OT Presidential Election 2024
- Phase Two -Also shoutout outside influences fucking the election.
If you don't know what the fuck is going on, Please look at Phase One of the elction to get the general idea of what the fuck is going on.
In this phase, denizens may ask question for the presidential candidates to answer.
The presidential candidates may also have debates to each other during this phase but I already know all those bitches care about is phase 3.
Debate Rules
- Presidential Candidates needs to provide proper answers to the questions they've been asked. Answers cannot be just a letter or a word, and will have to be related to the context of the question. Answers that are unrelated will be disregarded and will be considered as unanswered.
- Candidates may skip some questions, however failure to answer any of the questions provided will result in candidate's disqualification.
- A candidate must answer all questions in a batch, otherwise their answers would turn invalid for that current batch.
- A candidate must answer at least three batches, failure to do so will result in disqualification.
- Candidates who have answered 3 batches may ignore extra batches but are free to answer them if they would like.
- Candidates must appear in person to participate in debates or to answer questions. No representatives or middlemen allowed.
- Candidates who doesn't show up to this thread, or would take too long to show up will be disqualified and the election will continue with the remaining candidates. Wait time: 24 hours.
Questions and Questioneers:
- If any denizen interested in contributing questions for the candidates, Feel free to PM me your questions.
- All questions must be sent to me through my osu!PM or Discord's DM (clevelandismyaniki). Questions sent through any other site shall be ignored.
- All questions sent by denizens will not be annonymous by default, but they have the right to be. Say so.
- Non-denizens may submit questions directly in this thread but candidates are not obliged to answer nor does answering said question count towards the minimum questions answered threshold. This rule also applies for denizens who posted their questions in this thread directly without forwarding their questions to me first.
- Questions will be chosen by me. Irrelevant questions will be disregarded.
- Questions will be split into multiple batches throughout this week. Everytime a new batch is posted, the last batch will expire. If a candidate who missed a batch were to answer an expired batch, the answer will be ignored and will not count towards the minimum question answered threshold.
Phase two will end on 10th of March, 2024, ~13.00 GMT, Exactly a week from now.
Questions List
Batch One
Kobold84 wrote:
What do you think of the denizen system?
[quote="Kobold84"]What do you think of the denizen system?[/quote]
ClevelandsMyBro wrote:
What do you think of eblf2013's time as ot!president?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]What do you think of eblf2013's time as ot!president?[/quote]
Batch Two
Patatitta wrote:
What do you think of current moderation?
[quote="Patatitta"]What do you think of current moderation? [/quote]
Patatitta wrote:
What is your opinion on chainposting?
[quote="Patatitta"]What is your opinion on chainposting? [/quote]
Kobold84 wrote:
What do you think about a recent addition of Blushing to denizens? Would you revert it if you become a president?
[quote="Kobold84"]What do you think about a recent addition of Blushing to denizens? Would you revert it if you become a president? [/quote]
questions for Patatitta
ClevelandsMyBro wrote:
In the event of an uprising to overthrow the OT!Government, how would you react?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]In the event of an uprising to overthrow the OT!Government, how would you react? [/quote]
ClevelandsMyBro wrote:
How do you feel between the relationship of newfags and oldfags?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]How do you feel between the relationship of newfags and oldfags? [/quote]
Batch Three
Blushing wrote:
What would you propose be done if another overlord comes in and starts a locking frenzy?
[quote="Blushing"] What would you propose be done if another overlord comes in and starts a locking frenzy? [/quote]
Blushing wrote:
If you feel that the OT community should have more power in their own moderation and what should and should not be allowed: - What steps would you take if a denizen felt one of their threads was unfairly wastelanded or locked? If you feel differently to this: - What exactly are you trying to do differently from the inactive regime currently in power? How would you want this to be done?
[quote="Blushing"] If you feel that the OT community should have more power in their own moderation and what should and should not be allowed: - What steps would you take if a denizen felt one of their threads was unfairly wastelanded or locked? If you feel differently to this: - What exactly are you trying to do differently from the inactive regime currently in power? How would you want this to be done? [/quote]
Batch Four
question for shinrun
ClevelandsMyBro wrote:
what do you think of calvin's left buttcheek?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]what do you think of calvin's left buttcheek?[/quote]
question for manishh
ClevelandsMyBro wrote:
what do you think of baboons?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]what do you think of baboons? [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/35/Olive_baboon_Ngorongoro.jpg[/img][/quote]
question for patatitta
ClevelandsMyBro wrote:
what do you think of marco's obsession of hatsune miku?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]what do you think of marco's obsession of hatsune miku?[/quote]
question for asian warlord
ClevelandsMyBro wrote:
what would you do if someone shits on drake?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]what would you do if someone shits on drake?[/quote]
question for zain sugieres
ClevelandsMyBro wrote:
what do you think of graves?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]what do you think of graves? [img]https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/blt5796e3d258e95471/5e83cb29cfad926479634951/Graves_00_Base-Cigar.jpg[/img]
question for hydreigon
ClevelandsMyBro wrote:
whats your opinion on the mitsubishi starion?
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]whats your opinion on the mitsubishi starion? [img]https://bringatrailer.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/1987_mitsubishi_starion_1611073864cbe5375d66792DSC00977.jpg[/img] [img]https://assets.rebelmouse.io/media-library/mitsubishi-starion.jpg?id=30861761&width=1200&height=800&quality=90&coordinates=63%2C0%2C64%2C0[/img][/quote]
question for corne2plum3
ClevelandsMyBro wrote:
rate this artwork
[quote="ClevelandsMyBro"]rate this artwork [img]https://fiverr-res.cloudinary.com/images/t_main1,q_auto,f_auto,q_auto,f_auto/gigs/272941153/original/3c6c621bf2c97ce94202322b568b466b66740e1e/draw-amazing-furry-art-fursona-and-character-or-oc-for-you.jpg[/img][/quote]
question for everyone
ClevelandsMyBro wrote:
Candidates Who Are to be Summoned in This Thread:
- ShinRun ✅ 0/3
- Manishh ✅ 4/3
- Patatitta ✅ 4/3
Jun MaedaDQ'D (did not show up)- Asian Warlord ✅ 4/3
- Zain Sugieres ✅ 4/3
- Hydreigon ✅ 3/3
- Corne2Plum3 ✅ 4/3