<deadbeat>: a kirby mix imo doesn't make any sense...i have no idea how you come up with the craziness..however its by far the most unique mapping style as it tests all players at all osu skills and are also very fun at the same time
<NachoPiggy>: it's a mix of old school NINTENDO HARD and modern map design as in literal sense of not just being a map for a rhythm game but as if a final level for an shooter or platformer game :V
Welcome to my userpage! I decided to use this to host a database for KIRBY Mixes. Read on to learn more!
Last update: 9/17/2017 4:11pm (GMT -8) (thanks Nitroz)
KIRBY Mixes are usually guest difficulties that provide an extra challenge to players striving for it. Its main goal is to develop gameplay skills to new heights while possibly setting a new bar of difficulty. Most of these mixes are not for the faint of heart, to put figuratively. If you're looking for maps that aren't overmapped or of Hitoshirenu Shourai status of difficulty, then you should probably parouse the other legion of osu! maps more tailored to the average player.
Here on this userpage are all the difficulties I mapped that I deemed high enough as a KIRBY Mix. They're arranged in Tiers based on difficulty. Please note that this is what I consider as the difficulty. Your mileage may vary.
Enjoy! There's bonuses after this song list too, so stick around!
===== Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Concerns? Just give me an in-game or forum PM!
===== What is a Hirasawa Stream? Usually at the end of each KIRBY Mix, this is a deathstream that represents the hardest point of the song. Try and catch their neat designs! An example of a Hirasawa Stream would be the "V" in Yume no Shima Shinen Kouen, or the "House" in Big Brother.