
syatten remixed celas - Bird Sprite -Awakening of Light-

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 6 июля 2012 г. at 1:08:15

Artist: syatten remixed celas
Title: Bird Sprite -Awakening of Light-
Source: BMS
Tags: BOF2011 Creation Records reku IceBeam lepidopodus lepidon
BPM: 182
Filesize: 3299kb
Play Time: 01:58
Difficulties Available:
  1. Another (5 stars, 437 notes)
  2. Beginner (1,57 stars, 104 notes)
  3. Hyper (4,95 stars, 372 notes)
  4. lepidon! - Taiko Oni (4,94 stars, 966 notes)
  5. Normal (4,05 stars, 170 notes)
Download: syatten remixed celas - Bird Sprite -Awakening of Light-
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

[Hyper] by IceBeam
[Taiko] by lepidopodus
Taiko number 3?
Taiko map finished.

1 sec of lead-in isn't sufficient for this Taiko map, I guess, so I made it longer.

Download: syatten remixed celas - Bird Sprite -Awakening of Light- (Reiji-RJ) [lepidon! - Taiko Oni].osu
Topic Starter

lepidopodus wrote:

Taiko map finished.

1 sec of lead-in isn't sufficient for this Taiko map, I guess, so I made it longer.
Uwww, as always, awesome Taiko, lepi >\\\<
Thank you very much!
Also, changed lead-in to 2 in all diffs as in Taiko :O
Topic Starter
Pending now
00:03:435 (1) - move to 00:03:106?
01:56:182 (1,2,3) - why does the volume gets low?

01:38:051 (2) - normal clap doesn't sound fit here, use the custom one instead?
also the finishes are weird too

00:02:776 (1) - make the spinner end here and remove the slider
00:32:776 (8) - clap?

nice map! :) as always
rating: A-
Topic Starter

ignorethis wrote:

00:03:435 (1) - move to 00:03:106? no :<
01:56:182 (1,2,3) - why does the volume gets low? Oh, yes, fixed

00:02:776 (1) - make the spinner end here and remove the slider yeah!
00:32:776 (8) - clap? fixed

nice map! :) as always
rating: A-
Thank you, ignore! >w<
Since Hyper took so long to mod I would double check anything I may have said towards the end of it.

I didn't like the majority of anti-stacks you used.


00:10:029 - Move that stacked note here and fix the spacing.
01:08:710 (1) - Remove that crease.

First impressions, pace is a tad fast for a typical Normal.

00:07:062 (4,5,1) - I don't quite agree with this being stacked. The change in combo doesn't look nice and really it's not the easiest thing to read. If you could make it look nicer in anyway.
00:11:018 (2,3) - This just feels weird. You break the forward momentum that I felt should have continued.
01:24:864 - I think this part plays best with a note here. It plays okay without it though.
01:48:270 (1,2) - perhaps stack these notes and make the note after the second slider spaced out??


00:05:084 (6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This sequence has no business being in a Hard difficulty. The jump is really unexpected. People who enjoy and play Hard difficulties aren't going to be able to read that jump right away and the in combo jump after the first pattern is even more misleading. It's too large for one, and I think the note that appears right after is confusing. 5 just needs to be closer than 6.

00:07:886 (11,12,1) - Please do not start the next combo at the end of a stack. It looks bad. I have issues with that stack anyways. I always seem to lose the beat there. It shouldn't be a jump and I don't think it works as a stack. I think you should just make a half beat slider starting on the red tick and that will be the next combo.

00:12:007 (6,7) - Please no awkward anti stacks. Space this out.
00:12:007 (7) - New combo
00:19:095 (4,5) - Stop breaking my forward momentum. I combo break on these things.
00:31:787 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I think this plays best at 1.3 snap.
00:32:941 (6,7,1) - I might space this out to go with the 1.3 snap. It would go along with the speed up for the sliders after.
00:39:040 (6,7) - I really think compressing the spacing here makes this pattern harder to play.
00:39:699 (1) - This sounds to me like the slider needs to go here and not single notes.
I came up with this.. the slider can be placed whereever you want, but a slider preferably of the length in the ss should be placed there on the timeline
00:55:029 (1) - This is in a strange looking area under the previous slider. You should fix that.
01:06:073 (1,1) - why is the spacing so close here?
01:30:468 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - The anti stacks work here, I just feel that the pattern is kind of robotic. The movement isn't smooth and so it's not as much fun to play. It you used a more obtuse angle for your patterns here I think it would play much more naturally.
01:32:446 (5,6,7) - I know that you wanted that pattern there, but I really think these notes play best stacked.
01:35:084 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - A tad difficult for a hard mode, but I think it might slide. I really think you should adjust the spacing before the stacks so that the jumps wont completely blindside players.
01:41:677 (1,2) - Compressed spacing makes it harder to hit the next sequence correctly
01:45:303 (8,9,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Okay you got to fix the combos in this. <Combos
Also sequence may be too difficult for a Hard mode. You may want to make all the distance snaps 1.7 (for the jumps)
01:47:446 (6,7) - Bad in combo jump. Hard to find rhythm after it. Really suggest you do something else here.
This seems to be the beat. I would use 1.0 or 1.15 to keep the difficulty of hitting them down, because this area is pushing the difficulty for a Hard mode.

01:48:930 (3,4,5,6,7) - Compressing the stream doesn't make it much easier to play. I would just remove the 1/4ths entirely and space out. That way you wont have to slow down to hit compressed beats and it looks better 1/2th spaced.
01:49:589 (7,8,9) - How about a repeat slider instead?
01:49:919 (8,9) - Unstack please.
01:52:886 (7,8,1) - Another awkward compressed stream. Repeat sliders have unnecessary move markers on them. Please use 1.3 snap here.
01:53:875 (3,4) - Spacing too close.
I think the entire end part is harder than it needs to be for a Hard difficulty. I highly recommend you remove some of the notes with sliders, because the difficulty at the very end just shouldn't so many degrees higher than the rest of the song.
01:55:358 (7) - Very hard to read this slider. Easy to combo break.


00:18:106 (7,8,9) - This jump feels out of place.
00:52:556 (5,1) - Why stop? >.<
01:06:073 (1) - Why is this slider different than you did it in the other difficulties? (It's not the same length)
01:11:347 (1) - This is just weird. Can't say I like it.
01:28:490 (5,6) - Compressing it here seems out of place and you're spacing a half the same as a 1/4th in the same combo. That is frowned upon.


I rather like your style of mapping. It's very different than what I normally see for mapping styles. That still doesn't mean you didn't take some liberties I felt you shouldn't have taken.
15:19 <Ch1ka> : 00:13:325 (1) -
15:19 <Ch1ka> : Djn
15:19 <Ch1ka> : Вот
15:19 <Ch1ka> : В таких моментах
15:19 <Ch1ka> : На слайдертиках
15:19 <Ch1ka> : Почему бы е сделать кастом клап?
15:19 <Ch1ka> : *не
15:19 <Ch1ka> : Этих моментов сотни просто
15:19 <Reiji-RJ> : мне лентяйно xD
15:19 <Ch1ka> : Я так и думал :D
15:19 <Ch1ka> : Тогда бегиннер все ок
15:19 <Ch1ka> : Хорошийц
15:20 <Reiji-RJ> : йей!
15:20 <Ch1ka> : Вот в нормале что-то видел точно
15:20 <Ch1ka> : 00:25:853 (4) -
15:20 <Ch1ka> : вистл?
15:20 <Ch1ka> : на начало
15:21 <Ch1ka> : 00:26:512 (1) -
15:21 <Ch1ka> : И тут
15:21 <Ch1ka> : Рейджи?
15:22 <Reiji-RJ> : чайник ставила :С
15:22 <Reiji-RJ> : прости
15:23 <Ch1ka> : А, ок
15:23 <Reiji-RJ> : чайник ставила
15:23 <Reiji-RJ> : и вылетела
15:23 <Reiji-RJ> : 00:25:853 (4) -
15:23 <Ch1ka> : Лол
15:24 <Reiji-RJ> : сюда поставлю
15:24 <Reiji-RJ> : а на 1 не
15:24 <Ch1ka> : Ок
15:24 <Ch1ka> : 00:39:040 (5) -
15:24 <Ch1ka> : ^
15:24 <Ch1ka> : ?
15:24 <Ch1ka> : на начало
15:25 <Reiji-RJ> : чточточто?
15:25 <Ch1ka> : Ну вистл
15:26 <Reiji-RJ> : ага
15:26 <Ch1ka> : Слайдеры хороши :3
15:26 <Ch1ka> : 01:08:710 (1,1) -
15:27 <Reiji-RJ> : ухухуху
15:27 <Ch1ka> : Поменять местами?
15:27 <Reiji-RJ> : в смысле?
15:27 <Ch1ka> : Мне первый кажется более подходящим на ту роль
15:27 <Ch1ka> : Ну первый поставить вместо второго
15:27 <Ch1ka> : И наоборот
15:27 <Ch1ka> : СааааааааааааааааААААААААаааааааАААААААААААаааааааааааа
15:27 <Ch1ka> : Там так во втором
15:28 <Ch1ka> : В бегиннере передано хорошо
15:28 <Reiji-RJ> : хм
15:28 <Reiji-RJ> : блин
15:28 <Ch1ka> : 01:11:347 (1) - Вот тут в бегиннере
15:28 <Reiji-RJ> : тогда третий слайдер
15:28 <Reiji-RJ> : не очень
15:28 <Ch1ka> : Вот прямо прекрасный
15:29 <Reiji-RJ> : позже поколдую над ними
15:29 <Ch1ka> : Хотя думаю, это я один такое подумаю
15:29 <Ch1ka> : Так-то слайдеры хороши :3
15:30 <Ch1ka> : 01:38:875 (3) -
15:30 <Ch1ka> : Убрать вистл?
15:30 <Ch1ka> : 01:39:040 (4) -
15:30 <Ch1ka> : А тут поставить на начало?
15:30 <Reiji-RJ> : ну
15:30 <Reiji-RJ> : там так задумано
15:30 <Reiji-RJ> : :о
15:30 <Ch1ka> : А, ок
15:31 <Ch1ka> : 01:58:160 (1) -
15:31 <Ch1ka> : Зачем киайа после конца?
15:31 <Ch1ka> : в Бегиннере то же самое
15:31 <Reiji-RJ> : хочется
15:31 <Reiji-RJ> : :С
15:31 <Ch1ka> : Ок D:
15:32 <Ch1ka> : Ну теперь гипер
15:32 <Reiji-RJ> : гипер не мой
15:32 <Ch1ka> : А, ок
15:32 <Reiji-RJ> : бима
15:32 <Ch1ka> : Ну потом поговорю, если найдут что
15:32 <Ch1ka> : *найду
15:32 <Reiji-RJ> : хорошо :3
15:34 <Ch1ka> : 01:58:490 (1,1,1,1,1) -
15:35 <Ch1ka> : ну вот только тут
15:35 <Ch1ka> : Да и то
15:35 <Ch1ka> : Не меняй
15:35 <Ch1ka> : Отличный аназер
15:35 <Reiji-RJ> : йеаааххх
15:35 <Reiji-RJ> : спасибо :3
15:35 <Reiji-RJ> : все? :О
15:35 <Ch1ka> : Может только НК парочка ошибок
15:35 <Ch1ka> : Ну я в этом не особо смыслю
15:35 <Ch1ka> : Ага
15:35 <Reiji-RJ> : пости!
15:35 <Ch1ka> : Вот у тебя в стримах хс отличные D:
15:36 <Ch1ka> : Я никак не могу нормально стримы замапать
15:36 <Reiji-RJ> : учись :3
this spoilerbox is scary as fuck
13:25 <Real> : I am in your pending, wanting to mod your maps o3o (i.e. IRCmod?)
13:25 <Reiji-RJ> : wowwow
13:25 <Reiji-RJ> : can you wait 10 min? :3
13:25 <Real> : sure
13:26 <Reiji-RJ> : yay!
13:36 <Reiji-RJ> : so, I'm free now :3
13:36 <Real> : yay !
13:36 <Real> : 01:06:073 - I highly suggest you remove the kiai
13:37 <Real> : (and have another preview point by the way)
13:37 <Reiji-RJ> : whyyyyy
13:37 <Reiji-RJ> : I love this moment
13:37 <Real> : It's a slow down, kiai are usually used in lolepic parts of a song
13:37 <Reiji-RJ> : for it's sake I mapped it D:
13:37 <Real> : like the ending kiai D:
13:38 <Reiji-RJ> : >:C
13:38 <Reiji-RJ> : uuuuu
13:38 <Real> : Oh well
13:38 <Real> : it's up to you
13:38 <Real> : btw, speaking of the ending kiai
13:38 <Reiji-RJ> : gaw, I leave it :<
13:38 <Real> : Why this kiai doesn't end? :v
13:39 <Reiji-RJ> : because music doesn't end!
13:39 <Reiji-RJ> : xD
13:39 <Real> : it fades out !
13:39 <Real> : here again it's up to you
13:39 <Reiji-RJ> : I wish I could fade out kiai xD
13:39 <Real> : (also circle size 5 on Another and tick rate 2 <3)
13:40 <Real> : By the way, rename Normal to standard?
13:40 <Reiji-RJ> : umm.. I saw many maps from bemani with 'Normal'
13:40 <Reiji-RJ> : I don't know D:
13:41 <Real> : You can keep Normal if you want o3o
13:41 <Reiji-RJ> : let it be Normal :3
13:41 <Real> : okay
13:42 <Real> : You could use a slidertick which is basically your custom clap renamed to slidertick
13:42 <Real> : for Beginner/Normal
13:42 <Real> : but people would be "DERP SLIDERTICKS"
13:43 <Reiji-RJ> : oh, Ch1ka has just suggested it
13:43 <Reiji-RJ> : but I'm lazy ass to do full submit
13:43 <Reiji-RJ> : (also slow inet)
13:43 <Real> : I know that feel
13:43 <Reiji-RJ> : so... maybe I should do it if you both insist :O
13:44 <Real> : Oh well
13:44 <Real> : 00:22:886 - You missed a clap here in beginner*
13:45 <Reiji-RJ> : oh
13:45 <Reiji-RJ> : really, fixed
13:47 <Real> : I'd make your sliders in the first kiai look better and everything but I'm a lazy ass :|
13:47 <Reiji-RJ> : leave it :D
13:50 <Real> : That's all, really o3o
13:50 <Reiji-RJ> : uh, not so much >:O
13:50 <Real> : Except 01:16:622 - where I'd like more finishes but it's really up to you
13:51 <Reiji-RJ> : no no :3
13:52 <Real> : In my opinion Normal has too much 1/2 :\
13:52 <Reiji-RJ> : I just love 1/2 in this way C:
13:53 <Reiji-RJ> : like in Revive
13:53 <Reiji-RJ> : Revive's Normal has too D:
13:53 <Real> : Yeah, I get it
13:54 <Reiji-RJ> : also, Hyper is not mine :o
13:54 <Real> : 00:17:611 (4) - The slider start is hidden by (2)'s hit300, I'm not sure if this is allowed or not
13:55 <Reiji-RJ> : I think it's noticable :o
13:56 <Real> : 01:13:985 (1) - Stack it below the previous slider like you did before?
13:57 <Reiji-RJ> : nonono it gently bends around 01:11:347 (1) -
13:57 <Reiji-RJ> : xD
13:58 <Real> : 01:41:677 (3) - Listen closely, you should have a whistle here
13:58 <Real> : 01:42:336 (4) - ^
13:58 <Reiji-RJ> : b-but there is D:
13:59 <Reiji-RJ> : and added on 4
13:59 <Real> : Oh I meant the slider end for the first one :\
13:59 <Real> : 01:44:974 (4) - And here too~
13:59 <Reiji-RJ> : added!
14:01 <Real> : Another now o3o
14:01 <Real> : 00:32:776 (1) - New combo?
14:02 <Reiji-RJ> : 00:32:281 (4) - mayve here?
14:02 <Reiji-RJ> : I want all streams be in one combo
14:02 <Reiji-RJ> : :O
14:02 <Real> : Okay
14:02 <Real> : makes sense
14:04 <Real> : well, that's seriously all
14:04 <Real> : We should collab sometimes, I love your maps o3o
14:04 <Reiji-RJ> : owwww, we really should *Q*
14:04 <Reiji-RJ> : thank you >www<
14:04 <Reiji-RJ> : post it!
14:04 <Real> : okay
  1. 01:58:902 - закончи киай здесь на всех дифках
Буду модить снизу вверх.

  1. 01:20:578 (5) - упорно продолжаю его не замечать. Нк?
  2. 01:58:490 (1,1,1,1,1) - одного нк тут достаточно

  • Я бы посоветовал поднять АР на единичку, потому что могут возникнуть некоторые проблемы с чтением паттернов, в которых много нот рядом, например, 01:45:303 (8,9,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5).
    Ошибок нет, но дифка мне почему-то не нравится.
  1. 00:07:062 (4,5,1) - отодвинь уж тогда и (1) от (5), чтобы полноценный стек был
  1. 01:13:985 (1) - чуть раздвинь концы, чтобы не перекрывались
Не особенно хороший мод, но уж что не нашёл, то не нашёл.
Topic Starter

TheVileOne wrote:

Since Hyper took so long to mod I would double check anything I may have said towards the end of it.

I didn't like the majority of anti-stacks you used. But I like them :<


00:10:029 - Move that stacked note here and fix the spacing. No-no, I want to leave my rhythm
01:08:710 (1) - Remove that crease. Oh, fixed

First impressions, pace is a tad fast for a typical Normal.

00:07:062 (4,5,1) - I don't quite agree with this being stacked. The change in combo doesn't look nice and really it's not the easiest thing to read. If you could make it look nicer in anyway. nah D: manual stacking <3
00:11:018 (2,3) - This just feels weird. You break the forward momentum that I felt should have continued. But I feel there must be break D:
01:24:864 - I think this part plays best with a note here. It plays okay without it though. :3
01:48:270 (1,2) - perhaps stack these notes and make the note after the second slider spaced out?? Fixed in some way~


00:18:106 (7,8,9) - This jump feels out of place. B-but I like it :S
00:52:556 (5,1) - Why stop? >.< Rhythm stop! >:O
01:06:073 (1) - Why is this slider different than you did it in the other difficulties? (It's not the same length) Gaww.. really :< Fixed (but ugly slider ugh)
01:11:347 (1) - This is just weird. Can't say I like it. eeeehhhh, b-b-b-but I likeee it
01:28:490 (5,6) - Compressing it here seems out of place and you're spacing a half the same as a 1/4th in the same combo. That is frowned upon. no-no, I think it's readable


I rather like your style of mapping. It's very different than what I normally see for mapping styles. That still doesn't mean you didn't take some liberties I felt you shouldn't have taken.
Thank you a lot! *^*

TicClick wrote:

  1. 01:58:902 - закончи киай здесь на всех дифках
Можно мне оставить мой киай?

Буду модить снизу вверх.

  1. 01:20:578 (5) - упорно продолжаю его не замечать. Нк? Чуть сдвинула, нк не хочу
  2. 01:58:490 (1,1,1,1,1) - одного нк тут достаточно :< н-ноо...
  1. 00:07:062 (4,5,1) - отодвинь уж тогда и (1) от (5), чтобы полноценный стек был Сделано!
  1. 01:13:985 (1) - чуть раздвинь концы, чтобы не перекрывались Пофиксила :3
Не особенно хороший мод, но уж что не нашёл, то не нашёл.
Хороший мод, спасибо большое! >w<b

And thank you, T1ka and Real!~ <3


-1025x843 pixel BG? why
-256 kpbs on mp3, pls fix


*01:58:902 - Remove the KIAI here? Not like it matters anyways but it looks weird in the editor [same with all other diffs]
'tis perfect


*Start until break - Not sure about the long combos, I think you should try adding more shorter combos (At the very least those who have 10/10 combo)
*01:57:501 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Don't you want to try some New Combo magic here as well as in [Insane]? (NC on every white tick)




*00:42:007 (3) - So I heard stacking a circle at the end of a slider is really disturbing for noobs so you might want to unstack this
*01:00:798 (1) - These circles land in the centre of every diff. Why not try hipster (1)
*01:08:875 (1) - Start this 1/2 later, it fits the vocal much better. Don't forget to adjust the distance
*01:53:545 (1) - Maybe a bit too hard for the newcomer-suckers, maybe do it like this ?

Your style of mapping is very unique and appealing, you've kept improving with every map you do. All your maps have few mistakes and your hitsound choice is perfect (Oh yeah, loved the sliders @slowdown part). It's nice to see all these maps ranked for sure ! I wish u good luck with ranking so have a star !

Also lemme read your mind, u probably thought of this all the time ?
Topic Starter

Magicphoenix wrote:

yo hai!


-1025x843 pixel BG? why nope, I have 1024x7688 D:
-256 kpbs on mp3, pls fix b-b-but I have 192kb, what? >_<


*01:58:902 - Remove the KIAI here? Not like it matters anyways but it looks weird in the editor [same with all other diffs]
'tis perfect I like this kiai :<




*00:42:007 (3) - So I heard stacking a circle at the end of a slider is really disturbing for noobs so you might want to unstack this I think it's ok D:
*01:00:798 (1) - These circles land in the centre of every diff. Why not try hipster (1) Hmhm I'll think about it
*01:08:875 (1) - Start this 1/2 later, it fits the vocal much better. Don't forget to adjust the distance naaah
*01:53:545 (1) - Maybe a bit too hard for the newcomer-suckers, maybe do it like this ? :<

Your style of mapping is very unique and appealing, you've kept improving with every map you do. All your maps have few mistakes and your hitsound choice is perfect (Oh yeah, loved the sliders @slowdown part). It's nice to see all these maps ranked for sure ! I wish u good luck with ranking so have a star !

Also lemme read your mind, u probably thought of this all the time ?

Ohhh, I'm so happy that you like my style and maps :oops: Thank you a lot, Magic. I'll try to keep improving and rank my maps!
Thank you a lot! >\\\<

EDIT: Fixed kiai in the end as many modders told me to do it D:
01:58:820 (4) - why is the kiai still there after this point? (it has been already changed while I was modding)
Why is stack leniency so low?...
00:03:435 (1) - I think this should be put somewhere else, people might click too quickly, if they see that there is something under? (and after this you mainly stack object which are near in time..sorry for bad explanation)
00:47:611 (1,1) - stack these properly with the (2) after them

00:07:886 (5,1) - stack properly
00:11:677 (3) - put further from 00:11:018 (2)? maybe....or at least stack properly
00:16:292 (1,2,3,4) - this is a bit confusing, try to place them a bit differently? maybe
01:16:622 (1) - stack properly with (1)
01:24:534 (1) - stack again
+1 or 2 OD
00:05:248 (7) - this is quite confusing here, why not swap with (5) or (6)?
00:06:237 (5) - this is a bit confusing, we could think it's a big jump, because there is no new combo, so maybe add new combo?
00:12:007 (7,8,9) - spacing? well I know this difficulty is hard, but after the distance between the notes before, this spacing is confusing, might be just me though
00:19:424 (5) - place it somewhere else?
00:20:908 (11) - stack properly
00:55:029 (1) - stacking? this might not be so nice...
01:03:435 (1,2,3) - put bigger distance, maybe?
01:06:073 (1,1) - these shapes could be nicer :P
01:06:073 (1) - wtf these points?
01:11:347 (1) - ^ are they really necessary?
01:13:985 (1) - the points again
01:27:171 (1) - put further from 01:25:853 (1)
01:34:424 (5,6,7) - spacing
01:42:666 (2) - this can be hardly seen from the combo burst
01:45:633 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) - this part looks liek a chaos :P at least make it a bit symmetrical? plus it's very confusing, why not try this?
00:52:886 (1,2) - place these somewhere else
00:52:886 (1,2,3,4) - timing could be like this, it might fit better to the music
00:53:381 (5,6) - place these closer to each other
01:03:435 (1,2,3) - why not make a triangle? :P or at least put (3) somewhere else
01:11:347 (1) - weird shape
01:13:985 (1) - ^
01:20:578 (5) - stack it with (4)? it is almost placed the same as 01:19:919 (3), it's not so nice, plus the distance should be smaller, because they are closer in time as well
01:23:875 (7,8,1) - - put them closer (stack?)
01:37:062 (3,4) - stack properly
01:37:391 (5,6) - ^

I don't really know what to write, the diffs were nice. You don't need to give me kudosu, if you think it's not worth.
Just my own suggestions...


00:03:435 (1) - Why is not stacked?
00:31:128 (2) - Try this?
01:54:864 (2) - Why is it further from (1)?


01:41:677 (3) - Move one grid down?


00:38:380 (4) - Like this one?


00:46:292 (1) - Move this to x:48 y:200.

Good luck.

*Note: Bolded gold ones are things you must do (or strongly recommended; usually about unrankable stuff or extreme/fatal errors). Everything in red are things that look awkward or wrong to me (subjective suggestions; you can follow my lead here or not); everything else are rants and minor suggestions to make things look cooler and a bit better.

  1. What's with the silence on the first kiai time? Well, the problem's not the silence though, but why is there a kiai time for that? I don't really see any reason to put that there...
  1. Since it looks like you have some intentionally unstacked notes (like 00:03:435 (1,2) ), you might as well do that to other stacked notes or stack those unstacked notes. Weird to see some notes stacked after seeing an almost-stacked one...
  1. 01:42:666 (2) - This circle is overlapped with 01:42:171 (3)'s hitburst, made it pretty hard to read. Sure with this?
  2. 01:45:963 (1,2) - Ctrl+R?
  3. 01:46:622 (1,2) - ^
  4. 01:49:424 (8) - NC?
  5. 01:54:369 (7) - ^
  1. 00:53:793 (7) - Place this @ (172,240)?
  2. 00:54:040 (8) - Place this @ (180,44)? If you followed this and the suggestion above, you'll get a triangle pattern which is pretty fun to play, IMO. It will look like this.
Awesome mapset \:D/

Good luck on the way 8-)
Topic Starter
Thank you, MystykAMV, Koro McAlpine and Hinsvar!


Hinsvar wrote:

  1. 00:53:793 (7) - Place this @ (172,240)?
  2. 00:54:040 (8) - Place this @ (180,44)? If you followed this and the suggestion above, you'll get a triangle pattern which is pretty fun to play, IMO. It will look like this.
Awesome suggestion, I lllove it! *^* Fixed!
And about kiai, I just feel kiai time there so I want to leave it. Thank you very much!
wow beautiful!

yaaaa =D
Привет, рейджик, бим :3

- [lepidon! - Taiko Oni] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 01:27:171, ends on 01:48:269
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:48:270, ends on 01:58:819
Kiai #3: Starts on 01:58:820, ends on 02:04:095

надо бы сделать киай, как в остальных диффках

• 00:26:512 (3) - может, тут висл поставить? :о
• 00:37:062 (3) - и тут :о
• 01:08:710 (1) - м-может, этот слайд пораньше начать? :с как-то вроде ни под вокал, ни под музыку не идет :с

• 01:08:710 (1) - :с
а так замечательно все :о только разве что слишком сложный для нормала
ну и ладно. изи и так есть :о

• 00:06:237 (5) - может, нк? пауза такая странная :о
• 00:12:007 (7,8,9) - нуу и это как-нибудь выделить
• 00:44:397 (13) - тоже пауза :с
сложный хупер, лол

• 00:50:908 (6,7,8) - может, выделить как-то этот момент?
• 00:53:546 (6,7,8) - и этот следом :о
остальное все нравится. про же :О

все :о умнички
удачи вам, няши~
Topic Starter

rockleejkooo wrote:

Привет, рейджик, бим :3 Привет :3

- [lepidon! - Taiko Oni] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 01:27:171, ends on 01:48:269
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:48:270, ends on 01:58:819
Kiai #3: Starts on 01:58:820, ends on 02:04:095

надо бы сделать киай, как в остальных диффках Да не, на тайко можно :О

• 00:26:512 (3) - может, тут висл поставить? :о Ага!
• 00:37:062 (3) - и тут :о ^
• 01:08:710 (1) - м-может, этот слайд пораньше начать? :с как-то вроде ни под вокал, ни под музыку не идет :с Нуууу, по-моему все там идет :<

• 01:08:710 (1) - :с Бу :С
а так замечательно все :о только разве что слишком сложный для нормала
ну и ладно. изи и так есть :о

• 00:50:908 (6,7,8) - может, выделить как-то этот момент? Ох, точно!
• 00:53:546 (6,7,8) - и этот следом :о Да
остальное все нравится. про же :О

все :о умнички
удачи вам, няши~
Спасибо большое *^*

ну все знают, что тут чисто.

00:08:545 (3) - лол. как-то странно он с (5) находится
00:12:007 (7) - я бы говое комбо положил. просто логически отделить как-то
00:31:787 (1) - end point: пара клеток вправо


00:03:435 (1,2) - немного странно, учитывая то, что немного дальше они строго стакнуты
00:06:732 (3) - а он не симметричен (1) \:D/
00:12:007 (2,1) - мм.. если идут сложные для новичковпересечения, то может так?
00:14:644 (3) - ^
00:22:556 (3) - новички в обучении видели только один возврат. а тут их два! это может напугать/запутать какжеблин это страшно
00:23:875 (1) - обводочку поаккуратнее, слайдер (3) подвинь подальше. выбирай любой из способов алсо дистанция?
00:27:831 (3) - немного неаккуратный
00:31:787 (1,2) - мне не нравится внешний вид. по логике (1) должен обводить (2) \, но т.к. этого не получается, то все выглядит странно :o
00:52:886 (1,2) - я не очень понял что тут со стаками нот :o
01:21:897 (1,3) - стак или убрать оверлап
01:24:534 (3,1) - ну раз уж такие фигуры, то что-то подобное этому
01:31:787 (4,1) - аналогично с 00:12:007
01:33:765 (2) - слушай, я понимаю, что тебя задолбатло двигать точки, но.. давай конечную точку слайдера как-бы вывернем в право? :3
01:37:721 (1,2) - НУ НАФИГ Я ИСПУГАЛСЯ новичка удивит
01:53:545 (1) - end point: 1-2 клетки вправо

ну тут можешь даже не читать, я модить хс не очень уметь
00:00:468 (1) - хочу свисток
00:03:435 (1) - финишами мапу не испортишь
00:22:556 (3) - вместо свистка+хлопка, финиши!
01:48:930 (1) - финиш на большой белый тик? и так дальше в киаи..

Advanced назвать, не?
00:04:424 (2) - x408 y76
00:36:402 (6,1) - cтак ~_~
01:08:710 (1,1) - overlap?
01:08:710 (1,1,1) - ^
01:58:160 (1) - а зачем в конце обычную скорость возвращать слайдеру? :o

тот же спиннер в начале. ну он ко всем дифам :3



/me дно.

rockleejkooo wrote:

- [lepidon! - Taiko Oni] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 01:27:171, ends on 01:48:269
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:48:270, ends on 01:58:819
Kiai #3: Starts on 01:58:820, ends on 02:04:095

надо бы сделать киай, как в остальных диффках
It's not obligatory, so I object.
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

Хай! Привет!

ну все знают, что тут чисто.

00:03:435 (1,2) - немного странно, учитывая то, что немного дальше они строго стакнуты Ручные стаки!
00:06:732 (3) - а он не симметричен (1) \:D/ Ох ай.. Пофиксила
00:12:007 (2,1) - мм.. если идут сложные для новичковпересечения, то может так? Okay..
00:14:644 (3) - ^ ^
00:22:556 (3) - новички в обучении видели только один возврат. а тут их два! это может напугать/запутать какжеблин это страшно Ну нет :/ Я люблю издеваться над новичками
00:23:875 (1) - обводочку поаккуратнее, слайдер (3) подвинь подальше. выбирай любой из способов алсо дистанция? Что? D: в любом случае, нет? D:
00:27:831 (3) - немного неаккуратный
00:31:787 (1,2) - мне не нравится внешний вид. по логике (1) должен обводить (2) \, но т.к. этого не получается, то все выглядит странно :o Да нормально!
00:52:886 (1,2) - я не очень понял что тут со стаками нот :o >:С
01:21:897 (1,3) - стак или убрать оверлап Чем плохо? :С
01:24:534 (3,1) - ну раз уж такие фигуры, то что-то подобное этому
01:31:787 (4,1) - аналогично с 00:12:007 Окааай
01:33:765 (2) - слушай, я понимаю, что тебя задолбатло двигать точки, но.. давай конечную точку слайдера как-бы вывернем в право? :3 А ВОТ ЭТО ДА! ДА!
01:37:721 (1,2) - НУ НАФИГ Я ИСПУГАЛСЯ новичка удивит OH GOD!
01:53:545 (1) - end point: 1-2 клетки вправо Угу

hitsounds: Не пофиксила :<
ну тут можешь даже не читать, я модить хс не очень уметь
00:00:468 (1) - хочу свисток
00:03:435 (1) - финишами мапу не испортишь
00:22:556 (3) - вместо свистка+хлопка, финиши!
01:48:930 (1) - финиш на большой белый тик? и так дальше в киаи..

Advanced назвать, не? Да не :О
00:04:424 (2) - x408 y76
00:36:402 (6,1) - cтак ~_~
01:08:710 (1,1) - overlap?
01:08:710 (1,1,1) - ^
01:58:160 (1) - а зачем в конце обычную скорость возвращать слайдеру? :o

тот же спиннер в начале. ну он ко всем дифам :3
Тоже не пофиксила :<



/me дно. /you бака.
Спасибо большое!
Heyo. Mod request from my queue.


Could you make the kiai times (minus the fountain) consistent on the Taiko difficulty? It's not needed, but consistency is always nice.


1 for both HP drain and OD is a bit too low. I'd move at least the OD up to 2 since there are some parts in the map that should require low HP drain.
00:31:787 (1,2) - Disable distance snap and grid snap in order to make (2) blanket (1). Seems fitting considering the fact that there's a bunch of previous slider blankets in the difficulty also.
00:42:007 (3) - Don't stack circles under sliders in a beginner difficulty, please. They may be hard to read.
01:21:897 (1,3) - Such an odd looking overlap between these two sliders.
01:51:237 (1) - Again, stacking circles under sliders in a beginner difficulty is a no-no.


00:11:677 (3) - I don't really think that this should be stacked. It may cause confusion as to if it's continuing the 1/1 beat placement or not.


+1 AR would make this easier to read. Some patterns such as 00:12:007 (7,8) and 00:34:424 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) tripped me up because I thought the first one would be in 1/2 beat snap and the second one in 1/4. It's also suiting for the high BPM of the song.


Why isn't this AR 9? There's many jumps and streams, not to mention the high BPM. Makes everything a bit less clustered and cluttered.
00:03:106 (1) - This slider needs a NC due to an unrankable combo glitch that happens after spinners.
00:44:974 (1,2) - The hitburst of 00:44:149 (5) is slightly obstructing the view of these beats, making it somewhat difficult to tell how many notes are in the stream at the last second.
01:13:985 (1) - Self overlapping sliders = not good looking sliders. Try something like this.
01:58:490 (1,1,1,1,1) - Useless NC spam.

This is a nice map you have here!
Topic Starter

Jacob wrote:

Heyo. Mod request from my queue.


Could you make the kiai times (minus the fountain) consistent on the Taiko difficulty? It's not needed, but consistency is always nice.

lepidopodus wrote:

It's not obligatory, so I object.

1 for both HP drain and OD is a bit too low. I'd move at least the OD up to 2 since there are some parts in the map that should require low HP drain. OD +1
00:31:787 (1,2) - Disable distance snap and grid snap in order to make (2) blanket (1). Seems fitting considering the fact that there's a bunch of previous slider blankets in the difficulty also. Done!
00:42:007 (3) - Don't stack circles under sliders in a beginner difficulty, please. They may be hard to read. Uuhhh, okay...
01:21:897 (1,3) - Such an odd looking overlap between these two sliders. stacked them, I guess it's ok now? D:
01:51:237 (1) - Again, stacking circles under sliders in a beginner difficulty is a no-no. okay :<


00:11:677 (3) - I don't really think that this should be stacked. It may cause confusion as to if it's continuing the 1/1 beat placement or not. I want to leave it


+1 AR would make this easier to read. Some patterns such as 00:12:007 (7,8) and 00:34:424 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) tripped me up because I thought the first one would be in 1/2 beat snap and the second one in 1/4. It's also suiting for the high BPM of the song. Yeah, AR+1


Why isn't this AR 9? There's many jumps and streams, not to mention the high BPM. Makes everything a bit less clustered and cluttered. No-no, AR9 doesn't fit this song
00:03:106 (1) - This slider needs a NC due to an unrankable combo glitch that happens after spinners. Oh, bag. Fixed!
00:44:974 (1,2) - The hitburst of 00:44:149 (5) is slightly obstructing the view of these beats, making it somewhat difficult to tell how many notes are in the stream at the last second. Hm, I guess it's readable. I saw many players read this.
01:13:985 (1) - Self overlapping sliders = not good looking sliders. Try something like this. Tried your slider out... But I like my one :<
01:58:490 (1,1,1,1,1) - Useless NC spam. Yeah, I love it... But fixed ><

This is a nice map you have here!
Thank you very much!
Definitely one of the most solid sets I have seen in a long time. Well done!

-- All of these are suggestions. Every gameplay problem that I've pointed out wasn't a problem the second time I played but you should still consider them.

00:26:018 (8) - Take this as a light suggestion, but consider adding a whistle at the start of this slider.
00:36:567 (7) - ^
01:28:985 (6) - This note is incredibly easy to mistake as a 1/4 note despite the prominence of anti-jumps in this difficulty. I highly recommend moving it elsewhere.
01:58:243 (2) - This slider fits the music, but it doesn't play well at all. Players are bound to mess up at this part and it's really doing no justice to the map at all. 1/4 notes should suffice.

-- Raise the OD by 1. Considering the actual difficulty of this map, 5 is way too low. I'd say 7 but for the sake of the spread you should probably go with 6.

-- This is a really high-end normal but it's still pretty amazing.

00:27:171 (3) - Add a whistle here at the start of the slider to follow the melody
00:31:787 (1) - ^
01:31:128 (3) - I'd add a hit circle here to keep the beat going or else the transition from (2) to (3) is awkward.

00:10:029 (2) - Add a hit circle here unless you can justify the gap between (1) and (2).
01:36:402 (1) - This repeat is 100% hidden for the most part. You definitely need to unstack it from (4) but multiple repeats and easies don't fit well together -- especially if they're very short. Oh well, I suppose they're acceptable.

Call me back ASAP
Hi, Reiji-RJ~
Actually I've modded this offline as well (but not finished)... Hmm, this is all suggestion though~


-> I personally think 2 seconds of lead-in time is too much (because your first note is 468ms after the song started), use 1.5 seconds instead?


  1. 00:10:358 (2) - idk... I prefer moving this 1/1 earlier to create a more distinctive rhythm, not a must though :3
  2. 00:17:281 (2) - Perhaps try to split this slider into this rhythm? This way, you can place claps more consistently xD
  3. 00:25:193 (2) - Move lower to avoid overlap with (1)'s end? (not a must actually, but this would be nice especially if you compare with 00:22:556 (3,1) and 00:25:193 (2,3)'s spacing)
  4. 00:27:171 (1,2,3) - (optional) I personally dislike how this stack will look on play mode... Manual-stack as you usually did? :3 ((1) in x:298 y:80, (2) in x:292 y:90)
  5. 00:34:424 (1) - To avoid this being too linear, I recommend something like this here - it flows well with your next (2) also >_<
  6. 00:42:007 (3) - (optional) Move to the upper-right of (2)? Not a must actually, but I think placing this beside (2) and make it linear isn't too good...
  7. 00:54:204 (1) - Normal hitfinish (instead of soft) here? It fits the song's splashing sound imo~
  8. 01:11:347 (1) - I personally think it's quite rigid between the first and second red waypoint... Perhaps move the waypoint in the middle to x:111 y:205 to make the slider's middle curve more naturally?
  9. 01:25:853 (1) - (optional) Tilting this slider wave also looks good imo :3
  10. 01:40:688 (2) - Minor stuff, move this a bit more to the upper-right to avoid contact with your previous (2)?
  11. 01:45:633 (x) - The song still continues here, maybe add a circle here (with whistle/finish) and start the spinner 1/4 after?
  12. 01:48:930 (1) - Remove whistle on slider's end here? Not a must, but you can emphasize the whistle on (2) this way~
  13. 01:58:160 (1) - (optional) Flip this vertically, so the slider will wave downward first? Will be better imo because it continues (3)'s flow this way (or alternatively, you can tilt the slider wave like in my previous example as well :3)

  1. 00:05:413 (1) - Place it properly with distance snap (it should move this slider a bit further) to let (2) perfectly encircles this slider?
  2. 00:14:314 (3) - (optional) Curve this downward a bit? Will flow better to both (2) and (4) imo~
  3. 00:17:281 (3,4) - I have some problem in reading this for the first time, to be honest... Uhm, can't give a good suggestion though >_<
  4. 00:27:171 (3) - Whistle on slider's start here? There's a distinctive piano sound as well~
  5. 00:28:655 (5,6) - (5) is placed too far from (4) compared to (6) - barely noticeable, though :3
  6. 00:37:721 (3) - Put whistle also on slider's end, together with clap? (you previously had a whistle on 00:23:875 (1)'s end)
  7. 00:49:589 (4) - (optional) Would be nice if you curve this as well like this imo, it will continue your previous (2)'s flow:
  8. 00:53:545 (2) - Manual-stack by placing this ~x:219 y:60?
  9. 00:54:369 (1) - Normal hitfinish (instead of soft) here? It fits the song's splashing sound imo~
  10. 01:13:985 (1) - Moving the red waypoint exactly to the second slidertick (to make this slider symmetrical) won't hurt imo, although it's not a must xD
  11. 01:20:578 (3) - Use a 3/4 slider here for a fancy rhythm? About the arrangement, I think you can arrange like this:
  12. 01:35:084 (1) - Not really fond of the N sampleset on slider's end... Use S sampleset there instead as you did on your previous (3,4)? (you can just move your inherit 1/4 later, though~)
  13. 01:42:996 (1,2,3,4,5) - (optional) Why arranging (4,5) vertically like that? Doesn't look bad, but pentagon here will be better imo >_<
  14. 01:48:930 (2) - Make this as a 1/2 slider? (well, the piano is more distinctive on 01:49:529, so it's best to shorten this slider so a whistle could be there imo)

  1. 00:05:413 (1) - Move more to the upper right (currently it's too close to (5))
  2. 00:08:545 (3,4,5) - (optional) Hmm, personally I quite disliked this overlap... Perhaps try this instead? xD
  3. 00:12:996 (10) - Curve this downward instead? It will give an antagonistic effect with 00:14:314 (4), and it looks good imo~
  4. 00:16:457 (3,5) - I think slightly curving these two (leftward for (3) and upward for (5)) will give an unique flow around, especially with your (2) :3
  5. 00:22:886 (6) - Hmm, due to how the music sounds I think it's better to start your soft-whistles from here (especially on (6)'s start xD)
  6. 00:24:204 (2,3) - (optional) Move these two more to the left, so there will be more free space between (2) and (4)?
  7. 00:26:018 (7) - I think this is supposed to be a place for soft-hitwhistle instead of N sampleset... Not really sure, though >_<
  8. 00:36:567 (5) - Same as above
  9. 00:37:062 (1) - (optional) Try this perhaps? It gives a more solid flow imo:
  10. 00:42:007 (9) - I think it would be better to slightly curve this rightward instead of leftward, because your next (4) is curved leftward already :3
  11. 01:03:435 (1,2,3) - I was expecting a wider spacing here actually, for comparison Normal's spacing is even wider here xD
  12. 01:11:347 (1) - Hmm, I don't think you need waypoints that much on the slider's end... Using less waypoints on slider's end will make this slider's second half flows more naturally xD
  13. 01:16:457 (4,1,2,3) - (optional) Use a wider square jump here? It fits with the music, plus it tells player that the slow part is over imo:
  14. 01:25:193 (3) - Move it a bit upward, so in play mode this slider won't get covered by 01:23:875 (8)'s comboburst?
  15. 01:43:160 (2) - Personally I feel it's best to stack this above (3) instead of below (1)... (1,2,3,1,2)'s moving flow shouldn't be discontinued on (1) imo >_<
  16. 01:48:270 (1,2) - Again here, why not start the whistle from here? It fits a lot (especially on both slider's end xD)
  17. 01:57:501 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Move all to x:279 y:165, so in play mode (1) will be perfectly in the center of your previous square formation?

  1. 00:12:666 (5) - Due to how the music sounded, maybe use soft hitsample here? (it fits with the soft hitsample on your (1)) :3
  2. 00:16:952 (4) - (optional) Hmm, because your next (5) is curved downward already, maybe curve this upward instead to give more variation? xD
  3. 00:23:545 (3,4,5,6,1) - Move to x:432 y:360? This is to make (1,2,3)'s spacing equal in play mode (because of stacking's nature (: )
  4. 00:28:985 (10) - Move this circle further like this? It can give more power to this part imo:
  5. 00:38:710 (6) - Minor stuff, but maybe move this one grid down and right so (6,1,2) perfectly forms a straight line? xD
  6. 00:54:204 (1) - Same as Beginner/Normal - use normal-hitfinish here instead of soft?
  7. 01:03:435 (1,2,3) - The previous three diffs had these three arranged in a triangle, so why not a triangle also here? Back-and-forth doesn't play that great imo >_<
  8. 01:04:919 (1) - (optional) Add whistle to fit the song's sound?
  9. 01:18:600 (8,9,10,11,12) - I don't think the music goes this hectic here... Actually the rhythm here should be circle + triple, perhaps delete (9)? xD
  10. 01:28:490 (5,6) - (optional) Not really fond of this manual-stack... Maybe a jump like this will play better? :3
  11. 01:39:946 (4) - Move the whistle to (3)'s end - the synth goes distinctive there instead on (4), really >_<
  12. 01:45:963 (2,3,4) - It's kinda weird for me having (3) slightly curved to the right... A straight compressed slider looks better for me though~
  13. 01:47:281 (2) - (optional) Add a slight curve upward to let (3) continue the flow from (2)? :3
Uhm, I should mod your map faster next time >_<
Good luck, Reiji-RJ (:

Sync wrote:

-- Raise the OD by 1. Considering the actual difficulty of this map, 5 is way too low. I'd say 7 but for the sake of the spread you should probably go with 6.
I didn't notice that,raised to 6,ty D:

Niva wrote:


  1. 00:05:413 (1) - Move more to the upper right (currently it's too close to (5)) fixed I think
  2. 00:08:545 (3,4,5) - (optional) Hmm, personally I quite disliked this overlap... Perhaps try this instead? xD nice suggestion,and actually looks better,but I tried to follow the old style a little,so that was kind of tieff's overlaps
  3. 00:12:996 (10) - Curve this downward instead? It will give an antagonistic effect with 00:14:314 (4), and it looks good imo~ tried to curve down and right,but it doesn't look like I want,so left the current one :s
  4. 00:16:457 (3,5) - I think slightly curving these two (leftward for (3) and upward for (5)) will give an unique flow around, especially with your (2) :3 yey,good idea! done
  5. 00:22:886 (6) - Hmm, due to how the music sounds I think it's better to start your soft-whistles from here (especially on (6)'s start xD) yep,done
  6. 00:24:204 (2,3) - (optional) Move these two more to the left, so there will be more free space between (2) and (4)? moved (2) a little
  7. 00:26:018 (7) - I think this is supposed to be a place for soft-hitwhistle instead of N sampleset... Not really sure, though >_< I was about to fix it,but then I listened to the next same pattern and I found that hitsound rhythm breaks a little because of the next white ticks missing,so I decided to leave N sampleset for both
  8. 00:36:567 (5) - Same as above
  9. 00:37:062 (1) - (optional) Try this perhaps? It gives a more solid flow imo: left mine :P
  10. 00:42:007 (9) - I think it would be better to slightly curve this rightward instead of leftward, because your next (4) is curved leftward already :3 hah,I didn't notice that,because this slider was mirrored from 00:41:018 (6),and 00:42:996 (6) with 00:43:325 (7) xD so I think it's fine as it it
  11. 01:03:435 (1,2,3) - I was expecting a wider spacing here actually, for comparison Normal's spacing is even wider here xD hope it's not a big deal as it's readable :o
  12. 01:11:347 (1) - Hmm, I don't think you need waypoints that much on the slider's end... Using less waypoints on slider's end will make this slider's second half flows more naturally xD right,removed
  13. 01:16:457 (4,1,2,3) - (optional) Use a wider square jump here? It fits with the music, plus it tells player that the slow part is over imo:
    after long time thinking,left mine
  14. 01:25:193 (3) - Move it a bit upward, so in play mode this slider won't get covered by 01:23:875 (8)'s comboburst? I actually wanted to leave an impression of "catching" that slider with the new music part,so I think I'll leave it,if you think that it's readable enough :?
  15. 01:43:160 (2) - Personally I feel it's best to stack this above (3) instead of below (1)... (1,2,3,1,2)'s moving flow shouldn't be discontinued on (1) imo >_< okay!
  16. 01:48:270 (1,2) - Again here, why not start the whistle from here? It fits a lot (especially on both slider's end xD) added
  17. 01:57:501 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Move all to x:279 y:165, so in play mode (1) will be perfectly in the center of your previous square formation? well,good idea,though I aimed to center not the first but the last note :o so left mine
also fixed lead-in and removed default claps
Topic Starter

Sync wrote:

Definitely one of the most solid sets I have seen in a long time. Well done!

-- All of these are suggestions. Every gameplay problem that I've pointed out wasn't a problem the second time I played but you should still consider them.

00:26:018 (8) - Take this as a light suggestion, but consider adding a whistle at the start of this slider. I like this slider without whistle :<
00:36:567 (7) - ^ ^
01:28:985 (6) - This note is incredibly easy to mistake as a 1/4 note despite the prominence of anti-jumps in this difficulty. I highly recommend moving it elsewhere. Okay! Moved
01:58:243 (2) - This slider fits the music, but it doesn't play well at all. Players are bound to mess up at this part and it's really doing no justice to the map at all. 1/4 notes should suffice. I wonder, could I keep it as it is? I really love how it sounds and don't want just 1/4 there :<

-- This is a really high-end normal but it's still pretty amazing.

00:27:171 (3) - Add a whistle here at the start of the slider to follow the melody Yeah!
00:31:787 (1) - ^ ^
01:31:128 (3) - I'd add a hit circle here to keep the beat going or else the transition from (2) to (3) is awkward. But I like sliders with the rhythm of claps xD

00:10:029 (2) - Add a hit circle here unless you can justify the gap between (1) and (2). Oh, it's simple. It has the same rhythm as on 00:04:095 (2,1) -
01:36:402 (1) - This repeat is 100% hidden for the most part. You definitely need to unstack it from (4) but multiple repeats and easies don't fit well together -- especially if they're very short. Oh well, I suppose they're acceptable. Yeah, unstacked!

Call me back ASAP
Thank you a lot, Sync >w<

Niva wrote:

Hi, Reiji-RJ~
Actually I've modded this offline as well (but not finished)... Hmm, this is all suggestion though~


-> I personally think 2 seconds of lead-in time is too much (because your first note is 468ms after the song started), use 1.5 seconds instead? Sure, fixed!


  1. 00:10:358 (2) - idk... I prefer moving this 1/1 earlier to create a more distinctive rhythm, not a must though :3 It's aall a rhythm xD Like on 00:04:095 (2,1) -
  2. 00:17:281 (2) - Perhaps try to split this slider into this rhythm? This way, you can place claps more consistently xD Oh, I see.. But I used 1/1 repeat sliders on the part like this (00:14:644 (3) - 00:17:281 (2) - 00:19:919 (3) - )
  3. 00:25:193 (2) - Move lower to avoid overlap with (1)'s end? (not a must actually, but this would be nice especially if you compare with 00:22:556 (3,1) and 00:25:193 (2,3)'s spacing) Sure!
  4. 00:27:171 (1,2,3) - (optional) I personally dislike how this stack will look on play mode... Manual-stack as you usually did? :3 ((1) in x:298 y:80, (2) in x:292 y:90) Ohhh, looks much better!
  5. 00:34:424 (1) - To avoid this being too linear, I recommend something like this here - it flows well with your next (2) also >_< Beautiful slider! Fixed!
  6. 00:42:007 (3) - (optional) Move to the upper-right of (2)? Not a must actually, but I think placing this beside (2) and make it linear isn't too good... Fixed!
  7. 00:54:204 (1) - Normal hitfinish (instead of soft) here? It fits the song's splashing sound imo~ Oh, sounds great
  8. 01:11:347 (1) - I personally think it's quite rigid between the first and second red waypoint... Perhaps move the waypoint in the middle to x:111 y:205 to make the slider's middle curve more naturally? Fixed
  9. 01:25:853 (1) - (optional) Tilting this slider wave also looks good imo :3 Keep my slider :P
  10. 01:40:688 (2) - Minor stuff, move this a bit more to the upper-right to avoid contact with your previous (2)? Sure
  11. 01:45:633 (x) - The song still continues here, maybe add a circle here (with whistle/finish) and start the spinner 1/4 after? Ah, but I want to spin my spinner from this note xD
  12. 01:48:930 (1) - Remove whistle on slider's end here? Not a must, but you can emphasize the whistle on (2) this way~ Okay!
  13. 01:58:160 (1) - (optional) Flip this vertically, so the slider will wave downward first? Will be better imo because it continues (3)'s flow this way (or alternatively, you can tilt the slider wave like in my previous example as well :3) B-but this makes better flow for me D: You see?

  1. 00:05:413 (1) - Place it properly with distance snap (it should move this slider a bit further) to let (2) perfectly encircles this slider? Ugu!
  2. 00:14:314 (3) - (optional) Curve this downward a bit? Will flow better to both (2) and (4) imo~ I don't really like two curved sliders together xD
  3. 00:17:281 (3,4) - I have some problem in reading this for the first time, to be honest... Uhm, can't give a good suggestion though >_< So, could I keep my? C:
  4. 00:27:171 (3) - Whistle on slider's start here? There's a distinctive piano sound as well~ Fixed!
  5. 00:28:655 (5,6) - (5) is placed too far from (4) compared to (6) - barely noticeable, though :3 Oh :o Fixed
  6. 00:37:721 (3) - Put whistle also on slider's end, together with clap? (you previously had a whistle on 00:23:875 (1)'s end) Okay
  7. 00:49:589 (4) - (optional) Would be nice if you curve this as well like this imo, it will continue your previous (2)'s flow: Yay
  8. 00:53:545 (2) - Manual-stack by placing this ~x:219 y:60? Yes!
  9. 00:54:369 (1) - Normal hitfinish (instead of soft) here? It fits the song's splashing sound imo~ As easy, fixed!
  10. 01:13:985 (1) - Moving the red waypoint exactly to the second slidertick (to make this slider symmetrical) won't hurt imo, although it's not a must xD haha, fixed xD
  11. 01:20:578 (3) - Use a 3/4 slider here for a fancy rhythm? About the arrangement, I think you can arrange like this: I like you arrangement, but don't like rhythm D: So, keep as it is
  12. 01:35:084 (1) - Not really fond of the N sampleset on slider's end... Use S sampleset there instead as you did on your previous (3,4)? (you can just move your inherit 1/4 later, though~) buuu, not fixed :<
  13. 01:42:996 (1,2,3,4,5) - (optional) Why arranging (4,5) vertically like that? Doesn't look bad, but pentagon here will be better imo >_< Oh, looks much better!
  14. 01:48:930 (2) - Make this as a 1/2 slider? (well, the piano is more distinctive on 01:49:529, so it's best to shorten this slider so a whistle could be there imo) Noo D:

  1. 00:12:666 (5) - Due to how the music sounded, maybe use soft hitsample here? (it fits with the soft hitsample on your (1)) :3 No-no :P
  2. 00:16:952 (4) - (optional) Hmm, because your next (5) is curved downward already, maybe curve this upward instead to give more variation? xD Sure
  3. 00:23:545 (3,4,5,6,1) - Move to x:432 y:360? This is to make (1,2,3)'s spacing equal in play mode (because of stacking's nature (: ) OHHHH, YOU'RE AWESOME! FIXED FIXED THANK YOU <33 I couldn't find right placement for this and was in despair ><
  4. 00:28:985 (10) - Move this circle further like this? It can give more power to this part imo: yeahh
  5. 00:38:710 (6) - Minor stuff, but maybe move this one grid down and right so (6,1,2) perfectly forms a straight line? xD sure xD
  6. 00:54:204 (1) - Same as Beginner/Normal - use normal-hitfinish here instead of soft? Yessss!
  7. 01:03:435 (1,2,3) - The previous three diffs had these three arranged in a triangle, so why not a triangle also here? Back-and-forth doesn't play that great imo >_< Aha, fixed :P
  8. 01:04:919 (1) - (optional) Add whistle to fit the song's sound? Okay!
  9. 01:18:600 (8,9,10,11,12) - I don't think the music goes this hectic here... Actually the rhythm here should be circle + triple, perhaps delete (9)? xD Hmm, I like your suggestion!
  10. 01:28:490 (5,6) - (optional) Not really fond of this manual-stack... Maybe a jump like this will play better? :3 Fixed
  11. 01:39:946 (4) - Move the whistle to (3)'s end - the synth goes distinctive there instead on (4), really >_< Moved!
  12. 01:45:963 (2,3,4) - It's kinda weird for me having (3) slightly curved to the right... A straight compressed slider looks better for me though~ Random placing but want to keep it xD
  13. 01:47:281 (2) - (optional) Add a slight curve upward to let (3) continue the flow from (2)? :3 Nah, don't like two curved sliders together again :<
Uhm, I should mod your map faster next time >_<
Good luck, Reiji-RJ (:
Awww, thank you, Niva! Your mod was really helpful!
Вы бы лучше прятали такие цитаты под спойлеры, а то тред превращается во что-то ужасное D:
okay, bitching about silly things is not allowed
Topic Starter

grumd wrote:

Вы бы лучше прятали такие цитаты под спойлеры, а то тред превращается во что-то ужасное D:
okay, bitching about silly things is not allowed
Лол, я учту :3
Not sure if I should have let Niva recheck because his mod was huge.

Nevertheless, enjoy your bubble!

hyper's lead-in time is inconsistent by 4ms. Nobody pop over that please

(unless you want to fix it, Reiji-RJ. If that's the case, I'll be happy to repair the bubble.)
Topic Starter

Sync wrote:

Not sure if I should have let Niva recheck because his mod was huge.

Nevertheless, enjoy your bubble!

hyper's lead-in time is inconsistent by 4ms. Nobody pop over that please

(unless you want to fix it, Reiji-RJ. If that's the case, I'll be happy to repair the bubble.)
Oh, I guess, I could fix it with BAT's mod, right?
And thank you very much!! >w<
Reisen Udongein
All the Rhythm game songs should be Ranked as many as anime song lol.

Good luck to your map!! Nice song and map <3

Reisen Udongein wrote:

All the Rhythm game songs should be Ranked as many as anime song lol.

Good luck to your map!! Nice song and map <3

Meh... I feel horrible since I couldn't mod your map :(
Feel free to ask me when you need a mod to another map.
And, congratz for this bubble :)
That works too, Reiji-RJ.

If you want to fix it though I'm available any time to fix the bubble

  1. Fix that 4ms inconsistency with lead-in.
  2. 01:06:155 - Do not silence anything ! Hitsounds are meant to give a feedback to the player if they hit correctly or not the notes, without them, the player becomes less accurate and confused. That's why 5% sections are unrankable (except for silencing spinners).
    Therefore use at least 20%.
Before asking me for a recheck, ask Sync (or someone else) to do a recheck and rebubble it please (if possible, if not I'll just rebubble).
Topic Starter

Kurai wrote:

Yo Yohh

  1. Fix that 4ms inconsistency with lead-in. Done
  2. 01:06:155 - Do not silence anything ! Hitsounds are meant to give a feedback to the player if they hit correctly or not the notes, without them, the player becomes less accurate and confused. That's why 5% sections are unrankable (except for silencing spinners).
    Therefore use at least 20%. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Fixed :<
Before asking me for a recheck, ask Sync (or someone else) to do a recheck and rebubble it please (if possible, if not I'll just rebubble).
Thank you a lot, Kurai! Also, slow Happy Bithday! \:3/
Okay so, Ranked ~!
Topic Starter
/me is going to bed
Good ni- WHAT O_O
OH THANK YOU, KURAI!! *_______________*
And thank you, Kanna! <3
Reiji ♥
gratz o3o
Grats ! :)

sonya ==/
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