art made by Pentaqola
Welcome to the second off-topic mapping contest! the participants will be mapping osu!standard maps and competing for the podium, the contest will start when at least 7 people join in and the judges were chosen, anyone (with experience in mapping or not) can join and have some fun. The challenger can choose any song that is featured in osu!, take the one you feel more comfortable with and start doing your thing, if you make multiple diffs only the hardest one will be rated by the judges. Its important to remember that each judge has a preference and a opinion of what a good map is about, the details will be listed below.
Judge abraker
Likes: 4/5 star maps, rough/griddy patterns , reading, streams, and agility type maps.
Dislikes: easy jumps, sliders.
Dislikes: easy jumps, sliders.
Judge Wimpy Cursed
Likes: anything as long as it follows the osu! ranking criteria.
Dislikes: high BPM deathstreams and gimmick maps.
Dislikes: high BPM deathstreams and gimmick maps.
RULES TO PARTICIPATE: 1. At least 60% of the song needs to me mapped, 55% is tolerable but you may lose some points (the minimum draw time allowed is 1:30), any lower than this you'll be disqualified. 2. The star rating will be capped to 6.00 stars, the judges cant rate something they cant play. 3. Your map BPM and timing needs to be correct for it to be approved. 4. If your map cant be downloaded, be it a glitch or some sketchy thing, you'll unfortunately, be disqualified. 5. Your beatmap page needs to identify that the map was made for this contest somewhere, be it the diff name or in the description of the map. 6. You can only use musics that are featured, any other will be denied. 7. The map needs to be uploaded to osu! official site. 8. Foul play will not be tolerated. Every contestant is expected to have a fair chance at winning. If you can't follow this, you will be mercelessly disqualified from this contest and probably from any other osu! contests as well. 9. If you send your map in the last hour of the event, expect the analysis to be a little rushed.
I will give ONE YEAR of supporter to the winner in this edition.
Your map will be rated by the judges, the minimum points you can earn is 0 and the maximum is 100 (per judge), the results will be revealed as soon as the contest ends, take your time to make the best map you can.
You'll have 50 days to make your map.