
OT Presidential Election 2024 - Second Phase

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OT Presidential Election 2024

- Phase Two -
Welcome back you fucking assholes to the second phase of the 2024 OT Election.
Also shoutout outside influences fucking the election.
If you don't know what the fuck is going on, Please look at Phase One of the elction to get the general idea of what the fuck is going on.
This is the Second Phase aka The Presidential Debate of the 2024 OT Election.
In this phase, denizens may ask question for the presidential candidates to answer.
The presidential candidates may also have debates to each other during this phase but I already know all those bitches care about is phase 3.

Debate Rules


  1. Presidential Candidates needs to provide proper answers to the questions they've been asked. Answers cannot be just a letter or a word, and will have to be related to the context of the question. Answers that are unrelated will be disregarded and will be considered as unanswered.
  2. Candidates may skip some questions, however failure to answer any of the questions provided will result in candidate's disqualification.
  3. A candidate must answer all questions in a batch, otherwise their answers would turn invalid for that current batch.
  4. A candidate must answer at least three batches, failure to do so will result in disqualification.
  5. Candidates who have answered 3 batches may ignore extra batches but are free to answer them if they would like.
  6. Candidates must appear in person to participate in debates or to answer questions. No representatives or middlemen allowed.
  7. Candidates who doesn't show up to this thread, or would take too long to show up will be disqualified and the election will continue with the remaining candidates. Wait time: 24 hours.

Questions and Questioneers:

  1. If any denizen interested in contributing questions for the candidates, Feel free to PM me your questions.
  2. All questions must be sent to me through my osu!PM or Discord's DM (clevelandismyaniki). Questions sent through any other site shall be ignored.
  3. All questions sent by denizens will not be annonymous by default, but they have the right to be. Say so.
  4. Non-denizens may submit questions directly in this thread but candidates are not obliged to answer nor does answering said question count towards the minimum questions answered threshold. This rule also applies for denizens who posted their questions in this thread directly without forwarding their questions to me first.
  5. Questions will be chosen by me. Irrelevant questions will be disregarded.
  6. Questions will be split into multiple batches throughout this week. Everytime a new batch is posted, the last batch will expire. If a candidate who missed a batch were to answer an expired batch, the answer will be ignored and will not count towards the minimum question answered threshold.
Additional rules can be viewed at Phase One of the elction.
Phase two will end on 10th of March, 2024, ~13.00 GMT, Exactly a week from now.

Questions List

Batch One

Kobold84 wrote:

What do you think of the denizen system?
[quote="Kobold84"]What do you think of the denizen system?[/quote]

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

What do you think of eblf2013's time as ot!president?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]What do you think of eblf2013's time as ot!president?[/quote]

Batch Two

Patatitta wrote:

What do you think of current moderation?
[quote="Patatitta"]What do you think of current moderation?

Patatitta wrote:

What is your opinion on chainposting?
[quote="Patatitta"]What is your opinion on chainposting?

Kobold84 wrote:

What do you think about a recent addition of Blushing to denizens? Would you revert it if you become a president?
[quote="Kobold84"]What do you think about a recent addition of Blushing to denizens? Would you revert it if you become a president?

questions for Patatitta

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

In the event of an uprising to overthrow the OT!Government, how would you react?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]In the event of an uprising to overthrow the OT!Government, how would you react?

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

How do you feel between the relationship of newfags and oldfags?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]How do you feel between the relationship of newfags and oldfags?

Batch Three

Blushing wrote:

What would you propose be done if another overlord comes in and starts a locking frenzy?
What would you propose be done if another overlord comes in and starts a locking frenzy? 

Blushing wrote:

If you feel that the OT community should have more power in their own moderation and what should and should not be allowed: - What steps would you take if a denizen felt one of their threads was unfairly wastelanded or locked? If you feel differently to this: - What exactly are you trying to do differently from the inactive regime currently in power? How would you want this to be done?
If you feel that the OT community should have more power in their own moderation and what should and should not be allowed: - What steps would you take if a denizen felt one of their threads was unfairly wastelanded or locked? If you feel differently to this: - What exactly are you trying to do differently from the inactive regime currently in power? How would you want this to be done?

Batch Four

question for shinrun

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

what do you think of calvin's left buttcheek?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]what do you think of calvin's left buttcheek?[/quote]

question for manishh

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

what do you think of baboons?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]what do you think of baboons?

question for patatitta

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

what do you think of marco's obsession of hatsune miku?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]what do you think of marco's obsession of hatsune miku?[/quote]

question for asian warlord

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

what would you do if someone shits on drake?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]what would you do if someone shits on drake?[/quote]

question for zain sugieres

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

what do you think of graves?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]what do you think of graves?

question for hydreigon

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

whats your opinion on the mitsubishi starion?

[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]whats your opinion on the mitsubishi starion?

question for corne2plum3

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

rate this artwork
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]rate this artwork

question for everyone

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:


Candidates Who Are to be Summoned in This Thread:

  1. ShinRun ✅ 0/3
  2. Manishh ✅ 4/3
  3. Patatitta ✅ 4/3
  4. Jun Maeda DQ'D (did not show up)
  5. Asian Warlord ✅ 4/3
  6. Zain Sugieres ✅ 4/3
  7. Hydreigon ✅ 3/3
  8. Corne2Plum3 ✅ 4/3
Topic Starter
wait time for showing yourselves is 24 hours. had to make that rule because there are so many candidates this year.

batch one should be out also around 24 hours from now.
Niceu, I am looking forward for all your questions

and lets not do out of topic discussion in this thread this time
i'm going to watch dune the second later today

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

Welcome back you fucking assholes to the second phase of the 2024 OT Election.
what the f#ck.
how are y'all convincing
hi cleve
Zain Sugieres
you're not getting rid of me with that rule
as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
As President, I will establish explicit community guidelines discouraging necroposting, as there are currently no rules in place regarding this issue. Given the common occurrence of accidental necroposts, I don't intend to enforce strict actions for such cases. However, deliberate and repeated necroposting without valid reasons will prompt intervention by a moderator.
Zain Sugieres

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
you already get muted and the original posts gets wastelanded why even change that

though it's a shame how easy it is to make good threads from the past disappear by simply posting in them

Zain Sugieres wrote:

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
you already get muted and the original posts gets wastelanded why even change that

though it's a shame how easy it is to make good threads from the past disappear by simply posting in them
Not wastelanded, just locked, sometimes with posts deleted. You can still access them.
Zain Sugieres

Kobold84 wrote:

Zain Sugieres wrote:

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
you already get muted and the original posts gets wastelanded why even change that

though it's a shame how easy it is to make good threads from the past disappear by simply posting in them
Not wastelanded, just locked, sometimes with posts deleted. You can still access them.
most of the ones i necrod got wastelanded so i just assumed most of them do

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
As president and also as GMT, I'll just lock the threads, and silence if it' repetitive. I'm not really into deletion as people are not notified when their post got deleted, which may be confused. To avoid questions such as "wHy My PoSt GoT dElEtEd?" and to clearly show them why they did wrong, I just lock the thread, which imo is enough as it prevents futures lock on this same thread. But of course it's to discourage users to not necropost.


Zain Sugieres wrote:

most of the ones i necrod got wastelanded so i just assumed most of them do
Fun fact: this is common that GMT does that outside of Off-Topic

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Zain Sugieres wrote:

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
you already get muted and the original posts gets wastelanded why even change that

though it's a shame how easy it is to make good threads from the past disappear by simply posting in them
Not wastelanded, just locked, sometimes with posts deleted. You can still access them.
most of the ones i necrod got wastelanded so i just assumed most of them do
Weird, maybe it was like that in the past. I don't see recent necro'd threads in the wasteland.

Kobold84 wrote:

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Zain Sugieres wrote:

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
you already get muted and the original posts gets wastelanded why even change that

though it's a shame how easy it is to make good threads from the past disappear by simply posting in them
Not wastelanded, just locked, sometimes with posts deleted. You can still access them.
most of the ones i necrod got wastelanded so i just assumed most of them do
Weird, maybe it was like that in the past. I don't see recent necro'd threads in the wasteland.
I think he was talking about his posts, deleting entire threads because it got necro'd doesn't make any sense.
Asian Warlord has my vote.

Apraxye wrote:

Asian Warlord has my vote.
Nah u gotta think about it tho, Calvin nudes if u vote for Danny
who's winning
Asian Warlord

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

Candidate Asian Warlord has failed to answer 3 questions, therefore he will be disqualified from the 2022 OT Presidential Election.

As of making this post, Asian Warlord will not be able to continue his Presidential Campaign.


igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?

I'd like to call it, the "Cleaning project." the plan is simple, the poster's post on the necroed thread will instead just be deleted and sent back in time to its original state before the necro, this has been done before in some occasions back then, without the need of using lethal locking forces or tactical nukes, this helps in not only preserving the thread back in time to its original state before the necro, but giving the front page a much cleaner look without it littered with necroed threads of all sorts, making accessing other thread easier making it all clean, just like the Philippines!*

*this is a joke, Philippines stinks, get me off this island-

As for the people that do necro posting, most first time or less excessive necro posters (or peeps who just do it for the meme's) won't receive punishments of sorts, as really, most cases tend to be the lurker people not being able to heed the warning, and of course, repeated or intentional necro posting will receive much harsher punishments, such as silences, and if... just maybe, to the point of very excessive necro posting behavior, exile.

It will be also evaluated that not all necroposting is all bad, such as threads that intentionally are necroed after periods of time or old game threads that the op want to be revived (or maybe other stuff like meme's and laughs) either way, these wont received harsh punishments stated above, so long as its evaluated properly by the mods, the government, and i, that it is a necessary necro.


z0z wrote:

how are y'all convincing

Hear me out z0z, I have a plan, vote for me, and i will make the transport of import beef produces and the production of beef illegal.

No more will your animal friends suffer and be slowly cooked to death, now you can live and be free
Meanwhile the A-breaking lab, using my funding as president, will make a sort of beef substitute, one that may look, taste and smell like beef, but isnt beef made out of beef.
With our research we will soon be able to make fake animal meat replicas of all sorts, and will soon make the consumption of other eating living animals meat such as cats or pokemons, illegal!

so yeah

Apraxye wrote:

Asian Warlord has my vote.

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
Absolutely nothing. This responsibility falls upon that of the GMT and since not all the GMT on OT is under the jurisdiction of the OT!gov and the president, enforcing against necroposting is just all bark and no bite. If the GMT actually do listen to the OT!gov instead of being a separate entity, then we can talk about what action I will take againt necroposting.

ShinRun wrote:

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
If the GMT actually do listen to the OT!gov instead of being a separate entity.
thats what we doing now.

still beta testing, a lot of struggle on pushing that is foreseen, but we're getting there.

so you can tell what are you going to do about necroposting
btw the president elected this year and future years will actually be able to make changes.

the government is whatever we want it to be, so uh take this one seriously ok guys?

z0z wrote:

how are y'all convincing
I'm very fluffy :3

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

z0z wrote:

how are y'all convincing
I'm very fluffy :3
He spitting facts

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
I think you were supposed to dm the questions for them to actually count as a batch, but yeah, I don't think real change is needed rn, just, lock whenever gets necro and if they get REALLY fucking annoying just exile

Patatitta wrote:

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
I think you were supposed to dm the questions for them to actually count as a batch, but yeah, I don't think real change is needed rn, just, lock whenever gets necro and if they get REALLY fucking annoying just exile
Only denizens can DM questions, and then candidates HAVE TO answer (some of) them. Dwellers have to ask questions themselves and it's safe to ignore them.

Kobold84 wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
I think you were supposed to dm the questions for them to actually count as a batch, but yeah, I don't think real change is needed rn, just, lock whenever gets necro and if they get REALLY fucking annoying just exile
Only denizens can DM questions, and then candidates HAVE TO answer (some of) them. Dwellers have to ask questions themselves and it's safe to ignore them.
oh that's stupid, I would let anyone submit questions lmao
what's 9 + 10?

Hydreigon wrote:

what's 9 + 10?

Patatitta wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
I think you were supposed to dm the questions for them to actually count as a batch, but yeah, I don't think real change is needed rn, just, lock whenever gets necro and if they get REALLY fucking annoying just exile
Only denizens can DM questions, and then candidates HAVE TO answer (some of) them. Dwellers have to ask questions themselves and it's safe to ignore them.
oh that's stupid, I would let anyone submit questions lmao
I think people are scared too much of 'random dude out of OT!'. Thats why denizen requirement is there.

Manishh wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
I think you were supposed to dm the questions for them to actually count as a batch, but yeah, I don't think real change is needed rn, just, lock whenever gets necro and if they get REALLY fucking annoying just exile
Only denizens can DM questions, and then candidates HAVE TO answer (some of) them. Dwellers have to ask questions themselves and it's safe to ignore them.
oh that's stupid, I would let anyone submit questions lmao
I think people are scared too much of 'random dude out of OT!'. Thats why denizen requirement is there.
I can understand that for votes, but for questions?, that's kinda weird

Patatitta wrote:

Manishh wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Kobold84 wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
I think you were supposed to dm the questions for them to actually count as a batch, but yeah, I don't think real change is needed rn, just, lock whenever gets necro and if they get REALLY fucking annoying just exile
Only denizens can DM questions, and then candidates HAVE TO answer (some of) them. Dwellers have to ask questions themselves and it's safe to ignore them.
oh that's stupid, I would let anyone submit questions lmao
I think people are scared too much of 'random dude out of OT!'. Thats why denizen requirement is there.
I can understand that for votes, but for questions?, that's kinda weird
I guess the thinking is probably, If its for the votes, why not for the questions as well

Zain Sugieres

Polyspora wrote:

ShinRun wrote:

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
If the GMT actually do listen to the OT!gov instead of being a separate entity.
thats what we doing now.

still beta testing, a lot of struggle on pushing that is foreseen, but we're getting there.

so you can tell what are you going to do about necroposting
so you're telling me you're getting rid of separation of powers.

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

ShinRun wrote:

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
If the GMT actually do listen to the OT!gov instead of being a separate entity.
thats what we doing now.

still beta testing, a lot of struggle on pushing that is foreseen, but we're getting there.

so you can tell what are you going to do about necroposting
so you're telling me you're getting rid of separation of powers.
me? tf do you think I am lol
Zain Sugieres

Polyspora wrote:

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

ShinRun wrote:

igorsprite wrote:

as president, what actions would you take regarding necroposts and the community that practices this act?
If the GMT actually do listen to the OT!gov instead of being a separate entity.
thats what we doing now.

still beta testing, a lot of struggle on pushing that is foreseen, but we're getting there.

so you can tell what are you going to do about necroposting
so you're telling me you're getting rid of separation of powers.
me? tf do you think I am lol
i legit have no idea who you arw but if you say "we" of course ill reply with "you"
Topic Starter
good shit looks like most people showed up. anyways lets jump straight into the first batch. 2 easy questions to warm up innit.

Kobold84 wrote:

What do you think of the denizen system?
[quote="Kobold84"]What do you think of the denizen system?[/quote]

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

What do you think of eblf2013's time as ot!president?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]What do you think of eblf2013's time as ot!president?[/quote]

Kobold84 wrote:

What do you think of the denizen system?
Short answer: it's bad, it doesn't represent anything, we aren't even following the rules anymore, there are no use cases, it creates more drama than it does good, and no one even agrees what a denizen is.

Long answer: read the thread I did before making ot!eras

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

What do you think of eblf2013's time as ot!president?
cool guy but he didn't do shit, they just did the bare minimum of trying to keep the denizens coming but even that has gone badly, with people just being added now for the elections, having people who deserve it not have it yet, and even making mistakes like the one they did with blushing
Asian Warlord

Kobold84 wrote:

What do you think of the denizen system?
My honest opinion is that there is nothing wrong with it. I don't know what kind of special powers you want. It is perfect what it is right now.

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

What do you think of eblf2013's time as ot!president?
Can't blame the dude, there is nothing you can do.

Kobold84 wrote:

What do you think of the denizen system?
Denizenship itself isnt a bad idea. I see it more as a Hall of fame and not a title which gives power to people.
I think people are overthinking about it 'what does the title mean' or similar questions. The Problem with denizen imo is that first not every denizen has been chosen by the same rule. Personally I dont see the requirement of 8month of activity and 20pages as bad. I think its a worth requirement since You would be on the list for forever unlike in OT! eras which have short requirement but you will be not there in future eras if you are inactive.

As a president I will redo all the denizen with the requirement of 6months of activity and 10pages of post count. I think its a low amount but many want it to be this lower so be it. "An achievement of some sort" is a requirement which I will remove since I value the time you have spend with the community more than what quality threads you have made. And not to mention what is quality is very biased thing and will lead to problem in future.

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

What do you think of eblf2013's time as ot!president?
As a person I think he is a great guy but as a President, he did a very bad job. In his time, no parliament election happened which made the already dead parliament to become more dead. I dont hate ymir and poly but I think it was a very bad idea to not choose an election to fix the dead parliament. The government has done nothing other than electing denizen and not even being transparent with the process. Not to mention that they didnt even change the blushing mistake and chose to run away from the problem.
I disagere with you manishh, if the problem is that not every denizen was chosen under the same rule, how would changing the rule AGAIN help?

also, in eras you don't lose your rank, I just replaced gens with years and that's about it

edit: also, to make clear, I don't plan on making eras a staple of OT, I get that denizen has all the reputation and stuf and I would work to try to solve that first
Zain Sugieres

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

good shit looks like most people showed up. anyways lets jump straight into the first batch. 2 easy questions to warm up innit.

Kobold84 wrote:

What do you think of the denizen system?
[quote="Kobold84"]What do you think of the denizen system?[/quote]

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

What do you think of eblf2013's time as ot!president?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]What do you think of eblf2013's time as ot!president?[/quote]
the denizen system is too much official bureaucratic bs and we should go back to the old days of just calling people newfags

did he even do anything Lol

Patatitta wrote:

I disagere with you manishh, if the problem is that not every denizen was chosen under the same rule, how would changing the rule AGAIN help?
I dont really wanna change the rule either. But I wanna get rid of the impatient people who are like, "8months is too long and 20 pages of post is just post farm". I want to make the requirement simple and a requirement which dont change again.

Patatitta wrote:

also, in eras you don't lose your rank, I just replaced gens with years and that's about it
My bad here, I had a bit confusion about it. But I feel like OT! eras is more like knowing who been the most active guy all around the years/eras, since Its not very hard to get into OT!Eras. Thats why for me a person getting in a OT! era is not as impressive as a person being in multiple eras

Zain Sugieres wrote:

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

good shit looks like most people showed up. anyways lets jump straight into the first batch. 2 easy questions to warm up innit.

Kobold84 wrote:

What do you think of the denizen system?
[quote="Kobold84"]What do you think of the denizen system?[/quote]

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

What do you think of eblf2013's time as ot!president?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]What do you think of eblf2013's time as ot!president?[/quote]
the denizen system is too much official bureaucratic bs and we should go back to the old days of just calling people newfags

did he even do anything Lol
Did you even read the rules? your answer are most likely be seen as unanswered. I dont know why I am helping you but I guess why not

Manishh wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

I disagere with you manishh, if the problem is that not every denizen was chosen under the same rule, how would changing the rule AGAIN help?
I dont really wanna change the rule either. But I wanna get rid of the impatient people who are like, "8months is too long and 20 pages of post is just post farm". I want to make the requirement simple and a requirement which dont change again.
that's not the problem tho, the problem is denizens being overdue and not recieving denizen

Patatitta wrote:

Manishh wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

I disagere with you manishh, if the problem is that not every denizen was chosen under the same rule, how would changing the rule AGAIN help?
I dont really wanna change the rule either. But I wanna get rid of the impatient people who are like, "8months is too long and 20 pages of post is just post farm". I want to make the requirement simple and a requirement which dont change again.
that's not the problem tho, the problem is denizens being overdue and not recieving denizen
Yeah I know that, Thats why I want to make the selection more transparent

Manishh wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Manishh wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

I disagere with you manishh, if the problem is that not every denizen was chosen under the same rule, how would changing the rule AGAIN help?
I dont really wanna change the rule either. But I wanna get rid of the impatient people who are like, "8months is too long and 20 pages of post is just post farm". I want to make the requirement simple and a requirement which dont change again.
that's not the problem tho, the problem is denizens being overdue and not recieving denizen
Yeah I know that, Thats why I want to make the selection more transparent
would transparency fix the problem of inactivity at the higher level tho?

Patatitta wrote:

Manishh wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

Manishh wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

I disagere with you manishh, if the problem is that not every denizen was chosen under the same rule, how would changing the rule AGAIN help?
I dont really wanna change the rule either. But I wanna get rid of the impatient people who are like, "8months is too long and 20 pages of post is just post farm". I want to make the requirement simple and a requirement which dont change again.
that's not the problem tho, the problem is denizens being overdue and not recieving denizen
Yeah I know that, Thats why I want to make the selection more transparent
would transparency fix the problem of inactivity at the higher level tho?
Definitely. Right now the only thing we have is there words. "we make a list of future denizens" which either they manage it very badly or it does not even exist. By it being transparent, they will receive critism if it is being badly manage
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