
StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, 23 March, 2012 at 11:08:03 AM

Artist: StylipS
Title: STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size)
Source: High School DxD
Tags: study cRyo[iceeicee] merchat7 wmfchris Noto Arisa Ogura Yui Ishihara Kaori Matsunaga Maho ending ed
BPM: 170
Filesize: 13757kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. cRyo (4.94 stars, 226 notes)
  2. Easy (2.64 stars, 102 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 334 notes)
  4. merchat7's Normal (4.21 stars, 124 notes)
  5. Wmf's Taiko (4.83 stars, 497 notes)
Download: StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size)
Download: StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
High School DxD ED

Normal by merchat7
Hard by cRyo[iceeicee]
Taiko by wmfchris

Warning: video contains suggestive scenes. Don't miss it!


I am not a pervert I don't watch this anime
I am not a pervert I don't watch this anime
I am not a pervert I don't watch this anime

xsrsbsns wrote:

I am pervert and I watch this anime
I am pervert and I watch this anime
I am pervert and I watch this anime
fixed for u :3


h3k1ru wrote:

xsrsbsns wrote:

I am pervert and I watch this anime
I am pervert and I watch this anime
I am pervert and I watch this anime
me too :3

fixed both ></
Accepting Easy/Normal guest diff?
Topic Starter

merchat7 wrote:

Accepting Easy/Normal guest diff?
Sure, choose one and tell me

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:

h3k1ru wrote:

Normal, should be done tomorrow latest.
Topic Starter
By the way I changed mp3 (was 320kbps didn't notice), offset is now different so you'll need to redownload.
Feel free to help check offset! ;x
lol, this is the fastest Normal I've made yet. 1.30 slider velocity, 381 total combo, 4.21 star rating.

High star rating due to lot of rhythm on the red ticks and in order to make clap patterns work, I have to do lot of 1/2 rhythm and this is also why there are lot of sliders. Be sure to add me to tags!

Some minor issues

- Disable countdown as it doesn't show in game anyways.
- Audio lead-in is 1489. Fix to 1500, but I prefer if you change it to 2000/2500 instead, feel too fast for me
- Disable letterbox during break since you have video, not really necessary (since you don't have break), but for cleanliness.
- Perhaps add ending to tags
- In notepad, it seem the preview point is -1 (this mean you didn't set a preview point), but I notice there is a yellow line in your diff, reset the preview point just to be sure? Be sure to do it for my diff as well.

That should be all, be sure to fix the above issues for my diff as well.

Offset seem fine to me, but 'm not good with timing. No kudosu for this post as it isn't a mod.

Download: StylipS - STUDY x STUDY (TV Size) (xsrsbsns) [merchat7's Normal].osu
I can make hard? (Hard diff is more comfortable to do in my opinion, i have a bad experience making easy and normal ><)
But if I can't, alright then: D
Topic Starter

suzutsukikanade wrote:

I can make hard? (Hard diff is more comfortable to do in my opinion, i have a bad experience making easy and normal ><)
But if I can't, alright then: D
Sorry, I think in my last few maps I took a lot of guest diffs, so for this mapset I'll first try to make more other diffs myself.. ><

xsrsbsns wrote:

suzutsukikanade wrote:

I can make hard? (Hard diff is more comfortable to do in my opinion, i have a bad experience making easy and normal ><)
But if I can't, alright then: D
Sorry, I think in my last few maps I took a lot of guest diffs, so for this mapset I'll first try to make more other diffs myself.. ><
ok, GL in this map.


I am not a pervert I don't watch this anime
I am not a pervert I don't watch this anime
I am not a pervert I don't watch this anime
This show's pretty enjoyable. Protags needs to grow some actual brains though.

Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ xsrsbsns ~ :)

Mod time for PM - In game ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Move offset to here 00:00:256, because first note start to here.
  2. Resize BG into a 4:3 ratio please.
  3. Change same previewtime please.(cRyo diff it's -1)
  4. Open Easy diff test file : SliderMultiplier:0.639999999999999.
    Need fixed this error,change 0.64 it's ok.
  5. Add 'ED,ending' in tags.


  1. AR-1,because not very high song.
  2. 00:52:491 (4) - Add new combo,vocal start to here.


  1. Add kiai time same as other diff.
  2. 00:13:315 (1) - Remove too short new combo.
  3. 00:55:315 - Remove whistle.
  4. 01:07:844 (1) - Remove too short new combo.
  5. 01:27:609 (2) - Add finish.

[merchat7's Normal]

  1. 00:55:315 - 01:06:520 - unsanped kiai time line.
  2. 00:52:491 (2,3,4) - Don't jump in here.


  1. 00:52:491 (4) - Add new combo,long combo hard to beginner.

That's all ~

Nice mapset ~ Please accept my star ( My heart ) >///<

Good luck ~ ;)
Added finish, changed preview + kiai, Thx Rika ~ :)

wow so many stars, thx Faust ~ www ></

Download: StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size) (xsrsbsns) [cRyo].osu
bpm 170 ar9是不是快了点...

00:08:020 (3) - 稍微往右下移一点, 让2的尾巴和3和4看起来间距一样 并且345之间的间距看起来也一样
00:12:697 (x) - 这里其实可以加个音强调一下?
00:13:403 (x) - ^
00:16:667 (1) - 这个真不需要new combo 233
00:27:785 (1,2,3) - 虽然1和3很对称但是2不在轴上啊lol
00:34:667 (6) - 这个倒是可以NC一下?
01:01:844 (1) - 这个其实也不需要nc...而且后面也没
01:08:373 (2) - 这个可以稍微右移1grid左右?让425之间的间距一致
01:13:667 (5,1) - 看到这里我虎躯一震...你确定不要把5放到1那堆里面去把1的nc撤销然后5nc然后一起跳吗.
01:27:962 (1,2,3) - 我感觉flow应该是132(位置)才对..


00:42:432 (4) - 我感觉这slider位置是不是可以下面一点...
01:05:197 (4,1,1,1) - 这part我不知道该如何描述我的感想...个人感觉是换spin比较好...

00:06:079 (1) - It's hard to catch it.
00:51:785 (1) - spacing. 2 is too clear to 1, and 1 obstructed 3
00:57:432 (5) - 1/2 repeat is better than 1/1 slider.
01:00:256 (4) - ^


00:21:432 (5,1) - 在5处nc比在1处nc好吧lol
00:44:020 (5) - new combo?
@Kawayi Rika
Fix all

goodbye wrote:

00:06:079 (1) - It's hard to catch it. It's a slider and I want to keep the rhythm 1/1 here so seem fine to me.
00:51:785 (1) - spacing. 2 is too clear to 1, and 1 obstructed 3 Fix in earlier mod
00:57:432 (5) - 1/2 repeat is better than 1/1 slider. I feel slider fits better then repeating slider.
01:00:256 (4) - ^ ^
I agree with Kawayi Rika about putting the red line at 256 so that the menu pulse work correctly. I didn't change since I check Insane and it was unchanged so if you do this, be sure to do for my diff as well.

Download: StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size) (xsrsbsns) [merchat7's Normal].osu
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hi ~ xsrsbsns ~ :) Hello :)

Mod time for PM - In game ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions

  1. Move offset to here 00:00:256, because first note start to here. Done
  2. Resize BG into a 4:3 ratio please. Nah, this BG size ratio is okay
  3. Change same previewtime please.(cRyo diff it's -1) Fixed
  4. Open Easy diff test file : SliderMultiplier:0.639999999999999. Fixed
  5. Add 'ED,ending' in tags.
  1. AR-1,because not very high song. I know some might disagree, but I find AR9 to be suitable for this map. The only reason I would even consider changing this to AR8 is to let more people to be able to play this difficulty.
  2. 00:52:491 (4) - Add new combo,vocal start to here. Nah, I'm following something else
  1. 00:52:491 (4) - Add new combo,long combo hard to beginner. Keeping
That's all ~
Nice mapset ~ Please accept my star ( My heart ) >///<
Good luck ~ ;)

Thanks for your mod & star! & ranking luck

goodbye wrote:

bpm 170 ar9是不是快了点... 暂时不换 觉得好适合..

00:08:020 (3) - 稍微往右下移一点, 让2的尾巴和3和4看起来间距一样 并且345之间的间距看起来也一样
00:12:697 (x) - 这里其实可以加个音强调一下?
00:13:403 (x) - ^
00:16:667 (1) - 这个真不需要new combo 233
00:27:785 (1,2,3) - 虽然1和3很对称但是2不在轴上啊lol wtf.. fixed 233
00:34:667 (6) - 这个倒是可以NC一下?
01:01:844 (1) - 这个其实也不需要nc...而且后面也没
01:08:373 (2) - 这个可以稍微右移1grid左右?让425之间的间距一致
01:13:667 (5,1) - 看到这里我虎躯一震...你确定不要把5放到1那堆里面去把1的nc撤销然后5nc然后一起跳吗. 5,1 换成 slider
01:27:962 (1,2,3) - 我感觉flow应该是132(位置)才对.. 我倒觉得这样更好flow :< unchanged


00:21:432 (5,1) - 在5处nc比在1处nc好吧lol
00:44:020 (5) - new combo?

Others all fixed~
谢谢 mod! From your CE73 #1 fan!

Faust wrote:

This show's pretty enjoyable. Protags needs to grow some actual brains though.

Thank you for your generous stars!
It's not that hard if you know the meaning/meme :P

serious business
very nice map >w<

mod in IRC for [Insane]

Star ":D

20:28 <xsrsbsns> : hi
20:28 <bakabaka> : hi :O
20:28 <xsrsbsns> : 可以我图吗?
20:28 <xsrsbsns> : mod*
20:29 <bakabaka> : 中文可以嗎 OvO??
20:30 <xsrsbsns> : 可以 erm.. 那.. 只是我的diff?
20:31 <bakabaka> : insane ;3?
20:31 *xsrsbsns is listening to (StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size))[]
20:32 <xsrsbsns> : irc还是post?
20:32 <xsrsbsns> : 我的guest不懂中文,随便你
20:32 <bakabaka> : irc吧
20:33 <xsrsbsns> : 不要先打么xD
20:33 <bakabaka> : :O
20:35 <bakabaka> : 神圖怎麼MOD :<
20:36 <xsrsbsns> : ..:<
20:38 <xsrsbsns> : 那你觉得ar8还是9比较好?
20:38 <bakabaka> : AR9
20:38 <xsrsbsns> : ok
20:38 <bakabaka> : :D
20:38 <bakabaka> : 這樣很爽:3
20:39 <bakabaka> : 好久沒打到這麼爽的圖 : o
20:39 <xsrsbsns> : 我也觉得 只是pa有些人玩不到
20:39 <bakabaka> : :<
20:39 <xsrsbsns> : ar9*
20:39 <bakabaka> : 不過還是AR9好 :3
20:39 <xsrsbsns> : lol ok :3
20:43 <xsrsbsns> : 望了.. grats 神图 ranked!
20:43 <bakabaka> : 謝謝lol
20:43 <bakabaka> : 不過挺招人怨的ww
20:44 <xsrsbsns> : 没办法lol rate都乱来的
20:44 <bakabaka> : 反正能讓一些人覺得好玩就好了 :P
20:47 <xsrsbsns> : 这么听就确定会用ar9了lol 就算不mod也得谢你
20:47 <xsrsbsns> : xD
20:47 <bakabaka> : :3
20:47 <bakabaka> : 我是真的找不到有甚麼好MOD的lol
20:47 <bakabaka> : 不過有些地方可以給些不是建議的建議lol
20:48 <bakabaka> : 因為改了可能也不會比較好ww
20:48 <xsrsbsns> : 不是建议的建议lol
20:48 <bakabaka> : lol
20:51 <xsrsbsns> : 可以说的lol
20:51 <bakabaka> : 恩lol
20:51 <xsrsbsns> : 就算不改也算mod
20:51 <bakabaka> : 反正頂多不拿kds :D
20:52 <bakabaka> : :OO
20:52 <xsrsbsns> : 拿啊
20:52 <bakabaka> : 00:21:961-
20:52 <xsrsbsns> : btw有可能会理解错 我中文不是很好
20:52 <bakabaka> : 圖解就好了lol
20:53 <bakabaka> : 要不要這樣lol
20:54 <xsrsbsns> : 比较喜欢不换:x
20:54 <bakabaka> : 恩
20:55 <xsrsbsns> : 个人不会打这种pattern
20:55 <bakabaka> : 00:28:314-
20:56 <bakabaka> : 這邊要不要拉開:O??
20:56 <bakabaka> : 感覺這樣跳起來也不錯:3
20:57 <xsrsbsns> : ok
21:00 <xsrsbsns> : 除了你之外 其他帮我test的都miss那堆antijump lol希望那边没问题
21:01 <bakabaka> : 剛剛1PC的時候嗎:O
21:01 <xsrsbsns> : ? 你没miss
21:01 <bakabaka> : 剛剛不是HD 1 100 :D
21:02 <xsrsbsns> : :D:D
21:02 <bakabaka> : 1PC是滑條看錯:3
21:02 <bakabaka> : 00:37:491-取消nc
21:02 <bakabaka> : 00:37:314-改在這nc?
21:02 <xsrsbsns> : 00:37:667 (3) -
21:03 <xsrsbsns> : 这边呢?
21:03 <bakabaka> : :O
21:03 <bakabaka> : 感覺剛剛那樣改比較好
21:04 <bakabaka> : 剛好十字:D
21:04 <bakabaka> : 而且對音:3
21:05 <xsrsbsns> : ok我会看看
21:05 <bakabaka> : 恩:3
21:13 <bakabaka> : 01:03:785-這邊感覺比較適合24對調
21:14 <bakabaka> : 不過後面的就也要改了:<
21:14 <xsrsbsns> : hmm
21:14 <xsrsbsns> : 其实我也想改这部分lol
21:14 <bakabaka> : :O
21:15 <xsrsbsns> : 这也要先看了
21:15 <bakabaka> : 恩
21:15 <bakabaka> : 我暫時想不到甚麼主意:<
21:16 <xsrsbsns> : ok~ 我看了irc时间 才发现原来浪费了你好多时间 >_>
21:16 <bakabaka> : :O
21:16 <bakabaka> : 一小時而已~別介意:3
21:17 <xsrsbsns> : 去post吧:3
21:18 <bakabaka> : 01:19:491-這個slider改成頭clap尾去掉
21:18 <bakabaka> : clap ?
21:20 <bakabaka> : 01:22:314-^?
21:20 <bakabaka> : 01:25:138-^ :O?
21:20 <xsrsbsns> : 我看不要吧 ><
21:21 <bakabaka> : 試試看:3
21:21 <bakabaka> : 因為這幾段沒whistle :O
21:21 <bakabaka> : 那不然 01:28:667- 去whistle :O?
21:22 <xsrsbsns> : ok
Topic Starter
> bakabaka
thanks for mod & stars! ><
I am not a pervert I don't watch this anime

goodbye wrote:

kiai? yep~

00:42:432 (4) - 我感觉这slider位置是不是可以下面一点...
01:05:197 (4,1,1,1) - 这part我不知道该如何描述我的感想...个人感觉是换spin比较好...
other seems fine ><
Thx mod ! :)

Download: StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size) (xsrsbsns) [cRyo].osu
Hello~ Request from my queue

  • - StylipS was a group of 4 voice actors :D Could you add their name to tags?
    Kaori Ishihara, Arisa Noto, Yui Ogura and Maho Matsunaga.

  • 01:00:961 (x) - Add a timing section and reduce the volume to 50%? Finishs+whistle sounds crappy on these notes. Though you can just remove whistle, since it's fine on 01:12:256~
    01:01:050 (x) - ^, volume 60%
    01:02:373 (x) - ^, volume 50%
    01:02:461 (x) - ^, volume 60%

    [list:8115e]- Rhythm placement needs improvement >_<.
00:03:079 (3) - Kinda weird shape:
00:05:197 (3) - ^:
00:06:079 (1,2) - I can't tell it's good. (1) is like off-beat. (2) follow the background, but ignored one beat at 00:06:961. :\ Random rhythm?
00:12:785 (1) - Two overlapped circles is better than which you're using, just an opinion:
00:14:726 (5) - +1/2 beats to this slider
00:21:609 (1) - Make it balance with previous slider:
00:24:609 (2) - Copy (1) and Flip it horizontally, then Ctrl+R, though I think you can fix the shape of (1) too:
00:28:315 (2) - How about stack it under (1), it's tricky to players with this spacing.
00:33:962 (3) - It's not a roller-coaster T_T
00:43:314 (x) - Add a note here
00:44:726 (x) - ^
00:53:550 (3) - Can you Ctrl+R this? (Also fix the spacing after changes too!)
01:17:550 (3) - Move like this:
01:27:609 (2) - ^:

  • - HPD and OAD are same with Insane now :\ Hard doesn't need such high settings.
    - Nice hitsounds, the best hitsound using on this mapset :D
00:05:197 (3) - I wonder how many ppl will get 100 on this note.
00:12:432 (1,2) - umm, I suggest (1) follow the same spacing with previous note, but jumps on (2) and (3): (1.30x), or this:
00:16:138 (2) - Move it to x:124 y:180:
00:21:609 (1,2,3) - How about this:
00:26:726 (2) - Use normal hitsound set
00:36:609 (1,2,3,4,1) - How about this: (1,2,3) (4,1)
00:40:844 (4) - This will be better imo:
00:51:079 (1,2,1,2) - Spacing cheat :(
00:58:138 (1) - 3~4 grid left, spacing is strange between 00:58:138 (1,2,3,4)
01:05:197 (4,1,1,1) - eh...just an opinion, why don't use pattern like this: (though they look like tentacles..rofl). Kinda weird for 4 different length sliders and placed with a cross pattern.
01:12:432 (1,2,3,4,5) - Do something like this: /
01:13:844 (1,2,3,4) - ^

00:21:873 (T) - Unused timing section
01:17:903 (T) - ^

  • - I meet you again~ triangle-jumps :>
00:40:315 (1) - Suggestion:
00:45:962 (1,2,3,4,5) - 1/4s don't fit with white ticks:
01:13:667 (5,1) - I agree with eveless, but the main reason is on 01:14:020 (1,2,3,4,5) this part. This pattern breaks your flow. Really :(

umm..I don't expect to see a same mapping method with your last map I've modded. :(
You've got great pattern, flows and spacing control, though.

Anyway, good luck for ranking :oops:
Topic Starter

Pokie wrote:

Pokie with formal English. I'm blinded :o

  • - StylipS was a group of 4 voice actors :D Could you add their name to tags?
    Kaori Ishihara, Arisa Noto, Yui Ogura and Maho Matsunaga. Sure, I will reupdate this when all difficulties are updated/posted.

  • 01:00:961 (x) - Add a timing section and reduce the volume to 50%? Finishs+whistle sounds crappy on these notes. Though you can just remove whistle, since it's fine on 01:12:256~ Removed whistles

    [list:3491c]- I meet you again~ triangle-jumps :> :>
00:40:315 (1) - Suggestion: Kinda prefer it unchanged ;<
00:45:962 (1,2,3,4,5) - 1/4s don't fit with white ticks: Normally I would agree on this but imo it's fine here, also following the music.
01:13:667 (5,1) - I agree with eveless, but the main reason is on 01:14:020 (1,2,3,4,5) this part. This pattern breaks your flow. Really :( I'm gonna experiment a little more on this, but I will most probably be keeping this too.

umm..I don't expect to see a same mapping method with your last map I've modded. :(
I honestly don't know how to react to this line :< You've kinda just said the keyword yourself there, mapping preference. Thank you, though.
You've got great pattern, flows and spacing control, though.

Anyway, good luck for ranking :oops:
Thanks for modding! :oops:
ty for star too h3k1 :D

Pokie wrote:

  • - Rhythm placement needs improvement >_<. Don't really see a problem with the rhythm, I generally map my Normal to the rhythm (instrument/vocal) and try to keep notes every 2 and 4th white ticks for claps. For this song, the rhythm is quite focused on red ticks so drum and rhythm doesn't always mix well so this is why I sometime I ignore putting notes on the 2nd and 4th white ticks.
00:03:079 (3) - Kinda weird shape: Made it nicer
00:05:197 (3) - ^: ^
00:06:079 (1,2) - I can't tell it's good. (1) is like off-beat. (2) follow the background, but ignored one beat at 00:06:961. :\ Random rhythm? It's following vocal, I ignore that one beat and I felt there was too many 1/2 rhythm here and that is not nice for a Normal, but since lot of people dislike this, adjust the notes in this section to white ticks. It plays horrible, leaving 1/1 space before the repeating slider feel a lot better and more consistent with my mapping style as I generally follow vocal.
00:12:785 (1) - Two overlapped circles is better than which you're using, just an opinion: 1/2 rhythm then 1/1 stacked note (keep in mind you can't read spacing when notes are stack, thus making them hard to hit) and that both notes are not of equal accent (red tick is not as accented as white) so I just did a slider. Also fits better with instrument (I don't mean drums).
00:14:726 (5) - +1/2 beats to this slider Again to avoid using too many 1/2 rhythm and this is consistent with how I map since I placed the notes in this section on the red ticks (I'm not following drums here).
00:21:609 (1) - Make it balance with previous slider: Stupid mistake, fixed.
00:24:609 (2) - Copy (1) and Flip it horizontally, then Ctrl+R, though I think you can fix the shape of (1) too: Done, not sure what you mean by fixing up the shape, I intentionally make it like this.
00:28:315 (2) - How about stack it under (1), it's tricky to players with this spacing. I don't see a problem, you can easily see (1), I doubt anyone is going to miss it and hit (2) first. And the notes fade out fast enough and the fact that (3) is a slider, I doubt anyone is going to miss (3) either. I also hate stacking in easier diffs in general as for the reasons mentioned before (can't read spacing due to stack, approach rate is so slow that I keep hitting 1/1 stack too early and etc.)
00:33:962 (3) - It's not a roller-coaster T_T Just want to emphasize the middle of this slider, not whole.
00:43:314 (x) - Add a note here Following vocal here
00:44:726 (x) - ^ ^ I understand following vocal is not always a good thing, but star rating is so high I had to try reducing it somewhere and I did slider, it should be easy enough.
00:53:550 (3) - Can you Ctrl+R this? (Also fix the spacing after changes too!) I want (2) & (3) to point to each other (toward the middle), the feel of the song sort of feel like everything is leading to one point to me.
01:17:550 (3) - Move like this: Ok as it's consistent with 00:30:256 (2)
01:27:609 (2) - ^: Don't agree with this one No, I want to do something like at 00:13:315 (2,3) here.

Maybe we have a different mapping style for Normal, I try to avoid 1/2 rhythms when possible and almost always do a slider if I'm force to do it and I dislike stacks.

Ty for mod, didn't change too much, but I hope you understand why in my reply above.

Can you add study to tags, annoying to write studyxstudy everytime I want to find this song. Also maybe fix the title in forum thread as well.

Download: StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size) (xsrsbsns) [merchat7's Normal].osu
General: Since I am not acquaint with new rules ,Please check the new rules or ask others and see if the" Slider Tick Rate "now sould be consistent in all diffs, if yes, please adjust that to 2 in Easy diff which is currently 1.

fine (remember the slider tick rate)

merchat7's normal:
01:08:197 (4) - why not try to add a reverse and move 01:08:726 (5) - closer , this will fit the vocal better

00:51:079 (1,2,1,2) - please see this little anti-jump

this may lead to misread on 00:52:491 (1,2) -
my suggestion is: try to sapce out 00:51:079 (1,2) - , and gradually tighten the space between 00:52:491 (1,2) - and 00:53:197 (1,2,3,4) -

01:14:020 (1,2,3,4,5) - no, I dont think these 5 notes spaced well under such a speedy map. when play to this point people feel like they have take adrenaline XD,because this map is fast! , they will find it hard to slow down their fingers , finally they regard these as stream
a good example are 01:26:726 (1,2,3) -

Excellent song and nice map, good luck on ranking
From queue:

All good.

[merchat7's Normal]
00:13:315 (2,3) - Maybe make these not touch? (adjust 3)
00:17:020 (2,3) - ^

00:11:903 (6) - Down and left a bit to close up the gap with the next combo?
Remove timing points: 00:21:873, 01:17:903

01:26:020 (4,5) - Symmetry?

Can't find a lot really, very nice mapsets!
Starred. <3

General: 不开no video = fail

00:20:726 (3) - 这个虽然可以吓player但是不论打了几次还是不好打
00:22:667 (4,5) - 这两个可以跟着❤的形状走?
00:54:079 (1,2,3) - 用大一点的spacing强调
01:04:491 (1,2,3,4) - 建议在原地打转,但是不是完全一样的,rotate一下、enlarge一下?感觉这样比较好打。。鉴于video太乱的关系不puush了
01:07:844 (1) - nazi grid 1 up,尾巴可以stack
01:10:491 (5) - 不stack吧。。不见得好?
01:16:315 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - 这里的节奏好像让前面的感觉断拍了。。。。不如直接stream整个?
01:25:667 (3) - ctrl + R?

00:04:315 (1) - finish
00:20:020 (5,6,7,8) - 不如做antijump?感觉更好看
00:33:962 (4) - NC?
01:12:432 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这样子有一点闷叻。。不如antijump?

merchat normal should rename it "hard" it doesnt seem to be a normal...obviously..
00:03:079 (3) - maybe dont start at here? the previous beat followed vocal, but now suddenly...well, start at red tick would sounds better..?
00:07:315 (1) - stack?
00:09:079 (3) - make it like previous slider?(simple curve) would be prettier..?
00:28:315 (2) - stack?

easy...good job
00:49:667 (1) - nazi grid 1 up
01:05:197 (1,2,3,4) - could add speed up as well, it wont affect osu but it will make taiko a difference...

star again

Pokie wrote:

  • - HPD and OAD are same with Insane now :\ Hard doesn't need such high settings. changed it to 6/7/6
    - Nice hitsounds, the best hitsound using on this mapset :D thx :)
00:05:197 (3) - I wonder how many ppl will get 100 on this note. no one since its just simple white tick note and u can easily read approach circle, but nvm i decided to change this part wwww
00:12:432 (1,2) - umm, I suggest (1) follow the same spacing with previous note, but jumps on (2) and (3): (1.30x), or this: nah, i want to keep it without changes
00:16:138 (2) - Move it to x:124 y:180: i want to keep them symetrick
00:21:609 (1,2,3) - How about this: good idea :)
00:26:726 (2) - Use normal hitsound set yep, forgot wwww
00:36:609 (1,2,3,4,1) - How about this: (1,2,3) (4,1) ok~
00:40:844 (4) - This will be better imo: both fine for me
00:51:079 (1,2,1,2) - Spacing cheat :( changed this part
00:58:138 (1) - 3~4 grid left, spacing is strange between 00:58:138 (1,2,3,4) 0.4 difference....
01:05:197 (4,1,1,1) - eh...just an opinion, why don't use pattern like this: (though they look like tentacles..rofl). Kinda weird for 4 different length sliders and placed with a cross pattern. i like tentacles, changed, but they still look loke tentacles even on ur screenshot :)
01:12:432 (1,2,3,4,5) - Do something like this: /
01:13:844 (1,2,3,4) - ^ both changed little bit
00:21:873 (T) - Unused timing section
01:17:903 (T) - ^ deleted ></
Very good mod = =+ thx~
already changed this part
-->Samah wanted to make small jump between NC :o

L_P wrote:

00:04:315 (1) - finish ok~
00:20:020 (5,6,7,8) - 不如做antijump?感觉更好看 fine for me
00:33:962 (4) - NC? ok~
01:12:432 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这样子有一点闷叻。。不如antijump? changed ~

Thx for mod :)

Download: StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size) (xsrsbsns) [cRyo].osu
Topic Starter

Neptunus wrote:

01:14:020 (1,2,3,4,5) - no, I dont think these 5 notes spaced well under such a speedy map. when play to this point people feel like they have take adrenaline XD,because this map is fast! , they will find it hard to slow down their fingers , finally they regard these as stream
a good example are 01:26:726 (1,2,3) - I think slowing down suddenly could all the more make the adrenaline rush even intense

Excellent song and nice map, good luck on ranking Thank you for modding!

Samah wrote:

01:26:020 (4,5) - Symmetry? Nah, since the slider is curved it doesn't look good with screen symmetry (I made symmetry between the slider, and moved a few grids).

Can't find a lot really, very nice mapsets!
Starred. <3 Thank you for your mod and star!

L_P wrote:

直接进入主题 开门见山 我喜欢

General: 不开no video = fail 这代表 you = hentai

00:20:726 (3) - 这个虽然可以吓player但是不论打了几次还是不好打 不换
00:22:667 (4,5) - 这两个可以跟着❤的形状走?^
00:54:079 (1,2,3) - 用大一点的spacing强调 Fixed
01:04:491 (1,2,3,4) - 建议在原地打转,但是不是完全一样的,rotate一下、enlarge一下?感觉这样比较好打。。鉴于video太乱的关系不puush了 不换
01:07:844 (1) - nazi grid 1 up,尾巴可以stack Fixed 不过还是stack不准 嘛nvm
01:10:491 (5) - 不stack吧。。不见得好?不换
01:16:315 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - 这里的节奏好像让前面的感觉断拍了。。。。不如直接stream整个?我同意 7连-->5连
01:25:667 (3) - ctrl + R? 不错可是flow就会差了一点 又懒惰换后面的arrangement

easy...good job
00:49:667 (1) - nazi grid 1 up Fixed
01:05:197 (1,2,3,4) - could add speed up as well, it wont affect osu but it will make taiko a difference... 哇 好吧 我之前在Insane也有放过这种东西

star again 谢谢 again 握!
Hi~ Request from #modreqs.


In 2 of 4 difficulties (guest) Kiai doesn't match Kiai time in your difficulties.

Your - . Guest - .

May be add Background Color?


Comboing in this difficulty is so randomized, i think.

Combo should to change:
:arrow: Every 4th white tick in timeline (if you use 4/4 Time signature in your timing) = ever big white tick. But you don't considered at mapping this beatmap. So sad. Some big white ticks under finish of sliders. :cry:
:arrow: New spacing, start jumping.
:arrow: Start kiai.
:arrow: Change sliders speed.

Please, remember this rules.

And for example . . . (Combo fails. ) v

00:00:962 (1) - Delete new combo.
00:03:079 (2) - New combo.
00:06:609 (1) - Delete new combo.
00:09:609 (4) - ^
00:10:667 (3) - Spacing changed, new combo.
00:15:079 (3) - ^
00:20:726 (3) - ^
00:22:667 (4) - ^
00:26:726 (2) - ^
00:30:256 (4) - ^
00:32:020 (3) - ^
00:31:138 (4) - ^
00:32:903 (1) - Delete new combo.
00:33:256 (3) - New combo.
00:35:903 (2) - ^
00:38:197 (3) - New combo.
00:39:432 (3) - ^
00:43:844 (1) - Delete new combo.
00:44:020 (2) - New combo.
00:47:197 (3) - ^
00:47:373 (1) - Delete new combo.
00:47:726 (3) - New combo.
00:51:079 (2) - ^
00:52:491 (4) - ^
00:54:962 (1) - Delete new combo.
00:55:315 (5) - New combo.
00:57:256 (3) - ^
00:58:138 (4) - ^
01:00:962 (4) - ^
01:02:021 (6) - ^
01:03:256 (4) - ^
01:08:550 (3) - ^
01:11:373 (3) - ^
01:11:903 (4) - ^
01:12:432 (1) - Delete new combo.
01:12:962 (3) - New combo.
01:13:667 (5) - ^
01:19:491 (1) - Delete new combo.
01:19:844 (6) - New combo.
01:20:373 (3) - ^
01:20:726 (6) - New combo.
01:21:079 (1) - Delete new combo.
01:21:785 (3) - New combo.
01:22:844 (3) - ^
01:25:667 (3) - ^
01:26:197 (5) - ^[/Quote]
00:04:315 (3) - Finish on end of slider?
00:05:197 (6) - Finish on start of slider?
00:24:079 (1,5) - Sliders arent symmetrical.
00:54:079 (1) - Delete finish and add 00:54:432 (3) ?

:!: You use 6 of 3 acceptable speeds in Inherited points. It's unrankable.


:!: Comboing . . . Please recheck difficulty with rules in beginning my post.

00:04:491 - may be add circle and new combo?
00:04:667 (2) - Add finish.
00:39:609 (2) - Unsymmetrical with 00:38:197 (3). Use Ctrl + J.
00:05:197 (3) - Finish on start of slider.
00:25:491 (4) - Ugly slider.
00:31:667 (3) - So ugly. May be such is better?

00:41:903, 00:43:315 (5), 00:44:020, 00:46:138 (1) - May be add claps?
01:00:256 (3) - Not good. May be such is better?

01:05:197 (4,1,1,1) - Stuck. You should add short distance between sliders.

:!: You use 6 of 3 acceptable speeds in Inherited points. It's unrankable.

[merchat7's Normal]

Comboing . . . Please recheck difficulty with rules in beginning my post.

00:06:079 (1) - Ugly. May be linear slider?
00:09:962 (1) - ^ May be such is better?
00:11:373 (3) - red slider mount right one cell (Grid lvl2. )
00:14:726 (4) - eeehhh
00:15:609 (1) - end slider mount mount right one cell (Grid lvl2. )
00:44:903 (3) - May be linear? :o
01:00:962 (1) - so ugly. May be such is better?


:!: Rhythm in this difficulty is so hard for beginners, i think. But let's see what will they say BAT/MAT.
:!: Comboing . . . Please recheck difficulty with rules in beginning my post.
00:19:667 (2,4), 00:25:315 (2,4) - May be add claps?
00:49:667 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - You can't use more combo, than 5. Therefore 00:52:491 (4) - new combo.

That's all. Goodluck! :)
Topic Starter

TakamuraRin wrote:

Hi~ Request from #modreqs.


In 2 of 4 difficulties (guest) Kiai doesn't match Kiai time in your difficulties. They don't need to be.
May be add Background Color? Uhh.. ok used black.


Comboing in this difficulty is so randomized, i think.

Please, remember this rules. There are no such concrete rules for every map or song, I just did a recap of my combos; they aren't placed randomly at all. I only removed a couple of redundant combos.

00:04:315 (3) - Finish on end of slider? No
00:05:197 (6) - Finish on start of slider? Added
00:24:079 (1,5) - Sliders arent symmetrical. They don't need to be, but since it's easy, fixed.
00:54:079 (1) - Delete finish and add 00:54:432 (3) ? No, it'll be too noisy; the song's silent after this part.

:!: You use 6 of 3 acceptable speeds in Inherited points. It's unrankable. It is rankable when used appropriately, I've already checked with staffs.


:!: Rhythm in this difficulty is so hard for beginners, i think. But let's see what will they say BAT/MAT. I mapped it like this because Normal isn't too easy. I also think boring 1/2 rhythms should be easy enough for anyone who'd play a rhythm game.
00:19:667 (2,4), 00:25:315 (2,4) - May be add claps? I will consider this, but not added now because I didn't use any claps throughout this difficulty.
00:49:667 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - You can't use more combo, than 5. Therefore 00:52:491 (4) - new combo. No

That's all. Goodluck! :) Thank you for modding :)

TakamuraRin wrote:

Hi~ Request from #modreqs.


:!: Comboing . . . Please recheck difficulty with rules in beginning my post.

I am not agree with that rules, im putting NC not because its some kind of rule or smth, i want my NC to help players read the map, thats all.
If my NC is readable i dont see any good reason to changing them, sry..... ==

00:04:491 - may be add circle and new combo? nope
00:04:667 (2) - Add finish. nah dont want to overfinish this part
00:39:609 (2) - Unsymmetrical with 00:38:197 (3). Use Ctrl + J. they shouldnt be symetric ==
00:05:197 (3) - Finish on start of slider. same overfinish
00:25:491 (4) - Ugly slider. no its not ==
00:31:667 (3) - So ugly. May be such is better? wwww its not ugly at all

00:41:903, 00:43:315 (5), 00:44:020, 00:46:138 (1) - May be add claps? nah, dont want claps here
01:00:256 (3) - Not good. May be such is better? i like my angle~

01:05:197 (4,1,1,1) - Stuck. You should add short distance between sliders. I dont think so, also asked wcx~ , he said its fine

:!: You use 6 of 3 acceptable speeds in Inherited points. It's unrankable. ---->xsrs~ asked about that Sapphireghost, he said
- if it fits the song, why not ?
wcx~ also said
So i will keep it.

That's all. Goodluck! :)
Thx for mod ></
made some changes~

Download: StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size) (xsrsbsns) [cRyo].osu

xsrsbsns wrote:

TakamuraRin wrote:

In 2 of 4 difficulties (guest) Kiai doesn't match Kiai time in your difficulties. They don't need to be.
As far as I know, kiai time should (must?) be the same on all the diffs, shouldn't it?
Topic Starter

TicClick wrote:

As far as I know, kiai time should (must?) be the same on all the diffs, shouldn't it?
Different kiai time is ok for guest difficulties.
For those who want to improve their mods

Neptunus wrote:

merchat7's normal:
01:08:197 (4) - why not try to add a reverse and move 01:08:726 (5) - closer , this will fit the vocal better Don't think it play too nice since it's a 1/2 rhythm and there is already one before (01:07:667 (3,4)) and by leaving a space, it emphasize 01:08:726 (5) much better which is a strong beat.

Samah wrote:

[merchat7's Normal]
00:13:315 (2,3) - Maybe make these not touch? (adjust 3) It's fine, I don't think the blanket will look nice if I space it out.
00:17:020 (2,3) - ^ ^

L_P wrote:

merchat normal should rename it "hard" it doesnt seem to be a normal...obviously.. Should be fine, if i make it easier, the difficulty jump to Hard may be too big.
00:03:079 (3) - maybe dont start at here? the previous beat followed vocal, but now suddenly...well, start at red tick would sounds better..? The note on the white tick is really emphasize/accented etc., it would be weird if I were to follow vocal which is not as emphasize as the sound on the white here
00:07:315 (1) - stack? Doesn't feel like it should be stack to me, nicer to play when it's spaced out since it's easier to see the approach circle.
00:09:079 (3) - make it like previous slider?(simple curve) would be prettier..? Listen to sound at 00:10:138 & 00:10:314, I want to try to emphasize it with the red point, but change shape since I notice the red tick isin't as accented as the white.
00:28:315 (2) - stack? Same reason as before.

TakamuraRin wrote:

[merchat7's Normal]

Comboing . . . Please recheck difficulty with rules in beginning my post. Sorry, I don't follow those rule for new comboing, I just put new combo on how it feel to me (normally follow vocal).

00:06:079 (1) - Ugly. May be linear slider? I make slider shape to follow the feel of the music, here the music feel quite wiggly for me thus a wiggly shape.
00:09:962 (1) - ^ May be such is better? ^ No for same reason
00:11:373 (3) - red slider mount right one cell (Grid lvl2. ) I changed the shape of this slider in a earlier mod.
00:14:726 (4) - eeehhh Same with this one, but it was basically a copy of the one above but rotate by 90 degree.
00:15:609 (1) - end slider mount mount right one cell (Grid lvl2. ) Don't see anything wrong, I want it to be perfectly straight.
00:44:903 (3) - May be linear? :o Intentionally use red point to slow this slider down to represent the song speed up at 00:45:961 (4).
01:00:962 (1) - so ugly. May be such is better? Don't see a difference, but made more symmetrical.

I made my slider to try to follow the feel of the music since practically all long slider I use are omitting some strong sound in the music so to try to make it feel like you're still following the song, I use some red point to emphasize certain part. For this song especially, I feel using just curved and waved slider doesn't fit too well. This is why I didn't change much from your mod.

Ty for mods!

Download: StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size) (xsrsbsns) [merchat7's Normal].osu

x_x I had to take the video out of the file ;x

You requested in my queue but I cant be any help to you ._.
I dont see anything wrong in my opinion.
Topic Starter
Sure, thanks for checking out.
rank this already
Topic Starter

Bakario wrote:

rank this already
Taiko diff wip :<

Edit: thanks for starrin' :3
god dammit
Topic Starter

Thanks for taiko difficulty, updated~
From my queue

You have more than 3 different slider speeds.

1:00:961 (1,2) - Make these sliders straight

[merchat7's Normal]
A lot of sliders that are aren't straight, but it's very subtle. Have no idea why you did that. :roll:



Star, this needs ranking soon :)
Hi, from my queue

nice map, star~ go go rank it


  1. I don't think you can make this a good map if you haven't even watched this anime, then you have no love to it, you must watch it at least 10 times so you can make something special to it


  1. 01:05:197 (1,3) - add whistle
[merchat7's Normal]

  1. 01:17:550 (3) - end point 1 grid up ww
  2. 01:27:609 (2) - 1 grid up ww

  1. 01:21:079 (1) - 中间的点拉到(132,192) 第三个点(192,128)
  2. 01:24:256 (2) - 这个note感觉没必要用N:C2, 这里用N然后(1)头上也加个whistle比较效果好

  1. 00:27:962 (2) - 复制 (1) 然后转90度
  2. 00:28:667 (2) - ^
  3. 00:54:962 (1) - 这一段和背景颜色相差太小, 换成紫色的
perfect map, can't find many problems

that's all

Good luck~

Seems the hitsounds work really well with the song.
You've gathered a modest amount of modding here, and it does look like there isn't a whole lot to point out.
I like what has been done thus far and I do think it's enough to get some BAT attention.

Also, did I mention your BG is 1024x576 ?

Overall, it's just some minor touching-up. Why the inherited timing sections are unsnapped by 1ms I have no idea.


Tick-rate 2 & OD+1 would do good.

- 01:26:461 (1) - You can't start this spinner so soon, really. Move this to - 01:26:726 - and we're good.

merchat7's Normal:

Not a fan of this difficulty.

- 00:05:197 (3) - Why not do this:
- 00:15:608 (1) - Was this intended to be straight?

- 01:22:314 (1,2,3) - Rather you change the way this looks.

- 01:27:608 (2) - Here's a fix:

Not really liking the mapping structure either. But it works fine for the most part.
Quite a lot of unsnapped inherited sections.
You can ignore the rest save the ones for kiai.

- 00:27:432 (1,2,3) - I was thinking this could be aligned better:

Couple of unsnapped inherited timing sections. Same as above.
The last kiai inherited point is snapped correctly, so make sure you do the snapping for the beginning and in-betweens.

- 00:24:079 (1) - No hit-finish?

That's it. Kudosu or no kudosu, it's okay.

Call me back when you're done.
Apa Kabar?

* Inconsistent kiai time (Not sure)

merchat7's Normal
* AR +1? Your current approach rate seems slow

00:14:726 (1) - I don't think the new combo is put new combo here....
00:42:962 (4) - Remove whistle at tail slider?

* Lots of unsnapped inherited points

01:05:197 (4) - New combo?
01:14:020 (2) - Clap here? You seems miss that
01:14:373 (4) - Clap on tail slider? You seems miss that

* Lots of unsnapped inherited points

01:14:020 (1,2,3,4,5) - I don't think this finish is necessary

I really can't find something wrong.... Ask Faust-chan if you want to bubble
no changes sry><
changed sliders
changed kiai section
no changes
about that NC, note and slider have the same color, so it will be less confusing and u wont go in wrong direction xD

thx for mod (・ω・)ノ

Download: StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size) (xsrsbsns) [cRyo].osu
Topic Starter
> Jacob
Thanks for modding and starring! No fixes made.

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

Hi, from my queue

nice map, star~ go go rank it Thank you for star!


  1. I don't think you can make this a good map if you haven't even watched this anime, then you have no love to it, you must watch it at least 10 times so you can make something special to it ok I lied I watched it, ep3 was terrible though


  1. 01:05:197 (1,3) - add whistle Added.

  1. 00:27:962 (2) - 复制 (1) 然后转90度
  2. 00:28:667 (2) - ^
  3. 00:54:962 (1) - 这一段和背景颜色相差太小, 换成紫色的
perfect map, can't find many problems Insane unchanged.

that's all

Good luck~ Thank you for modding!

Faust wrote:

Hi. Hello Faust.

Seems the hitsounds work really well with the song.
You've gathered a modest amount of modding here, and it does look like there isn't a whole lot to point out.
I like what has been done thus far and I do think it's enough to get some BAT attention.

Also, did I mention your BG is 1024x576 ? Just wondering.. I don't have to change this, right?

Overall, it's just some minor touching-up. Why the inherited timing sections are unsnapped by 1ms I have no idea. Fixed.


Tick-rate 2 & OD+1 would do good. Tick-rate 2 looks a little ugly imo, but done.

- 01:26:461 (1) - You can't start this spinner so soon, really. Move this to - 01:26:726 - and we're good. Fixed.


Couple of unsnapped inherited timing sections. Same as above.
The last kiai inherited point is snapped correctly, so make sure you do the snapping for the beginning and in-betweens.

- 00:24:079 (1) - No hit-finish? Oops, added.

That's it. Kudosu or no kudosu, it's okay.

Call me back when you're done.

All snappings should be now fixed. I will inform you when response for the normal difficulty arrives.

Leorda wrote:

Apa Kabar? Khabar baik. Lupa tukar tiket ini untuk map lain.. :<

* Inconsistent kiai time (Not sure)

* Lots of unsnapped inherited points Fixed.

01:14:020 (1,2,3,4,5) - I don't think this finish is necessary Maybe not too necessary, but I still like it so unchanged.

I really can't find something wrong.... Ask Faust-chan if you want to bubble Thanks for modding!
tl;dr status - waiting for response from merchat7, not hurrying too much since I'm outstation

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

[merchat7's Normal]

  1. 01:17:550 (3) - end point 1 grid up ww Done
  2. 01:27:609 (2) - 1 grid up ww Don't want space between the sliders


Faust wrote:

merchat7's Normal:

Not a fan of this difficulty.

- 00:05:197 (3) - Why not do this: Hm, you want me to make this a slight jump? Didn't see a difference with slider shape. If you wanted me to do a jump, then no considering you didn't suggest for other places and i kept to one distant snap for the whole diff and feel weird to have a jump just for one place.

- 00:15:608 (1) - Was this intended to be straight? Yep

- 01:22:314 (1,2,3) - Rather you change the way this looks. Hm, made some changes.

- 01:27:608 (2) - Here's a fix: I don't really want a gap between the sliders here, but I notice the blanket wasn't perfect so made it a little better.


Leorda wrote:

merchat7's Normal
* AR +1? Your current approach rate seems slow ar 6 is quite high for Normal, so keep current ar.

00:14:726 (1) - I don't think the new combo is put new combo here.... Yep, accident, thanks for catching this!
00:42:962 (4) - Remove whistle at tail slider? K

Thanks for mod, late reply since I check my guest diffs by searching on website and seeing which map were recently updated and this beatmap was updated just 30mins ago so I just saw the mods now.

Download: StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size) (xsrsbsns) [merchat7's Normal].osu
Tits. Bubble.

Still unsnapped inherited timing sections all over cRyo's diff, but they're fine as that.
Topic Starter
@Faust: Thanks for the earlier bubble!

Update: Popped to fix source spacing

^ seems like it was a bad idea and I've got to wait for another while.
Shana Aisaka
go go ! rank it >w<"
<bubble coming soon>

EDIT: Study is an awfully suitable euphemism here..
Shana Aisaka

Faust wrote:

<bubble coming soon>

glad to hear that. xD
Topic Starter
@ Shana Aisaka
Thanks for starrin'
Pole dancing is a bitch with long hair, just fyi.

Did some IRC modding on xrs's diffs.

08:38 <Garven> : erm
08:38 <xsrsbsns> : yes?
08:38 <Garven> : Your BG's dimensions are rather off
08:38 <Garven> : 1024x576
08:38 <xsrsbsns> : I thought it's allowed as long as it is wide?
08:38 <Garven> : It's preferred to go for a 4:3 standard
08:39 <xsrsbsns> : I sort of have problems looking for one..
08:40 <xsrsbsns> : not much art released..
08:41 <Garven> :
08:43 <Garven> : Holy hell that video is provacative.
08:43 <xsrsbsns> : Lol, I hope it's not unrankable..?
08:44 <xsrsbsns> : so what do I do with the BG?
08:44 <xsrsbsns> : full submit?
08:44 <Garven> : Yeah, but may as well wait for modding 'ere
08:44 <xsrsbsns> : ok
08:48 <Garven> : Alright, in Easy
08:48 <Garven> : 00:05:903 (1) - Feels like the note after this is kind of soon for this level of difficulty
08:48 <Garven> : Snap the end at 00:07:138 -
08:48 <Garven> : Should work better
08:50 <Garven> : mm, I guess you only have the easy/insane eh?
08:50 <xsrsbsns> : yes
08:51 <xsrsbsns> : but in easy I mostly put on 1st and 3rd beat
08:51 <Garven> : Yeah, it's a pretty rhythmically dense Easy diff
08:51 <xsrsbsns> : can I not change that spinner?
08:51 <Garven> : I'd suggest re working how you used rhythms but that'd be an essential remap, hehe
08:52 <Garven> : If you can find a way to give a little more time for recovery
08:52 <Garven> : It was just a suggestion/illustration for what I'd like to see
08:53 <Garven> : Anyway for insane
08:53 <Garven> : AR -1
08:53 <Garven> : AR9 doesn't fit this at all.
08:53 <Garven> : 00:54:256 (2,3) - ctrl + r for better flow from the previous combo
08:55 <Garven> : 01:05:197 (1,1,1,1) - eeh, better all as one combo in stead of the new combo spam
08:56 <Garven> : Anyway, that's it for your maps. I'll post for the other ones
08:58 <xsrsbsns> : alright.. thanks for checking
08:58 <xsrsbsns> : do you not accept any of the stuff you pointed out?
08:58 <Garven> : What do you mean?
08:59 <xsrsbsns> : I only feel like changing the AR on Insane
08:59 <xsrsbsns> : and not the other 2 mods
09:00 <Garven> : I guess. I don't see how you don't like the ctrl r mod considering the motions that you used right befor eit
09:00 <Garven> : It fits quite well
09:00 <Garven> : And new combo spam messes with the hp drain metric of the game
09:00 <Garven> : Trivializes the section with free hp
09:00 <xsrsbsns> : as for Easy it really is fine imo.. if it's not, how about a 1/1 repeat slider at the same starting point?
09:01 <Garven> : I'd prefer more recovery time than that considering the high bpm
09:02 <xsrsbsns> : slider from 00:05:903 - to 00:07:314 -
09:03 <Garven> : k

This feels like you have the same problem I do when making Normals. You try to map to way too much and it makes the map way too hard. See if you can simplify some of the rhythms, perhaps.
00:02:020 (1) - Way too soon after a spinner for a Normal.
00:24:079 (1,2) - Kinda ugly overlap
00:28:315 (2,3) - Really don't like the look of slight misalignment here

01:05:197 (4) - Add new combo
01:05:550 (1,1,1) - Remove new combo

Decent set. I worry about the video though.

Garven wrote:

This feels like you have the same problem I do when making Normals. You try to map to way too much and it makes the map way too hard. See if you can simplify some of the rhythms, perhaps. Don't see anything that I could simplify without breaking the consistency of the map, if I did, would have been fixed a long while ago.
00:02:020 (1) - Way too soon after a spinner for a Normal. Fixed
00:24:079 (1,2) - Kinda ugly overlap Doesn't look too bad for me.
00:28:315 (2,3) - Really don't like the look of slight misalignment here Fixed (2), was intended to be straight, didn't notice anything wrong with (3).

Guess this song really doesn't fit with how I map normals and also since I tried to keep some parts on the white tick for claps so I end up doing unnecessary 1/2 rhythms. May have been better to just map without consideration for clap and do freestyle for the hitsounds. If I ever encounter song like this again, I'll try a different method of mapping, but for me, this diff seems fine.

Thanks for mod.

Download: StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size) (xsrsbsns) [merchat7's Normal].osu

Garven wrote:

[cRoy] - no change
01:05:197 (4) - Add new combo change
01:05:550 (1,1,1) - Remove new combo no change
4 different SV 4 different colors
thx mod

Download: StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size) (xsrsbsns) [cRyo].osu
Topic Starter
A little worried about the readability of AR8 since the diff was designed on AR9, but here goes.

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:

Garven wrote:

[cRoy] - no change
Fix some small stuff Garven mentioned.

Download: StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size) (xsrsbsns) [merchat7's Normal].osu
I modded it with AR8 because AR9 was crap for the map when I first modded, and it read fine.

Sorry for the typo, cYro. It happens. :P

AR9 was fine for this map imo...and I usually can't play AR9 at all.

Oh well, makes it easier for me then lol


Fun map btw, good job :D
Go rank it fast!! >///<
Topic Starter
I don't wanna say it..... but *popped*

Since bubbled maps seem to be going nowhere for now, I've replayed a little and really felt bad about changing this to AR8.
So once again here is AR9, final decision.

I truly am sorry to Faust who has bubbled this map twice (I'll try somewhere else now), and the people who want this ranked.

*helping reduce bubbles in pending plan ongoing*

@ MegaManEXE: didn't know you were still around. Good play and thanks!

@ akupr0: xd
Boy meets Girl きっとウンメイ
Boy meets Girl さぁご一緒に
Hello! I told you ~ I was going to do this mod today or tomorrow lol

Song's Info:
- Tags: Remove "ed" because words with less than 3 letters can't be searched. I'm not sure about the "study" tag because it's already included in the title ...

- The video is a little (actually very) kinky so add a warning about it on the op ?

- 00:52:491 >> New combo here ? A combo of 6 seems a little long for an Easy imo

merchat7's Normal:
- 00:33:255 >> I don't know, this linear slider makes me sad (not very good looking) you can keep it if you want to though
- 01:27:608 >> Instead of this current slider (a bit boring) why note put a note here and add a slider from 01:27:961 to 01:28:314 ?

Wmf's Taiko:
- No special super awesome cute taiko BG ? whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ?!
- Disable video for this diff lol

- 00:26:373 >> Add a note ? It feels kinda empty without it

- Uh about the AR thingy, I think AR9 works well with this map but AR8 will also work well because with it (at least for me) objects seem to come slower also the bpm is quite high but since the slider speed is quite high too AR9 seems more fitting here. That's just my opinion though so yeah if you want to keep it there are no problem with me (also considering some people have actually come here to post and say how AR9 works wonderfully for them)
- No probl- wait a sec! There are no spinners on this diff which means that scores won't vary which is kinda bad and sad but if you want to keep it is ok *sadface*

* That's about, this is pretty much ready!
Go go go ~ !
Topic Starter

lovhin456 wrote:

Hello! I told you ~ I was going to do this mod today or tomorrow lol Hi~ this was fast :)

Song's Info:
- Tags: Remove "ed" because words with less than 3 letters can't be searched. I'm not sure about the "study" tag because it's already included in the title ... No change

- The video is a little (actually very) kinky so add a warning about it on the op ? Done

- 00:52:491 >> New combo here ? A combo of 6 seems a little long for an Easy imo Separated these two 00:49:667 (4,1)

Wmf's Taiko:
- No special super awesome cute taiko BG ? whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ?! Fanart is really scarce for this anime (I can't find any), so I'll pass.
- Disable video for this diff lol Is this necessary? I didn't disable yet. I think there are hentai taiko players that wants video too

- Uh about the AR thingy, I think AR9 works well with this map but AR8 will also work well because with it (at least for me) objects seem to come slower also the bpm is quite high but since the slider speed is quite high too AR9 seems more fitting here. That's just my opinion though so yeah if you want to keep it there are no problem with me (also considering some people have actually come here to post and say how AR9 works wonderfully for them)
- No probl- wait a sec! There are no spinners on this diff which means that scores won't vary which is kinda bad and sad but if you want to keep it is ok *sadface* I've been considering about this.. Ok, changed first stream into spinner.

* That's about, this is pretty much ready! Thank you for modding!

lovhin456 wrote:

- 00:26:373 >> Add a note ? It feels kinda empty without it
hmm, previous repeat slider breaking this "white tick rhytm" and then pattern starting to folow vocal, thats why there is no note there
Ogura Yui won this rhytm battle \></
Didnt changed pattern, but increased spacing in this part

Thx for mod lovhin~

Download: StylipS - STUDYxSTUDY (TV Size) (xsrsbsns) [cRyo].osu

xsrsbsns wrote:

Fanart is really scarce for this anime (I can't find any), so I'll pass
Is this necessary? I didn't disable yet
I mean a taiko bg like this one and also I suggested to disable video because if you don't disable it then what is the purpose of the taiko bg ? I mean well I really don't know how to explain it but yeah that's the purpose of the taiko bg if you get what I'm trying to say here orz. Anyways now that I provided the taiko bg see if you will use it or not and call me back
edit: and about the video you can keep it too actually you choose to change any of this post or not. If you choose to keep it like how it is now, there are no problems
But why can't you just keep the video..

seems so pointless to do this.

Faust wrote:

But why can't you just keep the video..

seems so pointless to do this.
o: Is fine if the mapper decides to keep the video no problem for me. I just said all that stuff because nowadays I see that taikos have bgs like that and don't have video so yeah that's why I pointed that out but it doesn't mean that the mapper must do what I said, is fine if the mapper decides to keep it as it is because it doesn't cause any problems, so yup that's about it.
Got you.
Topic Starter
I think it looks better without, because it's hard to choose a good short section of this BG. So no change.

Thanks for making one for me though! ;)
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