
Little Glee Monster - Dakara, Hitori ja nai -TV Size-

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mercoledì 23 agosto 2017 at 00:26:30

Artist: Little Glee Monster
Title: Dakara, Hitori ja nai -TV Size-
Source: 僕のヒーローアカデミア 第2期
Tags: boku no my hero academia heroaca ヒロアカ ending theme ed plus ultra
BPM: 180
Filesize: 11797kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,29 stars, 82 notes)
  2. Extra (5,74 stars, 356 notes)
  3. Hard (3,33 stars, 239 notes)
  4. Insane (4,77 stars, 278 notes)
  5. Normal (2,12 stars, 146 notes)
Download: Little Glee Monster - Dakara, Hitori ja nai -TV Size-
Download: Little Glee Monster - Dakara, Hitori ja nai -TV Size- (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
MHA ENDING! This song is too cute.
Thank you very much to Saten for the BG video!

Easy: 100%
Normal: 100%
Hard: 100%
Insane: 100%
Extra: 100%

metadata: ... ?SRCL-9430
Topic Starter
A r M i N

Isnt OD9 a lil harsh? I know a lot of other sets have it aswell but if u wanna go for that juicy pp, put HP on 6 then
Widescreen off cuz there is no storyboard? (or maybe u need it for video idk xd)
AR 9,3 (but definetly no AR9 please ^^)

00:01:429 - have the 5% green line here (pretty nazi i know)
00:08:179 - Maybe have that beat tappable?
00:12:179 - same here
00:37:513 (1) - 1/1 slider here?
00:39:929 - idk, u put triplets everywhere but not here where its pretty loud? :D Add one please <3
00:40:179 (1) - rhythm like this? ^^
00:42:179 (4) - have the NC removed here
00:42:179 (4) - put rhythm like this so that 00:42:846 - is tappable
00:45:513 (1) - stack that with sliderend of 00:44:179 (2) -
00:45:513 (1) - same rhythm as on 00:40:179 (1) -
00:47:513 (1) - same rhtyhm as on 00:42:179 (4) - also remove nc again
00:50:846 (1) - same rhythm as on 00:40:179 (1) -
00:53:179 (5,6) - make a stream here, fits better
00:58:013 (5) - new rhythm
01:25:513 (1) - could have some sick pp jumps here xD
01:27:846 (3) - make it like in Insane


OD8, HP6

00:01:429 - same as Extra
00:06:679 - have this beat clickable? i would reccomend sth like this
00:12:679 - slider here, but 00:12:513 - circle here so basicall swapping those two 00:12:513 (3,4) - so it plays like here 00:11:346 (2) -
00:17:513 (5,5) - wanna have a NC here for consistency?
00:28:179 (5,6) - same here i dont rlly see why u would let them out ^^
00:39:929 - same as in extra
00:40:179 (1,1,1,1) - also, those rhythms same as extra
01:00:513 - have it clickable
01:11:179 - ^
01:25:513 - jumps



00:01:429 - same
00:12:179 (3,1) - swap them
00:17:513 (5) - NC
00:28:179 (5) - ^
01:25:513 - some sliders maybe


OD4 HP4?

00:01:429 - xD
00:25:513 (7) - 3ticks without NC? hmm
00:33:513 (2) - here u break the NC pattern
00:36:179 (1) - ^
00:45:513 (1) - maybe this flows a bit better, not such a harsh angle u know ^^
00:40:179 (1) - ^
01:27:846 (1) - i would put a 1/1 slider



00:01:429 -
00:16:179 (1) - revovery time not enough (1 full beat after spinner)
00:22:846 (2) - more than 1 reverse will get newcomers confused af
00:58:846 (1) - those are some pretty fast sliders for a easy
01:08:679 (4) - random 1/2? too hard
01:24:179 (3) - what spacing is this?
01:27:846 (1) - revovery time not enough (1 full beat after spinner) just remove the circle

thats all from me i guess :D Good luck <3
irc, chewin didn't know about new ranking criteria, mainly affected the low diffs
2017-08-14 02:05 Sinnoh: are you aware of the new ranking criteria? idk if you're out of the loop since you've been inactive for a while
2017-08-14 02:06 Chewin: what are you refering to?
2017-08-14 02:06 Sinnoh: ah!
2017-08-14 02:07 Sinnoh: rc just got a bit of an update to add a bit more information about each diff
2017-08-14 02:08 Sinnoh: on normal, 00:16:179 (2) - that entire section plays pretty much like a slider only section with it's rhythm
2017-08-14 02:09 Sinnoh: wtf
2017-08-14 02:09 Chewin: what? XSD
2017-08-14 02:11 Sinnoh: but just to connect what i said before, RC states that slider only sections should be avoided on normal/easy bc they're hard
2017-08-14 02:11 Chewin: mention them in the post i can not watch now i am modding something else too
2017-08-14 02:12 Sinnoh: kk
2017-08-14 02:35 Chewin: thank you for the mod, i will mod it later probably
2017-08-14 02:35 Sinnoh: aight
2017-08-14 02:36 Sinnoh: last thing i expected i was going to say was 'remap this' after doing other diffs kek
2017-08-14 02:38 Chewin: ○:
2017-08-14 02:39 Sinnoh: rc is finnicky, it would have been rankable a while ago
2017-08-14 02:40 Sinnoh: not your fault at all though since you didn't actually know about the rule changes
2017-08-14 02:41 Chewin: but what is RC
2017-08-14 02:41 Chewin: i still don't get it
2017-08-14 02:41 Sinnoh: ranking criteria
2017-08-14 02:41 Chewin: you mean on faster parts?
2017-08-14 02:42 Chewin: I guess I have to remap themp anyways coff
2017-08-14 02:43 Sinnoh: like, if you apply those things then it should be totally fine since your mapping ability is already great
2017-08-14 02:44 Sinnoh: o wait you have 25 ranked you don't need to be told that xP
2017-08-14 02:46 Chewin: having poroblems on easy diff
2017-08-14 02:46 Chewin: so sad
2017-08-14 02:46 Chewin: I was a MAT/BAT.
2017-08-14 02:46 Chewin: lol
2017-08-14 02:46 Chewin: i forgot to remove speedup on easiest diff
red = unrankable kek

I get an error which prevents me from loading the video, idk if it's just me

00:27:513 (3) - feels easier to play if slider head was moved left, easier to hit slider body
00:40:013 (4) - Not mapping this 1/4 drum? feels should be really map for expert
00:40:179 (1) - imo would suggest to follow snare here but opinion hold on let me testplay the whole map first ffs
01:25:513 (1) - where is the 1,2 jumpspam pp?!!?

01:02:679 (1,2,3,1) - Spacing might be fine for this diff somewhere else, but it was after that 1/1 repeat slider. The slider really slows down cursor a lot, which means more way acceleration needed than usual for those large jumps. Just nerf them a bit
01:11:513 (4,5) - pls nerf it's just too big lol
01:12:846 (5,6) - reduce spacing so 1 is easier to hit because slider body a bit hard to follow with antiflow
01:27:179 (1,2) - why having same spacing as kiai here, wayyyyy reduce distance here

00:56:513 (2) - move 2 above 1, since that's the direction cursor is going is easy to miss here bc tonnes of slider tail/heads overlap which is hard to read. make easier by moving slider heads to more linear flow
00:59:846 (6) - Overspaced for hard, compare to 01:10:513 (6) - which has almost no spacing

Slider velocity change between sections is far too drastic, use 0.8 for the slow part. Same for Easy
00:00:180 (1,1,1) - just simplify this to one spinner, new players won't understand why there's no score when they spin, same for easy
00:15:846 (1) - to 00:33:513 (2) - Irc mentioned. RC requires that slider only sections should be avoided. There are lots of circles, but the way you used them plays pretty much as if it was slider only. adding more 1/1 circles like 00:22:846 (2,3) - would fix. (but tbh regarding the spread between easy and hard it's fine)
00:18:679 (1,2,3,4) - ew fix triangle

Change distance snap so it's between 0.8 and 1.2, makes finding relationship between slider velocity and spacing weird
would also suggest to lower actual slider velocity a bit, 1.1 is a bit high. doing this would actually help solve the issue above a bit quicker.
00:22:846 (2) - don't use sliders with multiple reverses on easy, they can't read those
00:40:846 (3,1,2) - try to keep distance spacing pretty much the same for entire diff
00:55:513 (4) - just use 1.0x sv on kiai, there's only one slider with this sv so no reason to really change after one object. better to use fewer amount of sv kinds for easy.
01:25:513 (1,1) - new rc suggests at least 4 beats between spinner end and next object, but since it's just one circle is probably fine

^ all of the issues for easy are outlined the new RC, would suggest to check it out before fixing stuff further since there's a couple really specific things there.!
m4m this map

the three spinners at start should be connected imo but eh

00:05:513 (1,2) - unstack because stacks aren't advised in easy, could place somewhere like 263|337 to keep line pattern

00:08:513 (1,2) - ^ but instead do something like this to emphasize the "uwaw" sound

00:10:846 (3,1) - ^ but

00:13:513 (1) - spinner is 1/2 beat too long, it should end 00:15:346 - here

00:22:846 (2) - i dun really like fast double reverse sliders like these because they trip noobs up with how "i thought they were only supposed to go back once?!?!"

00:29:513 (1,2) - why not copy 00:26:846 (1) - this for aesthetic, both of them have the same vocal rhythm

00:49:513 (1,2) - nc on (2) instead because that's the downbeat

01:08:179 (3,4,5) - feels weird to play because the notes before it are all 2/1 and 01:08:846 (5,1) - since this isn't exact to the vocals. would either remove circle and make (4,5) 1 slider or extend 01:09:513 (1) - this to match the vocals (but that causes the kiai downbeat to disappear :thinking:)

01:22:846 (1,2) - unstack

01:23:179 (2,3,4) - make this pattern snapped to the center

00:12:179 (4) - note here at 293|160 for downbeat

00:07:346 (2,3) - blanket

00:08:679 (2,3) - blanket

01:12:846 (3,2) - yuck an overlap, move (2) a little bit top right

01:27:846 (3) - imo this should be a 1/2 slider and a circle under the sliderend of that

00:11:680 (3,1,2,3) - organize this to be a square? probably with less spacing but you get the point

00:13:513 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2) - disgusting pp mapping kek

00:35:513 (3,5,1) - stack head of (3) and tail of (1)

01:06:013 (3,4,5) - wide angles :shudder:

01:11:513 (4,5) - reduce spacing lol this is a fullscreen in an insane

01:27:846 (3) - same thing that i said in hard about the 1/2 slider -> circle thing

00:04:513 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - this is | 1/2 | 1/2 | 1/2 | 7-note stream | in terms of rhythm :/

00:22:179 (3,4,1) - 00:20:429 (2,3,4,5) - stupid high spacing in not-kiai :thinking:

01:27:179 (1,2,3,4) - why not something like this to cover the sound that you covered in every other diff
Topic Starter

A r M i N wrote:


Isnt OD9 a lil harsh? I know a lot of other sets have it aswell but if u wanna go for that juicy pp, put HP on 6 then OD 9 is good on extra, I always slowed the HP, it was 8 before
Widescreen off cuz there is no storyboard? (or maybe u need it for video idk xd) well not a big issue i am lazy to edit it on all diffs grr
AR 9,3 (but definetly no AR9 please ^^) noo

00:01:429 - have the 5% green line here (pretty nazi i know) pls xD
00:08:179 - Maybe have that beat tappable? read insane
00:12:179 - same here
00:37:513 (1) - 1/1 slider here? it would lose its strenght
00:39:929 - idk, u put triplets everywhere but not here where its pretty loud? :D Add one please <3 I know. This is weird. I thought it was an error of the file but it actually wasn't. But I still have to decide if to add circle or not, because I was following the vocals :\ it would ruin the consistency tho, i guess i will keep it for now
00:40:179 (1) - rhythm like this? ^^ i prefer mine sry TwT
00:42:179 (4) - have the NC removed here no, different vocal, it's intentional
00:42:179 (4) - put rhythm like this so that 00:42:846 - is tappable
00:45:513 (1) - stack that with sliderend of 00:44:179 (2) - not needed I should remove the 00:45:346 (4) - from the horizontal line and I always keep grid like that xD
00:45:513 (1) - same rhythm as on 00:40:179 (1) -
00:47:513 (1) - same rhtyhm as on 00:42:179 (4) - also remove nc again
00:50:846 (1) - same rhythm as on 00:40:179 (1) -
00:53:179 (5,6) - make a stream here, fits betterWe are still in the slower part of the vocal
00:58:013 (5) - new rhythm it sounds cool
01:25:513 (1) - could have some sick pp jumps here xD nah already too much jumps
01:27:846 (3) - make it like in Insane i prefer this for the highest diff


OD8, HP6 Just changed HP.

00:01:429 - same as Extra
00:06:679 - have this beat clickable? i would reccomend sth like this no, i followed vocals
00:12:679 - slider here, but 00:12:513 - circle here so basicall swapping those two 00:12:513 (3,4) - so it plays like here 00:11:346 (2) -maybe you missed my logic on this part :P all the part has been mapped in this way to fill the vocal and increase at the same time the base as well, i think it's nice in this way tho
00:17:513 (5,5) - wanna have a NC here for consistency? they are different from next parts, so nop
00:28:179 (5,6) - same here i dont rlly see why u would let them out ^^
00:39:929 - same as in extra same as extra
00:40:179 (1,1,1,1) - also, those rhythms same as extra
01:00:513 - have it clickable vocals
01:11:179 - ^
01:25:513 - jumps nah


OD6 i suck at settings xd fixed

00:01:429 - same
00:12:179 (3,1) - swap themnice one
00:17:513 (5) - NC
00:28:179 (5) - ^nope at both. I used NCs on next because i changed rightm from 1/1 to 1/2
01:25:513 - some sliders maybe nah


OD4 HP4? I think it's fine like it is actually

00:01:429 - xD
00:25:513 (7) - 3ticks without NC? hmm yea added
00:33:513 (2) - here u break the NC pattern
00:36:179 (1) - ^ what you mean on both? I didn't break it, just the vocal rhythm is changing xD
00:45:513 (1) - maybe this flows a bit better, not such a harsh angle u know ^^ fixed i guess?
00:40:179 (1) - ^
01:27:846 (1) - i would put a 1/1 slidernah not need


AR3 Mh ok, but it didn't make a big difference huehuehue

00:01:429 -
00:16:179 (1) - revovery time not enough (1 full beat after spinner) i thought it was fine, but I reduced the spinner size by 1/1
00:22:846 (2) - more than 1 reverse will get newcomers confused af they have to learn reverses :D trust me, the multiple arrows can be only used on easiest diffs LOL
00:58:846 (1) - those are some pretty fast sliders for a easy I guess I forgot to remove speedups.. lol Remapped.
01:08:679 (4) - random 1/2? too hard ^
01:24:179 (3) - what spacing is this? rofl pretty nazi, fixed
01:27:846 (1) - revovery time not enough (1 full beat after spinner) just remove the circle

thats all from me i guess :D Good luck <3
Thank you, very helpful mod!
Topic Starter

Sinnoh wrote:

red = unrankable kek

I get an error which prevents me from loading the video, idk if it's just me it's you

00:27:513 (3) - feels easier to play if slider head was moved left, easier to hit slider bodyyea why not
00:40:013 (4) - Not mapping this 1/4 drum? feels should be really map for expert read above, I still have decide if to map this or not
00:40:179 (1) - imo would suggest to follow snare here but opinion hold on let me testplay the whole map first ffs
01:25:513 (1) - where is the 1,2 jumpspam pp?!!?read above ahah Already enough jumps, it's fine to close the map with a spinner

01:02:679 (1,2,3,1) - Spacing might be fine for this diff somewhere else, but it was after that 1/1 repeat slider. The slider really slows down cursor a lot, which means more way acceleration needed than usual for those large jumps. Just nerf them a bit i think now it's better
01:11:513 (4,5) - pls nerf it's just too big lol moved 01:11:846 (5) - closer to (4)
01:12:846 (5,6) - reduce spacing so 1 is easier to hit because slider body a bit hard to follow with antiflow I moved it a bit to make a triangle with 01:12:513 (4,5) - 's tails
01:27:179 (1,2) - why having same spacing as kiai here, wayyyyy reduce distance here xd changed

00:56:513 (2) - move 2 above 1, since that's the direction cursor is going is easy to miss here bc tonnes of slider tail/heads overlap which is hard to read. make easier by moving slider heads to more linear flow it should be fine now
00:59:846 (6) - Overspaced for hard, compare to 01:10:513 (6) - which has almost no spacing i think it's fine

Slider velocity change between sections is far too drastic, use 0.8 for the slow part. Same for Easy FIXED
00:00:180 (1,1,1) - just simplify this to one spinner, new players won't understand why there's no score when they spin, same for easy nah this wouldn't change anything in playing it xD
00:15:846 (1) - to 00:33:513 (2) - Irc mentioned. RC requires that slider only sections should be avoided. There are lots of circles, but the way you used them plays pretty much as if it was slider only. adding more 1/1 circles like 00:22:846 (2,3) - would fix. (but tbh regarding the spread between easy and hard it's fine) ? But there are so much circles too lol I don't want to make it monotone with 1/1 slider - circle - 1/1 slider
00:18:679 (1,2,3,4) - ew fix triangle that was not my intention to make a triangle xD

Change distance snap so it's between 0.8 and 1.2, makes finding relationship between slider velocity and spacing weird FIXED
would also suggest to lower actual slider velocity a bit, 1.1 is a bit high. doing this would actually help solve the issue above a bit quicker. you are actually correct, I forgot to change it from normal diff. I HATE WHEN THIS HAPPENS.
00:22:846 (2) - don't use sliders with multiple reverses on easy, they can't read those read above
00:40:846 (3,1,2) - try to keep distance spacing pretty much the same for entire diff
00:55:513 (4) - just use 1.0x sv on kiai, there's only one slider with this sv so no reason to really change after one object. better to use fewer amount of sv kinds for easy.
01:25:513 (1,1) - new rc suggests at least 4 beats between spinner end and next object, but since it's just one circle is probably fine

^ all of the issues for easy are outlined the new RC, would suggest to check it out before fixing stuff further since there's a couple really specific things there.!
very good mod, thank you so much!
Topic Starter

[[Pika]] wrote:

m4m this map

the three spinners at start should be connected imo but eh as I said above, I do not think it would change something, the players keep spinning anyways lol

00:05:513 (1,2) - unstack because stacks aren't advised in easy, could place somewhere like 263|337 to keep line pattern

00:08:513 (1,2) - ^ but instead do something like this to emphasize the "uwaw" sound fixed!

00:10:846 (3,1) - ^ but not need here

00:13:513 (1) - spinner is 1/2 beat too long, it should end 00:15:346 - here yea fixed already

00:22:846 (2) - i dun really like fast double reverse sliders like these because they trip noobs up with how "i thought they were only supposed to go back once?!?!" read above, i think it's ok

00:29:513 (1,2) - why not copy 00:26:846 (1) - this for aesthetic, both of them have the same vocal rhythm fixed it already

00:49:513 (1,2) - nc on (2) instead because that's the downbeat actually the downbeat is on (1) as well lol and the new vocal is starting there

01:08:179 (3,4,5) - feels weird to play because the notes before it are all 2/1 and 01:08:846 (5,1) - since this isn't exact to the vocals. would either remove circle and make (4,5) 1 slider or extend 01:09:513 (1) - this to match the vocals (but that causes the kiai downbeat to disappear :thinking:) I think it's fine.. lul only white ticks and it follows vocal in the best way

01:22:846 (1,2) - unstack no need here

01:23:179 (2,3,4) - make this pattern snapped to the center yea fixed

00:12:179 (4) - note here at 293|160 for downbeat it's consistent with previous ones

00:07:346 (2,3) - blanket

00:08:679 (2,3) - blanket

01:12:846 (3,2) - yuck an overlap, move (2) a little bit top right k

01:27:846 (3) - imo this should be a 1/2 slider and a circle under the sliderend of that I prefer this rhythm

00:11:680 (3,1,2,3) - organize this to be a square? probably with less spacing but you get the point

00:13:513 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2) - disgusting pp mapping kek ??? lol

00:35:513 (3,5,1) - stack head of (3) and tail of (1) y

01:06:013 (3,4,5) - wide angles :shudder:

01:11:513 (4,5) - reduce spacing lol this is a fullscreen in an insane y done already

01:27:846 (3) - same thing that i said in hard about the 1/2 slider -> circle thing

00:04:513 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - this is | 1/2 | 1/2 | 1/2 | 7-note stream | in terms of rhythm :/ that's an option, but mine is a valid option as well xD

00:22:179 (3,4,1) - 00:20:429 (2,3,4,5) - stupid high spacing in not-kiai :thinking:

01:27:179 (1,2,3,4) - why not something like this to cover the sound that you covered in every other diff this time i didn't use the 1/1 slider you hate so much xD
Thank you for the mod :)

I will mod your maps ASAP!
Ryuusei Aika
boku no hero map:

tags repeat. advice: "boku no my hero academia heroaca ヒロアカ ending theme" for tag cause rest informations can be searched by searching title/artist/source.

title should be (in japanese): だから、ひとりじゃない -TV Size-
and the romanized title should be: Dakara, Hitori ja nai -TV Size-
(metadata source:

00:00:180 (1,1,1) - I know people will keep spinning even if there have 3 continuous spinners. however,Make sure that there is a reasonable time delay after a spinner to the next object. This will ensure that players have enough time to recover and react to the next object, even that object is a spinner. So i strongly suggest you to change those 3 spinners into just 1 spinner.
But if you really want to emphasize those "Ah', i have another idea: using three 4/1 sliders, which can work too and is more reasonable in easy diff.
00:22:846 (2) - better not using a 3-time reverse slider in easy diff, which is not quite easy for new players. i suggest you to change it into a long slider or 2 2/1 sliders.
00:38:179 - sv changed quite sudden and sharp, which can easily cause a miss. so it would be better if you use 1.0x sv everywhere in easy diff.
00:49:513 (1) - remove nc

00:25:513 (1) - even the vocal get a little bit weak here, beats here are still exactly the same with 00:24:179 (4,5,6) - . so i suggest you to use the same rhythm here, current reverse slider makes me a little bit confused and i don't get what you want to follow
00:35:846 (4,1) - if you want to make a blanket here, then it's not quite good :C

01:03:679 (7,8) - vocal raise and beat get strong at 01:03:846 - , so it would be better if we make it clickable. just change the rhythm into 1 note+1 slider can represent the song better.

00:55:513 (2) - flow is a little bit weird here. try ctrl+g it?

01:17:513 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i want to know why you used a low ds->large ds->low ds here, as for me the vocal here get larger and larger(not quite obvious, but at least the same intensity)

Love this style, good luck!
Ryuusei Aika
wtf double post noooo
Topic Starter

Ryuusei Aika wrote:

boku no hero map:

tags repeat. advice: "boku no my hero academia heroaca ヒロアカ ending theme" for tag cause rest informations can be searched by searching title/artist/source. Thank you!

title should be (in japanese): だから、ひとりじゃない -TV Size-
and the romanized title should be: Dakara, Hitori ja nai -TV Size- THANK YOU I really needed it <3
(metadata source:

00:00:180 (1,1,1) - I know people will keep spinning even if there have 3 continuous spinners. however,Make sure that there is a reasonable time delay after a spinner to the next object. This will ensure that players have enough time to recover and react to the next object, even that object is a spinner. So i strongly suggest you to change those 3 spinners into just 1 spinner.
But if you really want to emphasize those "Ah', i have another idea: using three 4/1 sliders, which can work too and is more reasonable in easy diff. zzz since everyone complained about these 3 spinners I just put one so we are all happy eheh
00:22:846 (2) - better not using a 3-time reverse slider in easy diff, which is not quite easy for new players. i suggest you to change it into a long slider or 2 2/1 sliders. welp, 4th time.. fixed at this point, I had to break the symmetry rip w/e
00:38:179 - sv changed quite sudden and sharp, which can easily cause a miss. so it would be better if you use 1.0x sv everywhere in easy diff. nah it's fine
00:49:513 (1) - remove nc ye noticed now the inconstency with previous part

00:25:513 (1) - even the vocal get a little bit weak here, beats here are still exactly the same with 00:24:179 (4,5,6) - . so i suggest you to use the same rhythm here, current reverse slider makes me a little bit confused and i don't get what you want to follow no, actually here I was focusing on rings sound
00:35:846 (4,1) - if you want to make a blanket here, then it's not quite good :C i didn't want, but I improved it a bit

01:03:679 (7,8) - vocal raise and beat get strong at 01:03:846 - , so it would be better if we make it clickable. just change the rhythm into 1 note+1 slider can represent the song better.Nice catch, fixed

00:55:513 (2) - flow is a little bit weird here. try ctrl+g it? nah I prefer this one

01:17:513 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i want to know why you used a low ds->large ds->low ds here, as for me the vocal here get larger and larger(not quite obvious, but at least the same intensity) because it's much more interesrting

Love this style, good luck!<3
Thank you very much, very good mod!
Hello from my queue!
started: 11:30am

00:05:513 (1,2) - I don't like this stack here. It may be too hard/fast for new players.
00:13:513 (1) - Spinner lasts for 1.3 seconds, that may not be enough time for players of this skill level to complete it.
00:16:179 (1,2,1,2) - Why the change in pattern? Reverse slider plays/feels too different to justify a variation here when the music doesn't change.
00:26:846 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Same as ^. Yeah you're not going to have interesting patterns but there's no consistency here. At least make it the same reverse sliders.
00:36:846 (4) - I don't think this should be a reverse slider. It doesn't match what you represented with 00:33:513 (2). I think a 2/1 slider is better here.
00:38:179 - I think the change in SV here is too drastic. 1.00x to 0.65x is quite a bit.
00:42:179 (1) - Remove NC, start NC here 00:43:513 (2).
00:46:846 (5) - Make this a 1/1 reverse slider to get rid of that stack, the stack isn't consistent with the rest of the map.
00:47:513 - Remove NC, start NC here 00:48:846 (2).
00:56:179 (1) - Spinner lasts for 1.3 seconds, that may not be enough time for players of this skill level to complete it.
01:06:846 (1,2) - I don't think the change in rhythm here is needed. It's the same rhythm as 01:01:513 (1,2) but mapped completely differently. Change is too abrupt and doesn't make sense.
01:14:846 (1,2) - Same as ^. What is the circle even mapped to? If it's mapped to the quiet trumpet then 01:02:179 (2) and 01:12:846 (2) should follow suit.
01:22:846 (1,2) - I don't like this stack here. It may be too hard/fast for new players.
01:25:513 (1) - Spinner lasts for 1.3 seconds, that may not be enough time for players of this skill level to complete it.

00:37:513 - 00:38:179 - I think the change in SV here is too drastic. 1.00x to 0.65x is quite a bit.
00:40:179 (1) - Use a different pattern to map the snare drum. I suggest turning this into a 2/1 slider and adding a 1/1 slider at 00:41:179. The reverse isn't mapped to any important sound.
00:45:513 (1,2) - Same as ^
00:59:346 (2,3,2,3) - Listen closely, same pattern, different rhythm. If you can't hear it listen to 00:59:346 (2,2) the difference between these circles. The result makes the pause at 01:01:179 feel awkward.
01:08:679 (1) - Remove NC, start NC here 01:09:513 (4).
01:09:513 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - Why is this mapped differently than 00:58:846 (1,2,3,1,2,3)? Music is same but the change in pattern changes the rhythm as well.
01:20:179 (1) - Spinner lasts for 1.3 seconds, that may not be enough time for players of this skill level to complete it.
01:25:513 (1) - Same as ^

00:21:346 (1,2,3) - Remove the 2. Unlike 00:18:679 (1,2,3), there's no hi-hat to support the 2 being there.
00:24:846 (3,4) - Put a circle between these two objects to map the hi-hat like you did for 00:18:679 (1,2,3) and 00:24:096 (5,1).
00:33:846 (2,3) - DS here is not consistent with 00:23:179 (2,3).
00:35:513 (3,4) - DS here is not consistent with 00:23:513 (3,4) nor 00:34:179 (3,4).
00:37:346 (4,1) - I would stack these, the orange 4 isn't mapped on any sound so it's too weak for it to have it's own area.
00:39:513 (5,1) - Add a circle between these two objects to map the hi-hat like the rest of the map.
00:42:179 (3,1) - Same as ^
00:44:846 (5,1) - Same as ^
00:52:846 (3,1) - Same as ^, except to capture the snare roll.
01:00:013 (1,2,3) - Stack here isn't mapped to anything.
01:04:013 (1,2,3) - Same as ^
>> There's a bunch more like ^ that I'm not going to timestamp, you get the point I'm trying to make. If you're going to keep these overmaps at least do it consistently throughout the entire map.
01:23:179 (1,2,3,1,2) - I don't think this pattern works well with the music here.
finished: 12:33pm

Did you even add hitsounds everywhere? Sometimes it seems really bland. In easy for example, there is no hitsound for the whole combo here: 00:16:179 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2) - . I think you could add a custom clap which would suit that subtle clap perfectly. I'm sure you can find something.


00:01:346 - Speaking of the green lines here: Why is that one 1/2 and the other one 1/4? Anyways, cool idea, it really emphasizes the vocals while spinning haha
00:38:179 (1,2,3,1) - I perceive this combo as structured very badly. First of all, 00:42:179 (1) - shouldn't belong into that combo. That leaves back those 00:38:179 (1,2,3) - , which don't reaally pull off something cool in the shape they are right now (if you just take them as three). How about trying to get something with a 120° degree pattern, and then start a new pattern with 00:42:179 (1) - (also with another shape?)
00:42:179 (1,2) - Swap NC, I think that'd also fit (because you can simplify it like this, and then you'd at least have one fitting combo). If you adjust that, 00:47:513 (1,2) - please also swap NC here for consistency.
01:08:846 (4,1) - So far everything has been on one axis when you had patterns like this, why did it suddenly change here? Could go for something like that, as you've always did it as the following:
01:25:513 (1,1) - I'm not sure how the rule is being handled right now, but afaik that might be too short recovery time for easy (4/1 is prefered)


00:09:513 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Also, I again have a bit of an issue with the combopatterning. Somehow I do feel like it would be cool if you could make a pentagon out of 00:09:513 (1,2,3,4,1) - , so you can have a justified 00:11:179 - NC here. Reason for that is, well, you've always had those two as one combo, without having something additional beforehand. I am aware that 00:10:846 - doesn't necessarily belong with 00:09:513 (1,2,3,4) - , but I feel like it's better to have 00:11:179 (2,3) - those as one combo.
00:15:846 - Hm, I think just a circle 00:16:013 - will compliment the vocals better, no? The slider doesn't reaally follow something
01:01:346 - Wouldn't this rhythm follow your logic better? I've adjusted the slider 4 and 5 in my picture: After all, 01:00:679 - sliders like this also intensively follow the vocal.
01:09:513 (1) - NC?


00:40:179 (1) - I find that slider incredibly bland. The first half of it is cool, but after the reverse it really doesn't follow the vocal or anything. Try getting rid off the reverse possibly, and add some more objects?
00:42:846 - Here too, i find this pretty bland for what the beautiful vocals have to offer D: I suggest this rhythm:
00:50:846 (1) - ^

Good diff, but I'm not a fan of that slow part as of right now!


nothing to say


00:20:179 (1,2,3,4,5) - There's something I don't necessarily like about this pattern but I couldn't tell you what. I feel like the movement on this slider 00:20:846 (5) - just isn't in the favor of the gameplay, as you awkwardly need to reach out a bit further to get the curve.. maybe you'll understand what I mean and can adjust it a bit
00:38:013 (2,3) - Those two circles felt really unintuitive and unnatural to me. Would be good if you could handle it like in hard for example, where you only had circle 3 in this case. 2 seems completely unnecessary.

It's remarkable that you didn't use PP-jumps at any time possible, nice to see that there are still maps like that around haha

Biggest concerns are some pattern structures on the lower diffs, and only some smaller issues on the higher diffs. Would be good if you could fix them! What certainly needs a biiit more effort are the hitsounds imo, sometimes it's just so incredibly bland. But generally, I really think you did a good job~

Topic Starter

Botan wrote:

Hello from my queue!Thank you for accepting!
started: 11:30am

00:05:513 (1,2) - I don't like this stack here. It may be too hard/fast for new players.As I said before, it's not hard to read, easy diff doesn't mean no stacks..
00:13:513 (1) - Spinner lasts for 1.3 seconds, that may not be enough time for players of this skill level to complete it.I can not make it longer or players don't have enough time to get the next slider. It's not that short tho for an easy
00:16:179 (1,2,1,2) - Why the change in pattern? Reverse slider plays/feels too different to justify a variation here when the music doesn't change.Because I think making the full part with long sliders would be.. so annoying and ripetitive!
00:26:846 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Same as ^. Yeah you're not going to have interesting patterns but there's no consistency here. At least make it the same reverse sliders.
00:36:846 (4) - I don't think this should be a reverse slider. It doesn't match what you represented with 00:33:513 (2). I think a 2/1 slider is better here.If you listen carefully, you can notice that there is a very low "uuuh uuh" in the music. I am following that actually!
00:38:179 - I think the change in SV here is too drastic. 1.00x to 0.65x is quite a bit. It is not exagerated because the default SV is already low, they won't even notice the slowing because it plays so naturally
00:42:179 (1) - Remove NC, start NC here 00:43:513 (2). But the new vocal section is starting on 00:42:179 (1) , not on (2). Also, it's consistent with 00:47:513 (1) lol
00:46:846 (5) - Make this a 1/1 reverse slider to get rid of that stack, the stack isn't consistent with the rest of the map. That's not actually a bad idea, but, if I did so, the 00:47:513 (1) wouldn't be constant with 00:42:179 (1) -anymore
00:47:513 - Remove NC, start NC here 00:48:846 (2).
00:56:179 (1) - Spinner lasts for 1.3 seconds, that may not be enough time for players of this skill level to complete it.Same as before, I can't make it longer, or they don't have enough time to recover the cursor before starting kiai section
01:06:846 (1,2) - I don't think the change in rhythm here is needed. It's the same rhythm as 01:01:513 (1,2) but mapped completely differently. Change is too abrupt and doesn't make sense.Well, the rhythm is not actually the same, but I made this slider 1/1 longer and removed the circle
01:14:846 (1,2) - Same as ^. What is the circle even mapped to? If it's mapped to the quiet trumpet then 01:02:179 (2) and 01:12:846 (2) should follow suit.I did the same
01:22:846 (1,2) - I don't like this stack here. It may be too hard/fast for new players. A simple stack is not hard, like I said before
01:25:513 (1) - Spinner lasts for 1.3 seconds, that may not be enough time for players of this skill level to complete it.

00:37:513 - 00:38:179 - I think the change in SV here is too drastic. 1.00x to 0.65x is quite a bit. Same as above
00:40:179 (1) - Use a different pattern to map the snare drum. I suggest turning this into a 2/1 slider and adding a 1/1 slider at 00:41:179. The reverse isn't mapped to any important sound. I am not following the drum at this part. I am using a slower SV because I am mapping the relaxing vocal section
00:45:513 (1,2) - Same as ^
00:59:346 (2,3,2,3) - Listen closely, same pattern, different rhythm. If you can't hear it listen to 00:59:346 (2,2) the difference between these circles. The result makes the pause at 01:01:179 feel awkward.Yea you are right here, but how could I follow the vocal in a better way on this part without missing the hitsound on 01:00:513 (2) - ? It would mean 2 1/2 following circles that would make the normal diff too hard. I can not really change this one, even if I wanted, there is no way I can map it following the vocal differently and keeping the hitsounding
01:08:679 (1) - Remove NC, start NC here 01:09:513 (4). No, new section is starting there
01:09:513 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - Why is this mapped differently than 00:58:846 (1,2,3,1,2,3)? Music is same but the change in pattern changes the rhythm as well. They are not the same. If you notice on the first part, on 01:00:013 (1) - there is the "NAA" vocal. Here instead: 01:10:013 there isn't any vocal sound I can map
01:20:179 (1) - Spinner lasts for 1.3 seconds, that may not be enough time for players of this skill level to complete it.same as above
01:25:513 (1) - Same as ^

00:21:346 (1,2,3) - Remove the 2. Unlike 00:18:679 (1,2,3), there's no hi-hat to support the 2 being there. I removed the circle here and on other triples where it's not really needed, thank you
00:24:846 (3,4) - Put a circle between these two objects to map the hi-hat like you did for 00:18:679 (1,2,3) and 00:24:096 (5,1). No need now, I fixed the previous part with removing (2)s
00:33:846 (2,3) - DS here is not consistent with 00:23:179 (2,3).
00:35:513 (3,4) - DS here is not consistent with 00:23:513 (3,4) nor 00:34:179 (3,4).It's actually intentional..
00:37:346 (4,1) - I would stack these, the orange 4 isn't mapped on any sound so it's too weak for it to have it's own area.I do not like to stack 2 elements with different combo colours.. Except if it's an 1/1 after an 1/2 jump, my style
00:39:513 (5,1) - Add a circle between these two objects to map the hi-hat like the rest of the map.I know there is a sound to map there, but I didn't map it for all diffs, so I won't map it here as well. I prefered following vocals, and actually, I am even the one that is still undecided about that, so it's a hard decistion to take
00:42:179 (3,1) - Same as ^
00:44:846 (5,1) - Same as ^
00:52:846 (3,1) - Same as ^, except to capture the snare roll.
01:00:013 (1,2,3) - Stack here isn't mapped to anything. nah this time the triples are emphasizing the vocal during kiai time
01:04:013 (1,2,3) - Same as ^
>> There's a bunch more like ^ that I'm not going to timestamp, you get the point I'm trying to make. If you're going to keep these overmaps at least do it consistently throughout the entire map. I removed useless triples on the first part, but during kiai, you know, there is the emphasizing vocal so I am using them.
01:23:179 (1,2,3,1,2) - I don't think this pattern works well with the music here.I think it's nice instead
finished: 12:33pm
Thank you so much for your time and your help!
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:


Did you even add hitsounds everywhere? Sometimes it seems really bland. In easy for example, there is no hitsound for the whole combo here: 00:16:179 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2) - . I think you could add a custom clap which would suit that subtle clap perfectly. I'm sure you can find something. AJUUUU NICEEE! Yea you are actually right! I am gonna do add some hitsounds, because here, following the vocals, I couldn't map the drum sounds so I couldn't add the normal hitsound :D


00:01:346 - Speaking of the green lines here: Why is that one 1/2 and the other one 1/4? Anyways, cool idea, it really emphasizes the vocals while spinning haha Eh I was trying something on extra diff at the real start and I forgot to fix this
00:38:179 (1,2,3,1) - I perceive this combo as structured very badly. First of all, 00:42:179 (1) - shouldn't belong into that combo. That leaves back those 00:38:179 (1,2,3) - , which don't reaally pull off something cool in the shape they are right now (if you just take them as three). How about trying to get something with a 120° degree pattern, and then start a new pattern with 00:42:179 (1) - (also with another shape?)
00:42:179 (1,2) - Swap NC, I think that'd also fit (because you can simplify it like this, and then you'd at least have one fitting combo). If you adjust that, 00:47:513 (1,2) - please also swap NC here for consistency. I prefer the second choice. Everyone mentioned about this combo (with just saying "remove new combo here and add it on (2)" but I always answered with "it's inconsistent with *the second one*" and didn't even think to switch the second one as well. GOD I AM SO IDIOT XD AJUUUU NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE
01:08:846 (4,1) - So far everything has been on one axis when you had patterns like this, why did it suddenly change here? Could go for something like that, as you've always did it as the following: I have a reason, I SWEAR. I removed the SPEEDUP from this kiai section and even reduced the SV because I forgot to reduce it from normal diff. So, when I resnapped sliders, I forgot to adjust this eheh fixed, AJJJJJJJJJJUUU NICE catch!
01:25:513 (1,1) - I'm not sure how the rule is being handled right now, but afaik that might be too short recovery time for easy (4/1 is prefered) As I said before, there is enough time to realize that the spinner is finishing, it's long already, I do not see any reason to make it longer (i should remove the next element as well because I wouldn't have enough time to catch it for an easy diff. AAAA easy diffs are so boring.


00:09:513 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Also, I again have a bit of an issue with the combopatterning. Somehow I do feel like it would be cool if you could make a pentagon out of 00:09:513 (1,2,3,4,1) - , so you can have a justified 00:11:179 - NC here. Reason for that is, well, you've always had those two as one combo, without having something additional beforehand. I am aware that 00:10:846 - doesn't necessarily belong with 00:09:513 (1,2,3,4) - , but I feel like it's better to have 00:11:179 (2,3) - those as one combo. I just switched NC between 00:10:846 (1,2) , lol, so everything is consistent now
00:15:846 - Hm, I think just a circle 00:16:013 - will compliment the vocals better, no? The slider doesn't reaally follow something I mapped it to follow the drum sound starting on the white tick, but actually, following only vocals, looks much better, I fixed it!
01:01:346 - Wouldn't this rhythm follow your logic better? I've adjusted the slider 4 and 5 in my picture: After all, 01:00:679 - sliders like this also intensively follow the vocal.It would, but I would even miss the clickable downbeat at 01:01:513 (2) :\ I prefer keeping it. Without the downbeat clickable it looks so empty
01:09:513 (1) - NC?I don't know. It should be a new combo there yea, but, the previous combo would become too short, and I really dislike the 1/2 stacked element with different combo colours


00:40:179 (1) - I find that slider incredibly bland. The first half of it is cool, but after the reverse it really doesn't follow the vocal or anything. Try getting rid off the reverse possibly, and add some more objects? HOLY SHIET you are so good at modding. I even don't know why I mapped this part with 2/1 sliders instead of the same than other diffs. I was drunk, I guess? I fixed all this part, thank you very much!
00:42:846 - Here too, i find this pretty bland for what the beautiful vocals have to offer D: I suggest this rhythm:
00:50:846 (1) - ^ I fixed all

Good diff, but I'm not a fan of that slow part as of right now!


nothing to say


00:20:179 (1,2,3,4,5) - There's something I don't necessarily like about this pattern but I couldn't tell you what. I feel like the movement on this slider 00:20:846 (5) - just isn't in the favor of the gameplay, as you awkwardly need to reach out a bit further to get the curve.. maybe you'll understand what I mean and can adjust it a bit trust me, it's played NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNICE, so I want to keep this one >w<
00:38:013 (2,3) - Those two circles felt really unintuitive and unnatural to me. Would be good if you could handle it like in hard for example, where you only had circle 3 in this case. 2 seems completely unnecessary.Try to remove them by yourself and check how empty it looks. It's very bad in my opinion, and extra diff needs more suitable rhythm for this kind of parts imo! Also, if you listen carefully, you can hear a sound in the music there that makes the sound on 00:43:513 (3) stronger. Without, the effect on (3) wouldn't have this strenght. But anyways try removing it and check how bad it is T_T

It's remarkable that you didn't use PP-jumps at any time possible, nice to see that there are still maps like that around haha Well, when I map I always focus on the best style for that kind of song. If I use some jumps, there is always a reason :P I am glad and happy you liked this mapset so much!

Biggest concerns are some pattern structures on the lower diffs, and only some smaller issues on the higher diffs. Would be good if you could fix them! What certainly needs a biiit more effort are the hitsounds imo, sometimes it's just so incredibly bland. But generally, I really think you did a good job~

Very very very very good mod! Thank you so much, LOVE! (now you don't have any reason to be jjjjjjjj NIIIIIIICE *kappa*)
Hi M4M from your queue
[*] Insane
00:11:346 (2) - This blanket looks really weird
00:13:513 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1) - I know that the music is getting louder but these jumps aren't too spaced for an insane diff ?
00:15:846 (3,4,5,6) - the shape of the stream looks weird i think it would be better if the stream start higher and then going down it should be better cuz the music is getting slower not louder
00:59:846 (7,1) - stacking them should be a good idea in my opinion
[*] Extra
I don't agree with AR 9 for a 5,66 stars 180 Bpm i think the AR should be something like 9,3
00:56:240 I think some jumps here should be good like a 4 notes jumps
01:06:013 (4) - Blanket 01:06:179 (5) - It looks better
01:17:513 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Wow i really like the concept the jumps are getting louder and then slower

Hope my mod will help you this map is already really good so i don't have much things to say about it
( I love the song modding it wasn't boring)
I mod this music so many time it would be good to see one of them ranked
GL with your map dude !
hi there
from ur q

cereal things

are there any hitsounds? I hear some finishes sometimes, but the claps are missing all the time?
I guess you are going to add them later lol.


ar and od seem like a gimmick thingy, but when it comes to playability ar 9.2 seems like the best, since the jumps are sometimes quite huge.
od would fit better into spread with 8 or sth since your insane and hard only have 1 od gap between each other.

Hmm.. aside from the occasional overmaps the map in its current state is i think alright,
however what should be a bit at least be a touched a little bit is the spacing in 00:16:179 - this part where objects are spaced out the same like in the more intense part before. By the way, the intense part of the beginning is over but this part now has the same slidervelocity.
The only difference this part has to the intense part is the occasional 1/1 sliders. How about make it more distinct with lower slider velocity OR lower spacing.
Also some kicks are sometimes emphasized more than the downbeat or the snares: 00:18:346 - 00:29:013 - like these. I suppose 00:17:346 (4) - these are spaced this way for the vocal? But even if they are mapped to the vocal,
I kinda suggest you to overmap these as triplets on the downbeat as they emphasize the vocal and piano at the same time and since you sometimes overmap anyway for certain sounds I don't see a reason to not map them like this. It also plays much more natural.

00:32:096 (7) - minor thing, but you could emphasize the actual drums more than the overmaps even its just tiny spacing, just to seperate them effectively.
01:22:846 (1,2) - another minor thing, but for consistency it should be added: These should be swapped in NC's since you combo to the vocal which you do 01:24:513 (1) - here as well.

00:39:846 - i mean I understand you want to undermap parts with a drumroll where a vocal is occuring like 00:58:013 (5) - but this kinda should be emphasized or at least mapped.
00:47:513 - this is the same thing.
^these two points are just my personal taste, but seemed also abit out of place with the concept of the drumroll, or I just don't see what you're doing, lol.


Rhythm is about the same as extra, but hp is higher there. Shouldn't it be the other around when it comes to difficulty?

Spacing here in the same part as I mentioned in Extra is better here, but could still need some improvements. The spacing is quite okay now so there's no need to make up for it with
Slider Velocity or sth like this, but some notes are emphasized which just shouldn't be emphasized like 00:12:846 (4) - this note has no sound at all, but is emphasized.

Rhythm things
00:07:013 (2,2) - hmm.. its a minor thing, but prior you didn't emphasize these kicks at all and the ydon't follow the vocal to well either, which is your main concept in the first place. It makes it a nice pattern tho, but yeah should kinda fit the concept too.
00:09:513 (1) - would fit more as a 1/2 slider to line up with the vocal like 00:09:846 - which emphasize the same sounds.

Gameplay wise:
00:13:513 (1) - this jump pattern is the hardes tpart in the entire map, the rest plays really not difficult and almost like a light insane, when it comes to spacing. Can you maybe tone this jump pattern down?

HMMM i guess its good, mainly due to the better spacing here in the one place i mentioned. aaaaa


00:20:179 - wouldn't fit here a 1/1 slider better to the vocal and a single circle at 00:20:679 - ? Current emphasizes the the snare on th white, but not the vocal like prior mapping. Same thing happens 00:30:846 - here.
00:25:513 (1) - no problem here, but more gameplay oriented. These feel a bit stagnant as they play the same as 00:22:846 (1) - this, but they emphsize different things. HOw about introdcuing some stacks here? Would fit the piano nicely imo.
00:34:846 (1) - not sure theres enough time to react to these sliders at this level. Probably need some testplays from players around this level. I had no problems with these, but im certainly above this level right. Maybe to save some time. Overlap these and be save instead?
01:07:679 - should be emphasized as its a vocal, the snare is not as important in your concept.

offtopic - 01:23:179 - lol this is nc'd like i suggest in the higher diffs xd

this is actually executed nicely with the spacing here, no problems here.


00:00:180 - for simplicity which is still important in a normal, the spinner should be mapped like the easy difficulty.
00:10:846 (5) - rhythm error here, as this is emphasized not to the vocals, but is mapped the same as the consecutive circles 00:09:513 (1) - here. Since you introdcued already that sliderends can end on downbeat how about mapping 00:10:513 (4) - as an 1/1 slider instead? Would fit with consistency as well.
00:37:513 - COOL, wow someone introducing slower slider velocity in normals? Need to mark the day in my calendar. Hey, but i still have a concern here, can you chose a different spacing here? the almost overlapping things 00:38:846 (2,3) - look imo not really pleasing. I know this is a personal thing, but yeah. You already have seperated this part from the others, by adding different slider velocity. Spacing similar to what you have done before makes up for it imo.
00:50:846 (1) - can you map at least in the lower diffs, to snares here? It's abit difficult otherwise. Red tick barely is noticeable also following vocal, it should end at last white tick in that spot. Uhm how about adding ah 3/1 slide rhere instead? It matches both drumming and vocal the best here.
01:03:846 - this sound is stronger than 01:03:679 - this sound both vocal and snare are here, but head emphasizes the red tick instead. Seems more or less imo here, that you didn't know how to map this differently here xd.
How about adding a 1/1 slider here and adding a note at the whit tick? you won't lose your priority on vocals and additionally have emphasize on the white as well.
01:06:179 (4,3) - minor thing and personal taste, but this is kind dense here, plus 01:06:179 (4,4) - these are barely touching but its noticeable. Could move this abit down, so it doesn't look so cramped.
01:27:846 - this will 100% confuse players since its mapped to vocal here, but you don't map neither of the vocals before. The timing of the note here is unpredictable unless you just watch the approachcircle.
Mapping it to the cymbal would make more sense here as its on 01:28:179 - the downbeat or red tick, for simplicity its better to have it on the downbeat i think.

You might realize i don't quite like vocal mapping in lower diffs, unless i absolutely have to :/

hi od1 we meet again after 300 years

ok my main issue on this is that you want to force the vocal mapping here to much. You obv have in mind to map them judging from the ncing you chose here and when they start, but you just don't map to the vocals very often which makes skips on the 00:06:846 - 00:08:179 - downbeats very very awkward. What I mean with you skipping the vocal when you try to emphasize them. Here are some spots: 00:07:846 (2,2) - these both have no vocals on it, but snares and this would be fine if you would focus on all drumming parts instead.
Right now you just partly map both things not very effectively. This mapping kinda worked in Normal since you were able to map 1/2 sounds, but its impossible here. BUT! If you really want to force the vocal rhythm here. You really need to consistently do that. For a part alike 00:05:513 - this it would forced to vocal look like this which is really meh and skipping lot of beats.
I guess this is only in the beginning the case since, alot of vocals happen on the white tick afterwards and don't seem to much problem then, but this rhythm is irritating.
yea not sure if you should use stacks in an easy difficulty, probably not, but who cares.

00:10:846 - since you don't introduce that sliderends can end on downbeats like you did with the normal diff, this downbeat should be emphasized. Also I con't understand why you jsut don't map it like this. The new combo here on 1 is the exact same thing as 00:05:513 (1) - here.

Besides that one point I've talked about alot I don't have much to mention here!

I wish you good Luck with the mapset!

Here's my map:
From your Q

  1. 00:00:180 - Hit sound setting is normal sound for only here. It seems to me that there is no meaning. Would you unified by soft sound?
  2. 00:38:346 - This is where the SV drops. Would you decrease the volume of hitsound to match the melody and SV?
  3. I think the balance between OD and HP is not a little good. try this
  4. Widescreen support deletion of each diff.

  1. 00:39:929 - 00:40:096 - I hear a sound here. Would you add some notes?
  2. 00:40:179 (1) - I feel sense of incongruity in this snap. There is a snare sound in 00:40:846 - . I think this sounds necessary. Try one of the following or
  3. 00:45:513 (1) - 00:50:846 (1) - ^
  4. 00:57:596 (2) - Here is surely a sound. But the important sound in triplet is 00:57:513 (1) - and 00:57:679 (3) - . So I don't think 00:57:596 (2) - will be as good as clicking. Because 00:57:513 (1) - is a very strong vocal sound, I think that I can do a good snap by 1/4slider.
  5. 01:25:513 (1) - This is the last exciting part. And, white tick and red tick has good sounds. I would recommend removing the spinner and changing it to a circles.

  1. 00:40:179 (1,1,1) - Same as extra
  2. 01:00:346 (2,3) - This map has been created by a really good vocal follow. So you should do it consistently. Try ctrl+G. Compare to extra to look the difference in snap~
  3. 01:11:013 (2,3) - ^
  4. 01:25:513 (1) - Same as extra

  1. 00:24:096 (5) - Because it is not a clear sound, I don't think we need in hard diff.
  2. 00:36:096 (5) - ^
  3. 01:25:513 (1) - Same as extra. 1/2slider*4 and a circle is valid.

  1. 00:04:846 (1) - The sound here is a series of sounds from 00:04:179 - . It sounds very unnatural because it cannot place notes on 00:04:513 - by the create rule. I think the blanks are good because the next rhythm starts with a 00:05:513 - reference 01:20:179 (1,1) -
  2. 00:06:846 - I think the rhythm that I need. Would you add a circle? Like a 00:08:679 (2,1) - .
  3. 00:08:179 - 00:12:179 - ^
  4. 00:15:846 (1) - I don't think this is necessary.
  5. 00:58:013 - fmm,,I think you can pick up vocal.
  6. 01:17:846 - 01:18:013 - I don't feel the need for a blank. Add 1/2slider to 01:17:846 - ?
  7. 01:19:179 - ^

  1. 00:05:513 (1,2) - I'm not recommended to use the stack with easy diff unless it is a very important sound. 01:22:846 (1,2) - same
  2. 00:22:846 (2,1,2,3,4) - First, double reverse are not general. Next, 00:24:179 (1,2) - is the main vocal, 00:25:513 (3,4) - is a chorus. So I don't think we need to make the same notes. try this
That's all. Plus Ultra!
Topic Starter

Origuon wrote:

Hi M4M from your queue
[*] Insane
00:11:346 (2) - This blanket looks really weird it was not supposed to be a blanket
00:13:513 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1) - I know that the music is getting louder but these jumps aren't too spaced for an insane diff ? I think they are fine and easy to play for an insane diff
00:15:846 (3,4,5,6) - the shape of the stream looks weird i think it would be better if the stream start higher and then going down it should be better cuz the music is getting slower not louder actually it isn't, because it follow the flow created by 00:15:346 (2) 's curve, turning back on the left
00:59:846 (7,1) - stacking them should be a good idea in my opinion ? No, it would be so bad to play, it would break the flow
[*] Extra
I don't agree with AR 9 for a 5,66 stars 180 Bpm i think the AR should be something like 9,3 as I said before, I wil keep 9, it's a 180 bpm song, not 200+
00:56:240 I think some jumps here should be good like a 4 notes jumps It is an option, but stream is a valid option as well, because the vocal is increasing its strengh
01:06:013 (4) - Blanket 01:06:179 (5) - It looks betterhow if it is placed so far down?
01:17:513 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Wow i really like the concept the jumps are getting louder and then slowerThank you! xD

Hope my mod will help you this map is already really good so i don't have much things to say about it
( I love the song modding it wasn't boring)
I mod this music so many time it would be good to see one of them ranked
GL with your map dude !
Sorry if I didn't fix anything but I thank you for the mod!
Topic Starter

Feb wrote:

hi there
from ur q

cereal things

are there any hitsounds? I hear some finishes sometimes, but the claps are missing all the time?
I guess you are going to add them later lol. I have no idea if you have custom hitsounds but I used the standard normal hitsounding and drum as well instead of custom ones


ar and od seem like a gimmick thingy, but when it comes to playability ar 9.2 seems like the best, since the jumps are sometimes quite huge.
od would fit better into spread with 8 or sth since your insane and hard only have 1 od gap between each other. I will not change AR.

Hmm.. aside from the occasional overmaps the map in its current state is i think alright, are you really saying this map is overmapped? lol
however what should be a bit at least be a touched a little bit is the spacing in 00:16:179 - this part where objects are spaced out the same like in the more intense part before. By the way, the intense part of the beginning is over but this part now has the same slidervelocity.
The only difference this part has to the intense part is the occasional 1/1 sliders. How about make it more distinct with lower slider velocity OR lower spacing. I do not understand the reason why I should to it
Also some kicks are sometimes emphasized more than the downbeat or the snares: 00:18:346 - 00:29:013 - like these.All patterns, have a logic flow. If I reduced the spacing, I would break the flow I created and the logic of patterns. See, this 00:18:346 (5) is making a triangle with 00:18:179 (4,5,6) - . If I reduced it, it wouldn't be confortable to play anymore I suppose 00:17:346 (4) - these are spaced this way for the vocal? But even if they are mapped to the vocal,
I kinda suggest you to overmap these as triplets on the downbeat as they emphasize the vocal and piano at the same time and since you sometimes overmap anyway for certain sounds I don't see a reason to not map them like this. It also plays much more natural. It would play more natural I agree! But again, I would break the structure of the pattern..

00:32:096 (7) - minor thing, but you could emphasize the actual drums more than the overmaps even its just tiny spacing, just to seperate them effectively.if you are saying me to unstack them to emphasize the drum, I do not like unstacked 1/4 when the first element is an 1/2 slider's tail. You can try to do it and look how bad it's revealed
01:22:846 (1,2) - another minor thing, but for consistency it should be added: These should be swapped in NC's since you combo to the vocal which you do 01:24:513 (1) - here as well.Nice catch

00:39:846 - i mean I understand you want to undermap parts with a drumroll where a vocal is occuring like 00:58:013 (5) - but this kinda should be emphasized or at least mapped. well since everyone is mentioning it, I decided to map it. Even if now it looks overmapped ew but Idk it looked so empty since in the music there is that fucking annoying sound
00:47:513 - this is the same thing.
^these two points are just my personal taste, but seemed also abit out of place with the concept of the drumroll, or I just don't see what you're doing, lol.


Rhythm is about the same as extra, but hp is higher there. Shouldn't it be the other around when it comes to difficulty? it' s lower by 1 tick

Spacing here in the same part as I mentioned in Extra is better here, but could still need some improvements. The spacing is quite okay now so there's no need to make up for it with
Slider Velocity or sth like this, but some notes are emphasized which just shouldn't be emphasized like 00:12:846 (4) - this note has no sound at all, but is emphasized. Man, they are insane and extra diff, not normal or easy one. It's a normal and natural jump to play

Rhythm things
00:07:013 (2,2) - hmm.. its a minor thing, but prior you didn't emphasize these kicks at all and the ydon't follow the vocal to well either, which is your main concept in the first place. It makes it a nice pattern tho, but yeah should kinda fit the concept too. but I made my own rhythm constant in all this part
00:09:513 (1) - would fit more as a 1/2 slider to line up with the vocal like 00:09:846 - which emphasize the same sounds. yea you are right but the 1/2 spamming sliders would be so repetitive..

Gameplay wise:
00:13:513 (1) - this jump pattern is the hardes tpart in the entire map, the rest plays really not difficult and almost like a light insane, when it comes to spacing. Can you maybe tone this jump pattern down? I asked a lot of tesplays and no one got any issue there

HMMM i guess its good, mainly due to the better spacing here in the one place i mentioned. aaaaa


00:20:179 - wouldn't fit here a 1/1 slider better to the vocal and a single circle at 00:20:679 - ? Current emphasizes the the snare on th white, but not the vocal like prior mapping. Same thing happens 00:30:846 - here.I do not want to make the map annoying with all 1/1 sliders on this part...
00:25:513 (1) - no problem here, but more gameplay oriented. These feel a bit stagnant as they play the same as 00:22:846 (1) - this, but they emphsize different things. HOw about introdcuing some stacks here? Would fit the piano nicely imo. stacks are annoying, it plays cool
00:34:846 (1) - not sure theres enough time to react to these sliders at this level. Probably need some testplays from players around this level. I had no problems with these, but im certainly above this level right. Maybe to save some time. Overlap these and be save instead? you would have been right if I had stacked this with 00:34:179 (3) as it should be to turn back, but I had to stack this with that one to make it perfectly readable
01:07:679 - should be emphasized as its a vocal, the snare is not as important in your concept." the snare is not as important in your concept" this sounds like an offense xd There is always a reason behind some decisions, just know this. I decided to make this because I do not like starting 1/2 sliders on red tick when it's not really needed, and here, it is not needed. And I won't use 3 1/2 circles to map this part, because we are on hard diff, and, my style is to alternate slider with circle. This should have been clear till now xd

offtopic - 01:23:179 - lol this is nc'd like i suggest in the higher diffs xd

this is actually executed nicely with the spacing here, no problems here.


00:00:180 - for simplicity which is still important in a normal, the spinner should be mapped like the easy difficulty. yea done
00:10:846 (5) - rhythm error here, as this is emphasized not to the vocals, but is mapped the same as the consecutive circles 00:09:513 (1) - here. Since you introdcued already that sliderends can end on downbeat how about mapping 00:10:513 (4) - as an 1/1 slider instead? Would fit with consistency as well. I do not understand your concept
00:37:513 - COOL, wow someone introducing slower slider velocity in normals? Need to mark the day in my calendar. Hey, but i still have a concern here, can you chose a different spacing here? the almost overlapping things 00:38:846 (2,3) - look imo not really pleasing. I know this is a personal thing, but yeah. You already have seperated this part from the others, by adding different slider velocity. Spacing similar to what you have done before makes up for it imo. You are kinda annoying with this little provocations
00:50:846 (1) - can you map at least in the lower diffs, to snares here? It's abit difficult otherwise. Red tick barely is noticeable also following vocal, it should end at last white tick in that spot. Uhm how about adding ah 3/1 slide rhere instead? It matches both drumming and vocal the best here.I decided to map this part constant between all diffs
01:03:846 - this sound is stronger than 01:03:679 - this sound both vocal and snare are here, but head emphasizes the red tick instead. Seems more or less imo here, that you didn't know how to map this differently here xd.
How about adding a 1/1 slider here and adding a note at the whit tick? you won't lose your priority on vocals and additionally have emphasize on the white as well. I did the same on 01:11:846 (4) as well, but the point is that the down beat needs to be emphasize with more priority than vocal there
01:06:179 (4,3) - minor thing and personal taste, but this is kind dense here, plus 01:06:179 (4,4) - these are barely touching but its noticeable. Could move this abit down, so it doesn't look so cramped.when they appears, the previous elements have been disappeared already, they are not touching each other
01:27:846 - this will 100% confuse players since its mapped to vocal here, but you don't map neither of the vocals before. The timing of the note here is unpredictable unless you just watch the approachcircle. It's not confusing for a Normal diff. I will keep it to close the map, but will probably remove it on easy diff
Mapping it to the cymbal would make more sense here as its on 01:28:179 - the downbeat or red tick, for simplicity its better to have it on the downbeat i think.

You might realize i don't quite like vocal mapping in lower diffs, unless i absolutely have to :/ :D

hi od1 we meet again after 300 years you good mate?

ok my main issue on this is that you want to force the vocal mapping here to much. You obv have in mind to map them judging from the ncing you chose here and when they start, but you just don't map to the vocals very often which makes skips on the 00:06:846 - 00:08:179 - downbeats very very awkward. What I mean with you skipping the vocal when you try to emphasize them. Here are some spots: 00:07:846 (2,2) - these both have no vocals on it, but snares and this would be fine if you would focus on all drumming parts instead.
Right now you just partly map both things not very effectively. This mapping kinda worked in Normal since you were able to map 1/2 sounds, but its impossible here. BUT! If you really want to force the vocal rhythm here. You really need to consistently do that. For a part alike 00:05:513 - this it would forced to vocal look like this which is really meh and skipping lot of beats.
I guess this is only in the beginning the case since, alot of vocals happen on the white tick afterwards and don't seem to much problem then, but this rhythm is irritating.
yea not sure if you should use stacks in an easy difficulty, probably not, but who cares. 1/2 is not only mappable on Normal if you know how to map it on easy diffs (following the vocal) like me : DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I am sorry you dislike it but w/e

00:10:846 - since you don't introduce that sliderends can end on downbeats like you did with the normal diff, this downbeat should be emphasized. Also I con't understand why you jsut don't map it like this. The new combo here on 1 is the exact same thing as 00:05:513 (1) - here. it would mean 2 consecutive stacked circles and I do not want

Besides that one point I've talked about alot I don't have much to mention here!

I wish you good Luck with the mapset!

Here's my map:
Thank you.
Just a tip: if you are not be able to understand the logic behind the rhyhm the mapper used, don't be greedy/aggressive when you mod a map just because you didn't get the idea. That kinda tilted me, just saying. Be quiet, and live more.
Topic Starter

kunka wrote:

From your Q

  1. 00:00:180 - Hit sound setting is normal sound for only here. It seems to me that there is no meaning. Would you unified by soft sound? There is already soft hitsounding? I didn't get you sorry, explain better >.<
  2. 00:38:346 - This is where the SV drops. Would you decrease the volume of hitsound to match the melody and SV? Yea I could do this
  3. I think the balance between OD and HP is not a little good. try this Some of settings you placed on "next" table, are already used xD Btw I want to keep mine, sorry
  4. Widescreen support deletion of each diff.Fixed

  1. 00:39:929 - 00:40:096 - I hear a sound here. Would you add some notes?Yea I fixed already
  2. 00:40:179 (1) - I feel sense of incongruity in this snap. There is a snare sound in 00:40:846 - . I think this sounds necessary. Try one of the following or but this is intentional in all diffs! I explain it you why: I decided to follow the full vocal here and making the slider ends on the white tick instead of red one, like now.
  3. 00:45:513 (1) - 00:50:846 (1) - ^
  4. 00:57:596 (2) - Here is surely a sound. But the important sound in triplet is 00:57:513 (1) - and 00:57:679 (3) - . So I don't think 00:57:596 (2) - will be as good as clicking. Because 00:57:513 (1) - is a very strong vocal sound, I think that I can do a good snap by 1/4slider. like this and I made a good pattern to play! Thanks :3
  5. 01:25:513 (1) - This is the last exciting part. And, white tick and red tick has good sounds. I would recommend removing the spinner and changing it to a circles.ok you all guys convinced me xD more pp!

  1. 00:40:179 (1,1,1) - Same as extra
  2. 01:00:346 (2,3) - This map has been created by a really good vocal follow. So you should do it consistently. Try ctrl+G. Compare to extra to look the difference in snap~ sry I prefer mine because I even don't know how to fix it without destroying the patterns
  3. 01:11:013 (2,3) - ^
  4. 01:25:513 (1) - Same as extra No I just mapped it on Extra

  1. 00:24:096 (5) - Because it is not a clear sound, I don't think we need in hard diff. I used them to emphasize the next downbeat
  2. 00:36:096 (5) - ^
  3. 01:25:513 (1) - Same as extra. 1/2slider*4 and a circle is valid.

  1. 00:04:846 (1) - The sound here is a series of sounds from 00:04:179 - . It sounds very unnatural because it cannot place notes on 00:04:513 - by the create rule. I think the blanks are good because the next rhythm starts with a 00:05:513 - reference 01:20:179 (1,1) - ok fixed!
  2. 00:06:846 - I think the rhythm that I need. Would you add a circle? Like a 00:08:679 (2,1) - .
  3. 00:08:179 - 00:12:179 - ^ mh it isn't that bad
  4. 00:15:846 (1) - I don't think this is necessary. Yea I could remove it, but it's consistent with next ones
  5. 00:58:013 - fmm,,I think you can pick up vocal. it's actually intentional xD
  6. 01:17:846 - 01:18:013 - I don't feel the need for a blank. Add 1/2slider to 01:17:846 - ? nah just following vocal in an easy way
  7. 01:19:179 - ^

  1. 00:05:513 (1,2) - I'm not recommended to use the stack with easy diff unless it is a very important sound. 01:22:846 (1,2) - same you guys annoyed me with these stacks xD Well, I fixed, even if I prefered more before
  2. 00:22:846 (2,1,2,3,4) - First, double reverse are not general. Next, 00:24:179 (1,2) - is the main vocal, 00:25:513 (3,4) - is a chorus. So I don't think we need to make the same notes. try this Before changing into this the slider was an 1/1 with 2 reverse arrows, but could have confused players. I wanted to do like you suggested but had no idea how to set it without destroying the spacing with next elements, so this was the best option
That's all. Plus Ultra!

Thank you for the good mod!
I wasnt making fun of you in any way tho. I'm just being honest with what I think and how I think the set can improve. We are certainly different mappers, so it's just natural our opinions cross AND from different timelines when it comes to mapping - right, but if I say I like Slider Velocity in Normal (because it really isn't done by a alot of people) I mean it this way.

Sorry If you feel offended by how I'm modding. I'm being honest with what I think and I voice my opinion freely. Obv. there are some misunderstandings here, so you probably felt annoyed by modding:

I think we different definitions on overmapping? For you overmapping is probably mapping unncessearily large jumps, but this is called overdone by me. Overmapping is for me the mapping of beats which are not directly in the song. For example Guitar Strings which normally ahve only 1 beat to map get 3 circles instead for emphasize. This happens in your map, pretty often actually, but its consecutive so it plays nice and if it happens according to such beats im fine with it!

I do not offend people usually with my mods so this is kinda rare, but most of it came from misunderstandigs I think. The passive aggressive modding is saved for mutuals don't worry. :D

SV changes on lower diffs are perfectly fine if they match the song. Don't stick too rigidly to Criteria =3=
The spread seems rather linear anyway, even tho you might find certain parts "overdone as you say", Feb, that's still consistent and the only mean of which the map becomes harder, so why not?

God, it has been a while since I've put a bubble around

PS: we fixed a NC!!11!1!
Topic Starter

MrSergio wrote:

I give you the permission to use my old CUTIEEEE AWESOME LITTLE BUBBIIIIEEE ♥
Thank you Sergio <3

MrSergio wrote:

SV changes on lower diffs are perfectly fine if they match the song. Don't stick too rigidly to Criteria =3=
The spread seems rather linear anyway, even tho you might find certain parts "overdone as you say", Feb, that's still consistent and the only mean of which the map becomes harder, so why not?

God, it has been a while since I've put a bubble around

PS: we fixed a NC!!11!1!
Yes, that might be true if I had said any of these things in my mod or the comment. Maybe you should read my comment again, because it seems yet again there was a misunderstanding.

Gratz to the bubble :>
No kudosu please


01:17:513 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) – Make this harder. Feels too weak.

Specifically, 01:20:179 (1) –

Good luck!
Topic Starter

pinataman wrote:

No kudosu please


01:17:513 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) – Make this harder. Feels too weak.

Specifically, 01:20:179 (1) –

Good luck!
I do not like overmapped jumps xD It's already "hard" for this kind of song IMO
017-08-22 20:17 Chewin: i am idiot
2017-08-22 20:17 Chewin: AHAH
2017-08-22 20:17 Chewin: i got confused
2017-08-22 20:17 Chewin: nvm
2017-08-22 20:17 Chewin: you are right bubububu
2017-08-22 20:17 Chewin: i was thinking now xd
2017-08-22 20:17 Natsu: lol
2017-08-22 20:17 Chewin: sry
2017-08-22 20:17 Chewin: :)
2017-08-22 20:19 Natsu: lets do irc
2017-08-22 20:19 Chewin: okkk
2017-08-22 20:19 Natsu: btw u have metadata sources right
2017-08-22 20:19 Natsu: because i hate being dq'd for metadata lol
2017-08-22 20:20 Chewin: it's in the topic
2017-08-22 20:21 Chewin:
2017-08-22 20:21 Natsu: Combo1 : 160,107,82 Combo2 : 54,125,2 Combo3 : 7,52,169 Combo4 : 255,185,255
2017-08-22 20:21 Natsu: i think those colors fit better the bg lol
2017-08-22 20:21 Natsu: your current green and blue kinda reck my eyes
2017-08-22 20:22 Chewin: wait need to savelog i can't copy this from here xd
2017-08-22 20:22 Chewin: let me check
2017-08-22 20:23 Natsu: oh btw for the green try 80,184,3 instead
2017-08-22 20:25 Chewin: is it the 3rd?
2017-08-22 20:25 Chewin: grr
2017-08-22 20:26 Chewin: i don't like these
2017-08-22 20:26 Chewin: i try to change them
2017-08-22 20:26 Chewin: by myself
2017-08-22 20:27 Natsu: kk
2017-08-22 20:27 Chewin: making them less flashing
2017-08-22 20:27 Natsu: yeah that's cool
2017-08-22 20:27 Chewin: i removed blue and used grey (their clothes)
2017-08-22 20:28 Chewin: Combo1 : 163,82,82 Combo2 : 0,187,0 Combo3 : 212,212,212 Combo4 : 255,187,255
2017-08-22 20:28 Natsu: 00:08:013 (5,6) - btw ctrl g the rhythm? the downbeat needs a click action and if you compared the stanza to the 00:08:346 (6) - , the stanza is a lot stronger
2017-08-22 20:28 Chewin: can you check and tell me what do you think with these?
2017-08-22 20:28 Natsu: also the rhythm is inconsistent with 00:05:513 (1,2) - vs 00:08:013 (5,6,1) -
2017-08-22 20:29 Natsu: 00:12:013 (7,8) - it happens here also
2017-08-22 20:29 Chewin: k let me check carefully
2017-08-22 20:29 Chewin: keep modding meanwhile
2017-08-22 20:30 Chewin: it's consistent
2017-08-22 20:30 Chewin: because you have to consider this one 00:05:846 (2) -
2017-08-22 20:30 Chewin: not this 00:05:513 (1) -
2017-08-22 20:31 Chewin: it's slider -> circle -> slider -> circle and slider -> circle
2017-08-22 20:31 Chewin: because the real vocal starts on 00:05:846 (2) , but i needed to use it on 00:05:513 (1) - because of the clash in the cymbals and downbeat
2017-08-22 20:31 Chewin: did you ghet me? xD
2017-08-22 20:31 Chewin: get*
2017-08-22 20:33 Natsu: mmmmok
2017-08-22 20:33 Natsu: 00:15:513 (1) - missing normal sample?
2017-08-22 20:33 Natsu: it fits really nice the music lol
2017-08-22 20:33 Chewin: tell me if you didn't understand so I can try to be clearer xD
2017-08-22 20:34 Chewin: ok added
2017-08-22 20:35 Natsu: i understand it, is not my cup of tea, but if you like it lol
2017-08-22 20:35 Natsu: 00:16:179 (1) - missing finish
2017-08-22 20:36 Natsu: add to every diff, so we only check them once
2017-08-22 20:36 Chewin: wait instead to add it on 00:15:513 (1) - i could use it on 00:15:846 (1,2,3,4) - what do you think?
2017-08-22 20:36 Chewin: added
2017-08-22 20:36 Chewin: finish
2017-08-22 20:37 Natsu: i think if u use it at both place would work nicely
2017-08-22 20:37 Natsu: 00:22:846 (1,2) - this works better as slider, as you did with 00:23:179 (3,4,5) -
2017-08-22 20:38 Chewin: but adding it on 00:15:513 (1) - would be inconsistent with 00:15:013 (2) - after the finish
2017-08-22 20:38 Natsu: I'm fine with both ways so do the one u think is better for ur map
2017-08-22 20:39 Natsu: 00:33:513 (1,2) - also works better as slider, following the vocals
2017-08-22 20:39 Chewin: fixed slider
2017-08-22 20:39 Chewin: ok i have to think how to place this slider xD
2017-08-22 20:39 Natsu: 00:40:096 - why are u ignoring this?
2017-08-22 20:40 Chewin: god this part is cancer
2017-08-22 20:40 Chewin: yea i should add a circle
2017-08-22 20:41 Natsu: 00:57:679 (2,3) - a slider follows the vocal better
2017-08-22 20:41 Natsu: 01:03:679 (3) - 2 circles instead? the tail is mapped to the higher vocals, which make it weird
2017-08-22 20:42 Natsu: 01:17:513 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - wew this is cool
2017-08-22 20:43 Chewin: thanks ahah
2017-08-22 20:43 Natsu: 01:21:846 (2) - add NC? since the music is different as before
2017-08-22 20:44 Chewin: 00:57:679 (2,3) - I keep these 2 because the real vocal starts on 00:57:513 (1) so I can make the 00:57:846 (3) - clickable
2017-08-22 20:45 Natsu: kk
2017-08-22 20:45 Natsu: on insane
2017-08-22 20:45 Natsu: 01:10:679 (1,2) - spacing lol
2017-08-22 20:45 Chewin: 01:03:513 (2) - fixed
2017-08-22 20:46 Natsu: 01:21:846 (1,2) - here too
2017-08-22 20:46 Chewin: I keep the combo on 01:21:846 (2) -
2017-08-22 20:48 Chewin: yea fixed
2017-08-22 20:48 Chewin: i am idiot @.@
2017-08-22 20:49 Natsu: hard is fine
2017-08-22 20:50 Natsu: 00:17:513 (4,5,6) - a little spacing error because of the stack leniency at normal diff
2017-08-22 20:50 Chewin: btw i am adding finishes on 00:16:179 (1) - on all diff since i added it on extra
2017-08-22 20:50 Natsu: yeah!
2017-08-22 20:50 Natsu: 00:22:179 (3,1,2) - same btw
2017-08-22 20:51 Natsu: 00:25:513 (1,1) - ^
2017-08-22 20:51 Chewin: yea wait rofl
2017-08-22 20:51 Natsu: 00:31:513 (6,1) -
2017-08-22 20:51 Natsu: 00:32:846 (3,1) -
2017-08-22 20:52 Natsu: 00:36:179 (1,2) -
2017-08-22 20:52 Natsu: 00:58:846 (1,2) - this one is too much
2017-08-22 20:52 Natsu: 01:00:013 (1,2) -
2017-08-22 20:52 Chewin: yea fixing because I fixed the SV and forgot it
2017-08-22 20:54 Natsu: od at normal is gay lol
2017-08-22 20:54 Natsu: 4 is better xd
2017-08-22 20:55 Chewin: idk if I got what you mean with spacing in normal diff but i think i am fixing it with distance snap lol
2017-08-22 20:55 Chewin: check later
2017-08-22 20:57 Natsu: easy is fine
2017-08-22 20:57 Chewin: 00:59:346 (2,3) - what do you mean with these 2?
2017-08-22 20:57 Chewin: it's always 1x
2017-08-22 20:57 Natsu: is 1,18
2017-08-22 20:57 Natsu:
2017-08-22 20:57 Natsu: turn on the stacs on the editor
2017-08-22 20:58 Chewin: i think it's fixed now
2017-08-22 20:58 Natsu: I'm going to cook some raviolis, brb and send me a pm when ready
2017-08-22 20:59 Chewin: k let me change combo
2017-08-22 20:59 Chewin: and i am ready
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mamma mia
gratzzz bia!!

welcome back and congratulations :3/
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Thank you Friends ♥

this is also using this source and I found you confirmed the metadata of this one: p/5991621

there are too many maps that i have checked and i can't remember each of them so thanks for reminding XD
Ryuusei Aika
Plus Ultra!
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