I have opinions on sewerslvt's music so all I'll say is that track is pretty boring rhythmically and I would not enjoy charting it
edit: if I were to chart it, however, here's what I would do
cut the intro around :24, audio fade in, begin chart when the drums start around :30
initially chart the drums somewhat minimally, ie jumps for the snares and the more prominent kicks, single notes otherwise
layer more aggressively when the distorted synth lead kicks in around :39, ie kicks and snares are now jumps and/or hands
cut back on layering when the first break starts at :55, focus primarily on vocals (if I were charting for sm/etterna, I would use miniholds for the vocals so I could extend this motif into the rest of the chart moving forward, tho I'm generally unsure how well this works with o!m due to hold release timing). I would not chart the fast hi-hats that play during this section, nor would I use hands at all
when the drums come back in at 1:21, I would initially chart only the vocals until 1:41. then I would go back and layer in the drums using roughly the same kind of layering scheme used for the previous section that started at :39
1:41 to 2:22 would be unbroken jumpstream, using hands as needed
chart ends at 2:22, fade out, audio ends around 2:25
if you want a chart for the full song, most of what happens after this second break is copy and paste in terms of rhythms. I would consider charting the fast hi-hats in this second break, but I would still not use hands here. if I were charting for sm/etterna, I would use mine art for the intro and outro to make it, at the very least, visually interesting. no mine use outside of the intro and outro
there u go, hope this makes sense, or to someone else interested in charting this lol