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Play Touhou 8
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Jangsoodlor wrote:

Play Touhou 8
already beaten it but denied, not a narrative game.

reffty_gag wrote:

A Space For The Unbound (2022) ?
banger videogame, already completed it

A Space For The Unbound is an indonesian indie game, in fact, it's the second widely successful game that this country has ever produced, the first one being coffee talk (i've also beaten it).

The game is about this guy who obtains a book that allows them to jump into people's mind while navigating a tough moment in their life and relationship with their girlfriend. The game, as you would expect lacks any real gameplay gameplay, and it's mainly focused on the dialogue, the gameplay that do exists are mainly small simple puzzles, this is still somehow the game with most gameplay that indonesia has ever produced, given that coffee talk is a VN LMAO

The puzzles aren't particullary great, they work and help sell the fantasy that you're doing stuff in peoples minds but the game doesn't take much advantage of it featuring puzzles, but the story, it's really good

This game starts off as a slice of life, building up the characters and showing what their daily lifes look like, before they start twisting things and the plot expands. The story of this game is actually very complex, a lot of things aren't explicitely confirmed, but you have to guess them based on subtext, there is a lot of symbolism, and there are multiple layers to the story that you need to see how they piece together somehow

In many ways, all the puzzle segments in between works as breathers for you to think the plot over in your head, trying to understand it

You're not going to really understand the plot until the very end of the game, but when it all clicks and you see what the game is trying to say and do, it really hits and god that final hour or two of the game are GOOD

This game doesn't really do anything too inusual but it is really a trip and I heavily recommend it

placed in A rank


Nightmare Alley

This is a guillermo del toro movie about people trying to scam you at your local faire. So people acting as psychics or mediums or just anything in that general modality

The way this type of thing works IRL is via manipulation, there is no real magic involved, they just guess things based on your clothes, aspects, or even information the psychic has about you that you don't know they have, and then they tell that information to you in the way that it feels the most convincing, after that, they try to sell you something or just anything that will benefit the psychic

The plot itself is a fairly standard drama, with the adition of the characters being really smart and manipulative
I've already seem something that does it best, this movie doesn't feel too ambitious, it's enjoyable, I was never bored, but it's not peak, there aren't any real reason why you would watch this over the prestige, which actually have similar themes and I enjoyed a lot more

so yeah, nothing much I have to say, placed in B tier


next: zootopia
still beating road 96
truly an "ADA INDONESIA COYY 🇮🇩🇮🇩🗣️🔥🔥" moment
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Road 96

do I need to play road 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and [...] 95 before playing road 96?

this game french indie walking simulator about crossing the border on an authoritarian state, I overall enjoyed it but I kinda disagree with the core message of the game.

The gameplay is the following, you pick a starting point, and then you need to survive on the road until you reach the border, and then you need to somehow cross it, on the way to the border there will be events made by recurring characters that may help your or not

There are many choices in the game, some biggers one like trying to save someone or not, and a smaller set of choices that comes up when discussing politics in the game, you can either give a answer that is "the only way to fix this country is via revolution", an answer "The only way to fix this country is voting" and, the third, which is "I don't give a shit what the fuck happens to this country i'm just trying to cross the border so PLEASE get me out of here", these don't really have an impact in the game until the very end, where it kinda defines one of the most important aspects of the ending

While I like the initial set of big choices, I do not like the second, smaller set of choices, at least not the way they're implemented. The way I played this videogame is just do my absolute hardest to reach the border, because that is what my characters would have done, I did RP playing this game. And it just so happens that if you're on search and capture and you meet a psychopath or a police member on the road near the border, you're not exactly going to give away your own political ideals that freely. The game doesn't really account for that, since it counts every political choice equally, regardless of the context of the response

You may argue that a lot of different videogames track morality and politics in similar ways, for example disco elysium counts how many times you've chosen a answer of each ideology and copotype, but not exactly the intensity or context of it, the difference with road 96 is that in disco (in 9/10 circumstances), you're not on risk of getting dettained or dying because of giving away your own political ideals, in fact, the game allows you to lie about your political beleives to other characters in certain cases.

In fact, I have a little bit of problem with trying to RP in this game, because, even if it seems like so from the first time, this game really isn't a roguelike, certain skills do transfeer from run to run, but more importantly, knowledge. After a few runs, I know which characters and routes are dangerous, the politial ideas of each characters, the different ways to cross the border, after a while I don't really feel like someone trying to cross a border going on a really dangerous adventure, but more like a god who knows everything about everyone

Another problem i've had, is that if you in a single character do a event, continue on the road, and trigger another effect that references that initial event, there isn't really any different choices you can make because of the fact you've lived and been there in that event. Only in one circumstance in the game I was able to say "yeah I was actually there lol", which honestly kinda annoys me because it would have given more depth to each character and journey, the road stops feeling dangerous after a while.

The game overall message is that you should go vote, you should always go vote, because by abstaining or leaving the country, you're giving the group that makes you want to leave the country more power since they have less opposition. Every time you're going to pick a character you see the political polls, who is expected to win, but most importantly, the abstinence rate, and from that screen it's clear what they want to tell you, the rate of abstinence is sky high, and given that everyone who isn't voting is on the side of hey dictatorships aren't very cool, if everyone were just going to vote, everything would be fixed without any blood

I feel this game kinda misses the point of why people choose to leave the country instead of fighting for it or why people don't vote. In real life, political surveys don't feature the abstinence %, at least not where I live, you don't know how many people are going to vote until you get the results of the elections, the information that if everyone were to vote we would easily overthrow the bad government isn't really widespread.

Second of all, this is a two part system, you either vote for the political party of death and destruction that is going to keep murdering innocents or the party of rainbows and sunshine that will give everyone free candy. I live in europe, in spain, and here we have more than two parties which actually makes voting quite more difficult

You could vote for the political party you belive most in, but, what if they don't get the sufficient votes and have to ally with this other party you despise?, in that case, it would be better to vote this other political party, which you agree less with, but that you know it's more likely to gain more support, which will prevent that other bad scenario from happening, but wait... isn't that reason for deciding NOT to vote for that one political party what it keeps it's number low enough to where they can't gov on their own???

There is often infighting between parties of similiar ideologies, and a lot of times, voting for certain political parties that you know aren't going to win feels like wasting a vote, so, what's the difference between that and not voting?

This game presents a very simple scenario which never actually happens IRL, it completely misses the nuances of what makes that topic hard and what led to that situation in the first place, plus, you're in the context of a videogame where you KNOW your actions will determin things, What your political choices in the game determine is the OUTCOME of the elections, but again, your own character doesn't really have the knowledge that they will also control the choices of so many other people, if they were to know, maybe they would have acted differently, or you can just completely give up on the idea of RPing and just do what you, the omnipotent god known as the player understands that must be done to get the best ending

Also, the idea of your choices really having that big of an effect on the final elections, often feel a little bit absurd, the impact of saying your true political ideas to a psychopath who isn't going to listen to you anyways is way overstated, that in reality would have 0 effect on the elections, but in the game, it matters a lot, (also, i'm a little bit dissapointed that saving zoe and letting them carry the information that the one big terrorist attack was actually an inside job to news networks in foreign countries didn't have much effect on the actual elections, that is something that feels like it SHOULD have been a big plot point but one that we never really saw the consequences of.)

But, for as much I disagree with the core message of the game, it turns out, that, ocassionally, as you're moving ahead on the road, you will spot brief moments of beauty (haha see what you did there I did a reference I did a reference joke now laugh this is how comedy works right you do pop culture references). This game is absolutely BEAUTIFUL in every sense of the word

The graphics are amazing, but more important than that, the actual scenarions are beautiful, I'm not only talking about the natural wonders of the world, but everything in general. The characters you meet, they're really amazing, I didn't dislike a single character, and I find wonderful how people will still strive to help other people even on the most dire of circumstances. The music on the game is phenomenal, I also loved the little moments after you finish doing whatever the fuck you were doing and you now have to choose how are you going to traverse the next following kilometers

I'm willing to forgive everything that i've said about this game just on the basis that this game is just overwhelming with beauty. In many ways going on the road felt... relaxing, and not even on the later runs where I knew exactly what to do, but even on the first run that everything still felt dangerous I could appreciate those little things. I loved that aspect of the game so, so much

so yeah, I appreciate this game even if I disagree with it, B rank.


next: prototype
still haven't watched zootopia.
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prototype (dropped):

yeah i've played enough games to know this isnt' for me, played around the first hour or so, not really big on these older, open world follow the waypoints power fantasy type of games, I know i'm not going to enjoy it so i'm just not even going to bother


there are no more videogames for me to play

I haven't started watching zootopia

Patatitta wrote:

prototype (dropped):
there are no more videogames for me to play

I haven't started watching zootopia
who's lila
Topic Starter

Polyspora wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

prototype (dropped):
there are no more videogames for me to play

I haven't started watching zootopia
who's lila

oh shit I had them noted in the thread I just didn't remember it, already did oneshot, so it's time for stray
Topic Starter

This is how i feel a lot of the time in this thread

I think it's very fair to say i'm NOT the target demographic of zootopia, I actually watched this movie as a kid and enjoyed it, but now, it's kind of rough

Zootopia is a animated movie about this bunny who wants to become a police, but there has never been any bunny cop ever because they're considered a weak race. I didn't enjoy it very much

Zootopia is very much a movie about racism, thing is, I think the actual racism analogy isn't very well done at all, (at least it's slightly better than BNA tho). It all feels very surface level, and while yes, I understand this is a movie very much for children and the plot must be simple, but I think there are better ways to handle this topic and still have children understand

The original idea is that there are stereotypes for each race and stuff which are very much not true that are keeping certain people from certain areas or whatever. For example, there is a negative stereotype around foxes that they're criminals and low-life scum, that is why when she meets a fox in zootopia, they end up being a criminal and low-life scum, in fact, most main characters DO follow the stereotype, and then the movie kinda justifies how that's actually fine?, like really, this movie feels less about stereotype being wrong and more about stereotypes being fine.

The only exceptions where an animal species doesn't really act like their stereotype comes in the way of secondary characters that appear once or twice in the movie. Near the end of the movie (not spoiler tagging because come on, it's zootopia), the protagonist starts a race war due to her own racist beliefs that she later corrects and stops the government conspiracy that was impulsing racism, and after that they were like "yay we solved racism"

Like, I don't think framing racism as a conspiracy is really a good ideal to give about this topic, mainly, because it isn't one, there isn't one single person creating racism as a whole that you can stop, it's a complex subject, and in fact, the situation in zootopia at the end of the movie is no different than at the start of the movie, juddy hopps just integrated herself in society, she literally never fixes anything, she just makes everything worse and then she reverts it back to being like the start which was already bad, like even in one of the final scenes of the movie, there is a guy who jailed a lot of innocent civilians because of the conspiracy and they still deny any guilt, and I know you're meant to go "hahaha they're so silly" but no????????? they're still racist as fuck????????????? why the fuck is juddy hopps acting like everything is fine now???????????????

also, the comedy aspect kinda just boils down to references and very simple jokes, like, there is a godfather reference and also a scene where they show bootlegs, and the rest of the jokes are made out of the expense of guess what, negative stereotypes about animals so god I do not really get this movie at all

also small nitpick, I love how rabbits aren't caught up to be cops because they're weak physically so they should go back to doing large scale farming, a job that as we all know is very easy on the body. I just think that is funny

placed in D tier


next: nothing else to watch
Been playing stray, it's ok so far
Topic Starter

You in fact are a cat

In this game you're a cat that gets separated from their clowder, and you become a stray (get it), in a weird city dominated by robots, in it, you will find a robot that will allow you to talk to humans, and your goal in the game is to escape the city.

The strong points of the game are the following:

-you're a cat
-you're orange
-the game looks nice
-you can do cat things
-cats are cute

The actual gameplay is kinda close to a walking simulator, you just walk around places, no real platforming, just press A to do the precalculated jump, and it's not difficult, you kinda just keep going forward and eventually you will beat the game

There isn't much of a story, it's not really the focus. The focus of the game is you going in a cool adventure taking the role of a cat. And it is ok at doing this

The actual segments where you're running away from something or just "platforming", were enjoyable, however, you reach a point in the game where you have to do fetch quets, you talk to an npc, that tells you to talk to another npc, that gives you an item, that then later you need to give to the second npc, that then you give to the original npc. Not only that, but it's extremely easy to get lost, so it's just frustrating, it doesn't really feel cool, i'm basically working a job, not so much going in a cool cat adventures, I don't like it, problem is that this is a fairly big chunk of the actual game, so like, why, why did you add fetch quests to this game

This game isn't like rain world either, the robot basically gives you the same level of intelligence and capabilities of a human, so there really aren't many things that you cant do because you're a cat and cats are less smart than robots that can connect their brains to the internet

It's just... kinda mediocre?, like, yeah being a cat is nicoe, but outside that, while what it does isn't necessarily bad, it's not really engaging?, I don't think this gameplay and story would have held up in any other videogame, if you REALLY like cats, this game is probably peak, but I don't know man

If I were in charge of the GOTY's, this would not even have been nominated to 2022 best indie, let alone win it, as I'm placing it in c tier.


next: who's lila?
can you do watch dogs
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burgernfat wrote:

can you do watch dogs
kinda long and not my style
when you get the chance watch The Orville
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abraker wrote:

when you get the chance watch The Orville
I watched it with my family a few years back, I don't really want to rewatch it, but I remember enjoying it
watch the death note musical


Patatitta wrote:

abraker wrote:

when you get the chance watch The Orville
I watched it with my family a few years back, I don't really want to rewatch it, but I remember enjoying it
second pick: The Expanse
Topic Starter

abraker wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

abraker wrote:

when you get the chance watch The Orville
I watched it with my family a few years back, I don't really want to rewatch it, but I remember enjoying it
second pick: The Expanse
actually same story, but yeah, 6 season, a bit too much to rewatch for this thread


watch the death note musical


Patatitta wrote:


watch the death note musical

why 😭
Also i think your tier list might be broken, there's some stuff in the d tier that's also in higher tiers
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Also i think your tier list might be broken, there's some stuff in the d tier that's also in higher tiers
yeah, I can confirm, let me fix it

edit: fixed
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Who's Lila

Before we even start, I've said, like, 9 times in this thread, please don't recommend horror games, I do not like them, and what is this?, an horror game, so fuck you

Who's Lila is a short indie horror game with ARG elements. The gameplay is like a standard point and click game, with moments were you have to manually change your facial expression, since you cant do that by your own. I'm mixed on this game

The game consits of 15 endings, each ending is fairly short, taking less than 10 minutes per ending, note that there really aren't 15 endings, as some endings require other endings as prerequisites, and the game expects you to get most of the endings, not just one, so it's more like 15 loops rather than 15 endings, but that is just a nitpick on the term

The story itself isn't linear, it's closer to an anthology of possibilities and abstract imagery, the goal of the game in many ways is to understand the story itself, understand what is actually going on, and understand why the story is presented in that way.

If I had to compare the actual plot of the game to anything, it would be to an SCP. In many ways, this game feels like an interactive SCP article, there is a bunch of stuff in this game about the paranormal and scientific documents on certain horror creatures

This isn't a type of storytelling I vibe with very much. I enjoy complex stories, but what I enjoy about that type of stories is mostly the implications it has, what it has to say about the real world, what ideals does it push. This is a complex story yes, but this is closer to a classic sherlock holmes novel in that regard, the point is solving the mistery, it's ideal that you have a notebook or a google documment where you take notes and try to piece the mistery, since the actual joy of the game is figuring out the mistery that is the story

I don't think it's badly done in any regard. The story never really gives you any concrete answer, and it's mostly left to interpretation, I think this is good. A problem with classic mystery novels is that instead of stopping and trying to solve it yourself, you can just keep reading, since the mistery will be explained to you by the end of the book. By not giving a clear solution, it forces the player to think, to actually take part in that discovery aspect. The fact that there are multiple explanations also leads to discussions and conversations, where you may end up arriving with a third, entirerily new idea, it's just, I don't like puzzles very much. Even the mistery stories I enjoy, I do not really try to solve the mistery myself, they just engage me with the narrative and I want to see how it continues, I don't really stop to solve it myself, I get joy from seeing the detective of the novel solve it themselves.

In the topic of puzzles, a good chunk of the game endings require you to look outside the game itself. Go into websites, go into acertain folders, download other programs, etc. You're going to be AMAZED what I have to say about this, you probably wont see it coming, I don't enjoy it very much either, a lot of it is for the same reasons I have already explained, but I also generally find them to be very frustrating at times.

When you're on a regular puzzle game or even on a murder mistery type of story, the rules of the mistery are clear. You know what is fair game, what it isn't. I know what is part of the puzzle, what things aren't part of the puzzle, and what actions can I take to try to solve it. With ARGs it's different, by making the area of the puzzle literally anywhere, it's not so clear where to look, because a lot of time, the puzzle is looking in the right place. I fidn this frustrating, because whenever I struggle with that type of puzzle, I always go "oh, I didn't expect to look there, that's annoying", I don't get the satisfaction of actually solving it.

Thing is, i'm not the demographic for this game, the demographic for this game is someone who is into internet horror, who is into SCPs and 2 hour long youtube videos explainign icebergs or lost media or ARGs. And it's just, that demographic WOULD enjoy all of these things, but I am not, I do not like these things

I'm not going to put in D because I recognize the game is well done and executed, it achieves what it tries to do very well, I just don't like what it's trying to do


nothing left for me, queue empty
Oh shit, well here's a small assortment of series or manga I remember as varying degrees of decent

Great Pretender
Houseki no Kuni
Banana Fish
you can read "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (Book)
Topic Starter

TeeArctic1 wrote:

Oh shit, well here's a small assortment of series or manga I remember as varying degrees of decent

Great Pretender
Houseki no Kuni
Banana Fish
the only one I haven't seen is great pretender, will write about the other 4 soon

Nyzhenets wrote:

you can read "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (Book)
can do yeah
watch nisemonogatari

Patatitta wrote:

abraker wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

abraker wrote:

when you get the chance watch The Orville
I watched it with my family a few years back, I don't really want to rewatch it, but I remember enjoying it
second pick: The Expanse
actually same story, but yeah, 6 season, a bit too much to rewatch for this thread

ok ok, Murder Drones
Topic Starter

abraker wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

abraker wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

abraker wrote:

when you get the chance watch The Orville
I watched it with my family a few years back, I don't really want to rewatch it, but I remember enjoying it
second pick: The Expanse
actually same story, but yeah, 6 season, a bit too much to rewatch for this thread

ok ok, Murder Drones
I don't think I'm going to like but I can watch murder drones

Jangsoodlor wrote:

watch nisemonogatari
Topic Starter

TeeArctic1 wrote:

Oh shit, well here's a small assortment of series or manga I remember as varying degrees of decent

Great Pretender
Houseki no Kuni
Banana Fish

Houseki No Kuni

This is probably one of the most original mangas ever written and probably among one of the best modern manga or manga in general

HNK is about this little planet surrounded by many moons, in the small planet there is a species of humanoid, sentient gemstones, all of the characters are different rocks, phosphophyllite, antarcticite, padparadscha, etc. no, this has nothing to do with steven universe). They are very small in number, and the moon people wants to hunt them

This manga tackles many interesting topics, for one, the biology of the gemstones is very different to our biology, they don't have vital organs. Every single part of their body can be replaced if they have the right material. However, their memories are spread evenly across their body, so, if you were to lose an arm, and replace it with a new one, in the process, you have also lost memories.

That really reminds me of the ship of Theseus, how many body parts can you replace, how much can you forget, before you start being a different person?. HNK doesn't really aim to answer that question, if the reader wants to answer that themselves, they're welcome, but HNK focuses more on the consequences of that. Let's say I help you in the past, then, I lose an arm, and completely lose all my memories of that event, not only that, but I also lose the memories that made me act that way in that situation to begin with, in fact, if I was now in the same situation, I probably would have acted in a different way, yet, you still trust me, you know I have lost an arm yet you still trust me, that relationship, that friendship, is now unfounded, it's closer to blind faith than anything

The emotional arc of phos is based on that, in many ways, this allows phos to do many things that we would consider horrible, but, we can't blame phos for it. Because we recognize she doesn't have the same information, and we can't expect someone to walk in eggshells their entire life, she doesn't know how much she has forgotten, she doesn't know how many times she has lost body parts, for her, the only reality, the only thing that she can trust is what she can see with her own eyes right now.

Now, that isn't the only really fucking cool thing that HNK does, i'm pretty sure this doesn't appear on the anime as of yet but we also havethe praying machine, which i'm not going into because i'm not smart enough, I haven't studied enough, to really understand and communicate all of the themes and intention of that part of the plot outside a very superficial level, you can probably make a 20 page essay just on the praying machine alone

Outside that, the art is also peak. As I said many times, having good art isn't just being really good at drawing, you need to give space for the art to flourish, to connect the plot to the art in a way that you have really memorable panels, HNK nails this, HNK probably has some of the best art pieces i've ever seen, the drawing style is very unique

HNK LOVES using negative space, this is when instead of just painting what you wish to picture, you paint everything BUT that, so the space that doesn't have ink on it, is the actual drawing, here is an example

This is a full page panel, using a technique that almost no other manga uses, really well drawn, where the context of the history makes that panel HIT, so like, what the fuck more do you wish

A lot of other mangas, when they have a big panel, they don't really include dialogue, this is understandable, as often having too much text can be visually unappealing, this is actually something american comics suffers a lot from, this is an example from the fantastic four comic

HNK does include text in some of their big moments, but, they often only include a single sentence, which honestly is so fucking cool, (this is a panel from very late in the manga, should not spoil anything, but i'm boxing it anyways)

Also, this manga probably has one of the greatest flexes of all time?, , the last volume had many delays, and the very last chapter, featured this panel

and well, I will let this other image explain why this is crazy

like what the actual fuck

Easy S rank



my dad likes this anime

Pluto is probably my least favourite work from urusawa naoki (from what I have read), but, come on, it's still naoki, that guy shits gold

Pluto is a science fiction manga directly inspired by Osamu Tezuka Astroboy, one of the first ever anime, just, with more adult themes and topics, the original manga was released in 2003, the anime, in 2023, this is important, because it's amazing how well pluto predicts certain things, for a science fiction story to stay relevant this much time, that is impressive

There isn't much of the influence of tezuka in this manga, they just take the general idea of astroboy and runs with it. The plot follows a detective that is investigating some murders which they believe were caused by a robot, pluto

A large part of the manga focuses on well, robots and artificial intelligence, about robot rights and how humanity perceives them, and about the politics involved in all of that. The way naoki tackles this is very grounded unlike some other science fiction, one of my favourite scenes involves a guy that has a robot that plays the piano, and the robot tries to play a song for the guy, the guy gets angry, talks about he's profaning the piano, about how those melodies are empty, and that a robot will never be able to compose real music

This is exactly the situation we are right now LMAO, the only real difference is that, in pluto, robots don't operate like search engines, they operate like humans, while they likely aren't conscious, they do act like if they had one, so in the end of that scene, the man accepts the robot, and starts coexisting with it

In many ways, that is the defining factor. Currently, we can't get attached to an AI because they're all digital, but here, they're physical and smarter. They move and aren't scary, so, humans will end up developing an attachment to them.

I would say more about it but like I watched it 2 years ago and I don't remember exact details but I enjoyed it and I think it's cool placed in A rank



this sucks big dicks

konosuba is a fantasy isekai comedy anime that aims to be a parody of the genre, this fails. When you're parodying something, you have an intention behind it, it's a critique, you aim to say something, in many ways, konosuba doesn't seem like it's really shitting on the isekai genre, rather, it's embracing it, all of the tropes most isekai has, konosuba does it times 100

the anime doesn't have any real plot, it's all based on the comedy

let me showcase some of the jokes of season 1

The loli character talking about she likes big strong sticks (Their staff)
The protagonist sexually harassing the rest of the party by using their "steal" ability to take peoples panties
The whole character of darkness just bases on her being a masochist and getting sexually aroused by being hurt

all of the jokes are sex

I do not vibe with this type of comedy, I just fucking hate every single character in konosuba and wish they burn in hell

this would go on how could you do this to me if I hadn't watched it already, but since I have, just placed in D tier


Banana Fish

Banana Fish is the OG fujoshi manga, the plot itself is about gangs and conspiracies and that sort of stuff, but like, this is still a shoujo

I don't really know what to say about this manga?, like, it's just pretty standard, it's very old for a manga, it's from 1985, I don't really have strong opinions about banana fish, I enjoyed it, I know people go crazy shipping characters, I don't really engage with that, so like have fun I guess

placed in B tier


Jangsoodlor wrote:

watch Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Jangsoodlor wrote:

watch nisemonogatari
I'd advise to watch Kizumonogatari first if you were to keep him with Monogatari but well... doubt patata would accept.
Topic Starter

Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:

Jangsoodlor wrote:

watch nisemonogatari
I'd advise to watch Kizumonogatari first if you were to keep him with Monogatari but well... doubt patata would accept.
yeah, I would still deny

Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:

Jangsoodlor wrote:

watch nisemonogatari
I'd advise to watch Kizumonogatari first if you were to keep him with Monogatari but well... doubt patata would accept.
I doubt that would work considering the uh.... "radical" direction style even by monogatari standards

Jangsoodlor wrote:

Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:

Jangsoodlor wrote:

watch nisemonogatari
I'd advise to watch Kizumonogatari first if you were to keep him with Monogatari but well... doubt patata would accept.
I doubt that would work considering the uh.... "radical" direction style even by monogatari standards
It's still the next work in novel order though.
Watch "Josee, the Tiger, and the Fish" (the anime movie one, 2020)

Patatitta wrote:

abraker wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

abraker wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

abraker wrote:

when you get the chance watch The Orville
I watched it with my family a few years back, I don't really want to rewatch it, but I remember enjoying it
second pick: The Expanse
actually same story, but yeah, 6 season, a bit too much to rewatch for this thread

ok ok, Murder Drones
I don't think I'm going to like but I can watch murder drones
Go for it!
Also has a lot henry stickmin vibes

Patatitta wrote:

Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:

Analiza la rata con thinner.

CW: No lo leas si estás comiendo o acabas de comer.
me lo he leido, me voy a pegar un tiro
where is it in the tierlist
Topic Starter

Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:

Analiza la rata con thinner.

CW: No lo leas si estás comiendo o acabas de comer.
me lo he leido, me voy a pegar un tiro
where is it in the tierlist
not putting it

reffty_gag wrote:

Watch "Josee, the Tiger, and the Fish" (the anime movie one, 2020)
already seen the movie, will do later
Topic Starter
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish

This is a standalone anime romance movie about this universitary student falling in love with a disabled woman. I really liked it

It's definitively in the same line as a silent voice or I want to eat your pancreas, just, overall way happier. But it is a complicated romance and very bittersweet at times, sacrifices had to be made in order for the relationship to work.

This is a fairly unusual setting for this type of stories, first of all, it's not set in a highschool, yes, the guy is going to college, but the movie is way more focused on joining the workforce, there really isn't any scene that really happens in the college

In many ways the fact that girl is disabled is percieved as something cute, the girl has dreams she cant really achieve by her own, so the guy has to care for her and stuff, this isn't exactly the case in this movie, as the guy is also very much dependant on her, maybe to a lesser extent, but there is also some weakness showcased from the male side, for example, the male protagonist is financially dependant on the girl for most of the movie, I like this, it adds a lot of depth to each of the characters and it makes it feel more grouded. No character is really a martyr for the other

Placed in A rank


i'm both halfway through great pretender and the first book of the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
Topic Starter
Great Pretender


this started fairly strong but it went to shit

Great pretender is a anime about a scam artist that gets tricked into participating in larger fraud ring, the start is fairly strong, the animation is pretty, thing is, they don't know how to follow it up

this anime doesn't really have an endgoal, it doesn't really foreshadows anything, there are a bunch of arcs that showcase different scam methods and then they randomly go "oh this is the final arc btw" and the anime just ends. It's just aimless

there is also a bit of competition between the two main characters, but instead of having this intense psychological battles like a lot of other mistery animes have, at the end of the arc they just go OH I HAD PLANNED THIS ALL ALONG and then the other responds OH WELL I HAD PLANNED THAT YOU WOULD PLAN THAT YOU FUCKER. It gets to a point where it's just so extreme it's not even funny, there really isn't any merit to having an entire arc happen and at the end say "well I planned that", you're just saying it, but me as the viewer didn't really feel it. It kinda just feels like bullshit.

This anime isn't very original at times too. There is a moment in the story where the protagonist finishes a scam and then he offers himself to the police, he serves 4 years of jail time, and after that they claim they want to live a normal life, but he gets roped into the scam once again. This general scene isn't really that well done, they don't really sell you as the viewer the fact that they're actually going to quit, because there are many scenes during that period that just showcases the other characters finding the stage for a new scam, point is, that the "I quit but acutally they roped me again" thing happens like 3 times during this anime"

Also, remember when I said the art is good?, well, it seems like it was TOO good, because the studio couldn't keep up. Like really, I don't know if there were production issues during the anime, but this anime uses recaps WAY too much, a chapter starts with like a 5 minute recap of the entire anime. That's not the only example of reusing recaps tho, a lot of times they have flashbacks to things that happened like an episode or two ago where they just reuse scenes, I think they just didn't have the time to really animate new scenes

The plot and characters seem very improvised?, like, you have a character, they act a certain way, then they showcase the backstory of that character, which implies the character would act a different way and then they just start acting that way after the flashback. Like, the backstory didn't seem to actually have an impact on the character until it got shown on screen, also, as I said, the show doesn't really build up to anything and the end is kinda horrendous

sadly placed in D tier


next: murder drones

still reading book
Topic Starter
Murder Drones

I'm sorry abraker, you have been infected with... the brainrot.

Murder Drones is absolutely and completely awful at every single level and I haven't really ever seen a show that is bad in this exact specific way

murder drones is a comedy action drama mistery horror thriller 3d animated youtube show produced by GLITCH, the company which is now making the amazing digital circus.

It's about this angst teenage girl who goes outside the limits of where she lived in and gets roped into an adventure. Credit where credit is due, the animation is fairly solid and the music is pretty good. But everything else, it's awful.

Murder drones isn't consistent, it tries doing many, many different things at once, it touches almost every genre known to man, kinda imitating the tropes and some scenes that are considered cool in shows of those other genres, you have your typical action fight scenes, the cool guy walking away from a explosion, saying "i'm in" after hacking something, but it also tries to be scary at times, having very quiet moments with jumpscares, which makes contrast to the comedy most of the show has, mixed with all of this you have a lot of shots where a character does something and they do not explain it to you so it kinda feels myterious and you get gist

That, combined with the high animation budget sells you the image of quality, this is a high budget production that does things that you've seen better shows and movies do, so therefore, this must also be good. Also, by touching so many different aspects you're creating a lot of broad appeal. You would think that also touching every single genre would discourage people from watching the show as some core elements wouldn't be appealing to then, but don't worry about that!, there isn't an inch of depth to it, remember, it's just the IMAGE of quality. This show isn't really ever scary, or tense, or has the best action, so if you don't like some of those elements it's easy to tune out because it's really not important

It's also important that we discuss some of the meta elements for this show. This is a youtube, animated show, available for free, aimed for children. So this is the breeding ground for a fandom. It doesn't matter if the show isn't deep by it's own, the fandom will convience you it has.

The characters are all flat as fuck, there isn't much growth on any of them. For example, the entire personality trait of the protagonist is "I am an angsty teenager", it sucks. Not only that, but there are way too many characters, which is hell for a casual watcher for me, but good if you were, let's say, in a fandom that will obsess over the most random secondary character

The only element that is really consistent through the entire show is the comedy, this has very marvel-type humor, of "he's behind me right now" or the jumpscares being literally "this is a jumpscare" and the characters being like "yeah i'm an angsty teenager that's my personality trait" but man, just acknowledging it as a joke doesn't fix that problem

This show also features memes, it has "perfectly cut screams" it has "cool 3d emoji with sunglasses", it does the funny pose with the finger that you saw in that one gif. This isn't going to age well, memes are very volatile, it's already a bit painful when you watch a old show or whatever and see a episode about planking or the ice bucket challenge. In fact, one of the lessons we as a society have learnt is that making episodes and featuring memes is a bad idea. That's why you see a lot of episodes about old internet memes, but then less and less with newer jokes.

So, why did this show did it?. Well, even if I don't like this fact, memes run the world. If you see memes about something, you assume it's good, because if not, why are there memes about it?, memes act both as marketing and as a way to change the perspective on that certain thing, and by already featuring current memes, you're facilitating people screenshotting those moments and sending them around.

You (probably wont) say "hey patatitta, but you're an hypocrite!, you're a super big fan of undertale 2 and super assfuck rpg, those are shitpost too!", and you would be only half right, they're shitposts, the comedy has the same energy as a traditional absurd shitpost, the difference is that (most of) the jokes these games make are original, they're not basing themselves on what meme is trendy at the moment, it has the overall shitpost aesthetic but on it's core is closer to traditional comedy in the sense that it's not repeating a punchline but actually creating something new, in fact, probably the most famous joke in undertale 2, at least the most iconic one I've seen while talking to people is the "paint on some letters" part of the game

Thing is, not every show can use memes in this way, damien chazelle cant just go and make shitposts for their next movie, they're different demographics, thing is, that memes for youtube shows work. Another advantage of being on youtube is that well, you have a lot of people talking about it, so if you have a big youtuber you follow talk about the show, you will assume it's good.

Now, the acutal message of the show is "embrace cringe!, you're not harming anyone so it's not bad!", I agree with this message, but not in this context. It's different accepting the more cringy aspects of your personality and hanging out with people that respect you for who you are than using that as justification that this show is peak and that you just have to turn your brain off

I don't really like the way glitch is handling their fandom either, checking the comments on the videos I often saw comments like "this is better than anything netflix puts out" "I can't believe such high quality content exists on youtube for free, they're so nice", these are often the top comments, this overall train of thought is bad, they're claiming that this type of content is peak and that everything is else is kinda ass, they're tying you to that community, thing is, this type of thought benefits the company

They have also coaxed the term "indie animation", claiming that we must protect it and let it flourish, which I agree, but they have recontextualized the term, indie animation doesn't just mean all indie animations, it just means those very high budged animated youtube shows. Some indie animation or animation made by a single person such as "it's such a beautiful day" by don hertzfeldt are left out of the conversation because that doesn't really benefit them.

also I don't generally like selling merchandising of a show when it isn't even fully out?

This show is brainrot slop with painful jokes and that tries to gaslight you that this is acutally peak

Placed in how could you do this to me.


next: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Still reading book

Pata wrote:

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
I recall this being one of those animes that are spammed with lewd scenes for no reason whatsoever.
Topic Starter

Ymir wrote:

Pata wrote:

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
I recall this being one of those animes that are spammed with lewd scenes for no reason whatsoever.
being requested by jang it doesn't surprise, it doesn't have the ecchi or harem tags or whatever tho, so will at least try to watch it

Ymir wrote:

Pata wrote:

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
I recall this being one of those animes that are spammed with lewd scenes for no reason whatsoever.
excuse me are we living in the same universe?

Jangsoodlor wrote:

Ymir wrote:

Pata wrote:

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
I recall this being one of those animes that are spammed with lewd scenes for no reason whatsoever.
excuse me are we living in the same universe?
I only watched the first couple of episodes and I was also 10 years old, maybe I'm remembering wrong.
Topic Starter
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo (Dropped)

i'm not watching this shit, watched the first 4 episodes, the joke is that the girl doens't understand other people and that makes her accidently a pervert haha put on some clothes you silly!
Yeah okay so I was somewhat right.
sadge u missed the peak fiction at the end

Patatitta wrote:

Murder Drones

I'm sorry abraker, you have been infected with... the brainrot.

Pretty fair review nonetheless, I enjoyed reading that

So let me introduce you to the og series I grew up watching :3

I'll take my leave after a review of that ^_^
Review Wall-E, should be interesting
Topic Starter

abraker wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Murder Drones

I'm sorry abraker, you have been infected with... the brainrot.

Pretty fair review nonetheless, I enjoyed reading that

So let me introduce you to the og series I grew up watching :3

I'll take my leave after a review of that ^_^
... denied

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

Review Wall-E, should be interesting
yeah I can do that

Patatitta wrote:

abraker wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Murder Drones

I'm sorry abraker, you have been infected with... the brainrot.

Pretty fair review nonetheless, I enjoyed reading that

So let me introduce you to the og series I grew up watching :3

I'll take my leave after a review of that ^_^
... denied
Topic Starter
I watched this movie and almost forgot to write about it


rewatch as I watched this as a kid at least like 15 times, now watching it as an adult, it's still good

One of the things I noticed was how little dialogue there actually is in the movie, like, the first half an hour is basically silent, this is actually something that has gotten quite popular in the internet as of recent, this is called "Visual storytelling" and that is when you actually see the story instead of being told by a character what happened, by not having dialogue, you're relying entirerily on that visual aspect for the audience to understand what is going on in the movie

In fact, there are a bunch of modern, western animations that basically ahve no dialogue, for example primal or robot dreams. The problem with this appraoch is that well, we, humanity, have developed languages because of reasons. It's very hard to express complex emotions or situation with a lot of nuance, but, here it works very well since this is a pixar family movie, it's not complex

The fact that the two main characters are robot does help. The human face is complex, very complex, and emotions are actually not that obvious a lot of the time, but, since they're a robot, they actually are super expressive

After that first arc, the story transitiosn into wall-e and eva on the spaceship creating chaos over a plant, what this part is trying to say is kinda obvious, rampant capitalism isn't the best for human health, and that lifestyle of ultimate comfort they had created is also unhealthy

it's not the best critique there is, it's pretty superficial, but it does the job, it's also ironic that this is published under disney, so it doesn't really seem like they stand up for their own values

it's a fun movie, it does interesting things, I don't really have many complains about it, placed in A rank


nothing else to watch

i'm on the start of the third book of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
Watch Rainbow (anime)
Topic Starter

Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:

Watch Rainbow (anime)
denied but only because of the fact I started the manga this morning
Topic Starter
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


This is a 5 book long comedy science fiction series, I liked it

the books are about this human who gets roped in weird intergalactic travel because the aliens blew the earth up, and there is also the titular hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy which is a book that tries explaining space culture and stuff

it's really, really funny. Like, normally, comedy tends to not really age that well, you see any american comedy from the early 2000 and it's impossible to sit through nowadays, but this book, which released in 1979, aged perfectly, mainly because it's a british book, and british comedy tends to age well

none of the jokes are punching down, what is funny are the situations that the protagonist finds himself in, the entries of the guide, the absurdity of it all

and well, this book recognises it's a comedy book and goes all in, it isn't ashamed to be a comedy book, so the overall tone is very light, combined with the fact that it's a fairly easy book to read, it makes for a really pleasing reading experience, so while it is long, it is never painful, you don't really need much force of will to be able to sit down through the entire book

The impact this book has had on the internet and in future books is not to be understated, this book has probably some of the earliest internet memes, for example, you have the legendary "the answer to life, the universe, and everything" which is, 42, and many other lines like "stay calm" or whatever. Unlike modern memes, this book wasn't baiting being a meme, as it is older than the internet, it also didn't weaponize these out of context lines like many other shows did, all of these memes just comes from nerds online loving this book to death, tell me, what other franchise has a wikipedia page this long about funny parts from it

anyways, yeah, this is probably my new favourite book, placed in A rank because I haven't really read that many books in the first place, but I really liked it.


also, queue empty.

Patatitta wrote:

Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:

Watch Rainbow (anime)
denied but only because of the fact I started the manga this morning
has Plants vs Zombies been requested before
Topic Starter

McEndu wrote:

has Plants vs Zombies been requested before
played it but denied, not the type of game I talk about in here
Watch Hundreds of Beavers.
Topic Starter

ghoulybits wrote:

Watch Hundreds of Beavers.
yeah can do
I remember you said you played genshin once upon a time, if so it'd be interesting to hear your thoughts on it even though I haven't played it myself
Topic Starter


I remember you said you played genshin once upon a time, if so it'd be interesting to hear your thoughts on it even though I haven't played it myself
I mean, it's not something I would count for this thread, but I can make an exception, wont add to tier lists or anything but I think later today i'm going to just complain a lot
3 Days of Happiness, Manga
Topic Starter
Hundreds of Beavers

This is probably one of the funniest movies i've watched in my entire life

hundreds of beaver is an independant "silent" black and white comedy film released in 2022 but only really started distribution in 2024 with a style of comedy very reminiscent of looney tunes, just, way better in every single regard?

the way this movie looks is extremely bizarre, the comical overacting of the different characters, the costumes and props, and even the clear use of a green screen and CGI to replicate gags that would only be possible in animation

I can't explain why this movie is as funny as it is, but god, it is funny, there were moments were I wasn't even laughing, and I was just in pure awe

also, something that i've noticed, some of the jokes and gags in this movie felt very videogame-ish?, like, I saw some scenes and went like "oh this could very easily be a scene in a videogame" or whatever, which is strange, but it just has that energy

I have never seen a movie like this, I don't know if I ever will watch a movie like this again, I wish I could say more about this movie but honestly i'm so confused and surprised by this film like unironically anyone reading this please watch it

placed in s rank


I sold my life for ten thousand yen per year. (3 Days of Happiness is actually the name of the novel the manga is based on)

already read it a few years back, it's peak

It's a very short manga (only 3 volumes) about a guy, that as the title says, sells their life for three thousand yen per year, only having 3 days left to live (that is where the title of the novel comes from), and, it's way different than you would imagine from the synopsis

Yes, it may be VERY little money for each year, but given it's their entire life, the protagonist HAS money, in a hollywood film you would probably see the protagonist throwing a big party and spending it and having fun, but the manga is actually the complete contrary

it's a fairly slow, melancholic, dramatic manga, where during those three remaining days on earth, the protagonist reflects on all of their life up to that point and comes to accept it, all of this while being accompanied by a woman who is there to make sure he doesn't murder anyone now that he knows he is going to die in 3 days.

It's very painful and sad but also extremely beautiful, it's emotive up to it's bones

It's actually also a very interesting manga when you compare it to the rest of the manga indsutry and what we personally expect from the medium

I absolutely love the fact that it's only 3 volumes. Normally, most successfull, big popular mangas are LONG, and this manga shows that they don't need to be. While this manga is short, it also has a very clear goal and objective, it doesn't feel rush or compressed. It's so short yet they still dedicate a lot of time to each scene to make sure it hits, it doesn't try to fit as much story as possible, it gives space for everything to breathe, they give time to the protagonist to just sit in silence and think.

In my analysis of frieren I complained about how I was baited by the synopsis, and how well, I expected, this. This is what I wanted frieren to be, and it's such a shame that it wasn't that because god this manga is so good

placced in S rank


genshin impact

note: i'm not placing this on the tier list or anything, I just have a lot of thoughts about this type of games

Genshin as a game is mediocre, it's a gacha game with very shallow gameplay, and okay story. You're not missing out on anything for not playing genshin impact. But I would say this is a bit unfair to genshin impact, because well, i'm analyzing through the lense of the global gaming industry, of course I believe games like disco elysium or sanabi are better than genshin, but genshin isn't trying to compete with those, and I feel actually comparing it makes you miss a bigger and more interesting point

What if we were to compare genshin impact with only free to play games?, in that case, genshin is probably one of the best games out there, it's a game without any rough edges that you can basically play forever, sure it doesn't respect your time, but which free to play game does?

This isn't just a free to play either, it's a mobile game, and that industry is somehow even worse

I think it's a shame that people just play shitty ass videogames because they can't afford anything better, but I feel that in part it's also because this games are the most populars so I don't think actually having good free games will fix anything, like, exists and I have friends that have money that still play roblox

I also don't like gachas in general, not only because of the predatory monetization, but also because it has become so popular that games that have 0 microtransactions STILL have gacha mechanics (looking at you holocure)

also I generally don't like how much genshin and other games rely on sex appeal

I just think genshin is bad for the industry and the medium
watch "Drifting Home" (the anime movie one, 2022)
Topic Starter

reffty_gag wrote:

watch "Drifting Home" (the anime movie one, 2022)

Patatitta wrote:

reffty_gag wrote:

watch "Drifting Home" (the anime movie one, 2022)
play horace

its over 8h

but I dont fucking care beat it its a masterpiece
Topic Starter

emajakolic wrote:

play horace

its over 8h

but I dont fucking care beat it its a masterpiece

Patatitta wrote:

emajakolic wrote:

play horace

its over 8h

but I dont fucking care beat it its a masterpiece

fun game play it
Topic Starter

emajakolic wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

emajakolic wrote:

play horace

its over 8h

but I dont fucking care beat it its a masterpiece

fun game play it
okay I will

Patatitta wrote:

emajakolic wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

emajakolic wrote:

play horace

its over 8h

but I dont fucking care beat it its a masterpiece

fun game play it
okay I will

btw add me on steam frfr
Topic Starter

emajakolic wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

emajakolic wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

emajakolic wrote:

play horace

its over 8h

but I dont fucking care beat it its a masterpiece

fun game play it
okay I will

btw add me on steam frfr
i'm not going to play it on steam
Topic Starter
drifting home

didn't like it very much

It's an anime movie about multiple kisd being stranded in an old building that somehow leads to a different universe, the plot is actually very similar to sonny boy, the difference is that sonny boy is peak, and this anime isn't

like really, this anime doesn't do much, the movie is 2 hours long but they resolve everything by the second third of the movie, having the last 40 minutes or so just being running over the same points again

it's not very fun either, I don't know, it just doesn't do anything, it goes for way too long, and there are just way better anime out there

placed in d tier


i'm still downloading horace
dying light
the stanley parable

Patatitta wrote:

emajakolic wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

emajakolic wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

emajakolic wrote:

play horace

its over 8h

but I dont fucking care beat it its a masterpiece

fun game play it
okay I will

btw add me on steam frfr
i'm not going to play it on steam
add me anyway I need friends XD
Topic Starter

Behrauder wrote:

Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to

burgernfat wrote:

dying light
the stanley parable
I don't think I will be doing dying light, school starts soon and idk if I will have the time

stanley parable I have already beaten


stanley parble is an indie game released in the source engine in 2011, then being expanded with ultra deluxe in 2022, it's really good

The game is about walking in an office, with a narrator that tries to dictate a story, and it's your choice to obey him or not, there are a lot of endings possible, but the path to get each ending is fairly short.

The game has no really endpoint, you just play until you had enough, in fact, even the loading screen tells you this (THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER [...]) as you can't really win the game

This is one of the first games to really have comedy as one of it's selling points, the narrator is overall pretty funny, most of the times games shy away from comedy, either because they want to be adult to escape the "videogames are for children" allegations that old people usually like to throw around, or because they just don't really know how to implement

comedy works best when you can control everything that happens, so, giving player input and still being funny is really difficult, stanley parable is able to overcome this by well, not having much interaction in the first place, as this game is a walking simulator

anyways we need more comedy in videogames this game is great A rank
Topic Starter
Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to


not very good

This anime is an isekai comedy "parody" about these two guys that get transported into this dragon-quest like fantasy world except one of the guys have been reborn as a girl with a special skill that basically charms everyone in the region

let's get this out of the way first, I don't consider this a parody, it's a regular comedy, as I said with konosuba, this has no criticism torwards the actual genre or whatever, it just has jokes that relate to the typical tropes of the genre, but if we count that a parody, we must consider something like machikado mazoku a parody of the magical girl genre, when it isn't, it's just a different shape of it.

This also markets itself as a romcom, the first scene is a narrator talking about the synopsis, of both of them trying to not fall in love with each other

I finished the anime, and I don't think it's a spoiler to say there has been no romantic advances whatsoever, from time to time they go KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA or whatever but that's about it

what this anime is a very aimless, generic, adventure isekai where they just run around with no real goal and then the anime just really ends without anything having ever happened, the manga is still ongoing in fact

the gender shift thing isn't really explored more than "ohhhh I can't believe I have fallen in love with someone who used to be a guy" which come the fuck on really

placed on D rank


playing horace, i'm not liking it but honestly it's so amusing i'm going to keep going

Patatitta wrote:

playing horace, i'm not liking it but honestly it's so amusing i'm going to keep going
fuck yes
Topic Starter

emajakolic wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

playing horace, i'm not liking it but honestly it's so amusing i'm going to keep going
fuck yes
honestly I would like why do you love this game so much lmao

Patatitta wrote:

emajakolic wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

playing horace, i'm not liking it but honestly it's so amusing i'm going to keep going
fuck yes
honestly I would like why do you love this game so much lmao
I liked the story and loved the gameplay it gets harder and harder xD
Topic Starter

emajakolic wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

emajakolic wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

playing horace, i'm not liking it but honestly it's so amusing i'm going to keep going
fuck yes
honestly I would like why do you love this game so much lmao
I liked the story and loved the gameplay it gets harder and harder xD
yeah, but there are games that do all of those things toom, so why is this one in specific so good

Patatitta wrote:

emajakolic wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

emajakolic wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

playing horace, i'm not liking it but honestly it's so amusing i'm going to keep going
fuck yes
honestly I would like why do you love this game so much lmao
I liked the story and loved the gameplay it gets harder and harder xD
yeah, but there are games that do all of those things toom, so why is this one in specific so good
it was the one I enjoyed the most so far
Topic Starter
I just realized that I think I forgot to update the tierlist with murder drones?, i'm going to fix it
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Horace (Dropped)

acutally nope, cant do this, i've gotten to the finale of chapter 6, apparently there are 22 chapters, this game is awful in every single way

Horace is a 2d platformer about a robot built by a family tasked with cleaning a milion thrash pieces, but the general plot is that the robot runs around and helps people, the story is told via narration from microsoft sam, all of the dialogue happens in prerendered cutscenes which are just basically the scenary you're in but with random zooms

While i'm fine with the narration, I dislike the prerendered cutscenes thing as it doesn't allow me to read the story and progress it at my own pace. In nearly every videogame ever created, when there is dialogue, it will slowly show on screen, having an effect where it's written on screen, however, if you want to that text to advance fast, you can either change the text speed in settings, or, when a dialogue is being written on screen, you can click on it to make it instantly jump torwards the very end of the animation, after that, another click will change the dialogue to the next, if there is a voiceover it will cut of and it will start the next line

Problem with the prerendered cutscenes is that they remove that freedom the player has of reading the texts at their own pace, and given the high quantities of dialogue this game has, that's a feature that you very much end up wishing it existed

Now, that's not the only problem the cinematics have, let's say for example you had a room with two lasers, and you wanted to make a cinematic of those lasers deactivating, how would you do it?, personally, I would show the whole screen, the two lasers both visible, and show them both deactivating at the same time with a sound effect that indicates hey they have deactivated, what this game does is that it focus on one laser, after half a second it deactivates, it stays on that laser for another half a second, then it moves to the next laser and repeats. That combined with the dialogue, the game cutscenes feel like they're wasting your time on purpouse

The last problem I've had with the cinematics is that they often trigger late, like, you pass over the trigger, and then it takes like 2 full seconds for the cinematic to trigger

The actual story is fine, nothing had really happened so far, but there are a couple of inconsistencies and plot holes in the story so far, mainly, the character is only a robot when it interests the plot, for example, there is a scene where the protagonist is shown television, and it watches a lot of movies, this is later reinforced later by making a star wars references, showing that it has learned a little bit about pop culture and stuff, however, they still don't know what the word "rescue" meant.

1- This would be ingrained in the dictionary attached with the language module of the robot
2- Even if you didn't, you would have learnt it by watching movies.

Like, it makes no sense why the robot doesn't know what rescue is, othe rthan the game going "remember it is a robot it's quirky"

This type of inconsistencies and overall lack of polish is shown everywhere in the game, for example, a game mechanic is that touching a wall will change your gravity to the direction of that wall, thing is, if you touch a ceiling and then fall off the map, while still having that upwards gravity, you will see a small cutscene of the robot falling out of the planet, this makes sense, (my only complaint here is that you cant skip the cutscene so if you fail a jump multiple times you always have to sit down and watch the 5 second cutscene which is annoying). The problem is that it turns out that this cinematic isn't tied to the act of falling upwards in an open air map, it's appied to everywhere out of bounds.

There is a segment of the game where there are multiple signs, each one going "ohhh there is nothing in this direction", and if you keep going, like the stairs in lisa, there is nothing at the end, well, there is large quantity of spikes that harm you. When I found that I had 2 shields, meaning, I could damage boost through it, and I did so, and I expected to find a secret, an easter egg of some sort maybe, what happened is that the falling out of the earth cutscene triggered

You can say that last one is a nitpick, as it doesn't really affect the gameplay outside that one fringe scenario, but then we have the stealth segment. This game has infinite lifes, and it tries to explain that in universe with "the lazarus chip", something that allows the robot to basically restart a zone after it crashes and dies. Everything resets, cycles reset, your shields reset, your position resets, time resets, the only thing that don't resets it's the colectables for QoL reasons, turns out, something that doesn't reset is your alert status, so if you get caught and die because of it, after you respawn, alert is still up

How do you clear the alert?, well, in most stealth games is just hiding from view, as long as they don't see you, alert will go down, this game usually offer some sort of hiding place such as lockers, this just helps you not gettign seen, but they're not mechanically needed. In this game, you can wait for 20 minutes without anyone sees you, the alert isn't going away, it's only if you get in a hiding spot that the alert will go down

the gameplay in general suck, mainly because the controls suck, first of all, even if this is an indie game only released for PC, it basically has no keybord support. When you play any videogame and you're in a tutorial, some text will usually come on screen that says press x button to do y, if you're using a controller it will show you a controller button, and if you're using kb it will show a key, in fact, if you are in a part of the game where there is a prompt like that, and you plug a controller or click with the mouse after having used a controller you can see that button prompt change live

In this game, those prompts are hard-coded to be controller only, so it won't display what keys to press in keyboard, also, the keyboard default controls are awful. I'm playing with an xbox controller, this is also what the prompts show, the xbox controller has 4 main buttons, A B X Y, the way the keyboard is mapped is to literally copy the letter, so to press the equivalent of the Y button in the xbox controler you would have to press the Y key in the keyboard, this is fucking insane.

Thing is, even if you're using a controller, the game still doesn't fucking work, many times the game will just stop detecting the run imput or won't really react to you pressing a button or direction, it's not responsive at all and a lot of deaths feel unfair

another element that helps death feeling unfair is the hitboxes being awful, actually being bigger than the sprite

There is a small race segment, and in all racing games or games with car, or any game with any sort of control scheme in general, the speed the character movies is determined by how deep you're pushing the joystick, so if you only push it slightly you will move very slowly and if you go all in it will be like pressing it down into a keyboard, this game doesn't have that graduality.

Also the timer of total time played doesn't count cutscenes?, this is significant since there are a lot of cutscenes.

Also power ups have a time limit which is variable yet no indication of how much power up is left

Also whenever you stop moving to try to be more precise with a jump or something the screen IMMEDIATLY starts zooming to the protagonist

The entire screen flips when you change gravity instead of just changing gravity, something that is very head-ache producing

this game is just truly one of the worst videogames i've ever played, I don't know how they fucked up so much, like these are things that even YIIK nails for the love of god, I want to know what do you see in this game since this just feels like thrash

it's awful, just, awful, placed in how could you do this to me

Patatitta wrote:

Horace (Dropped)

acutally nope, cant do this, i've gotten to the finale of chapter 6, apparently there are 22 chapters, this game is awful in every single way

Horace is a 2d platformer about a robot built by a family tasked with cleaning a milion thrash pieces, but the general plot is that the robot runs around and helps people, the story is told via narration from microsoft sam, all of the dialogue happens in prerendered cutscenes which are just basically the scenary you're in but with random zooms

While i'm fine with the narration, I dislike the prerendered cutscenes thing as it doesn't allow me to read the story and progress it at my own pace. In nearly every videogame ever created, when there is dialogue, it will slowly show on screen, having an effect where it's written on screen, however, if you want to that text to advance fast, you can either change the text speed in settings, or, when a dialogue is being written on screen, you can click on it to make it instantly jump torwards the very end of the animation, after that, another click will change the dialogue to the next, if there is a voiceover it will cut of and it will start the next line

Problem with the prerendered cutscenes is that they remove that freedom the player has of reading the texts at their own pace, and given the high quantities of dialogue this game has, that's a feature that you very much end up wishing it existed

Now, that's not the only problem the cinematics have, let's say for example you had a room with two lasers, and you wanted to make a cinematic of those lasers deactivating, how would you do it?, personally, I would show the whole screen, the two lasers both visible, and show them both deactivating at the same time with a sound effect that indicates hey they have deactivated, what this game does is that it focus on one laser, after half a second it deactivates, it stays on that laser for another half a second, then it moves to the next laser and repeats. That combined with the dialogue, the game cutscenes feel like they're wasting your time on purpouse

The last problem I've had with the cinematics is that they often trigger late, like, you pass over the trigger, and then it takes like 2 full seconds for the cinematic to trigger

The actual story is fine, nothing had really happened so far, but there are a couple of inconsistencies and plot holes in the story so far, mainly, the character is only a robot when it interests the plot, for example, there is a scene where the protagonist is shown television, and it watches a lot of movies, this is later reinforced later by making a star wars references, showing that it has learned a little bit about pop culture and stuff, however, they still don't know what the word "rescue" meant.

1- This would be ingrained in the dictionary attached with the language module of the robot
2- Even if you didn't, you would have learnt it by watching movies.

Like, it makes no sense why the robot doesn't know what rescue is, othe rthan the game going "remember it is a robot it's quirky"

This type of inconsistencies and overall lack of polish is shown everywhere in the game, for example, a game mechanic is that touching a wall will change your gravity to the direction of that wall, thing is, if you touch a ceiling and then fall off the map, while still having that upwards gravity, you will see a small cutscene of the robot falling out of the planet, this makes sense, (my only complaint here is that you cant skip the cutscene so if you fail a jump multiple times you always have to sit down and watch the 5 second cutscene which is annoying). The problem is that it turns out that this cinematic isn't tied to the act of falling upwards in an open air map, it's appied to everywhere out of bounds.

There is a segment of the game where there are multiple signs, each one going "ohhh there is nothing in this direction", and if you keep going, like the stairs in lisa, there is nothing at the end, well, there is large quantity of spikes that harm you. When I found that I had 2 shields, meaning, I could damage boost through it, and I did so, and I expected to find a secret, an easter egg of some sort maybe, what happened is that the falling out of the earth cutscene triggered

You can say that last one is a nitpick, as it doesn't really affect the gameplay outside that one fringe scenario, but then we have the stealth segment. This game has infinite lifes, and it tries to explain that in universe with "the lazarus chip", something that allows the robot to basically restart a zone after it crashes and dies. Everything resets, cycles reset, your shields reset, your position resets, time resets, the only thing that don't resets it's the colectables for QoL reasons, turns out, something that doesn't reset is your alert status, so if you get caught and die because of it, after you respawn, alert is still up

How do you clear the alert?, well, in most stealth games is just hiding from view, as long as they don't see you, alert will go down, this game usually offer some sort of hiding place such as lockers, this just helps you not gettign seen, but they're not mechanically needed. In this game, you can wait for 20 minutes without anyone sees you, the alert isn't going away, it's only if you get in a hiding spot that the alert will go down

the gameplay in general suck, mainly because the controls suck, first of all, even if this is an indie game only released for PC, it basically has no keybord support. When you play any videogame and you're in a tutorial, some text will usually come on screen that says press x button to do y, if you're using a controller it will show you a controller button, and if you're using kb it will show a key, in fact, if you are in a part of the game where there is a prompt like that, and you plug a controller or click with the mouse after having used a controller you can see that button prompt change live

In this game, those prompts are hard-coded to be controller only, so it won't display what keys to press in keyboard, also, the keyboard default controls are awful. I'm playing with an xbox controller, this is also what the prompts show, the xbox controller has 4 main buttons, A B X Y, the way the keyboard is mapped is to literally copy the letter, so to press the equivalent of the Y button in the xbox controler you would have to press the Y key in the keyboard, this is fucking insane.

Thing is, even if you're using a controller, the game still doesn't fucking work, many times the game will just stop detecting the run imput or won't really react to you pressing a button or direction, it's not responsive at all and a lot of deaths feel unfair

another element that helps death feeling unfair is the hitboxes being awful, actually being bigger than the sprite

There is a small race segment, and in all racing games or games with car, or any game with any sort of control scheme in general, the speed the character movies is determined by how deep you're pushing the joystick, so if you only push it slightly you will move very slowly and if you go all in it will be like pressing it down into a keyboard, this game doesn't have that graduality.

Also the timer of total time played doesn't count cutscenes?, this is significant since there are a lot of cutscenes.

Also power ups have a time limit which is variable yet no indication of how much power up is left

Also whenever you stop moving to try to be more precise with a jump or something the screen IMMEDIATLY starts zooming to the protagonist

The entire screen flips when you change gravity instead of just changing gravity, something that is very head-ache producing

this game is just truly one of the worst videogames i've ever played, I don't know how they fucked up so much, like these are things that even YIIK nails for the love of god, I want to know what do you see in this game since this just feels like thrash

it's awful, just, awful, placed in how could you do this to me
ah fuck thats sad

well im sorry for teling you to play that I personally just liked it lmfao

I got other good games tho (games I think you'd like, they arent indie btw) but they take WAY more than 8 hours
Topic Starter

emajakolic wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Horace (Dropped)

acutally nope, cant do this, i've gotten to the finale of chapter 6, apparently there are 22 chapters, this game is awful in every single way

Horace is a 2d platformer about a robot built by a family tasked with cleaning a milion thrash pieces, but the general plot is that the robot runs around and helps people, the story is told via narration from microsoft sam, all of the dialogue happens in prerendered cutscenes which are just basically the scenary you're in but with random zooms

While i'm fine with the narration, I dislike the prerendered cutscenes thing as it doesn't allow me to read the story and progress it at my own pace. In nearly every videogame ever created, when there is dialogue, it will slowly show on screen, having an effect where it's written on screen, however, if you want to that text to advance fast, you can either change the text speed in settings, or, when a dialogue is being written on screen, you can click on it to make it instantly jump torwards the very end of the animation, after that, another click will change the dialogue to the next, if there is a voiceover it will cut of and it will start the next line

Problem with the prerendered cutscenes is that they remove that freedom the player has of reading the texts at their own pace, and given the high quantities of dialogue this game has, that's a feature that you very much end up wishing it existed

Now, that's not the only problem the cinematics have, let's say for example you had a room with two lasers, and you wanted to make a cinematic of those lasers deactivating, how would you do it?, personally, I would show the whole screen, the two lasers both visible, and show them both deactivating at the same time with a sound effect that indicates hey they have deactivated, what this game does is that it focus on one laser, after half a second it deactivates, it stays on that laser for another half a second, then it moves to the next laser and repeats. That combined with the dialogue, the game cutscenes feel like they're wasting your time on purpouse

The last problem I've had with the cinematics is that they often trigger late, like, you pass over the trigger, and then it takes like 2 full seconds for the cinematic to trigger

The actual story is fine, nothing had really happened so far, but there are a couple of inconsistencies and plot holes in the story so far, mainly, the character is only a robot when it interests the plot, for example, there is a scene where the protagonist is shown television, and it watches a lot of movies, this is later reinforced later by making a star wars references, showing that it has learned a little bit about pop culture and stuff, however, they still don't know what the word "rescue" meant.

1- This would be ingrained in the dictionary attached with the language module of the robot
2- Even if you didn't, you would have learnt it by watching movies.

Like, it makes no sense why the robot doesn't know what rescue is, othe rthan the game going "remember it is a robot it's quirky"

This type of inconsistencies and overall lack of polish is shown everywhere in the game, for example, a game mechanic is that touching a wall will change your gravity to the direction of that wall, thing is, if you touch a ceiling and then fall off the map, while still having that upwards gravity, you will see a small cutscene of the robot falling out of the planet, this makes sense, (my only complaint here is that you cant skip the cutscene so if you fail a jump multiple times you always have to sit down and watch the 5 second cutscene which is annoying). The problem is that it turns out that this cinematic isn't tied to the act of falling upwards in an open air map, it's appied to everywhere out of bounds.

There is a segment of the game where there are multiple signs, each one going "ohhh there is nothing in this direction", and if you keep going, like the stairs in lisa, there is nothing at the end, well, there is large quantity of spikes that harm you. When I found that I had 2 shields, meaning, I could damage boost through it, and I did so, and I expected to find a secret, an easter egg of some sort maybe, what happened is that the falling out of the earth cutscene triggered

You can say that last one is a nitpick, as it doesn't really affect the gameplay outside that one fringe scenario, but then we have the stealth segment. This game has infinite lifes, and it tries to explain that in universe with "the lazarus chip", something that allows the robot to basically restart a zone after it crashes and dies. Everything resets, cycles reset, your shields reset, your position resets, time resets, the only thing that don't resets it's the colectables for QoL reasons, turns out, something that doesn't reset is your alert status, so if you get caught and die because of it, after you respawn, alert is still up

How do you clear the alert?, well, in most stealth games is just hiding from view, as long as they don't see you, alert will go down, this game usually offer some sort of hiding place such as lockers, this just helps you not gettign seen, but they're not mechanically needed. In this game, you can wait for 20 minutes without anyone sees you, the alert isn't going away, it's only if you get in a hiding spot that the alert will go down

the gameplay in general suck, mainly because the controls suck, first of all, even if this is an indie game only released for PC, it basically has no keybord support. When you play any videogame and you're in a tutorial, some text will usually come on screen that says press x button to do y, if you're using a controller it will show you a controller button, and if you're using kb it will show a key, in fact, if you are in a part of the game where there is a prompt like that, and you plug a controller or click with the mouse after having used a controller you can see that button prompt change live

In this game, those prompts are hard-coded to be controller only, so it won't display what keys to press in keyboard, also, the keyboard default controls are awful. I'm playing with an xbox controller, this is also what the prompts show, the xbox controller has 4 main buttons, A B X Y, the way the keyboard is mapped is to literally copy the letter, so to press the equivalent of the Y button in the xbox controler you would have to press the Y key in the keyboard, this is fucking insane.

Thing is, even if you're using a controller, the game still doesn't fucking work, many times the game will just stop detecting the run imput or won't really react to you pressing a button or direction, it's not responsive at all and a lot of deaths feel unfair

another element that helps death feeling unfair is the hitboxes being awful, actually being bigger than the sprite

There is a small race segment, and in all racing games or games with car, or any game with any sort of control scheme in general, the speed the character movies is determined by how deep you're pushing the joystick, so if you only push it slightly you will move very slowly and if you go all in it will be like pressing it down into a keyboard, this game doesn't have that graduality.

Also the timer of total time played doesn't count cutscenes?, this is significant since there are a lot of cutscenes.

Also power ups have a time limit which is variable yet no indication of how much power up is left

Also whenever you stop moving to try to be more precise with a jump or something the screen IMMEDIATLY starts zooming to the protagonist

The entire screen flips when you change gravity instead of just changing gravity, something that is very head-ache producing

this game is just truly one of the worst videogames i've ever played, I don't know how they fucked up so much, like these are things that even YIIK nails for the love of god, I want to know what do you see in this game since this just feels like thrash

it's awful, just, awful, placed in how could you do this to me
ah fuck thats sad

well im sorry for teling you to play that I personally just liked it lmfao

I got other good games tho (games I think you'd like, they arent indie btw) but they take WAY more than 8 hours
but yeah, i'm curious, didn't you face any of those thousands of bugs or control problems or plot holes on your playthrough?

Patatitta wrote:

emajakolic wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Horace (Dropped)

acutally nope, cant do this, i've gotten to the finale of chapter 6, apparently there are 22 chapters, this game is awful in every single way

Horace is a 2d platformer about a robot built by a family tasked with cleaning a milion thrash pieces, but the general plot is that the robot runs around and helps people, the story is told via narration from microsoft sam, all of the dialogue happens in prerendered cutscenes which are just basically the scenary you're in but with random zooms

While i'm fine with the narration, I dislike the prerendered cutscenes thing as it doesn't allow me to read the story and progress it at my own pace. In nearly every videogame ever created, when there is dialogue, it will slowly show on screen, having an effect where it's written on screen, however, if you want to that text to advance fast, you can either change the text speed in settings, or, when a dialogue is being written on screen, you can click on it to make it instantly jump torwards the very end of the animation, after that, another click will change the dialogue to the next, if there is a voiceover it will cut of and it will start the next line

Problem with the prerendered cutscenes is that they remove that freedom the player has of reading the texts at their own pace, and given the high quantities of dialogue this game has, that's a feature that you very much end up wishing it existed

Now, that's not the only problem the cinematics have, let's say for example you had a room with two lasers, and you wanted to make a cinematic of those lasers deactivating, how would you do it?, personally, I would show the whole screen, the two lasers both visible, and show them both deactivating at the same time with a sound effect that indicates hey they have deactivated, what this game does is that it focus on one laser, after half a second it deactivates, it stays on that laser for another half a second, then it moves to the next laser and repeats. That combined with the dialogue, the game cutscenes feel like they're wasting your time on purpouse

The last problem I've had with the cinematics is that they often trigger late, like, you pass over the trigger, and then it takes like 2 full seconds for the cinematic to trigger

The actual story is fine, nothing had really happened so far, but there are a couple of inconsistencies and plot holes in the story so far, mainly, the character is only a robot when it interests the plot, for example, there is a scene where the protagonist is shown television, and it watches a lot of movies, this is later reinforced later by making a star wars references, showing that it has learned a little bit about pop culture and stuff, however, they still don't know what the word "rescue" meant.

1- This would be ingrained in the dictionary attached with the language module of the robot
2- Even if you didn't, you would have learnt it by watching movies.

Like, it makes no sense why the robot doesn't know what rescue is, othe rthan the game going "remember it is a robot it's quirky"

This type of inconsistencies and overall lack of polish is shown everywhere in the game, for example, a game mechanic is that touching a wall will change your gravity to the direction of that wall, thing is, if you touch a ceiling and then fall off the map, while still having that upwards gravity, you will see a small cutscene of the robot falling out of the planet, this makes sense, (my only complaint here is that you cant skip the cutscene so if you fail a jump multiple times you always have to sit down and watch the 5 second cutscene which is annoying). The problem is that it turns out that this cinematic isn't tied to the act of falling upwards in an open air map, it's appied to everywhere out of bounds.

There is a segment of the game where there are multiple signs, each one going "ohhh there is nothing in this direction", and if you keep going, like the stairs in lisa, there is nothing at the end, well, there is large quantity of spikes that harm you. When I found that I had 2 shields, meaning, I could damage boost through it, and I did so, and I expected to find a secret, an easter egg of some sort maybe, what happened is that the falling out of the earth cutscene triggered

You can say that last one is a nitpick, as it doesn't really affect the gameplay outside that one fringe scenario, but then we have the stealth segment. This game has infinite lifes, and it tries to explain that in universe with "the lazarus chip", something that allows the robot to basically restart a zone after it crashes and dies. Everything resets, cycles reset, your shields reset, your position resets, time resets, the only thing that don't resets it's the colectables for QoL reasons, turns out, something that doesn't reset is your alert status, so if you get caught and die because of it, after you respawn, alert is still up

How do you clear the alert?, well, in most stealth games is just hiding from view, as long as they don't see you, alert will go down, this game usually offer some sort of hiding place such as lockers, this just helps you not gettign seen, but they're not mechanically needed. In this game, you can wait for 20 minutes without anyone sees you, the alert isn't going away, it's only if you get in a hiding spot that the alert will go down

the gameplay in general suck, mainly because the controls suck, first of all, even if this is an indie game only released for PC, it basically has no keybord support. When you play any videogame and you're in a tutorial, some text will usually come on screen that says press x button to do y, if you're using a controller it will show you a controller button, and if you're using kb it will show a key, in fact, if you are in a part of the game where there is a prompt like that, and you plug a controller or click with the mouse after having used a controller you can see that button prompt change live

In this game, those prompts are hard-coded to be controller only, so it won't display what keys to press in keyboard, also, the keyboard default controls are awful. I'm playing with an xbox controller, this is also what the prompts show, the xbox controller has 4 main buttons, A B X Y, the way the keyboard is mapped is to literally copy the letter, so to press the equivalent of the Y button in the xbox controler you would have to press the Y key in the keyboard, this is fucking insane.

Thing is, even if you're using a controller, the game still doesn't fucking work, many times the game will just stop detecting the run imput or won't really react to you pressing a button or direction, it's not responsive at all and a lot of deaths feel unfair

another element that helps death feeling unfair is the hitboxes being awful, actually being bigger than the sprite

There is a small race segment, and in all racing games or games with car, or any game with any sort of control scheme in general, the speed the character movies is determined by how deep you're pushing the joystick, so if you only push it slightly you will move very slowly and if you go all in it will be like pressing it down into a keyboard, this game doesn't have that graduality.

Also the timer of total time played doesn't count cutscenes?, this is significant since there are a lot of cutscenes.

Also power ups have a time limit which is variable yet no indication of how much power up is left

Also whenever you stop moving to try to be more precise with a jump or something the screen IMMEDIATLY starts zooming to the protagonist

The entire screen flips when you change gravity instead of just changing gravity, something that is very head-ache producing

this game is just truly one of the worst videogames i've ever played, I don't know how they fucked up so much, like these are things that even YIIK nails for the love of god, I want to know what do you see in this game since this just feels like thrash

it's awful, just, awful, placed in how could you do this to me
ah fuck thats sad

well im sorry for teling you to play that I personally just liked it lmfao

I got other good games tho (games I think you'd like, they arent indie btw) but they take WAY more than 8 hours
but yeah, i'm curious, didn't you face any of those thousands of bugs or control problems or plot holes on your playthrough?
tbh no I didnt like it went fine
Rezq Gokou
Has anyone mentioned Oreimo yet?
Topic Starter

Rezq Gokou wrote:

Has anyone mentioned Oreimo yet?
Review The Giver
Topic Starter

abraker wrote:

Review The Giver

Patatitta wrote:

abraker wrote:

Review The Giver
The book

Topic Starter

abraker wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

abraker wrote:

Review The Giver
The book

will leave in limbo rn, starting school in a few days idk if I will have the time or not
Rezq Gokou

Patatitta wrote:

Rezq Gokou wrote:

Has anyone mentioned Oreimo yet?
aight, rate it
Topic Starter

Rezq Gokou wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Rezq Gokou wrote:

Has anyone mentioned Oreimo yet?
aight, rate it
I assume you mean the anime right?
Topic Starter
oreimo (dropped)


i'm absolutely not doing the incest lolicon anime
Rezq Gokou
Watch AnoHana (the anime series, 2011)

reffty_gag wrote:

Watch AnoHana (the anime series, 2011)
I wanna start guessing what rating you'll give stuff I know

I'm gonna guess A
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