video showing the different styles of play available for doing deathstreams, listing pros and cons and such?
Topic Starter
Yes it would really help! As I'm having problems with Z and X D:!

Thank You! :) :) :)
These "deathstreams" typically come pretty easily to me. Maybe it's from my musical experience. I dunno. In any case, Z and X work better for me for any type of play. I don't usually count the rings or anything, just do it according to the music. Maybe it's also partly because I listen to the song first (If I don't know it) before playing it.

Nexy wrote:

Yes it would really help! As I'm having problems with Z and X D:!

Thank You! :) :) :)
If you're having problems with Z and X specifically you can always assign new keys. ;x Of course, I don't know if people like that or not...

It's really easy if you can understand the beat and while Z/Xing you maintain a firm grip with the mouse so you can control where that cursor goes. I suppose...

I'll be interested to see what happens here, since this may help me.
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Z and X aren't really the issue or assigning new keys. I'm just not good multitasking through the mouse and keyboard. I can only do 1 at a time and I really suck playing with only keyboard. Thanks Sousei :)!
Start tiny, like don't go with "far" 16th spacing circles there and move out. Or enjoy with those circles that stack on each other, it's a good way to practice on the Z/X method without moving too too much. :3
I use Alt(first finger) and `(third finger) when I play the deathstream beatmaps.
I just want to say "z/x" since thats the default button for it, making it a "common term" for all.
And imo zx is easier than mouse+click.

dont use zx
lol what do you use? tap and pen click hahahahahah
i know you use zx lol

yeah i use xz but mostly mouse the faster streams because my xz hand gets tired from that q.QQQQqqqqqq
like 140 + lols

Thanks Sousei :)!
ty sousei
Instead of making a topic for this, would 218 BPM 1/4th note stacks be a little tooo much?
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After practicing for hours, I seem to miss even more with the keyboard ;o. I guess because I'm so use to "feeling the impact" on the circles when I click. If that made any sense... but I'll keep trying I guess, unless there are any more suggestions.
while (!Player.isDead())

I dislike the travel time on the Z/X keys, so I just use the two mouse buttons. For sheer fast stacks like on Marisa, you could try doing both Z/X and the mouse buttons at the same time if you can't click fast enough.
if you casn do it on keyboard, just stick with mouse clicking.
it would be hard to force yourself to do something that is awkward at first like switching from mouse click to keyboard.

ask Ivalset or something for alt clicking stuffs since hes the only guy i knew who is very good at alternate clicking.
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You also wear your hand out alternate clicking because generally you're pressing down harder trying to keep your mouse from moving.
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I can alternate click pretty easily if the stack has only up to 5-6 and get all 300s. After that, it becomes a bit hard. As Ivalset mentioned, I do have a problem with moving the mouse and clicking if the circles are coming in really fast. I did try mouse + keyboard, yet I just can't get the feel for it. Guess I'll stick with alternate clicking and hope to get better ;o!

@lukewarmholiday: My hands haven't been worn out yet :)!
speaking of left click + keyboard button, i tend to do that also since it feels that i can press buttons faster when doing that.
like those stacks at the beginning of kanbu. i tend to press those really slow when using zx.
Oh yeah, I also forgot, make sure you're not overshooting. Sometimes the rhythm isn't as fast as you think.

James wrote:

speaking of left click + keyboard button, i tend to do that also since it feels that i can press buttons faster when doing that.
like those stacks at the beginning of kanbu. i tend to press those really slow when using zx.
I use this with deathstacks and deathstreams too (most stacks though). Except I use C and a tablet tap. :P Steams are tougher for that though. Depending how fast stacks or streams are determines whether I use C/V or C/tap. I almost never use C/tap for anything less than 5 beats, and never for triplets (except Kanbu....).
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I can finally say with certainty, I'll never get use to this D:<!
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I have always used Z/X since i found out about it, and think it's much easier. But that's probably from playing lots of Guitar Hero, I think trills (quick alternating between two notes) are also the reason why I use my middle finger as 'primary' finger.
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i used to play with the mouse. then i switched over to z/x. i couldn't even hold them down for spinners. it took some time to get used to z x but yea it's worth it imo because some streams feels like they are impossible with mouse ^^

Gabi wrote:

i used to play with the mouse. then i switched over to z/x. i couldn't even hold them down for spinners. it took some time to get used to z x but yea it's worth it imo because some streams feels like they are impossible with mouse ^^
Same here.

Switching to the keyboard has been great. My only issue now is jumps (especially those jumps which go left-right-left-right quickly, and up or down, or at whatever angle... yanno) on the keyboard, which I was much better at with the mouse.

I do hold my mouse button down while spinning, though, mostly to keep my mouse gripped better. (I'm a wild spinner.)

An64fan wrote:

James wrote:

speaking of left click + keyboard button, i tend to do that also since it feels that i can press buttons faster when doing that.
like those stacks at the beginning of kanbu. i tend to press those really slow when using zx.
I use this with deathstacks and deathstreams too (most stacks though). Except I use C and a tablet tap. :P Steams are tougher for that though. Depending how fast stacks or streams are determines whether I use C/V or C/tap. I almost never use C/tap for anything less than 5 beats, and never for triplets (except Kanbu....).
This is what I do. I alternate tablet taps with z or x. If I actually had a mouse for my laptop, I would probably alternate z and x, though :)
you could use zx for streams and for normal circle is mouse.
Try doing this map

you have to use mouse but you can use the keyboard for practice , its not that hard,try it

Sousei wrote:

it's 囧rz XD

i use zx to tap steams,and i will adjust my taping speed while playing ;)
i also use 2 keyboard buttons and in a long stream i watch my mouse carefully - i often move faster than the steam and make a miss ><
Am I alone in the thought that deathstreams are exceedingly cheap and a really poor mapping utility?

Maybe it's because I still suck at the osu, but I can just not find anything appealing about mashing the surface of my mouse like an idiot just to get to bits of a song that are actually worth the effort..
^As said in previous posts. Use Z/X for streams if you are having a hard time.
Easier said than done, especially since I only discovered z/x yesterday..

But even then you're still playing tap-fu, just with the keyboard instead of the mouse which is only slightly easier.
Of course it will be hard if you're just starting out. Practice makes perfect ;o!
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I ALWAYS use Z/X no matter the situation.

My trick for long streams is tapping my foot to the tempo of the song at the same time as hitting Z/X. Usually the way it works is, There should be 4 Hit circles between each time you tap your foot to the tempo.

So it goes like this:

FT = Foot Tap
# = hit circles
Z/X = Keys Z and X

-1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
-Z - X - Z - X - Z - X - Z - X - Z - X - Z - X - Z - X - Z - X - Z - X - Z - X - Z - X - Z - X - Z - X - Z - X - Z - X - Z - X

I'm not sure if this illustration makes any sense to anyone but for some reason I can get through most streams this way.

If you have trouble tapping with your foot, try counting 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 to the tempo in your head repeatedly during the stream in question and alternate click 4 times on Z/X between each number you count.

That's my trick to beating those damn streams.
lol nice technique i try it XD

Ivalset wrote:

Oh yeah, I also forgot, make sure you're not overshooting. Sometimes the rhythm isn't as fast as you think.
QFT. very important to keep in mind. being able to control the speed of clicking/pushing your keys is the way to 300 a whole stack.

Hanyuu wrote:

i also use 2 keyboard buttons and in a long stream i watch my mouse carefully - i often move faster than the steam and make a miss ><
How about using the X button and the mouse X) ?

Kennjin wrote:

How about using the X button and the mouse X) ?
its probably possible after some practice, but z+x or left + right mouse muttons would seem much easier to get used to

i know some people do play like that though
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I use left and right clicks only, and I turn out fine for streams. :)
Same here, but still perfer jumps
how do you get faster? 160 BPM looks like the limit for me.. to 300 all

Hanyuu wrote:

how do you get faster? 160 BPM looks like the limit for me.. to 300 all
Practice. A LOT.

I know it sounds like something obvious, but it works.

Play 200~215 BPM with one key. Play 165~175 BPM with two keys. Dare to take on 175+ BPM with two keys.

A small list of training maps:

When you get tired, stop playing for a while. You don't want to damage yourself for good!

Also, if you get tense, try relaxing during a break. Stay relaxed as long as you can while still playing effectively.

Tapdancingmetroid wrote:

Try using Z and X on the keyboard. It helps for those sorts of things. ;)
You can use z and x as well!? o_o

Thanks, I was also having difficulty with these things and wasn't really getting better at the game.
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