xch00F wrote:
it's hypocritical to use that as your metric for why something is Bad when that holds true for practically everything we use on a day to day basis and there's honestly nothing you or I can do about it. it is unfortunately a given. after all there is no ethical consumption etc etc
roblox just fucking sucks regardless
I mean, yeah, both cases are bad and both should be fought against, but in this case the context is different. If you buy a PC or a shirt or whatever, it's kinda unavoidable that some of it was made with unfair labour, not only that, but sometimes it's very hard to track and know which companies do that sort of stuff, because not ALL companies do it. If you buy a pc and you accidently support bad living conditions in thailand, well, that kinda sucks, but we cant expect for the individual to do a background check on everything we buy. But, roblox is different, first you can live without roblox, not only that, but the case for exploitation is very clear, very apparent, and everyone is aware of it, it's not something you have to research, you already have that information