
Do you actually pay attention to your class in school?

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My brain just decided to "alright, i'm going to head out" when a more complicated thing is being explained
i didint
history and math, no, I could always just teach myself better than I could in school, since the internet exists, and history tests were always just common sense stuff, as they were moving away from memorizing dates and focusing more on what we can learn from history. I slept though my junior year of US history and still passed with a b, the teacher did not like me when I would ace the tests after sleeping the whole class...

english and science were different, Im actually kind of interested in science and english requires you to know the material to participate in the dicussions.
sometimes, i'm too tired to actually care the other times
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WitherMite wrote:

history and math, no, I could always just teach myself better than I could in school, since the internet exists, and history tests were always just common sense stuff, as they were moving away from memorizing dates and focusing more on what we can learn from history. I slept though my junior year of US history and still passed with a b, the teacher did not like me when I would ace the tests after sleeping the whole class...

english and science were different, Im actually kind of interested in science and english requires you to know the material to participate in the dicussions.
You sure showed that teacher, haha

Yeah, i think it's actually unnecessary to focus to subjects that you are not interested on
I do always pay attention, take notes and such buuuuut...

home assignments are hell for me.
i don't have online classes but when it comes to modules i give almost zero shits and rush it out

sometimes if there are activities like drawing and such, i'll do more better but yea
i would try to remain focus the whole class until it gets boring or really confusing or i got sleepy. science (physics, biology, chemistry), geography, and sociology has been really hard. meanwhile math and english is a breeze.
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ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

i would try to remain focus the whole class until it gets boring or really confusing or i got sleepy. science (physics, biology, chemistry), geography, and sociology has been really hard. meanwhile math and english is a breeze.
You gotta teach me how to do Math sometimes later c:
if i can't concentrate i normally just play games while listening, perks of online uni!
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sharpress wrote:

if i can't concentrate i normally just play games while listening, perks of online uni!
I'm impressed @_@
i concentrate.

only if the shit is a week before a test because that's fucking important to my family otherwise i'm not listening..
I usually use my phone during zoom classes but occasionally I pay attention to what the teacher's saying. I used to be able to pay a lot more attention in class pre-COVID, but online school combined with senioritus has killed my drive.
Sometimes I pay attention.
Most of the time, I'm just watching YouTube and waiting for the conversation to either call my name or the class to end.
Like ghoulybits, senioritis has killed my motivation for things that I just don't care about. Music and Japanese class actively keep me up, and I actually want to be there for those moments. Marine Science is interesting, too, but I'm mostly just doing math for "fun facts" (like how many burgers a person would have to eat to match the diet of a minke whale). But I just slack off for the rest of the classes; English, History and Gym. I don't have to try in English or Gym, and History is the class subject I hate with a passion.

TL;DR, it depends on the class.
Jacques Chirac
When I'm at high school, I'm trying, but even here it's still difficult sometimes. At home, I just don't care lmao
I don't pay attention to certain subjects that only requires common sense/good behavior. The subjects that have formulas, branches and all that type of shit, that's when I actually pay attention because not even my common sense gets it.
[ Rynn ]
i usually read the forums and chat on discord, but i still pay attention from time to time

keremaru wrote:

Sometimes I pay attention.
Most of the time, I'm just watching YouTube and waiting for the conversation to either call my name or the class to end.
Like ghoulybits, senioritis has killed my motivation for things that I just don't care about. Music and Japanese class actively keep me up, and I actually want to be there for those moments. Marine Science is interesting, too, but I'm mostly just doing math for "fun facts" (like how many burgers a person would have to eat to match the diet of a minke whale). But I just slack off for the rest of the classes; English, History and Gym. I don't have to try in English or Gym, and History is the class subject I hate with a passion.

TL;DR, it depends on the class.
I still only sometimes pay attention.
Even though it's my fourth quarter, and I have to pass this quarter or risk repeat. I'm not repeating any aspect of high school.
I should probably get serious, because my family wants me to graduate.
I usually don't, if you know me quite well, you know that school isn't something I care for
Surprised I'm the only one that pays attention...

That saves you a lot of time of studying, reading twice for me is usually enough.

Despite written tests being my speciality, in examinations like writing papers or reports I usually flop, i'm unable to concentrate at all smh.
Asian Warlord

Asian Warlord wrote:

in online school, no
but offline school, probably
It depends on the class I'm in.
I can miss an entire class and be fine for computer science, so I rarely pay attention.
If I look away for just two minutes in matrix algebra I say goodbye to my grade.
Nah lol, unless it's somehow interesting or I absolutely have to. And I still get great grades, which pisses off my friends haha, sorry not sorry to them :p
Hoshimegu Mio
Chinese is boring as hell.
Well, if its intresting i'm listening.
[ Rynn ]

Phantonym wrote:

Well, if its intresting i'm listening.
not really

probably why i do quite a bit of work on my own time outside of school just to keep up with school
No, my adhd brain wont let me
no lol
every lesson except sundanese,,
i kinda pay attention but every time i learn a lesson the next day i will forget about it; example: if the teacher ask "what did we learn yesterday?" i dont answer the question
i pay attention at first, then stop going to classes after like four weeks, then cram for finals. i'm only a first year at uni tho so i wonder how long this 'technique' will last .. haha...

except at philosophy class
would like to give up on listening or being in class but there's still too many days in school left for me to do that
just don't really feel like listening too much
Jacques Chirac
I was always half asleep
unless its something interesting or important, no
Joon Yorigami
all the subjects are fun and interesting. the teachers too, so yeah I do pay attention to all of them
Most of the time I pay attention. Mainly depends on the teacher.
brain to slow to pick up the speed so i get tired
Wimpy Cursed
I try my best to pay attention.
Swear I miss one word and I fail to answer a simple question.
If I am tired though, I could care less about the day.
Yesn't. I'm that one student In the google meet that always have their camera off. But I pay attention sometimes.
depends on type of class
I try my best.
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